Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 110–115.Habitus of representatives of various selenopid genera. 110 Karaops ellenae sp. n., female, from Mount Cooke, Western Australia, Australia 111 Karaops raveni sp. n., female, from Watchimbark Nature Reserve, New South Wales, Australia 112 Makdiops montigenus comb. n., female, from Dehra Dun, India. The orange hue is not natural and due to preservation 113 Makdiops nilgirensis comb. n., female, from Karteri Valley, Tamil Nadu, India. The yellow-orange hue is due to preservation 114 Selenops radiatus Latreille, male, from Namibia 115 Selenops phaselus Muma, male, from Las Abejas, Dominican Republic 116 Pakawops formosanus (Kayashima), penultimate male, Taiwan (photo by Spideryang - http://www.flickr.com/photos/spideryang/3993100774/). Scale bar = 3.00 mm.
Figures 77–84.Copulatory organs of Selenops huetocatl sp. n. holotype female from Las Golondrinas, Huixtla, Chiapas, México (CNAN sel_045) 77–78 Selenops bifurcatus Banks male from Oricuajo, Costa Rica (MCZ) 79–80 female (holotype of Selenops salvadoranus) from San Salvador, El Salvador (MCZ) 81–82 Selenops buscki Muma of holotype female from Taboga Island, Panamá (USNM) 83–84, 77, 81, 83 epigyne, ventral view 78, 82, 84 spermathecae, dorsal view 79 left pedipalp, ventral view 80 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 6.The southwest coast of Western Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops francesae sp. n. (white circles), Karaops toolbrunup sp. n. (white star), Karaops jarrit sp. n.(white triangles), and Karaops ellenae sp. n.(white squares).
Figures 195–200.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species. 195 Selenops submaculosus Bryant on a tree branch, San Salvador, Bahamas. Note extreme dorsoventral flattening 196 In this thornscrub habitat in Bonaire, Selenops curazao Alayón-García can be found under bark and under the limestone rocks on the ground 197 Dry forest habitat on Little Tobago where Selenops willinki Corronca is quite common under bark 198 A desert habitat in San Bernardino County California where members of the Selenops debilis group Muma can be found on and under boulders 199 Tapeats Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park. Selenops nesophilus Chamberlin has been collected at the bottom of the canyon and this is the northernmost collection locality for the genus in North America 200 Cloud forest in Chiapas, México where Selenops huetocatl sp. n. can be found.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 73–80.Copulatory organs of Karaops ellenae sp. n., male holotype from Mount Cooke, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1366) (73–74), female paratype from Mount Cooke, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1359) (75–76), Karaops jenniferae sp. n., female holotype from Oscar Range, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T65078) (77–78), and Karaops dawara sp. n., female holotype from Kakadu National Park, Kapalga, Northern Territory, Australia (WAM T54998) (79–80), 73 male pedipalp, ventral view 74 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 75, 77, 79 epigyne, ventral view 76, 78, 80 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.50 mm.
Map 5.Map of México and Guatemala (inset) showing the distribution of several Selenops species in the region. Selenops aztecus Valdez-Mondragón (white circle), Selenops gracilis Muma (black circles), Selenops malinalxochitl sp. n. (black squares), Selenops abyssus Muma (white squares), Selenops juxtlahuaca Valdez-Mondragón (white triangle), Selenops marginalis F.O. Pickard-Cambridge(white X), Selenops minutus F.O. Pickard-Cambridge (black triangle), Selenops morosus Banks (black Xs), Selenops nigromaculatus Keyserling (black hexagon), Selenops makimaki sp. n. (grey hexagon), Selenops scitus Muma (black stars), Selenops ixchel sp. n. (white star), Selenops petenajtoy sp. n. (white diamond), Selenops lepidus Muma (black diamond), Selenops chamela sp. n. (grey circle), Selenops huetocatl sp. n. (grey squares). US = United States, Mex = México, Gu = Guatemala, ES = El Salvador, H = Honduras, N = Nicaragua.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 5.Northern Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops jenniferae sp. n. (black square), Karaops alanlongbottomi sp. n. (white circle), Karaops keithlongbottomi sp. n. (black circle), Karaops larryoo sp. n. (white square), Karaops dawara sp. n. (white stars).
Figures 85–92.Copulatory organs of Selenops oricuajo sp. n. female from Oricuajo, Costa Rica (MCZ) 85–86 Selenops amona sp. n. holotype female from Bajura Empalme, Isla Mona (EME sel_847) 87–88 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch holotype female from Santa Maria Bay, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands (MCZ) 89–90 male from Christianstead, St Croix, United States Virgin Islands (MCZ) 91–92, 85, 87, 89 epigyne, ventral view 86, 88, 90 spermathecae, dorsal view 91 left pedipalp, ventral view 92 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm (85–86, 89–92), 0.30 mm (87–88).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 73–80.Copulatory organs of Karaops ellenae sp. n., male holotype from Mount Cooke, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1366) (73–74), female paratype from Mount Cooke, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1359) (75–76), Karaops jenniferae sp. n., female holotype from Oscar Range, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T65078) (77–78), and Karaops dawara sp. n., female holotype from Kakadu National Park, Kapalga, Northern Territory, Australia (WAM T54998) (79–80), 73 male pedipalp, ventral view 74 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 75, 77, 79 epigyne, ventral view 76, 78, 80 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.50 mm.
Map 8.Map of Central America (inset) showing the distribution of two species of Selenops in the region. Selenops bifurcatus Banks (black circles) and Selenops oricuajo sp. n. (white square). (Mex= México, Gu=Guatemala, ES=El Salvador, Ho=Honduras, Ni=Nicaragua, CR=Costa Rica, Pa=Panamá).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 96–102.Habitats of Karaops species. 96 Macleay River, New South Wales, habitat of Karaops manaayn sp. n. and Karaops raveni sp. n., both collected under the bark of trees above the river 97 Scree slope in the Tinderry Ranges, New South Wales, habitat of Karaops raveni sp. n., collected from beneath the rocks 98 Badgeradda Range, near Muggon Station, Western Australia, habitat of Karaops badgeradda sp. n., collected from under loose rocks 99 Near Red Hill, Pilbara, Western Australia, habitat of Karaops martamarta sp. n., collected from beneath loose rocks. These spiders are a very red color, as the color of the substrate 100 Cape Arid, Western Australia, habitat of Karaops francesae sp. n., collected from beneath loose rocks on granite outcrop 101 Scree slope on Toolbrunup, Stirling Ranges National park, habitat of Karaops toolbrunup sp. n., collected from beneath rocks on scree slope 102 Forest at Kapalga, near South Alligator River, Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, habitat of Karaops dawara sp. n., collected from beneath bark.
Figures 85–92.Copulatory organs of Selenops oricuajo sp. n. female from Oricuajo, Costa Rica (MCZ) 85–86 Selenops amona sp. n. holotype female from Bajura Empalme, Isla Mona (EME sel_847) 87–88 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch holotype female from Santa Maria Bay, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands (MCZ) 89–90 male from Christianstead, St Croix, United States Virgin Islands (MCZ) 91–92, 85, 87, 89 epigyne, ventral view 86, 88, 90 spermathecae, dorsal view 91 left pedipalp, ventral view 92 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm (85–86, 89–92), 0.30 mm (87–88).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 5.Northern Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops jenniferae sp. n. (black square), Karaops alanlongbottomi sp. n. (white circle), Karaops keithlongbottomi sp. n. (black circle), Karaops larryoo sp. n. (white square), Karaops dawara sp. n. (white stars).
Map 9.Map of the northern Caribbean (insets) showing the distribution of three species of Selenops in the region, Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch (white diamonds), Selenops souliga sp. n. (black circles) , and Selenops amona (ital.) sp. n. (white circles). Due to the large difference in scale of the different islands, there are two insets. (Inset 1: GI=Great Inagua, DR=Dominican Republic, PR=Puerto Rico (Inset 2: SKN=St. Kitts and Nevis).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 81–88.Copulatory organs of Makdiops montigenus comb. n., female from Bhowali, Uttarakhand, India (CAS 9031784) (81–82), male from Bhowali, Uttarakhand, India (CAS 9031784) (83–84), Makdiops mahishasura sp. n., female holotype from Punjur, India (CAS 9031588) (85–86), and Makdiops nilgirensis sp. n., female holotype from Karteri Valley, Tamil Nadu, India (MHN) (87–88), 81, 85, 87 epigyne, ventral view 82, 86, 88 spermathecae, dorsal view 83 male pedipalp, ventral view 84 male pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.50 mm. Abbreviations: CO = copulatory openings, EP = epigynal pockets, SP = spermathecae, SD = sperm ducts, PF = posterodorsal fold, C = conductor, E = embolus, MA = median apophysis, RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 3.India showing the distribution of Selenopidae in the region. Selenops radiatus Latreille (black circles), Makdiops nilgirensis comb. n. (white triangle), Selenops shevoyarensis Gravely (white plus sign), Makdiops mahishasura sp. n. (white diamonds), Makdiops agumbensis comb. n. (white tear drop), Makdiops shiva sp. n. (white star), Selenops sumitrae Patel & Patel (white squares), Makdiops montigenus comb. n. (white circles).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 89–90.Copulatory organs of Makdiops shiva sp. n., female holotype from Maharashtra, Bhimashankar, India, (CAS 9031584) (89–90), 89 epigyne, ventral view 90 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.50 mm.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 3.India showing the distribution of Selenopidae in the region. Selenops radiatus Latreille (black circles), Makdiops nilgirensis comb. n. (white triangle), Selenops shevoyarensis Gravely (white plus sign), Makdiops mahishasura sp. n. (white diamonds), Makdiops agumbensis comb. n. (white tear drop), Makdiops shiva sp. n. (white star), Selenops sumitrae Patel & Patel (white squares), Makdiops montigenus comb. n. (white circles).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 1–6.Copulatory organs of Amamanganops baginawa sp. n., the holotype from Mindoro Island, Philippines (CAS 9031787) (1–2), Siamspinops aculeatus (Simon, 1901) comb. n. from Gunong, Malaysia (UMZC) (3–4) and Godumops caritus sp. n., the holotype from Baiteta Forest, Papua New Guinea (RMCA) (5–6): 1, 3 epigyne, ventral view 2, 4 spermathecae, dorsal view 5 male pedipalp, ventral view 6 male pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: (1–2) 0.5 mm, (5–6) 0.25 mm. Abbreviations: CO = copulatory opening, MS = median septum, EP = epigynal pockets, FD = fertilization ducts, SD = sperm ducts, SP = spermathecae, MF = median field, PF = posterodorsal fold, C = conductor, E = embolus, dRTA = dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apolphysis, vRTA = ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 103–109.Habitus of representatives of various selenopid genera. 103 Amamanganops baginawa sp. n., female, from Mindoro, Philippines. The orange hue is likely not natural and seems to develop after being preserved for some time 104 Anyphops barnardi (Lawrence), female, from Gauteng South Africa 105 Anyphops parvulus (Pocock), female, from Tsitsikamma National Park, South Africa 106 Garcorops madagascar Corronca, male, from Hellville, Madagascar 107 Godumops caritus sp. n., male, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea 108 Hovops sp., female, from Park National Montagne d’Ambre, Madagascar 109 Labium of Godumops caritus sp. n. showing m-shaped distal region. Scale bar = 3.00 mm. Abbreviations: L = labium, st = sternum.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 2.Papua New Guinea showing the distribution of Godumops caritus sp. n. (black triangle).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 7–14.Copulatory organs of Karaops australiensis comb. n., male from Johansens’s Cave, Queensland, Australia (QM S57515) (7–8) and female from Jim Crow Mountain, Queensland, Australia (QM S61054) (9–10), and Karaops gangarie sp. n., female holotype from Amos Bay, Northeast Queensland, Queensland, Australia (QM S52315) (11–12) and male from Amos Bay, Northeast Queensland, Queensland, Australia (QM S88644): 7, 13 male pedipalp, ventral view 8, 14 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 9, 11 epigyne, ventral view 10, 12 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. Abbreviations: CO = copulatory opening, FD = fertilization ducts, SD = sperm ducts, SP = spermathecae, C = conductor, E = embolus, dRTA = dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apolphysis, vRTA = ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 4.Northeast Queensland Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops. Karaops monteithi sp. n. (white square), Karaops gangarie sp. n. (white stars), Karaops australiensis (L. Koch) (white circles).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 15–22.Copulatory organs of Karaops monteithi sp. n., female holotype from Lankelly Creek, Coen District, North Queensland, Australia (QM S61052) (15–16), Karaops alanlongbottomi sp. n., male holotype from northwest tip of Degerando Island, Champagny Islands, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1330) (17–18), Karaops keithlongbottomi sp. n., male holotype from Drysdale River Station, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T55002) (19–20), and Karaops larryoo sp. n. male holotype from north of Larryoo, Drysdale River National Park, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1333) (21–22). 15 epigyne, ventral view 16 spermathecae, dorsal view 17, 19, 21 male pedipalp, ventral view 18, 20, 22 male pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: (15–16) 0.25 mm, (17–22)0.50 mm. Abbreviation: C = conductor.