
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology提供
Pelinoides colerus

DESCRIPTION—As in generic and species group descriptions with the following details Small to moderately small shore flies, length 180 to 205 mm

Head: Mesofrons sparsely microtomentose to bare, subshiny to shiny, with black luster, especially areas immediately laterad of ocellar tubercle; ocellar tubercle more densely microtomentose, appearing dull; parafrons black posteriorly, becoming gray next to facial suture, densely microtomentose, appearing velvety Antenna black; 1st flagellomere macrotomentose apically Face at narrowest point comparatively wide, width nearly twice length of 1st flagellomere; face, parafacies, and gena white to silvery white Eye-to-cheek ratio 067 Palpus black

Figures 38, 39—Pelinoides colerus: 38, male terminalia, lateral aspect; 39, internal male terminalia, lateral aspect

Thorax: Mesonotum densely microtomentose, mostly brown to grayish brown, with grayish microtomentose stripes laterad of acrostichal and dorsocentral tracks; lacking whitish, densely microtomentose areas except on postpronotum and immediately posteriad of notopleuron; scutum immediately anterior of scutellum with velvety black triangular area; scutellar disc slightly less microtomentose than scutum, faintly subshiny; basolateral scutellar margins densely microtomentose, appearing velvety black from posteroblique angle Acrostichal setulae small, inconspicuous; dorsocentral bristles 1, in posteriormost position, none presutural; presutural bristle inconspicuous; supra-alar region lacking well-developed setulae; only apical scutellar bristles well developed, although with smaller setulae laterally; at most with posterior notopleural bristle poorly developed; no pleural bristles evident Pleural areas mostly grayish Halter with knob yellowish, concolorous with stem Legs, except for tarsi, almost entirely densely microtomentose, gray; posterior surface of hindfemora and hindtibia in part bare, shiny black; tarsi yellowish brown to blackish brown, apical 2–3 tarsomeres darker Wing hyaline; costal vein ratio 060; M vein ratio 040

Abdomen: Terga generally about as densely microtomentose as mesonotum, mostly brown to blackish brown, but with broad posterolateral margins of terga 2–4 whitish Male terminalia (Figures 38, 39) as follows: epandrium, in lateral view, with posteroventral portion slightly produced posteriorly to a shallow point; ventral epandrial margin nearly straight, slanted slightly anterodorsally, anteroventral portion broadly rounded; aedeagal apodeme irregularly triangular, slightly higher than basal width; aedeagus a simple, very gradually tapered tube, moderately rounded apically; gonite with 2 ventral projections, posterior one slightly longer, narrowly triangular, much longer than basal width, the shorter anteriad and bearing 1–3 apical setulae

TYPE MATERIAL—The holotype male is labeled “R[epublica] A[rgentina] Tucuman[,] Rio Colorado 21-X-1953 [21 Oct 1953] Coll: R Golbach [handwritten, black border]” Allotype female and four paratypes (1, 3; IML, USNM) bear the same label data as the holotype except for dates, which are from 22 Feb-22 Oct 1953 Other paratypes are labeled as follows: ARGENTINA Salta Province: Arroyo Quipon, Cachi, Sep 1975, ML Grosso (1; IML) San Juan Province: Rio del Potrero, 5 Apr 1981, ML Grosso (1; IML) Tucumán Province: El Banado, 1700 m, 5 Oct 1968, LE Peña (1; CNC); Monte Bello, 13 Mar 1947 (1; USNM); San Javier, 21 Nov 1950, R Golbach (1, 1; IML, USNM) The holotype is double mounted (minute nadel in cork base), is in fair condition, and is deposited in the Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 37)—Argentina, provinces of Salta, San Juan, and Tucumán, between 26° and 30° south latitude

ETYMOLOGY—The specific epithet, colerus, is a Greek adjective meaning woolly and refers to the densely microtomentose, velvety black, triangular area immediately anterior of the scutellum

REMARKS—The distinctive, velvety black, triangular area on the scutum, immediately anteriad of the scutellum, and the shiny black mesofrons distinguish this species from all congeners
Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 1985. "Studies of Parydrinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), II: A Revision of the Shore Fly Genus Pelinoides Cresson." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-46. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.410
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology