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Puccinia levata J. F. Hennen & Hodges 1981

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Bullaria velata (Ellis & Ev.) Arthur & Mains
Uredo velata Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 22: 435. 1895. Puccinia Euphorbiae minor Holway, Bot. Gaz. 24: 31. 1897. Puccinia velata Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 472. 1918.
Pycnia amphigenous, gregarious in groups 0.5-1 mm. in diameter, on yellowish spots, rather inconspicuous, light-brown, flattened-globoid, 58-96 by 39-64 /t; ostiolar filaments agglutinated into a column up to 60 fi long.
Uredinia hypophyllous, crowded on yellowish spots 0.4-1 cm. in diameter, or scattered, oval or oblong, 0.5-1.5 mm. long, early naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 18-26 by 29-36/*; wall of two layers, the inner golden-brown, the outer colorless, 1.5-3.5 y. thick, moderately or sparsely echinulate, the pores about 6-8, scattered, rather indistinct.
Joseph Charles Arthur, Edwin Butter worth Mains, Guy Richard Bisby, Herbert Spencer Jackson. 1922. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); BULLARIA, TELEUTOSPORA, MICROPUCCINIA (pars). North American flora. vol 7(7). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora