Figure 7.Xyphinus hwangi sp. n. A–C male left palp, prolateral, retrolateral and dorsal views D, E female genital area, ventral and dorsal views. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: nos = nose-shaped protuberance; tss = thin stick-shape sclerite.
Kadir Boğaç Kunt, Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Recep Sulhi Özkütük, Rahşen S. Kaya
Figures 12–15.Tarsal and metatarsal scopulae of Hygrocrates deelemanus sp. n. (♂), 12 leg I, 13 leg II, 14 leg III, 15 leg IV. Scale lines: 0.25 mm
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Privat hus Randers
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Joel Ledford, Pierre Paquin, James Cokendolpher, Josh Campbell, Charles Griswold
Figure 1.Images of habitat and cave entrances for Tayshaneta species. A Cobb’s Ranch, near Cobb’s Caverns, Williamson County, Texas, type locality for Tayshaneta anopica (Gertsch, 1974) showing karstic terrain B Entrance to Government Canyon Bat Cave, Bexar County, Texas, type locality for Tayshaneta microps (Gertsch, 1974) C General habitat of Tayshaneta sandersi sp. n., District Park Cave, Travis County, Texas, (M. Sanders) D Entrance to Lithic Ridge Cave, Bexar County, Texas, type locality for Tayshaneta whitei sp. n. E Entrance to Three Miles Bat Cave, Williamson County, Texas.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 81–86.Scanning electron micrographs of the spinnerets of Trogloraptor marchingtoni female (CASENT9039440) and male (CASENT9040066) from No Name Cave, and penultimate female from M2 Cave (CASENT9040012). 81 male colulus 82 male epiandrum 83 male posterior tracheal spiracle 84 penultimatefemale right ALS 85 female anal tubercle; and 86 male left PMS and PLS spinnerets, posterior, arrows to two aciniform gland spigots on PLS. AC aciniform gland spigots MAP major ampullate gland spigot(s) PMS posterior median spinnerets PLS posterior lateral spinnerets.
Chunxia Wang, Carles Ribera, Shuqiang Li
Figure 5.Telema tenella, female. Based on material from an unnamed cave in Banys de la Preste to Prats of Molló, France. A Genital area, ventral view B Copulatory organ, dorsal view C Copulatory organ, lateral view D Pedicel, dorsal view. Scale bars: A, 0.05 mm; B, C, D 0.10 mm.
Figure 1.Sinamma oxycera gen. n. & sp. n., male holotype (A–B, E, G) and female paratype (C–D, F, H). A–F Habitus G, H Prosoma. A, C dorsal view B, D ventral view E, F lateral view G, H anterior view.
Figure 8.Xestaspis shoushanensis sp. n., male. A, C, E habitus, dorsal, lateral and ventral views B, D, F, G, H prosoma, dorsal, lateral, ventral, anterior and posterior views I booklung covers, lateral view J, K abdomen, anterior and anteroventral views. Scale bars: A, C, E, K = 0.4 mm; B, D, F–J = 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: boc = booklung covers; sr = scutal ridge.
Kadir Boğaç Kunt, Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Recep Sulhi Özkütük, Rahşen S. Kaya
Figures 16–19.Male palp of Hygrocrates deelemanus sp. n. Abbreviations: Apa apophysisa Apb apophysisb E embolus. Scale line: 0.1 mm.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Privat hus Randers
Asker, Akershus, Norway
Joel Ledford, Pierre Paquin, James Cokendolpher, Josh Campbell, Charles Griswold
Figure 30.Tayshaneta whitei sp. n., Lithic Ridge Cave, Bexar County, Texas (CASC), habitus. A Tayshaneta whitei male, dorsal B Tayshaneta whitei male, ventral C Tayshaneta whitei male, lateral D Tayshaneta whitei female, dorsal E Tayshaneta whitei female, ventral F Tayshaneta whitei female, lateral.
Figure 2.Sinamma oxycera gen. n. & sp. n., male holotype. A, B Left palp C Left leg I D Left tibia I E Left metatarsus I and tarsus I. A prolateral view B, C retrolateral view D, E anterior view.
Figure 9.Xestaspis shoushanensis sp. n., female. A, C habitus, dorsal and lateral views B, D, E, F prosoma, dorsal, lateral, ventral and posterior views G abdomen, ventral view H genital area, ventral view I, J genital area, ventral and dorsal views (cleared in lactic acid). Scale bars: A, C, G = 0.4 mm; B, D–F, H–J = 0.2 mm.
Kadir Boğaç Kunt, Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Recep Sulhi Özkütük, Rahşen S. Kaya
Figures 20–21.Vulva of Hygrocrates deelemanus sp. n. 20 dorsal view 21 ventral view. Abbreviations: Ad anterior diverticulum Pd posterior diverticulum Sp spermatheca dps distalmost part of spermatheca pps proximalmost part of spermatheca da dorsal arch cv central valve tb transverse bar ps membranous sac lms large membranous sac tlm twisted lateral membranes. Scale lines: 0.1 mm.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Privat hus Randers
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Joel Ledford, Pierre Paquin, James Cokendolpher, Josh Campbell, Charles Griswold
Figure 51. Tayshaneta whitei sp. n., Lithic Ridge Cave, Bexar County, Texas (CASC), male right palp. A Retrolateral B Ventral C Prolateral D Retrolateral, embolus E Ventroapical F Embolus.