
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Memoirs of the American Entomological Society tarafından sağlandı
Chelaporus anomalus (Banks)
Pedinaspis anomala Banks, 1917, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 61: 100 [Type: 2, Texas: Coryell Co. (G. Birkmann) (MCZ no. 10, 010)].
Chelaporus anomalus Bradley, 1944, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 70: 117-118. — Evans, 1951, U. S. Dept. Agri., Monogr. 2, p. 922.
Female. — Length 9-16 mm. Black, wholly covered with brilliant dark bluish or blue-green pubescence; fore wings fuscous, with weak coppery reflections; hind wings subhyaline. Erect hairs sparse, short and inconspicuous except on temples, front coxae, and tip of abdomen; front femora slightly hairy; propodeum not hairy. Inner orbits diverging above, UID much exceeding LID; ocelli in a broad triangle, posterior ocelli far removed from vertex crest. Vertex not sharp, elevated somewhat above eye tops, as seen from in front slightly concave on the midline. Front femora about 2.7 X as long as wide. SMC2 2.5 X as wide as high, narrowed by about two thirds above (fig. 4). Abdomen weakly compressed, first tergite strongly convex, its anterior face nearly vertical.
Male. — Length 5-9 mm. Black, entirely covered with fine silvery pubescence; erect setae largely absent except on propleura; wings hyaline, membrane and setulae rather pale, veins brown. Clypeus about twice as broad as high. Inner orbits diverging strongly above. Antennae rather compact, segments 412 each about 1.2 X as long as wide, as seen from inner side slightly imbricate. Ocelli unusually small, posterior ocelli not close to vertex crest. Legs not very spinose; longer spur of hind tibia .75 X length of basitarsus. Venation as in female except SMC2 tending to be somewhat shorter (2.0-2.4 X as wide as high). Terminalia as described under generic diagnosis and as figured by Bradley, 1944, pi. IV, figs. 6 and 9-11.
Distribution. — States of Veracruz and Mexico north to Chihuahua and to central Texas. (Map 12.)
Specimens examined. — 24 9 9, 18 $ $ . Veracruz: 1 $ , La Gloria Cardel, Jan. 1938 (J. Camelo) [USNM]; 1 9,2 $ $ , Veracruz, 20 June 1951 (HEE, PDH) [MCZ, CIS]. Mexico: 3 9 9, "San Rafael Jicoltepec" (? = Jilotepec) [USNM, ANSP]. Durango:
2 3 3,14 mi. NW Ceballos, 4100 feet, 10 Sept. 1963 (HAS) [OSU]; 1 9, 8 mi. S Canutillo, 9 Aug. 1951 (PDH) [CIS]. Sinaloa: 2 $ $ , 8 mi. S Elota, 2 July 1963 (FDP, LS) [UCD]. Chihuahua: 1 9, Catarinas, 5800 feet, 25 July 1947 (MC) [AMNH]; 1 9,2 $ $ , 16 mi. SE Chihuahua, 11 July 1947 (MC) [AMNH]. Nuevo Leon: 1 9 , 50 mi. SE Monterrey, 1700 feet, 13 Oct. 1957 (HAS) [OSU]; 1 S, Vallecillo, 2-5 June 1950 (HEE) [MCZ]. Tamaulipas: 1 9 , 2 mi. N El Limon, 7 June 1961 [KU]. Texas:
3 9 9 , Los Almos Creek, Kenedy Co., 18 June 1949 (HEE) [MCZ]; 3 9 9,4 s $ , 5 mi. N Sinton, 7 May 1958 (HEE) [CU, MCZ]; 1 S , Gillette, 25 July 1917 [MCZ]; 1 9 , Coryell Co. [type, MCZ]; 4 9 9 , 5 mi. W Cypress Mills, Blanco Co., 4 July 1949 (HEE) [MCZ, CU]; 1 9, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co., 19 June 1956 (HEE) [MCZ]; 1 6 , Fedor, Lee Co., 27 May 1904 (G. Birkmann) [MCZ]; 1 9 , Bexar Co., 11 Sept. 1931 [CAS]; 1 9,1 s , Llano Co., June, July [MCZ]; 1 2 , 3 mi. E Presidio, 1-3 May 1963 (HEE) [MCZ].
Chelaporus anomalus (Banks) A Euplaniceps ceres (Cameron)
bibliyografik atıf
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA