
Associations ( англиски )

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Foodplant / miner
larva of Fenella nigrita mines leaf of Agrimonia eupatoria

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Hartigia linearis feeds within stem of Agrimonia eupatoria
Other: sole host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
apothecium of Hyalopeziza millepunctata is saprobic on dead stem of Agrimonia eupatoria
Remarks: season: 5-10

Foodplant / saprobe
immersed or semi-immersed pseudothecium of Lophiostoma angustilabrum is saprobic on dead stem of Agrimonia eupatoria
Remarks: season: 2-10
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
immersed or semi-immersed pseudothecium of Lophiostoma caulium is saprobic on dead stem of Agrimonia eupatoria
Remarks: season: 1-12

Foodplant / saprobe
partly immersed pseudothecium of Lophiostoma fuckelii var. fuckelii is saprobic on dead stem of Agrimonia eupatoria
Remarks: season: 3-10

Foodplant / saprobe
usually immersed pseudothecium of Lophiostoma vagabundum is saprobic on dead stem of Agrimonia eupatoria
Remarks: season: 1-12

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
Podosphaera aphanis parasitises live Agrimonia eupatoria

Foodplant / parasite
hypophyllous, often confluent uredium of Pucciniastrum agrimoniae parasitises live leaf of Agrimonia eupatoria
Remarks: season: 7-9
Other: major host/prey

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил North American Flora
Agrimonia eupatoria L. Sp. PI. 448. 1753
Perennial, with a short rather thick rootstock; stem strict, leafy, branched above, 3-6 dm. high, angled, hirsute with usually spreading hairs; stipules semi-cordate or semi-orbicular, incised, hirsute, 1-2 cm. long; petioles and rachis of the leaves hirsute as well as finely pubescent; principal leaflets 9-13, or on the upper part of the stem 7, elliptic or lance-elliptic, 2-6 cm. long, coarsely serrate, acute at both ends, darkgreen and appressed-pubescent above, finely pubescent as well as hirsute beneath, especially on the veins, but not glandular-granuliferous, the terminal one short-petioluled, the lateral ones sessile; interposed leaflets small, often 2 or 3 pairs in each interval, entire or toothed; racemes elongate, 2-3 dm. long; peduncles hirsute; pedicels very short, in fruit recurved; sepals ovate-lanceolate, about 2 mm. long, strongly ribbed; petals goldenyellow, orbicular or oval, 4-6 mm. long; fruiting hypanthium turbinatecampanulate, about 5 mm. long, strongly and deeply grooved, with a distinct rim, hirsute; bristles in about 4 series, the inner 2-2.5 mm. long, ascending, the outer shorter and spreading.
Type locality: Europe. ,,.,-™* a
Distribution: Europe and Asia; introduced and sparingly established in Minnesota ana
библиографски навод
Per Axel Rydberg. 1913. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Agrimonia eupatoria ( англиски )

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Agrimonia eupatoria is a species of agrimony that is often referred to as common agrimony, church steeples or sticklewort.

The whole plant is dark green with numerous soft hairs. The soft hairs aid in the plant's seed pods sticking to any animal or person coming in contact with the plant. The flower spikes have a spicy odor like apricots. In the language of flowers, agrimony means thankfulness or gratitude.[1]

A. eupatoria is a foodplant for the caterpillars of the snout moth Endotricha flammealis.


Agrimonia eupatoria flower from June to September
the hooked, burr-like seed heads, helping dispersal as they attach to passing animals

Vegetative characteristics

The common agrimony grows as a deciduous, perennial herbaceous plant and reached heights of up to 100 cm (39 in). Its roots are deep rhizomes, from which spring the stems. It is characterized by its typical serrated edged pinnate leaves.[2]

Generative characteristics

The short-stemmed flowers appear from June to September, in long, spike-like, racemose inflorescences. The single flower has an urn-shaped curved flower cup, the upper edge has several rows of soft, curved hook-shaped bristles, 1–4 mm (0.039–0.157 in) long. The hermaphrodite flower has fivefold radial symmetry. There are five sepals present . There are five yellow, rounded petals.[2] The petals and the five to 20 stamens rise above the tip of the flower cup . The two medium-sized carpels in the flower cups are sunk into, but not fused with it. The fruits are achenes approximately 0.6 cm (0.2 inch) in diameter and each have a number of hooks that enable it to cling to animal fur and clothing.[3] Each achene may have one or two seeds.[4]

Agrimonia eupatoria is native to Europe and Southwestern Asia, where it grows in damp meadows, pasture, along stream banks, and among shrubs - it is also cultivated in other parts of the world for medical purposes.[4]

In folklore

Agrimony has been stated to have medical and magical properties since the time of Pliny the Elder. It is ruled astrologically by Cancer, according to Nicholas Culpeper. Common folklore held that it could cure musket wounds by being brewed into "arquebusade water,"[5][6] and ward off witchcraft.

Traditional British folklore states that if a sprig of the plant was placed under a person's head, they would sleep until it was removed.[7]


The flowers with their abundant pollen supply attract hoverflies, flies and honey bees. They also are an important food source for butterflies like the grizzled skipper.[8] The pollinated flowers develop fruits with burs. These attach to passing grazing animals such as cattle, sheep and deer and are spread over a large area.[2] Agrimony is found usually in young grasslands, less than 50 years old.[9] It is a wild host for a few insect pest species (Stigmella fragariella and Coroebus elatus) that feed on loganberries, raspberries, and strawberries in Europe.[10]


Contains volatile oils, flavonoids, apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol, tiliroside, triterpene glycosides including euscaphic acid and tormentic acid, phenolic acids, and 3%–21% tannins.[11]


  1. ^ "Agrimony Wildflowers". Archived from the original on 2013-12-26.
  2. ^ a b c Grieve, Mrs M. "Agrimony". A Modern Herbal. Botanical.com. Retrieved 2011-06-23.
  3. ^ "Agrimony | plant".
  4. ^ a b Vít Bojnanský; Agáta Fargašová (17 September 2007). Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora: The Carpathian Mountains Region. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 273–. ISBN 978-1-4020-5362-7.
  5. ^ Tobyn, Graeme; Denham, Alison; Whitelegg, Margaret (2011-01-01), Tobyn, Graeme; Denham, Alison; Whitelegg, Margaret (eds.), "CHAPTER 6 - Agrimonia eupatoria, agrimony", Medical Herbs, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 47–55, doi:10.1016/b978-0-443-10344-5.00011-2, ISBN 978-0-443-10344-5, retrieved 2022-06-23
  6. ^ Fernie, William Thomas (1895). Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure.
  7. ^ Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine: Old World and New World Traditions By Gabrielle Hatfield, p.310
  8. ^ Streitberger, Merle; Fartmann, Thomas (2013-01-01). "Molehills as important larval habitats for the grizzled skipper, Pyrgus malvae (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), in calcareous grasslands" (PDF). European Journal of Entomology. 110 (4): 643–648. doi:10.14411/eje.2013.087. ISSN 1210-5759.
  9. ^ M. Ingrouille, Historical Ecology of the British Flora, p219
  10. ^ David V Alford (27 February 2007). Pests of Fruit Crops: A Colour Handbook. CRC Press. pp. 198–. ISBN 978-1-84076-501-4.
  11. ^ Frances Watkins; Barbara Pendry; Alberto Sanchez-Medina; Olivia Corcoran (2012). "Antimicrobial assays of three native British plants used in Anglo-Saxon medicine for wound healing formulations in 10th century England Original Research Article Pages 408-415" (PDF). Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 144 (2): 225–456. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.09.031. PMID 23026307.


  • Howard, Michael. Traditional Folk remedies (Century, 1987, pp 96–97)

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Agrimonia eupatoria: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Agrimonia eupatoria is a species of agrimony that is often referred to as common agrimony, church steeples or sticklewort.

The whole plant is dark green with numerous soft hairs. The soft hairs aid in the plant's seed pods sticking to any animal or person coming in contact with the plant. The flower spikes have a spicy odor like apricots. In the language of flowers, agrimony means thankfulness or gratitude.

A. eupatoria is a foodplant for the caterpillars of the snout moth Endotricha flammealis.

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