Gonatopus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, consisting of about five species. This genus is native to eastern and southeastern Africa and is closely related to the genus Zamioculcas. The plant generally only produces one leaf from its tuber when in growth. In G. boivinii, the leaf is tripinnate, and with its stalk can reach up to 1 m in height and 40 cm broad; the individual leaflets are up to 10 cm long and 3.5 cm broad; in G. angustus, the leaf can reach 1.5 m tall. A spadix arises from the tuber during late spring.
The most commonly found Gonatopus in private collections and cultivation is Gonatopus boivinii, commonly called giraffe's knees. This name arises from the appearance of a swollen region of a petiole called the pulvinus.
Since Gonatopus boivinii is tropical in origin, in temperate areas it should be grown as a houseplant. As an ornamental plant, it is grown for its attractive mottled leaves and stalk. Potting soil with some coir incorporated is satisfactory for the plant. The plant should be kept moist and fertilized once every two weeks with a weak fertilizer during the growing season.
The plants should be kept warm, and in bright light or light shade. After the growing season, the tubers can be lifted and stored like dahlias. The plant can be propagated by division or by seed.
Gonatopus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, consisting of about five species. This genus is native to eastern and southeastern Africa and is closely related to the genus Zamioculcas. The plant generally only produces one leaf from its tuber when in growth. In G. boivinii, the leaf is tripinnate, and with its stalk can reach up to 1 m in height and 40 cm broad; the individual leaflets are up to 10 cm long and 3.5 cm broad; in G. angustus, the leaf can reach 1.5 m tall. A spadix arises from the tuber during late spring.
Gonatopus es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Araceae. Es originario del este y sur de África tropical.[1]
Consiste de alrededor de cinco especies. Las plantas en general, sólo producen una hoja de su tubérculo. En G. boivinii , la hoja es tripinnada, y con su tallo puede alcanzar hasta 1 m de altura y 40 cm de ancho; los foliolos individuales tienen hasta 10 cm de largo y 3,5 cm de ancho, en G. angustus , la hoja puede alcanzar 1,5 m de altura. Una espádice surge del tubérculo a finales de primavera.
El género fue descrito por Hook.f. ex Engl. y publicado en Monogr. Phan. 2: 208. 1879.[2] La especie tipo es: Gonatopus boivinii
Gonatopus es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Araceae. Es originario del este y sur de África tropical.
Gonatopus é um género de plantas com flor da família das Araceae que agrupa 5 espécies validamente descritas. O género é nativo do leste e sustes da África e é estreitamente aparentado com o género Zamioculcas.
O género Gonatopus inclui as seguintes espécies:
Gonatopus é um género de plantas com flor da família das Araceae que agrupa 5 espécies validamente descritas. O género é nativo do leste e sustes da África e é estreitamente aparentado com o género Zamioculcas.
Латинское название Gonatopus Ljungh, 1810 Синонимы[1]
Gonatopus (лат.) — род мелких ос из семейства Dryinidae. Более 400 видов[2].
Самки бескрылые, самцы — крылатые. На переднеспинке имеется отчётливое вдавление. Нижнечелюстные щупики состоят из 3—6, а нижнегубные — из 2—3 члеников. У самок на передних лапках есть клешня для удерживания цикадок семейства Cicadellidae, в тот момент, когда они их временно парализуют и откладывают свои яйца. Средние голени у самок без шпор, а у самцов со шпорами[3].
Более 400 видов[2]. Род включает более 30 синонимизированных с ним других родовых таксонов. В Неотропике около 100 видов.[4] В Палеарктике 40 видов, для СССР указывалось 10 видов. Виды фауны России имеют длину 2—4 мм[3] Из верхнемеловых отложений Сибири (Магаданская область) описан ископаемый вид Gonatopus cretacicus (Cenomanian, 90—95 млн.лет.)[5].
Gonatopus (лат.) — род мелких ос из семейства Dryinidae. Более 400 видов.