
Amenazas ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Factores de riesgo

Contaminación por desechos sólidos y aguas negras.

Situación actual del hábitat con respecto a las necesidades de la especie

El arroyo sufre degradación de habitat, con interrupciones de flujo de agua durante el estiaje, presencia de basureros, drenajes, aguas jabonosas, etc. (obs. pers. R. Rodiles-Hernández, 2005).
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Biología ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Historia de vida

Probablemente transcurre siempre en el arroyo.
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Comportamiento ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Son organismos muy activos, que se esconden debajo de la sombra de la vegetación.
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Conservación ( шпански; кастиљски )

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No hay programas de manejo de la especie. La única población se encuentra en la Región Hidrológica Prioritaria (RHP) 89, Río Tulijá-Altos de Chiapas (Arriaga Cabrera et al. 2000).
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Descripción ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Cuerpo relativamente alto y fuertemente comprimido; rostro con perfil plano que forma un ángulo agudo con el labio superior; labio inferior con amplias extensiones, internamente papilosas; base de la aleta anal termina bajo una vertical del borde posterior de la aleta adiposa, apófisis ventral del orbitosfenoides en forma de clava, su perfil posterior en forma de escalera en el tercio próximal y con una suave curvatura cóncava en el borde anterior (Lozano-Vilano &Contreras-Balderas 1990).

Información sobre especies similares

Astyanax aeneus (Günther) está presente en el mismo arroyo de Pénjamo, así como en el resto de Chiapas y en general en el sur de México y norte de Centroamérica, y en ocasiones presenta los mismos labios papilosos de A. armandoi (Schmitter-Soto 1998).
Según la descripción original, el perfil del rostro de A. armandoi suele ser más convexo que el de A. aeneus (o que el de A. mexicanus, la especie presente en el norte de México), los orificios nasales más redondeados, y el perfil que forma la unión de los labios es más recto, entre otras características distintivas (Lozano-Vilano &Contreras-Balderas 1990). Sin embargo, en realidad, todas las características diagnósticas de A. armandoi, incluidas no sólo las de índole merística o morfométrica, sino también las de carácter osteológico (Valdez Moreno, 1997), quedan incluidas dentro del intervalo de variación de A. aeneus. Por esta razón consideramos que la validez taxonómica de la especie es dudosa, opinión compartida con otros ictiólogos (R.R. Miller, in litt., 1993; H. Espinosa-Pérez, com. pers., 1997; Schmitter-Soto et al., in prep.).
Los labios papilosos y con extensiones carnosas son típicos en Characidae y otros peces dulceacuìcolas cuando las poblaciones viven en condiciones de baja concentración de oxígeno disuelto, pues constituyen una vía complementaria para respirar en la superficie (Winemiller 1989): son, pues, un ecofenotipo, mismo que se ha encontrado también en poblaciones de A. aeneus en Calakmul, Campeche (J.J. Schmitter-Soto, obs. pers.).
Otra especie, A. altior, es alopátrica (endémica del norte de la península de Yucatán) y presenta diferencias morfométricas (cuerpo más alto) y merísticas (menor número de radios de la aleta anal). Existen probablemente más especies del género en Oaxaca y en la costa del Pacífico de Chiapas, pero están aún indescritas, y en todo caso son alopátricas con A. armandoi.
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Distribución ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Estado de conservación ( шпански; кастиљски )

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P en peligro de extinción
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Estrategia trófica ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Al igual que las otras especies de Astyanax, probablemente sea omnívoro.
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Gestión ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Gestión de la especie

Salvo enlistarla en la NOM, al parecer no hay gestión alguna.
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Hábitat ( шпански; кастиљски )

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El arroyo donde fue recolectada esta especie mide de 2.5 a 4 m de ancho y de 0.3 a 0.4 m de profundidad. Temperatura del agua de 27ºC. Temperatura ambiental de 25 a 37 ºC. Fondo de grava con áreas de arena y lodo. Oxígeno disuelto en concentración probablemente baja (Lozano-Vilano &Contreras-Balderas 1990).


Cálido húmedo con abundantes lluvias en verano; temperatura media anual cercana a los 28°C, precipitación total anual cercana a los 3000 mm (Arriaga Cabrera et al. 2000).

