The chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) is a gait-antelope speshies native tae muntains in Europe, includin the Carpathie Muntains o Romanie, the European Alps, the Tatra Muntains, the Balkans, pairts o Turkey, an the Caucasus. The chamois haes an aa been introduced tae the Sooth Island o New Zealand. Some subspeshies o chamois are strictly pertectit in the EU unner the European Habitats Directive.[2]
The chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) is a gait-antelope speshies native tae muntains in Europe, includin the Carpathie Muntains o Romanie, the European Alps, the Tatra Muntains, the Balkans, pairts o Turkey, an the Caucasus. The chamois haes an aa been introduced tae the Sooth Island o New Zealand. Some subspeshies o chamois are strictly pertectit in the EU unner the European Habitats Directive.