
Diagnostic Description ( 英語 )

Characterized by semi-translucent grey or greenish color with intense dark spots on head; scale margins narrow brown to reddish; about six internal brown bars; base of pectoral fin with pair of dark brown spots; longitudinal scale series 23-25; ctenoid scales, absent on head, nape, breast and pectoral fin base; separated pelvic fins, thin membrane joining bases; depth of body 4.1-5.0 in SL (Ref. 90102).
Cristina V. Garilao

Morphology ( 英語 )

Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8 - 10; Analspines: 1; Analsoft rays: 7 - 9
Cristina V. Garilao

Biology ( 英語 )

Occurs at Belau's rock islands. Inhabits rubble and algal-covered patches of dead reef in 1-6 m (Ref 90102). Benthic (Ref. 75154). Feeds primarily on small invertebrates, also consumes detritus, contributing to a major trophic pathway on coral reefs. Spawning appears to be repeated on a regular cycle, semilunar or every 14 days (Ref. 116739).
Estelita Emily Capuli

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology提供
Eviota queenslandica Whitley

Eviota viridis queenslandica Whitley, 1932:301 [type-locality: Batt Reef, Queensland, Australia].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—320 specimens from 20 localities, totaling 145 males, 120 females, and 55 juveniles; total size range 7.8–25.1; largest male 24.3, largest female 20.0; smallest gravid female 12.8.

Holotype: AMS IA.4068, (19.8), male; Batt Reef off Port Douglas, northern Queensland, Australia, collected 1928, G. P. Whitley and W. Boardman.

Other Material: QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA: ANSP 93289, 3 (16.8–19.1), females; Musgrove I., coll. 1935, G. Vanderbilt. AMNH 39080, 11 (13.4–17.0), 2 juv., 3 males (16.7), 6 females (17.0); Mackay Reef, 29 Jan 1969, C. L. Smith, S69–38. LIZARD ISLAND: AMS I.19473-176, 10 (8.8–16.5), 7 juv., 2 males (16.5), 1 female (14.2); Coconut Beach, 24 Nov 1975, AMS staff, LZ 75-60. ENDEAVOUR REEF (collected by C. L. Smith and J. Tyler in 1969): AMNH 39081, 4 (8.6–14.6), juv.; 5 Jan, S69-5. AMNH 39082, 4(11.5–14.7), 2 juv., 2 males (14.7); 6 Jan, S69-7. ANSP 141150, 6 (8.7–12.9), juv.; 6 Jan, TS,A-6. AMNH 39083, 2 (13.5–13.6), juv.; 11 Jan, S69-12. ANSP 141151, 3 (11.0–15.3), juv.; 13 Jan, TS,A-13. AMNH 39084, 2 (15.1, 15.3), juv.; 13 Jan, S69-15. ANSP 141148, 1 (15.3), male; 15 Jan, TS,A-16. AMNH 39085, 7 (11.8–17.5), 5 juv., 2 females (17.5); 15 Jan, S69-17. AMNH 39086, 12 (13.0–19.5), 5 juv., 5 males (18.0), 2 females (19.5); 15 Jan, S69-18. AMNH 39087, 1 (13.1), juv.; 16 Jan, S69-19. ANSP 141149, 3 (11.4–17.1), 1 juv., 2 males (17.1); 16 Jan, TS,A-17. BIG HOPE ISLAND (collected by C. L. Smith and J. Tyler, 1969): AMNH 39088, 4 (14.9–19.4), 2 juv., 1 male (19.4), 1 female (17.4); 19 Jan, S69-24. LITTLE HOPE ISLAND (collected by C. L. Smith and J. Tyler, 1969): AMNH 39089, 6 (15.0–18.5), 1 juv., 3 males (18.5), 2 females (16.7); 17 Jan, S69-20. ANSP 113451, 3 (17.6–19.9), males; 17 Jan, TS,A-19. ANSP 113521, 1 (16.1), female; 20 Jan, TS,A-23a. ANSP 113524, 1 (11.5), juv.; 20 Jan, TS,A-24a. ANSP 113548, 1 (17.2), female; 20 Jan, TS,A-24b. AMNH 39090, 2 (17.5–17.7), males; 20 Jan, S69-26. AMNH 39091, 1 (15.7), juv.; 20 Jan, S69-27. AMNH 39092, 1 (11.0), juv.; 21 Jan, S69-28. HERON ISLAND: LACM 32820-7, 1 (17.9), female; Dec. 1961, G. Bartholomew. ONE TREE ISLAND: CAS 43538, 13 (14.0–17.8), 5 males (17.8), 8 females (16.9); 22 Nov 1969, B. B. Collette, 1385, FT-409. BPBM 14419, 2 (17.8–19.6), males; 14 Jan 1973, J. E. Randall. AMS I.20201076, 34 (12.1–18.9), 2 juv., 24 males (18.9), 8 females (17.7); 29 Sep 1971, D. F. Hoese, 71-17. (Collected by V. G. Springer in 1966): USNM 219203, 1 (15.8), male; 18 Nov, VGS 66-3. USNM 219214, 1 (14.5), male; 20 Nov, VGS 66-6. USNM 219198, 2 (16.8, 20.0), male and female; 22 Nov, VGS 66-7. USNM 219199, 1 (20.9), male; 25 Nov, VGS 66-8. USNM 219204, 39 (14.9–18.9), 20 males (18.9), 19 females (16.9); 27 Nov, VGS 66-9. USNM 219221, 4 (13.8–19.1), 3 males (19.1), 1 female (13.8); 30 Nov, VGS 66-13. USNM 219212, 1 (14.7), female; 1 Dec, VGS 66-14. USNM 219205, 5 (14.6–17.5), 2 males (17.5), 3 females (15.6); 9 Dec, VGS 66-18. NORTHERN TERRITORY, AUSTRALIA: ARNHEM LAND (collected by R. R. Miller in 1948): USNM 219210, 4 (16.3–17.6), females; Groote Eylandt, 25 Apr, M48-9a. USNM 219209, 4 (18.3-24.3), 2 males (24.3), 2 females (19.5); Yirrkalla, 14 Jul, M48-21. USNM 219213, 1 (19.3), female; Yirrkalla, 6–12 Aug, M48-21. USNM 219201, 6 (17.4–23.2), 4 males (23.2), 2 females (18.6); Yirrkalla, 12 Aug, M48-21. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: WAM P.20074, 1 (17.3), male; Dampier Archipelago, Rosemary I., 5 Nov 1971, R.J.M. AMNH 39093, 5 (15.3–25.1), 3 males, (25.1), 2 females (18.2); Cape Bossut, 16 Apr 1969, D. Rosen, DR-1969-78. TIMOR SEA: ASHMORE REEF (collected by J. McCosker, 11–12 Jan 1973): AMS I.17685-001, 1 (13.0), female. AMS I.17688-003, 19 (8.2–18.5), 6 juv., 6 males (18.5), 7 females (16.6). THAILAND: CAS 43814, 2 (21.3–18.1), male and female; Chumphon Prov., tip of Goh Chorakhay, 25 May 1960, Bronson, sta 60-183, GVF Reg. 2200. CAS 43813, 1 (16.7), male; Chumphon Prov., off Goh Martra, 19 May 1960, Bronson, sta 60-173, GVF Reg. 2190. CAS 43796, 3 (9.9–21.4), 1 juv., 1 male (21.4), 1 female (18.9); Ao Mae Hat Bay, W side of Goh Tao I., 10 Nov 1957, Rofen, sta 77, GVF Reg. 1535. USNM 219215, 2 (16.3–16.1), male and female; Patong Bay, Phuket, 22 Mar 1963, Anton Brrun cruise I. SINGAPORE: FMNH 83872, 3 (15.3–16.1), 1 male (16.0), 2 females (16.1); Pulau Sudong, 19 Feb 1955, D. S. Johnson. SU 30356, 1 (19.0), male; 14 Mar 1934, A. W. Herre. JAVA SEA: SERIBU ISLANDS: USNM 219217, 1 (15.7), female; off Pulau Tikus, Pulau Pari group, 5 Apr 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-34. USNM 219193, 2 (12.1–15.2), males; off Pulau Tikus, Pulau Pari group, 5 Apr 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-33. BPBM 18556, 1 (13.4), female; Pulau Putri, N of Jakarta, 16 Feb 1975, J. Randall. BAWEAN ISLAND: USNM 219222, 1 (13.3), juv.; 28 Mar 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-27. KARIMUNDJAWA ISLAND: USNM 219195, 1 (18.2), male; 29 Mar 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-28. CELEBES: KABAENA ISLAND: USNM 219200, 5 (10.9–16.0), 1 juv., 3 males (16.0), 1 female (13.8); Big Damalawa I., 25 Feb 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-2. GREAT TOBEA ISLAND: USNM 139363, 3 (15.7–17.5), males; Tidepool, 15 Dec 1909, Albatross. USNM 161211, 7 (12.2–19.9), 3 males (19.9), 4 females (14.8); 15 Dec 1909, Albatross. CELEBES SEA: SU 29486, 1 (16.7), female; Lembeh Strait, 17 Jun 1929, A. W. Herre. MOLUCCAS: USNM 209774, 4 (7.8–16.2), 2 juv., 2 males (16.2); Ambon I., 11 Jan 1973, V. G. Springer, 73-8. USNM 219208, 1 (14.1), male; Ambon I., 14 Mar 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-13. USNM 209820, 1 (18.3), male; Ceram, Piru Bay, 9 Jan 1973, V. G. Springer, 73-5. USNM 219207, 5 (11.0–18.0), 1 juv., 3 males (18.0), 1 female (15.7); Saparua, 5 Mar 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-5. USNM 219194, 1 (15.3), male; Banda Is., Goenoeng Api I., 7 Mar 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-8. USNM 219211, 1 (14.8), female; Banda Is., 8–9 Mar 1974, V. G. Springer, 74-10 or 74-11. NEW GUINEA: USNM 219192, 16 (10.6–17.1), 2 juv., 5 males (17.1), 9 females (13.4); Madang, 22 May 1970, B. B. Collette, 1479. CAS 43543, 1 (15.5), male; Waigiu, 8 Jun 1929, A. W. Herre. USNM 219631, 2 (16.5, 17.1), females; Bismarch Archipelago, Ninigo Is., 23 Oct 1978, V. G. Springer, 78-3. USNM 219632, 2 (16.6, 18.8), males; Bismarck Archipelago, Ninigo Is., 22 Oct 1978, V. G. Springer, 78-2. SOLOMON ISLANDS: USNM 219216, 1 (12.3), female; New Georgia, 19 Jun 1944, Chapman, C-43. USNM 219202, (13.3), female; New Georgia, 11 May 1944, Chapman, C-9. USNM 219218, 3 (12.7–17.5), males; New Georgia, 20 May 1944, Chapman, C-37. USNM 219220, 1 (12.0), female; [off Bougainville], 10 Sep 1963, Te Vega cruise 1, sta 45-4. NEW HEBRIDES: CAS 43800, 1 (11.3), juv.; Espiritu Santo I., 7 Oct 1958, R. L. Bolin, sta HK 147, GVF Reg. 1826. PALAU ISLANDS: CAS 43745, 1 (17.0), male; Ngadarak Reef, N of Malakal Pass, 17 Aug 1955, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 106, GVF Reg. 612. CAS 43738, 1 (16.6), female; Iwayama Bay in Geruherugairu Pass, 22 Jul 1955, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 30, GVF Reg. 529. CAS 43742, 1 (18.5), male; Iwayama Bay in Geruherugairu Pass, 12 Aug 1955, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 85A, GVF Reg. 586. CAS 43754, 25 (9.6–17.3), 3 juv., 15 males (17.3), 7 females (15.4); Auluptagel I., 8 Jul 1956, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 12, GVF Reg. 798. CAS 43755, 4 (12.2–14.8), 1 male (14.4), 3 females (14.8); E of Babelthaup-Koror causeway, 5 Aug 1956, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 41, GVF Reg. 827. CAS 43775, 1 (13.8), female; Koror I., 11 Sep 1957, Sumang, sta 57-11, GVF Reg. 1386. CAS 43761, 1 (16.4), female; Garukoru I., N of Babelthaup I., 16 Aug 1956, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 57, GVF Reg. 843. CAS 43786, 1 (14.3), female; Angaur I., 22 Oct 1957, DeWitt, sta 57-45, GVF Reg. 1425. CAS 43762, 1 (15.4), female; Nardueis I., 4 Sep 1956, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 95, GVF Reg. 881. SU 29239, 2 (17.5, 19.6), males; 15 Oct 1933, A. W. Herre. YAP ISLANDS: CAS 43750, 4 (8.1–19.0), 1 juv., 2 males (19.0), 1 female (14.2); 4 Jul 1956, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 7, GVF Reg. 793. CAS 43752, 1 (11.5), juv.; 5 Jul 1956, H. A. Fehlmann, sta 8, GVF Reg. 794. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: SU 26257, 6 (12.6–16.2), 1 male (15.5), 5 females (16.2); Culion and Dumaguete, 3 May 1931, A. W. Herre. USNM 219196, 15 (11.6–19.2), 7 males (19.2), 8 females (17.0); Palawan Prov., Cuyo I., 21 May 1978, Smithsonian team, SP 78-17. CAS 43798, 4 (12.8–14.3), 1 male (13.5), 3 females (14.3); Negros Orientale, Siaton, Albiga, 16 Aug 1958, GVF Reg. 1615. CAS 43797, 1 (13.6), male; Negros Orientale, Dumaguete, 3 Jul 1958, D. Empeso, sta 65a, GVF Reg. 1610. CAS 30523, 1 (13.1), male; Mindanao, Surigao del Norte, Nonoc, 26 Sep 1973, F. B. Steiner. CAS 43535, 1 (12.7), male; Catanduanes Prov., Panay I., 26 Jun 1953, G. W. Barlow. TAIWAN: USNM 219206, 1 (18.6), female; SW shore, off Ch'uan-fan-shih, 3 May 1968, V. G. Springer, 68-14. USNM 219197, 4 (8.3–18.0), 1 juv., 2 males (18.0), 1 female (17.5); bay between K'en-ting and Ta-yuan Shan, 1 May 1968, V. G. Springer, 68-12.

DIAGNOSIS—Pectoral fin rays 11–15 almost always branched; spinous dorsal fin may be elongate or filamentous in males; fifth pelvic fin ray small or rudimentary, usually about one-tenth the length of the fourth pelvic fin ray; genital papilla in male not fimbriate; nape, cheek, opercle, and base of pectoral fin with conspicuous, large, circular to oval, dark spots; 5 large dark spots on ventral midline from origin of anal fin to vertical through midpeduncular spot; spot on midcaudal peduncle and subcutaneous trunk bars not heavily developed; scale pockets often with prominent pigmentation, the margins broad and dark. In faded or poorly preserved specimens, this species resembles E. prasina but can be distinguished in having a nonfimbriate male genital papilla and the subcutaneous trunk bars are never heavily developed as in E. prasina.

DESCRIPTION.—Dorsal fin VI-I,8(2), VI-I,9(43), VI-I,10(5); anal fin I,7(3), I,8(45), I,9(2); pectoral fin 15(10), 16(23), 17(17); pelvic fin I,4 + a rudiment(4), I,4 1/10(44), I,4 2/10(2); fourth ray of pelvic fin with 4–12 branches, averaging 8.2; segments between consecutive branches of the fourth pelvic fin ray 1–5, averaging 1.9; pelvic fin membrane reduced; branched caudal fin rays 11(1), 12(17), 13(14), 14(6), 15(3), 16(1); segmented caudal fin rays 16(2), 17(38); lateral scale rows 23(13), 24(29), 25(1); transverse scale rows 6(8), 7(4); scales with 27–30 ctenii, 9–11 primary radii, and 1–3 secondary radii; breast scaleless.

