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Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius 1792)

Habitat ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The habitat of cigarette beetles is difficult to define because they can be found anywhere that there are stored food products to eat. The only requirements that it needs for life are warm temperatures and some humidity. Elevation and proximity to water are apparently unimportant to this species.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial

Other Habitat Features: urban ; suburban ; agricultural

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles feed solely on stored plant material and some carcasses of other insects found within their food source. There are some insects that prey on cigarette beetles like wasps (Anisopteromalus calandrae) and mites, (Moniezella angusta) which feed on the larvae of the cigarette beetle. If not living within human food stores, cigarette beetles may live in and eat dead plant matter.

Species Used as Host:

  • none found

Mutualist Species:

  • none found

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • mites (Pyemofes tritici)
  • bacteria (Bacillus cereus)
  • Nosema plodiae
  • Pyxinia sp.
  • Venturia contxen
  • Israelius carthami
  • Bruchophagus sp.
  • Norbonus sp.
  • Lariophagus distinguendus
  • Theocolax elegans
  • Anisopteromnlusc alandrae
  • Cephalonomia gallicola
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

There are no known positive effects of Lasioderma serricorne on humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles feed on stored food products, contaminating them with excrement and dead bodies which can destroy entire stores of food. In 1950 and 1968, it is estimated that 0.7% of stored, unprocessed tobacco was destroyed by cigarette beetles in the U.S. Recently, cigarette beetles have begun infesting stored museum collections, using a newly developed biodegradable packing peanut as its food source.

Negative Impacts: crop pest

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles begin life as eggs laid directly onto dried, stored foods. These eggs are pearly white and have many spines on the end from which the larvae emerge 6 to 8 days later. Larvae are creamy white in color and covered in fine, light brown hairs. Larvae are mobile, burrowing into loosely packed stored foods which they feed on until they are fully grown. The larvae then enter the pupal stage, building a cocoon in which they undergo metamorphosis. They emerge 4 to 12 days later as sexually mature adults. The adult females are able to oviposit after one day of emergence. This whole cycle is generally completed in 26 to 33 days.

Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles are not threatened or endangered, and researchers actually study how to decrease their population as they are pests to humans. This is because the cigarette beetle causes damage to stored food products throughout the world.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles use their senses of touch, sight (minimally), and chemical receptors to perceive their environment and communicate with other beetles. The most common form of communication between beetles is through the use of pheromones, which they use to attract mates and deter oviposition near an existing oviposition site.

Communication Channels: chemical

Other Communication Modes: pheromones

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

無標題 ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Polypropylene packaging is most effective in stopping cigarette beetle infestations. Also, increases in thickness of the packaging decreases pest permeability in all packaging materials.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles are best known for their infestations of dried tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars, however, they eat many types of stored products including raisins, figs, dates, ginger, pepper, nutmeg, chili powder, curry powder, cayenne pepper, paprika, yeast, drugs, legume seeds, barley, cornmeal, flour, soybean meal, sunflower meal, wheat, wheat bran, rice meal, beans, cereals, fish meal, peanuts, dry yeast, dried flowers, leather, woolen cloth, bamboo, and sometimes, the remains of dead insects.

Animal Foods: insects

Plant Foods: leaves; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles are found worldwide, everywhere that stored tobacco is found. They thrive in temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The beetle spread widely as it was transported in packaged tobacco or other packaged products. It is believed that the cigarette beetle originated in Egypt because their carcasses have been found in Egyptian tombs.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Introduced ); palearctic (Introduced ); oriental (Introduced ); ethiopian (Native ); neotropical (Introduced ); australian (Introduced ); oceanic islands (Introduced )

Other Geographic Terms: cosmopolitan

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The lifespan of cigarette beetles in captivity is 26 days to 1 year, with an expected lifespan of 44 days. The optimal conditions for growth and development are between 30 and 37 degrees Celsius and 70 to 75% relative humidity. A constant temperature of greater than 40 degrees Celsius or less than -18 degrees Celsius is fatal to all stages of life and low humidity significantly shortens their lifespan. Larvae who eat more generally live to become larger, longer-living adults. Beetles raised on wheat flour have the highest body size and fecundity, laying an average of 10 times more eggs than beetles living on cigar tobacco.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
26 to 360 days.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
44 days.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Adult cigarette beetles are small, reddish-yellow or brownish-red oval shaped beetles. They appear hunched when viewed from the side due to the angle of their head, which is bent downwards almost perpendicular to the thorax. Their wing covers are smooth and unstriated. Adult cigarette beetles are often confused with drugstore beetles, which have striated wing covers and are longer and thinner than drugstore beetles. Cigarette beetle larvae are off-white, grub-shaped, covered with long yellowish-brown hairs, and have three pairs of legs and a brown head. When fully grown, both adults and larvae are 2 to 3 mm long. Adults weigh 0.0016 to 0.0044 g.

Range mass: 0.0016 to 0.0044 g.

Range length: 2 to 3 mm.

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles are prey to many mites and beetles. Mite predators include Chortoglyphrrgs raciiipes, Pediculoides uentricosus, Seiulus, Acaropsis docro, Acaropsis solers, Cheyletus erudirus, and Tyrophagus putrescentiae. They are also eaten by feather legged orb weavers (Uloborus geniculatus), red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum), cadelle beetles (Tenebroides mauritanicus), and clerid beetles (Thaneroclerus buqueti).

Known Predators:

  • mites (Pediculoides uentricosus)
  • mites (Seiulus)
  • mites (Acaropsis docro)
  • mites (Acaropsis solers)
  • mites (Cheyletus erudirus)
  • mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae)
  • mites (Chortoglyphrrgs raciiipes)
  • feather legged orb weavers (Uloborus geniculatus)
  • red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum)
  • cadelle beetles (Tenebroides mauritanicus)
  • clerid beetles (Thaneroclerus buqueti)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Cigarette beetles are polygynandrous organisms that reach sexual maturity during the pupal stage of development. In 10 to 12 hours after a female cigarette beetle emerges from its cocoon, it begins producing sex pheromones from a specialized pore on the second segment on its abdomen. This pheromone is highly attractive to male cigarette beetles. When a male beetle nears the source of the pheromones, is lowers its head, vibrates its antennae, and walks circles around the source. The male cigarette beetle then touches his antennae to the dorsal surface of the female and grasps her elytra. He then inserts his aedeagus (male reproductive organ) into the female's vagina. Once the beetles are connected, they remain connected, "end-to-end" position for 53 to 67 minutes to allow for sperm transfer. Length of copulation period is unaffected by temperature. Females normally mate with two males, whereas males normally mate at least 6 times.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Cigarette beetles emerge from their cocoons, an average of 4 weeks after birth, as fully developed, sexually mature adults. A female beetle is able to oviposit within one day of emergence. After fertilization, the female beetle looks for dry packaged food materials on which to oviposit. Female beetles most often lay their eggs on food products, which also produce the highest number of successful offspring. After the female deposits the eggs, she releases a pheromone that marks the spot so other beetles do not oviposit in the same place. Each female produces an average of 5.2 eggs which gestate for 6 to 8 days before the larvae emerge.

Breeding interval: Female cigarette beetles mate twice and males mate more than 6 times within their short 2 to 7 week adult life.

Breeding season: Cigarette beetles mate year-round.

Average eggs per season: 5.2.

Range gestation period: 6 to 8 days.

Average time to independence: 0 minutes.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 4 weeks.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 4 weeks.

Key Reproductive Features: semelparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous

The female cigarette beetle yolks and protects her eggs inside her body until she lays them.

Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Brigham, N. 2013. "Lasioderma serricorne" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lasioderma_serricorne.html
Nicholas Brigham, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Catherine Kent, Special Projects
Animal Diversity Web

Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由EOL authors提供
Lasioderma serricorne is a small (2-3 mm) brown beetle of the family Anobiidae, commonly known as the cigarette beetle, cigar beetle, or tobacco beetle. Its common name refers to the fact that this beetle is the most significant pest of all forms of stored tobacco, from cigarette packets to hogsheads and bales. It is also a pest of stored dried foodstuffs and non-food household items (dried plants, furniture stuffing, paper items and much more). Some were even found in dried resin from the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamun, and are known pests in museum herbariums. Locations with warm climates can see up to four generations a year; cooler climates just one. The small, grub-like larvae are C-shaped, white, and hairy, and constitute the main pest phase of this insect; they infest foodstuffs and feed for 5-10 weeks before pupating. Adults live up to six weeks, are strong fliers and become a nuisance by swarming at windows, but do not feed. Females lay 10-100 eggs upon a food source. Adult beetles carry a symbiotic yeast, Symbiotaphrina kochii, in their mycetome, a specialized organ linked to their gut. As the adult passes eggs through the oviduct, the yeast attaches to the beetles’ eggs and upon hatching, the larvae consume it to inoculate their own mycetome. The yeast supplies vitamin B and resistance to some toxins to the insect, and allows the larvae to survive on less nutritional food sources. Populations of cigarette beetles can be monitored using pheromone traps. Sanitary practices and tight storage help control this pest, and deep freezing or heating products can rid contaminated items of this species. For heavy infestations, insecticides are sometimes applied, but in limited use around food products. Cigarette beetles are easily confused with the similar looking drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum) and the common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum), all of which are pests of dried goods and belong to the family Anobiidae. All three harbor symbiotic yeasts for nutritional needs, but interestingly, these yeasts are of different species. (Cabrera 2007; Koehler 2008; Lyon; Wikipedia 2011)
EOL authors

Escarabat del tabac ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

L'escarabat del tabac (Lasioderma serricorne) és un petit coleòpter de la família dels anòbids, i del gènere Lasioderma.[1] És molt semblant al corc del pa (Stegobium paniceum), però és més petit que aquest (entre 2 i 3 mm) i presenta unes antenes completament serrades.


  1. Schabel, Hans G. Forest Entomology in East Africa: Forest Insects of Tanzania (en anglès). Springer, 2006, p.220. ISBN 1402046553.
Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Escarabat del tabac: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

L'escarabat del tabac (Lasioderma serricorne) és un petit coleòpter de la família dels anòbids, i del gènere Lasioderma. És molt semblant al corc del pa (Stegobium paniceum), però és més petit que aquest (entre 2 i 3 mm) i presenta unes antenes completament serrades.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Tabakkäfer ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
Imago von der Seite

Der Tabakkäfer (Lasioderma serricorne) ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der Nagekäfer (Ptinidae). Die Art tritt an gelagerten Tabakprodukten auf und ist neben dem Brotkäfer (Stegobium paniceum) die einzige bekannte Art der Nagekäfer, die auch in gelagerten Lebensmitteln zu finden ist. Die Art wird auf Grund dieser Nahrungsvorlieben als Schädling betrachtet, der den Menschen bereits seit langer Zeit begleitet. Man hat Tabakkäfer sogar in den getrockneten Rosinen des Grabs von Tutanchamun gefunden.[1]


Die Käfer sind 2 bis 2,7 Millimeter lang[2] und haben einen rötlichbraunen, abgerundeten, oval geformten Körper. Ihr Kopf ist bei Betrachtung von oben häufig durch das Pronotum verdeckt. Die Deckflügel (Elytren) sind mit feinen Härchen besetzt. Die Art ist dem Brotkäfer sehr ähnlich, kann von diesem aber leicht unterschieden werden. Die Fühler des Tabakkäfers sind gezähnt, wohingegen die der ähnlichen Art ungezähnt sind und in einer dreigliedrigen Keule enden. Außerdem haben die Deckflügel des Brotkäfers Reihen von Gruben, wodurch die Deckflügel liniert wirken, wohingegen die Deckflügel der Tabakkäfer glatt sind.[1]

Ältere Larven sind weiß und behaart und haben Ähnlichkeit mit Engerlingen. Auch die Larven des Brotkäfers sehen denen des Tabakkäfers ähnlich, die des letzteren haben jedoch längere Haare, ihr Kopf ist dorsal gleichmäßig gerundet und sie tragen auf der Kopfkapsel einen dunklen Fleck mit einem convexen Rand, der bis etwa zur halben Höhe der Frons reicht. Sie besitzen außerdem ein Arolium, das mittig unter den Klauen der Tarsen hervortritt.[1]

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Die Art ist pantropisch verbreitet,[1] kann jedoch auf Grund des menschlichen Handels weltweit überall vorgefunden werden. In den weniger warmen Regionen der Welt, so etwa auch in Mitteleuropa tritt sie nur in der warmen Umgebung des Menschen auf und kann Winter im Freien nicht überstehen.[2] Die Art ist überall häufig[2] und tritt insbesondere dort auf, wo getrocknete Tabakprodukte, etwa Blätter, Zigarren, Zigaretten oder Kautabak gelagert wird. Sie bewohnen bevorzugt dunkle bis halbdunkle Ritzen, Ecken oder Spalten.[1]


Bei Störung ziehen die Käfer häufig ihre Beine ein und ziehen den Kopf weit nach unten unter das Pronotum, um so eingekugelt regungslos abzuwarten.[1][2] Im Hellen sind die Käfer sehr aktiv und rasche Flieger, wohl um schnellstmöglich ein geeignetes dunkles Versteck zu finden. Sie sind vor allem Dämmerungsaktiv, wobei sie aber die ganze Nacht über Aktivität zeigen. Imagines nehmen keine Nahrung mehr zu sich, trinken aber Flüssigkeiten.[1]

Der Lebenszyklus der Tabakkäfer ist stark von der Höhe der Umgebungstemperatur und der vorgefundenen Nahrungsquelle abhängig und dauert in der Regel zwischen 40 und 90 Tagen. Dokumentierte Extremwerte sind 26 Tage bei 37 °C und 120 Tage bei 20 °C. Die Weibchen legen 10 bis 100 Eier direkt im Nahrungssubstrat ab. Die Larven schlüpfen nach 6 bis 10 Tagen und durchleben dann in fünf bis 10 Wochen vier bis sechs Larvenstadien. Zur Verpuppung graben die Larven Zellen in das Nahrungssubstrat oder bauen einen schützenden Kokon aus Nahrung und anderen Kleinteilen. Die Kokons werden häufig an festem Material angebaut. Bei starkem Befall bilden sie große Klumpen. Die Puppenruhe beträgt eine bis drei Wochen. Die adulten Käfer haben eine Lebenserwartung von einer bis vier Wochen. Unter idealen Bedingungen können fünf bis sechs, sich überlappende Generationen pro Jahr ausgebildet werden. Ab einer Temperatur von 17 °C wird die Entwicklung der Tiere beeinträchtigt und Imagines sterben, wenn sie über sechs Tage hinweg Temperaturen von maximal 4 °C ausgesetzt sind.[1]

Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung

Die Art gilt als wirtschaftlich bedeutendster Schädling an Tabakprodukten. Darüber hinaus ist sie aber ein ebenso großer Schädling an zahlreichen Lebensmitteln, wie etwa Mehl, getrockneten Früchten, wie Datteln und Rosinen, Zerealien, Kakao, Kaffeebohnen, Gewürzen und Kräutern, Nüssen, Reis, Tier-Trockennahrung und anderen Lebensmitteln, die längere Zeit in Vorratsschränken, -kammern und ähnlichem gelagert werden. Außerdem findet man die Käfer auch an getrockneten Pflanzen, etwa in Herbarien, Dekorationen und Potpourris, in Medikamenten, an Insektenpräparaten, in Füllmaterial von Möbeln, Pappmaché und im Bindeleim von Büchern. Tabakkäfer besitzen Hefen als Symbionten, die Vitamin B produzieren. Die Hefen gelangen bei der Eiablage im Ovidukt der Weibchen auf die Eier und werden dann von den Larven während des Schlupfs aufgenommen. Mit Hilfe dieser Hefen ist es den Käfern möglich, sich auch von sehr nährstoffarmen Substanzen zu ernähren.[1]

Der Fraß der Käfer verursacht direkten Schaden an den jeweiligen Substraten, die durch Ausscheidungen, Genagsel aber auch die Tiere und ihre Überreste selbst verunreinigt werden. Indirekter Schaden entsteht dadurch, dass die Imagines Verpackungsmaterial an- bzw. durchfressen. Die Larven tun dies auf ihrer Suche nach einem geeigneten Platz zur Verpuppung ebenfalls.[1]


Die Bekämpfung und Vermeidung von Tabakkäferbefall zu Hause ist verhältnismäßig einfach, sodass der Einsatz von Insektiziden nur im Extremfall notwendig ist. Befallene Lebensmittel müssen aufgefunden und entsorgt werden; sämtliche Lebensmittel müssen untersucht und etwa in Gläsern mit Schraubverschlüssen sicher verwahrt werden. Wichtig ist außerdem die gründliche Entfernung von verstreuten Lebensmittelresten, etwa von Mehl und Bröseln. Verdächtige Lebensmittel können zum Abtöten aller Stadien durch Lagerung über 16 Tage bei 3 °C oder 7 Tage bei −4 °C bzw. durch Erhitzen über 88 °C für eine Stunde, oder über 49 °C für 16 bis 24 Stunden behandelt werden.[1]

Im gewerblichen Bereich, wo die Tiere insbesondere in Getreidemühlen, Bäckereien und sonstigen lebensmittelerzeugenden Betrieben, sowie Lagern dieser Produkte schädlich auftreten wurde der Tabakkäfer früher vor allem mittels Ausräucherung, etwa durch das mittlerweile verbotene Brommethan bekämpft. Zwar wird zur Bekämpfung auch die vollständige und ausreichende Erhöhung der Temperatur über größere Zeiträume angewendet, Insektizide, etwa Methopren bei Tabakprodukten sind aber ebenso in Verwendung. Die Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung durch Parasitoide ist kaum relevant, da in der Regel die Verunreinigung der Produkte nicht verhindert, sondern durch die eingesetzten Insekten sogar verstärkt wird. Die Befallskontrolle erfolgt über Pheromonfallen.[1]

Natürliche Feinde

Zu den Fressfeinden der Tabakkäfer zählen Schwarzkäfer der Gattung Tenebriodes, Buntkäfer der Gattung Thaneroclerus und diverse Laufkäfer. Die Eier werden von räuberischen Milben gefressen. Parasitoide, die die Käfer befallen sind aus den Erzwespen-Familien Pteromalidae und Eurytomidae sowie aus der Familie der Plattwespen (Bethylidae; Überfamilie Chrysidoidea) bekannt.[1]


  • Ptinus serricorne Fabricius, 1792[3]
  • Xyletinus brevis Wollaston, 1861[3]
  • Lasioderma castaneum Melsheimer, 1845[3]
  • Lasioderma testaceum Stephens, 1835[3]
  • Ptilinus testaceus Duftschmid, 1825[3]



  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Featured Creature: cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne. University of Florida - IFAS, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2014.
  2. a b c d Karl Wilhelm Harde, František Severa: Der Kosmos-Käferführer. Die mitteleuropäischen Käfer. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-440-06959-1, S. 230.
  3. a b c d e Thyreocoridae. Fauna Europaea, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2014.


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 src=Wiktionary: Tabakkäfer – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Tabakkäfer: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
 src= Imago von der Seite  src= Larve

Der Tabakkäfer (Lasioderma serricorne) ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der Nagekäfer (Ptinidae). Die Art tritt an gelagerten Tabakprodukten auf und ist neben dem Brotkäfer (Stegobium paniceum) die einzige bekannte Art der Nagekäfer, die auch in gelagerten Lebensmitteln zu finden ist. Die Art wird auf Grund dieser Nahrungsvorlieben als Schädling betrachtet, der den Menschen bereits seit langer Zeit begleitet. Man hat Tabakkäfer sogar in den getrockneten Rosinen des Grabs von Tutanchamun gefunden.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Lasioderma serricorne ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Lasioderma serricorne, commonly known as the cigarette beetle, cigar beetle, or tobacco beetle, is an insect very similar in appearance to the drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum) and the common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum). All three species belong to the family Ptinidae.

L. serricorne is around 2–3 mm long, and brown in colour. The beetles, which can fly, live 2–6 weeks and do not feed as adults. They can be distinguished from A. punctatum by the fact that A. punctatum has a thorax with a pronounced "humped" shape. S. paniceum and L. serricorne have thoraces which have a much less obtuse looking angle when viewed from the side compared to A. punctatum, and thus could be difficult to tell apart. However S. paniceum has a distinct three-segmented "club" at the end of each antenna whereas L. serricorne has uniformly serrated antennae of 11 segments. L. serricorne also has much weaker punctures on the surface of the wing covers (elytra) than the other two species.

As indicated by its common name, the cigarette beetle is a pest of tobacco, both in the refined cigarette packet presentation and also as stored in hogsheads and bales, but is also a minor pest of oilcake, oilseeds, cereals, dried fruit, sage, flour, and some animal products.

Life cycle

The female beetle lays around 100 eggs loosely on the substrate to be fed upon. The larvae are active and will move around on and bore into the product, feeding as they go. The complete life cycle takes 26 days at 37 °C and 120 days at 20 °C. L. serricorne cannot tolerate the cold; adults die within 6 days at 4 °C, and eggs survive 5 days at 0–5 °C. The cigarette beetle's larvae can be distinguished with difficulty from the grubs of the drugstore beetle, most easily by their longer hair and dark head capsule.[1]

The beetles carry a symbiotic yeast, Symbiotaphrina kochii, that is transmitted to the next generation superficially on the eggs and carried internally in larvae and adults in the mycetome, a specialized organ that is linked to the gut.[2] The yeast cells assist in the digestion of less nutritious foods, supply needed B-vitamins and sterols, and provide resistance to certain toxins.[3][4]


Tobacco and its related products can be infested by Lasioderma serricorne and Ephestia elutella (tobacco moth), which are the most widespread and damaging pests for the tobacco industry.[5] Infestation can range from the tobacco cultivated in the fields to the leaves used for manufacturing cigars, cigarillos, cigarettes, etc.[5]

Control in commercial/industrial settings

several views of Lasioderma serricorne specimen

Insect monitoring traps are available for L. serricorne, which contain specific pheromones to attract male beetles, and help detect and monitor infestations. Infested bulk tobacco in the form of bales or hogsheads can be fumigated using methyl bromide or phosphine.

Dosage rates and treatment times with methyl bromide are 20 grams/m3 at 21 °C above and 32 grams/m3 for 48–72 hours at 7–20 °C. Methyl bromide is not recommended for cigar tobacco since it can produce off odours in the product.

With phosphine dosage rates are one gram of phosphine (equivalent to a 3-gram table) per m3 for 5 days at 12–15 °C and 4 days at 16–20 °C and 3 days above 20 °C.

For localised or household-level infestations the preferred control measure is to find the infested product, dispose of it, and treat around the area with a residual insecticide such as cypermethrin to kill off any remaining beetles.


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lasioderma serricorne.
  1. ^ Comparison of Lasioderma and Stegobium larvae
  2. ^ Noda H, Kodama K (1996). "Phylogenetic position of yeastlike endosymbionts of anobiid beetles". Appl Environ Microbiol. 62 (1): 162–7. PMC 167783. PMID 8572692.
  3. ^ Dowd PF, Shen SK (1990). "The contribution of symbiotic yeast to toxin resistance of the cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne)". Entomol Exp Appl. 56 (3): 241–8. doi:10.1007/BF00163695.
  4. ^ Nasir H, Noda H (2003). "Yeast-like symbiotes as a sterol source in anobiid beetles (Coleoptera, Anobiidae): possible metabolic pathways from fungal sterols to 7-dehydrocholesterol". Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 52 (4): 175–82. doi:10.1002/arch.10079. PMID 12655605.
  5. ^ a b Ryan, L., ed. (1995). "Introduction". Post-harvest Tobacco Infestation Control. Norwell, Massachusetts and Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1–4. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-2723-5_1. ISBN 978-94-017-2723-5.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Lasioderma serricorne: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Lasioderma serricorne, commonly known as the cigarette beetle, cigar beetle, or tobacco beetle, is an insect very similar in appearance to the drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum) and the common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum). All three species belong to the family Ptinidae.

L. serricorne is around 2–3 mm long, and brown in colour. The beetles, which can fly, live 2–6 weeks and do not feed as adults. They can be distinguished from A. punctatum by the fact that A. punctatum has a thorax with a pronounced "humped" shape. S. paniceum and L. serricorne have thoraces which have a much less obtuse looking angle when viewed from the side compared to A. punctatum, and thus could be difficult to tell apart. However S. paniceum has a distinct three-segmented "club" at the end of each antenna whereas L. serricorne has uniformly serrated antennae of 11 segments. L. serricorne also has much weaker punctures on the surface of the wing covers (elytra) than the other two species.

As indicated by its common name, the cigarette beetle is a pest of tobacco, both in the refined cigarette packet presentation and also as stored in hogsheads and bales, but is also a minor pest of oilcake, oilseeds, cereals, dried fruit, sage, flour, and some animal products.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Lasioderma serricorne ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Vrillette du tabac

Lasioderma serricorne, en français la vrillette du tabac ou lasioderme du tabac, est une espèce d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Anobiidae et du genre Lasioderma. Elle ressemble fortement à la vrillette du pain (Stegobium paniceum) et à la petite vrillette (Anobium punctatum).


L'adulte est long de 2 à 3 mm et de couleur brune. Il est capable de voler et se nourrit peu. Il y en a souvent dans les cuisines des habitations chauffées car il leur faut de la chaleur et de la nourriture.

Les caractères suivants permettent de distinguer Lasioderma serricorne de Stegobium paniceum avec lequel il est parfois confondu[1],[2] :

Les larves sont blanches, comme chez Stegobium, mais leurs poils sont plus longs que chez ce dernier[3].

Notes et références

  1. Cabrera 2001 (revised 2006), p. 1-2
  2. Roland May (éditeur), « Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus, 1758) », sur Insectes du Patrimoine Culturel, INRA Montpellier, 2012 (consulté le 10 août 2012)
  3. (en) Brian J. Cabrera, Drugstore Beetle, Stegobium paniceum (L.) (Insecta : Coleoptera: Anobiidae), University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, coll. « Featured Creatures », 2001 (revised 2006) (lire en ligne), Document EENY-228 (IN385)
  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Lasioderma serricorne: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Vrillette du tabac

Lasioderma serricorne, en français la vrillette du tabac ou lasioderme du tabac, est une espèce d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Anobiidae et du genre Lasioderma. Elle ressemble fortement à la vrillette du pain (Stegobium paniceum) et à la petite vrillette (Anobium punctatum).

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Tabakskever ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供


De tabakskever (Lasioderma serricorne) is een keversoort uit de familie klopkevers (Anobiidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1792 door Fabricius.[1]

De tabakskever wordt 2 tot 3 millimeter lang. Het is een bekend plaaginsect dat schade aan kan richten aan met name voorraden tabak, maar ook aan bijvoorbeeld voorraden gedroogde vruchten.

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Besouro-do-fumo ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

O besouro-do-fumo (Lasioderma serricorne) é um inseto coleóptero da família dos anobiídeos, cosmopolita, de ampla distribuição brasileira. A larva dessa espécie de besouro infesta produtos manufaturados ou dessecados de origem vegetal ou animal, sobretudo folhas secas do fumo (ou tabaco).[1]

Também são conhecidos pelos nomes de besourinho-do-fumo, bicho-do-fumo e caruncho-do-fumo.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.


  1. «Lasioderma serricorne». Fauna Europaea (em inglês). Consultado em 7 de março de 2021

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Besouro-do-fumo: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

O besouro-do-fumo (Lasioderma serricorne) é um inseto coleóptero da família dos anobiídeos, cosmopolita, de ampla distribuição brasileira. A larva dessa espécie de besouro infesta produtos manufaturados ou dessecados de origem vegetal ou animal, sobretudo folhas secas do fumo (ou tabaco).

Também são conhecidos pelos nomes de besourinho-do-fumo, bicho-do-fumo e caruncho-do-fumo.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Tobakar ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia SL提供

Tobakar ali tobačni hrošč (znanstveno ime Lasioderma serricorne) je vrsta hrošča, ki velja za skladiščnega škodljivca, predvsem na tobaku.


Odrasli tobakar meri v dolžino med 2 in 3 mm in živijo od 2 do 6 tednov. Odrasli hrošči letijo in se na tak način širijo, vendar se kot odrasli ne prehranjujejo. Škodljivec so ličinke, ki se prehranjujejo v prvi vrsti s tobakom, tako surovim, kot tudi s tobačnimi izdelki. Poleg tobaka se hranijo tudi s tropinami, ki nastanejo pri stiskanju olja in se uporabljajo za živalsko krmo, žiti in moko, suhim sadjem, posušenimi rastlinami, pa tudi z nekaterimi živalskimi proizvodi.

Samica odloži okoli 100 jajčec neposredno na izvor hrane. Po izleganju se ličinke zavrtajo v notranjost in pričnejo s hranjenjem. Pri temperaturi 37 °C traja razvoj ličink 26 dni, pri temperaturi 20 °C pa 120 dni. Tobakar slabo prenaša mraz. Odrasli hrošči pri 4 °C poginejo v šestih dneh, jajčeca pa pri temperaturah od 0 do 5 °C odmrejo po petih dneh.

Za tobakarja je značilno, da živi v simbiozi s kvasovkami vrste Symbiotaphrina kochii, ki jih samica prenese na zarod prek jajčec, ki jih ovije s kvasovkami. Kvasovke so nato prisotne tako v telesu ličink, kot tudi v črevesju odraslih hroščev.[1]


  1. Noda H, Kodama K (1996). "Phylogenetic position of yeastlike endosymbionts of anobiid beetles". Appl Environ Microbiol 62 (1): 162–7. PMC 167783. PMID 8572692.

Avtorji in uredniki Wikipedije
wikipedia SL

Tobakar: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia SL提供

Tobakar ali tobačni hrošč (znanstveno ime Lasioderma serricorne) je vrsta hrošča, ki velja za skladiščnega škodljivca, predvsem na tobaku.

Avtorji in uredniki Wikipedije
wikipedia SL

Tobaksbagge ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Tobaksbagge (Lasioderma serricorne)[5][6][7][8][1][9][10] är en skalbaggsart som först beskrevs av Johan Christian Fabricius 1792. Tobaksbagge ingår i släktet Lasioderma och familjen trägnagare.[11][12][13] Arten har en så gott som pantropisk utbredning och betraktas som ett skadedjur och är mest känd som skadedjur på tobaksvaror, men den angriper också bland annat spannmål och torkad frukt. Den har dålig tålighet för kyla men förekommer även på nordligare breddgrader inomhus i uppvärmda lagerlokaler och magasin liknande, dit den en gång oftast spridits med importerade varor. Arten är reproducerande i Sverige[13] och kom till Sverige efter år 1800 genom passiv införsel.[13]



  1. ^ [a b c d] White, Richard E. (1982) A catalog of the Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. Family: Anobiidae, US Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook
  2. ^ Wollaston, T. V. (1861) On the Anobiidae of the Canary Islands, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology, vol. 7, ser. 3
  3. ^ Melsheimer, F. E. (1845) Descriptions of New Species of Coleoptera of the United States, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 2, no. 12
  4. ^ Duftschmid, C. E. (1825) , Fauna Austriae. Oder Beschreibung der oesterreichischen Insecten, fuer angehende Freunde der Entomologie, vol. 3
  5. ^ (1996) , database, NODC Taxonomic Code
  6. ^ Nishida, Gordon, M., ed. (1997) , Hawaiian Terrestrial Arthropod Checklist, Third Edition
  7. ^ (1996) , database, Hawaiian Arthropod Checklist Database
  8. ^ Philips, T. Keith / Arnett, Ross H., Jr., Michael C. Thomas, Paul E. Skelley, and J. H. Frank, eds. (2002) Family 70. Anobiidae Fleming 1821, American Beetles, vol. 2 Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea
  9. ^ McNamara, J. / Bousquet, Y., ed. (1991) Family Anobiidae - deathwatch beetles, Checklist of beetles of Canada and Alaska
  10. ^ Fabricius, J. C. (1792) , Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus, vol. 1, no. 1
  11. ^ Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (5 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/lasioderma+serricorne/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  12. ^ ITIS: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Orrell T. (custodian), 2011-04-26
  13. ^ [a b c] Dyntaxa Lasioderma serricorne

Externa länkar

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Tobaksbagge: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Tobaksbagge (Lasioderma serricorne) är en skalbaggsart som först beskrevs av Johan Christian Fabricius 1792. Tobaksbagge ingår i släktet Lasioderma och familjen trägnagare. Arten har en så gott som pantropisk utbredning och betraktas som ett skadedjur och är mest känd som skadedjur på tobaksvaror, men den angriper också bland annat spannmål och torkad frukt. Den har dålig tålighet för kyla men förekommer även på nordligare breddgrader inomhus i uppvärmda lagerlokaler och magasin liknande, dit den en gång oftast spridits med importerade varor. Arten är reproducerande i Sverige och kom till Sverige efter år 1800 genom passiv införsel.

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Табачный жук ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Coleopterida
Подотряд: Разноядные жуки
Инфраотряд: Бострихиформные
Надсемейство: Бострихоидные
Семейство: Точильщики
Подсемейство: Xyletininae
Триба: Lasiodermini
Вид: Табачный жук
Международное научное название

Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius, 1792)

  • Lasioderma castaneum Melsheimer, 1845
  • Lasioderma testaceum (Duftschmid)
  • Ptilinus testaceus Duftschmid, 1825
  • Ptinus serricornis Fabricius, 1792
  • Xyletinus brevis Wollaston, 1861
  • Xyletinus testaceus (Duftschmid) Stephens, 1835
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 114465NCBI 295660EOL 312992

Табачный жук[1][2] (лат. Lasioderma serricorne) — вид жесткокрылых насекомых из семейства точильщиков. Встречается повсеместно.


Табачный жук

Мелкие жуки рыжевато-коричневого цвета, длина овального тела 2—3 мм. Усики пиловидные, состоят из 11 члеников. Голова в покое подогнута вниз и назад, гипогнатическая[3]. Самки откладывают 10—100 яиц, при оптимальной температуре (28—31°С) развитие длится около 50 дней[4][5]. В год выводится от одного до пяти поколений, в зависимости от климата[6]. Жуки переносят симбиотические дрожжевидные грибы Symbiotaphrina kochii (Ascomycota; Symbiotaphrina), которые передаются следующему поколению поверхностно на яйцах и внутренне через личинок и имаго в мицетоме (mycetome), специализированном органе, который связан с кишечником[7]. Эти грибы помогают жукам переваривать малопитательный корм, обеспечивают необходимыми витаминами, стеринами и повышают устойчивость к некоторым токсинам[8][9]. Половым феромоном, привлекающим самцов, является серрикорнин (4,6-dimethyl-7-hydroxy-nonan-3-one). Синтетический серрикорнин используется в коммерческих ловушках для поимки табачного жука[10].

Среди естественных врагов известны хищники (жуки-чернотелки Tenebriodes, Tenebrionidae; пестряки Thaneroclerus, Cleridae; жужелицы; и клещи, поедающие яйца), паразитоиды (наездники из семейств Pteromalidae, Eurytomidae и осы Bethylidae)[10].


Серьёзный вредитель запасов продуктов, прежде всего, растительного происхождения (табак и другие табачные изделия, реже портит сухофрукты, какао и пряности, рис, арахис, перец, инжир, финики). Может вредить в энтомологических коллекциях и библиотеках[4][5]. Табачный жук является одним из основных вредителей табачной промышленности. Частота встречаемости жуков на складах табачного сырья и курительной продукции достигает 50-70 % вместе с табачной огневкой (Ephestia elutella): эти два вида приводят к ежегодным потерям до 5-15 % табачного сырья[11]. В рамках международных договоров рассматривается карантинным объектом[12].


  1. Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР. Т. II. Жесткокрылые и веерокрылые. / под общ. ред. чл.-корр. Г. Я. Бей-Биенко. — М.-Л.: «Наука», 1965. — С. 244—258. — 668 с. — (Определители по фауне СССР, издаваемые Зоологическим институтом АН СССР; вып. 89.). — 5700 экз.
  2. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — 560 с. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  3. Логвиновский В. Д. Точильщики — семейство Anobiidae // Фауна СССР. Насекомые жесткокрылые. — Л.: Наука, 1985. — Т. 14, вып. 2. — С. 131—132. — 175 с. — (Новая серия № 131).
  4. 1 2 Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока СССР. Т. III. Жесткокрылые, или жуки. Ч. 2 / под общ. ред. П. А. Лера. — Л.: Наука, 1992. — С. 69. — 704 с. — 1400 экз.
  5. 1 2 Точильщик тобачный малый Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius, 1792) (рус.) (Проверено 25 ноября 2012)
  6. eol.org: Lasioderma serricorne — Brief Summary (англ.) (Проверено 25 ноября 2012)
  7. Noda H., Kodama K. (1996). “Phylogenetic position of yeastlike endosymbionts of anobiid beetles”. Appl Environ Microbiol. 62 (1): 162—7. PMC 167783. PMID 8572692.
  8. Dowd P. F., Shen S. K. (1990). “The contribution of symbiotic yeast to toxin resistance of the cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne)”. Entomol Exp Appl. 56 (3): 241—8. DOI:10.1007/BF00163695.
  9. Nasir H., Noda H. (2003). “Yeast-like symbiotes as a sterol source in anobiid beetles (Coleoptera, Anobiidae): possible metabolic pathways from fungal sterols to 7-dehydrocholesterol”. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. 52 (4): 175—82. DOI:10.1002/arch.10079. PMID 12655605.
  10. 1 2 Cabrera, B. J. 2007. Cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne. Featured Creatures, Department of Entomology and Nematology. (англ.) (Проверено 25 ноября 2012)
  11. Шураева, Галина Петровна. (2006). Разработка комплексной системы защиты табачного сырья от основных вредных организмов. — Автореферат диссертации. — Краснодар, ГНУ ВНИИ табака, махорки и табачных изделий, 2006 — С.1—157.
  12. Соглашение между правительством Российской Федерации и правительством Венгерской Республики о сотрудничестве в области карантина и защиты растений (Москва, 13 декабря 1993 года). По состоянию на ноябрь 2007 года.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Табачный жук: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

Табачный жук (лат. Lasioderma serricorne) — вид жесткокрылых насекомых из семейства точильщиков. Встречается повсеместно.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

鋸角毛食骸甲 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
二名法 Lasioderma serricorne
Fabricius, 1792

鋸角毛食骸甲学名Lasioderma serricorne)为標本甲科毛食骸甲屬下的一个种。



wikipedia 中文维基百科

鋸角毛食骸甲: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

鋸角毛食骸甲(学名:Lasioderma serricorne)为標本甲科毛食骸甲屬下的一个种。

wikipedia 中文维基百科

タバコシバンムシ ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
タバコシバンムシ Drugstore beetle 01.jpg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda : 昆虫綱 Insecta : 鞘翅目 Coleoptera 亜目 : 多食亜目 Polyphaga 上科 : ナガシンクイ上科
Bostrychoidea : シバンムシ科 Anobiidae 亜科 : セスジシバンムシ亜科 Xyletininae : Lasioderma : タバコシバンムシ L. serricorne 学名 Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius, 1792) 英名 cigarette beetle

タバコシバンムシ(煙草死番虫) Lasioderma serricorne は、ジンサンシバンムシと並んで貯蔵食品害虫として知られるシバンムシの一種。世界中に広く分布し、日本国内にもほぼ全土に分布し、大多数の家庭で発生して乾燥食品などありとあらゆる乾燥動・植物質を食害する。




学名のうち属名は lasios(:λασιος )「毛深い」+derma「皮膚」で毛深い体を、種小名は serra「」+ cornu「角=触角」で、鋸歯状の触角を表したもの。













  • 河野昌弘(1991)タバコシバンムシ, 昆虫の飼育法, 社団法人日本植物防疫協会 p.236.
  • 酒井雅博(1995)シバンムシ, 家屋害虫辞典, 井上書院 p.266-p.279.ISBN 4-7530-0091-5


  • タバコシバンムシ ― 名古屋市衛生研究所 身の回りの 『むし』 たち -web昆虫図鑑- (幼虫などの写真)
wikipedia 日本語

タバコシバンムシ: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
 src= タバコシバンムシ四態

タバコシバンムシ(煙草死番虫) Lasioderma serricorne は、ジンサンシバンムシと並んで貯蔵食品害虫として知られるシバンムシの一種。世界中に広く分布し、日本国内にもほぼ全土に分布し、大多数の家庭で発生して乾燥食品などありとあらゆる乾燥動・植物質を食害する。

wikipedia 日本語