Clarias pseudoleiacanthus és una espècie de peix de la família dels clàrids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.
Els mascles poden assolir els 24,5 cm de llargària total.[4]
Es troba a Borneo (Indonèsia).[4]
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus és una espècie de peix de la família dels clàrids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.
Clarias peudoleiacanthus is a species of clariid catfish from Borneo. It has been described from the southern lower parts of the River Kapuas (Western Kalimantan and coastal areas near the Barito River in southern Kalimantan, Indonesia
It has been found in swampy areas along the Bornean southwest, specifically the southern mouth of the Kapuas River and coastal swamps around the Barito River; the holotype was collected in peat swamps at Satong (near Ketapang), with paratypes collected in swampy areas just around Palangkaraya, both in the Southwest areas of Borneo, despite being rather distant.[2]
Described alongside C. kapuasensis in 2003, it has been recorded to reach up to 25 cm (9.6 inches). The holotype for this specimen was about 220 mm SL (8.7 inches) from skull to caudal fin, with the 15 paratypes recorded to be ranging from around 160 to 245 mm (6.2-9.6 inches). The characters that contributed to its diagnosis are:[2]
Other characters also include:
Live coloration has been noted to be relatively black on dorsal and lateral sides of head and body, fading to a somewhat paler colour nearing the lower part of the body, with black fins and snout. Regular small white or yellow spots are also visible, distributed in both the upper and lower side of the body flanks. On the margins of the lower body section these spots are smaller and yet more numerous than spots near the lateral borders
Clarias peudoleiacanthus is a species of clariid catfish from Borneo. It has been described from the southern lower parts of the River Kapuas (Western Kalimantan and coastal areas near the Barito River in southern Kalimantan, Indonesia
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus es una especie de peces de la familia Clariidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.
• Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 24,5 cm de longitud total.[1]
Se encuentra en Borneo (Indonesia ).
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus es una especie de peces de la familia Clariidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus Clarias generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Clariidae familian sailkatzen da.
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de kieuwzakmeervallen (Clariidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2003 door Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud.
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