
Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Jabiru mycteria is the only member of the Jabiru genus. Jabiru mycteria is a stork native to Central and South America, from Mexico to Uruguay, occurring most commonly in Brazil and Paraguay. They are the tallest flying bird in South America, reaching up to 5 ft (1.5m) in height. They live in groups in wetland and riparian habitats, eating mostly fish, mollusks, and amphibians.Breeding pairs are monogamous throughout the breeding season and sometimes across seasons. They show parental investment by both sexes and rearing chicks is sufficiently difficult that these birds tend to mate every other breeding season.

Two other stork species are commonly referred to as "Jabiru": Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus from Australia and Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis from Africa. Both were named after the real, South American Jabiru due to their similar physical appearance. The Ephippiorhynchus species are believed to be Jabiru mycteria's closest living relatives.

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Rachel Sargent
Rachel Sargent
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EOL authors