
Lampornis ( бретонски )

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( бретонски )

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Lampornis a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, ennañ spesadoù evned-kelien.

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Lampornis ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Lampornis és un gènere d'ocells de la família dels colibrís (Trochilidae).

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Mountaingem ( англиски )

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Mountaingems are a genus of hummingbirds, Lampornis, which inhabit mountainous regions from the south-western United States to the Isthmus of Panama.

These are medium-sized to large (10–13 cm) hummingbirds with shortish slightly curved black bills. The males typically have green upperparts and a brightly coloured throat, which is a dull colour in the female. The females of some species also may differ significantly from the males in other plumage features.

The female mountaingem is entirely responsible for nest building and incubation. She lays two white eggs in a deep plant-fibre cup nest. Incubation takes 15–19 days, and fledging another 20–26.

The food of this genus is nectar, taken from a variety of small flowers. Like other hummingbirds, mountaingems also takes small insects as an essential source of protein.


6-8 species have been traditionally recognized, the main point of dispute being whether the southern forms which have fulvous-breasted females, found from Nicaragua to Panama, are one ("variable mountaingem"), two, or three species. Analysis of biogeography and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences by García-Moreno et al. (2006) have largely confirmed the arrangement and the suspected evolutionary relationships, but a few surprising results have emerged:

First, the white-throated mountaingem and the gray-tailed mountaingem are probably conspecific, but the purple-throated mountaingem seems to be a distinct species. However, the southern group has apparently evolved in a very short time and their conspicuous differences in appearance are not yet reflected in molecular divergence; as mates are of course chosen according to their appearance and not their molecular differences, it seems prudent to split the group according to throat color as advocated by the American Ornithological Society. However, the speciation process is ongoing.

Second, the exact relationship between the suspected sister taxa L. clemenciae and L. amethystinus, the northernmost species, is not as straightforward as assumed; it is not clear whether they are each other's close relatives or whether the blue-throated hummingbird is the oldest lineage of the genus, the amethyst-throated hummingbird diverging later. In addition, L. amethystinus may constitute two species, but not the violet-throated subspecies margaritae but the southernmost, red-throated forms are the most distinct ones.

Most puzzling, however, is the fact that the white-bellied mountaingem constantly failed to form a monophyletic group with the other taxa. These results suggest that it is better placed in the monotypic genus Oreopyra, the relationships of which need more study. It might be closely related to the fiery-throated hummingbird, but these two species are very different at least morphologically. The garnet-throated hummingbird, which is sometimes considered to be the closest relative of the mountaingems, is indeed not distantly related to the group, but closer to the Eugenes hummingbirds. It is intermediate in appearance between Lampornis and those species.

García-Moreno's team refrains to date the emergence of the genus because of the absence of fossils or other robust evidence. It can be assumed though that Lampornis was present at the closing of the Isthmus of Panama, about 3.8 MYA, and that by that time, the northernmost lineage(s) had already diverged.

These results are interesting, because they agree with a general trend for southern Mexican taxa (including to colonize the Isthmus and there form distinct species. Also, the Isthmus group of Lampornis provides a glimpse at an intermediate stage in evolution, with one form (L. calolaema) having recently evolved into a distinct species, while its white-throated relatives are in the process of splitting into two species but have not yet done so. mtDNA (which is inherited from the mother only) suggests that the purple-throated mountaingem still can form fertile hybrids with the white-throated forms and indeed not infrequently does so.

According to the updated taxonomy, the species are:


  • García-Moreno, Jaime; Cortés, Nandadeví; García-Deras, Gabriela M. & Hernández-Baños, Blanca E. (2006): Local origin and diversification among Lampornis hummingbirds: A Mesoamerican taxon. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38(2): 488–498. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.08.015 (HTML abstract)
  • Stiles, F. Gary & Skutch, Alexander F. (1990): A guide to the birds of Costa Rica. Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-9600-4
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Mountaingem: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Mountaingems are a genus of hummingbirds, Lampornis, which inhabit mountainous regions from the south-western United States to the Isthmus of Panama.

These are medium-sized to large (10–13 cm) hummingbirds with shortish slightly curved black bills. The males typically have green upperparts and a brightly coloured throat, which is a dull colour in the female. The females of some species also may differ significantly from the males in other plumage features.

The female mountaingem is entirely responsible for nest building and incubation. She lays two white eggs in a deep plant-fibre cup nest. Incubation takes 15–19 days, and fledging another 20–26.

The food of this genus is nectar, taken from a variety of small flowers. Like other hummingbirds, mountaingems also takes small insects as an essential source of protein.

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Lampornis ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Lampornis, es un género de aves apodiformes perteneciente a la familia Trochilidae.


Contiene las siguientes especies:.[1]


  • García-Moreno, Jaime; Cortés, Nandadeví; García-Deras, Gabriela M. & Hernández-Baños, Blanca E. (2006): Local origin and diversification among Lampornis hummingbirds: A Mesoamerican taxon. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38(2): 488–498. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2005.08.015 (HTML abstract)
  • Stiles, F. Gary & Skutch, Alexander F. (1990): A guide to the birds of Costa Rica. Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-9600-4

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Lampornis, es un género de aves apodiformes perteneciente a la familia Trochilidae.

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Pilvikolibrit ( фински )

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Pilvikolibrit (Lampornis) on kolibrien heimoon kuuluva lintusuku. Sukuun kuuluu seitsemän neotrooppisella- ja nearktisella alueella elävää lajia.



  • Väisänen, R. A., Högmander, H., Björklund, H., Hänninen, L., Lammin-Soila, M., Lokki, J. & Rauste, V. 2006: Maailman lintujen suomenkieliset nimet (Finnish Names of the Birds of the World). 2., uudistettu painos (2nd edition). – BirdLife Suomi – BirdLife Finland, Helsinki – http://www.birdlife.fi/lintuharrastus/nimisto [13.1.2011].
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Pilvikolibrit: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Pilvikolibrit (Lampornis) on kolibrien heimoon kuuluva lintusuku. Sukuun kuuluu seitsemän neotrooppisella- ja nearktisella alueella elävää lajia.

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Lampornis ( француски )

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Lampornis est un genre d'oiseaux-mouches (la famille des trochilidés) de la sous-famille des Trochilinae.

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Lampornis ( италијански )

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Lampornis Swainson, 1827 è un genere di uccelli della famiglia Trochilidae.[1]


Comprende le seguenti specie:[1]

  • Lampornis clemenciae (R. Lesson, 1830) — colibrì golablu
  • Lampornis amethystinus (Swainson, 1827) — colibrì gola ametista, colibrì golametista
  • Lampornis viridipallens (Bourcier e Mulsant, 1846) — gemma di monte golaverde, gemma di montagna golaverde, orogemma golaverde
  • Lampornis sybillae (Salvin e Godman, 1892) — gemma di monte pettoverde, gemma di montagna pettoverde, orogemma pettoverde
  • Lampornis hemileucus (Salvin, 1865) — gemma di monte ventrebianco, gemma di montagna ventrebianco, orogemma panciabianca
  • Lampornis calolaemus (Salvin, 1865) — gemma di monte gola purpurea, gemma di montagna gola purpurea ,orogemma golaviola
  • Lampornis castaneoventris (Gould, 1851) — gemma di montagna golabianca, orogemma golabianca
  • Lampornis cinereicauda (Lawrence, 1867) — gemma di monte codagrigia, gemma di montagna codagrigia ,orogemma codagrigia


  1. ^ a b (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Trochilidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 16/12/2019.

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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Lampornis Swainson, 1827 è un genere di uccelli della famiglia Trochilidae.

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Lampornis ( холандски; фламански )

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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Lampornis is een geslacht van vogels uit de familie kolibries (Trochilidae).

