
Hedeoma ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Hedeoma és un gènere d'angiospermes que pertany a la família de les lamiàcies. Aquest gènere està format per 38 espècies natives del nord i sud d'Amèrica.


Són plantes aromàtiques anuals i perennes, amb un port subarbustiu. Les tiges decumbents a erectes, ramificades a la base. Les fulles des d'un pecíol curt a sèssils; d'ovades a linears, senceres o dentades. Les inflorescències són axil·lars en els nusos de la part superior de la tija, subtendit per les fulles, les bràctees menudes. La flor està composta per un calze bilabiat, el llavi superior trilobulat, i el llavi inferior bilobulat. Els lòbuls són acuminats, punxeguts i formen un tub inflat o abombat per sota de la meitat. La corol·la és bilabiada, el llavi superior és major que l'inferior. Aquest últim és bilobulat i l'altre trilobulat. Presenten 2 estams que es troben sota del llavi superior o exerts. L'estil és desigual i bilobulat. Els fruits són nous amb ossos, glauques, gelatinosos quan està mullat.

Espècies seleccionades

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Hedeoma: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Hedeoma és un gènere d'angiospermes que pertany a la família de les lamiàcies. Aquest gènere està format per 38 espècies natives del nord i sud d'Amèrica.

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Hedeoma ( англиски )

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Hedeoma is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to North and South America. They are commonly known as false pennyroyals.[2][3][4]

The genus name is derived from the Greek words ἡδύς (hedys), meaning "sweet," and ὀσμή (osme), meaning "odour". It refers to the scent of the leaves.[5] Hedeoma patens M.E. Jones (common name, oregano chiquito) is used by natives of northwestern Mexico to flavor various food items.[6][7][8]

  1. Hedeoma acinoides Scheele – Slender false pennyroyal - Texas, Oklahoma, Coahuila
  2. Hedeoma apiculata W.S.Stewart – McKittrick's false pennyroyal - western Texas, southeastern New Mexico
  3. Hedeoma bella (Epling) R.S.Irving - Jalisco
  4. Hedeoma chihuahuensis (Henrard) B.L.Turner - Chihuahua
  5. Hedeoma ciliolata (Epling & W.S.Stewart) R.S.Irving - Gypsum false pennyroyal - Nuevo León
  6. Hedeoma costata Hemsl. – Ribbed false pennyroyal - Mexico, Guatemala, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico
  7. Hedeoma crenata R.S.Irving - Rio de Janeiro
  8. Hedeoma dentata Torr. – Dentate false pennyroyal - Arizona, Sonora, New Mexico
  9. Hedeoma diffusa Greene – Spreading (or Flagstaff) false pennyroyal - Nevada, Arizona
  10. Hedeoma drummondii Benth. – Drummond's false pennyroyal - western United States, Alabama, Mississippi, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora
  11. Hedeoma floribunda Standl. - Chihuahua
  12. Hedeoma hispida Pursh – Rough false pennyroyal - Canada, central + eastern United States (especially the Great Plains)
  13. Hedeoma hyssopifolia A.Gray – Aromatic false pennyroyal - northern Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona
  14. Hedeoma johnstonii R.S.Irving - Coahuila
  15. Hedeoma jucunda Greene - Durango
  16. Hedeoma mandoniana Wedd. - Peru, Bolivia, Jujuy Province of Argentina
  17. Hedeoma martirensis Moran - Baja California
  18. Hedeoma matomianum Moran - Baja California
  19. Hedeoma medium Epling - Argentina, Uruguay
  20. Hedeoma microphylla R.S.Irving - San Luis Potosí
  21. Hedeoma mollis Torr. – Softhair false pennyroyal - western Texas
  22. Hedeoma montana Brandegee - Coahuila
  23. Hedeoma multiflora Benth - Argentina, Uruguay, southern Brazil
  24. Hedeoma nana (Torr.) Briq. – Dwarf false pennyroyal - Chihuahua, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Mohave Desert in California
  25. Hedeoma oblatifolia Villarreal - Coahuila
  26. Hedeoma oblongifolia (A.Gray) A.Heller – Oblongleaf false pennyroyal - Chihuahua, Sonora, New Mexico, Arizona
  27. Hedeoma palmeri Hemsl. - San Luis Potosí, Nuevo León, Coahuila
  28. Hedeoma patens M.E. Jones –oregano chiquito - Chihuahua, Coahuila
  29. Hedeoma patrina W.S.Stewart - Zacatecas
  30. Hedeoma pilosa R.S.Irving – Old blue false pennyroyal - Brewster County in Texas but apparently extinct
  31. Hedeoma piperita Benth. - Hidalgo, México State
  32. Hedeoma plicata Torr. – Veiny false pennyroyal - Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, northern Mexico
  33. Hedeoma polygalifolia Benth. - southern Brazil
  34. Hedeoma pulcherrima Wooton & Standl. – White Mountain false pennyroyal - New Mexico
  35. Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. – American false pennyroyal - eastern Canada, central + eastern United States
  36. Hedeoma pusilla (R.S.Irving) R.S.Irving - Nuevo León
  37. Hedeoma quercetora Epling - Nuevo León
  38. Hedeoma reverchonii (A.Gray) A.Gray – Reverchon's false pennyroyal - southern Great Plains (Texas, Oklahoma, western Arkansas)
  39. Hedeoma rzedowskii B.L.Turner - Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí
  40. Hedeoma × serpyllifolia Small - Texas, New Mexico
  41. Hedeoma tenuiflora Brandegee - Baja California
  42. Hedeoma tenuipes Epling - northeastern Mexico
  43. Hedeoma todsenii R.S.Irving – Todsen's false pennyroyal - New Mexico

Formerly placed here


  1. ^ "Genus: Hedeoma Pers". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2004-09-10. Retrieved 2013-05-26.
  2. ^ a b Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. ^ "Hedeoma". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2013-05-26.
  4. ^ Biota of North America Program 2013 county distribution maps
  5. ^ DeBaggio, Thomas; Arthur O. Tucker (2009). The Encyclopedia of Herbs: A Comprehensive Reference to Herbs of Flavor and Fragrance. Timber Press. p. 250. ISBN 978-0-88192-994-2.
  6. ^ Laferriere, Joseph E. 1991. Optimal use of ethnobotanical resources by the Mountain Pima of Chihuahua, Mexico. PhD dissertation, University of Arizona
  7. ^ Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera. 2012. Rubiaceae a Verbenaceae. 4(2): i–xvi, 1–533. In G. Davidse, M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera (eds.) Flora Mesoamericana. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis
  8. ^ Forzza, R. C. 2010. Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-09-06. Retrieved 2015-08-20.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link). Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

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Hedeoma: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Hedeoma is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to North and South America. They are commonly known as false pennyroyals.

The genus name is derived from the Greek words ἡδύς (hedys), meaning "sweet," and ὀσμή (osme), meaning "odour". It refers to the scent of the leaves. Hedeoma patens M.E. Jones (common name, oregano chiquito) is used by natives of northwestern Mexico to flavor various food items.

Species Hedeoma acinoides Scheele – Slender false pennyroyal - Texas, Oklahoma, Coahuila Hedeoma apiculata W.S.Stewart – McKittrick's false pennyroyal - western Texas, southeastern New Mexico Hedeoma bella (Epling) R.S.Irving - Jalisco Hedeoma chihuahuensis (Henrard) B.L.Turner - Chihuahua Hedeoma ciliolata (Epling & W.S.Stewart) R.S.Irving - Gypsum false pennyroyal - Nuevo León Hedeoma costata Hemsl. – Ribbed false pennyroyal - Mexico, Guatemala, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico Hedeoma crenata R.S.Irving - Rio de Janeiro Hedeoma dentata Torr. – Dentate false pennyroyal - Arizona, Sonora, New Mexico Hedeoma diffusa Greene – Spreading (or Flagstaff) false pennyroyal - Nevada, Arizona Hedeoma drummondii Benth. – Drummond's false pennyroyal - western United States, Alabama, Mississippi, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora Hedeoma floribunda Standl. - Chihuahua Hedeoma hispida Pursh – Rough false pennyroyal - Canada, central + eastern United States (especially the Great Plains) Hedeoma hyssopifolia A.Gray – Aromatic false pennyroyal - northern Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona Hedeoma johnstonii R.S.Irving - Coahuila Hedeoma jucunda Greene - Durango Hedeoma mandoniana Wedd. - Peru, Bolivia, Jujuy Province of Argentina Hedeoma martirensis Moran - Baja California Hedeoma matomianum Moran - Baja California Hedeoma medium Epling - Argentina, Uruguay Hedeoma microphylla R.S.Irving - San Luis Potosí Hedeoma mollis Torr. – Softhair false pennyroyal - western Texas Hedeoma montana Brandegee - Coahuila Hedeoma multiflora Benth - Argentina, Uruguay, southern Brazil Hedeoma nana (Torr.) Briq. – Dwarf false pennyroyal - Chihuahua, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Mohave Desert in California Hedeoma oblatifolia Villarreal - Coahuila Hedeoma oblongifolia (A.Gray) A.Heller – Oblongleaf false pennyroyal - Chihuahua, Sonora, New Mexico, Arizona Hedeoma palmeri Hemsl. - San Luis Potosí, Nuevo León, Coahuila Hedeoma patens M.E. Jones –oregano chiquito - Chihuahua, Coahuila Hedeoma patrina W.S.Stewart - Zacatecas †Hedeoma pilosa R.S.Irving – Old blue false pennyroyal - Brewster County in Texas but apparently extinct Hedeoma piperita Benth. - Hidalgo, México State Hedeoma plicata Torr. – Veiny false pennyroyal - Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, northern Mexico Hedeoma polygalifolia Benth. - southern Brazil Hedeoma pulcherrima Wooton & Standl. – White Mountain false pennyroyal - New Mexico Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. – American false pennyroyal - eastern Canada, central + eastern United States Hedeoma pusilla (R.S.Irving) R.S.Irving - Nuevo León Hedeoma quercetora Epling - Nuevo León Hedeoma reverchonii (A.Gray) A.Gray – Reverchon's false pennyroyal - southern Great Plains (Texas, Oklahoma, western Arkansas) Hedeoma rzedowskii B.L.Turner - Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí Hedeoma × serpyllifolia Small - Texas, New Mexico Hedeoma tenuiflora Brandegee - Baja California Hedeoma tenuipes Epling - northeastern Mexico Hedeoma todsenii R.S.Irving – Todsen's false pennyroyal - New Mexico
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Hedeoma ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Hedeoma: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Hedeoma es un género con 105 especies de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Lamiaceae.​ Es originario de América.

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Hedeoma ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Hedeoma é um gênero botânico da família Lamiaceae


Composto por 105 espécies:

Hedeoma acinoides Hedeoma adscendens Hedeoma albescentifolia Hedeoma apiculata Hedeoma apiculatum Hedeoma arkansana Hedeoma bellum Hedeoma bicolor Hedeoma blepharodonta Hedeoma bracteolata Hedeoma breviflora Hedeoma camporum Hedeoma caerulescens Hedeoma celeste Hedeoma chihuahuensis Hedeoma ciliata Hedeoma ciliatum Hedeoma ciliolatum Hedeoma coccinea Hedeoma convisae Hedeoma coerulescens Hedeoma costata Hedeoma costatum Hedeoma crenatum Hedeoma dentata Hedeoma denudata Hedeoma diffusa Hedeoma drummondii Hedeoma floribundum Hedeoma gilliesii Hedeoma glabra Hedeoma glabrescens Hedeoma glabrum Hedeoma glaziovii Hedeoma gracillima Hedeoma gracillimum Hedeoma gracilis Hedeoma graveolens Hedeoma greggii Hedeoma hassleri Hedeoma hirta Hedeoma hispida Hedeoma hispidum Hedeoma hyssopifolia Hedeoma hyssopifolium Hedeoma incana Hedeoma irvingii Hedeoma itatiaiae Hedeoma johnstonii Hedeoma jucunda Hedeoma jucundum Hedeoma lata Hedeoma latum Hedeoma longiflora Hedeoma longiflorum Hedeoma mandoniana Hedeoma marifolia Hedeoma marifolium Hedeoma martirense Hedeoma matomianum Hedeoma medium Hedeoma micrantha Hedeoma microphyllum Hedeoma mollis Hedeoma montana Hedeoma montanum Hedeoma multiflora Hedeoma nana Hedeoma napalensis Hedeoma nitida Hedeoma oblatifolia Hedeoma oblongifolia Hedeoma oblongifolium Hedeoma ovata Hedeoma palmeri Hedeoma patens Hedeoma patrinum Hedeoma permixta Hedeoma pilosum Hedeoma piperita Hedeoma plicata Hedeoma polygalaefolia Hedeoma pringlei Hedeoma pulchella Hedeoma pulcherrima Hedeoma pulegioides Hedeoma purpurea Hedeoma pusillum Hedeoma quinquenervata Hedeoma quercetorum Hedeoma reverchonii Hedeoma rotundifolia Hedeoma rubiacea Hedeoma rzedowskii Hedeoma sancta Hedeoma schwackeana Hedeoma scutellarioides Hedeoma serpyllifolia Hedeoma serpylloides Hedeoma stenodonta Hedeoma subaequale Hedeoma tenella Hedeoma tenuiflora Hedeoma tenuipes Hedeoma texanum Hedeoma thymoides Hedeoma todsenii Hedeoma villosa Hedeoma viminea

Nome e referências

Hedeoma Persoon, 1806


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Hedeoma: Brief Summary ( португалски )

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Hedeoma é um gênero botânico da família Lamiaceae

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Hedeoma ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Hedeoma là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa môi (Lamiaceae).[2]


Chi Hedeoma gồm các loài:

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Genus: Hedeoma Pers.”. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Ngày 10 tháng 9 năm 2004. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 5 năm 2013.
  2. ^ The Plant List (2010). Hedeoma. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 9 năm 2013.

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Hedeoma: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Hedeoma là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa môi (Lamiaceae).

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