Tipo de ambiente

Dulceacuícola, fluvial (arroyo).
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Relevancia de la especie ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Relevancia de la especie

Esta especie es microendémica y es la única dentro del grupo de los carácidos que presenta labios protuberantes (salvo, ocasionalmente, A. aeneus).
Coexiste con Rhamdia guatemalensis, Gambusia yucatana, Heterandria bimaculata, Poecilia mexicana, Xiphophorus helleri, X. maculatus, Archocentrus octofasciatus y Parachromis friedrichsthalii.

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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
Valdéz-Moreno, M. E.
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Reproducción ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Ovíparos, dioicos.

Proporción sexual

Una hembra por cada 1-2 machos.
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
Valdéz-Moreno, M. E.
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Tamaño ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Categoria de edad, tamaño o estadio

Talla máxima, 82 mm de longitud patrón (Lozano-Vilano &Contreras-Balderas 1990).
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
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Tendencias ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Tendencia poblacionalNo hay datos, salvo el hecho de que Lozano-Vilano &Contreras-Balderas (1990) lograron capturar 58 especímenes en dos expediciones, abundancia que no se ha alcanzado en búsquedas más recientes (R. Rodiles-Hernández, com. pers.).
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Valdéz-Moreno, M. E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Astyanax armandoi. En: Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (compilador). Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de los cíclidos mexicanos y de los peces de la frontera sur incluidos en la NOM-059. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR). Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. CK001. México, D.F.
Valdéz-Moreno, M. E.
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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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Differs from A. nasutus and A. orthodus by its distinct humeral blotch and intermediate body depth. Sides and belly silvery over pearl white merging to a greenish brown back; in preserved specimens, a gray band runs from the humeral mark to the caudal peduncle which has a jet black rhomboidal mark extending to the tip of the middle caudal rays; transparent fins with minimal dark pigment; usually first rays of anal and sometimes dorsal and caudal fins with red or yellow pigment (Ref. 36880).
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Armi G. Torres
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Biology ( англиски )

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Inhabits all types of rivers and streams, from swift water to swamps and stagnant pools (Ref. 36880). Tolerates brackish water at sea level to small mountain brooks at 1000 m elevation (Ref. 36880). Forms schools over any type of substrate (Ref. 36880). Feeds on algae, seeds, leaves, aquatic and terrestrial insects and fish fry of any species (Ref. 36880). Spawns during most of the year at some sites or seasonally in other places (Ref. 36880).
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Armi G. Torres
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Astyanax aeneus ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Astyanax aeneus és una espècie de peix de la família dels caràcids i de l'ordre dels caraciformes.



Menja algues, llavors, fulles, insectes aquàtics i terrestres, i alevins.[7]


Viu a àrees de clima tropical entre 20°C-37°C.[7]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Mèxic i Centreamèrica[8][6]


  1. Baird, S. F. & C. F. Girard 1854. Descriptions of new species of fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, and in Texas by Capt. Stewart Van Vliet, U. S. A. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v. 7: 24-29.
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. Günther, A. 1860. On new reptiles and fishes from Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1860 (pt 2): 316-319.
  4. «Astyanax aeneus». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  5. Greenfield, D.W. i J.E. Thomerson 1997. Fishes of the continental waters of Belize. University Press of Florida, Florida. 311 p.
  6. 6,0 6,1 FishBase (anglès)
  7. 7,0 7,1 Bussing, W.A. 1998. Peces de las aguas continentales de Costa Rica. 2a. ed. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica. 468 p.
  8. Greenfield, D.W. i J.E. Thomerson 1997. Fishes of the continental waters of Belize. University Press of Florida, Florida. 311 p.


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Astyanax aeneus: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Astyanax aeneus és una espècie de peix de la família dels caràcids i de l'ordre dels caraciformes.

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Astyanax aeneus ( англиски )

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Astyanax aeneus, the banded tetra, is a small species of fish native to southern Central America and northern South America. It can be found in a variety of environments, including lakes, rivers, ponds, and slightly brackish locales like lagoons. As well as a varied habitat, it has a varied omnivorous diet: algae, seeds, leaves, insects, and fish fry appear to be the most common.

The IUCN considers A. aeneus a species of least concern, given its widespread habitat and hardy nature. Various threats throughout its range appear to have little impact on overall survivability. Despite a comparatively-short reproductive period, individuals also demonstrate high fecundity, which assists in maintaining a stable population.


Astyanax aeneus has silver sides, a white belly, and a greenish-brown back. There is a black rhomboidal shape on the caudal peduncle that extends to the tips of the middle caudal rays, but the fins are mostly transparent otherwise. Occasionally, the dorsal and caudal fins will display some red or yellow coloration. Upon preservation in alcohol, a gray band develops from the humeral spot to the caudal blotch; the humeral spot itself is distinct in living and deceased specimens, and is sometimes rhomboid or P-shaped.[2] Depending on the individual, there may be the suggestion of a second spot behind the first on both sides, but this is often just an intensification of the lateral stripe located there, and is not a true second humeral spot.[3]

The snout is blunt, and the mouth opens forward (as opposed to being upturned). The eye is almost half the size of the head, and is usually wider than the snout is long. Body depth is intermediate, ranging from 34 to 39% SL in larger specimens.[4] Notable morphometric characteristics include 9–11 dorsal-fin rays, 22–31 anal-fin rays (modally 25), and 10–11 pectoral-fin rays. A. aeneus is equipped with gill rakers for feeding, and southern populations may have a higher number of rakers than northern.[5]

Sexual dimorphism

Astyanax aeneus demonstrates notable sexual dimorphism. Females are the larger sex, reaching 12.0 cm (4.7 in) standard length (SL), while males reach 7.5 cm (2.9 in) SL.[2] As well as this, there are serrations on the maxillary bones of some large males, which is a feature also seen in some congeners.[6] Furthermore, males are more common than females, with a ratio of 1.8:1 males:females.[7] Occasionally, nuptial tubercles (small fleshy extensions on the anal or pelvic fins of male specimens) may develop; these are sometimes bifid.[3]



Body weight and standard length are positively correlated with the relative fecundity of specimens; in other words, large individuals are more likely to be capable of reproduction.[7] Spawning appears to be year-round in most of its range, but can be seasonally restricted depending on the specific site.[2] No matter the case, peak reproductive activity appears to be during warm and wet periods. For instance, populations of A. aeneus in the Champotón river mate the most during the stretch from April to July, and if water quality is poor, they can respond by transferring energy from the liver to increase gamete production, allowing year-round spawning.[7]

Trophic role and bioindicator status

Astyanax aeneus is considered a keystone nutrient recycler, partially because of its varied appetite, and this specifically applies to phosphorus, which can limit the health of a given ecosystem (especially in neotropical streams like the ones it inhabits).[8] Furthermore, it is considered a good bioindicator of trace metals in the ecosystems of the Yucatán Peninsula, because of how the metals accumulate in the body.[9]

Stress levels measured by certain physiological responses to poor water conditions also make A. aeneus a good indicator of water quality in environments affected by various factors. One example is the Champotón river in southwestern Mexico, which is poorly studied but is under pressure from natural phenomena (like hurricanes) and anthropogenic hazards (like agriculture).[10] Anthropogenic hazards also include pesticides; cholinesterase activity in A. aeneus could possibly be used as a biomarker of pesticide exposure, but field research is inconclusive despite notable laboratory results.[11]


When originally named, A. aeneus was designated Tetragonopterus aeneus by Albert Günther in 1860.[12] In 1921, Carl H. Eigenmann reassigned Tetragonopterus aeneus to the genus Astyanax, which is where it currently belongs, but as a subspecies of Astyanax fasciatus, labeled Astyanax fasciatus aeneus. This is now considered an obsolete designation, and A. aeneus is recognized as its own species within Astyanax.[3]

In 1990, various specimens of A. aeneus were designated a new species, Astyanax armandoi, but the morphological characteristics said to warrant differentiation were found to be in line with standard inter- and intraspecies variation of A. aeneus, so the name Astyanax armandoi is now considered a junior synonym.[13] Further synonyms include Tetragonopterus humilis and Tetragonopterus microphthalmus, both given by Günther in 1864.[3]

Given its widespread and hardy nature, various species were once grouped together with A. aeneus before being given proper species designation. As such, A. aeneus is regarded as a cryptic species - that is, more than one species currently considered synonymous.[3] It is at the center of a species complex bearing its name.

Within Astyanax, there are three subgenera - Astyanax strictu sensu, Poecilurichthys, and Zygogaster.[14] A. aeneus belongs to the first.[3]


The word "aeneus" means "bronze" or "brazen" in Greek, referencing the brownish back. The specific epithet "aeneus" is not uncommon in taxonomy; consider Anolis aeneus, the bronze anole, or Molothrus aeneus, the bronzed cowbird. The specific reason for the genus name Astyanax is unknown, but the origin is in Homer's Iliad. Astyanax was a warrior of Troy, and was the son of famed warrior Hector. One possible reason for the allusion is the large, armor-like or shield-like scales of type species A. argentatus, which is now known as A. mexicanus.[15]


Astyanax aeneus is a widespread species. In Central America, countries include Mexico, in the rivers Papaloapan and Colima, Panama, in the rivers Cocle del Norte and Tabasara, and Honduras, in the Choluteca river. South American countries with populations of A. aeneus include El Salvador and Guatemala.[1][2] While largely freshwater, A. aeneus demonstrates no preference for one specific habitat or another. It is found in fast-flowing rivers, stagnant swamps, sizable lakes, and even the occasional brackish lagoon.[1] Whatever the case, it tends to linger in the stretch between the middle of the water column and the substrate.[4]

Because of its variable environment, A. aeneus is an adaptable species. One example of this is that the lower lip can expand to increase the surface area of the interface between water and air as a part of aquatic surface respiration (ASR) in hypoxic environments.[16] (A specific morphological variation in response to an environmental stressor is referred to as an ecophenotype.) This specific adaptation once led to the mistaken designation of a new species, A. armandoi, which has since been synonymized with A. aeneus.[13]

Astyanax aeneus has also adapted to cave environments in a similar manner to its more well-known cousin, the blind Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus). Changes include "eye and pigmentation regression, as well as modifications in brain morphology, behaviors, heart regenerative capacity, metabolic processes, and craniofacial organization" (as described by geneticist William R. Jeffery).[17] There are at least two populations of A. aeneus that are stygobitic (living solely in underground water sources, like caves or aquifers), but far more of A. mexicanus (more than 30).[18]

Diet and ecology

Astyanax aeneus is a voracious omnivore. Its diet includes algae, seeds, leaves, fruit, plant husks, insects (both aquatic and terrestrial, as well as larvae), and fish smaller than it, including fry of any species.[2] In turn, A. aeneus is sometimes a food source for human populations in rural areas, and is also subject to infestation by gill parasites from the flatworm family Monogenea; species include Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle, Characithecium costaricensis, Diaphorocleidus kabatai, Palombitrema heteroancistrium, and Urocleidoides strombicirrus.[19] In fact, Diaphorocleidus kabatai was first described from the gills of A. aeneus.[20]


If other fish in the same environment are too large to be eaten, A. aeneus can live in sympatry with them; most examples are congeners. Closely-related species Astyanax cocibolca lives syntopically with A. aeneus in Lake Nicaragua.[6] A. aeneus and Astyanax caballeroi both inhabit Lake Catemaco, Mexico.[21] (A. aeneus and A. caballeroi, while they are visually distinct and are considered separate species, have little phenotypic difference; early-stage research presents the possibility that the species are synonymous, just different morphs.)[22]

Presence and behavior in aquaria

Reportedly, A. aeneus is among the various species of Astyanax available for purchase in the aquarium trade, though their presence appears to be sparse.[23] They seem to be acceptable additions to a community aquarium, though only alongside other species that can keep up with its ravenous appetite and rambunctious nature.[24] Their active nature is a part of why they may be appealing.[25] At least one hobbyist report exists of A. aeneus being part of the exhibits in the Shedd Aquarium.[26]

Conservation status

Astyanax aeneus is considered a species of least concern by the IUCN due to its wide range and generally adaptable nature. Though its range was once wider due to accepted synonymy of species that are now considered separate, its population levels remain high and stable without signs of an imminent decrease or catastrophe.[1] This may change, given its status as a cryptic species;[3] if more speciation is revealed through study, then the range of A. aeneus may shrink as different populations are renamed entirely. However, this is unlikely.


  1. ^ a b c d Schmitter-Soto, J.; Vega-Cendejas, M.; Arroyave, J. (2019). "Astyanax aeneus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T191199A1972580. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-2.RLTS.T191199A1972580.en. Retrieved 24 February 2023.
  2. ^ a b c d e Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2023). "Astyanax aeneus" in FishBase. February 2023 version.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Schmitter-Soto, Juan J. (2017-06-26). "A revision of Astyanax (Characiformes: Characidae) in Central and North America, with the description of nine new species". Journal of Natural History. 51 (23–24): 1331–1424. doi:10.1080/00222933.2017.1324050. ISSN 0022-2933. S2CID 90642754.
  4. ^ a b "Species: Astyanax aeneus, Banded tetra, Penjamo tetra". biogeodb.stri.si.edu. Retrieved 2023-02-25.
  5. ^ "Astyanax aeneus - Plazi TreatmentBank". treatment.plazi.org. Retrieved 2023-02-25.
  6. ^ a b A. Bussing, William (2007-04-19). "Astyanax cocibolca, a new characid (Pisces: Ostariophysi) from Lake Nicaragua, Central America". Revista de Biología Tropical. 56 (3): 1361–1370. doi:10.15517/rbt.v56i3.5714. ISSN 2215-2075. PMID 19419049.
  7. ^ a b c Trujillo-Jiménez, Patricia; Jacinto Elias, Sedeño-Díaz; Julio A., Camargo; Eugenia, López-López (June 2013). "Reproductive traits and population structure of Astyanax aeneus (Characiformes: Characidae) from a subtropical river in Mexico". Revista de Biología Tropical. 61 (2). doi:10.15517/rbt.v61i2.11221. PMID 23885588. Retrieved 25 February 2023.
  8. ^ Small, Gaston E.; Pringle, Catherine M.; Pyron, Mark; Duff, John H. (February 2011). "Role of the fish Astyanax aeneus (Characidae) as a keystone nutrient recycler in low-nutrient Neotropical streams". Ecology. 92 (2): 386–397. doi:10.1890/10-0081.1. ISSN 0012-9658. PMID 21618918. Retrieved 25 February 2023.
  9. ^ Hinojosa-Garro, Demián; Osten, Jaime Rendón-von; Dzul-Caamal, Ricardo (June 2020). "Banded tetra (Astyanax aeneus) as bioindicator of trace metals in aquatic ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: Experimental biomarkers validation and wild populations biomonitoring". Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 195: 110477. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110477. PMID 32200148. S2CID 214616698. Retrieved 25 February 2023.
  10. ^ Trujillo-Jiménez, Patricia; Sedeño-Díaz, J. Elías; Camargo, J.A.; López-López, Eugenia (November 2011). "Assessing environmental conditions of the Río Champotón (México) using diverse indices and biomarkers in the fish Astyanax aeneus (Günther, 1860)". Ecological Indicators. 11 (6): 1636–1646. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.04.007.
  11. ^ S., Mena, F. Azzopardi, M. Pfennig, S. Ruepert, C. Tedengren, Michael Castillo, L. E. Gunnarsson, Jonas (2014). Use of cholinesterase activity as a biomarker of pesticide exposure used on Costa Rican banana plantations in the native tropical fish Astyanax aeneus (Gunther, 1860) (PDF). Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik. OCLC 1234737951. Archived from the original on 25 February 2023.
  12. ^ "Astyanax aeneus". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 25 February 2023.
  13. ^ a b Schmitter-Soto, J. J.; Valdez-Moreno, M. E.; Rodiles-Hernández, R.; González-Díaz, A. A. (2008-06-04). "Astyanax armandoi, a Junior Synonym of Astyanax aeneus (Teleostei: Characidae)". Copeia. 2008 (2): 409–413. doi:10.1643/CI-07-012. ISSN 0045-8511. S2CID 86795663.
  14. ^ Rossini, Bruno César; Oliveira, Carlos Alexandre Miranda; Melo, Filipe Augusto Gonçalves de; Bertaco, Vinicius de Araújo; Astarloa, Juan M. Díaz de; Rosso, Juan J.; Foresti, Fausto; Oliveira, Claudio (2016-12-19). Rétaux, Sylvie (ed.). "Highlighting Astyanax Species Diversity through DNA Barcoding". PLOS ONE. 11 (12): e0167203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167203. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 5167228. PMID 27992537.
  15. ^ Scharpf, Christopher; Lazara, Kenneth J. (29 December 2022). "Order CHARACIFORMES: Family CHARACIDAE: Subfamily STETHAPRIONINAE (a-g)". The ETYFish Project. Retrieved 17 February 2023.
  16. ^ Scarabotti, Pablo A.; López, Javier A.; Ghirardi, Romina; Parma, María Julieta (November 2011). "Morphological plasticity associated with environmental hypoxia in characiform fishes from neotropical floodplain lakes". Environmental Biology of Fishes. 92 (3): 391–402. doi:10.1007/s10641-011-9850-y. ISSN 0378-1909. S2CID 26086109.
  17. ^ Jeffery, William R. (December 2020). "Astyanax surface and cave fish morphs". EvoDevo. 11 (1): 14. doi:10.1186/s13227-020-00159-6. ISSN 2041-9139. PMC 7353729. PMID 32676179.
  18. ^ Espinasa, Luis; Legendre, Laurent; Fumey, Julien; Blin, Maryline; Rétaux, Sylvie; Espinasa, Monika (2018-07-04). "A new cave locality for Astyanax cavefish in Sierra de El Abra, Mexico". Subterranean Biology. 26: 39–53. doi:10.3897/subtbiol.26.26643. ISSN 1314-2615. S2CID 55930813.
  19. ^ Jiménez-Sánchez, Alfredo; Sánchez-Nava, Petra; Rodríguez-Romero, Felipe de Jesús; Flores-Nava, Belem (2019-10-03). "Monogéneos de Astyanax aeneus (Characidae) y Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) en la cuenca del río Ixtapan, México". Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 90 (1). doi:10.22201/ib.20078706e.2019.90.2750. ISSN 2007-8706. S2CID 208591624.
  20. ^ Mendoza-Franco, Edgar F.; Reina, Ruth G.; Torchin, Mark E. (February 2009). "Dactylogyrids (Monogenoidea) Parasitizing the Gills of Astyanax Spp. (Characidae) From Panama and Southeast Mexico, a New Species of Diaphorocleidus and a Proposal for Characithecium N. Gen". Journal of Parasitology. 95 (1): 46–55. doi:10.1645/GE-1592.1. ISSN 0022-3395. PMID 19245277. S2CID 25641505.
  21. ^ Ornelas-García, Claudia Patricia; Córdova-Tapia, Fernando; Zambrano, Luis; Bermúdez-González, María Pamela; Mercado-Silva, Norman; Mendoza-Garfias, Berenit; Bautista, Amando (15 March 2018). "Trophic specialization and morphological divergence between two sympatric species in Lake Catemaco, Mexico". Ecology and Evolution. 8 (10): 4867–4875. doi:10.1002/ece3.4042. PMC 5980260. PMID 29876065.
  22. ^ Ornelas, Patricia; Gonzalez, Elena G.; Tautz, Diethard; Doadrio, Ignacio (2020-02-07). "Lack of genetic differentiation between two sympatric species of Astyanax (Characidae:Teleostei) in Lake Catemaco, Mexico". doi:10.21203/rs.2.22839/v1. S2CID 243570137. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  23. ^ "Topic: Astyanax Aeneus And Fasciatus — Seriously Fish" (Forum post). Retrieved 2023-02-25.
  24. ^ "What other fish live alongside Firemouths?". Practical Fishkeeping. 2016-06-13. Retrieved 2023-02-25.
  25. ^ "Astyanax aeneus Experience=Awesome!" (Forum post). MonsterFishKeepers.com. 18 May 2014. Retrieved 2023-02-25.
  26. ^ "Shedd Aquarium Species List And Review [Shedd Aquarium]" (Forum post). ZooChat. 28 July 2021. Retrieved 2023-02-25.
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Astyanax aeneus: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Astyanax aeneus, the banded tetra, is a small species of fish native to southern Central America and northern South America. It can be found in a variety of environments, including lakes, rivers, ponds, and slightly brackish locales like lagoons. As well as a varied habitat, it has a varied omnivorous diet: algae, seeds, leaves, insects, and fish fry appear to be the most common.

The IUCN considers A. aeneus a species of least concern, given its widespread habitat and hardy nature. Various threats throughout its range appear to have little impact on overall survivability. Despite a comparatively-short reproductive period, individuals also demonstrate high fecundity, which assists in maintaining a stable population.

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Astyanax aeneus ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Astyanax aeneus es una especie de peces de la familia Characidae en el orden de los Characiformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 7,5 cm de longitud total y las hembras 12.[1][2]


Come algas, semillas, hojas, insectos acuáticos y terrestres, y alevines.


Vive en zonas de clima tropical entre 20°C-37°C.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentran en México y Centroamérica.


  1. Greenfield, D.W. y J.E. Thomerson 1997. Fishes of the continental waters of Belize. University Press of Florida, Florida. 311 p.
  2. "Astyanax aeneus". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en agosto de 2011. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.


  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Astyanax aeneus: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Astyanax aeneus es una especie de peces de la familia Characidae en el orden de los Characiformes.

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Astyanax aeneus ( баскиски )

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Astyanax aeneus Astyanax generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Characidae familian.



  1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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Astyanax aeneus: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Astyanax aeneus Astyanax generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Characidae familian.

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Astyanax aeneus ( холандски; фламански )

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Astyanax aeneus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van karperzalmen (Characidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1860 door Günther.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Astyanax aeneus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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Astyanax aeneus ( португалски )

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Astyanax aeneus é uma espécie da família dos caracídeos. Faz parte do gênero Astyanax (conhecidos coletivamente como lambaris) nativo do Rio Champatón no sul do México. O tamanho no qual os espécimes coletados em pesquisas no habitat nativo atingiam a maturidade sexual foi de 45,7 mm para as fêmeas e 40,8 mm para os machos.[1] É tido como uma importante espécie recicladora de matéria orgânica. Um estudo apontou a espécie como sendo 12% da população analisada de peixes e 18% da biomassa local, contudo tendo taxas de excreção de fósforo 10 vezes maior que as outras espécies abundantes e 90% de todo o fósforo reciclado por peixes.[2]

Ver também


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Astyanax aeneus: Brief Summary ( португалски )

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Astyanax aeneus é uma espécie da família dos caracídeos. Faz parte do gênero Astyanax (conhecidos coletivamente como lambaris) nativo do Rio Champatón no sul do México. O tamanho no qual os espécimes coletados em pesquisas no habitat nativo atingiam a maturidade sexual foi de 45,7 mm para as fêmeas e 40,8 mm para os machos. É tido como uma importante espécie recicladora de matéria orgânica. Um estudo apontou a espécie como sendo 12% da população analisada de peixes e 18% da biomassa local, contudo tendo taxas de excreção de fósforo 10 vezes maior que as outras espécies abundantes e 90% de todo o fósforo reciclado por peixes.

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銅色麗脂鯉 ( кинески )

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二名法 Astyanax aeneus
Günther, 1860

銅色麗脂鯉,為輻鰭魚綱脂鯉目脂鯉亞目脂鯉科的其中一個,為熱帶淡水魚,分布於中美洲墨西哥南部至巴拿馬淡水流域, 本魚背部褐綠色、腹面銀色至鉛白色,體側中央具一條灰色條紋延伸至中央尾部的鰭條,尾柄具有一墨黑色長菱形斑,體長可達7.5公分,棲息在各種型態的淡水水域,忍受鹽度變化,成群活動,屬雜食性,以藻類昆蟲植物種子葉子、小魚等為食。



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銅色麗脂鯉: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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銅色麗脂鯉,為輻鰭魚綱脂鯉目脂鯉亞目脂鯉科的其中一個,為熱帶淡水魚,分布於中美洲墨西哥南部至巴拿馬淡水流域, 本魚背部褐綠色、腹面銀色至鉛白色,體側中央具一條灰色條紋延伸至中央尾部的鰭條,尾柄具有一墨黑色長菱形斑,體長可達7.5公分,棲息在各種型態的淡水水域,忍受鹽度變化,成群活動,屬雜食性,以藻類昆蟲植物種子葉子、小魚等為食。

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