First two dorsal spines of males may be elongate or filamentous, the first longer, extending to end of base of second dorsal fin; no spinous dorsal fin elongation in females. Length of pelvic fin usually extending posteriorly beyond origin of anal fin.

The cephalic sensory pore system is pattern 2. Cutaneous papilla system is pattern B.

Genital papilla in male not fimbriate, broad and straight or tapering slightly, the tip fringed and slightly indented, its length usually extending to origin of anal fin, or at most to base of first anal fin ray. Genital papilla pigmented in midportion with brown, pepperlike chromatophores; female papilla not pigmented, short, bulbous, not extending beyond origin of anal fin, with 2–4 fingerlike projections on each side of tip.

Gravid females range from 12.8–19.3 mm SL. Vertebrae 10(21) precaudal and 15(1), 16(19), 17(1) caudal, total 25(1), 26(19), 27(1).

COLOR IN PRESERVATION.—The dominant color pattern of this species consists of 2 dark occipital spots, dark, circular to oval cheek and opercular spots, a pair of large dark spots on base of pectoral fin and well-defined scale outlines, consisting of narrow to broad, vertical pigment patches on the scale pockets. Some variations of the color pattern are shown in Figures 47–50.

Head with 2 occipital spots behind eye, the spot nearest eye deeper than wide and sometimes integrated with a crossbar or spots over nape; the posteriormost spot circular to oval shaped, joined to or nearly meeting spot at upper anterior part of opercle; occipital spots about the size of pupil or slightly larger, and equal to or more intense than other spots on side of head. A dark bar, variable in intensity, extends from lower part of eye to rictus of jaw. Cheek with 4–8, usually about 5, dark circular- to oval-shaped spots, opercle with 4–5 similar spots; cheek and opercle spots equal to or less intense than occipital spots, and usually darker on upper portions of cheek and opercle than on lower portions. Two circular-to oval-shaped dark spots on base of pectoral fin, equal in intensity to, but usually larger than, cheek and opercle spots, sometimes separated by paler brownish chromatophores. On some Arnhem Land specimens, a smaller third spot present on bases of middle pectoral rays, between upper and lower large spots. Nape with 4–5 dark transverse bars, which may be broken into spots, or with large chromatophores arranged transversly; in some specimens, the nape pigmented with uniformly scattered chromatophores. Nape pigmentation less intense than spots on side of head.

Scale pockets prominently pigmented uniformly over trunk, the patches deeper than wide, horizontally broad (Figure 49d) or reduced to a single vertical row of chromatophores. A small, dark, mostly subcutaneous spot on midcaudal peduncle about 3 scale rows anterior to end of hypural plate, obscure in some specimens. Five dark subcutaneous bars on lower posterior part of trunk from about the origin of the anal fin to a vertical through the midcaudal peduncle spot, integrated with 5 prominent, ventral midline spots. Four subcutaneous bars on upper part of trunk, the lower third and fourth bars combining to form the third upper bar. Subcutaneous bars usually faintly developed, often obscure. A sixth, very small, ventral midline spot usually present on posterior caudal peduncle, just touching lower procurrent rays, and sometimes associated with a small diffuse subcutaneous mark. Belly with 3 wide, weakly developed, subcutaneous bars. A pair of oval to circular spots, laterad to bony bases of pelvic fins, sometimes touching lower portion of base of pectoral fin, absent in many specimens from various localities. Another pair of dark spots, usually smaller and less intense than previous pair, at anterior area of bony base of pelvic fin on each side of midline, often absent. Trunk with 12–15 small, dark, dorsal midline spots from origin of spinous dorsal fin to base of procurrent caudal fin rays, sometimes faintly developed.

First dorsal fin variously pigmented but usually 1 of 3 principal patterns is developed. Australian specimens have 3–4 dark, irregular, oblique bars and a dusky distal margin, the bars aligned ventrally with the dark dorsal midline spots on trunk; the anterior spines usually with a series of small dark spots extending to tips. This fin pattern is also found in various specimens over the range of the species (Figure 47). A second dorsal fin pattern is shown in Figure 49, wherein the prominent feature is a dark horizontal band just above base of fin, the rest of the fin is pale, bordered with a narrow dusky margin. A third pattern, found in Taiwan and some Philippine specimens, consists of uniformly scattered brownish pigmentation throughout the fin. The first two patterns appear to break up in many specimens to form more irregular configurations than described. Second dorsal fin pale to dark dusky, usually with a series of small dark spots separated by pale areas on the rays. Sometimes basal portion of fin lighter than or darker than outer half. Spots on rays may be faint or absent, or may be well developed, forming a series of narrow, somewhat irregular, oblique bars. Caudal fin pale to moderately dusky with alternating small, elongate, dark and pale spots usually present on rays, usually more developed on basal portion of fin. The second dorsal and caudal fins of some specimens appear to have light spots on a dark background, whereas others appear to have dark spots on a light background. Anal fin uniformly dark dusky brown with a pale margin, rarely darker on distal portion. Anal fin darker than second dorsal fin. Pectoral and pelvic fins pale.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—This species is uniformly distributed throughout the Indo–Australian Archipelago extending from southern Taiwan and the Malay Peninsula, southeastward to the Dampier Archipelago in Western Australia, the lower Great Barrier Reef, and the New Hebrides Islands on the eastern extremity (Figure 50).
Lachner, Ernest A. and Karnella, Susan J. 1980. "Fishes of the Indo-Pacific genus Eviota with descriptions of eight new species (Teleostei, Gobiidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-127. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.315
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Eviota queenslandica ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Eviota queenslandica és una espècie de peix de la família dels gòbids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 2,4 cm de longitud total.[3][4]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des del sud-oest de Tailàndia fins a Vanuatu, el sud de Taiwan, el sud de la Gran Barrera de Corall i Tonga.[3]


  1. Jenkins O. P. 1903. Report on collections of fishes made in the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of new species. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. v. 22 [1902]. 415-511.
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. 3,0 3,1 FishBase (anglès)
  4. Myers, R.F. 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p.


  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: Gobiidae. p. 774-807. A M.M. Smith i P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemanya.
  • Lachner, E. A. & Karnella, S. J. 1980. Fishes of the Indo-Pacific genus Eviota with descriptions of eight new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Núm. 315: i-iii + 1-127.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Eviota queenslandica: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Eviota queenslandica és una espècie de peix de la família dels gòbids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Eviota queenslandica ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Eviota queenslandica es una especie de peces de la familia de los Gobiidae en el orden de los Perciformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 2,4 cm de longitud total.[1][2]

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde el sur-oeste de Tailandia hasta Vanuatu, el sur de Taiwán, el sur de la Gran Barrera de Coral y Tonga.


Es inofensivo para los humanos.


  1. FishBase (en inglés)
  2. Myers, R.F. 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p.


  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: Gobiidae. p. 774-807. A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. Gobiidae. p. 358-388. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.
  • Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao y C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwán.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Eviota queenslandica: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Eviota queenslandica es una especie de peces de la familia de los Gobiidae en el orden de los Perciformes.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Eviota queenslandica ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Eviota queenslandica Eviota generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Gobiidae familian.



  1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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wikipedia EU

Eviota queenslandica: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Eviota queenslandica Eviota generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Gobiidae familian.

Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Eviota queenslandica ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供


Eviota queenslandica is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van grondels (Gobiidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1932 door Whitley.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Eviota queenslandica. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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昆士蘭磯塘鱧 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
二名法 Eviota queenslandica
Whitley, 1932

昆士蘭磯塘鱧学名Eviota queenslandica)为鰕虎科磯塘鱧屬下的一个种。



wikipedia 中文维基百科

昆士蘭磯塘鱧: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

昆士蘭磯塘鱧(学名:Eviota queenslandica)为鰕虎科磯塘鱧屬下的一个种。

wikipedia 中文维基百科