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Ustilago mulfordiana Ellis & Everh. 1895

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Ustilago mulfordiana Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 22 : 362. 1895
Tilletia mixta Massee, Kew Bull. 1899: 145,^.^. 1899.
Ustilago Festucae-tenellae P. Henn. Hedwigia Beibl. 41: 61. 1902. (Type from Mexico, on Festuca tenella.)
Sori in the inflorescence (often destroying only basal part) and the enveloping leaves, elongate, usually 1-2 cm. in length, covered by the thin whitish epidermis or by the less altered opaque parts; spores nearly opaque, dark reddish-brown, ovoid to spherical or somewhat irregular, when dry laterally compressed, rather coarsely though obscurely verruculose, chiefly 12-16 ^, occasionally even 18 yti, in length.
On Poaceae :
Festuca microstachya, Washington. f"^
Festuca octoflora {F. tenella), Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, tJtahy Washington,
Wyoming ; Mexico. wC.—
Festuca sp., California, Idaho. <
Type locality : Near Bois^ City, Idaho, on Festuca sp. Distribution : Montana to Washington and Mexico.
bibliyografik atıf
George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY