Petiolule length, sepal width, the length-to-width ratio of the nectary, follicle body and beak length, and sepal and seed shape have been used most commonly to distinguish these two taxa. My comparison of herbarium specimens from the Aleutian Islands, the rest of North America, and eastern Asia indicated that no clear distinction could be made (table 1). Some plants from eastern Asia and the Aleutian Islands had more distinctly clawed sepals than those from eastern North America but this was not evident on all individuals. Seeds from eastern North American plants were found to be variable in shape, with all seeds having at least one angle in cross section.
Table 1. Morphological comparison of Coptis trifolia from the Aleutian Islands, the rest of North America, and Asia.
Aleutians N. Amer. Asia
Petiolules (mm) 0.3-0.8 0.5-3.5 0.5-3
Sepals (mm wide) 1.7-2.9 1-3.6 1.8-4.5
Nectaries (L:W ratio) 0.9-1.3 0.8-1.3 0.9-1.6
bodies (mm) 3.9-5.3 4-7 4.8-5.5 Follicle beaks (mm) 3-3.5 2.3-3.8 2.2-3 Native Americans used various preparations made from the roots of Coptis trifolia medicinally to treat stomach cramps, jaundice, sore mouth and throat, gum problems, and worms, to stop vomiting, especially for children, as eyedrops, for teething, and as an astringent (D. E. Moerman 1986).
Der Dreiblättrige Goldfaden (Coptis trifolia) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Coptis in der Familie der Hahnenfußgewächse (Ranunculaceae).
Der Dreiblättrige Goldfaden ist eine ausdauernde, krautige Pflanze, die Wuchshöhen bis 10 Zentimeter erreicht. Sie bildet ein hellgelbes bis oranges Rhizom aus. Die Blätter sind dreizählig. Die Blättchen sind sitzend oder kurz gestielt und schwach gelappt oder ungelappt. Der Blütenstand ist einblütig, 3 bis 17 Zentimeter lang und etwa so lang oder Länger als die Blätter.[1] Er verlängert sich zur Fruchtzeit nicht.[1] Die Blütenhüllblätter sind weiß. Die Nektarblätter sind löffelförmig und gelb. Jede Blüte enthält 30 bis 60 Staubblätter und 4 bis 7 Fruchtblätter.[1] Die Griffel sind vermutlich zur Fruchtzeit 2 bis 4 Millimeter lang. Die Balgfrüchte weisen auf beiden Seiten keinen Längsnerv auf.
Die Blütezeit reicht von Mai bis Juni.
Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 18.[2]
Die Art kommt im warmgemäßigten bis kühlen Nordamerika, in Fernost und in Ost-Sibirien vor. Sie wächst in feuchten Wäldern, Tundren und Sümpfen in Höhenlagen von 0 bis 1500 Meter.
Selten wird der Dreiblättrige Goldfaden als Zierpflanze für Steingärten, Moorbeete, Gehölzgruppen und als Bodendecker genutzt. Er ist mindestens seit 1782 in Kultur.
Der Dreiblättrige Goldfaden (Coptis trifolia) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Coptis in der Familie der Hahnenfußgewächse (Ranunculaceae).
Dreiblättriger Goldfaden (Coptis trifolia), Illustration
Coptis trifolia, commonly known as the threeleaf goldthread or savoyane, is a perennial plant in the genus Coptis, a member of the family Ranunculaceae.
It is native to North America and Asia across the subarctic region.[1][2] Its range is divided into three broad groups. The first is from southern Greenland and Labrador that extends to Manitoba to the west and to the mountains of North Carolina to the south. The second is in Alaska and adjacent areas of British Columbia, extending towards eastern Siberia and into Japan and Manchuria. It is also found in Norway and central Russia. The disrupted and wide range of the species suggests that the three populations have been isolated from each other for significant periods of time.[3]
Goldthread seems to prefer coniferous or mixed canopies dominated by Eastern hemlock, but it has also been found in deciduous canopies in moist, acidic soils.[4]
Goldthread has at least one small, deeply three-lobed, evergreen leaf rising from the ground. It has between four and seven white, petaloid sepals, though no true petals. It has between four and seven clavate and numerous stamen. It is usually between five and fifteen centimeters tall, with each stalk having a single flower or three leaflets. Its fruits contain a number of small seeds. The name goldthread is derived from the plant's bright yellow rhizome.[4]
The rhizome of the plant was chewed by Native Americans, including Algonquian-speaking peoples and the Iroquois, to relieve canker sores, and is the source of another common name, canker-root.[5][6] It has also been used to make a tea that is used as an eyewash.[7] Like the medicinal plant goldenseal, goldthread is used to treat symptoms of influenza and the common cold. Coptis trifolia has been shown to be biologically active against E.coli and Bacillus subtilis. The active compounds of Coptis trifolia are the alkaloids berberine and coptine.[4]
In 1963, a species of fungus in the genus Lambertella, Lambertella copticola, was discovered growing on the dead leaves of a Coptis trifolia.[8]
Species of the fungal genus Gloeosporium can infect Coptis trifolia, as well as other species of Coptis, and reduce normal plant function. The slug Arion fasciatus also feeds on goldthread. Other external threats to Coptis trifolia include logging, fire, agricultural development, and human recreation.[4]
Coptis trifolia, commonly known as the threeleaf goldthread or savoyane, is a perennial plant in the genus Coptis, a member of the family Ranunculaceae.
La coptide trifoliée (Coptis trifolia), communément appelée racine jaune ou savoyane, ou encore coptide du Groenland (d'après son synonyme Coptis groenlandica), est une plante herbacée vivace de la famille des Renonculacées.
Ses feuilles d'un vert foncé et luisantes, divisées en trois lobes rappellent celles du fraisier ou du trèfle. La fleur solitaire est composée de 5 à 7 sépales blancs et est portée sur une longue queue fine. Le fruit est une ombelle de fuseaux terminés par un crochet.
La plante affectionne les bois frais et humides des forêts de conifères ou les tourbières. Elle pousse souvent sur un lit de mousse.
Sa particularité, outre le fait que ses feuilles restent vertes tout l'hiver, sont ses racines dorées. Celles-ci apparaissent de façon distinctive dès que l'on creuse un peu avec la main.
La racine de la coptide trifoliée offre un large spectre antimicrobien et antibiotique naturel.
La coptide est connue au Québec sous le nom de savoyane, abréviation de tisavoyane, graphie phonétique d'un mot micmac signifiant teinture pour les peaux[2]. Pour les Waban Aki, son nom, wizôwijapkwasek, signifie racines jaunes[3]. Les autochtones de différentes nations se servaient de la plante pour teindre le cuir, les plumes et les piquants de porc-épic[2].
La coptide a connu et connaît encore la célébrité comme antiscorbutique, stomachique, tonique et antiseptique. On l'utilise beaucoup, par la mastication d'un petit paquet de ses racines filiformes, pour lutter contre les aphtes de la bouche.
La coptide trifoliée (Coptis trifolia), communément appelée racine jaune ou savoyane, ou encore coptide du Groenland (d'après son synonyme Coptis groenlandica), est une plante herbacée vivace de la famille des Renonculacées.
Це багаторічна трав'яниста рослина, яка досягає висоти росту до 10 сантиметрів. Кореневища від яскраво-жовтого до апельсинового кольору. Листя глибоко трилопасте.
Суцвіття: 1 квітка. Квіти підняті: чашолистки розлогі, від ланцетних до зворотнояйцеподібних чи еліптичних, 4–11 × 1–4 мм, білі й легко приймаються за пелюстки. Насіння 1–1.5 мм. 2n=18(2x).
Північна Америка: Ґренландія, Канада, США; Азія: Далекий Схід. Населяє від мокрих до середньо-вологих, хвойні та змішані ліси, болота, вербові чагарники, тундру, часто пов'язані з мохами; 0–1500 м.
Це багаторічна трав'яниста рослина, яка досягає висоти росту до 10 сантиметрів. Кореневища від яскраво-жовтого до апельсинового кольору. Листя глибоко трилопасте.
Суцвіття: 1 квітка. Квіти підняті: чашолистки розлогі, від ланцетних до зворотнояйцеподібних чи еліптичних, 4–11 × 1–4 мм, білі й легко приймаються за пелюстки. Насіння 1–1.5 мм. 2n=18(2x).
Coptis trifolia là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mao lương. Loài này được (L.) Salisb. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1807.[1]
Coptis trifolia là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mao lương. Loài này được (L.) Salisb. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1807.
ミツバオウレン(三葉黄蓮、学名:Coptis trifolia)はキンポウゲ科オウレン属の多年草。高山植物。別名、カタバミオウレン。
種小名 trifolia は、「3葉の」の意味。