Southern Central and Eastern Africa: Angola, W and S DR Congo, N Namibia to E South Africa and north to S Kenya excluding areas in S and N Mozambique.
Woodland, savannas, grassland
Co-operative breeder
Because southern ground hornbills live on the ground, they are more vulnerable to attacks from large predators such as leopards and crocodiles. Juvenile southern ground hornbills are the most susceptible to attacks. Southern ground hornbills do not have many anti-predator adaptions. However, they do produce loud calls by filling and releasing air from their air sacs, which can scare off potential predators. They can also give alarm calls to warn other hornbills in the area of potential threats.
Known Predators:
Southern ground hornbills are the largest birds in the hornbill family (Family Bucerotidae, reaching up to 100 cm tall. Southern ground hornbills resemble closely related northern ground hornbills, but have distinct markings. The plumage of these birds is entirely black with distinct white primary feathers. In southern ground hornbills, sexual dimorphism is evident. Males have a constinuous red coloring on their face and neck, while females have blue coloration on their throat. Northern ground hornbills differ from southern ground hornbills in that their face and neck are almost completely blue in color. Juvenile southern ground hornbills have the same feather coloration as adults, with black plumage and white primaries, however the coloring on the throat is less distinct than in adults. Both southern and northern ground hornbills differ from other hornbills in that they are well-adapted for moving and living on the ground, rather than an arboreal lifestyle. This is shown by their large beaks, head, and body, as well as their stocky legs comparative to their overall size. Another distinguishing characteristic possessed by southern ground hornbills is their inflatable throat sac. They have long eyelashes to aid in shading their eyes. There is no geographical or seasonal variation within this species, nor are there different morphs.
Average mass: 4800 g.
Average length: 100 cm.
Range wingspan: 520 to 600 cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes colored or patterned differently; male more colorful
Little is known about the lifespan of southern ground hornbills in the wild. However, in captivity, they have been reported to live approximately 70 years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 70 (high) years.
Hornbills are ground dwelling birds and rarely aboreal. Bucorvus leadbeateri mainly lives in dry climates in the savannas and grasslands of central Africa. They also have been reported in forests of eastern Africa, extending to nearly 3000 m above sea level. These habitats experience a wet and dry season though, with hornbills varying their feeding behaviors and activity levels based on seasonal availability of resources. The distribution of hornbills does not extend north beyond southern Kenya, because there the biome type changes and less suitable tropical conditions occur.
Range elevation: 3000 (high) m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; forest
Southern ground hornbills (Bucorvus leadbeateri) are restricted to sub-Saharan Africa. These birds are non-migratory, remaining in their particular habitat throughout the year. They range from southern Kenya, just south of tropical Africa in the north, to Botswana in the south, just north of South Africa. Their range extendeds east to west within this region because topography and habitat are similiar from east to west. While their range typically does not extend into South Africa, they have been spotted in Kruger National Park in northern South Africa. They also have been reported in Tarangire National Park in Tanzania.
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Southern ground hornbills are generally carnivorous birds, eating a range of terrestrial animals, including amphibians, small mammals, and some reptiles. When prey availability is severely limited, they also have been known to eat dead animals. However, the main source of food for hornbills is insects. These birds often walk around scavenging for food, often in groups. They use their large beaks to attack slightly larger prey. Their large mouths and beaks allow them to eat their prey whole, as they do not have any teeth for chewing. Southern ground hornbills also sometimes will store their food and line the food up and eat the prey they collected, one by one.
Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; reptiles; insects
Foraging Behavior: stores or caches food
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Insectivore , Scavenger )
Northern ground hornbills (Bucorvus abyssinicus), closely related to southern ground hornbills, are affected by many parasites, including chewing or bitting lice (Bucorvellus docophorus and Bucerophagus productus). They also are parasitized by the nematode Histiocephalus bucorvi and some tapeworms, including Chapmania unilateralis, Idiogenes bucorvi and Paruterina daouensis. It is likely that some of these parasites similarly affect southern ground hornbills and other members of this family.
Ecosystem Impact: creates habitat
Southern ground hornbills are common in zoos and wildlife sanctuaries in many parts of the world.
Positive Impacts: ecotourism
There are no known adverse effects of Bucorvus leadbearti on humans.
These hornbills are said to be widespread and fairly common, but declining. In 1992, the population was estimated at 1,400 mature individuals in northern South Africa. This suggests a 50% decline in population. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List, Bucorvus leadbeateri is given the conservation status of "Vulnerable". The habitat for this species is being encroached upon by humans and many hornbills are killed by humans when they enter their properties. This status may also be given to southern ground hornbills because they have a relatively restricted distribution, only found in a particular areas of Africa, which may restrict their chances for survival.
US Migratory Bird Act: no special status
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
Southern ground hornbills do not vocalize often. Vocalization typically occurs during the breeding season and help in mate selection. During this time, they make sounds that are often described as booming. They create this sound by enlarging their air sacs (filling them with air) and then releasing this air. They also make a very low booming sound when interacting with family members, which may include eight or more hornbills living together as a single family unit. There are also interactions that occur between juvenile hornbills. These birds enjoy more tactile forms of interaction, including playful fighting (in which they use their bills to attack each other) and chasing one another. Southern ground hornbills rely heavily on vision and have long eyelashes to help keep dirt and sunlight out of their eyes. They have binocular vision, allowing them to see their bills and to manipulate objects that they are holding.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic
Other Communication Modes: duets
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Mating occurs seasonally in early summer for southern ground hornbills, but not every year. Southern ground hornbills are monogamous. Attraction is based on size of the bird. Thus, there will be just one mating pair, because only the largest female and male reproduces (alpha mates). These individuals produce the offspring; the rest of the flock serves as helper birds. Male hornbills are not known to fight over females and lack any elaborate courtship displays, but males do produce mating calls when courting females.
Mating System: monogamous ; cooperative breeder
Southern ground hornbills have a copulation and nesting period that lasts from September to December. During this time, the female spends much of her time in a large cavity in or around trees and cliffs. This cavity is usually made of leaves nestled within the tree or cliff. Eggs usually hatch 37 to 43 days after copulation. Once hatched they have 86 days until fledging. There is also a three to seven day rest period between laying the eggs, so the first chick is three to seven days older than the second.
Southern ground hornbills live in social groups of about two to eight individuals, with cooperative breeding and care for the offspring. This beneficial because just two eggs are produced and usually only one will survive to the fledging stage. Often the second chick dies from malnutrition. In some areas, such as South Africa, nests have been reported to produce only one independent fledging every nine years. In the Okavango Delta of Botswana, these birds tend to breed more frequently.
Southern ground hornbills reach sexual maturity at about three years of age. At this time, the facial skin of males becomes entirely red and that of females becomes violet blue below the bill, indicating sexual maturity.
Breeding interval: Southern ground hornbills breed seasonally but not every year.
Breeding season: Nesting and copulation happens between September and December.
Range eggs per season: 1 to 3.
Range time to hatching: 37 to 43 days.
Average fledging age: 86 days.
Range time to independence: 9 (high) years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 3 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous
There is only one mating pair in each southern ground hornbill flock. The fertilized female enters the nesting area, which is prepared by the male. The nesting area is usually surrounded by leaves and protected in a tree or rock cavity. The male protects the female while she is nesting, watching for small predators that may steal their eggs. Southern hornbills show cooperative breeding. The male and other hornbills in the flock provide food for the incubating female. Once the chicks hatch, the offspring receive care from both the parents and the rest of the birds in the flock. "Helper" males usually only provide food. Approximately four weeks after hatching her first chick, the female leaves the nest. After fledging (~86 days), the chick is relatively self-sufficient, however its parents will continue to guide and provide protection for the offspring until maturity and complete independence. Investment in offspring is quite high, as some hornbills main remain dependent on their parents for as long as nine years.
Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents; inherits maternal/paternal territory
Die Suidelike bromvoël (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is 'n voël wat aan die genus van bromvoëls (Bucorvus) en die familie Bucorvidae behoort. Hulle is groot swart voëls wat hoofsaaklik in Afrika suid van die Sahara voorkom. Bromvoëls is omnivore, maar eet oor die algemeen dierlike voedsel, soos voëltjies, reptiele, amfibieë en insekte. Die voël is 'n skaars standvoël en nomade in savanne, boomveld en grasveld met aangrensende woud.
Die voël is 90 tot 130 cm groot en weeg 2.5 tot 6 kilogram. Dit is 'n baie groot neushoringvoël met 'n lang, krom snawel en die gesig en keel is opvallende rooi. Die hoofslagvere is wit en opvallend in vlug. Die volwasse wyfie het 'n klein violetblou keelvlek en uitgebreide rooi keelsakke. Die jong voël is roetbruin met 'n dofgelerige gesig en keel.
Hierdie voël se verspreidingsgebied en getalle het in die 20ste eeu met ongeveer twee derdes afgeneem en word nou hoofsaaklik tot groot reservate beperk.
Bromvoël in die Krugerwildtuin
Die Suidelike bromvoël (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is 'n voël wat aan die genus van bromvoëls (Bucorvus) en die familie Bucorvidae behoort. Hulle is groot swart voëls wat hoofsaaklik in Afrika suid van die Sahara voorkom. Bromvoëls is omnivore, maar eet oor die algemeen dierlike voedsel, soos voëltjies, reptiele, amfibieë en insekte. Die voël is 'n skaars standvoël en nomade in savanne, boomveld en grasveld met aangrensende woud.
Bucorvus leadbeateri[1] a zo ur spesad evned bras eus ar c'herentiad Bucorvidae.
Anvet e voe Buceros Leadbeateri (kentanv) da gentañ-penn (e 1825) gant al loenoniour iwerzhonat Nicholas Aylward Vigors (1785-1840) da zougen bri d'ar skiantour breizhveuriat Benjamin Leadbeater (1760-1837).
Bevañ a ra diwar amprevaned, melc'hwed-krogennek, raned, stlejviled ha gouest eo da zebriñ bronneged ken bras ar ment anezhe ha hini gedon.
Kavout a reer ar spesad e savanennoù kreisteiz ha reter Afrika[2].
a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.
Bucorvus leadbeateri a zo ur spesad evned bras eus ar c'herentiad Bucorvidae.
Anvet e voe Buceros Leadbeateri (kentanv) da gentañ-penn (e 1825) gant al loenoniour iwerzhonat Nicholas Aylward Vigors (1785-1840) da zougen bri d'ar skiantour breizhveuriat Benjamin Leadbeater (1760-1837).
El calau terrestre meridional (Bucorvus leadbeateri) és un ocell de la família dels bucòrvids (Bucorvidae) que habita boscos poc densos, sabanes i estepes d'Àfrica Meridional, des de Ruanda i Burundi, sud de la República Democràtica del Congo, Angola i sud de Kenya, cap al sud, pel nord de Namíbia i de Botswana, Tanzània, Zàmbia, Malawi i sud de Moçambic fins a l'est de Sud-àfrica.
El calau terrestre meridional (Bucorvus leadbeateri) és un ocell de la família dels bucòrvids (Bucorvidae) que habita boscos poc densos, sabanes i estepes d'Àfrica Meridional, des de Ruanda i Burundi, sud de la República Democràtica del Congo, Angola i sud de Kenya, cap al sud, pel nord de Namíbia i de Botswana, Tanzània, Zàmbia, Malawi i sud de Moçambic fins a l'est de Sud-àfrica.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Cornbig daear y De (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: cornbigau daear y De) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Bucorvus cafer; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Southern ground hornbill. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cornbigau (Lladin: Bucerotidae) sydd yn urdd y Coraciiformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn B. cafer, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Affrica.
Mae'r cornbig daear y De yn perthyn i deulu'r Cornbigau (Lladin: Bucerotidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cornbig brith Tockus fasciatus Cornbig brith Asia Anthracoceros albirostris Cornbig llwyd India Ocyceros birostris Cornbig Mawr Brith Buceros bicornis Cornbig pigfelyn Tockus flavirostris Cornbig Swlw Anthracoceros montani Cornbig tywyll Anorrhinus galeritus Cornbig von der Decken Tockus deckeniAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Cornbig daear y De (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: cornbigau daear y De) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Bucorvus cafer; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Southern ground hornbill. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cornbigau (Lladin: Bucerotidae) sydd yn urdd y Coraciiformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn B. cafer, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Affrica.
Zoborožec kaferský (Bucorvus leadbeateri) je velký africký pták.
Společně s blízce příbuzným zoborožcem havraním je největším žijícím zoborožcem. Dorůstá 90 – 129 cm, váží 2,2 – 6,2 kg a v rozpětí křídel měří 520 – 600 mm; samci jsou přitom značně větší než samice. Je celý černý, má velký zahnutý zobák a bílé konce křídel, které jsou v letu jeho spolehlivou charakteristickou. Obě pohlaví se liší nejen ve velikosti, ale také ve zbarvení. Samec má jasně červeně zbarvenou kůži na hlavě a hrdle, samice má na červeně zbarveném hrdle navíc tmavě modré a mladí ptáci pro změnu žluté zbarvení.
Zoborožec kaferský se vyskytuje na rozsáhlém území afrického kontinentu v rozmezí od severní Namibie a Angoly až po sever Jihoafrické republiky, Burundi a Keňu. Žije v savanách a na suchých, travnatých otevřených pláních. V Červeném seznamu ohrožených druhů je označen za zranitelný druh a většina jedinců dnes přežívá pod pevnou ochranou v afrických přírodních rezervacích a v národních parcích.
Zoborožec kaferský se zdržuje převážně na zemi. Žije v menších, obvykle 5 – 10 členných skupinách vedených jedním dominantním párem. Skupina si hájí území velké přibližně a aktivně z něj vyhánějí zoborožce z jiných skupin. Je všežravý, v jeho potravě však převládá masná strava. Nejčastěji loví především plazy, hlemýždě a hmyz, dokáže však ulovit i mnohem větší živočichy až do velikosti zajíce.
Do stromové dutiny klade 1 – 3 vejce, na kterých sedí výhradně samice po dobu 37 – 43 dní. Mláďata jsou na rodičích závislá poměrně dlouhé období a plně se osamostatňují až po 6 – 12 měsících života.
Zoborožec kaferský je chován přibližně v 90 evropských zoo.[2]
V rámci Česka se jedná o (stav ke konci roku 2017)[3]:
Dříve byl zoborožec kaferský chován také v Zoo Plzeň a Zoo Ústí nad Labem.
Na Slovensku je k vidění v Zoo Bojnice a Zoo Košice.[2]
První jedinci tohoto druhu byli chováni v Zoo Praha již v 50. letech 20. století. Po takřka třicetileté pauze byl chov obnoven v roce 1984. První odchov se podařil až o deset let později.[4] Mládě narozené 20. května bylo odchováno uměle a stalo se vůbec prvním evropským odchovem u tohoto afrického druhu.[5][6] V roce 1995 se podařil další odchov, tentokrát již přirozený, byť se rodičovský pár mohl spolehnout na pomoc chovatelů.[5] Sameček dostal jméno Vendelín a stal se otcem mnoha dalších mláďat, díky čemuž patří Zoo Praha ke špičce v chovu zoborožců kaferských.[4]
Na Štědrý den roku 2011 se vylíhlo v pořadí již 18. mládě tohoto druhu v Zoo Praha.
Zoborožci kaferští byli dříve chováni v místech dnešního Údolí slonů (horní část zoo). V současnosti obývají lagunu v Ptačích mokřadech v dolní části zoo.[4]
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Southern Ground-hornbill na anglické Wikipedii.
Der Südliche Hornrabe (Bucorvus leadbeateri, Syn.: Bucorvus cafer), manchmal auch als Rotwangenhornrabe, Südhornrabe oder Kaffernhornrabe bezeichnet, ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Hornraben (Bucorvidae) und ein Charaktervogel der afrikanischen Savannen südlich des Äquators. Der Südliche Hornrabe und seine Schwesterart, der Nördliche Hornrabe (Bucorvus abyssinicus) oder Sudanhornrabe, sind die einzigen Vertreter der Familie Hornraben. Mit seinem großen Schnabel, dem schwarzen Gefieder und der rötlichen Färbung der unbefiederten Gesichts- und Halspartien ist dieser Vogel eindeutig zu identifizieren.
Der Südliche Hornrabe hat eine Körperlänge von 90 bis 100 Zentimeter und eine Flügelspannweite von fast zwei Metern. Das Gewicht der Vögel ist sehr variabel. Ausgewachsene Männchen wiegen zwischen 3,5 und 6,2 Kilogramm mit einem Durchschnittsgewicht von 4,1 Kilogramm. Weibchen sind etwas leichter und wiegen zwischen 2,2 und 4,6 Kilogramm mit einem Durchschnittsgewicht von 3,3 Kilogramm.[1]
Die hohe Variabilität des Körpergewichtes spiegelt sich auch in den Körpermaßen wider. Männchen haben eine Flügellänge zwischen 47 und knapp 62 Zentimeter. Der Durchschnitt liegt bei etwa 56 Zentimeter. Der Schwanz hat eine Länge von 30 bis 36 Zentimeter und der Schnabel ist zwischen 19 und 22 Zentimeter lang.
Bei Weibchen betrug die Flügellänge bei 10 vermessenen Vögeln zwischen 49 und 55 Zentimeter. Der Schwanz hatte eine Länge von 30 bis 36 Zentimeter und der Schnabel eine Länge zwischen 17 und 21,5 Zentimeter.[1]
Der Südliche Hornrabe weist ein überwiegend schwarzes Gefieder auf. Lediglich kurz vor der Mauser wirkt das Gefieder rußig-braun. Vom Gefieder sind lediglich die Handschwingen weiß, was aber in der Regel nur an fliegenden oder sich putzenden Vögeln zu beobachten ist. Die ungefiederten Gesichtspartien sind leuchtend rot. Von gleicher roter Farbe ist die Kehle und der obere, vordere Teil des Nackens. Der Schnabel ist schwarz oder grauschwarz. Er hat lediglich an der Basis ein angedeutetes Horn in Form einer Schnabelerhebung. Beim Männchen ist dieser Aufsatz etwas stärker ausgeprägt.
Am Oberlid haben die Vögel lange Wimpern, die Augen sind grau-grün bis gelb. Beine und Füße sind schwarz. Weibchen sind tendenziell etwas kleiner als die Männchen und besitzen einen zentralen blauen Kehlfleck. Das Gefieder der insgesamt kleineren und leichteren Jungvögel wirkt rußig-schwarz. Auf den Handschwingen, die bei adulten Vögeln reinweiß sind, haben Jungvögel schwarze Flecken. Der Schnabel ist kleiner und seine Färbung ist eher ein dunkles grau. Am eindeutigsten sind Jungvögel an der Färbung der ungefiederten Gesichts- und Halspartien zu identifizieren. Bei ihnen ist die Farbe dort noch ein blasses Graubraun.
Der Südliche Hornrabe kann eigentlich nur mit dem Nördlichen Hornraben (Sudanhornraben) verwechselt werden, dessen Verbreitungsgebiet sich im Südosten Ugandas und im Nordwesten Kenias anschließt.
Der Nördliche Hornrabe ähnelt insgesamt dem Südlichen Hornraben sehr. Die beiden Arten unterscheiden sich allerdings auffallend in der Gesichtsfärbung. Die unbefiederten Partien im Gesicht und am Hals sind beim Nördlichen Hornraben von einer eher bläulichen Färbung.
Die Rufe des Südlichen Hornrabens sind vor allem in der Morgen- und Abenddämmerung zu hören. Es handelt sich dabei um tiefe, weit schallende „Hoo Hoo Hoo-hoo“-Rufe, die in monotoner Folge in einer Tonhöhe von 200 Hz gerufen werden und an windstillen Tagen bis zu fünf Kilometer weit gehört werden können.[1] Es rufen sowohl die Männchen als auch die Weibchen.
Sind sie paarweise in der Steppe auf Nahrungssuche, rufen sie streng abwechselnd. Vermutlich schätzen die Tiere mithilfe der durch die Laufzeit des Schalls bedingten Rufgeschwindigkeit die Entfernung zum Partner ab, wenn sie diesen im hohen Gras der Steppe nicht sehen können.
Der Südliche Hornrabe lebt in Afrika südlich des Äquators. Er findet sich bevorzugt in offenen Savannenlandschaften.
Südliche Hornraben sind standorttreu. Sie leben in Gruppen von 2 bis 12 Vögeln, wobei sie ein Territorium von bis zu 100 km² beanspruchen, das sie aktiv gegen andere Gruppen verteidigen. Eine Gruppe besteht aus einem dominanten, brütenden Paar und einer Anzahl weiterer erwachsener männlicher Vögel und Jungvögeln unterschiedlichen Geschlechts. Erwachsene Weibchen leben manchmal einzeln, wobei sie häufig die Nähe zu größeren Säugetieren suchen, oder schließen sich benachbarten Gruppen an. Die Vögel sind ständig auf Nahrungssuche, wobei sie langsam über die Erde schreiten und den Boden mit dem Schnabel untersuchen. Schwerer zu erlegende Beute wie Schlangen oder kleine Säugetiere werden von mehreren Tieren gemeinsam erlegt.
Der Südliche Hornrabe sucht seine Nahrung fast ausschließlich auf dem Boden. Er ernährt sich bevorzugt von großen Insekten, kleinen Nagern und kleinen Schlangen und in geringen Mengen von Früchten. Selten ernährt er sich von Aas.
Südliche Hornraben bauen ihre Nester in natürlichen Baumhöhlen. Sie werden vom brütenden Paar und Helfern errichtet und mit trockenem Gras und Blättern ausgefüttert. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Nashornvögeln verschließen sie ihre Nester nicht. Die Brutzeit ist von Oktober bis Dezember. Das Weibchen wird während des Brütens von den Gruppenmitgliedern versorgt. Die Eier sind weiß mit einer körnigen Oberfläche. Aus den beiden Eiern, die das Weibchen legt, schlüpft nach etwa 40 Tagen das erste Küken mit einem Geburtsgewicht von 60 Gramm. Dieses wiegt bereits 250 Gramm, wenn nach etwa vier Tagen das Zweite schlüpft. Das zweite Küken verhungert oft, da es im Kampf um die Nahrung dem Erstgeborenen unterlegen ist. Die Gruppe füttert die Küken bis zu zehnmal am Tag. Nach ungefähr 85 Tagen sind die Küken flügge, werden aber von den Eltern und der Gruppe noch für einige Monate versorgt. Südliche Hornraben werden bis zu vierzig Jahre alt, Tiere in Gefangenschaft können ein Alter von 60 Jahren erreichen.
Der Südliche Hornrabe zählt zu den Hornraben. Einziger weiterer Vertreter der Familie ist der Sudanhornrabe (Bucorvus abyssinicus).
Der Bestand ist rückläufig, insbesondere wegen der Zerstörung des natürlichen Habitats der Vögel. In Südafrika werden in Naturschutzprojekten die zweiten Eier eingesammelt und die Küken, die sonst meist verhungern würden, von Menschen aufgezogen, um sie anschließend auszuwildern. Die Südlichen Hornraben sind derzeit dennoch als gefährdet eingestuft (Vulnerable in der Roten Liste der IUCN).[2]
Hornraben gelten in vielen Gegenden des südlichen Afrika als heilige Vögel. Da sie unter anderem Schlangen und Heuschrecken verzehren, werden sie als nützliche Tiere angesehen und wenig bejagt.
Der Südliche Hornrabe taucht in der Literatur nur recht selten auf. Verwendet wurde er als Titelbild des im O’Reilly Verlag erschienenen Buches Using Samba.
Der Südliche Hornrabe (Bucorvus leadbeateri, Syn.: Bucorvus cafer), manchmal auch als Rotwangenhornrabe, Südhornrabe oder Kaffernhornrabe bezeichnet, ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Hornraben (Bucorvidae) und ein Charaktervogel der afrikanischen Savannen südlich des Äquators. Der Südliche Hornrabe und seine Schwesterart, der Nördliche Hornrabe (Bucorvus abyssinicus) oder Sudanhornrabe, sind die einzigen Vertreter der Familie Hornraben. Mit seinem großen Schnabel, dem schwarzen Gefieder und der rötlichen Färbung der unbefiederten Gesichts- und Halspartien ist dieser Vogel eindeutig zu identifizieren.
The southern ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri; formerly known as Bucorvus cafer) is one of two species of ground hornbill, both of which are found solely within Africa, and is the largest species in the hornbill order worldwide. It can be found in the southern regions of Africa, ranging from Kenya to South Africa.[2] Within these regions, they inhabit both woodlands and savannas.[3] The other species of the genus Bucorvus is the Abyssinian ground hornbill, B. abyssinicus.
Southern ground hornbills are carnivorous and hunt mostly on the ground. Their food ranges from insects to small animals.[3] Their nests are often found in high tree cavities or other shallow cavities, such as rock holes in cliff faces.[4] These birds are a long-lived species, having lifespans in the range of 50–60 years, and up to 70 in captivity.[3] In relation to their long lives, they do not reach sexual maturity until 4–6 years old, and begin breeding around 10 years old.[5] Their sex can be identified by the color of their throats: the male's is pure red and the female's is a deep violet-blue.[3]
Southern ground hornbills are a culturally pervasive and important species in southern Africa. Kruger National Park, located within South Africa, lists southern ground hornbills as one of their ‘Big Six’ bird species.[6] However, their numbers have been declining, due in part to persecution, habitat destruction, cultural beliefs, and other factors. They are listed globally as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN as of 2018, and as ‘Endangered’ in South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini.[7][8]
This is a large bird, at 90 to 129 cm (2 ft 11 in to 4 ft 3 in) long. Females weigh 2.2 to 4.6 kilograms (4.9 to 10.1 lb), while the larger males weigh 3.5 to 6.2 kilograms (7.7 to 13.7 lb). The average weight of eight females was 3.34 kg (7.4 lb) whilst that of eight males was 4.2 kg (9.3 lb); thus they average around 35% percent heavier than any Asian hornbill species.[9] Wingspan is from 1.2 to 1.8 m (3 ft 11 in to 5 ft 11 in).[10] The wing chord is 49.5 to 61.8 cm (19.5 to 24.3 in), the tail from 29 to 36 cm (11 to 14 in), the tarsus from 13 to 15.5 cm (5.1 to 6.1 in) and the culmen from 16.8 to 22.1 cm (6.6 to 8.7 in).[11] Stevenson and Fanshawe report that the Abyssinian ground hornbill is the larger species on average, at 110 cm (43 in), than the southern species, at 102 cm (40 in), but published maximum weights and standard measurements indicate the southern species is slightly larger.[12][13][14] Average weights are not known for the Abyssinian species.[9]
The southern ground hornbill black with vivid red patches of bare skin on the face and throat (yellow in juvenile birds), which are believed to keep dust out of the birds' eyes while they forage during the dry season. The white tips of the wings (primary feathers) seen in flight are another diagnostic characteristic. The beak is black and slightly curved and presents a casque, more developed in males. Female southern ground hornbills are smaller and have violet-blue skin on their throats. Juveniles to six years old lack the prominent red pouch, having a duller patch of grey in its place.
Southern ground hornbills can be found from northern Namibia and Angola to northern South Africa and southern Zimbabwe to Burundi and Kenya. They require a savanna habitat with large trees for nesting and dense but short grass for foraging.[15]
The southern ground hornbill is a vulnerable species, mainly confined to national reserves and national parks. They live in groups of 5 to 10 individuals including adults and juveniles. Often, neighbouring groups engage in aerial pursuits. These birds are apex predator and thus ecologically important.[16] They forage on the ground, where they feed on reptiles, frogs, snails, insects and mammals up to the size of hares.[17] Southern ground hornbills rarely drink.[18] Their range is limited at its western end by the lack of trees in which to build nests.