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Lampornis ( норвешки )

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Purpurstrupejuvel, Lampornis calolaemus, hofugl Foto: Wikimedia-brukar Charlesjsharp
Purpurstrupejuvel, Lampornis calolaemus, hofugl
Foto: Wikimedia-brukar Charlesjsharp
Systematikk Rike: Animalia Rekkje: Chordata Klasse: Aves Orden: Caprimulgiformes Familie: Trochilidae Underfamilie: Trochilinae Slekt: Lampornis Vitskapleg namn Lampornis
Swainson, 1827

Lampornis er ei biologisk slekt av kolibriar i underfamilien Trochilinae. Dei har fellesnemninga 'juvel' på norsk. Artane i slekta har utbreiing i fjellområde frå Panamaeidet i sør gjennom Sentral-Amerika og nord til sørlege Mexico. Ein art, blåstrupejuvel, har utbreiing i område over 1500 moh. gjennom Mexico og litt inn i sørlegaste USA.


Dette er mellomstore til store (10-13 cm) kolibriar med kort, svakt bua svarte nebb. Hannane har vanlegvis grøn overside, og ein glitrande, fargerik strupe, som er meir matt i farga hos hoer. Hoene av nokre artar kan òg avvike vesentleg frå hannane i andre delar av fjørdrakta. Hoer av juvelar er fullt ut ansvarleg for reirbygging og ruging. Hoa legg to kvite egg i eit djupt koppforma reir fora med plantefiber. Ruginga tar 15-19 dagar, og dei er flygedyktige innan 20-26 dagar.

Føda i denne slekta er nektar, tatt frå ei rekkje små blomar. Men som andre kolibriar, tar juvelar òg små insekt som ei viktig kjelde til protein.


Lampornis i rekkjefølgje etter Clementslista versjon 6.10 frå august 2015[1] med norske namn etter Norske navn på verdens fugler.[2]

  • Flekkstrupejuvel, Lampornis viridipallens, Green-throated Mountain-gem, LC, Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846
Honduras og litt inn i nordvestlege Nicaragua.
  • Flekkbrystjuvel, Lampornis sybillae, Green-breasted Mountain-gem, LC, Salvin & Godman, 1892
Vestlege Honduras og nordlege El Salvador, i sørvestlege Guatemala og litt inn i sørlege Mexico.
  • Amestyststrupejuvel, Lampornis amethystinus, Amethyst-throated Hummingbird, LC, Swainson, 1827
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, og Mexico.
  • Blåstrupejuvel, Lampornis clemenciae, Blue-throated Hummingbird, LC, Lesson, 1829
Mexico og sørlegaste USA.
  • Kvitbukjuvel, Lampornis hemileucus, White-bellied Mountain-gem, LC, Salvin, 1865
Costa Rica og Panama.
  • Purpurstrupejuvel, Lampornis calolaemus, Purple-throated Mountain-gem, LC, Salvin, 1865
Sørlege Nicaragua, nordre Costa Rica og vestre Panama.
  • Kvitstrupejuvel, Lampornis castaneoventris, White-throated Mountain-gem, LC, Gould, 1851
Vestlege Panama.



  1. Clements, J.F.; T. S. Schulenberg; M. J. Iliff; B.L. Sullivan; C. L. Wood; D. Roberson (august 2015), The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.10 (CSV), Cornell Lab of Ornithology, henta 23. januar 2016
  2. Syvertsen, P. O., Ree, V., Hansen, O. B., Syvertsen, Ø., Bergan, M., Kvam, H., Viker, M. & Axelsen, T. 2008. Virksomheten til Norsk navnekomité for fugl (NNKF) 1990-2008. Norske navn på verdens fugler. Norsk Ornitologisk Forening sin nettstad (publisert 22.5.2008)


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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

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Lampornis er ei biologisk slekt av kolibriar i underfamilien Trochilinae. Dei har fellesnemninga 'juvel' på norsk. Artane i slekta har utbreiing i fjellområde frå Panamaeidet i sør gjennom Sentral-Amerika og nord til sørlege Mexico. Ein art, blåstrupejuvel, har utbreiing i område over 1500 moh. gjennom Mexico og litt inn i sørlegaste USA.

