
Comments ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Grown to protect embankments; wood used for timber.
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of China Vol. 4: 174 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Description ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Trees to 18(-25) m tall; trunk to 50 cm d.b.h.; bark grayish brown, furrowed. Branchlets russet, slender, at first tomentulose, glabrescent, grayish brown when mature. Stipules deltoid-ovate, glandular serrulate; petiole 6-10 mm, downy, apex glandular; leaf blade broadly lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, 4-11 × 2-4 cm, abaxially greenish, adaxially green, both surfaces glabrous when mature, reddish when young, base cuneate or rounded, margin serrulate, apex acuminate to long acuminate, rarely acute. Flowering coetaneous. Male catkin 3-4.5 cm × ca. 8 mm; peduncle long, with 2 or 3(or 4) leaflets; bracts ovate-orbicular to deltoid, both surfaces downy and ciliate. Male flower: stamens 6-8(-12); glands 2. Female catkin 2-3.5 cm; bracts as in male catkin. Female flower: adaxial gland broad, semiclasping stipe, abaxial gland usually 2- or 3-lobed; ovary stipitate. Capsule ovoid, ca. 6 mm, glabrous, distinctly stipitate. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Apr-May.
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of China Vol. 4: 174 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Distribution ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of China Vol. 4: 174 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Habitat ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
* Riversides, damp forest margins; 1800-2500 m.
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of China Vol. 4: 174 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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ortak site

Synonym ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Pleiarina cavaleriei (H. Léveillé) N. Chao & G. T. Gong; Salix polyandra H. Léveillé; S. pyi H. Léveillé; S. yunnanensis H. Léveillé.
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of China Vol. 4: 174 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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ortak site

Salix cavaleriei ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Salix cavaleriei is a large tree from the genus of willow (Salix) with a gray-brown, furrowed bark. The leaf blades have lengths of 4 to 11 centimetres (1.6 to 4.3 in). The natural range of the species is in China. It is planted for logging and for fastening embankments.


Salix cavaleriei is an 18 metres (60 ft) to rarely 25 metres (80 ft) high tree with a trunk of up to 50 centimetres (20 in) in diameter at chest height. The trunk bark is gray-brown and furrowed. The twigs are reddish brown and thin, young twigs are finely tomentose and later bald. Older branches turn gray-brown. The foliage leaves have triangular-egg-shaped, serrated stipules. The petiole is 6 to 10 millimetres (0.24 to 0.39 in) long, hairy down and has a glandular tip. The leaf blade is broadly lanceolate, elliptical-lanceolate or narrowly elliptical, 10 to 28 centimetres (4 to 11 in) long and 5.1 to 10.2 centimetres (2 to 4 in) wide, pointed to long pointed or rarely pointed, with a finely serrated leaf edge and a wedge-shaped or rounded base. Both leaf sides are initially reddish, later glabrous, the upper side green, the underside greenish.[1]

The male inflorescences are 3 to 4.5 centimetres (1.2 to 1.8 in) long and about 8 millimetres (0.31 in) in diameter catkins. The peduncle is long and forms two or three, rarely four leaves. The bracts are ovate-rounded to triangular, ciliate and hairy down on both sides. Male flowers have two nectar glands and six to eight rarely up to twelve stamens . The female catkins are 5.1 to 8.9 centimetres (2 to 3.5 in) long. The bracts resemble those of the male catkin. Female flowers also have two nectar glands. The ovary is stalked. As fruitegg-shaped, about 6 millimetres (0.24 in) long, glabrous and clearly stalked capsules are formed. Salix cavaleriei flowers when the leaves shoot from March to April, the fruits ripen from April to May.[1]


The natural range is in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan. It grows along rivers and in damp forest edges at altitudes of 1800 to 2500 meters.[1]


Salix cavaleriei is a species from the genus of willows (Salix) in the willow family (Salicaceae).[2] There, it is the section Wilsonia assigned.[3] It was described scientifically for the first time in 1909 by Augustin Hector Léveillé.[1] The genus name Salix is Latin and has been from the Romans used for various willow species.[4]

Synonyms of the species are Pleiarina cavaleriei (H.Lév.) N.Chao & GTGong, Salix polyandra H.Lév. , Salix pyi H.Lév. , Salix yunnanensis H.Lév.[1]


Salix cavaleriei is used to fortify embankments and serves as a supplier of wood.[1]


  • Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven (Ed.): Flora of China . Volume 4: Cycadaceae through Fagaceae . Science Press / Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing / St. Louis 1999, ISBN 0-915279-70-3, pp. 171, 174.
  • Helmut Genaust: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7, p. 552 (reprint from 1996) (in German).


  1. ^ a b c d e f Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix cavaleriei, in Flora of China, vol 4, p. 174
  2. ^ "Salix cavaleriei". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved 2012-09-20.
  3. ^ Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix Sect. Wilsonia, in Flora of China, vol 4, p. 171
  4. ^ Genaust: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen, p. 552 (in German)
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wikipedia EN

Salix cavaleriei: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Salix cavaleriei is a large tree from the genus of willow (Salix) with a gray-brown, furrowed bark. The leaf blades have lengths of 4 to 11 centimetres (1.6 to 4.3 in). The natural range of the species is in China. It is planted for logging and for fastening embankments.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN