
Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The genus Pangio is one of the most species-rich genera in the loach family Cobitidae and is widespread across South and Southeast Asia. It is the largest genus within the southern lineages of Cobitidae, with nearly three dozen recognized species. Pangio loaches are small (<12 cm total length), elongated freshwater fishes. According to Kottelat and Lim (1993), Pangio loaches are distinguished from members of all other genera of the family Cobitidae by their very slender and compressed bodies, by the position of the dorsal fin (which originates distinctly behind the pelvic origin rather than in front, above, or slightly behind), and by the large number of vertebrae. Mature males of all species can be easily distinguished from females by the presence of a thickened first branched pectoral fin ray. Breeding males can be recognized by the presence of a tuberculate pad on the dorsal surface of the pectoral fin, covering the distal half of the enlarged first branched ray and part of the second branched ray.

The different Pangio species inhabit a variety of habitats ranging from moderately swift to very slow flowing streams and representatives are found from India and southern Vietnam to Java. Pangio loaches live in benthic substrates, typically in submerged leaf litter and dense aquatic vegetation. Several species may occur together at the same locality and up to seven species may be found within a single river basin. They are gregarious when kept in aquaria (and presumably in nature), congregating under rocks or decaying vegetation.

Some Pangio species are collected and exported for the aquarium trade. These banded species are generally known as "kuhli loaches" based on the specific epithet of one species, P. kuhlii (named after an active collector in the Dutch East Indies, Heinrich Kuhl [1797-1821]). They are easily recognized by their bright pink to orange and black barred color pattern. They are sometimes inappropriately called "Coolie Loaches" in the aquarium literature. Partly for this reason, several researchers have begun to use the common name "eel-loaches" to refer generally to all Pangio species.Kottelat and Lim (1993) reviewed the eel-loach species of the Malay Peninsula (Singapore, West Malaysia and Thailand south of the Isthmus of Kra), including comments on the systematics of species from adjacent areas.

As noted above, the Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) and close relatives are familiar fishes in the aquarium trade. Pangio kuhlii is apparently widely distributed on the Sunda Shelf, except in Sarawak (northwestern Borneo), where it is replaced by P. agma (Burridge, 1992). This distribution pattern is shared with several other pairs of fish species (Kuttelat and Lim 1993). Pangio kuhlii is known from West Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan Timur and Kalimantan Barat (East and West Kalimantan, Borneo), and the Malay Peninsula at least as far north as Phangnga (records from Burridge [1992] from central and southeastern Thailand were considered questionable by Kittelat and Lim [1993], who suggested they may actually refer to P. myersi). Pangio kuhliihas 6 to 10 usually irregular bars along its body with a dark large quadrangular blotch occupying the proximal (i.e., closer to body) half of the caudal (tail) fin; in contrast to some other Pangio species, the median lobe of the lower lip is not produced into a barbel; and the vertebral count is 34 to 37+ 12 to 15 = 47 to 51 vertebrae.

Based on the molecular phylogenetic analysis by Bohlen et al. (2011), there are three main lineages within the genus Pangio, two of which correspond to two of the four groups recognized by Kottelat and Lim (1993), with the third group matching the remaining two groups of these authors combined. The kuhlii-group includes all species with a dark brown or black banding pattern on yellow or red background, including P. kuhlii.

Burridge (1992) provided technical descriptions of the genus and analysis of the P. kuhlii complex.

(Burridge 1992; Kottelat and Lim 1993; Bohlen et al. 2011 and references therein)

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Pangio ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Pangio és un gènere de peixos actinopterigis de la família dels cobítids.

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a l'Índia, la península de Malacca (Birmània, Tailàndia i Malàisia), el Vietnam, Laos, Cambodja i les Illes de la Sonda.[2]



  1. Blyth E. 1860. Report on some fishes received chiefly from the Sitang River and its tributary streams, Tenasserim Provinces. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal v. 29 (núm. 2). 138-174.
  2. ZipCodeZoo (anglès)
  3. Burridge, M. E. 1992. Systematics of the Acanthophthalmus kuhlii complex (Teleostei: Cobitidae), with the description of a new species from Sarawak and Brunei. Copeia 1992 (núm. 1): 172-186.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 Kottelat, M. & Lim, K. K. P. 1993. A review of the eel-loaches of the genus Pangio (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from the Malay Peninsula, with descriptions of six new species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 41 (núm. 2): 203-249.
  5. Vaillant, L. L. 1902. Résultats zoologiques de l'expédition scientifique Néerlandaise au Bornéo central. Poissons. Notes from the Leyden Museum v. 24 (note 1): 1-166, Pls. 1-2.
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Britz, R. & Maclaine, J. (2007): A review of the eel-loaches, genus Pangio, from Myanmar (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 18 (1): 17-30.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Tan, H. H. & Kottelat, M. 2009. The fishes of the Batang Hari drainage, Sumatra, with description of six new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 20 (1): 13-70.
  8. Boulenger, G. A. 1894. Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from Borneo. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 13 (núm. 75): 245-251.
  9. Raut, H. 1957. Acanthophthalmus cuneovirgatus spec. nov. und Acanthophthalmus robiginosus spec. nov., mit einer übersicht über die in Deutschland eingeführten Acanthophtalmus-Arten und einem Bericht über ihre Haltung im Aquarium. Aquarien und Terrarien-Zeitschrift v. 10 (núm. 2): 29-33.
  10. Perugia, A. 1892. Descrizione di due nuove specie di pesci raccolti in Sarawak dai Sig. G. Doria ed O. Beccari. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 2a) v. 12: 1009-1010.
  11. Blyth, E. 1860. Report on some fishes received chiefly from the Sitang River and its tributary streams, Tenasserim Provinces. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 29 (núm. 2): 138-174.
  12. Tilak, R. 1972. Study of the freshwater and estuarine fishes of Goa. 1. Acanthophthalmus goaensis. A new cobitid from Goa, with notes on Zenarchopterus striga (Blyth). Journal of the Inland Fishery Society of India v. 4: 61-68.
  13. Raju Thomas, K., C. R. Biju, i C. R. Ajithkumar 1999: Distribution of Pangio goaensis (Tilak) Cypriniformes; Cobitidae, in Manimala River, southern Kerala. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society v. 96 (pt 3): 479-480.
  14. 14,0 14,1 Cuvier, G. & Valenciennes, A. 1846. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome dix-huitième. Suite du livre dix-huitième. Cyprinoïdes. Livre dix-neuvième. Des Ésoces ou Lucioïdes. Historie naturelle des poissons. v. 18: i-xix + 2 pp. + 1-505 + 2 pp., Pls. 520-553.
  15. Menon, A. G. K. 1992. The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV. Teleostei - Cobitoidea. Part 2. Cobitidae. The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV.: viii + 1-113, Pls. 1-10.
  16. Tweedie, M. W. F. 1956. Notes on Malayan fresh-water fishes Nos. 6-8. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum Núm. 27: 56-64, Pls. 5-6.
  17. Inger, R. F. & Chin, P. K. 1962. The fresh-water fishes of North Borneo. Fieldiana Zoology v. 45: 1-268.
  18. de Beaufort, L. F. 1933. On some new or rare species of Ostariophysi from the Malay Peninsula and a new species of Betta from Borneo. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum Núm. 8: 31-36.
  19. Harry, R. R. 1949. A new loach of the genus Acanthophthalmus from Siam. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 62: 69-72.
  20. Hamilton, F. (Buchanan) 1822. An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. Edimburg & Londres. An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches.: i-vii + 1-405, Pls. 1-39.
  21. Tilak, R. 1990: Studies on the fish fauna of Uttar Pradesh Terai 2. On the extension of range of distribution of Pangio pangia (Hamilton) with zoogeographical remarks. Records of the Zoological Survey of India v. 87 (núm. 1): 55-59.
  22. Raut, H. 1957. Acanthophthalmus cuneovirgatus spec. nov. und Acanthophthalmus robiginosus spec. nov., mit einer übersicht über die in Deutschland eingeführten Acanthophtalmus-Arten und einem Bericht über ihre Haltung im Aquarium. Aquarien und Terrarien-Zeitschrift v. 10 (núm. 2): 29-33.
  23. Fraser-Brunner, A. 1940. On some fishes of the genus Acanthophthalmus, with description of a new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 11) v. 6 (núm. 32): 170-175.
  24. Popta, C. M. L. 1903. Acanthophthalmus shelfordii, n. sp. Notes from the Leyden Museum v. 23: 231-233.
  25. Roberts, T. R. 1989. The freshwater fishes of western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia). Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences Núm. 14: i-xii + 1-210.
  27. FishBase (anglès)
  28. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  29. Discover Life (anglès)
  30. Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names (anglès)
  31. UNEP-WCMC Species Database (anglès)
  32. BioLib (anglès)
  33. Practical Fishkeeping (anglès)


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Pangio: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Dornaugen ( германски )

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Die Dornaugen (Pangio, veraltetes Synonym: Acanthophthalmus) sind eine Gattung der Steinbeißer (Cobitidae). Die bodenlebenden Süßwasserfische leben in Südostasien, einschließlich der Inseln Sumatra, Borneo und Java, in Indien und Bangladesch. Sie leben in Sümpfen, Tümpeln, Seen, den Stillwassern größerer Flüsse, aber auch in fließenden Bächen, auf Schlamm- und Sandböden zwischen herabgefallenem Laub, Wurzeln und Pflanzen. Stellenweise sind sie sehr häufig.

Dornaugen ernähren sich zum großen Teil von Kleinkrebsen, wie Chydorus, Bosmina oder Muschelkrebsen (Ostracoda).


Dornaugen haben einen aalartigen, langgestreckten Körper, der seitlich etwas abgeflacht ist. Der Kopf ist schuppenlos, das Auge von einer durchsichtigen Haut bedeckt. Vor dem Auge befindet sich der für Schmerlen charakteristische Praeorbitalstachel. Das unterständige Maul hat drei bis vier Paar Barteln. Die Bauchflossen und die kurze Rückenflosse befinden sich hinter der Körpermitte, die Afterflosse hinter der Rückenflosse. Dornaugen haben eine abgerundete bis leicht eingekerbte Schwanzflosse. Die meisten Arten sind bräunlich, einige haben auf gelblichem oder beigen Grund braune oder fast schwarze Streifen, die sich vom Rücken die Flanken entlangziehen. Ihre Länge beträgt je nach Art drei bis zwölf Zentimeter.


Geflecktes Dornauge (Pangio kuhlii)
Muränen-Dornauge (Pangio muraeniformis)
Javadornauge (Pangio oblonga)


  • Günther Sterba: Süsswasserfische der Welt. 2. Auflage. Urania, Leipzig/Jena/Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-332-00109-4.
  • Peter Bucher: Zootierhaltung 5. Fische. Deutsch Harri GmbH, 2005, ISBN 3-8171-1352-8.
  • Maurice Kottelat: Die Dornaugen der Gattung Pangio. in DATZ, 5/95, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, .
  • Axel Zarske: Pangio. In: Claus Schaefer, Torsten Schröer (Hrsg.): Das große Lexikon der Aquaristik. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-7497-9, S. 740.


  1. Sundar, R.L., Arjun, C.P., Sidharthan, A., Dahanukar, N. & Raghavan, R. (2022): A new diminutive subterranean eel loach species of the genus Pangio (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from Southern India. Zootaxa, 5138 (1): 89-97.
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Dornaugen: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Die Dornaugen (Pangio, veraltetes Synonym: Acanthophthalmus) sind eine Gattung der Steinbeißer (Cobitidae). Die bodenlebenden Süßwasserfische leben in Südostasien, einschließlich der Inseln Sumatra, Borneo und Java, in Indien und Bangladesch. Sie leben in Sümpfen, Tümpeln, Seen, den Stillwassern größerer Flüsse, aber auch in fließenden Bächen, auf Schlamm- und Sandböden zwischen herabgefallenem Laub, Wurzeln und Pflanzen. Stellenweise sind sie sehr häufig.

Dornaugen ernähren sich zum großen Teil von Kleinkrebsen, wie Chydorus, Bosmina oder Muschelkrebsen (Ostracoda).

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Pangio ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Pangio is a genus of small Asian freshwater fish in the true loach family Cobitidae. In earlier taxonomic schemes it was known as Acanthophthalmus. The "kuhli loach" is well-known in the aquarium trade and commonly identified as P. kuhlii, but most individuals actually appear to be P. semicincta.[1]

The type species is Cobitis cinnamomea McClelland 1839, now known as Pangio pangia.[2]

These fish are best represented in Southeast Asia where all but five of the species live,[3][4] including the Greater Sunda Islands with sixteen species. The five species found outside Southeast Asia are from India and Myanmar.[3][5] They inhabit a wide range of mostly calm waters such as streams, swamps (often peat swamps) and backwaters, but there are also species in fast-flowing waters,[3] and one, P. bhujia, lives underground.[4]


Pangio oblonga

There are currently 33 recognized species in this genus:[6]


  1. ^ a b "Pangio semicincta". SeriouslyFish. Retrieved 11 October 2019.
  2. ^ "Pangio". Catalog of Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d Britz, R., Ali, A. & Raghavan, R. (2012): Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka, southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 45-50.
  4. ^ a b c Anoop, V.K.; R. Britz; C.P. Arjun; N. Dahanukar; R. Raghavan (2019). "Pangio bhujia, A New, Peculiar Species of Miniature Subterranean Eel Loach Lacking Dorsal and Pelvic Fins from India (Teleostei: Cobitidae)". Zootaxa. 4683 (1): 144–150. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4683.1.8. PMID 31715940.
  5. ^ Clarke, Matt (2007-03-15). "Four new kuhli loaches described". Practical Fishkeeping magazine. Retrieved 2011-04-25.
  6. ^ Kottelat, M. (2012): Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. No. 26: 1-199.
  7. ^ Sundar, Remya L; Arjun, C.P.; Sidharthan, Arya; Dahanukar, Neelesh; Raghavan, Rajeev (2022-05-16). "A new diminutive subterranean eel loach species of the genus Pangio (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from Southern India". Zootaxa. 5138 (1): 89–97. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5138.1.9. ISSN 1175-5334.
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Pangio: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Pangio is a genus of small Asian freshwater fish in the true loach family Cobitidae. In earlier taxonomic schemes it was known as Acanthophthalmus. The "kuhli loach" is well-known in the aquarium trade and commonly identified as P. kuhlii, but most individuals actually appear to be P. semicincta.

The type species is Cobitis cinnamomea McClelland 1839, now known as Pangio pangia.

These fish are best represented in Southeast Asia where all but five of the species live, including the Greater Sunda Islands with sixteen species. The five species found outside Southeast Asia are from India and Myanmar. They inhabit a wide range of mostly calm waters such as streams, swamps (often peat swamps) and backwaters, but there are also species in fast-flowing waters, and one, P. bhujia, lives underground.

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Pangio ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Pangio es un género de peces de la familia Cobitidae. En los primeros trabajos de taxonomía era denominado Acanthophthalmus. Es mejor conocido por la especie Pangio kuhlii que es deseada por los acuaristas.

Estos peces están mejor representados en las Islas Sunda, donde habitan 16 especies. Otras son de India y Myanmar.[1]

Hay 32 especies reconocidas en este género:[2]


  1. Clarke, Matt (15 de marzo de 2007). «Four new kuhli loaches described». Practical Fishkeeping magazine. Consultado el 25 de abril de 2011.
  2. Kottelat, M. (2012): Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. No. 26: 1-199 (en inglés)
  3. Britz, R., Ali, A. & Raghavan, R. (2012): Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka, southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 45-50.

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Pangio: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Pangio es un género de peces de la familia Cobitidae. En los primeros trabajos de taxonomía era denominado Acanthophthalmus. Es mejor conocido por la especie Pangio kuhlii que es deseada por los acuaristas.

Estos peces están mejor representados en las Islas Sunda, donde habitan 16 especies. Otras son de India y Myanmar.​

Hay 32 especies reconocidas en este género:​

Pangio agma (M. E. Burridge, 1992) Pangio alcoides Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim, 1993 Pangio alternans Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim, 1993 Pangio ammophila Britz, Anvar Ali & Raghavan, 2012​ Pangio anguillaris (Vaillant, 1902) Pangio apoda Britz & Maclaine, 2007 Pangio atactos H. H. Tan & Kottelat, 2009 Pangio bitaimac H. H. Tan & Kottelat, 2009 Pangio borneensis Pangio cuneovirgata (Raut, 1957) Pangio doriae (Perugia, 1892) Pangio elongata Britz & Maclaine, 2007 Pangio filinaris Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim, 1993 Pangio fusca (Blyth, 1860) Pangio goaensis (Tilak, 1972) (Indian coolie-loach) Pangio incognito Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim, 1993 Pangio kuhlii (Valenciennes, 1846) (Kuhli loach, coolie loach) Pangio lidi Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2009 Pangio longimanus Britz & Kottelat, 2010 Pangio longipinnis Pangio lumbriciformis Britz & Maclaine, 2007 Pangio malayana (Tweedie, 1956) Pangio mariarum (Inger & P. K. Chin, 1962) Pangio muraeniformis (de Beaufort, 1933) Pangio myersi (Harry, 1949) Pangio oblonga (Valenciennes, 1846) (Java loach) Pangio pangia (F. Hamilton, 1822) Pangio piperata Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim, 1993 Pangio pulla Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim, 1993 Pangio robiginosa (Raut, 1957) Pangio semicincta (Fraser-Brunner, 1940) Pangio shelfordii (Popta, 1903) (Borneo loach) Pangio signicauda Britz & Maclaine, 2007 Pangio superba (T. R. Roberts, 1989)
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Piikkisilmät ( фински )

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Piikkisilmät (Pangio, aiemmin Acanthophthalmus) ovat Kaakkois-Aasiasta kotoisin olevia hoikkia piikkinuoliaisten heimon karppikaloja. Eräät lajit ovat akvaarioissa suosittuja pohjakaloja.

Piikkisilmien ruumiinmuoto on matomaisen luikero. Suomalainen nimi viittaa silmän alla sijaitsevaan lyhyeen puolustautumispiikkiin, joka on esiin käännettävissä kuin linkkuveitsen terä. Naaraista kasvaa ympärysmitaltaan paksumpia kuin koiraista. Piikkisilmiin kuuluu sekä tiikerimäisen raidallisia että yksivärisen ruskeita lajeja. Siaminpiikkisilmä on yleensä siten raidallinen, että tummat raidat hallitsevat.

Lajeja suvussa tunnetaan noin 34.[1] Niistä 16 elää Sundasaarilla.

Piikkisilmiä tavataan usein suurina parvina. Ne liikkuvat lähinnä öisin ja syövät matoja ja detritusta.[2]


Piikkisilmät ovat pitkäikäisiä, mutta akvaariossa vain harvoin lisääntyviä. Ne kaikki karttavat kirkasta valoa ja tarvitsevat akvaariossa piilopaikoikseen vaikkapa kiviluolia, puunjuurakoita tai kasvitiheiköitä. Piikkisilmille riskejä ovat liian terävä pohjasora, josta voi levitä bakteeritartuntoja kalojen viiksiin, sekä imeytyminen suodattimen imuputkeen. Piikkisilmät ovat tarkkoja etsimään ruuanmurusia pohjasta.



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Piikkisilmät: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Piikkisilmät (Pangio, aiemmin Acanthophthalmus) ovat Kaakkois-Aasiasta kotoisin olevia hoikkia piikkinuoliaisten heimon karppikaloja. Eräät lajit ovat akvaarioissa suosittuja pohjakaloja.

Piikkisilmien ruumiinmuoto on matomaisen luikero. Suomalainen nimi viittaa silmän alla sijaitsevaan lyhyeen puolustautumispiikkiin, joka on esiin käännettävissä kuin linkkuveitsen terä. Naaraista kasvaa ympärysmitaltaan paksumpia kuin koiraista. Piikkisilmiin kuuluu sekä tiikerimäisen raidallisia että yksivärisen ruskeita lajeja. Siaminpiikkisilmä on yleensä siten raidallinen, että tummat raidat hallitsevat.

Lajeja suvussa tunnetaan noin 34. Niistä 16 elää Sundasaarilla.

Piikkisilmiä tavataan usein suurina parvina. Ne liikkuvat lähinnä öisin ja syövät matoja ja detritusta.

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Pangio ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Le genre Pangio (anciennement Acanthophthalmus) regroupe des poissons d'eau douce au corps serpentiforme. Ce sont des animaux pacifiques appréciés en aquariophilie. L'espèce la plus connue des amateurs aquariophiles est Pangio kuhlii ou communément "kuhlii". Ces poissons sont le mieux représentés dans les îles de la Sonde, où 16 des espèces sont recensées. Un certain nombre d'autres sont connues de l'Inde et de Myanmar[1].

Liste des espèces

Selon FishBase (28 mai 2015)[2][3] :


Notes et références

  1. Matt Clarke, « Four new kuhli loaches described », Practical Fishkeeping magazine, 15 mars 2007 (consulté le 25 avril 2011)
  2. FishBase, consulté le 28 mai 2015
  3. http://www.fishbase.org/Nomenclature/ValidNameList.php?syng=Pangio&syns=&vtitle=Scientific+Names+where+Genus+Equals+%3Ci%3EPangio%3C%2Fi%3E&crit2=CONTAINS&crit1=EQUAL
  4. Britz, R., Ali, A. & Raghavan, R. (2012): Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka, southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 45-50.


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Pangio: Brief Summary ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Le genre Pangio (anciennement Acanthophthalmus) regroupe des poissons d'eau douce au corps serpentiforme. Ce sont des animaux pacifiques appréciés en aquariophilie. L'espèce la plus connue des amateurs aquariophiles est Pangio kuhlii ou communément "kuhlii". Ces poissons sont le mieux représentés dans les îles de la Sonde, où 16 des espèces sont recensées. Un certain nombre d'autres sont connues de l'Inde et de Myanmar.

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Pangio (zoologia) ( италијански )

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Pangio Blyth, 1860 è un genere di pesci d'acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia Cobitidae.

Distribuzione e habitat

Queste specie sono diffuse in Asia, precisamente nelle acque dolci del Sudest asiatico (Thailandia, Brunei, Borneo, Sumatra, Malaysia): prevalentemente nei bacini di Mekong e Chao Phraya. Particolare il caso delle Isole della Sonda, dove sono state catalogate ben 16 specie di Pangio.


I pesci del genere Pangio hanno un corpo sottile e allungato, anguilliforme, compresso ai fianchi, con pinne molto piccole, arrotondate, bocca rivolta verso il basso e provvista di corti barbigli. La livrea varia secondo la specie.
La lunghezza massima varia secondo la specie, dai 3 cm di Pangio incognito ai 12 cm di Pangio kuhlii.


Come le altre specie della famiglia Cobitidae, sono pesci ovipari.


Alcune specie (Pangio kuhlii, P. oblonga, P. anguillaris, P. myersi) sono diffuse in commercio per l'allevamento in acquario.


Al genere Pangio appartengono 34 specie[1]:


  1. ^ Pangio, elenco specie su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 31 ottobre 2014.

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Pangio (zoologia): Brief Summary ( италијански )

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Pangio Blyth, 1860 è un genere di pesci d'acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia Cobitidae.

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Pangio ( холандски; фламански )

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Pangio is een geslacht van de familie modderkruipers. Het geslacht heette vroeger Acanthophthalmus. De meest bekende soort hiervan is de P. Kuhlii, beter bekend onder de naam indische modderkruiper, die veel in aquaria gehouden wordt. Naar verluidt leven 16 soorten bij de Soenda-eilanden in Zuidoost-Azië en overige bij India en Myanmar.

Het geslacht is onderverdeeld in 34 soorten, namelijk:

Naam Jaar Omschrijving Ontdekker(s) Pangio agma 1992 Een zand gekleurde buik met bruine strepen op de rug. Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,3 cm in lengte. M. E. Burridge Pangio alcoides 1993 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,9 cm in lengte. Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim Pangio alternans 1993 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,6 cm in lengte. Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim Pangio ammophila 2012 Een volgroeide is ≈ 2,9 cm in lengte.** Britz, Anvar Ali & Raghavan Pangio anguillaris 1902 Een volgroeide is ≈ 12 cm in lengte. Vaillant Pangio apoda 2007 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,8 cm in lengte. Britz & Maclaine Pangio atactos 2009 Een volgroeide is ≈ 5,1 cm in lengte. H. H. Tan & Kottelat Pangio bitaimac 2009 Een volgroeide is ≈ 9,5 cm in lengte. H. H. Tan & Kottelat Pangio borneensis 1894 Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,3 cm in lengte. Kottelat & Lim Pangio cuneovirgata 1957 Een rode buik en een gele rug met bruine vlekken. Een volgroeide is ≈ 6 cm in lengte. Raut Pangio doriae 1892 Een zilveren onderzijde met een donkergroene bedekking. Een volgroeide is ≈ 9 cm in lengte. Perugia Pangio elongata 2007 Een volgroeide is ≈ 4,8 cm in lengte. Britz & Maclaine Pangio filinaris 1993 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,8 cm in lengte. Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim Pangio fusca 1860 Een bruine huidskleur. Een volgroeide is ≈ 8 cm in lengte. Blyth Pangio goaensis 1972 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,1 cm in lengte. Tilak Pangio incognito 1993 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,1 cm in lengte. Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim Pangio kuhlii 1846 Een gele huidskleur bedekt met bruine vlekken op de rug. Het kleurpatroon verschilt per ondersoort.
Een volgroeide is ≈ 12 cm in lengte. Valenciennes Pangio lidi 2009 een licht- tot donkerbruine huidskleur. Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,7 cm in lengte. Hadiaty & Kottelat Pangio longimanus 2010 Britz & Kottelat Pangio longipinnis 1992 Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,2 cm in lengte. Menon, A.G.K. Pangio lumbriciformis 2007 Een volgroeide is ≈ 5,2 cm in lengte. Britz & Maclaine Pangio malayana 1956 Een volgroeide is ≈ 6 cm in lengte. Tweedie Pangio mariarum 1962 Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,5 cm in lengte. Inger & P. K. Chin Pangio muraeniformis 1933 Een volgroeide is ≈ 3,6 cm in lengte. de Beaufort Pangio myersi 1949 Een zand gekleurde huid met zwarte vlekken op de huid. Een volgroeide is ≈ 10 cm in lengte. Harry Pangio oblonga 1846 Een licht- tot donkerbruine huidskleur. Een volgroeide is ≈ 8 cm in lengte. Valenciennes Pangio pangia 1822 Het eigenlijke soort.* Een bruine huidskleur. Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,5 cm in lengte. F. Hamilton Pangio piperata 1993 Een volgroeide is ≈ 5,2 cm in lengte. Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim Pangio pulla 1993 Een volgroeide is ≈ 6,1 cm in lengte. Kottelat & K. K. P. Lim Pangio robiginosa 1957 Een volgroeide is ≈ 8 cm in lengte. Raut Pangio semicincta 1940 Fraser-Brunner Pangio shelfordii 1903 Een gele huidskleur en bruine stippeltjes aan de zij. Een volgroeide is ≈ 8 cm in lengte. Popta Pangio signicauda 2007 Een volgroeide is ≈ 4,2 cm in lengte. Popta Pangio superba 1989 Een volgroeide is ≈ 5,1 cm in lengte. T. R. Roberts

* Het eerste soort dat ontdekt is, deze krijgt dan de naam van het geslacht.
** Recentelijk ontdekt soort.


Dit is zeer lastig te zien. Meestal hebben de mannetjes grotere borstvinnen dan het vrouwtje.

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Pangio: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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* Het eerste soort dat ontdekt is, deze krijgt dan de naam van het geslacht.
** Recentelijk ontdekt soort.

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Pangio ( норвешки )

добавил wikipedia NO

Pangio er en gruppe smerlinger. I eldre litteratur går gruppen under navnet Acanthophthalmus.

De er små ferskvannsfisker med en ormeformet kropp. De fleste artene er utbredt i Indokina og på Sundaøyene vest for Wallacelinjen, men det er også fire arter i India.[1]

Den mest kjente arten er kuhliål, som er en populær akvariefisk. Det er imidlertid flere av Pangio-artene som selges under dette navnet.


Det er nå 32 anerkjente arter i slekten:[2][3]


  1. ^ a b R. Britz, A. Ali og R. Raghavan (2012). «Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka, southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae)» (PDF). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. 23 (1): 45–50. ISSN 0936-9902.
  2. ^ J. Bohlen, V. Šlechtová, H.H. Tan og R. Britz (2011). «Phylogeny of the Southeast Asian freshwater fish genus Pangio (Cypriniformes; Cobitidae)». Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 61 (3): 854–865. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 21864696. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.08.003.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
  3. ^ M. Kottelat (2012). «Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei)» (PDF). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement No. 26: 1–199. ISSN 0217-2445. Arkivert fra originalen (PDF) 11. februar 2013.
  4. ^ a b c d e f M. Kottelat og K.K.P. Lim (1993). «A review of the eel-loaches of the genus Pangio (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from the Malay Peninsula, with descriptions of six new species» (PDF). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 41 (2): 203–249. ISSN 0217-2445.
  5. ^ a b c d R. Britz og J. Maclaine (2007). «A review of the eel-loaches, genus Pangio, from Myanmar (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae)» (PDF). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. 18 (1): 17–30. ISSN 0936-9902.
  6. ^ a b H.H. Tan og M. Kottelat (2009). «The fishes of the Batang Hari drainage, Sumatra, with description of six new species» (PDF). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. 20 (1): 13–69. ISSN 0936-9902.
  7. ^ R.K. Hadiaty og M. Kottelat (2009). «Pangio lidi, a new species of loach from eastern Borneo, Indonesia (Teleostei: Cobitidae)» (PDF). Zootaxa. 2171: 65–68. ISSN 1175-5334.
  8. ^ R. Britz og M. Kottelat (2010). «Pangio longimanus, a miniature species of eel-loach from central Laos (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae)» (PDF). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. 20 (4): 371–376. ISSN 0936-9902.

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Pangio: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

добавил wikipedia NO

Pangio er en gruppe smerlinger. I eldre litteratur går gruppen under navnet Acanthophthalmus.

De er små ferskvannsfisker med en ormeformet kropp. De fleste artene er utbredt i Indokina og på Sundaøyene vest for Wallacelinjen, men det er også fire arter i India.

Den mest kjente arten er kuhliål, som er en populær akvariefisk. Det er imidlertid flere av Pangio-artene som selges under dette navnet.

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Pangio ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Pangiorodzaj ryb karpiokształtnych z rodziny piskorzowatych (Cobitidae).


Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[2]:

Gatunkiem typowym jest Cobitis cinnamomea (=P. pangia).


  1. Pangio, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (2 October 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 9 listopada 2012].
  3. a b c Nazewnictwo ryb egzotycznych. „Akwarium”. 9–10 (1–2/70), 1970 (pol.).
  4. a b c d e Stanislav Frank: Wielki atlas ryb. Przekład: Henryk Szelęgiewicz. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1974.
  5. Eugeniusz Grabda, Tomasz Heese: Polskie nazewnictwo popularne krągłouste i ryby - Cyclostomata et Pisces. Koszalin: Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska w Koszalinie, 1991.
  6. Jerzy Gronau: Słownik nazw ryb. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 1994. ISBN 83-901154-9-2.
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Pangio: Brief Summary ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Pangio – rodzaj ryb karpiokształtnych z rodziny piskorzowatych (Cobitidae).

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Pangio ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Pangio é um género de peixes dulcícolas pertencentes a família (Cobitidae). Antigamente era conhecido pelo nome de Acanthophthalmus. Um ótimo exemplo é a "cobrinha" kuhli, Pangio kuhlii, muito apreciada pelos aquaristas.

Estes peixes são mais comuns nas Ilhas Sunda, cerca de 16 espécies. Outras espécies são encontradas na Índia e Myanmar.

Em 2007, quatro novas espécies de Pangio foram descritas.


Existem atualmente 33 espécies reconhecidas neste gênero:[1]


  1. Kottelat, M. (2012): Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. No. 26: 1-199.
  2. Britz, R., Ali, A. & Raghavan, R. (2012): Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka, southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 45-50.
  • «Pangio» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov). Consultado em Apr 27, 2007 Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
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Pangio: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Pangio é um género de peixes dulcícolas pertencentes a família (Cobitidae). Antigamente era conhecido pelo nome de Acanthophthalmus. Um ótimo exemplo é a "cobrinha" kuhli, Pangio kuhlii, muito apreciada pelos aquaristas.

Estes peixes são mais comuns nas Ilhas Sunda, cerca de 16 espécies. Outras espécies são encontradas na Índia e Myanmar.

Em 2007, quatro novas espécies de Pangio foram descritas.

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Pangio ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Pangio là một chi cá nước ngọt trong họ Cobitidae. Trong những lần phân loại đầu tiên, chi này được biết tới như Acanthophthalmus. Thành viên được biết đến nhiều nhất là Cá chạch rắn kuhli, Pangio kuhlii, thường được giữ làm cá cảnh.


Hiên có 32 loài được công nhận trong chi này:[1]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Kottelat, M. (2012): Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. No. 26: 1-199.
  2. ^ Britz, R., Ali, A. & Raghavan, R. (2012): Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka, southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 45-50.
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Pangio: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Pangio là một chi cá nước ngọt trong họ Cobitidae. Trong những lần phân loại đầu tiên, chi này được biết tới như Acanthophthalmus. Thành viên được biết đến nhiều nhất là Cá chạch rắn kuhli, Pangio kuhlii, thường được giữ làm cá cảnh.

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