Barnacles are stuck to rocks, which could make it tricky to get close enough to a partner to mate. They have solved this problem by evolving the longest penis relative to their body size of any animal. In this video the penises of several barnacles are probing the neighborhood for mates. The penis is re-grown each mating season. Check out for more.This video was filmed by Stefan Siebert. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Thanks to David Rand.
Dana Carrison-Stone, Robert Van Syoc, Gary Williams, W. Brian Simison
Figure 3.Conopea saotomensis sp. n. Opercular plates. A scutum exterior (CASIZ175526) B scutum interior (CASIZ178655) C scutum interior (CASIZ175526) D scutum interior (CASIZ174804) E tergum exterior (CASIZ175526) F tergum interior (CASIZ178655) G tergum interior (CASIZ175526) H tergum interior (CASIZ174804). Scale bar = 200μm.
Dana Carrison-Stone, Robert Van Syoc, Gary Williams, W. Brian Simison
Figure 4.Conopea saotomensis sp. n. Mouth parts. A labrum (CASIZ174805) B mandibular palp (CASIZ174805) C mandible (CASIZ174805) D maxilla I (CASIZ173190) E maxilla I (CASIZ175526) F maxilla II (CASIZ178655). Scale bar = 200μm.
Dana Carrison-Stone, Robert Van Syoc, Gary Williams, W. Brian Simison
Figure 5.Conopea saotomensis sp. n. Cirri and penis. A CI (CASIZ174805) B CII (CASIZ174805) C CIII (CASIZ174805) D CIV (CASIZ174805) E CIV spines (CASIZ175526) F CV (CASIZ174805) G CVI (CASIZ174805) H penis basidorsal point (CASIZ175526) I penis tip (CASIZ175526). Scale bar = 200 μm.
Dana Carrison-Stone, Robert Van Syoc, Gary Williams, W. Brian Simison
Figure 7.Conopea fidelis sp. n.Opercular plates. A scutum exterior (CASIZ174803) B scutum interior (CASIZ174322) C scutum interior (CASIZ178651) D scutum interior (CASIZ174803) E tergum exterior (CASIZ174803) F tergum interior (CASIZ174322) G tergum interior (CASIZ178651). Scale bar = 200μm.