Figures 1–6.Copulatory organs of Selenops arikok sp. n. female holotype from Arikok National Park, Aruba (EME sel_068) 1–2 Selenops curazao Alayón-García male holotype from CarMaBI, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (MCZ) 3–4 female paratype from Piscadera Baai building, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (MCZ) 5–6, 1, 5 epigyne, ventral view 2, 6 spermathecae, dorsal view 3 male pedipalp, ventral view 4 male pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.40 mm (1–2), 0.30 mm (3–6). Abbreviations: S = septum, MF = median field, EP = epigynal pockets, FD = fertilization duct, SP = spermathecae, PF = posterodorsal fold, C = conductor, CY = cymbium, MA = median apophysis, E = embolus, RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis, VRTA = ventral retrolateral tibial apophysis, DRTA = dorsal retrolateral tibial apophysis.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 15–22.Copulatory organs of Karaops monteithi sp. n., female holotype from Lankelly Creek, Coen District, North Queensland, Australia (QM S61052) (15–16), Karaops alanlongbottomi sp. n., male holotype from northwest tip of Degerando Island, Champagny Islands, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1330) (17–18), Karaops keithlongbottomi sp. n., male holotype from Drysdale River Station, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T55002) (19–20), and Karaops larryoo sp. n. male holotype from north of Larryoo, Drysdale River National Park, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T93/1333) (21–22). 15 epigyne, ventral view 16 spermathecae, dorsal view 17, 19, 21 male pedipalp, ventral view 18, 20, 22 male pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: (15–16) 0.25 mm, (17–22)0.50 mm. Abbreviation: C = conductor.
Figures 177–182.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species. 177 Selenops arikok sp. n. from Aruba guarding egg sac with several spiderlings inside 178 Selenops geraldinae Corronca eating a fly and guarding her egg sac on a bromeliad, Gaspar Grande Island, Trinidad and Tobago 179 Selenops willinki Corronca on a tree trunk, Little Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago. Terminal setal tufts and festoon pattern are visible 180 Selenops micropalpus Muma on the trunk of Bursera simaruba, in a dry forest, St. Lucia. Terminal setal tufts and festoon pattern are visible 181 Selenops mexicanus Keyserling on a large tree trunk outside of Cueva Actun Kan, Guatemala. Note the alternating light and dark leg annulations 182 Egg sacs of Selenops bifurcatus Banks on rocks in a wash in dry forest and thornscrub, Zacatan, Guatemala. Selenops bifurcatus sometimes guards the yellowish egg sacs, and other times does not.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 5.Northern Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops jenniferae sp. n. (black square), Karaops alanlongbottomi sp. n. (white circle), Karaops keithlongbottomi sp. n. (black circle), Karaops larryoo sp. n. (white square), Karaops dawara sp. n. (white stars).
Map 1.Map of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire (inset) showing the distribution of Selenops. Selenops arikok sp. n. (black circles), Selenops curazao Alayón-García (white circles).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 23–28.Copulatory organs of Karaops jarrit sp. n., male holotype from 11 km NW of Roe’s Rock, Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T55003) (23–24), female paratype from southwest of Boddington, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T87168) (25–26), and Karaops marrayagong sp. n., female holotype from Kitty’s Creek, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (AM KS19743) (27–28) 23 male pedipalp, ventral view 24 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 25, 27 epigyne, ventral view 26, 28 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.
Figures 101–108.Copulatory organs of Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García female from Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica (IJNHM sel_368) 101–102 Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. holotype female from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_383) 103–104 male from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_384) (105–106), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. holotype female from South of Spanish Town, Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (CAS) 107–108, 101, 103, 107 epigyne, ventral view 102, 104, 108 spermathecae, dorsal view 105 left pedipalp, ventral view 106 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.25 mm (101–102), 0.50 mm (103–108).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 6.The southwest coast of Western Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops francesae sp. n. (white circles), Karaops toolbrunup sp. n. (white star), Karaops jarrit sp. n.(white triangles), and Karaops ellenae sp. n.(white squares).
Figures 183–188.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species 183 Selenops bifurcatus Banks on a rock, Zacatan, Guatemala. Note the dorsoventrally flattened habitus 184 Selenops bifurcatus Banks showing the very large PLE 185 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch adult male on Bursera simaruba St. John, United States Virgin Islands. Note the leg annulations 186 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch adult female making several egg sacs under the bark of a tamarind tree, Nevis. Selenops lindborgi makes several egg sacs and does not guard the egg sac, unlike most other species of Selenops 187 Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García on a eucalyptus tree, Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Note the striped legs and the festoon pattern at the terminus of the abdomen 188 The egg sac of Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. from Hellshire Hills, Jamaica. The egg sac contained a few yellow dried out eggs and a pseudoscorpion.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 23–28.Copulatory organs of Karaops jarrit sp. n., male holotype from 11 km NW of Roe’s Rock, Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T55003) (23–24), female paratype from southwest of Boddington, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T87168) (25–26), and Karaops marrayagong sp. n., female holotype from Kitty’s Creek, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (AM KS19743) (27–28) 23 male pedipalp, ventral view 24 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 25, 27 epigyne, ventral view 26, 28 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.
Map 11.Map of Jamaica (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenopidae found on the island. Selenops candidus Muma (black circles), Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. (white diamonds), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. (black star).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 7.Eastern Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops raveni sp. n. (white circles), Karaops manaayn sp. n. (white diamonds), Karaops marrayagong sp. n. (white star).
Figures 101–108.Copulatory organs of Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García female from Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica (IJNHM sel_368) 101–102 Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. holotype female from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_383) 103–104 male from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_384) (105–106), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. holotype female from South of Spanish Town, Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (CAS) 107–108, 101, 103, 107 epigyne, ventral view 102, 104, 108 spermathecae, dorsal view 105 left pedipalp, ventral view 106 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.25 mm (101–102), 0.50 mm (103–108).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 29–34.Copulatory organs of Karaops raveni sp. n., male holotype from Brooyar State Forest, Queensland, Australia (QM S50593) (29–30), female paratype from Boat Mountain EP, Queensland, Australia (QM S47057) (31–32), and Karaops badgeradda sp. n., female holotype from Badgeradda Range, Muggon Station, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T97214) (23–34) 29 male pedipalp, ventral view 30 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 31, 33 epigyne, ventral view 32, 34 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm (29–32), 0.50 mm (33–34).
Figures 109–115.Copulatory organs of Selenops wilsoni sp. n. male from South of Spanish Town, Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (CAS) 109–110 Scans of Selenops beynai Schawaller holotype male from Dominican amber (SMNHS) 111–115, 109, 114 left pedipalp, ventral view 110, 115 left pedipalp, retrolateral view 111 features of the carapace, mouthparts and right pedipalp 112 right palpal bulb, rotated horizontally for consistency, ventral view. Although not perfectly preserved, several features are still apparent 113 right pedipalp, rotated for consistency, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm. Abbreviations: Cl = clypeus, Ch = chelicerae, PME = posterior median eyes, fe = femur, pt = patella, ti = tibia, cy = cymbium, c = conductor, ma = median apophysis, rta = retrolateral tibial apophysis, e = embolus.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 91–95.Karaops spp. in situ. 91 Karaops raveni sp. n., on tree at dusk, Skillion Nature Reserve, New South Wales 92 Karaops badgeraddasp. n., on turned rock, Badgeradda Range, Muggon Station, Western Australia 93 Karaops martamarta sp. n., showing red coloration, from Red Hill, Pilbara, Western Australia 94 Karaops francesae sp. n., female guarding eggsac, Cape Arid, Western Australia 95 Karaops toolbrunup sp. n., on turned rock from scree slope, Toolbrunup, Stirling Ranges, Western Australia.
Map 11.Map of Jamaica (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenopidae found on the island. Selenops candidus Muma (black circles), Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. (white diamonds), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. (black star).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 96–102.Habitats of Karaops species. 96 Macleay River, New South Wales, habitat of Karaops manaayn sp. n. and Karaops raveni sp. n., both collected under the bark of trees above the river 97 Scree slope in the Tinderry Ranges, New South Wales, habitat of Karaops raveni sp. n., collected from beneath the rocks 98 Badgeradda Range, near Muggon Station, Western Australia, habitat of Karaops badgeradda sp. n., collected from under loose rocks 99 Near Red Hill, Pilbara, Western Australia, habitat of Karaops martamarta sp. n., collected from beneath loose rocks. These spiders are a very red color, as the color of the substrate 100 Cape Arid, Western Australia, habitat of Karaops francesae sp. n., collected from beneath loose rocks on granite outcrop 101 Scree slope on Toolbrunup, Stirling Ranges National park, habitat of Karaops toolbrunup sp. n., collected from beneath rocks on scree slope 102 Forest at Kapalga, near South Alligator River, Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, habitat of Karaops dawara sp. n., collected from beneath bark.
Figures 121–128.Copulatory organs of Selenops insularis Keyserling male from St. Cyr, Jacmel, Haiti (CAS sel_657) 121–122 Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García female from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_151) 123–124 male from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_152) 125–126 Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. holotype female from kilometer 13 along Carretera ALCOA, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_166) 127–128, 121, 125 left pedipalp, ventral view 122, 126 left pedipalp, retrolateral view 123, 127 epigyne, ventral view 124, 128 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 110–115.Habitus of representatives of various selenopid genera. 110 Karaops ellenae sp. n., female, from Mount Cooke, Western Australia, Australia 111 Karaops raveni sp. n., female, from Watchimbark Nature Reserve, New South Wales, Australia 112 Makdiops montigenus comb. n., female, from Dehra Dun, India. The orange hue is not natural and due to preservation 113 Makdiops nilgirensis comb. n., female, from Karteri Valley, Tamil Nadu, India. The yellow-orange hue is due to preservation 114 Selenops radiatus Latreille, male, from Namibia 115 Selenops phaselus Muma, male, from Las Abejas, Dominican Republic 116 Pakawops formosanus (Kayashima), penultimate male, Taiwan (photo by Spideryang - http://www.flickr.com/photos/spideryang/3993100774/). Scale bar = 3.00 mm.
Map 13.Map of Hispaniola (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenops species, Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. (black circles), Selenops oviedo sp. n. (white squares), Selenops duan sp. n. (black square), Selenops denia sp. n. (white triangles), Selenops guerrero sp. n. (black triangle), Selenops bani Alayón-García (white Xs), Selenops pensilis Muma (white hexagons), Selenops enriquillo sp. n. (black hexagons), Selenops phaselus Muma (white stars), and Selenops morro sp. n. (black star).
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Map 7.Eastern Australia (inset) showing the distribution of Karaops gen. n. Karaops raveni sp. n. (white circles), Karaops manaayn sp. n. (white diamonds), Karaops marrayagong sp. n. (white star).
Figures 121–128.Copulatory organs of Selenops insularis Keyserling male from St. Cyr, Jacmel, Haiti (CAS sel_657) 121–122 Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García female from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_151) 123–124 male from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_152) 125–126 Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. holotype female from kilometer 13 along Carretera ALCOA, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_166) 127–128, 121, 125 left pedipalp, ventral view 122, 126 left pedipalp, retrolateral view 123, 127 epigyne, ventral view 124, 128 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Sarah C. Crews, Mark S. Harvey
Figures 29–34.Copulatory organs of Karaops raveni sp. n., male holotype from Brooyar State Forest, Queensland, Australia (QM S50593) (29–30), female paratype from Boat Mountain EP, Queensland, Australia (QM S47057) (31–32), and Karaops badgeradda sp. n., female holotype from Badgeradda Range, Muggon Station, Western Australia, Australia (WAM T97214) (23–34) 29 male pedipalp, ventral view 30 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 31, 33 epigyne, ventral view 32, 34 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm (29–32), 0.50 mm (33–34).