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Lampornis ( полски )

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Lampornis – rodzaj ptaka z rodziny kolibrowate (Trochilidae).

Zasięg występowania

Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w Ameryce[4].


Długość ciała 10–13 cm; masa ciała samca 5–8 g, samicy 4,3–6,5 g[5].



  • Lampornis: gr. λαμπη lampē – pochodnia, światło; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos – ptak[6].
  • Anais: Anaïs Lesson (1827–1838), córka francuskiego ornitologa René Lessona[7]. Gatunek typowy: Ornismya clemenciae Lesson, 1830.

Podział systematyczny

Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[8]:


  1. Lampornis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. W. Swainson. A synopsis of the birds discovered in Mexico by W. Bullock F.L.S. and H.S., and Mr. William Bullock, jun. „The Philosophical Magazine”. New and United Series. 1, s. 442, 1827 (ang.).
  3. R.-P. Lesson. Description d’un genre nouveau d’oiseau. „Revue Zoologique”. 3, s. 210, 1840 (fr.).
  4. F. Gill & D. Donsker (red.): Hummingbirds (ang.). IOC World Bird List: Version 7.3. [dostęp 2017-10-28].
  5. K.L. Schuchmann: Family Trochilidae (Hummingbirds). W: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott & J. Sargatal: Handbook of the Birds of the World. Cz. 5: Barn-owls to Hummingbirds. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 1999, s. 608–609, 611. ISBN 84-87334-25-3. (ang.)
  6. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Lampornis.
  7. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Anais.
  8. Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: P. Mielczarek & M. Kuziemko: Plemię: Lampornithini Jardine, 1833 (wersja: 2017-07-13). W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 2017-10-28].


  1. J.A. Jobling: Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. W: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D.A. Christie & E. de Juana (red.): Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2017. [dostęp 2017-10-28]. (ang.)
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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( полски )

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Lampornis – rodzaj ptaka z rodziny kolibrowate (Trochilidae).

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Bergsjuveler ( шведски )

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Bergsjuveler (Lampornis) är ett släkte med fåglar i familjen kolibrier inom ordningen seglarfåglar som återfinns i Centralamerika, från sydvästligaste USA till västra Panama. [1]

Släktet bergsjuveler omfattar sju eller åtta arter.[1][2]


  1. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2014) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.9 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2015-01-01
  2. ^ [a b] Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2015. IOC World Bird List (v 5.1). doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.5.1

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Bergsjuveler: Brief Summary ( шведски )

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Bergsjuveler (Lampornis) är ett släkte med fåglar i familjen kolibrier inom ordningen seglarfåglar som återfinns i Centralamerika, från sydvästligaste USA till västra Panama.

Släktet bergsjuveler omfattar sju eller åtta arter.

Grönstrupig bergsjuvel (L. viridipallens) Grönbröstad bergsjuvel (L. sybilliae) Ametiststrupig bergsjuvel (L. amesthystinus) Blåstrupig bergsjuvel (L. clemenciae) Vitbukig bergsjuvel (L. hemileucus) Purpurstrupig bergsjuvel (L. calolaemus) Vitstrupig bergsjuvel (L. castaneoventris) Gråstjärtad bergsjuvel (L. c. cinereicauda) – behandlas ibland som egen art

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Lampornis ( виетнамски )

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Lampornis là một chi chim trong họ Chim ruồi.[1]

Các loài

Chú thích

  1. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Lampornis: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Lampornis là một chi chim trong họ Chim ruồi.

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Сверкающие колибри ( руски )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Подотряд: Колибри (Trochili)
Семейство: Колибри
Подсемейство: Trochilinae
Род: Сверкающие колибри
Международное научное название

Lampornis Swainson, 1827

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 178053NCBI 190691EOL 18120

Сверкающие колибри (лат. Lampornis) — род птиц семейства колибри.


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Сверкающие колибри: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Сверкающие колибри (лат. Lampornis) — род птиц семейства колибри.

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