Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau National Park (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Wild-Karotte/ Wild-Mhre
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2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau National Park (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Wild-Karotte/ Wild-MhreThe shape of fruiting umbels is very typical for this one - in German it's called 'Vogelnest' (bird's nest).
2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau National Park (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Wild-Karotte/ Wild-Mhre
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2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau National Park (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Wild-Karotte/ Wild-Mhre
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Oakland, California, United States
Epping Forest, Tasmania, Australia
fieldimage of Daucus carota QUEEN ANNE'S LACE at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a lone specimen at beginning of bloom cycle
On our garden, New Jersey, USA.
New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales, Australia
Daucus carota. Photographed at the National Museum of Natural History's Butterfly Garden. Photographer: Dexter Hinckley.
Middletown, Pennsylvania, United States
Alnarp, Skane, Sweden
Selbitz, Bayern, Deutschland
New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales, Australia
close up image of Daucus carota QUEEN ANNE'S LACE at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single flower head at bloom, early stage; side view
Gambrills, Maryland, United States
The usual flowering period of individual umbels is 7 to 10 days.