
Description ( 英語 )

由NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates提供

Scleroconcha solox, new species

Figures 4-7

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin solox (coarse, rough, bristly).

HOLOTYPE.—Partly dissected A-l male in alcohol in collection of the Museum of Victoria.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Slope 46, 42°0.20'S, 148°37.70'E, Tasmania off Freycinet Peninsula, depth 720 m.

PARATYPES.—Slope 39: USNM 194014, ovigerous female on slide and in alcohol (furca, eyes, and Bellonci organ lost). Slope 45: 6 juveniles in alcohol. Slope 46: 2 A-2 instars in alcohol. Slope 56: USNM 194015, adult male on slide and in alcohol. Slope 81: 8 juveniles in alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION.—Slope 39, 600 m. Slope 45, 800 m. Slope 46, 720 m. Slope 56, 429 m. Slope 81, 1264 m. Known depth range 429-1264 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.—Carapace oval in lateral view with prominant rostrum; posterior edge of left valve overlaps posterior edge of right valve resulting in more acute caudal process on right valve than on left; a triangular lateral process extends slightly past anteroventral corner of rostrum.

Ornamentation: Lateral surface with prominent rib just within ventral margin terminating anteriorly in small triangular process, and terminating posteriorly on caudal process; a 2nd short rib with anterior end at valve midlength just posterior to central adductor muscle attachments, and posterior end just anterior to caudal process; a 3rd rib dorsal to central adductor muscle attachments terminates anteriorly as process extending just past anterior end of triangular lateral process of rostrum and posteriorly joins an oblique rib terminating on caudal process (posterior end of 3rd rib bears 2 weakly defined processes); a 4th rib lies just within dorsal margin of valve. Surface of valve with abundant round fossae; part of edge of those fossae away from middle part of valve more strongly developed and appearing as crescents with convex edge facing middle of valve; surface between fossae with abundant minute pustules; ventral margin of valve with row of small button-like processes. Undivided bristles, some with broad bases, sparsely distributed over valve surface, more numerous along ventral margin; a row of about 10 short closely spaced bristles present along ventral margin of caudal process.

Infold: Rostral infold with 11-13 bristles; 2 bristles present on valve edge at inner end of incisur; 1 small bristle present ventral to inner edge of incisur; anteroventral infold with 10 or 11 ridges and, also, 17-21 bristles forming row parallel to valve edge; infold along middle of ventral margin bare; posterior end of ventral infold and posterior infold in vicinity of caudal process with about 80 slender bristles forming groups of up to 5 bristles; infold of caudal process with narrow flap bearing 6 or 7 small bristles (posterior bristle longer); 1 small bristle between shelf and ventral edge of valve (close to edge); edge of flap with narrow bare lamellar prolongation. Area dorsal to flap and between row of slender bristles and valve edge of USNM 194014 with 3 bristles on right valve and 6 on left valve.

Selvage: Broad lamellar prolongation with marginal fringe present along anterodorsal, anterior, and ventral margins of valve; lamellar prolongation narrower and with shorter fringe along posterior edge of valve; lamellar prolongation narrow or absent along ventral edge of caudal process in vicinity of row of closely spaced bristles; selvage along anterior ventral margin with long slender bristles with bases appearing to be on prolongation but having pore canals reaching valve edge. Selvage divided at inner end of incisur.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194014, 3.03, 1.95.

First Antenna: 1st joint with few medial and lateral spines. 2nd joint spinous, with 3 bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal, 1 lateral) with long proximal spines. 3rd joint with ventral and dorsal spines and 3 bristles (1 ventral, 2 dorsal) with long proximal and short distal spines. 4th joint spinous, with 5 bristles (3 ventral, 2 dorsal) with long proximal spines. 5th joint without spines; sensory bristle with about 8 short proximal filaments and 5 terminal filaments including stem. Medial bristle of minute 6th joint with long proximal and short distal spines. 7th joint: a-bristle about 1/4 longer than bristle of 6th joint, with long proximal and short distal spines; b-bristle about 1/3 longer than a-bristle, shorter than bristle of 5th joint (filaments not counted); c-bristle about same length as bristle of 5th joint, with short proximal filaments and 5 distal filaments. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles bare with blunt tips, about same length as b-bristle; f-and g-bristles about same length as c-bristle with short proximal filaments and 5 distal filaments. Shape of joints similar to those of S. ruffi (Kornicker, 1988, fig. 12a).

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare. Endopodite 2 jointed: 1st joint with 6 subequal bristles (5 proximal, 1 distal); 2nd joint with long proximal bristle with 9 wreaths of long spines, and 1 short slender straight terminal bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with minute medial bristle on distal margin; bristles of joints 2-4 bare, fairly short but all reaching well past 9th joint; bristles of joints 5-8 or 6-8 broken, with natatory hairs on remaining part; 9th joint with 7 bristles (3 long (broken), 2 medium (1 or 2 broken), 1 short, all with natatory hairs, and 1 minute with short hairs); joints 5-8 each with slender basal spine slightly shorter than 9th joint; joints 2-8 with row of small spines along distal edge.

Mandible: Coxale bare or with few medial spines; endite with numerous spines and bifurcate tip bearing small teeth; minute indistinct bristle near base; minute spine-like process between terminal bifurcations. Basale: dorsal margin with 3 spinous bristles (1 at distal 3/4, 2 subterminal); medial surface hirsute, with 5 bristles (3 pectinate unringed, 2 ringed with long proximal and short distal spines) in proximal ventral corner, and 1 ringed spinous bristle closer to middle of joint; ventral margin with 9 spinous bristles (some with bases on medial surface near ventral margin). Exopodite hirsute with pointed tip reaching 3/4 length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, with 2 bristles bearing wreaths of long spines (distal bristle about 3/4 length of proximal bristle). 1st endopodial joint with medial spines and 4 ventral bristles bearing wreaths of long spines. 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with bristles (with short spines) forming 2 distal groups (3 bristles in each group); dorsal margin with 8-11 spinous bristles near midlength, some with bases on medial and lateral sides of joints; medial surface and proximal dorsal margin spinous. 3rd endopodial joint with 3 claws (dorsal claw about half length of lateral claw; medial claw about 3/5 length of lateral claw; dorsal and lateral claw with indistinct proximal ventral teeth) and 4 ringed bristles.

Maxilla: Endite I with 11 spinous bristles (1 minute); endite II with 6 spinous bristles; endite III with abundant long proximal hairs, 1 proximal bristle and about 8 terminal bristles. Basale with 2 long bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal); usual short dorsal bristle absent (possibly obscured). Exopodite with 1 short proximal and 2 long terminal bristles. 1st endopodial joint with 1 alpha-bristle with long proximal and short distal spines and 5 beta-bristles. 2nd endopodial joint: 2 b-bristles (anterior ringed, spinous; posterior claw-like); 2 of d-bristles claw-like; remaining a-, c-, and d-bristles ringed. Usual dorsal bristle of coxale missing, possibly broken off.

Fifth Limb: With 3 endites. 1st exopodial joint: main tooth with 4 pectinate cusps; distal cusp with proximal smooth triangular anterior cusp; 1 bristle (with long proximal and short distal spines) proximal to smallest pectinate cusp; anterior side with 2 bristles (1 with long proximal and short distal spines, other with only short spines) at midwidth; outer corner with small lobe with small bristle. 2nd exopodial joint: large tooth with 1 small pointed tooth along inner margin and minute indistinct bristle on triangular outer corner; posterior side with long proximal bristle with few spines and 3 closely spaced distal bristles (inner bare, about half length of middle bristle; middle bristle with few spines; outer bare, about half length of inner). 3rd exopodial joint: inner lobe with 3 bristles with long proximal and short distal spines; outer lobe with 2 bristles (1 long with long proximal and short distal spines, 1 short with short spines). 4th and 5th exopodial joints fused, hirsute, with 5 bristles with long proximal and short distal spines.

Sixth Limb: With 4 epipodial bristles with long proximal hairs and short distal spines. Endite I with 2 or 3 spinous bristles; endite II with 1 proximal and 3 terminal spinous bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 8 terminal spinous bristles; endite IV with 1 proximal and 7 terminal spinous bristles. Skirt with 32 or 33 spinous and plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb: Each limb with 10 bristles (4 in proximal group, 2 on each side, each with 3 or 4 bells; 6 in terminal group, 3 on each side, each with 3-6 bells) with distal spines. Terminus consisting of comb with 8 teeth with long marginal spines opposite smooth peg.

Furca: Each lamella with 15 claws; claw 3 slenderer than claw 4; teeth along posterior margins of all claws; claw 1 with row of medial teeth; medial hairs at bases of claws and on lamella following claws.

Bellonci Organ: Elongate with about 20 sutures; tip narrowly rounded, with few long spines (not shown).

Eyes: Medial eye with black pigment. Lateral eye small, unpigmented, with few rounded cells but no ommatidia.

Upper Lip: Hirsute.

Anterior of Body: Single rounded process between upper lip and medial eye.

Posterior of Body: With few hairs near furca

Y-Sclerite: Normal for genus.

Number of Eggs: USNM 194014 with 16 eggs in marsupium; length of typical egg 0.36 mm.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE.— Carapace more elongate than that of female and with more open incisur.

Ornamentation: Ribs more subdued than those of female; surface with minute crescents.

Infold: Not examined.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194015, 2.61, 1.27.

First Antenna: 1st joint with rows of medial spines. 2nd joint with medial, ventral, dorsal, and distal lateral spines, and 3 spinous bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal, 1 lateral). 3rd joint longer on lateral side, with medial, ventral, dorsal, and lateral spines, and 3 spinous bristles (1 ventral, 2 dorsal). 4th joint with ventral, dorsal, medial, and lateral spines, and 6 bristles (4 ventral, 2 dorsal). 5th joint minute, wedged ventrally between 4th and 6th joints, with stout sensory bristle bearing abundant long thin filaments on broad proximal half, 2 or 3 short distal filaments, and bifurcate tip. 6th joint about same length as 4th joint, with distal lateral spines, and medial bristle with short spines. 7th joint: distal end of joint with sclerotized rim; a-bristle longer than bristle of 6th joint, with short spines; b-bristle about twice length of a-bristle, with 3 proximal filaments, 2 small distal filaments, and bifurcate tip; c-bristle very long, with 13 or 14 marginal filaments. 8th joint: joint smaller than 7th joint and lateral to it; d- and e-bristle about same length as b-bristle, bare with blunt tips; f-bristle slightly shorter than c-bristle, with 12 marginal filaments; g-bristle slightly longer than b-bristle, with 6 proximal filaments, 3 distal filaments, and bifurcate tip; filaments of bristles of 7th and 8th joints with 2 minute terminal spines (not shown).

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare. Endopodite 3-jointed: 1st joint short, with 5 short proximal bristles and 1 short distal bristle; 2nd joint elongate, with 1 bare proximal bristle, and 2 slightly stouter spinous bristles at midlength; 3rd joint elongate, reflexed on 2nd joint, with 1 short proximal bristle, 2 short slender subterminal bristles, and ridges at tip. Exopodite: 1 st joint with minute medial bristle on distal margin; 2nd joint about 1/3 length of 1st joint and about half length of 3rd joint; bristle of 2nd joint bare, reaching to 8th joint; bristles of joints 3-8 long, with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 6 bristles with natatory hairs (3 long, 1 medium, 2 short); joints 3-8 each with slender basal spine longer on distal joints (spine of 8th joint same length as 9th joint); joints 2-8 with row of small spines along distal margin.

Mandible: Coxale endite represented by 3 small bare bristles. Basale: dorsal margin with 3 bristles (1 at distal 2/3, 2 subterminal) with long proximal and short distal spines; medial surface spinous, with 5 spinous bristles in proximal ventral corner, and 1 spinous bristle closer to midlength; ventral margin with 8 spinous bristles (some with bases on lateral surface near ventral margin). Exopodite similar to that of female. 1st endopodial joint with medial spines and 5 ventral bristles (2 long with long proximal and short distal spines, 3 short with indistinct short spines). 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with bristles (with short spines) forming 2 distal groups (3 bristle in each group); dorsal margin with 9 spinous bristles, some with bases on medial and lateral sides of joint; medial surface and proximal dorsal margin spinous. 3rd endopodial joint with 3 stout claws (all with indistinct proximal ventral teeth; dorsal claw about half length of lateral claw; medial claw about 5/6 length of lateral claw) and 4 ringed bristles.

Maxilla: Limb reduced; 3 endites with weakly developed bristles. Precoxale and coxale with dorsal hairs; coxale with stout plumose dorsal bristle. Basale with 2 long bristles near ventral margin (1 medial, 1 lateral, both with long proximal hairs) and 1 short dorsal bristle. Exopodite well developed, with 3 bristles (1 short, 2 long) with long marginal hairs. 1st endopodial joint with very long hairs, 1 alpha-bristle, and 4 beta-bristles. 2nd endopodial joint with about 11 weakly developed bristles (2 stouter than others).

Fifth Limb: Limb reduced. Endites I and II each with about 5 slender ringed bristles; endite III with about 8 slender ringed hirsute bristles. 1st exopodial joint with 2 finger-like hirsute terminal bristles (1 much thinner than other and weakly ringed) and about 5 slender ringed bristles (2 proximal). 2nd exopodial joint with 1 finger-like hirsute bristle and about 5 slender ringed bristles (1 proximal). 3rd exopodial joint: outer lobe with 2 stout hirsute bristles; inner lobe with 3 slender hirsute bristles. 4th and 5th exopodial joints fused, hirsute, with 6 ringed bristles (1 very long), mostly bare or with short spines.

Sixth Limb: With 4 epipodial bristles with long proximal hairs. Endite I with 3 spinous bristles; endite 2 with 1 proximal and 3 terminal spinous bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 8 terminal spinous bristles; endite IV with 1 proximal and 7 spinous terminal bristles. Skirt with 29 or 30 spinous and plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb: Each limb with 10 bristles (4 in proximal group, 2 on each side, each with 2 or 3 bells; 6 in terminal group, 3 on each side, each with 2-6 bells) with distal spines. Terminus consisting of comb of 5 or 6 teeth with long marginal spines opposite smooth peg.

Furca: Each lamella with 15 or 16 claws (USNM 194015 with 15 on right lamella and 16 on left); claw 3 slenderer and about half length of claw 4; all claws with teeth along posterior margins, and claws 2-16 also with some teeth along anterior margin; claw 1 with row of medial teeth; medial hairs present at bases of claws, on lamella following claws, and adjacent to anterior margin of right lamella; right lamella anterior to left by less than width of claw 1, and with few long spines along anterior margin.

Bellonci Organ: Elongate with about 18 sutures, and long spines on narrowly rounded tip.

Eyes: Medial eye with black pigment. Lateral eye about twice size of medial eye, with 33 ommatidia in 5 rows and black pigment between ommatidia.

Upper Lip: Less hirsute than that of female.

Genitalia: Lobate with few bristles.

Anterior of Body: Broad rounded bulge between medial eye and upper lip.

Posterior of Body: With abundant spines ventral to midheight, and few spines on posterodorsal corner.

Y-Sclerite: With long dorsal branch.

Gut: Posterior end of the gut appears bifurcate: 1 branch leading to anus, and 2nd branch leading to anterodorsal corner of furca.

DESCRIPTION OF A-l MALE.—Carapace shape similar to that of adult female.

Ornamentation: Differs from female in having 2nd rib extending anteriorly well past central adductor muscle attachments, and in not having anterior end of 3rd rib reaching past edge of triangular lateral process of rostrum.

Infold: Rostral infold with row of 7 or 8 bristles and 2 bristles at inner end of incisur, infold of caudal process with narrow flap similar to that of adult female, with 3 or 4 bristles (posterior bristle longer); 1 small bristle between flap and ventral edge of valve (close to edge); other bristles of infold not counted.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): Specimen from Slope 46: 2.44, 1.56.

First Antenna, Mandible, Maxilla, Fifth Limb, and Sixth Limbs Not examined in detail but of similar type to those of adult female.

Second Antenna: Endopodite 3-jointed: short 1st joint with 4 or 5 short bristles (3 or 4 proximal, 1 distal); ventral margin of elongate 2nd joint with 1 very long bristle (about '/3 longer than endopodite) with 7 wreaths of long spines, and 2 short bristles with length similar to width of joint; 3rd joint elongate with 3 short bristles (1 proximal, 2 subterminal). Exopodite: joints 2-9 decreasing in size; all bristles fairly short, no bristles with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 6 bristles.

Seventh Limb: Not examined in detail but comb teeth with

long spines.

Furca: Each lamella with 15 claws; claw 3 slenderer than claw 4.

Bellonci Organ: Not examined in detail but similar to that of adult male and female.

Eyes: Medial eye similar to those of adult male and female. Lateral eye slightly larger than medial eye, with about 12 ommatidia and black pigment between ommatidia.

Upper Lip: Similar to lip of adult female, hirsute.

Anterior of Body: With anterior process similar to that of adult female.

Posterior of Body: Distribution of spines similar to those of adult male.

COMPARISONS.—The only previously described species of Scleroconcha with long spines on the comb teeth of the 7th limb is S.frons Kornicker, 1975:329, known from A-l males collected west of Chile at depths of 957-1226 m. The furca of A-l males of S. frons bears 12 or 13 claws on each lamella compared to 15 on the A-l male of S. solox, and the rostral infold of A-l males of S.frons bears 14-17 bristles compared to 9 or 10 on the A-l male of S. solox, but the main difference is in the lateral eyes: the lateral eye of the A-l male of S.frons is either without ommatidia or has 4 poorly defined ?ommatidia (Komicker, 1975:333) compared to about 12 ommatidia and black pigment between ommatidia on the A-l male of S. solox.”

(Kornicker, 1995, pp. 8-15)

NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology提供
Scleroconcha solox

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin solox (coarse, rough, bristly).

HOLOTYPE.—Partly dissected A–1 male in alcohol in collection of the Museum of Victoria.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Slope 46, 42°0.20–S, 148°37.70′E, Tasmania off Freycinet Peninsula, depth 720 m.

PARATYPES.—Slope 39: USNM 194014, ovigerous female on slide and in alcohol (furca, eyes, and Bellonci organ lost). Slope 45: 6 juveniles in alcohol. Slope 46: 2 A–2 instars in alcohol. Slope 56: USNM 194015, adult male on slide and in alcohol. Slope 81:8 juveniles in alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION.—Slope 39, 600 m. Slope 45, 800 m. Slope 46, 720 m. Slope 56, 429 m. Slope 81, 1264 m. Known depth range 429–1264 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 4, 5).—Carapace oval in lateral view with prominant rostrum (Figure 4a); posterior edge of left valve overlaps posterior edge of right valve resulting in more acute caudal process on right valve than on left; a triangular lateral process extends slightly past anteroventral corner of rostrum (Figure 4b).

Ornamentation (Figure 4a–c): Lateral surface with prominent rib just within ventral margin terminating anteriorly in small triangular process, and terminating posteriorly on caudal process; a 2nd short rib with anterior end at valve midlength just posterior to central adductor muscle attachments, and posterior end just anterior to caudal process; a 3rd rib dorsal to central adductor muscle attachments terminates anteriorly as process extending just past anterior end of triangular lateral process of rostrum and posteriorly joins an oblique rib terminating on caudal process (posterior end of 3rd rib bears 2 weakly defined processes); a 4th rib lies just within dorsal margin of valve. Surface of valve with abundant round fossae; part of edge of those fossae away from middle part of valve more strongly developed and appearing as crescents with convex edge facing middle of valve; surface between fossae with abundant minute pustules; ventral margin of valve with row of small button-like processes (processes just anterior to caudal process shown in Figure 4e). Undivided bristles, some with broad bases, sparsely distributed over valve surface, more numerous along ventral margin; a row of about 10 short closely spaced bristles present along ventral margin of caudal process (Figure 4c,e).

Infold: Rostral infold with 11–13 bristles (Figure 4d); 2 bristles present on valve edge at inner end of incisur; 1 small bristle present ventral to inner edge of incisur; anteroventral infold with 10 or 11 ridges and, also, 17–21 bristles forming row parallel to valve edge; infold along middle of ventral margin bare; posterior end of ventral infold and posterior infold in vicinity of caudal process with about 80 slender bristles forming groups of up to 5 bristles; infold of caudal process with narrow flap bearing 6 or 7 small bristles (posterior bristle longer); 1 small bristle between shelf and ventral edge of valve (close to edge); edge of flap with narrow bare lamellar prolongation (Figure 4e). Area dorsal to flap and between row of slender bristles and valve edge of USNM 194014 with 3 bristles on right valve (Figure 4e) and 6 on left valve.

Selvage: Broad lamellar prolongation with marginal fringe present along anterodorsal, anterior, and ventral margins of valve; lamellar prolongation narrower and with shorter fringe along posterior edge of valve; lamellar prolongation narrow or absent along ventral edge of caudal process in vicinity of row of closely spaced bristles (Figure 4e); selvage along anterior ventral margin with long slender bristles with bases appearing to be on prolongation but having pore canals reaching valve edge. Selvage divided at inner end of incisur.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194014, 3.03, 1.95.

First Antenna: 1st joint with few medial and lateral spines. 2nd joint spinous, with 3 bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal, 1 lateral) with long proximal spines. 3rd joint with ventral and dorsal spines and 3 bristles (1 ventral, 2 dorsal) with long proximal and short distal spines. 4th joint spinous, with 5 bristles (3 ventral, 2 dorsal) with long proximal spines. 5th joint without spines; sensory bristle with about 8 short proximal filaments and 5 terminal filaments including stem. Medial bristle of minute 6th joint with long proximal and short distal spines. 7th joint: a-bristle about longer than bristle of 6th joint, with long proximal and short distal spines; b-bristle about longer than a-bristle, shorter than bristle of 5th joint (filaments not counted); c-bristle about same length as bristle of 5th joint, with short proximal filaments and 5 distal filaments. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles bare with blunt tips, about same length as b-bristle; f-and g-bristles about same length as c-bristle with short proximal filaments and 5 distal filaments. Shape of joints similar to those of S. ruffi (Kornicker, 1988, fig. 12a).

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare (Figure 5a). Endopodite 2 jointed (Figure 5a): 1st joint with 6 subequal bristles (5 proximal, 1 distal); 2nd joint with long proximal bristle with 9 wreaths of long spines, and 1 short slender straight terminal bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with minute medial bristle on distal margin; bristles of joints 2–4 bare, fairly short but all reaching well past 9th joint; bristles of joints 5–8 or 6–8 broken, with natatory hairs on remaining part; 9th joint with 7 bristles (3 long (broken), 2 medium (1 or 2 broken), 1 short, all with natatory hairs, and 1 minute with short hairs); joints 5–8 each with slender basal spine slightly shorter than 9th joint; joints 2–8 with row of small spines along distal edge.

Mandible: Coxale bare or with few medial spines; endite with numerous spines and bifurcate tip bearing small teeth; minute indistinct bristle near base; minute spine-like process between terminal bifurcations. Basale: dorsal margin with 3 spinous bristles (1 at distal , 2 subterminal); medial surface hirsute, with 5 bristles (3 pectinate unringed, 2 ringed with long proximal and short distal spines) in proximal ventral corner, and 1 ringed spinous bristle closer to middle of joint; ventral margin with 9 spinous bristles (some with bases on medial surface near ventral margin). Exopodite hirsute with pointed tip reaching length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, with 2 bristles bearing wreaths of long spines (distal bristle about length of proximal bristle). 1st endopodial joint with medial spines and 4 ventral bristles bearing wreaths of long spines. 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with bristles (with short spines) forming 2 distal groups (3 bristles in each group); dorsal margin with 8–11 spinous bristles near midlength, some with bases on medial and lateral sides of joints; medial surface and proximal dorsal margin spinous. 3rd endopodial joint with 3 claws (dorsal claw about half length of lateral claw; medial claw about length of lateral claw; dorsal and lateral claw with indistinct proximal ventral teeth) and 4 ringed bristles.

Maxilla: Endite I with 11 spinous bristles (1 minute); endite II with 6 spinous bristles; endite III with abundant long proximal hairs, 1 proximal bristle and about 8 terminal bristles. Basale with 2 long bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal); usual short dorsal bristle absent (possibly obscured). Exopodite with 1 short proximal and 2 long terminal bristles. 1st endopodial joint with 1 alpha-bristle with long proximal and short distal spines and 5 beta-bristles. 2nd endopodial joint: 2 b-bristles (anterior ringed, spinous; posterior claw-like); 2 of d-bristles claw-like; remaining a-, c-, and d-bristles ringed. Usual dorsal bristle of coxale missing, possibly broken off.

Fifth Limb: With 3 endites. 1st exopodial joint: main tooth with 4 pectinate cusps (Figure 5b); distal cusp with proximal smooth triangular anterior cusp (Figure 5c); 1 bristle (with long proximal and short distal spines) proximal to smallest pectinate cusp; anterior side with 2 bristles (1 with long proximal and short distal spines, other with only short spines) at midwidth; outer corner with small lobe with small bristle (Figure 5c). 2nd exopodial joint: large tooth with 1 small pointed tooth along inner margin (Figure 5b) and minute indistinct bristle on triangular outer corner (Figure 5c); posterior side with long proximal bristle with few spines and 3 closely spaced distal bristles (inner bare, about half length of middle bristle; middle bristle with few spines; outer bare, about half length of inner). 3rd exopodial joint: inner lobe with 3 bristles with long proximal and short distal spines; outer lobe with 2 bristles (1 long with long proximal and short distal spines, 1 short with short spines). 4th and 5th exopodial joints fused, hirsute, with 5 bristles with long proximal and short distal spines.

Sixth Limb: With 4 epipodial bristles with long proximal hairs and short distal spines. Endite I with 2 or 3 spinous bristles; endite II with 1 proximal and 3 terminal spinous bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 8 terminal spinous bristles; endite IV with 1 proximal and 7 terminal spinous bristles. Skirt with 32 or 33 spinous and plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb: Each limb with 10 bristles (4 in proximal group, 2 on each side, each with 3 or 4 bells; 6 in terminal group, 3 on each side, each with 3–6 bells) with distal spines. Terminus consisting of comb with 8 teeth with long marginal spines opposite smooth peg (Figure 4f).

Furca (Figure 4g): Each lamella with 15 claws; claw 3 slenderer than claw 4; teeth along posterior margins of all claws; claw 1 with row of medial teeth; medial hairs at bases of claws and on lamella following claws.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 5d): Elongate with about 20 sutures; tip narrowly rounded, with few long spines (not shown).

Eyes: Medial eye with black pigment (Figure 5d,e). Lateral eye small, unpigmented, with few rounded cells but no ommatidia (Figure 5d,e).

Upper Lip (Figure 5d): Hirsute.

Anterior of Body (Figure 5d): Single rounded process between upper lip and medial eye.

Posterior of Body (Figure 5f): With few hairs near furca.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 5f): Normal for genus.

Number of Eggs: USNM 194014 with 16 eggs in marsupium; length of typical egg 0.36 mm (location of 1 egg shown in Figure 4a).

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figures 6, 7a–g-).—Carapace more elongate than that of female and with more open incisur (Figure 6a).

Ornamentation (Figure 6a): Ribs more subdued than those of female; surface with minute crescents (representative crecents shown in Figure 6a).

Infold: Not examined.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194015, 2.61, 1.27.

First Antenna (Figure 6b): 1st joint with rows of medial spines. 2nd joint with medial, ventral, dorsal, and distal lateral spines, and 3 spinous bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal, 1 lateral). 3rd joint longer on lateral side, with medial, ventral, dorsal, and lateral spines, and 3 spinous bristles (1 ventral, 2 dorsal). 4th joint with ventral, dorsal, medial, and lateral spines, and 6 bristles (4 ventral, 2 dorsal). 5th joint minute, wedged ventrally between 4th and 6th joints, with stout sensory bristle bearing abundant long thin filaments on broad proximal half, 2 or 3 short distal filaments, and bifurcate tip. 6th joint about same length as 4th joint, with distal lateral spines, and medial bristle with short spines. 7th joint: distal end of joint with sclerotized rim; a-bristle longer than bristle of 6th joint, with short spines; b-bristle about twice length of a-bristle, with 3 proximal filaments, 2 small distal filaments, and bifurcate tip; c-bristle very long, with 13 or 14 marginal filaments. 8th joint: joint smaller than 7th joint and lateral to it; d- and e-bristle about same length as b-bristle, bare with blunt tips; f-bristle slightly shorter than c-bristle, with 12 marginal filaments; g-bristle slightly longer than b-bristle, with 6 proximal filaments, 3 distal filaments, and bifurcate tip; filaments of bristles of 7th and 8th joints with 2 minute terminal spines (not shown).

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare (Figure 6c). Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 6c,d): 1st joint short, with 5 short proximal bristles and 1 short distal bristle; 2nd joint elongate, with 1 bare proximal bristle, and 2 slightly stouter spinous bristles at midlength; 3rd joint elongate, reflexed on 2nd joint, with 1 short proximal bristle, 2 short slender subterminal bristles, and ridges at tip. Exopodite: 1 st joint with minute medial bristle on distal margin; 2nd joint about length of 1st joint and about half length of 3rd joint; bristle of 2nd joint bare, reaching to 8th joint; bristles of joints 3–8 long, with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 6 bristles with natatory hairs (3 long, 1 medium, 2 short); joints 3–8 each with slender basal spine longer on distal joints (spine of 8th joint same length as 9th joint); joints 2–8 with row of small spines along distal margin.

Mandible: Coxale endite represented by 3 small bare bristles (Figure 6e,f). Basale (Figure 6e): dorsal margin with 3 bristles (1 at distal , 2 subterminal) with long proximal and short distal spines; medial surface spinous, with 5 spinous bristles in proximal ventral corner, and 1 spinous bristle closer to midlength; ventral margin with 8 spinous bristles (some with bases on lateral surface near ventral margin). Exopodite similar to that of female. 1st endopodial joint with medial spines and 5 ventral bristles (2 long with long proximal and short distal spines, 3 short with indistinct short spines). 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with bristles (with short spines) forming 2 distal groups (3 bristle in each group); dorsal margin with 9 spinous bristles, some with bases on medial and lateral sides of joint; medial surface and proximal dorsal margin spinous. 3rd endopodial joint with 3 stout claws (all with indistinct proximal ventral teeth; dorsal claw about half length of lateral claw; medial claw about length of lateral claw) and 4 ringed bristles.

Maxilla: Limb reduced; 3 endites with weakly developed bristles. Precoxale and coxale with dorsal hairs; coxale with stout plumose dorsal bristle (Figure 6g). Basale with 2 long bristles near ventral margin (1 medial, 1 lateral, both with long proximal hairs) and 1 short dorsal bristle. Exopodite well developed, with 3 bristles (1 short, 2 long) with long marginal hairs. 1st endopodial joint with very long hairs, 1 alpha-bristle, and 4 beta-bristles (Figure 6h). 2nd endopodial joint with about 11 weakly developed bristles (2 stouter than others).

Fifth Limb (Figure 7a): Limb reduced. Endites I and II each with about 5 slender ringed bristles; endite III with about 8 slender ringed hirsute bristles. 1st exopodial joint with 2 finger-like hirsute terminal bristles (1 much thinner than other and weakly ringed) and about 5 slender ringed bristles (2 proximal). 2nd exopodial joint with 1 finger-like hirsute bristle and about 5 slender ringed bristles (1 proximal). 3rd exopodial joint: outer lobe with 2 stout hirsute bristles; inner lobe with 3 slender hirsute bristles. 4th and 5th exopodial joints fused, hirsute, with 6 ringed bristles (1 very long), mostly bare or with short spines. (Not all bristles shown on endites and 1st and 2nd exopodial joints in Figure 7a.)

Sixth Limb: With 4 epipodial bristles with long proximal hairs. Endite I with 3 spinous bristles; endite 2 with 1 proximal and 3 terminal spinous bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 8 terminal spinous bristles; endite IV with 1 proximal and 7 spinous terminal bristles. Skirt with 29 or 30 spinous and plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb: Each limb with 10 bristles (4 in proximal group, 2 on each side, each with 2 or 3 bells; 6 in terminal group, 3 on each side, each with 2–6 bells) with distal spines. Terminus consisting of comb of 5 or 6 teeth with long marginal spines opposite smooth peg (Figure 7b).

Furca (Figure 7c): Each lamella with 15 or 16 claws (USNM 194015 with 15 on right lamella and 16 on left); claw 3 slenderer and about half length of claw 4; all claws with teeth along posterior margins, and claws 2–16 also with some teeth along anterior margin; claw 1 with row of medial teeth; medial hairs present at bases of claws, on lamella following claws, and adjacent to anterior margin of right lamella; right lamella anterior to left by less than width of claw 1, and with few long spines along anterior margin.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 7d): Elongate with about 18 sutures, and long spines on narrowly rounded tip.

Eyes: Medial eye with black pigment (Figure 7d,e). Lateral eye about twice size of medial eye, with 33 ommatidia in 5 rows and black pigment between ommatidia (Figure 6i).

Upper Lip (Figure 7e): Less hirsute than that of female.

Genitalia (Figure 7f): Lobate with few bristles.

Anterior of Body (Figure 7e): Broad rounded bulge between medial eye and upper lip.

Posterior of Body (Figure 7f): With abundant spines ventral to midheight, and few spines on posterodorsal corner.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 7f,g): With long dorsal branch.

Gut: Posterior end of the gut appears bifurcate: 1 branch leading to anus, and 2nd branch leading to anterodorsal corner of furca (Figure 7f).

DESCRIPTION OF A–1 MALE (Figure 7h–k).—Carapace shape similar to that of adult female (Figure 7h).

Ornamentation (Figure 7i): Differs from female in having 2nd rib extending anteriorly well past central adductor muscle attachments, and in not having anterior end of 3rd rib reaching past edge of triangular lateral process of rostrum.

Infold: Rostral infold with row of 7 or 8 bristles and 2 bristles at inner end of incisur; infold of caudal process with narrow flap similar to that of adult female, with 3 or 4 bristles (posterior bristle longer); 1 small bristle between flap and ventral edge of valve (close to edge); other bristles of infold not counted.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): Specimen from Slope 46: 2.44, 1.56.

First Antenna, Mandible, Maxilla, Fifth Limb, and Sixth Limbs Not examined in detail but of similar type to those of adult female.

Second Antenna: Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 7j): short 1st joint with 4 or 5 short bristles (3 or 4 proximal, 1 distal); ventral margin of elongate 2nd joint with 1 very long bristle (about longer than endopodite) with 7 wreaths of long spines, and 2 short bristles with length similar to width of joint; 3rd joint elongate with 3 short bristles (1 proximal, 2 subterminal). Exopodite: joints 2–9 decreasing in size; all bristles fairly short, no bristles with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 6 bristles.

Seventh Limb: Not examined in detail but comb teeth with long spines.

Furca: Each lamella with 15 claws; claw 3 slenderer than claw 4.

Bellonci Organ: Not examined in detail but similar to that of adult male and female.

Eyes: Medial eye similar to those of adult male and female. Lateral eye slightly larger than medial eye, with about 12 ommatidia and black pigment between ommatidia (Figure 7k).

Upper Lip: Similar to lip of adult female, hirsute.

Anterior of Body: With anterior process similar to that of adult female.

Posterior of Body: Distribution of spines similar to those of adult male.

COMPARISONS.—The only previously described species of Scleroconcha with long spines on the comb teeth of the 7th limb is S. frons Kornicker, 1975:329, known from A–1 males collected west of Chile at depths of 957–1226 m. The furca of A–1 males of S. frons bears 12 or 13 claws on each lamella compared to 15 on the A–1 male of S. solox, and the rostral infold of A–1 males of S. frons bears 14–17 bristles compared to 9 or 10 on the A–1 male of S. solox, but the main difference is in the lateral eyes: the lateral eye of the A–1 male of S. frons is either without ommatidia or has 4 poorly defined ?ommatidia (Kornicker, 1975:333) compared to about 12 ommatidia and black pigment between ommatidia on the A–1 male of S. solox.

Euphilomedes Kornicker, 1967

TYPE SPECIES.—Euphilomedes nodosa Poulsen, 1962 (subsequent designation by Kornicker (1967:1).

COMPOSITION.—Including the new species described herein this genus includes 18 species plus one subspecies (Kornicker, 1991b:3). Euphilomedes corrugata (Brady, 1897:91) has been reported previously from the vicinity of Australia (from off Port Jackson and in Flinders Passage).

DISTRIBUTION.—The genus is cosmopolitan but has not been reported from the Arctic or Antarctic regions. The known depth range is surface to 2250 m (Kornicker, 1991b:3).
Kornicker, Louis S. 1995. "Ostracoda (Myodocopina) of the SE Australian Continental slope, Part 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-97. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.562
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Scleroconcha solox ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Scleroconcha solox is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Philomedidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1995 door Kornicker.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2013). Scleroconcha solox Kornicker, 1995. In: Brandão, S. N.; Angel, M. V.; Karanovic, I. (2013) World Ostracoda Database. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=451268
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