Washtenaw Co., Michigan
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Kadir Boğaç Kunt, Mert Elverici, Recep Sulhi Özkütük, Ersen Aydın Yağmur
Figures 2–6.Harpactea arnedoi sp. n. 2 Cheliceral teeth 3 left palp, retrolateral view 4 ditto, nearly anterior view 5 ditto, nearly retrolateral view 6 ditto, distal view. Scale line: 0.5 mm.
Joel Ledford, Pierre Paquin, James Cokendolpher, Josh Campbell, Charles Griswold
Figure 13.Tayshaneta archambaulti sp. n., Burnett Ranch Cave, Hays County, Texas (AMNH), habitus. A Tayshaneta archambaulti male, dorsal B Tayshaneta archambaulti male, ventral C Tayshaneta archambaulti male, lateral D Tayshaneta archambaulti female, dorsal E Tayshaneta archambaulti female, ventral F Tayshaneta archambaulti female, lateral.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 59–64.Internal anatomy of Trogloraptor marchingtoni, female (CASENT9040051) from No Name Cave. 59 vulva, dorsal view 60 female posterior respiratory system, tracheae and apodemes, with arrows to median apodemes61–64 Scanning electron micrographs of the internal anatomy 61 vulva, dorsal view, AT, atrium, RC, receptaculum 62 apex of right receptaculum 63 posterior respiratory system, dorsal view, with white arrow to median apodeme and black arrows to lateral tracheal branches; and 64 apex of apodeme (white arrow), note frayed end typical of muscle attachment. Booklungs removed from preparation in 59, 61 and 62.
Chunxia Wang, Carles Ribera, Shuqiang Li
Figure 1.Subadultfemale hanging beneath web. Photo byEnric Planas in an unnamed cave in Banys de la Preste to Prats of Molló, France.
Jason E. Bond, Steven J. Taylor
Map 1.Distribution of Tarsonops species: Tarsonops sternalis (star), Tarsonops sectipes (triangle), Tarsonops clavis (square), Tarsonops systematicus (crosses, also recorded from California and Arizona, see Ubick et al. (2005)), Tarsonops irataylori sp. n. (circle).
Figure 1.Sinamma oxycera gen. n. & sp. n., male holotype (A–B, E, G) and female paratype (C–D, F, H). A–F Habitus G, H Prosoma. A, C dorsal view B, D ventral view E, F lateral view G, H anterior view.
Figure 4.Xyphinus hwangi sp. n., male. A, C, E habitus, dorsal, lateral and ventral views B, D, F, G prosoma, dorsal, lateral, ventral and anterior views H–J left palp, retrolateral, prolateral and dorsal views. Scale bars: A, C, E = 0.4 mm; B, D, F–J= 0.2 mm.
Kadir Boğaç Kunt, Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Recep Sulhi Özkütük, Rahşen S. Kaya
Figure 2.Hygrocrates deelemanus sp. n. (Holotype ♂); scale line: 1 mm.
Washtenaw Co., Michigan
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Privat hjem
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Kadir Boğaç Kunt, Mert Elverici, Recep Sulhi Özkütük, Ersen Aydın Yağmur
Figures 7–8.Vulva of Harpactea arnedoi sp. n. 7 dorsal view 8 ventral view. Scale lines: 0.1 mm.
Joel Ledford, Pierre Paquin, James Cokendolpher, Josh Campbell, Charles Griswold
Figure 34.Tayshaneta archambaulti sp. n., Grapevine Ranch Cave, Hays County, Texas (CASC), male right palp. A Retrolateral B Ventral C Prolateral D Retrolateral, embolus E Ventroapical F Proapical.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 65–68.Spinnerets, ventral view. 65 Segestriidae female, Ariadna sp. from Tinglewood, Western Australia (CASENT 9020550) 66 Pholcidae female, Artema atlanta from Hawaii, USA (CASENT 9047601) 67 Drymusidae female, Drymusa capensis from Table Mountain, South Africa (CASENT 9043173); and 68 Trogloraptoridae male, Trogloraptor marchingtoni (CASENT 9040065). Arrows point to membranous band on ALS base.
Chunxia Wang, Carles Ribera, Shuqiang Li
Figure 2.Telema tenella,male. Based on material from an unnamed cave in Banys de la Preste to Prats of Molló, France. A Habitus, dorsal view B Embolus tip, apical view C Right palp, retrolateral view D Right palp, prolateral view.
Jason E. Bond, Steven J. Taylor
Figures 1–3.Tarsonops irataylor sp. n., male holotype 1 habitus, dorsal view 2 carapace, dorsal view 3 cephalothorax, ventral view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm (Fig. 1); 0.25 mm (Figs 2, 3)