Southern ground hornbill groups are very vocal: contact is made by calls in chorus which can usually be heard at distances of up to 3 kilometres (1.86 mi).[19] The calls allow each group to maintain its territory, which must be as large as 100 square kilometres (40 sq mi) even in the best habitat.[19]
The southern ground hornbill is an obligate cooperative breeder, with each breeding pair always assisted by at least two other birds. Experiments in captivity[20] have found that birds without six years experience as helpers at the nest are unable to breed successfully if they do become breeders. This suggests that unaided pairs cannot rear young and that the skill gained in helping as a juvenile is essential for rearing young as an adult.
In captivity, a maximum lifespan of 70 years is recorded,[21] and it is generally believed that the life expectancy of a bird that survives long enough to fledge is as high as thirty years or more,[22] which is comparable to that of more famously long-lived birds like the wandering albatross.
Ground hornbills are believed to reach maturity at six to seven years, but very few breed at this age.[22] Nests are almost always deep hollows in very old trees, though there exist reports ground hornbills have on occasions nested on rock faces.[17] One to three eggs are laid at the beginning of the wet season, but siblicide ensures that only one nestling is ever fledged. The eggs measure 73 millimetres (2.87 in) by 56 millimetres (2.20 in) and are pure white in colour but very rough in texture.[17]
After a 40 to 45-day incubation period and an 85-day fledging period, the young remain dependent on their parents and helpers for between one and two years depending on climatic conditions,[22] longer than any other bird. This means that ground hornbills can normally breed successfully only every third year. Triennial breeding is rare in birds: probably the only other example is the ornate hawk-eagle of Neotropical rainforests.[23]
The southern ground hornbill is classed as vulnerable to extinction globally; however, in South Africa, where most studies on the species have been carried out, it is listed as endangered.[24] They have also been classified as endangered in Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland.[7][25] Southern ground hornbills in these countries, along with Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique, require conservation interventions to help increase their numbers.[5] The bird's classification as endangered is heavily tied to its slow reproductive rates. Habitat loss, changes due to the agriculture, deforestation, electrocution from power lines, accidental poisoning, and persecution are the major factors that affect their populations.[26][27][28][29]
Persecution and hunting of the southern ground hornbill by human populations have continued to be complex issues. Recent studies have found the species has been hunted more than previously believed, including in protected areas.[30][31] The majority of this hunting has likely been opportunistic.[32] Overall, hunting is likely not a key driver for their lowering numbers.[33][31] However, it is still a factor of which to be aware when considering conservation efforts, especially because of their low reproductive rates and an incomplete knowledge about local hunting habits in their natural regions.[32][33] Furthermore, the southern ground hornbill faces persecution due to behaviors like destroying windows in response to seeing its reflection. Annoyed homeowners in urban areas in South Africa have been known to kill birds that destroy property.[26]
The role of southern ground hornbills in a variety of cultural beliefs also influence conservation efforts. Some of these beliefs benefit their preservation. An example is the Ndebele, who believe killing southern ground hornbills is taboo due to their negative associations.[28][29][31] However, the birds are also used in traditional cultural practices and medicines which can be harmful. In some marketplaces and cultures, southern ground hornbills are used in traditional medicines, which often rely upon harvesting specific parts of the bird.[5][27][31] To date, research suggests that cultural uses do not have a significant impact on their populations.[31][32] For example, the Ndebele healers use the bird for traditional medicine, but must follow a strict ritual process that could take months or years to prepare.[31] Additional research documents plant alternatives to southern ground hornbill use for cultural belief uses.[27] While investigation into traditional medicine trade of the southern ground hornbill has occurred, the bushmeat trade remains poorly understood, and it has only been seen to occur in areas of Malawi.[33][31]
This bird species is especially threatened by the loss of trees and general habitat loss, as they require vast amounts of space for their territories.[26][33] The removal of large trees for agriculture or wood harvesting, disturbances near nesting grounds, agricultural changes, all deeply affect the ability of southern ground hornbills to flourish.[5][26][28][34][35] Due to the encroachment of human populations, it is not unheard of to see a group's territory encompass a variety of areas, from pristine habitats to commercial agricultural lands.[26]
Southern ground hornbills can have clutches ranging from one to three eggs, but only one of these are raised. With only one egg being raised, conservationists have taken it as an opportunity to raise the remaining eggs in captivity.[36] Rehabilitation projects, such the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project, have been hand-rearing these extra chicks with the goal of reintroducing them to the wild,[36] although reintroducing this species has proven challenging.[37]
The southern ground hornbill's loud voice and large size have made it a focal point in many traditional African cultures. They have inspired a variety of cultural beliefs throughout many peoples that are within its broad historical range. However, the extent of these beliefs and whether they will persist into the future are uncertain, especially due to the modernization of Africa.[33]
In several cultures, the southern ground hornbill is associated with death and unluckiness. Broadly speaking, some view them as a sign, or bringer, of death, destruction, loss, and deprivation.[5] These beliefs have been most prevalent in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Malawi and are spread across many countries and peoples. Some residents of Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique associate the bird as "[an] unlucky and an aggressive bird associated with evil and death."[5] Some in Tanzania also believe it to host angry spirits.[38] Others in Zimbabwe believe it can bring misfortune and should not be approached.[39] This has led to a range of reactions to the southern ground hornbill, from avoidance to killing.
For example, the Taveta people have a cultural belief that killing a southern ground will bring a fatal illness upon anyone who does so.[31] For the Ndebele people, killing them is considered taboo and will bring death upon the killer.[31][29] Furthermore, the Ndebele believe an elderly person will die if a southern ground hornbill comes near the home.[29] The AmaXhosa people also have a taboo against killing them, as they may be messengers of death sent by a witch-doctor.[40]
The southern ground hornbill is well known for its associations with rain, drought, lightning and general weather forecasts.[5][36] It is believed by some, such as the Ndebele and those who live in coastal Tanzania, that its early morning calls are a sign of rain.[29][41] Cultures such as the AmaXhosa believe the southern ground hornbill can be used to bring rain and end droughts.[40]
This association has led the southern ground hornbill to be attributed with the ability to provide protection from weather-related problems. It is believed that if the proper traditional ritual is used, the bird can protect against lightning and drought.[5][27] Rituals differ per culture and necessity for protection, as such a variety of parts may be needed from the bird, and may also involve dancing and singing.[5][27] This particular usage has been seen within areas of South Africa and Mozambique.[5]
Due to their association with rain and drought, some cultures rely upon the southern ground hornbill as a timekeeper as well.[5] They can mark both seasonal and daily changes, such as a change from the wet to dry season.[5] Slight variations are found country to country. In Malawi, some believe that sightings of southern ground hornbills means the fields should be prepared.[5] Some in Kenya and Tanzania use the bird as a marker for the dry season and thus time when to move cattle.[5] Within areas of South Africa, their calls are associated with the start of the rainy season.[5][41] These beliefs generally do not carry harmful consequences for southern ground hornbills, but killing, displacing, or otherwise using them to end or start rainy seasons has been reported.[5][27] Those that claim to rely upon it for determining the weather have blamed climate change for confused predictions, claiming it affects the hornbill's ability to call out at the traditional time.[41]
Possibly influenced by the southern ground hornbill ability to spot and hunt small creatures within tall grass, it has been associated with the ability to alter human perceptions.[5][27] Though traditional rituals, the bird can be called on to improve or change a human's ability to alter reality, create illusions, and expand awareness.[5] In Zimbabwe, Malawi and South Africa the bird can be used in attempts to improve a human's ability to find food, creatures and even enemies.[5][27] Furthermore, it's believed by some that the southern ground hornbill can be used to alter the perceptions of oneself. Thus, it has lent itself to be used in rituals to provide authority for leaders in certain cultures.[5][27]
Other cultural uses or beliefs include ridding one of bad or evil spirits,[5][31] taking revenge on others or instigating fights,[31] empowering a person,[31] and causing dreams to become reality.[31]
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) The southern ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri; formerly known as Bucorvus cafer) is one of two species of ground hornbill, both of which are found solely within Africa, and is the largest species in the hornbill order worldwide. It can be found in the southern regions of Africa, ranging from Kenya to South Africa. Within these regions, they inhabit both woodlands and savannas. The other species of the genus Bucorvus is the Abyssinian ground hornbill, B. abyssinicus.
Southern ground hornbills are carnivorous and hunt mostly on the ground. Their food ranges from insects to small animals. Their nests are often found in high tree cavities or other shallow cavities, such as rock holes in cliff faces. These birds are a long-lived species, having lifespans in the range of 50–60 years, and up to 70 in captivity. In relation to their long lives, they do not reach sexual maturity until 4–6 years old, and begin breeding around 10 years old. Their sex can be identified by the color of their throats: the male's is pure red and the female's is a deep violet-blue.
Southern ground hornbills are a culturally pervasive and important species in southern Africa. Kruger National Park, located within South Africa, lists southern ground hornbills as one of their ‘Big Six’ bird species. However, their numbers have been declining, due in part to persecution, habitat destruction, cultural beliefs, and other factors. They are listed globally as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN as of 2018, and as ‘Endangered’ in South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini.
El cálao terrestre sureño (Bucorvus leadbeateri)[2] es una especie de ave bucerotiformes de la familia Bucorvidae propia del África subsahariana (desde Kenia y Tanzania hasta Angola y hacia el sur hasta Sudáfrica), de la cual no se reconocen subespecies.[3][4]
De un metro de longitud, posee un pico de 38-50 cm. Vive en pequeños grupos familiares compuestos por un macho y una hembra con sus crías que, al crecer, abandonan a sus padres.
