
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Memoirs of the American Entomological Society tarafından sağlandı
Allaporus rufiventris (Cresson)
Aporus rufiventris Cresson, 1872, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 4: 207 [Type: 2, Texas (G. W. Belfrage) (ANSP, No. 435)]. — Bequaert, 1919, Psyche, 26: 121.
Mop 14
• Allaporus smithianus (Cameron) A Allaporus rufiventris (Cresson)
Aporus minimus Cresson, 1872, ibid., p. 207 [Type: $, Texas (G. W. Belfrage) (ANSP, no. 434)]. Synonym by Bradley, 1944.
Pompilus minimus Dalla Torre, Cat. Hymen., 8: 302.
Pompilus rufiventricosus Dalla Torre, ibid., p. 308 (n. name for rufiventris, preoccupied in Pompilus).
Allaporus rufiventris Bradley, 1944, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 70: 120-121 (in part).
Allaporus mexicanus Evans, 1950, Ent. News, 61: 3-4 [Type: 2, Mexico: Morelos: Cuernavaca, May 1945 (N.L.H. Krauss) (USNM, no. 59, 479)]. — Evans, 1951, U. S. Dept. Agri., Monogr. 2, p. 922. — Evans, 1953, Jour. Kansas Ent. Soc, 26: 29-30. New synonym.
When naming mexicanus, I accepted Bradley's statement that rufiventris was the same as Banks' pulchellus. An examination of Cresson's types shows that both rufiventris and minimus are the same species as mexicanus, leaving Banks' pulchellus as the earliest name for the widely distributed U. S. species which has usually been called rufiventris. Incidentally, the male I assigned to mexicanus in 1953 I am now quite sure was incorrectly placed; it is here reassigned to fumipennis new species. The males here assigned to this species are characterized by unusually compact antennae and hyaline wings; they differ from males of smithianus only in minor details, as indicated in the key.
Female. — Length 6-9 mm. Head and thorax black, abdomen rufous, middle and hind legs black or more or less rufous; fore wing lightly infuscated, darker on apical fourth. Mandibles not specialized; vertex moderately sharp, less so than in smithianus; front relatively flat as compared to pulchellus. Clypeus nearly three times as broad as high. Propodeum elongate, sides of declivity with weak transverse rugae. Front femora slightly to moderately incrassate, measuring 2.6-3.2 X as long as thick. Wing venation as described for smithianus. Abdomen not notably compressed apically.
Male. — Length 3.6-5 mm. Black; wings almost clear hyaline, fore wing actually very weakly darkened on apical fourth; pubescence extensively silvery; erect setae almost totally absent. Mandibles unmodified; clypeus about 1.8 X as wide as high. Antennae very compact, segments 4-12 each 1.0-1.1 X as long as thick, entire antenna measuring less than twice TFD. Posterior ocelli separated from vertex crest by approximately their own diameters, the vertex crest slightly more rounded than in smithianus; head not concave behind. Longer spur of hind tibia nearly as long as basitarsus. Fore wing in all available specimens with the SMC2 fairly wide above; hind wing with first abscissa of cubitus long and strongly arched before junction with the intercubital vein, which is much less sloping than in pulchellus. SGP of moderate breadth, tapering to a narrowly rounded apex. Genitalia with the parameres clubshaped, abruptly truncate, much shorter than digiti, the latter covered with rather strong setae except on apical fifth.
Distribution. — This species ranges from Morelos and Michoacan to Texas and southeastern Arizona. (Map 14.)
Specimens examined. — 10 5 5,7 $ 8 . Morelos: 2 ? 5 , Cuernavaca, April, May (HEE, N. L. H. Krauss) [MCZ, USNM]; 1 5, 4 mi. E Cuernavaca, 29 June 1959, 6000 feet (HEE) [CU]; 1 5,2 8 8, 3 mi. NW Cuernavaca, 7-17 June 1959, 6500 feet (HEE) [CU, MCZ]; 1 8 , Canyon de Lobos, nr. Yautepec, 13 March 1959 (HEE) [CU]; 2 8 8 , Las Estacas, 3000 feet, 6 April 1959 (HEE) [MCZ]; 1 2, Alpuyeca, 27 June 1951 (HEE) [MCZ]; 2
5 5 , 3 mi. N Alpuyeca, 3400 feet, 30 March, 18 April 1959 (HEE) [MCZ, CU]. Michoacan: 1 8, Morelia, 11 Feb. 1954 (RRD) [MSU]. Texas: 1 5 , Brownsville, 8 June 1937 (R. H. Crandall) [CU]; 1 5,1 8 [? Bosque Co.] (Belfrage) [ANSP]. Arizona: 1
2, Cochise Co., 5 mi. W Portal, 5400 feet, 3 Aug. 1959 (HEE)
bibliyografik atıf
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA