
여우주머니아과 ( 韓語 )

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여우주머니아과(-----亞科, 학명: Phyllanthoideae 필란토이데아이[*])는 여우주머니과아과이다.[1]

하위 분류

브리델리아족(Bridelieae Müll.Arg.)[2]
  • Amanoa Aubl.
  • Bridelia Willd.
  • Cleistanthus Hook.f. ex Planch.
  • Croizatia Steyerm.
  • Discocarpus Klotzsch
  • Gonatogyne Klotzsch ex Müll.Arg.
  • Keayodendron Leandri
  • Lachnostylis Turcz.
  • Pentabrachion Müll.Arg.
  • Pseudolachnostylis Pax
  • Savia Willd.
  • Securinega Comm. ex A.Juss.
  • Tacarcuna Huft
여우주머니족(Phyllantheae Dumort.)[3]
  • 광대싸리속(Flueggea Willd.)
  • 여우주머니속(Phyllanthus L.)
  • 조도만두나무속(Glochidion J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.)
  • Breynia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
  • Heterosavia (Urb.) Petra Hoffm.
  • Lingelsheimia Pax
  • Margaritaria L.f.
  • Plagiocladus Jean F.Brunel
  • Synostemon F.Muell.
위엘란디아족(Wielandieae Baill. ex Hurus.)[4]
  • Astrocasia B.L.Rob. & Millsp.
  • Chascotheca Urb.
  • Chorisandrachne Airy Shaw
  • Dicoelia Benth.
  • Heywoodia Sim
  • Wielandia Baill.
포란테라족(Poranthereae Grüning)[5]
  • Actephila Blume
  • Andrachne L.
  • Leptopus Decne.
  • Meineckia Baill.
  • Notoleptopus Voronts. & Petra Hoffm.
  • Phyllanthopsis (Scheele) Voronts. & Petra Hoffm.
  • Poranthera Rudge
  • Pseudophyllanthus (Müll.Arg.) Voronts. & Petra Hoffm.


  1. Beilschmied, Carl Traugott. Flora 16(1, Beibl. 7): 61, 109. 1833.
  2. Müller Argoviensis, Johannes. Botanische Zeitung (Berlin) 22: 324. 1864.
  3. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 45. 1829.
  4. Baillon, Henri Ernest. Journal of the Faculty of Science: University of Tokyo, Section 3, Botany 6(6): 339. 1954.
  5. Grüning, G. R.. In: Engler, Heinrich Gustav Adolf. Das Pflanzenreich IV. 147(Heft 58): 13. 1913.
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