El cálao terrestre sureño (Bucorvus leadbeateri) es una especie de ave bucerotiformes de la familia Bucorvidae propia del África subsahariana (desde Kenia y Tanzania hasta Angola y hacia el sur hasta Sudáfrica), de la cual no se reconocen subespecies.
Bucorvus leadbeateri Bucorvus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Bucorvidae familian sailkatua dago.
Bucorvus leadbeateri Bucorvus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Bucorvidae familian sailkatua dago.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekas (Bucorvus leadbeateri) on sarvekkaiden heimoon kuuluva lintu sekä suurin sarvekas. Se liikkuu lähes yksinomaan maassa.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekas on suuri lintu, se kasvaa pituudeltaan 90–130 cm pitkäksi. Koiras painaa 3,5–6,2 kg ja naaras painaa 2,2–4,6 kg. Koiras on naarasta suurempi. Höyhenpuku on lähes kaikkialta musta. Siipien kärkien suuret sulat ovat valkoisia. Silmien ympärystö ja kurkun alue ovat paljaita. Ne ovat punaisia, mutta naarailla punaisessa nahassa on sinisiä alueita.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekasta tavataan päiväntasaajan eteläpuolisessa Afrikassa.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekkaat elävät metsäisillä mailla, savanneilla ja ruohikkoisilla alueilla. Niitä on tavattu korkeimmillaan kolmen kilometrin korkeudessa.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekkaat ovat lihansyöjiä. Ne pyydystävät lähes jatkuvasti pieniä eläimiä, kuten hyönteisiä, heinäsirkkoja, kovakuoriaisia, skorpioneja ja termiittejä. Kuivan kauden aikana ne syövät etanoita, sammakoita ja konnia. Joskus etelänkalkkunasarvekkaat syövät suurempia saaliita kuten käärmeitä, liskoja, rottia, jäniksiä, oravia ja kilpikonnia. Ne saattavat syödä myös haaskoja, hedelmiä ja siemeniä.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekkaat orsivat puissa. Ne elävät enintään kahdeksan linnun ryhmissä. Alue voi olla 100 km²:n kokoinen.
Pesät ovat reikiä puissa tai kalliojyrkänteellä. Ne on vuorattu kuivilla lehdillä. Sisäänkäyntiä ei ole muurattu kiinni kuten sarvinokilla. Naarat munivat 1–3 munaa, joita ne hautovat 37–43 päivää. Poikaset ovat aluksi vaaleanpunaisia, mutta ne muuttuvat mustiksi kolmen päivän kuluessa. Nuoret linnut varttuvat lentokykyisiksi noin 85 päivässä. Ne saavuttavat sukukypsyyden neljän–kuuden vuoden iässä.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekas luokitellaan vaarantuneeksi lajiksi. Syynä tähän on sopivien elinympäristöjen nopea väheneminen eteläisessä Afrikassa.
Etelänkalkkunasarvekas (Bucorvus leadbeateri) on sarvekkaiden heimoon kuuluva lintu sekä suurin sarvekas. Se liikkuu lähes yksinomaan maassa.
Bucorvus leadbeateri
Le bucorve du Sud (Bucorvus leadbeateri) est une espèce d'oiseau d'Afrique appartenant à la famille des Bucorvidae. On le connaît également sous le nom de calao caffre.
C'est un grand oiseau, de 90 à 129 cm de long et pesant de 2,2 à 6,2 kg, le mâle étant considérablement plus grand que la femelle. Il se caractérise par son plumage noir et les vives taches rouges de la peau nue sur le visage et la gorge (en jaune sur les jeunes). Les pointes blanches des ailes (rémiges primaires) vues en vol sont un autre moyen d'identification. Le bec, noir et droit, présente un casque, plus développé chez les mâles. La femelle est plus petite et a la peau de la gorge bleu-violet. Il a également comme particularité de posséder des cils.
On le trouve du nord de la Namibie et de l'Angola au nord de l'Afrique du Sud au Burundi et au Kenya.
Il vit dans les savanes, les forêts et les prairies. C'est une espèce vulnérable, essentiellement confinée dans les réserves et les parcs nationaux. Leurs nids sont souvent situés en hauteur dans des cavités d'arbres ou dans d'autres cavités peu profondes, telles que des trous de rochers dans les falaises. Le bucorve du Sud est un reproducteur coopératif obligatoire ; chaque couple reproducteur est toujours aidé par au moins deux autres oiseaux. Les oiseaux qui n'ont pas six ans d'expérience en tant qu'aides au nid sont incapables de se reproduire avec succès s'ils deviennent des reproducteurs. Cela suggère que les couples sans aide ne peuvent pas élever de jeunes et que l'aptitude à aider en tant que juvénile est essentielle pour élever des jeunes à l'âge adulte.
Le nom latin de l'espèce Bucorvus leadbeateri commémore le taxidermiste et négociant en histoire naturelle britannique, Benjamin Leadbeater (1760-1837).
Il vit en groupes de 5 à 10 individus adultes et juvéniles. Souvent, des groupes de voisins s'affrontent en bataille aérienne. Ils vivent sur le sol où ils se nourrissent de reptiles, grenouilles, escargots, insectes et mammifères jusqu'à la taille des lièvres.
Les jeunes sont dépendants des adultes jusqu'à 6 à 12 mois. Ils n'atteignent pas la maturité sexuelle avant 4-6 ans, et commencent à se reproduire vers 10 ans. Le bucorve du Sud vit de 50 à 60 ans, et jusqu'à 70 ans en captivité
Bucorvus leadbeateri
Le bucorve du Sud (Bucorvus leadbeateri) est une espèce d'oiseau d'Afrique appartenant à la famille des Bucorvidae. On le connaît également sous le nom de calao caffre.
Bucorvus leadbeateri, anteriormente coñecido como Bucorvus cafer, é unha das dúas especies do xénero Bucorvus. A outra especie do xénero Bucorvus é a Bucorvus abyssinicus.
Bucorvus leadbeateri, anteriormente coñecido como Bucorvus cafer, é unha das dúas especies do xénero Bucorvus. A outra especie do xénero Bucorvus é a Bucorvus abyssinicus.
Il bucorvo cafro o bucorvo di Leadbeater (Bucorvus leadbeateri (Vigors, 1825)) è un uccello della famiglia Bucorvidae.[2]
Il bucorvo di Leadbeater è un robusto uccello lungo poco meno di 1 m. Ha una livrea scura, in prevalenza nero-metallica. Il becco, particolarmente allungato, è sormontato da un caratteristico elmo.[3] Insieme con il Bucorvus abyssinicus è il bucero più grande ed uno dei pochi che si cibano solo a terra. Ha delle macchie bianche sulle ali ed una vistosa zona di pelle nuda e di colore intenso sul muso e sulla gola.
Si trattiene di preferenza sul terreno dove dà la caccia a cavallette ed altri insetti oltre a lucertole e altri piccoli vertebrati. Per nutrirsi è solito afferrare la preda dapprima con la punta del becco, quindi la getta in aria ed infine la ingoia quando questa ricade giù.[3]
Questo animale vive in gruppi che contano al massimo 8 individui. Nidifica nelle cavità degli alberi e non sigilla l'ingresso del nido. In ogni gruppo si riproduce solo la coppia dominante, mentre i giovani aiutano a raccogliere il cibo e a difendere il nido ed il territorio del gruppo che si può estendere fino a 100 chilometri quadrati.
Il bucorvo di Leadbeater è diffuso nell'Africa subsahariana, dal Kenya meridionale e dal Burundi, sino all'Angola, la Namibia, il Sudafrica e il Botswana.[1]
Il bucorvo cafro o bucorvo di Leadbeater (Bucorvus leadbeateri (Vigors, 1825)) è un uccello della famiglia Bucorvidae.
Pietinis ragavarnis (lot. Bucorvus leadbeateri, sin. B. cafer, angl. Southern ground-hornbill, vok. Südlicher Hornrabe) – ragasnapinių (Bucerotidae) šeimos paukštis.
Tai pats stambiausias ragasnapinių šeimos paukštis. Kūnas nuo 90 iki 129 cm ilgio. Svoris - iki 6,2 kg. Plunksnų danga juoda, veidinė sritis ir kaklas su ryškiai raudonos odos ploteliais. Jauniklių šie ploteliai geltoni. Snapas juodas, tiesus, patinai su gerai išvystytu antsnapiu.
Paplitęs nuoNamibijos ir Angolos iki Burundžio ir Kenijos. Paukščiai gyvena nedidelėmis grupėmis, po 5-10. Minta ropliais, varliagyviais, gyvatėmis, vabzdžiais ir smulkiais žinduoliais.
Pietinis ragavarnis (lot. Bucorvus leadbeateri, sin. B. cafer, angl. Southern ground-hornbill, vok. Südlicher Hornrabe) – ragasnapinių (Bucerotidae) šeimos paukštis.
Tai pats stambiausias ragasnapinių šeimos paukštis. Kūnas nuo 90 iki 129 cm ilgio. Svoris - iki 6,2 kg. Plunksnų danga juoda, veidinė sritis ir kaklas su ryškiai raudonos odos ploteliais. Jauniklių šie ploteliai geltoni. Snapas juodas, tiesus, patinai su gerai išvystytu antsnapiu.
Paplitęs nuoNamibijos ir Angolos iki Burundžio ir Kenijos. Paukščiai gyvena nedidelėmis grupėmis, po 5-10. Minta ropliais, varliagyviais, gyvatėmis, vabzdžiais ir smulkiais žinduoliais.
De zuidelijke hoornraaf of zuidelijke grondneushoornvogel (Bucorvus leadbeateri syn. Bucorvus cafer) behoort tot het geslacht van de hoornraven (Bucorvus) en de familie van de Bucorvidae. Het zijn grote zwarte vogels die voornamelijk op de grond leven in verschillende landen in Afrika tot in Zuid-Afrika, zuidelijker dan de zustersoort noordelijke hoornraaf.
De zuidelijke hoornraaf heeft een lichaamslengte van 100 cm en in vlucht een spanwijdte van bijna twee meter. De vogel is diepzwart van kleur. De handpennen van de vleugels zijn echter wit. Als de vogel niet vliegt is dit nauwelijks te zien omdat de vleugeldekveren zwart zijn. Alleen in vlucht worden de witte slagpennen plotseling zichtbaar. Er is weinig verschil tussen de seksen. Net als bij neushoornvogels hebben de vogels een naakte huid rond het oog en een onbevederde keelzak. Bij zowel mannetjes als vrouwtjes is deze keelzak overwegend rood, bij onvolwassen vogels is die grauwbruin. Vrouwtjes zijn gemiddeld wat kleiner en hebben een minder duidelijke "hoorn" op de bovensnavel dan het mannetje.
Zuidelijke hoornraven leven in groepen van twee tot acht vogels. Eén paar uit de groep broedt en de rest helpt bij het verdedigen van het territorium. Er wordt genesteld in boomholten of in rotsspleten. Het legsel bestaat meestal uit twee eieren waaruit vaak maar één jong met succes wordt grootgebracht. De voortplantingssnelheid is zeer laag. Uit een Zuid-Afrikaanse studie bleek dat een groep maar eens in de negen jaar met succes één jong grootbracht.
Het verspreidingsgebied van de zuidelijke hoornraaf sluit in het zuidoosten van Oeganda en het noodwesten van Kenia aan bij dat van de noordelijke hoornraaf. Verder komt de zuidelijke hoornraaf voor in Angola, Botswana, Boeroendi, Congo-Kinshasa, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibië, Rwanda, Zuid-Afrika, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia en Zimbabwe.
Het leefgebied bestaat uit savanne, droge, open bosgebieden en aangrenzende droge graslanden tot een hoogte van 3.000 m boven de zeespiegel in Oost-Afrika.
De zuidelijke hoornraaf heeft te lijden onder verlies aan leefgebied vooral door het verdwijnen van geschikte nestgelegenheid. Hoge bomen worden gekapt om plaats te maken voor weidegronden of landbouw of gaan door branden verloren of worden vernietigd door savanneolifanten (Loxodonta africana). Hoewel de vogel vroeger als heilig en/of nuttig werd beschouwd, worden deze noties anno 2010 minder gekoesterd. De vogel wordt als hinderlijk beschouwd omdat hij soms ruiten vernielt waarin hij zijn spiegelbeeld als indringer te lijf gaat. Vogels worden gedood omdat dit de droogte zou verdrijven en vogels vliegen zich dood tegen hoogspanningskabels. Het veiligst is de vogel nog in natuurparken. Daarom is in 2010 de zuidelijke hoornraaf als kwetsbaar op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN gezet.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe zuidelijke hoornraaf of zuidelijke grondneushoornvogel (Bucorvus leadbeateri syn. Bucorvus cafer) behoort tot het geslacht van de hoornraven (Bucorvus) en de familie van de Bucorvidae. Het zijn grote zwarte vogels die voornamelijk op de grond leven in verschillende landen in Afrika tot in Zuid-Afrika, zuidelijker dan de zustersoort noordelijke hoornraaf.
Rødmaskehornravn (Bucorvus leadbeateri) er en monotypisk art i slekten Bucorvus, som inkluderer to arter og er eneste slekt i underfamilien hornravner (Bucorvinae). Maskehornravnene inngår i hornfuglfamilien (Bucerotidae). Den andre arten i slekten er blåmaskehornravn (B. abyssinicus).
Maskehornravnene er nærmere knyttet til det terrestriske miljøet enn sin nære slektninger, neshornfuglene, som i større grad er trelevende.
Rødmaskehornravn er en stor standfugl på cirka 90–100 cm. Hannene veier omkring 3 459–6 180 g, hunnene cirka 2 230–4 580 g. Fjærdrakten er sort med hvite primærfjær. Vingene er brede og håndsvingfjæra fri. Hannene har rød bar hud rundt øynene og nedover halsen, samt rød strupepose som kan blåses opp. Det enorme nebbet er langt og har et karakteristisk ekstra hornlag (hjelm) på den innerste delen av overnebbet. Hunnene har en blå flekk på strupeposen, og det ekstra hornlaget på overnebbet er ikke like markant.[1]
Rødmaskehornravn søker til fuktigere habitat enn blåmaskehornravnen. Arten holder til i det østre og sørsentrale Afrika, der den trives i lett skog og savanne, i høyder opp til 3 000 moh i de østre delene av utbredelsesområdet. Den frekventerer også gressland med flekkvise skogholt. Rødmaskehornravnen lever i hovedsak av leddyr, som gresshopper, biller, skorpioner og termitter. I tørketiden eter den også larver, snegler, frosker og padder, av og til også større byttedyr som slanger, øgler, rotter, harer, ekorner og skilpadder.[1]
Arten hekker i perioden september–desember. Hekkingen foregår kooperativt, i det et dominant par assisteres av andre voksne og unge umodne fugler som forsvarer et territorium. Redet legges til et hulrom, hovedsakelig i et stort tre eller steinformasjoner. Hannen bringer byggematerialet til redet, som gjerne er fôret av tørt løv og lignende. Inngangen til redet forsegles ikke. Hunnen legger to egg, av og til kun ett, men sjelden tre. Eggene legges med et intervall på 3–5 dager og inkubasjonen tar omkring 37–43 dager. Den dominerende hunnen ruger eggene, mens hun mates av av gruppemedlemmene. Eggene klekker asynkront, og de nyklekte kyllingene har rosa skinn, som etter cirka tre dager begynner å mørkne for å bli sort. Kylling nummer to vil normalt sulte ihjel i løpet av ei uke, sjelden opp mot en måned. Kyllingen blir matet av gruppemedlemmene 4–9 ganger daglig. Den blir flygedyktig etter cirka 86 dager, men den blir sammen med foreldrene til den er voksen.[1]
Rødmaskehornravn (Bucorvus leadbeateri) er en monotypisk art i slekten Bucorvus, som inkluderer to arter og er eneste slekt i underfamilien hornravner (Bucorvinae). Maskehornravnene inngår i hornfuglfamilien (Bucerotidae). Den andre arten i slekten er blåmaskehornravn (B. abyssinicus).
Maskehornravnene er nærmere knyttet til det terrestriske miljøet enn sin nære slektninger, neshornfuglene, som i større grad er trelevende.
Dzioboróg kafryjski lub dzioborożec kafryjski (Bucorvus leadbeateri) – gatunek dużego ptaka z rodziny dzioborożców (Bucerotidae) występującego w centralnej i południowej Afryce. Narażony na wyginięcie.
Dzioborogi kafryjskie mierzą 90–100 cm długości. Masa ciała samców wynosi 3459–6180 g, samic 2230–4580 g[2]. Czarne upierzenie. Dziób pokaźny, czarny i prosty. Na głowie, szczególnie wokół oczu, widoczne są czerwone łaty nagiej skóry.
Południowa Kenia i Rwanda na południe po południowo-wschodnią Demokratyczną Republikę Konga, Angolę, Namibię, północną i wschodnią Botswanę oraz północno-wschodnie i wschodnie RPA[2].
Środowiskiem życia gatunku są zadrzewienia, sawanna i obszary trawiaste przyległe do obszarów lasu[2]. Zasiedlane obszary trawiaste cechuje różnorodność, od górskich obszarów trawiastych po rozległe, wysokie skupiska Baikiaea plurijuga, Colospermum mopane i Brachystegia spiciformis[4]. Żywi się głównie stawonogami ( prostoskrzydłe, chrząszcze, termity i skorpiony)[2], zjada również inne zwierzęta – ślimaki, płazy, mangustowate, pisklęta i młode zające[4]. Odnotowano w diecie również nasiona i owoce[5].
Gniazduje kooperatywnie; parze może towarzyszyć do 9 pomocników[4]. Dzioborogi kafryjskie niosą się głównie od września do grudnia[2]. Gniazdo przeważnie znajduje się w dziupli drzewa i wyściełane jej wewnątrz suchymi liśćmi; rzadko ptaki te zakładają gniazda również w otworach między skałami lub ziemistych zboczach. Przeważnie w zniesieniu znajduje się 1 lub 2 jaja, rzadko 3. Składane są w odstępie 3–14 dni. Samica wysiaduje je sama przez 37–43 dni. W ciągu dnia opuszcza gniazdo najwyżej 3 lub 4 razy, więc pokarm dostarczają jej głównie samiec i pomocnicy lęgowi. Młode klują się niesynchronicznie, najmłodsze pisklę umiera zwykle po tygodniu, niekiedy po kilku. Młode opuszczają gniazdo po około 86 dniach życia i towarzyszą rodzicom jeszcze kilka lat[4].
IUCN uznaje dzioboroga kafryjskiego za gatunek narażony na wyginięcie (VU, Vulnerable) od 2010 roku (stan w 2016); wcześniej uchodził za gatunek najmniejszej troski. Głównym zagrożeniem dla gatunku jest utrata środowiska wskutek wycinki drzew do użytku, pozyskania miejsca pod uprawy oraz pożarów. Wymienione oraz inne problemy populacji pogłębia fakt powolnego rozmnażania się i dojrzewania ptaków tego gatunku[5].
Dzioboróg kafryjski lub dzioborożec kafryjski (Bucorvus leadbeateri) – gatunek dużego ptaka z rodziny dzioborożców (Bucerotidae) występującego w centralnej i południowej Afryce. Narażony na wyginięcie.
O calau-gigante[1][2] (Bucorvus leadbeateri; anteriormente conhecido como Bucorvus cafer), também chamado calau do sul, é uma das duas espécies de calau terrestre, ambas encontradas apenas na África, e é a maior espécie de calau do mundo. Ele pode ser encontrado nas regiões do sul da África, desde o Quênia até a África do Sul.[3] Dentro dessas regiões, eles habitam florestas e savanas.[4] A outra espécie do gênero Bucorvus encontrada na África é o calau-grande, ou calau terrestre abissínio, B. abyssinicus.
Os calaus-gigantes são carnívoros e caçam principalmente no chão, onde encontram a maior parte de sua comida. Este alimento varia de insetos a pequenos animais.[4] Seus ninhos são frequentemente encontrados em cavidades de árvores altas ou outras cavidades rasas, como buracos de rochas em penhascos.[5] Essas aves são uma espécie de vida longa, com expectativa de vida na faixa de 50 a 60 anos e até 70 em cativeiro.[4] Em relação à sua longa vida, eles não atingem a maturidade sexual até os 4-6 anos de idade e começam a se reproduzir por volta dos 10 anos.[6] Seu sexo pode ser identificado pela cor de suas gargantas, onde a do macho é vermelho puro e a da fêmea é um azul-violeta profundo.[4]
Os calaus-gigantes são uma espécie culturalmente difundida e importante na África Austral.[2] O Parque Nacional Kruger, localizado na África do Sul, lista os calaus-gigantes como uma de suas espécies de pássaros 'Big Six'.[7] No entanto, seus números estão diminuindo, em parte devido à perseguição, destruição de habitat, crenças culturais e outros fatores.[2] Eles estão listados globalmente como 'Vulneráveis' pela IUCN a partir de 2018 e 'Em Perigo' na África do Sul, Lesoto, Namíbia e Suazilândia.[8][9]
O calau-gigante (Bucorvus leadbeateri; anteriormente conhecido como Bucorvus cafer), também chamado calau do sul, é uma das duas espécies de calau terrestre, ambas encontradas apenas na África, e é a maior espécie de calau do mundo. Ele pode ser encontrado nas regiões do sul da África, desde o Quênia até a África do Sul. Dentro dessas regiões, eles habitam florestas e savanas. A outra espécie do gênero Bucorvus encontrada na África é o calau-grande, ou calau terrestre abissínio, B. abyssinicus.
Os calaus-gigantes são carnívoros e caçam principalmente no chão, onde encontram a maior parte de sua comida. Este alimento varia de insetos a pequenos animais. Seus ninhos são frequentemente encontrados em cavidades de árvores altas ou outras cavidades rasas, como buracos de rochas em penhascos. Essas aves são uma espécie de vida longa, com expectativa de vida na faixa de 50 a 60 anos e até 70 em cativeiro. Em relação à sua longa vida, eles não atingem a maturidade sexual até os 4-6 anos de idade e começam a se reproduzir por volta dos 10 anos. Seu sexo pode ser identificado pela cor de suas gargantas, onde a do macho é vermelho puro e a da fêmea é um azul-violeta profundo.
Os calaus-gigantes são uma espécie culturalmente difundida e importante na África Austral. O Parque Nacional Kruger, localizado na África do Sul, lista os calaus-gigantes como uma de suas espécies de pássaros 'Big Six'. No entanto, seus números estão diminuindo, em parte devido à perseguição, destruição de habitat, crenças culturais e outros fatores. Eles estão listados globalmente como 'Vulneráveis' pela IUCN a partir de 2018 e 'Em Perigo' na África do Sul, Lesoto, Namíbia e Suazilândia.
Sydlig hornkorp[2] (Bucorvus leadbeateri) är en av två arter i den afrikanska familjen hornkorpar (Bucorvidae).[3]
Sydlig hornkorp känns lätt igen på den röda halsen och de röda partierna runt ögonen. Övriga kroppen skiftar från grå till korpsvart, även näbb och fötter. Den blir 90 till 129 centimeter lång och väger upp till fyra kilogram. Hanen blir dock synligt större än honan. Ett annat kännetecken för honan är att den har en blå nyans kring det röda på halsen.
Sydlig hornkorp lever i buskskogar och på savann i Afrika, från norra Namibia och Angola till de nordliga delarna av Sydafrika. De lever i små grupper med omkring 5 till 10 stycken individer. De jagar spindlar, ormar, ödlor, insekter och däggdjur till storleken av en hare.
Enligt legenden har sydlig hornkorp förmågan att förutspå regn.
IUCN kategoriserar arten som sårbar.[1]
Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar Benjamin Leadbeater (1773-1851), engelsk handlare i specimen.[4] På svenska har fågeln även kallats kafferhornkorp, rödstrupig hornkorp, sydlig marknäshornfågel och sydlig markhornkorp.
Sydlig hornkorp (Bucorvus leadbeateri) är en av två arter i den afrikanska familjen hornkorpar (Bucorvidae).
Bucorvus leadbeateri là một loài chim trong họ Bucorvidae.[2]
Bucorvus leadbeateri là một loài chim trong họ Bucorvidae.
Bucorvus leadbeateri Vigors, 1825
Охранный статусКафрский рогатый ворон[1][2][3], или южный рогатый ворон[3] (лат. Bucorvus leadbeateri) — самый крупный вид из семейства птиц-носорогов, один из двух видов, входящих в род рогатых воронов. Обитает в африканской саванне, к югу от экватора.
Крупная птица, от 90 до 129 см длиной и весом от 3,2 до 6,2 кг. Отличается чёрным оперением и яркими красными участками кожи на лицевой части головы и шеи. У молодых птиц эти участки жёлтого цвета. Клюв чёрного цвета, прямой, имеет шлем, который в большей степени развит у самцов.
Населяет открытые пространства с разреженными кустарниками. Основной ареал — Южная Кения, Бурунди, юг Анголы, северная Намибия, северная и восточная Ботсвана и северо-восточная и восточная Южная Африка. Гнездится в полых пнях или в дуплах баобабов — гнездо не замуровывается, а самка ежедневно покидает гнездо для дефекации и ухода за собой.
Единственный настоящий хищник среди птиц-носорогов. Основу питания рогатых воронов составляют членистоногие, в частности насекомые (кузнечики, жуки, скорпионы, термиты). В сухой сезон птицы поедают большое количество личинок насекомых, моллюсков, лягушек, ящериц, змей (часто ядовитых), черепах, грызунов, иногда добывают даже белок, молодых зайцев и мангустов.
Рогатые вороны большую часть времени проводят на земле, пищу собирают, медленно расхаживая по саванне. Эти птицы способны съесть практически любое некрупное животное, которое смогут поймать. Быстро схватывая добычу с земли они подбрасывают её в воздух, чтобы удобнее было проглотить, и убивают её сильными ударами клюва.
Охотятся рогатые вороны группой по 2-8 птиц (до 11), крупную добычу часто преследуют сообща. Единственные из всех птиц-носорогов они могут набирать в клюв по несколько пищевых объектов, не проглатывая, нести их к гнезду. Иногда едят падаль, лакомясь заодно и насекомыми-трупоедами. Поедают также фрукты и семена.
Социальная организация у воронов очень необычна. Рогатые вороны ведут оседлый образ жизни. Живут они небольшими группами (от 2 до 11 особей), состоящими из доминантной пары взрослых птиц и их потомков, остающихся с родителями после достижения половой зрелости. Молодые вороны помогают родителям выкармливать птенцов и охранять территорию. Самая большая из зафиксированных групп состояла из 11 рогатых воронов.
Каждая группа рогатых воронов охраняет свою территорию, размеры которой варьируют от 2 до 100 кв.км, патрулируя её границы и издавая громкие крики. Кроме криков в репертуаре рогатых воронов есть и более изощренные способы привлечь к себе внимание. Например, осторожно держа в своем громадном клюве яйцо, птица из доминирующей пары манипулирует им перед остальными членами группы.
Размножающаяся пара оставляет при себе только неполовозрелых птенцов и самцов. А самок, как только они становятся половозрелыми, выгоняют. Более того, как только главный самец становится старым, его выгоняет старший сын, и сам занимает его место.
Как показывает история наблюдения за этим видом в естественной среде и в зоопарках мира, поведение птиц сложное и разнообразное. Во многих районах распространения вид охраняется местным населением из-за традиционных верований, связанных с интеллектуальным поведением представителей вида.
Специалисты Московского зоопарка отмечают, что птицы постоянно ищут в вольере разные предметы, найдя, показывают их друг другу, начинают ими угощать друг друга. Если один найдет яркий камешек, то сразу бежит и показывает другому.
При выдаче для игры куска поливочного шланга, вороны решают — с какой стороны у этой «змеи» будет голова. Как только определяют — с какой, начинают её «убивать», целясь именно в определенное ими место.
Кафрский рогатый ворон, или южный рогатый ворон (лат. Bucorvus leadbeateri) — самый крупный вид из семейства птиц-носорогов, один из двух видов, входящих в род рогатых воронов. Обитает в африканской саванне, к югу от экватора.
紅臉地犀鳥(學名Bucorvus leadbeateri)是犀鳥科中體型最大的。
紅臉地犀鳥(學名Bucorvus leadbeateri)是犀鳥科中體型最大的。
Bucorvus leadbeateri
英名 Southern Ground-hornbillミナミジサイチョウ(学名:Bucorvus cafer、シノニム:Bucorvus leadbeateri)は、鳥類の一種。地上性の肉食のサイチョウ類。草原の掃除屋という異名を持つ。
남부땅코뿔새(Southern ground hornbill)는 아프리카 내에서만 발견되는 두 종의 땅코뿔새 중 하나이며, 세계에서 가장 큰 코뿔새 종이다. 케냐에서 남아프리카 공화국에 이르는 아프리카의 남부 지역에서 발견된다.[1] 이 지역 내에서는 삼림지와 사바나에 모두 서식한다.[2]
남부땅코뿔새는 육식성이며 대부분 땅에서 사냥을 하며 대부분의 먹이를 찾는다. 이 음식은 곤충부터 작은 동물까지 다양하다.[2] 그들의 둥지는 종종 높은 나무 구멍이나 절벽 면의 바위 구멍과 같은 다른 얕은 구멍에서 발견된다.[3] 이 새들은 수명이 50~60년이고 사육 상태에서는 최대 70년인 장수 종이다.[2] 긴 수명에 비해 4~6살까지는 성적으로 성숙하지 못하고 10살 무렵부터 번식을 시작한다.[4] 그들의 성별은 그들의 목의 색깔로 확인할 수 있는데, 수컷은 순홍색이고 암컷은 짙은 보라색이다.[2]
남부땅코뿔새는 남부 아프리카에서 문화적으로 널리 퍼져있고 중요한 종이다. 남아프리카 공화국에 위치한 크루거 국립공원은 남부땅코뿔새들을 '빅 식스' 조류 종으로 분류하고 있다.[5] 하지만, 그들의 수는 박해, 서식지 파괴, 문화적 신념, 그리고 다른 요인들 때문에 감소하고 있다. 2018년 현재 IUCN이 전 세계적으로 '취약자'로, 남아프리카 공화국, 레소토, 나미비아, 에스와티니에서는 '멸종위기자'로 분류하고 있다.[6][7]
남부땅코뿔새는 길이가 90에서 129cm인 큰 새이다. 암컷의 몸무게는 2.2~4.6kg(4.9~10.1lb)이고, 수컷의 몸무게는 3.5~6.2kg(7.7~13.7lb)이다.[8] 암컷 8마리는 평균 몸무게가 3.34kg(7.4lb)인 반면 수컷 8마리는 4.2kg(9.3lb)으로 아시아코뿔새 종보다 평균 35% 정도 무겁다.[9] 날개 폭은 1.2에서 1.8m (3피트 11인치에서 5피트 11인치)로 보인다.[10] 표준 측정치 중 날개줄은 49.5~61.8cm(19.5~24.3인치), 꼬리 29~36cm(11~14인치), 부척골은 13~15.5cm(5.1~6.1인치), 암자는 16.8~22.1cm(6.6~8.7인치)로 측정됐다.[11] 스티븐슨과 판쇼에 따르면 아프리카코뿔새는 평균 110cm(43인치)로 남부 종보다 102cm(40인치) 더 큰 종이지만, 최대 무게와 표준 측정치는 반대로 남부 종이 실제로 약간 더 크다는 것을 나타낸다.[12][13][14] 아프리카 종에는 평균 무게가 알려져 있지 않은 것으로 보인다.[9]
남부땅코뿔새는 얼굴과 목덜미에 검은 빛깔과 선명한 붉은 반점(소년새의 경우 노란색)이 특징이며, 건기 동안 새들의 눈에서 먼지를 막아주는 것으로 알려져 있다. 비행 중에 보이는 날개 끝의 흰색(기본 깃털)도 또 다른 진단 특징이다. 부리는 검고 곧으며 수컷이 더 발달한 투구를 나타낸다. 암컷 남부땅코뿔새는 몸집이 더 작고 목에는 보라색의 피부를 가지고 있다. 6살까지의 청소년들은 눈에 띄는 빨간 주머니가 부족하지만, 그 자리에 더 칙칙한 회색 부분이 있다.
나미비아 북부, 앙골라 북부, 남아프리카 공화국 북부, 짐바브웨 남부, 부룬디, 케냐 등 남부땅코뿔새가 발견된다. 그들은 둥지를 틀기 위해 큰 나무가 있는 사바나 서식지와 먹이감을 얻기 위해 울창하지만 짧은 풀을 필요로 한다.
남부땅코뿔새는 취약한 종으로 주로 국립 보호구역과 국립공원에 제한되어 있다. 이들은 성인, 청소년 등 5~10명씩 무리를 지어 생활한다. 종종, 이웃 집단들은 공중 추적을 한다. 그들은 땅에서 먹이를 구하며, 토끼 크기까지 파충류, 개구리, 달팽이, 곤충, 포유류를 잡아먹는다. 남부땅코뿔새는 술을 거의 마시지 않습니다. 둥지를 지을 나무가 부족하기 때문에 서식 범위가 서쪽 끝에 제한된다.
남부땅코뿔새 무리는 매우 목소리를 높인다. 접촉은 보통 최대 3km(1.86mi) 거리에서 들을 수 있는 합창 통화로 이루어진다. 이 전화를 통해 각 집단은 100평방킬로미터(40평방미터)나 되는 자신의 영토를 가장 좋은 서식지에서도 유지할 수 있게 되었다.
남부땅코뿔새는 세계적으로 멸종에 취약한 종으로 분류되지만, 남아프리카 공화국에서 멸종위기종으로 분류되고 있다.[15] 레소토, 나미비아, 에스와티니에서도 멸종위기종으로 분류됐다.[6][16] 케냐, 탄자니아, 말라위, 잠비아, 짐바브웨, 모잠비크와 함께 이들 국가의 남부땅코뿔새는 개체 수를 늘리기 위해 보존 개입을 필요로 한다.[4] 멸종위기종으로 분류된 이 새는 느린 번식률과 수많은 환경적 요인들과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 서식지 감소, 농업으로 인한 변화, 삼림 벌채, 송전선 감전, 우발적인 중독, 박해 등이 인구에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인이다.[17][18][19][20]
인구에 의한 남부땅코뿔새 박해와 사냥은 계속 복잡한 문제가 되고 있다. 최근 연구에 따르면 이 종은 보호지역을 포함해 이전에 믿었던 것보다 더 많이 사냥되고 있다.[21][22] 이 사냥의 대부분은 기회주의적이었을 것이다.[23] 전반적으로, 사냥이 그들의 수가 줄어드는 주요 동인은 아닐 것 같다.[24][22] 비록 보존 노력을 고려할 때 유의해야 할 요소이지만, 특히 낮은 번식율과 자연 지역의 지역 사냥 습관에 대한 불완전한 지식 때문에 더욱 그렇다.[23][24] 더군다나 남부땅코뿔새는 반사된 모습을 보고 창문을 파괴하는 등의 행동으로 인해 박해를 받고 있다. 남아프리카 공화국의 도시 지역에서 짜증나는 집주인들이 재산을 파괴하는 새들을 죽이는 것으로 알려져 왔다.[17]
남부땅코뿔새의 큰 목소리와 큰 크기는 많은 아프리카 전통문화의 중심지가 되었다. 그들은 광대한 역사적 범위에 있는 많은 사람들을 통해 다양한 문화적 신념을 고취시켰다. 하지만, 이러한 믿음의 정도와 그것이 미래까지 지속될지는 불확실하며, 특히 아프리카의 현대화로 인해 더욱 그렇다.[24]
남부땅코뿔새(Southern ground hornbill)는 아프리카 내에서만 발견되는 두 종의 땅코뿔새 중 하나이며, 세계에서 가장 큰 코뿔새 종이다. 케냐에서 남아프리카 공화국에 이르는 아프리카의 남부 지역에서 발견된다. 이 지역 내에서는 삼림지와 사바나에 모두 서식한다.
남부땅코뿔새는 육식성이며 대부분 땅에서 사냥을 하며 대부분의 먹이를 찾는다. 이 음식은 곤충부터 작은 동물까지 다양하다. 그들의 둥지는 종종 높은 나무 구멍이나 절벽 면의 바위 구멍과 같은 다른 얕은 구멍에서 발견된다. 이 새들은 수명이 50~60년이고 사육 상태에서는 최대 70년인 장수 종이다. 긴 수명에 비해 4~6살까지는 성적으로 성숙하지 못하고 10살 무렵부터 번식을 시작한다. 그들의 성별은 그들의 목의 색깔로 확인할 수 있는데, 수컷은 순홍색이고 암컷은 짙은 보라색이다.
남부땅코뿔새는 남부 아프리카에서 문화적으로 널리 퍼져있고 중요한 종이다. 남아프리카 공화국에 위치한 크루거 국립공원은 남부땅코뿔새들을 '빅 식스' 조류 종으로 분류하고 있다. 하지만, 그들의 수는 박해, 서식지 파괴, 문화적 신념, 그리고 다른 요인들 때문에 감소하고 있다. 2018년 현재 IUCN이 전 세계적으로 '취약자'로, 남아프리카 공화국, 레소토, 나미비아, 에스와티니에서는 '멸종위기자'로 분류하고 있다.