El colom guatlla frontblanc (Geotrygon leucometopia) és un ocell de la família dels colúmbids (Columbidae) que habita els boscos de les terres altes del centre de la Hispaniola.
El colom guatlla frontblanc (Geotrygon leucometopia) és un ocell de la família dels colúmbids (Columbidae) que habita els boscos de les terres altes del centre de la Hispaniola.
The white-fronted quail-dove (Geotrygon leucometopia) is a species of bird in the family Columbidae. It is endemic to the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola; it is possibly extirpated from Haiti.[2][3]
The white-fronted quail-dove and most of the other species in the genus Geotrygon were previously in Oreopeleia. In addition, it was considered conspecific with what is now the grey-fronted quail-dove (Geotrygon caniceps) under the name "grey-headed quail-dove". It is monotypic.[3]
The white-fronted quail-dove is about 28 cm (11 in) long, and weighs about 171 g (6.0 oz). The adult has a bold white forehead ("front"), and the rest of its head is slate gray. The sides of its neck have a reddish purple or violet cast that sometimes extends onto the gray breast. The lower belly is reddish. The upperparts are a darker gray than the head and have a metallic purplish blue sheen. Its eyes are red. Juveniles are browner than adults ,and do not have the purple sheen on the neck and breast.[3]
The white-fronted quail-dove is confirmed to exist only in a few areas in the west of the Dominican Republic. Unconfirmed historical accounts placed it in adjoining southeastern Haiti as well. It inhabits low elevation subtropical forests, montane forest possibly as high as 1,800 m (5,900 ft), and a few arid areas with cactus and scrub.[3]
The white-fronted quail-dove's diet is seeds and small invertebrates like insects, grubs, and caterpillars.[3]
The white-fronted quail-dove builds a nest of twigs and leaves lined with rootlets and grass and places it low in undergrowth or a vine tangle. The clutch size is usually one or two, but three eggs have been reported.[3]
The white-fronted quail-dove's song is a "long series of short, low-pitched 'haoo' or 'cooo' notes, given either very rapidly in the former instance or more slowly...in [the] second".[3]
The IUCN has assessed the white-fronted quail-dove as Endangered. It has a very small range and its estimated population of fewer than 1700 adults is declining due to habitat loss, hunting, and introduced predators.[1]
The white-fronted quail-dove (Geotrygon leucometopia) is a species of bird in the family Columbidae. It is endemic to the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola; it is possibly extirpated from Haiti.
La paloma perdiz dominicana o perdiz coquito blanco (Geotrygon leucometopia)[2] es una especie de ave columbiforme de la familia Columbidae endémica de la isla de La Española. Anteriormente se consideraba una subespecie de la paloma perdiz camao (Geotrygon caniceps) pero en la actualidad se considera una especie separada.[3] Está amenazada por la pérdida de hábitat.[1]
La especie solo se encuentra en la Cordillera Central y la sierra de Bahoruco al oeste de la República Dominicana.[4] En el pasado también habitaba en el sureste de Haití y en la sierra de Neiba, pero en la actualidad se encuentra extinta.[1]
La paloma perdiz dominicana o perdiz coquito blanco (Geotrygon leucometopia) es una especie de ave columbiforme de la familia Columbidae endémica de la isla de La Española. Anteriormente se consideraba una subespecie de la paloma perdiz camao (Geotrygon caniceps) pero en la actualidad se considera una especie separada. Está amenazada por la pérdida de hábitat.
Geotrygon leucometopia Geotrygon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Columbidae familian sailkatua dago.
Geotrygon leucometopia Geotrygon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Columbidae familian sailkatua dago.
Geotrygon leucometopia
La Colombe d'Hispaniola (Geotrygon leucometopia) est une espèce d’oiseau appartenant à la famille des Columbidae.
De witvoorhoofdkwartelduif (Geotrygon leucometopia) is een vogel uit de familie Columbidae (duiven).
Deze soort is endemisch in de Dominicaanse Republiek.
De witvoorhoofdkwartelduif (Geotrygon leucometopia) is een vogel uit de familie Columbidae (duiven).
Hispaniolavaktelduva[2] (Geotrygon leucometopia) är en fågel i familjen duvor inom ordningen duvfåglar.[3] Den ansågs tidigare vara en underart till Geotrygon caniceps. Fågeln förekommer enbart på Hispaniola, i Dominikanska republiken.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som starkt hotad.[1]
Hispaniolavaktelduva (Geotrygon leucometopia) är en fågel i familjen duvor inom ordningen duvfåglar. Den ansågs tidigare vara en underart till Geotrygon caniceps. Fågeln förekommer enbart på Hispaniola, i Dominikanska republiken. IUCN kategoriserar arten som starkt hotad.
Sierra de Baoruco på Hispaniola är fågelns numera starkaste fäste.Geotrygon leucometopia là một loài chim trong họ Columbidae.[2]
Geotrygon leucometopia là một loài chim trong họ Columbidae.