
Mirafra javanica ( астурски )

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Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Birds – Nature – white.png Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Mirafra javanica ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Alaudidae. Ta llargamente distribuyida n'Asia y Oceanía, atopándose n'Australia, Camboya, China, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Papuúa Nueva Guinea, Filipines, Tailandia, Timor Oriental y Vietnam.[1]


Reconócense les siguientes subespecies:[2]


  1. 1,0 1,1 BirdLife International. «Mirafra javanica» (inglés). Llista Roxa d'especies amenazaes de la UICN 2010.4.
  2. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan y C. L. Wood.. «The Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.5». Consultáu'l 6 de mayu de 2011.

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Mirafra javanica: Brief Summary ( астурски )

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Mirafra javanica Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Birds – Nature – white.png Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Mirafra javanica ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Alaudidae. Ta llargamente distribuyida n'Asia y Oceanía, atopándose n'Australia, Camboya, China, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Papuúa Nueva Guinea, Filipines, Tailandia, Timor Oriental y Vietnam.

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Llwyn-ehedydd dwyreiniol ( велшки )

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Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Llwyn-ehedydd dwyreiniol (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: llwyn-ehedyddion dwyreiniol) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Mirafra javanica; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Eastern singing bush lark. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r ehedydd (Lladin: Alaudidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn M. javanica, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r llwyn-ehedydd dwyreiniol yn perthyn i deulu'r ehedydd (Lladin: Alaudidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Ehedydd Archer Heteromirafra archeri Ehedydd coed Lullula arborea Ehedydd copog Galerida cristata
Crested Lark (Galerida cristata).jpg
Ehedydd copog Sykes Galerida deva
Galerida deva.jpg
Ehedydd diffeithwch Ammomanes deserti
Ehedydd diffeithwch cynffonresog Ammomanes cinctura
Ammomanes cinctura Gould.jpg
Ehedydd Dunn Eremalauda dunni
Dunn's Lark.jpg
Ehedydd hirewin Chersomanes albofasciata
Chersomanes albofasciata (Etosha).jpg
Ehedydd Sidamo Heteromirafra sidamoensis Ehedydd Temminck Eremophila bilopha
Temminck's Lark.jpg
Ehedydd traeth Eremophila alpestris
Shore Lark.jpg
Ehedydd tywyll Pinarocorys nigricans
Dusky Lark.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Llwyn-ehedydd dwyreiniol: Brief Summary ( велшки )

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Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Llwyn-ehedydd dwyreiniol (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: llwyn-ehedyddion dwyreiniol) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Mirafra javanica; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Eastern singing bush lark. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r ehedydd (Lladin: Alaudidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn M. javanica, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Horsfield-Lerche ( германски )

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Die Horsfield-Lerche (Mirafra javanica), auch Horsfieldlerche geschrieben, ist eine Art aus der Familie der Lerchen. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet reicht von Südostasien bis nach Australien. Sie ist neben der dort eingeführten Feldlerche die einzige Art aus dieser Familie, die auf dem australischen Kontinent vorkommt. Die deutsche Bezeichnung ehrt Thomas Walker Horsfield (1773–1859), einen britischen Arzt, Zoologen und Botaniker, der diese Art als erster wissenschaftlich beschrieb.


Die Horsfield-Lerche erreicht eine Körperlänge von 12,5 bis 15,0 Zentimetern, wovon 4,5 bis 5,5 Zentimeter auf den Schwanz entfallen. Sie wiegt etwa 20 Gramm.[1] Es besteht kein auffallender Geschlechtsdimorphismus.

Die Horsfield-Lerche ist auf der Oberseite je nach Unterart rötlich, rötlichgrau bis schwarzbraun oder sandfarben. Die Schwingen sind hell gesäumt. Die Körperunterseite ist hell rötlich bis beige, die Brust dunkelbraun gesprenkelt. Der Schwanz ist braun. Der Schnabel ist gelblich hornfarben bis braun, die Füße sind je nach Unterart hell fleischfarben bis bräunlich fleischfarben. Die Iris ist braun.[2]

Der lerchentypische Gesang, der aus einer Serie von variablen Phrasen besteht, wird vom Boden aus oder im Flug vorgetragen. Die Horsfield-Lerche zählt zu den Lerchenarten, die andere Vogelarten imitieren – bei ihr wurden über ein Dutzend Imitationen von Gesängen anderer Vogelarten festgestellt.[3]

Verbreitungsgebiet und Lebensraum

Verbreitungsgebiet (grün) der Horsfield-Lerche

Die Horsfield-Lerche kommt von Myanmar und Südchina über Thailand, die Philippinen, Borneo, Java, Bali und Neuguinea bis nach Australien vor.

Ihr Lebensraum ist Grasland, das mit niedrigen Büschen bestanden ist, sowie schütter bestandenes Busch- und Waldland. Sie besiedelt außerdem die Feldränder entlang von Agrarflächen, die mit Hülsenfrüchten und Getreide bestellt sind.[2] Sie ist in weiten Teilen ihres Verbreitungsgebietes ein Stand- und Strichvogel. Im Süden Australiens ist sie ein Zugvogel, der vermutlich an der Ostküste überwintert.


Die Horsfield-Lerche brütet im Süden Australiens von November bis Januar. Wie alle Lerchen ist sie ein Bodenbrüter, der ein napfförmiges Nest unter Grasbüscheln baut. Gelegentlich sind diese Nester auch ganz oder teilweise mit Gräsern überwölbt. Das Gelege besteht in der Regel aus drei, in Ausnahmefällen aus zwei oder vier Eiern. Die Eier sind weißlich und weisen feine graubraune Tupfen auf.[3]


Es werden 16 Unterarten unterschieden:[4]

  • M. j. williamsoni Baker, ECS, 1915 – von Myanmar bis Südchina, Thailand, Kambodscha, Teile Vietnams.
  • M. j. philippinensis Wardlaw-Ramsay, 1886 – Norden der Philippinen
  • M. j. mindanensis Hachisuka, 1931 – Süden der Philippinen
  • M. j. javanica Horsfield, 1821Borneo, Java und Bali
  • M. j. parva Swinhoe, 1871 – Westen der Kleinen Sundainseln
  • M. j. timorensis Mayr, 1944 – Osten der Kleinen Sundainseln
  • M. j. aliena Greenway, 1935 – Norden und Nordosten Neuguineas
  • M. j. woodwardi Milligan, 1901 – Äußerster Nordwesten Australiens
  • M. j. halli Bianchi, 1907 – Nördliches Westaustralien
  • M. j. forresti Mayr & McEvey, 1960 – Nördliches Ostaustralien
  • M. j. melvillensis Mathews, 1912 – Besiedelt die australischen Inseln Melville Island und Bathurst Island
  • M. j. soderbergi Mathews, 1921 – Nordaustralien
  • M. j. rufescens Ingram, W, 1906 – Mitte Australiens
  • M. j. athertonensis Schodde & Mason, IJ, 1999 – Nordosten Australiens
  • M. j. horsfieldii Gould, 1847 – Osten und Südosten Australiens
  • M. j. secunda Sharpe, 1890 – Südaustralien.



  1. Pätzold: Die Lerchen der Welt. S. 35.
  2. a b Pätzold: Die Lerchen der Welt. S. 36.
  3. a b Pätzold: Die Lerchen der Welt. S. 37.
  4. IOC World Bird List 6.4. In: IOC World Bird List Datasets. Mai. doi:10.14344/ioc.ml.6.4.
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Horsfield-Lerche: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Die Horsfield-Lerche (Mirafra javanica), auch Horsfieldlerche geschrieben, ist eine Art aus der Familie der Lerchen. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet reicht von Südostasien bis nach Australien. Sie ist neben der dort eingeführten Feldlerche die einzige Art aus dieser Familie, die auf dem australischen Kontinent vorkommt. Die deutsche Bezeichnung ehrt Thomas Walker Horsfield (1773–1859), einen britischen Arzt, Zoologen und Botaniker, der diese Art als erster wissenschaftlich beschrieb.

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Branjangan ( јавански )

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Branjangan (Mirafra javanica) iku sawijining spésiès saka kulawarga alaudidae kang manggon ing lemah sesuketan mligi ing Australia lan Asia Kidul-wétan.

Taksonomi lan sistematik

Branjangan iku salah siji saka 90 spésiès saka kulawarga Alaudidae. Branjangan kalebu manuk ocèh-ocèhan ([[Manuk ocèh-ocèhan>). Kulawarga Alaudidae nguwasani Donya Lawas lan sumebar Eropah, Afrika, Asia lan anak bawana India nanging Branjangan mung ana ing Wallacea, Papua Nugini lan Australia.

Manuk iki kalebu cilik kanthi ukuran dawane suwiwi 61-81 mm, buntut 40-56 mm, cucuk 12-16 mm lan bobot 18-25 gram.


  • M. j. williamsoni - Baker, ECS, 1915: Asliné diterangake minangka subspésiès saka singing grumbulan lark (Mirafra cantillans). Sumebar saka tengah Myanmar nganti China kidul, tengah lan kidul-tengah Thailand, Kamboja, tengah lan kidul Vietnam.
  • M. j. philippinensis - Wardlaw-Ramsay, 1886: Wiwitané diterangaké minangka spésiès kapisah. Ketemu ing lor Filipina
  • M. j. mindanensis - Hachisuka, 1931: Ditemokaké ing kidul Filipina
  • M. j. javanica - Horsfield, 1821: Ditemokaké ing Kalimantan, Jawa lan Bali
  • M. j. parva - Swinhoe, 1871: Wiwitané diterangake minangka spésiès kapisah. Ketemu ing Nusa Tenggara Barat
  • M. j. timorensis - Mayr, 1944: Ditemokaké ing Kapuloan Sundha Kecil wétan Nusat Tengara Timur
  • M. j. aliena - Greenway, 1935: Ditemokaké ing lor lan lor-wétan Papua Nugini
  • Branjangan Kayu legi (M. j. woodwardi) - Milligan, Taun 1901: Wiwitané diterangaké minangka spésiès kapisah. Ketemu ing lor kulon Australia Kulon
  • M. j. halli - Bianchi, 1907: Ditemokaké ing lor Australia Kulon
  • M. j. forresti - Mayr & McEvey, 1960: Ditemokaké ing sisih lor-wétan Australia Kulon
  • M. j. melvillensis - Mathews, 1912: Ditemokaké ing Melville lan Bathurst Kepulauan (lor Australia)
  • M. j. soderbergi - Mathews, 1921: Ditemokaké ing lor (lor Australia)
  • M. j. rufescens - Ingram, W, 1906: Originally diterangake minangka spésies kapisah. Ketemu ing tengah Australia
  • M. j. athertonensis - Schodde & Mason, IJ, 1999: Ditemokaké ing sisih lor-wétan Australia
  • M. j. horsfieldii - Gould, 1847: Originally diterangake minangka spésies kapisah. Ketemu ing wétan lan kidul-wétan Australia
  • M. j. secunda - Sharpe, 1890: Originally diterangake minangka spésies kapisah. Ketemu ing sisih kidul-tengah Australia

Padha spésies

Saka rupa lan gedhene, manuk branjangan saemper karo emprit australia (Anthus novaeseelandiae) lan emprit eurasia (Alauda arvensis).


Manuk branjangan tumangkar gumantung saka mangsa udan. Nalika tumangkar, manuk branjangan njaga dhaerah ing sakiwa tengen susuhe. Manuk lanang lan wadon padha gentenan anggoné angkrem lan ngloloh piyike.

Mirafra javanica javanica 1838 (Gambaran déning Nicolas Huet)

Branjangan ing kabudayan

Amarga polah manuk branjangan kang giras, mula dadi jejuluk tumrap Batalyon Infanteri 516/Branjangan.


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Branjangan: Brief Summary ( јавански )

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Branjangan (Mirafra javanica) iku sawijining spésiès saka kulawarga alaudidae kang manggon ing lemah sesuketan mligi ing Australia lan Asia Kidul-wétan.

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Titimplik ( сундански )

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Titimplik; (Mirafra javanica) nyaéta hiji manuk nu asalna tina kulawarga alaudidae.[2] Manuk titimplik sok disebut ogé manuk apung, alatan ieu manu sok disada atawa bacéo sok sanajan bari hiber.[2] Titimplik jalu jeung titimplik bikang saruana resep bacéo, bédana titimplik nu jaluna disada leuwih tarik.[2] Titimplik loba katempo hiber di pasawahan jeung tegalan, bari neang hakaneun kayaning gegeremet jeung sisikian nu laleutik.[2]

Ciri mandiri

Panjang awakna kurang lewih 15 cm, kelir buluna coklat semu beureum pacampur jeung coklat semu konéng.[3] Bulu dina palebah buntutna katempo leuwih ngora, sakaliwatan mah ieu manuk téh kawas manuk goléjra.[3] Titimplik nu jaluna mibanda jajambul dina huluna, ari nu bikangna mah henteu aya jambulan.[3] Manuk titimplik mah bisa bisa disada nurutan sora mauk séjén, sarta gerakan awakna tanginas uclag-aclog.[3]

Dicutat tina

  1. {{{assessors}}} (2012). "Mirafra javanica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 26 November 2013.
  2. a b c d Turut, Rusli. Memelihara 42 Burung Ocehan Populer. Jakarta1980: Penebar Swadaya Grup. ISBN 9789790024427. Diakses tanggal 26 Nopember 2019.
  3. a b c d Anang Dewanto & Maloedyn Sitanggang, Anang. Buku Pintar Merawat dan Melatih Burung Kicauan. Jakarta2009: AgroMedia. ISBN 9789790062160. Diakses tanggal 26 Nopember 2019.
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Titimplik: Brief Summary ( сундански )

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Titimplik; (Mirafra javanica) nyaéta hiji manuk nu asalna tina kulawarga alaudidae. Manuk titimplik sok disebut ogé manuk apung, alatan ieu manu sok disada atawa bacéo sok sanajan bari hiber. Titimplik jalu jeung titimplik bikang saruana resep bacéo, bédana titimplik nu jaluna disada leuwih tarik. Titimplik loba katempo hiber di pasawahan jeung tegalan, bari neang hakaneun kayaning gegeremet jeung sisikian nu laleutik.

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અગન ચંડુલ ( гуџаратски )

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અગન ચંડુલ કે અગન (અંગ્રેજી: Horsfield's Bush Lark, Australasian Bushlark), (Mirafra javanica) એ ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા અને દક્ષિણપૂર્વ એશિયાના ઘાસિયા મેદાનોમાં વસતું પક્ષી છે.


આ પક્ષી કથ્થઈ રંગનું હોય છે, જે પર રાખોડી રંગના આડાઅવળા લીટાઓ અને ટપકાંની ભાત ધરાવે છે.

બ્રાયડન, ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા


  1. "Mirafra javanica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2012. Retrieved 26 November 2013. Unknown parameter |last૧= ignored (મદદ); Check date values in: |accessdate=, |year= (મદદ)
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અગન ચંડુલ: Brief Summary ( гуџаратски )

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અગન ચંડુલ કે અગન (અંગ્રેજી: Horsfield's Bush Lark, Australasian Bushlark), (Mirafra javanica) એ ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા અને દક્ષિણપૂર્વ એશિયાના ઘાસિયા મેદાનોમાં વસતું પક્ષી છે.

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Horsfield's bush lark ( англиски )

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Horsfield's bush lark (Mirafra javanica) is a species of lark which inhabits grassland throughout most of Australia and much of Southeast Asia. It is named for American naturalist Thomas Horsfield.


Horsfield's bush lark was formally described in 1821 by the American naturalist Thomas Horsfield from a specimen collected on the island of Java. He placed the lark in the genus Mirafra and coined the binomial name Mirafra javanica.[2][3]

The Horsfield's bush lark is one of 100 species of larks of the rather large and fairly diverse family, Alaudidae. They are small to medium-small passerines, usually with rather drab, brownish plumage. Predominantly an Old World family, the species are distributed widely across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent but Horsfield's bush lark is the only species occurring naturally in Wallacea, New Guinea and Australia.[4]

The alternate shortened name "bush-lark" can also refer to many of the other species in the genus Mirafra. The alternate name of "cinnamon bush lark" is also an alternate name for the flappet lark.[5][6] Other alternate names for Horsfield's bush lark include the Australasian bushlark, Australian lark, eastern bush lark, eastern lark, eastern singing bush lark, Horsfield's lark and Javan lark.[7]

Morphologically, the family Alaudidae constitutes a well-defined group, whose members share unique features of the syrinx and tarsus. The syrinx lacks a pessulus, which is unique among oscines but occurs in many suboscine genera. They have a single fossa at the head of the humerus, rather than the double fossae of other passeroid songbirds, but typical of corvoid songbirds.[4]

Linear classifications have generally placed them at the beginning of the oscine passerines whereas, based on DNA–DNA hybridization they were placed in the super-family, Passeroidea. However, recent studies based on sequence data, have unanimously shown them to be part of the super-family Sylvioidea. Together with the morphologically and ecologically radically different monotypic genus, Panurus (Panuridae), they form a sister clade to the rest of the Sylvioidea.[8]

The widespread M. cantillans, which ranges from west Africa to India, and the similarly widely distributed M. javanica, from Myanmar to Australia are closely related and their separation is comparatively recent. These taxa have apparently spread over a vast area in a very short time, and are in the early stages of the speciation process. For larks, which inhabit mostly open habitats, cryptic plumages are evidently important. Consequently, the strength of streaking and colour shades appear to be particularly adaptable, reflecting the amount of vegetation cover (aridity) and substrate colour more than phylogeny.[8]


Twenty subspecies are recognized:[9]

  • M. j. williamsoni - Baker, ECS, 1915: Originally described as a subspecies of the singing bush lark. Found from central Myanmar to southern China, central and south-central Thailand, Cambodia, central and southern Vietnam.
  • M. j. philippinensis - Wardlaw-Ramsay, 1886: Originally described as a separate species. Found in northern Philippines
  • M. j. mindanensis - Hachisuka, 1931: Found in southern Philippines
  • M. j. javanica - Horsfield, 1821: Found in Borneo, Java and Bali
  • M. j. parva - R. Swinhoe, 1871: Originally described as a separate species. Found in the western Lesser Sunda Islands
  • M. j. timorensis - Mayr, 1944: Found in the eastern Lesser Sunda Islands
  • M. j. aliena - Greenway, 1935: Found in northern and north-eastern New Guinea
  • M. j. woodwardi - Milligan, 1901 (cinnamon lark): Originally described as a separate species. Found in extreme north-western Western Australia
  • M. j. halli - Bianchi, 1907: Found in northern Western Australia
  • M. j. forresti - Mayr & McEvey, 1960: Found in north-eastern Western Australia
  • M. j. melvillensis - Mathews, 1912: Found on Melville and Bathurst Islands (off northern Australia)
  • M. j. soderbergi - Mathews, 1921: Found in northern Northern Territory (northern Australia)
  • M. j. rufescens - Ingram, W, 1906: Originally described as a separate species. Found in central Australia
  • M. j. athertonensis - Schodde & Mason, IJ, 1999: Found in north-eastern Australia
  • M. j. horsfieldii - Gould, 1847: Originally described as a separate species. Found in eastern and south-eastern Australia
  • M. j. secunda - Sharpe, 1890: Originally described as a separate species. Found in south-central Australia
  • M. j. marginata - Hawker, 1898: Found from southern Sudan to Somalia, Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania.
  • M. j. chadensis - Alexander, 1908: Senegal to central Sudan and western Ethiopia
  • M. j. simplex- (Heuglin, 1868): western, southern Arabia
  • M. j. cantillans- Blyth, 1845: Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh

The subspecies cantillans, marginata, chadensis and simplex have sometimes been considered as a separate species, the singing bush lark Mirafra cantillans.[9][10]


Horsfield's bush lark is a small, thickset bird with a large head, a short, sparrow-like bill and a small crest which is only visible when raised. Its dorsal plumage colour is brown, reddish or sandy with darker central streaks to the feathers. The breast is mottled or streaked and it has a buff eyebrow. The underparts are pale, with a brown tail. The adult upper parts and crown are near black with coarse buff to russet streaking. Juveniles are similar but the crown and upper parts are neatly scaled by narrow white fringes to the feathers. Nestlings have dense natal down and contrasting dark spots on their tongue and mouth.[4]

The average lengths for the wing are 61–81 mm, tail 40–56 mm, bill 12–16 mm and weight 18–25 grams.[11] The wings are short and rounded with a distinctive rufous panel. The innermost secondary feather is vestigial and of the ten primary feathers, p10 is very short but not vestigial. The primaries moult outward starting at p1 while the tail and body moult during the early stages of, or just before the start of the moult of the primaries.[4]

Similar species

In appearance and size the bushlark is very similar to the Australian pipit and can also be mistaken for a half-grown Eurasian skylark. The bush lark's wings lack the white trailing edge of the skylark while in flight, its tail is white-sided like the skylark and pipits, but is only half as long. Identification of the bush lark is usually obvious from its structure and the rufous wing panels however, this colouring can bleach to a buffish tone. When flushed the bush lark gives a slurred chirrup and the flight action is often sufficient for identification. With jerky wing beats, the head raised slightly, the tail depressed and before landing or dropping into cover, will briefly hover or flutter. By contrast, the Australian pipit has a more upright stance, a slimmer build and bill and struts purposefully on long legs. When standing the pipit persistently bobs its tail and in flight, drops into cover without hovering.[11]

Distribution and habitat

The range of Horsfield's bush lark is very broad, with an estimated global extent of occurrence of 10,000,000 km2.[1] In Australia, the bush lark occurs from the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, through Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia to Shark Bay. This species is a summer migrant to south-eastern continental Australia and vagrant to the island of Tasmania.[12] In Australia they inhabit chenopod shrublands, native and exotic grasslands in temperate and tropical areas, coastal heathlands, dunes, mudflats and also modified open habitats such as crop and pastureland. They are found less commonly on playing fields, golf courses, road verges, salt marshes and other shrublands or heathland and rarely in treed habitats.[12][4]

Behaviour and ecology


In Australia the bush lark is known to breed following significant rainfall in arid areas.[12] They defend territory during the breeding season and both parents incubate and feed the nestlings and fledglings and remove faecal sacs. The young remain in the nest for up to 12–14 days or longer but if disturbed, may depart the nest at 7–8 days old before they are capable of flight. For almost a month after fledging they are dependent on the parents. Nesting success can be low with most losses from introduced mammalian predators.[4]

Of historical interest is an account written by ornithologist and former curator of the Australian Museum, Edward P. Ramsay. Published in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London in 1865 he described nidification of M. j. horsfieldii, "The nests of Mirafra horsfieldi are usually found during the months of November, December, and often as late as January and February. They are loose ragged structures, and not finished off nicely, like those of Anthus australis. They are cup-shaped, and are composed wholly of grasses, without any particular lining. The situation chosen is a little hollow scraped out by the side of a tuft of grass or straw, or behind a clod of earth; the front edge of the nest alone is smoothed down-the back part being left ragged, and often drawn forward as if to help to conceal the eggs. The nest is about 28 inches in diameter by 1 inch in depth. On the 4th of' February, 1861, we took a nest from a hay-field at M'Quarie Fields containing three eggs, which is the usual number. These are in length from 8 to 10 lines by from 6 to 7 in breadth, and of a light earthy brown, thickly marked over the whole surface with freckles of a much darker hue. Some specimens are darker in colour than others; and after a time the ground-colour becomes of a more yellowish tint, and the markings much duller and more indistinct."[13]


During the breeding period they sing any time of day or night, on the ground and low perches or in song-flights hovering high over territory. The bush lark can sustain a melodious song which is typically interspersed with skillful mimicry of many other species.[11] An account from the 1930s suggested the following, "he possesses either a considerable memory or an ability to 'pirate' certain borrowed calls from brother-mimics. An instance of this is his rendering of the 'tink, tink' of Climacteris picumnus, which bird has long since vanished from the district. The notes, then, must have been either heard during migratory wanderings or 'cribbed' from the repertoire of another Lark".[14]


Bush larks are terrestrial and omnivorous foragers with a short, stout bill suited for crushing seeds. They eat mainly grass seeds and invertebrates, particularly insects during the breeding season. By gleaning and probing most food is taken from the ground surface or, just below.[4] Mostly they forage alone, but sometimes are found in small parties.[12]


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  1. ^ a b BirdLife International (2017). "Mirafra javanica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T103765775A112867456. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T103765775A112867456.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  2. ^ Horsfield, Thomas (1821). "Systematic arrangement and description of birds from the island of Java". Transactions of the Linnean Society. 13: 133–200 [159].
  3. ^ Mayr, Ernst; Greenway, James C. Jr, eds. (1960). Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 9. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Museum of Comparative Zoology. p. 5.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Higgins, P.J.; Peter, J.M.; Cowling, S.J. (2006). Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds Vol 7. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. pp. 1018–1020. ISBN 978-0195532449.
  5. ^ "Mirafra rufocinnamomea rufocinnamomea - Avibase". avibase.bsc-eoc.org. Retrieved 2016-11-26.
  6. ^ "Mirafra cantillans - Avibase". avibase.bsc-eoc.org. Retrieved 2016-11-26.
  7. ^ "Mirafra javanica - Avibase". avibase.bsc-eoc.org. Retrieved 2016-12-10.
  8. ^ a b Alström, P.; Barnes, K.; Olsson, U.; Barker, F.; Bloomer, P.; Khan, A.; Qureshi, M.; Guillaumet, A.; Crochet, P. & Ryan, P. (2013). "Multilocus phylogeny of the avian family Alaudidae (larks) reveals complex morphological evolution, non-monophyletic genera and hidden species diversity" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 69 (3): 1043–1056. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.06.005. PMID 23792153.
  9. ^ a b Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (January 2023). "Nicators, Bearded Reedling, larks". IOC World Bird List Version 13.1. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 12 February 2023.
  10. ^ Alström, P.; Ryan, P. (2022). Keeney, B.K. (ed.). "Horsfield's Bushlark (Mirafra javanica), version 1.0". Birds of the World. Ithaca, NY, USA: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. doi:10.2173/bow.sinbus6.01.
  11. ^ a b c Menkhorst, P.; Rogers, D.; Clarke, R.; Davies, J.; Marsack, P. & Franklin, K. (2017). The Australian Bird Guide. Melbourne Clayton South: CSIRO. pp. 498–499. ISBN 9780643097544.
  12. ^ a b c d "Horsfield's Bushlark". Birdlife Australia.
  13. ^ Ramsay, Edward (1865). "Note on the nidification of Mirafra Horsfieldi". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 33 (1): 689–690. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1865.tb02407.x.
  14. ^ Cameron A. C. (1936). "Vocal mimicry of the Horsfield Bushlark". Emu. 36 (2): 133–134. doi:10.1071/mu936132c.
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Horsfield's bush lark: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Horsfield's bush lark (Mirafra javanica) is a species of lark which inhabits grassland throughout most of Australia and much of Southeast Asia. It is named for American naturalist Thomas Horsfield.

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Mirafra javanica ( шпански; кастиљски )

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La alondra de Java[2]​ (Mirafra javanica) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Alaudidae. Está ampliamente distribuida en Asia y Oceanía, encontrándose en Australia, Camboya, China, Indonesia, Laos, Birmania, Papua Nueva Guinea, Filipinas, Tailandia, Timor Oriental y Vietnam.[1]


Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:[3]


  1. a b BirdLife International (2009). «Mirafra javanica». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2010.4 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 6 de mayo de 2011.
  2. de Juana, E., del Hoyo, J., Fernández-Cruz, M., Ferrer, X., Sáez-Royuela, R. y Sargatal, J. (2009). «Nombres en Castellano de las Aves del Mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología». Consultado el 6 de mayo de 2011.
  3. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan y C. L. Wood. (2010). «The Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.5». Archivado desde el original el 2 de junio de 2011. Consultado el 6 de mayo de 2011.

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Mirafra javanica: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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La alondra de Java​ (Mirafra javanica) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Alaudidae. Está ampliamente distribuida en Asia y Oceanía, encontrándose en Australia, Camboya, China, Indonesia, Laos, Birmania, Papua Nueva Guinea, Filipinas, Tailandia, Timor Oriental y Vietnam.​

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Mirafra javanica ( баскиски )

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Mirafra javanica Mirafra generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Alaudidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Mirafra javanica: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Mirafra javanica Mirafra generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Alaudidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Riisisavannikiuru ( фински )

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Riisisavannikiuru (Mirafra javanica) on laajalle levinnyt, Kaakkois-Aasiassa ja Australiassa elävä varpuslintu. Sen elinympäristö ulottuu Indokiinasta ja Etelä-Kiinasta Filippiinien ja Indonesian kautta Papua-Uuteen-Guineaan ja Australiaan. Siitä tunnetaan 16 alalajia. Thomas Horsfield kuvaili lajin holotyypin Jaavalta 1821.[2]


  1. BirdLife International: Mirafra javanica IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2012. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 3.1.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. IBC (englanniksi)
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Riisisavannikiuru: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Riisisavannikiuru (Mirafra javanica) on laajalle levinnyt, Kaakkois-Aasiassa ja Australiassa elävä varpuslintu. Sen elinympäristö ulottuu Indokiinasta ja Etelä-Kiinasta Filippiinien ja Indonesian kautta Papua-Uuteen-Guineaan ja Australiaan. Siitä tunnetaan 16 alalajia. Thomas Horsfield kuvaili lajin holotyypin Jaavalta 1821.

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Alouette de Java ( француски )

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Mirafra javanica

L'Alouette de Java (Mirafra javanica) est une espèce d'oiseaux. Comme toutes les alouettes elle appartient à la famille des Alaudidae.


L'Alouette de Java est présente du sud de la Chine au sud-est de l'Australie.

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Alouette de Java: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Mirafra javanica

L'Alouette de Java (Mirafra javanica) est une espèce d'oiseaux. Comme toutes les alouettes elle appartient à la famille des Alaudidae.

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Branjangan ( индонезиски )

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Burung branjangan (Mirafra javanica) adalah spesies burung pengicau (passeriformes) yang termasuk kedalam famili alaudidae, burung ini mendiami padang rumput di sebagian besar Australia dan sebagian besar Asia Tenggara. Burung branjangan berwarna coklat dengan garis-garis abu-abu dan bintik-bintik.

Burung branjangan di Bryden, SE Qld, Australia


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2012). "Mirafra javanica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 16 July 2012.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link)
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Branjangan: Brief Summary ( индонезиски )

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Burung branjangan (Mirafra javanica) adalah spesies burung pengicau (passeriformes) yang termasuk kedalam famili alaudidae, burung ini mendiami padang rumput di sebagian besar Australia dan sebagian besar Asia Tenggara. Burung branjangan berwarna coklat dengan garis-garis abu-abu dan bintik-bintik.

Burung branjangan di Bryden, SE Qld, Australia

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Oosterse struikleeuwerik ( холандски; фламански )

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De Oosterse struikleeuwerik (Mirafra javanica) is een leeuwerik behorend tot het genus mirafra.


(Volwassen) vogels hebben een bruin verenkleed met hierop grijze strepen en vlekken.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De vogel komt voor in Australië en een groot deel van Zuidoost-Azië. Het totale verspreidingsgebied van de vogel bedraagt ongeveer 10.000.000 km².[2] De natuurlijke leefomgeving van de Oosterse struikleeuwerik bestaat voornamelijk uit grasland.

De soort telt 17 ondersoorten:

  • M. j. williamsoni: van centraal Myanmar tot zuidelijk China, noordelijk en centraal Indochina, Cambodja en Thailand.
  • M. j. beaulieui: zuidelijk Vietnam.
  • M. j. philippinensis: de noordelijke Filipijnen.
  • M. j. mindanensis: de zuidelijke Filipijnen.
  • M. j. javanica: Borneo, Java en Bali.
  • M. j. parva: de westelijke Kleine Soenda-eilanden.
  • M. j. timorensis: de oostelijke Kleine Soenda-eilanden.
  • M. j. aliena: noordelijk en noordoostelijk Nieuw-Guinea.
  • M. j. woodwardi: uiterst noordwestelijk West-Australië.
  • M. j. halli: noordelijk West-Australië.
  • M. j. forresti: noordoostelijk West-Australië.
  • M. j. melvillensis: Melville-eiland en Bathursteiland.
  • M. j. soderbergi: het noordelijk Noordelijk Territorium.
  • M. j. rufescens: centraal Australië.
  • M. j. athertonensis: noordoostelijk Australië.
  • M. j. horsfieldii: oostelijk en zuidoostelijk Australië.
  • M. j. secunda: het zuidelijke deel van Centraal-Australië.
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Oosterse struikleeuwerik: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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De Oosterse struikleeuwerik (Mirafra javanica) is een leeuwerik behorend tot het genus mirafra.

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Australlerke ( норвешки )

добавил wikipedia NO

Australlerke (Mirafra javanica) er en fugl i lerkefamilien.


Den forekommer i Australia og Sørøst-Asia: Den fins i Australia, Hongkong, Indonesia, Kambodsja, Kina, Laos, Myanmar, Ny-Guinea, Filippinene, Thailand, Vietnam og Øst-Timor.


Det er beskrevet 16 underarter av australlerke[2]:

  • Mirafra javanica williamsoni (Stuart Baker, 1915) – forekommer i det sørlige Kina, Myanmar, Thailand, Indokina og i det sørlige Vietnam.
  • Mirafra javanica philippinensis ( R. G. W. Ramsay, 1886) – forekommer på de nordlige Filippinene.
  • Mirafra javanica mindanensis (Hachisuka, 1931) – forekommer på de sørlige Filippinene.
  • Mirafra javanica javanica (Horsfield, 1821) – forekommer på det sørlige Borneo, på Java og Bali.
  • Mirafra javanica parva (Swinhoe, 1871) – forekommer på Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba og Flores.
  • Mirafra javanica timorensis (Mayr, 1944) – forekommer på Sawu og Timor.
  • Mirafra javanica aliena (Greenway, 1935) – forekommer på Ny-Guinea.
  • Mirafra javanica woodwardi (Milligan, 1901) – forekommer i det nordlige Vest-Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica halli (Bianchi, 1907) – forekommer i det nordvestlige Vest-Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica forresti (Mayr & McEvey, 1960) – forekommer i det nordøstlige Vest-Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica melvillensis (Mathews, 1912) – forekommer på Melville Island og i det nordlige Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica soderbergi (Mathews, 1921) – forekommer i det nordlige Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica rufescens (Ingram, 1906) – forekommer i det østlige Nordterritoriet, nordvestlige Queensland og nordøstlige Sør-Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica athertonensis (Schodde & Mason, 1999) – forekommer i det nordøstlige Queensland.
  • Mirafra javanica horsfieldii (Gould, 1947) – forekommer i det sørøstlige Australia.
  • Mirafra javanica secunda (Sharpe, 1890) – forekommer i det sørlige Sør-Australia.


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Australlerke: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

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Australlerke (Mirafra javanica) er en fugl i lerkefamilien.

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Australisk lärka ( шведски )

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Australisk lärka[2] (Mirafra javanica) är en fågel i familjen lärkor inom ordningen tättingar.[3]

Utbredning och systematik

Australisk lärka delas in i 16 underarter med följande utbredning:[3]

Sedan 2016 inkluderar Birdlife International sångbusklärka i arten.[1]


IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig men inkluderar även sångbusklärka i bedömningen.[1]


  1. ^ [a b c] Birdlife International 2016 Mirafra javanica Från: IUCN 2016. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-12-11.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2018) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2018-02-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2015) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2015 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-02-11

Externa länkar

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Australisk lärka: Brief Summary ( шведски )

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Australisk lärka (Mirafra javanica) är en fågel i familjen lärkor inom ordningen tättingar.

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Sơn ca Java ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Sơn ca Java (danh pháp hai phần: Mirafra javanica) là một loài chim thuộc Họ Sơn ca[2]. Loài này sinh sống ở khắp Úc và phần lớn Đông Nam Á.

Chú thích

  1. ^ Compilers: Stuart Butchart, Jonathan Ekstrom (2008). Australasian Lark - BirdLife Species Factsheet. Evaluators: Jeremy Bird, Stuart Butchart. BirdLife International . Truy cập ngày 11 tháng 5 năm 2009.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Sơn ca Java: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Sơn ca Java (danh pháp hai phần: Mirafra javanica) là một loài chim thuộc Họ Sơn ca. Loài này sinh sống ở khắp Úc và phần lớn Đông Nam Á.

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Яванский жаворонок ( руски )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Жаворонковые
Вид: Яванский жаворонок
Международное научное название

Mirafra javanica Horsfield, 1821

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 561156NCBI 215312EOL 913318FW 370613

Ява́нский жа́воронок или ява́нский куста́рниковый жа́воронок[1] (лат. Mirafra javanica), — самый маленький представитель жаворонковых.

Длина тела 13 см. Спина коричневая с черными пестринами, живот светло-коричневый. Клюв крепкий и короткий. Имеет широкий ареал: Северо-Восток Африки, запад Азии, Австралия. Ведет оседлый образ жизни, но на юге Австралии — перелетный. Селится по кустарниковым зарослям, на открытых травянистых равнинах, полях, обширных лесных полянах. Синантроп: часто селится на газонах парков, скверов, спортивных площадок. Песнь длинная и очень разнообразная. Поёт сидя на кусте или в порхающем токовом полете в тихие безоблачные ночи. Питается исключительно мелкими насекомыми, собираемыми на земле.

В культуре

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Яванский жаворонок: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Ява́нский жа́воронок или ява́нский куста́рниковый жа́воронок (лат. Mirafra javanica), — самый маленький представитель жаворонковых.

Длина тела 13 см. Спина коричневая с черными пестринами, живот светло-коричневый. Клюв крепкий и короткий. Имеет широкий ареал: Северо-Восток Африки, запад Азии, Австралия. Ведет оседлый образ жизни, но на юге Австралии — перелетный. Селится по кустарниковым зарослям, на открытых травянистых равнинах, полях, обширных лесных полянах. Синантроп: часто селится на газонах парков, скверов, спортивных площадок. Песнь длинная и очень разнообразная. Поёт сидя на кусте или в порхающем токовом полете в тихие безоблачные ночи. Питается исключительно мелкими насекомыми, собираемыми на земле.

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歌百灵 ( кинески )

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二名法 Mirafra javanica
Horsfield英语Thomas Horsfield, 1821[1]

歌百灵学名Mirafra javanica),是百灵科歌百灵属的一种,是游猎迁徙的候鸟,分布于香港巴布亚新几内亚缅甸老挝中国大陆澳大利亚东帝汶泰国印度尼西亚菲律宾越南柬埔寨。全球活动范围约为6,660,000平方千米。该物种的保护状况被评为无危




  • 歌百灵两广亚种学名Mirafra javanica williamsoni)。分布于广东广西等地。该物种的模式产地在泰国曼谷[2]


 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:歌百灵  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:歌百灵
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 歌百灵. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
  2. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 歌百灵两广亚种. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
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歌百灵: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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歌百灵(学名:Mirafra javanica),是百灵科歌百灵属的一种,是游猎迁徙的候鸟,分布于香港巴布亚新几内亚缅甸老挝中国大陆澳大利亚东帝汶泰国印度尼西亚菲律宾越南柬埔寨。全球活动范围约为6,660,000平方千米。该物种的保护状况被评为无危

File:Australasian Bushlark07.ogv播放媒体 歌百灵


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