
Distribution ( İngilizce )

Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico tarafından sağlandı
Ariz. (Cochise Co.).
bibliyografik atıf
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. 1979. Prepared cooperatively by specialists on the various groups of Hymenoptera under the direction of Karl V. Krombein and Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Smithsonian Institution, and David R. Smith and B. D. Burks, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Insect Identification and Beneficial Insect Introduction Institute. Science and Education Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Memoirs of the American Entomological Society tarafından sağlandı
Allaporus aurulentus new species
Holotype. — 2, Arizona: Cochise Co., Southwestern Research Station, 5 mi. W Portal, 5400 feet, 18 Aug. 1959 (on ground beneath oak trees, HEE) [MCZ, no. 30, 961].
Description of type female. — Length 7.5 mm.; fore wing 5 mm. Head and thorax black; abdomen rufo-ferruginous except base of Tl black, Tl-4 with apical dark bands, T5 blackish except at base, apical segment entirely black; mandibles and apical margin of clypeus rufous; scape rufous, remainder of antenna black; legs rufo-ferruginous except base of hind coxae infuscated and all tarsi blackish. Fore wing subhyaline, with a brown spot over the lower section of the basal vein and a broad brown band starting at the stigma and extending nearly to the wing tip, crossing the wing to the posterior margin; outer .1 of wing membrane subhyaline; hind wing nearly hyaline, apical fourth somewhat infuscated. Pubescence densely and conspicuously golden on sides of lower front, occiput, temples, and virtually the entire thorax and propodeum; upper front with dark brown pubescence; pubescence very fine and silvery on legs and on abdomen (except on the dark bands). Front with a few dark setae and coxae with some short, paler setae, but body otherwise virtually without erect setae except for the usual ones toward the apex of the abdomen. Mandibles slender, with two small teeth on the inner margin. Clypeus 2.8 X as broad as high, its apex truncate, its sides rounded. Head 1.07 X as wide as high; MID .67 X TFD, 1.10 X LID, 0.90 X HE; UID .80 X LID. POL: OOL = 9:8; distance from hind ocelli to vertex crest about .7 X POL. First four antennal segments in a ratio of about 21:8:17:20, segment three 2.4 X as long as thick, .57 X UID. Crest of vertex not elevated above eye tops, not especially sharp; spatium frontale prominent, perpendicularly declivous between antennal sockets. Pronotal disc .85 X as long as wide, 1.4 X as long as mesoscutum. Propodeum relatively long, with a short, oblique declivity which is weakly transversely rugulose on the sides. Front femora not incrassate, measuring 3.2 X as long as wide; longer spur of hind tibia about half the length of the basitarsus. Fore wing with the basal vein arising basad of the transverse median vein, its lower section at first erect, then strongly arched; SMC2 1.3 X as wide as high, first and second intercubital veins meeting at the radius, so that this cell is triangular; outer discoidal cell about as wide as high. Hind wing with first abscissa of cubitus long and strongly arched before junction with intercubital vein, first abscissa of radius also arched before junction with this vein. Apex of abdomen not notably compressed.
Allotype. — 6 , Arizona: same data as type except 9 Aug. 1959 Description of allotype male. — Length 5 mm.; fore wing 3.9 mm. Entirely black; pubescence silvery over most of body, more brownish on vertex, mesonotum, and apical bands on Tl-4; last two tergites entirely brownishpubescent. Erect setae very short, sparse, and inconspicuous. Fore wings subhyaline, with an indistinct spot on the basal vein and a broad, rather weak apical band which does not quite reach the outer wing margin. Mandibles unspecialized; clypeus 2.2 X as broad as high, its apical margin very weakly rounded. Head 1.05 X as wide as high; MID .67 X TFD, 1.25 X LID, subequal to HE; UID 1.12 X LID. POL:OOL = 9:10; front angle of ocellar triangle about a right angle; hind ocelli slightly more than their own diameters from crest of vertex, which is moderately abrupt. First four antennal segments in a ratio of about 16:7:10:12, segment three about 1.3 X as long as thick, segment four 1.7 X as long as thick, following segments all considerably longer than thick. Pronotum with a small median notch on the posterior margin. Longer spur of hind tibia .95 X length of basitarsus. Venation as in female. SGP slightly more slender and tapering than in rufiventris and pulchellus, slightly less so than in smithianus. Genitalia not differing noticeably from those of rufiventris.
Paratypes. — Arizona: 2 ? ?, 10 $ $, same data as type except dates varying from 3 to 19 Aug. 1959 [MCZ, CU, USNM, Variation. — The two female paratypes are both smaller than the type (fore wing 4.0 and 4.2 mm.); there are no differences in color of the integument, but in one specimen the pubescence of the thoracic dorsum and pleura is paler, more silvery than golden. The male paratypes show considerable size variation (fore wing 2.6 to 3.9 mm.). POL and OOL are subequal in one female and several of
the males. The second submarginal cell is triangular in all females, but in most of the males the first and second intercubital veins do not quite meet above. Most males have no indication of a spot over the basal vein.
bibliyografik atıf
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA