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Rosa nutkana var. muriculata (Greene) G. N. Jones

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Rosa muriculata Greene, Leaflets 2: 263. 1812
Rosa nutkana glandulosa Crepin, in herb.
Stem stout, erect, 1 m. high or more, glabrous, dark-green or brown, armed with paired infrastipular prickles, which are straight, stout, slightly ascending, 8-10 mm. long, flattened below, glabrous; floral branches glabrous, unarmed or with weak prickles, 1-2 dm. long; stipules usually dilated, adnate, densely glandular-muricate, the free portion broadly oval; petioles and rachis strongly glandular and more or less prickly; leaflets 5 or 7, broadly oval or subrotund, rounded at the apex; glandular double-toothed, dark-green on both sides, glabrous above, conspicuously glandular-muriculate beneath, 1.5-3 cm. (rarely 4 cm.) long; flowers
2 or 3 together or solitary; pedicels 1-3 cm. long, glandular; hypanthium subglobose, glabrous, in fruit 12-15 mm. in diameter, often acutish at the base; sepals ovate-lanceolate, caudateacuminate, often foliaceously tipped, about 2 cm. long, glandular-hispid on the back; petals obcordate, 2-2.5 cm. long; styles distinct, persistent, not exserted. [Perhaps not distinct from R. nutkana.]
Type locality: Woodland, Cowlitz County, Washington.
Distribution: British Columbia to Montana and northern California, usually near the coast.
bibliyografik atıf
Per Axel Rydberg. 1918. ROSACEAE (conclusio). North American flora. vol 22(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY