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Lycopus maritimus Greene
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Lycopus obtusifolius Benth.
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Phytosalpinx aspera (Greene) Lunell
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Lycopus maritimus Greene
Lycopus obtusifolius Benth.
Phytosalpinx aspera (Greene) Lunell
Lycopus lucidus
USDA PLANTS images göre Synonym
Lycopus lucidus Turcz. ex Benth. subsp. americanus (A. Gray) Hultén
USDA PLANTS images göre Synonym
Lycopus lucidus Turcz. ex Benth. var. americanus A. Gray
USDA PLANTS images göre Synonym
Lycopus lucidus subsp. americanus (A. Gray) Hultén
Lycopus lucidus var. americanus A. Gray
Lycopus maritimus Greene
Lycopus maritimus Greene
Lycopus obtusifolius Benth.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024 göre Ambiguous synonym
Lycopus obtusifolius Benth.
Phytosalpinx aspera (Greene) Lunell
Phytosalpinx aspera (Greene) Lunell

Genel Adlar


Lycope rude tercih edildi
Wikidata Common Names tarafından tanınıyor


Rough Water-Horehound
National Wetland Plant List USA tarafından tanınıyor
rough bugleweed tercih edildi
USDA PLANTS images and Wikidata Common Names tarafından tanınıyor

Lycopus asper Greene için küratörlük hiyerarşileri