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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murray bis) Parl.

Biology ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
Lawson's cypress is fairly tolerant of shading, growing in both full sunlight and partial shade (2) (5). It can therefore act as both a pioneer, rapidly occupying disturbed areas in a stand, or as a climax species, gradually replacing other pioneer species in a process of succession (2). With a moderate growth rate, Lawson's cypress reaches maturity after 250 to 300 years, living for as long as 560 years, but first begins reproducing after just five to nine years (2) (5). The male and female cones begin to develop in the spring but do not become reproductively active until the following spring (2). As is the case with all conifers, pollination occurs when a small but crucial fraction of the abundant pollen produced by the male cones is transferred by wind to ovules within the female cones (8). The winged seeds reach maturity in October but are released from the cones throughout the year and are dispersed by both wind and water (2).
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Conservation ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
The priority for Lawson's cypress conservation is to control the spread of the root rot. As the fungal spores require moist conditions to survive, existing control methods are focused around restricting human and vehicle movements through Lawson's cypress habitat during the wet season (2) (10). There is also a program to cultivate trees that are resistant to the disease, but it will take hundreds of years before resistant seedlings will grow large enough to replace old-growth stands. Consequently the fate of surviving stands is for now completely dependent on the effective control of the spread of the disease (10).
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Description ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
While a popular and widespread garden conifer, natural populations of Lawson's cypress are restricted to a small range and have declined significantly over the past 150 years (3) (4). Lawson's cypress is a tall, conical tree with short branches and flattened twigs, bearing blue-green, scale-like leaves that form a dense crown (3) (5). The thick, furrowed bark of mature trees, which enables this species to survive moderate fires, is red-brown to silver-brown (2) (5) (6). Male and female cones are borne on the same branches but are very different in appearance; male cones are small, red-brown and oblong, whilst female cones are relatively large and spherical, and begin green but turn red-brown at maturity (5) (6). Under cultivation this species mutates very easily and consequently occurs in a remarkable variety of forms, often barely resembling the appearance of naturally occurring individuals (4) (7).
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Habitat ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
Lawson's cypress occurs naturally where soil water is abundant during the summer, as is the case with the moisture-laden climes of its native range (2) (3). It grows on a wide variety of soil types and often with several other conifer species (2) (5).
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Range ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
The native range of Lawson's cypress is limited to coastal northern California and southern Oregon (2).
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Status ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List (1).
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Threats ( İngilizce )

Arkive tarafından sağlandı
Historically, Lawson's cypress has been heavily exploited and international trade for its commercially valuable wood continues to put enormous pressure on the remaining old-growth stands (2) (9). Nonetheless, it is the spread of a root rot, Phytopthora lateralis, that presents the biggest threat to the future of the species. Originating from an unknown source in the mid-20th century, this root rot, which only affects Lawson's cypress, has spread throughout most of its native range (2) (5). It spreads via aquatic spores in mud and water and can be transported by people, animals and machinery (2). Numerous stands have been eliminated by this lethal disease and it is preventing successful regeneration in many areas (2) (9). As of yet, very few naturally resistant trees have been identified and there are no effective chemical controls (2) (5) (10).
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Associations ( İngilizce )

BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK tarafından sağlandı
In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / mycorrhiza / ectomycorrhiza
fruitbody of Amanita inopinata is ectomycorrhizal with live root of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Remarks: Other: uncertain
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / sap sucker
Cinara cupressi sucks sap of live foliage of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Remarks: season: 5-8

Plant / associate
fruitbody of Geastrum pectinatum is associated with Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Hemimycena lactea is saprobic on dead debris of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Leucoagaricus marriagei is saprobic on dead, decayed leaf of litter of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Marasmiellus ramealis is saprobic on dead, fallen, decayed brash of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / pathogen
Phytophthora cinnamomi infects and damages necrotic root of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / pathogen
Phytophthora lateralis infects and damages brown needle of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Foodplant / saprobe
dominant Ptychogaster anamorph of Postia ptychogaster is saprobic on dead, decayed stump of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / feeds on
Trisetacus chamaecypari feeds on foliage of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

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Common Names ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Port Orford-cedar
Port-Orford white-cedar
Lawson cypress
Lawson false-cypress
false cypress
white cedar
ginger pine
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Description ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: forest, tree

Port-Orford-cedar is a long-lived, shade-tolerant, coniferous, evergreen
tree. Mature trees typically grow up to 200 feet (60 m) tall and have 4
to 6 foot (122-183 cm) diameter trunks [7]. The largest tree on record
is 239 feet (73 m) tall with a 12 foot (3.6 m) diameter trunk [11].
Trees can live more than 600 years. Old trees have an enlarged base, a
50 to 70 foot (15.2-21.3 m) long branch-free bole, and a spirelike head
of small horizontal or pendulous branches with slender flattened
branchlets [24,35]. Occasionally the trunk will fork. The leaves are
small, scalelike, and arranged close to the branchlets.
Port-Orford-cedar has no taproot but produces vertical sinkers from the
wide-spreading horizontal root system [37]. This makes trees subject to
windthrow. The bark of mature trees is very thick, up to about 10
inches (25 cm) [37].

Growth and height of mature trees varies considerably among different
forest communities. Height-to-age relationships of Port-Orford-cedar
trees in different forest communities throughout its range is summarized
below [12]:

Community Height of Port-Orford-cedar at different ages (years)
100 200 300
meters feet meters feet meters feet

western hemlock/swordfern
(TSUHET-CHALAW/POLMUN-OXAORE) 30 98 47 154 63 207

western hemlock/rhododendron
(TSUHET-CHALAW/RHOMAC-GAUSHA) -- -- 45 148 53 174

mixed fir
(Abies spp.-CHALAW/herb) 12 39 36 118 50 164

white fir
(ABICON-CHALAW/herb) 13 43 25 82 46 151

(CHALAW/LITDEN) 12 39 29 95 44 144

white fir-hemlock
(ABICON-TSUHET-CHALAW) 12 39 26 85 41 134

western hemlock/beargrass
(CHALAW-TSUHET/XERTEN) 13 43 25 82 31 102

mixed pine
(Pinus spp.-CHALAW/QUEVAC/ 18 59 21 69 29 95

Port-Orford-cedar readily grows under the shade of other conifers but
grows faster in the open [13]. Generally it grows slower than
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Recent research suggests that
Port-Orford-cedar is one of the most shade-tolerant conifers throughout
its range [12,36]. Seedlings and saplings are often found in the shade
of old-growth forests.
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Port-Orford-cedar has a very limited distribution, occurring near the
Pacific Ocean in southwestern Oregon and northwestern California. The
northern limit of its distribution is near Coos Bay, Oregon. The
species' range extends southward about 220 miles (350 km) to the central
portion of the Mad River drainage in Humboldt County, California [10].
Isolated populations occur near Mount Shasta and the Trinity Mountains
in northern California [7,10]. It occurs in greatest abundance within
about 40 miles of the coast [7]. Farther inland, its distribution is
spotty, and it is mostly limited to sites with abundant soil moisture
and/or atmospheric moisture [3,37]. Port-Orford-cedar is cultivated in
Hawaii [39].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Ecology ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: fire frequency, fire regime, forest, frequency, fuel, litter, seed, tree

Although young Port-Orford-cedar trees are easily killed by fire,
relatively old trees are very fire resistant because their bark may be
up to 10 inches (25 cm) thick. It is apparently less fire resistant
than Douglas-fir, Ponderosa pine, sugar pine, Jeffrey pine, and
incense-cedar, but more fire resistant than true firs and hemlocks
[27,37]. Many vigorous old trees show evidence of repeated burning and
have large fire scars [8,37]. A stump in Oregon that was 21 inches (54
cm) in diameter and 285 years old had fire scars at 35, 183, and 228
years [37]. Some fires have removed all but a thin, incomplete outer
shell of wood and bark at the tree base, yet trees remain healthy [37].
These surviving trees provide a seed source for postfire seedling
establishment. Pole-sized trees have moderate fire resistance and can
probably withstand ground fires [37].

Port-Orford-cedar drops much less litter on the forest floor than
Douglas-fir [1]. Fire frequency is partially dependent upon this fuel
accumulation. Atzet [1] rated the likelihood of fire occurring under
different conifer stands as follows:

Less Likely
red fir
Jeffery pine
white fir
More Likely

On inland sites Port-Orford-cedar mostly occurs along stream channels,
boggy drainages, other moist topographic concavities or north aspects
[3]. These sites have a low probability of fire carrying after ignition

Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( İngilizce )

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More info for the term: phanerophyte

bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: bog, competition, forest, hardwood, litter, mesic, shrub, shrubs, tree, ultramafic soils

Although restricted to a small range that covers only 220 miles (350 km)
from north to south, Port-Orford-cedar occupies many vegetation zones,
soil types, and elevations. It commonly grows in mixed stands but
occasionally forms pure stands. It occurs mainly within Sitka spruce,
western hemlock, white fir, redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), red fir
(Abies magnifica), mixed-pine, and mixed-evergreen forests
[3,8,10,12,27,28,31]. Within each forest, Port-Orford-cedar is
primarily restricted to moist locations such as benches, drainageways,
or some type of concavity which receives a constant seepage of water
[3,12,36,37]. It is mostly absent from ridges and upper slopes due to
the lack of water; however, some coastal Oregon and upper elevation
Klamath Mountain stands do occupy top-slope positions [12,36,37].
Port-Orford-cedar also occurs on coastal dunes and in bogs with
ultramafic soils.

Common associates: Besides the above mentioned species,
Port-Orford-cedar is commonly associated with Douglas-fir, grand fir
(Abies grandis), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), western redcedar
(Thuja plicata), and Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) in coastal areas
[12,13]. Inland tree associates include sugar pine (P. lambertiana),
western white pine (P. monticola), incense-cedar (Calocedrus decurrens),
and Pacific yew [3,12,13]. Hardwood tree associates include tanoak
(Lithocarpus densiflorus), Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii), golden
chinkapin (Chrysolepis chrysophylla), red alder (Alnus rubra), and
canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) [3,12,13]. Associated shrubs
include dwarf Oregongrape (Berberis nervosa), salal (Gaultheria
shallon), oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor), the shrub form of tanoak (L.
densiflorus var. echinoides), Sadler oak (Q. sadleriana), huckleberry
oak (Q. vaccinifolia), Pacific rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum),
western azalea (Rhododendron occidentale), baldhip rose (Rosa
gymnocarpa), red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium), and evergreen
huckleberry (V. ovatum) [3,12,13].

Soils: Port-Orford-cedar occurs on many different soil types including
dune sands, organic bog soils, and soils derived from gabbro, diorite,
serpentine, peridotite, river alluvium, and other rock types [30,37].
On diorite it is more commonly found above 2,500 feet (760 m) [30].
Most low elevation Port-Orford-cedar forests occur on soils derived
from ultramafic parent materials [37]. Port-Orford-cedar is more
successful in communities where the parent material is at least
partially derived from ultramafic rock and where competition is somewhat
reduced [77]. On all soil types, Port-Orford-cedar is limited to mesic
situations [37].

Litter: The litter layer under eight Port-Orford-cedar communities was
found to be relatively shallow, averaging only 0.4 to 1.6 inches (1-4
cm) deep [12]. The foliage of Port-Orford-cedar is less acidic than
Pinaceae. Thus the litter and soil under Port-Orford-cedar stands are
less acidic than under nearby conifer stands [37].

Climate: Port-Orford-cedar is distributed over an area that has warm,
dry summers and cool, wet winters. Most stands in California receive at
least 59 inches (150 cm) of precipitation annually [37]. Inland
disjunct stands receive at least 49 inches (125 cm) of precipitation

Elevation: Port-Orford-cedar is found from sea level to 5,100 feet
(1,554 m) in elevation [3].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types ( İngilizce )

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

207 Red fir
211 White fir
223 Sitka spruce
229 Pacific Douglas-fir
231 Port Orford-cedar
232 Redwood
233 Oregon white oak
234 Douglas-fir - tanoak - Pacific madrone
243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer
247 Jeffrey pine
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem ( İngilizce )

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES21 Ponderosa pine
FRES23 Fir - spruce
FRES24 Hemlock - Sitka spruce
FRES27 Redwood
FRES28 Western hardwoods
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations ( İngilizce )

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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the term: forest

K001 Spruce - cedar - hemlock forest
K002 Cedar - hemlock - Douglas-fir forest
K005 Mixed conifer forest
K006 Redwood forest
K007 Red fir forest
K026 Oregon oakwoods
K028 Mosaic of K002 and K026
K029 California mixed evergreen forest
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Immediate Effect of Fire ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: forest

Relatively small Port-Orford-cedar trees are easily killed by fire.
Repeated fires can eliminate all the Port-Orford-cedar regeneration size
classes from mature forest understories [1]. This is probably why
Port-Orford-cedar is rare where fires occur frequently [2].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: seed

As a food source, Port-Orford-cedar is of little importance to wildlife
and livestock. Seedlings and saplings within regenerating stands show
little browsing damage [37]. Some plantations, however, have shown
moderate use. In a wildlife damage study, 19 percent of
Port-Orford-cedar in 8- to 26-year-old plantations was moderately or
severely damaged from browsing. Sixty percent of the damage was from
deer and elk, and 40 percent from domestic livestock and small mammals

Douglas squirrels harvest Port-Orford-cedar cones and eat the seed [32].
Mountain beavers and rabbits occasionally eat the foliage of saplings,
and woodrats and porcupines eat the bark [23,37]. Caged white-footed
deer mice showed a dislike for Port-Orford-cedar seed [23].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: climax

Port-Orford-cedar is found in many vegetation types where it either
forms small, pure stands, codominates with other conifers, or occurs as
scattered trees. It is a long-lived, shade-tolerant climax species that
dominates or codominates with other coniferous trees to form mature
stands within four vegetation zones. The following published
classification schemes list Port-Orford-cedar as a climax species or
dominant part of the vegetation in community types (cts) or plant
associations (pas) within the Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), white fir
(Abies concolor), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and
mixed-evergreen zones:

Area Classification Authority

CA, OR: Siskiyou Mtns general veg. pas Atzet & Wheeler 1984

OR: Upper Illinois general veg. cts Atzet 1979
River drainage

CA, OR Port-Orford-cedar cts Hawk 1977

OR, WA general veg. cts Franklin & Dyrness 1973
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: tree

bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: forest, natural, root crown

Port-Orford-cedar is extremely susceptible to a fatal root rot caused by
two soil-borne fungi, Phytophthora lateralis and P. cinnamomi. The
crown of infected trees changes color from the normal blue-green to
gold, bronze, reddish brown, and finally a dull brown. Moisture stress
in the spring and summer initiates the rapid death of the entire crown.
Within the roots, the fungus moves from the root tips throughout the
tissue to the root crown. Roots turn a dark brown and finally black and
rot within a few months [35].

Sometime prior to 1923, root rot spread within hundreds of nurseries,
ornamentals, and windbreaks in the Pacific Northwest north of the
natural range of Port-Orford-cedar and attacked only Port-Orford-cedar
[35,37]. In 1952 the disease was introduced into the natural range of
Port-Orford-cedar, apparently from infected soil of transplanted
ornamentals [35]. The disease has now spread throughout much of the
range of Port-Orford-cedar. The fungus is carried through water-borne
spores transported primarily by natural water flow or in mud carried by
animals or machinery. Thus spread of the disease has been greatly
accelerated by road construction and maintenance, logging, and house
building [35,37]. In the 1970's mortality of old-growth trees was about
10 million board feet annually and has gradually decreased to about 5
million board feet annually, largely due to the depletion of the
resource [37]. About 60 percent of coastal second-growth
Port-Orford-cedar which developed following cutting from 1880 to 1930
has been lost to this disease [37]. It may be over 100 years before
Port-Orford-cedar harvest can contribute significantly to the regional
economy, and this will only happen through proper timber and disease
management [37].

There is currently no known cure for trees infected with root rot. Work
is being conducted to find a genetic source resistant to root rot for
developing planting stock [35]. Root rot can be avoided on sites where
topography prevents the flow of runoff water [35]. For future harvests,
managers may have to concentrate on growing Port-Orford-cedar on sites
unlikely to be reached by the fungus [37]. Current root rot management
generally consists of minimizing the spread of the disease by
restricting or regulating human activities. Zobel and others [37]
discuss ways to manage Port-Orford-cedar to minimize the spread of the
root rot disease. With a better understanding of root rot, planting has
begun on some federal and forest industry lands. Eight to 12 inch
(20-30 cm) tall container stock has been planted at 20 to 26 foot (6-8
m) spacing [37]. The wide spacing minimizes root overlap and root to
root spread of the root rot fungus.

Because of its high commercial value, numerous Port-Orford-cedar
plantations were begun north of its natural range prior to 1950. In the
fall of 1955, a severe cold spell caused high mortality of trees on
these plantations [14]. Some plantations received up to 100 percent
mortality. Because of its susceptibility to cold injury and root rot,
Port-Orford-cedar should not be used in forestry projects outside its
natural range [14].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Other uses and values ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: natural, tree

Port-Orford-cedar is a commercially important ornamental tree in Europe.
Numerous cultivars exist. It was first cultivated in 1854. Within the
natural range of Port-Orford-cedar, branches are collected for use in
florist's greens [37]. This activity is often regulated by permits.
Native Americans used Port-Orford-cedar wood for house planks, canoes,
utensils, and arrows, and wove the shredded bark into clothing [37].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Palatability ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Port-Orford-cedar appears to be of low palatability to hooved browsers.
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Phenology ( İngilizce )

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More info for the terms: phenology, seed

Shoot growth of Port-Orford-cedar differs greatly from that of pines and
firs. Pines and fir species have bud tissue which preforms the
following year's shoots. Port-Orford-cedar does not have preformed
buds; therefore shoot elongation over the summer takes longer than
competing Pinaceae. Port-Orford-cedar grows much slower than
Douglas-fir, and in the northern part of its range where
Port-Orford-cedar grows best, prolonged shoot elongation may be
necessary for it to compete. Port-Orford-cedar's twig growth phenology
may partially explain its northern distributional limit. North of its
range, the prolonged shoot elongation needed to make plants more
competitive with other conifers would make them susceptible to frost.
Port-Orford-cedar grows on hot open sites and tends to initiate twig
growth earlier and often completes growth more quickly than trees on
colder sites. (the above information is summarized from Zobel 1983 [34])

Port-Orford-cedar flower buds are typically set in the fall with
pollination taking place the following spring [13]. Cones ripen in
September or October with seed dispersal occurring immediately
thereafter and continuing until spring [11,32].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: fire-free interval, seed

Mature Port-Orford-cedars are very fire resistant and often survive
fire. Seed dispersed from surviving trees allows Port-Orford-cedar to
rapidly establish numerous seedlings. Seedlings may maintain dominance
for a few years but are usually overgrown by faster growing conifers
within about 20 to 25 years [13]. Since Port-Orford-cedar is very shade
tolerant, trees established following a fire will persist in the
understory and eventually replace other conifers such as Douglas-fir if
there is a sufficient fire-free interval to allow trees to grow to a
fire-resistant size [1,13]. Some sampled stands have two or more
distinct size classes, each thought to have become established following
a fire [12,37].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: seed

crown-stored residual colonizer; short-viability seed in on-site cones
off-site colonizer; seed carried by wind; postfire years 1 and 2
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: basal area, cone, forest, layering, litter, natural, seed, seed tree, tree

Sexual regeneration: The primary method of natural reproduction of
Port-Orford-cedar is via seed. Trees produce seed in sufficient
abundance to ensure seedling establishment under forest stands.
Currently, where root rot is not a problem, Port-Orford-cedar is
reproducing itself in almost all Port-Orford-cedar communities [12].

Male and female flowers are found on the same branch but on different
branchlets. Flower buds begin growth in the spring and become fully
developed by the end of the summer. Pollination occurs the following
spring, and seeds become fully developed by September or October [13].
The seeds are borne in small cones that are from 0.25 to 0.5 inch
(0.6-1.2 cm) in diameter [11].

Port-Orford-cedar seeds have small, thin marginal wings, weigh about 2
mg each, and are about 0.11 to 0.16 inch (3-4 mm) long [37]. Harris
[11] reports that seeds are quite variable in weight and size, requiring
from 60,000 to 600,000 to equal a pound.

Port-Orford-cedar begins to produce seed early, between 5 and 9 years of
age. Cone production becomes greatest at about age 100 and continues
throughout the life of the tree [13]. Although trees produce seed every
year, heavy seed crops are produced every 4 or 5 years [13,32]. Zobel
[32] found annual seed production to vary considerably from year to year
and from site to site within a given year, from 8,097 to 1,862,348 seeds
per acre (20,000-4,600,000/ hectare) and from 56 to 17,193 seeds per
square foot of tree basal area (600 to 185,000/sq m). The variability
was not clearly related to stand or site factors. Seed fall begins in
September and continues throughout winter and spring. Generally about
50 to 60 percent of the seed has fallen by mid-January, with 90 percent
or more fallen by the beginning of May [13,32]. Dispersal distance is
generally short. One to three tree heights is a common distance of
invasion into clearcuts [37]. The small wings aid in floating on water.
Dispersal by water may be of some importance in streamside habitats.

Most Port-Orford-cedar seed germinates the first spring after dispersal,
but a very small amount may lay dormant for up to 5 years [13].
Germination generally occurs from mid to late June [33]. Viability of
seed can be low. Germination of seed collected from seed traps from
many sites ranged from 13.8 to 44.2 percent [32]. In this study, seeds
which fell early or late had lower germination percentages than seeds
which fell during peak seed fall, and seed collected from trees had
higher germination percentages (37, 52, and 55 percent) than seed
collected from seed traps [32]. This is much closer to the 48 to 52
percent range reported by Harris [11]. Seed may be stored in sealed
containers at temperatures below freezing with seed moisture content
below 10 percent. Viability of seed stored in this manner for 7 years
dropped from an initial 56 to 43 percent [11].

Seedling establishment on forest floor litter accounts for the majority
of natural Port-Orford-cedar reproduction. The litter layer under
Port-Orford-cedar is generally shallow, averaging about 0.4 to 1.6
inches (1-4 cm) [12]. First year survival of seedlings is often about
50 percent [13,33] but drops dramatically thereafter. Disturbance of
the mineral soil can greatly enhance establishment. Native
Port-Orford-cedar seed was sown on plots that were treated as follows:
(1) undisturbed with the litter left intact, (2) the litter removed, (3)
burned, or (4) spaded after litter was removed. The most germinants and
the most surviving germinants after one growing season were found on
spaded plots [33]. By the end of two growing seasons, no seedlings
survived on plots that were burned or had the litter removed. After
three seasons, 5 percent of the original germinants survived on spaded
plots and 6 percent survived on undisturbed plots. Seedlings and
saplings are often found growing in the open or under shade but not
under extremely dense shade. One study found that live seedlings were
found growing in 0.7 to 2.5 percent of full light, but that dead or
nearly dead seedlings were on sites receiving only 0.2 to 0.4 percent of
full light [36]. Thus seeds may germinate in dense, young stands, but
extreme shading can cause total mortality of emerging seedlings.
Following clearcutting or shelterwood cutting, Port-Orford-cedar
successfully establishes from seed within about 88 to 132 yards
(80-110 m) from a seed tree [18]. Emerging seedlings are delicate and
probably sensitive to drought [13]. Within a deer exclosure 1-year-old
seedlings averaged 1.4 inches (3.6 cm) in height, and 2-year-old
seedlings averaged 3.1 inches (7.9 cm) [11].

Vegetative regeneration: Vegetative regeneration is very limited in
Port-Orford-cedar. Plants do not naturally sprout. However, stem
cuttings root relatively easily if proper methods are followed [5,37].
Layering occurs infrequently and is restricted mostly to trees buried by
sand or thrown by wind [37].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regional Distribution in the Western United States ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

1 Northern Pacific Border
4 Sierra Mountains
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Successional Status ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: climax, seed

Port-Orford-cedar occurs as both an early seral invader and as a
long-lived, shade-tolerant climax species. Seedlings become established
after disturbances such as clearcutting or fire but also become
established within mature forests. Continual seedling establishment and
shade tolerance produce stands with many age classes [12].

Following disturbances such as fire or cutting, Port-Orford-cedar
readily establishes where a seed source exists. Fire can eliminate
young trees, but old-growth trees are very fire-resistant and often
survive fire to reseed the site. In some old forests, two or more size
classes of Port-Orford-cedar may exist, resulting from the establishment
of trees following periodic fires [12].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Taxonomy ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: natural

The currently accepted scientific name of Port-Orford-cedar is
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. [19,21,24]. There are no
recognized subspecies, varieties, or forms; however, over 200 cultivars
have been developed which vary in size, shape, branching, and coloration

Port-Orford-cedar belongs to the family Cupressaceae. The genus
Chamaecyparis includes eight taxa of which Port-Orford-cedar is the
largest in size. The range of Alaska-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis)
overlaps that of Port-Orford-cedar, but natural hybrids are extremely
rare [37].
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Due to its susceptibility to a fatal root rot, Port-Orford-cedar is
probably of very limited use for rehabilitating disturbed sites (see
Management Considerations).
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Wood Products Value ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Since its discovery by European settlers in the 1850's,
Port-Orford-cedar wood has been used in manufacturing many diverse
products. Early use was primarily as lumber for house and ship
building, timbers for mines, and in the manufacture of furniture.
Port-Orford-cedar has been used in making a variety of products
including airplanes, arrow shafts, boats, cabinets, crates, decking,
doors, handles, hangers, lawn furniture, mouldings, plywood, telephone
poles, screens, shelves, siding, stools, tables, toys, and yardsticks.
During the 1920's and 1930's production increased dramatically because
of two specialty industries: the manufacture of battery separators and
venetian blinds. Following World War II, substitute materials were
found for these products. Subsequently domestic use almost disappeared,
and today remains almost nonexistent.

Today nearly all harvested Port-Orford-cedar is exported to Japan.
Port-Orford-cedar is very similar to hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) wood,
which is used in traditional Japanese house and temple construction. On
federal timber sales, Japanese trading companies sometimes purchase
stumpage on bid after examining individual trees. The wood is regarded
so highly as a hinoki substitute that trees are felled with great care;
sometimes cables are used to control the fall. Because the supply of
hinoki is very limited, Port-Orford-cedar sells for a premium price as a
hinoki substitute. Logs exported from the Powers Ranger District,
Oregon, in 1981 sold for an average of $2,166 per thousand board feet.
(the above information is summarized from Zobel and others 1985 [37] and
Zobel 1986 [35])
bibliyografik atıf
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

IABIN tarafından sağlandı
Chile Central
telif hakkı
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
ortak site

Associated Forest Cover ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Port-Orford-cedar is found with an extremely wide variety of associated plants and vegetation types. It usually grows in mixed stands and is important in the Picea sitchensis, Tsuga heterophylla, mixed evergreen, and Abies concolor vegetation zones of Oregon (3,13) and their counterparts in California (1). It also grows in a variety of minor communities from dry sand dunes to Darlingtonia (cobra-lily) bogs. The species reaches its greatest size and commercial worth in the dense, rapidly growing forests of the Picea sitchensis and the Tsuga heterophylla zones, in which Douglas-fir often dominates. Port-Orford-cedar is most dominant on wet soils, most of which have parent material at least partially ultramafic, in the high elevation Abies concolor zone where forests are dense but slow growing (13). In the mixed evergreen zone, it is the only shade-tolerant conifer in most stands. On drier sites on ultramafics and in bogs, forests can be very open and slow growing. The cedar is dominant in the forest cover type Port-Orford-Cedar (Society of American Foresters Type 231) (2) and is listed as a minor associate for parts of the following types: Sitka Spruce (Type 223), Pacific Douglas-Fir (Type 229), Redwood (Type 232), Oregon White Oak (Type 233), and Douglas-Fir-Tanoak-Pacific Madrone (Type 234).

Major communities in old-growth forests where Port-Orford-cedar is a major component include the following, named for the apparent dominants at climax (abbreviated names are given in parentheses) (13):

Tsuga heterophylla zone-
Tsuga heterophylla-Chamaecyparis lawsoniana/Polystichum munitum-Oxalis oregana (swordfern); Tsuga heterophylla-Chamaecyparis lawsoniana /Rhododendron macrophyllum-Gaultheria shallon (rhododendron); Chamaecyparis lawsoniana-Tsuga heterophylla/Xerophyllum tenax (bear grass).

Mixed evergreen zone-
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana/Lithocarpus densiflorus (tanoak); Pinus-Chamaecyparis lawsoniana/Quercus vaccinifolia/Xerophyllum tenax (mixed pine).

Abies concolor zone-
Abies concolor-Tsuga heterophylla-Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (white fir-western hemlock); Abies concolor-Chamaecyparis lawsoniana/herb (white fir); Abies-Chamaecyparis lawsoniana/herb (mixed fir).

Port-Orford-cedar is less common in a wider variety of forest communities.

Plants of major importance associated with Port-Orford-cedar vary among zones (6,13). Trees are Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus), sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), Jeffrey pine (P. jeffreyi), western white pine (P. monticola), redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), white fir (Abies concolor), and Shasta fir (A. magnifica var. shastensis).

Shrubs are Pacific rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum), western azalea (R. occidentale), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), red huckleberry (V. parvifolium), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), cascara buckthorn (Rhamnus purshiana), California buckthorn (R. californica), salal (Gaultheria shallon), Pacific bayberry (Myrica californica), huckleberry oak Quercus vaccinifolia), Sadler oak (Q. sadleriana), western leucothoe (Leucothoe davisiae), Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), Oregongrape (Berberis nervosa), and Oregon boxwood (Pachistima myrsinites).

Important herbs are swordfern (Polystichum munitum), Oregon oxalis (Oxalis oregana), beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax), western twinflower (Linnaea borealis var. longiflora), vanillaleaf (Achlys triphylla), prince's-pine (Chimaphila umbellata var. occidentalis), Hooker fairybells (Disporum hookeri), western starflower (Trientalis latifolia), and inside-out-flower (Vancouveria spp.).

The general relationships of well-developed Port-Orford-cedar forests to rock type, geographic location, and elevation are shown in figure 1. These forests have 75- to 86-percent cover by trees more than 15 cm (6 in) in d.b.h., except the mixed pine community, which has 39 percent. Tree reproduction is often abundant, and density of trees less than 15 cm (6 in) in d.b.h. ranges from 1246/ha (rhododendron community) to 4113/ha (white fir) (504 to 1,664/acre); 26 percent (swordfern) to 78 percent (tanoak) of these are Port-Orford-cedar; cover of tree reproduction ranges from 30 to 46 percent.

Figure 1-Distribution of vegetation zones and eight major
forest communities of old-growth Port-Orford-cedar, in
relation to soil parent material, elevation, and geographic
location. Zones are separated by solid lines, communities by
broken lines (modified from 6).

Shrub cover is very dense in rhododendron and tanoak communities (over 90 percent), moderate to dense in most communities (30 to 67 percent), but only 9 percent in the swordfern community. Moss cover is high in the Tsuga zone.

Representation of Port- Orford-cedar is usually lower in the forest than in the cedar-dominated communities described above (13). For example, on 3752 ha (9,271 acres) of the former Port Orford Cedar Experimental Forest in southern Coos County, OR, 28 percent of total timber volume was Port-Orford-cedar. Cedar volume exceeded 50 percent on 41 percent of the area, was 25 to 50 percent on 7 percent of the area, 10 to 24 percent on 15 percent of the area, and less than 10 percent on the remainder.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Climate ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
The Pacific Ocean strongly influences the climate of most of the range of Port-Orford-cedar. Winters are cool and wet; summers are warm and dry (13). Precipitation is moderate to high, usually 1000 to 2250 mm (39 to 89 in); only 2 to 4 percent occurs from June to August. A snowpack of 1 to 2 m (3 to 7 ft) is common at the higher elevations of the Klamath Mountains. Humidity remains high at night in most areas, although some interior valley sites have dry air during the day. Fog is common along the immediate coast and during the morning in some smaller interior valleys; summer cloudiness is most common near the northern end of the range. Temperatures varied widely in 2 years of measurement (13). At three coastal sites, monthly average understory air temperatures at 1 m (3 ft) ranged from 5° C (41° F) in January to 14° C (57° F) in July; the mean annual temperature was 8.5° C (47° F). At the warmest site at 360 m (1,180 ft) near Kerby, OR, monthly averages were 3° to 22° C (37° to 72° F) and annual average was 11.3° C (52° F); at the coldest site, southwest of Mount Shasta, CA, at 1520 m (4,980 ft), monthly averages were -2° to 14° C (29° to 57° F) and annual average was 5.2° C (41° F). The lowest air temperature measured in a Port-Orford-cedar stand was -15° C (5° F) at a height of 1 m (3 ft). Soil temperatures at 20 cm (8 in) below the surface were generally cool; the annual mean was 4° to 11° C (39° to 52° F). The average difference between the warmest and coldest month was 8° C (14° F). Apparently the soils seldom freeze; the minimum temperature measured was -0.5° C (31° F).

Coastal winds in summer are primarily from north to northwest; they strike the coast at an angle at the north end of the range, driving moist air ashore and up the Coquille River Valley. This may influence the superb development of Port-Orford-cedar in this part of its range.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Damaging Agents ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
The major causes of damage to Port-Orford-cedar are fungi of the genus Phytophthora (11,13). An exotic root rot caused by P. lateralis was introduced into Coos County about 1952 and has decimated many stands in the area where Port-Orford-cedar grows best. Neither resistance to the rot nor effective treatment of it has been identified. Spores of the fungus are carried by water, so one introduction of the disease may spread to all stands in the watershed below. Natural uphill spread is slow. Infections are carried uphill rapidly or between watersheds in mud on equipment or livestock; they have reached northern Del Norte County, CA. Many isolated stands or those uphill from infection centers, however, may be kept free of the disease by careful exclusion of contaminated machinery, livestock, and nursery stock.

Phytophthora cinnamomi causes major losses to some nurseries and cultivated trees. A white pocket top rot, caused by an unidentified fungus, is a serious problem. Losses to other diseases and to insects are minor (13). Animal damage to planted seedlings is highly variable, sometimes more and sometimes less than on associated conifers (13).

Drought damages native trees on the hotter sites and in inland areas without seepage (13). Port-Orford-cedar is more affected than its associates on these sites. Laboratory experiments show that it is also more susceptible to freezing than most associated trees, although reports of winter damage in the field vary (13). In some instances, no damage occurred at -25° C (-13° F); others report severe damage at -13° C (9° F). Most drastic winter kill occurred in dry, windy, cold weather, desiccation apparently being of considerable consequence. Susceptibility to spring frosts in Great Britain is lower for Port-Orford-cedar than for most of its usual associates. Damage by wind, ice, and snow occurs, but the species does not seem especially susceptible (13).

Port-Orford-cedar effectively recovers from loss of its leader or from extensive killing of foliage at the crown surface. If twigs are killed deeply enough into the crown, however, a tree apparently does not recover because it does not resprout from the "old wood" (13).

Port-Orford-cedar resists moderate air pollution but does poorly where pollution is intense (13). It is more sensitive to nitrous oxide than nitric oxide. Levels of sulfur dioxide that reduce photosynthesis of Port-Orford-cedar have little effect on Douglas-fir and western redcedar.

Although young trees are easily killed by fire, older trees develop thick bark and survive large, deep fire scars (13). In old stands, Port-Orford-cedar seems as tolerant of fire as Douglas-fir.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Flowering and Fruiting ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Pollen and seed cones develop on the same branches of this monoecious species. Reproductive organs are initiated in late spring or summer. They soon protrude beyond the surrounding leaves, and development continues through the summer. The bladderless pollen is formed in late winter in the bright red pollen cones; on the Oregon coast it is shed about mid-March. Fertilization occurs a month or more later, and seeds mature in September or October of the same season (5,13). Each fertile scale of the 7 to 10 scales in the globose cone usually bears 2 to 4 seeds. Cones contain about 20 percent of their weight in seeds (5).

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Genetics ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Population Differences Port-Orford-cedar is extremely variable morphologically. Most horticultural cultivars originated as seedling mutations, produced by descendants of apparently only a few introductions to Great Britain (13). Some cultivars are notably more resistant to winter damage and spring frosts than are most, and some root more easily than others.

There is obvious variation in growth rates among seedlings and rooted cuttings from various natural populations; northern coastal sources grow faster than those from inland, and those from productive, dense forest types grow faster than those from open forests on poor soils (13). Relative growth rates of different populations remain the same in culture on both good and poor soils. In culture, differences in nutrient content, and stomatal distribution occur among inland and coastal sources, and the foliar calcium-to-magnesium ratio is lower for a source from an ultramafic area than for those from other soils (13). Local variation occurs in stomatal resistance of seedlings to water loss, but it is not consistent regionally.

Variability in adaptation of individual trees has been noted in Europe. Selections of desirable trees have been made in Great Britain. Apparently no provenance studies of growth have ever been made in field conditions (13). Trials of the species as an exotic may have suffered from the use of a limited seed source; the original introduction to Britain was from the upper Sacramento River, probably an area of slow growth.

Allozyme variability differentiated two inland populations from seven coastal populations in California. The disjunct inland populations contained less variability than the coastal samples. Considerable variation among populations existed in both inland and coastal regions (10).

Hybrids Putative hybrids with Chamaecyparis nootkatensis have been identified in cultivation and in a natural sympatric stand (13); apparently none have been confirmed, however.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Growth and Yield ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
After the sapling stage, growth of Port-Orford-cedar is considerably slower than that of Douglas-fir, except on ultramafic substrates where the cedar is usually exceeded in size only by sugar pine (13). In 8- to 26-year-old plantations in the Pacific Northwest, annual height growth of unbrowsed Port-Orford-cedar averaged 0.35 m (1.15 ft), only 86 percent of the mean annual height growth of Douglas-fir; the difference was much greater for browsed trees. In mixed stands, Port-Orford-cedar is usually overtopped by 20 to 25 years. Pole-size stands in the northern part of the range show a large difference in both diameter and height between Douglas-fir and cedar. In one small sample of 53- to 60-year-old trees (age determined at breast height) in coastal Coos County, OR, the Douglas-fir averaged 73 cm (29 in) in d.b.h. and 38 m (125 ft) in height; the cedar averaged 47 cm (19 in) and 28 m (92 ft). Measurements of adjacent stumps on several sites throughout the range showed that the diameter of Port-Orford-cedar was 57 percent that of Douglas-fir at 100 years; however, the difference decreased with age, cedar becoming 74 percent of the diameter of Douglas-fir at 200 years, 78 percent at 300, and 90 percent at 400 (13). Diameter growth of cedar is thus more consistent throughout its life than is that of Douglas-fir.

Size of old-growth cedar trees is variable; much variation is associated with the habitat (and thus the forest community) (13). Early rapid height growth in open stands on ultramafic rocks is not sustained. For example, a sample of forest-grown 90- to 110-year-old trees averaged 30 m (98 ft) in height in the swordfern community, 18 m (59 ft) in the mixed pine community on ultramafics, and 12 to 13 m (39 to 43 ft) in other communities. By 190 to 210 years, heights were 47 m (154 ft) for swordfern, 25 to 29 m (82 to 95 ft) for other communities, but only 21 m (69 ft) for the mixed pine community. At 290 to 310 years, values were 63, 31 to 50, and 29 m, respectively (207, 102 to 164, and 95 ft). Average diameters in old-growth stands range from 42 cm (17 in) (diameter of a tree of mean basal area, mixed pine community) to 86 cm (34 in) (swordfern). Trees more than 100 cm (39 in) in d.b.h. occur in many old-growth stands, and trees of 200 to 250 years may reach 100 cm, but most trees this size are older than 300. On the other hand, one 37-cm (15-in) tree in the mixed pine community was more than 300 years old. Maximum tree age exceeds 560 years (13).

Relatively few yield values exist for young stands. Experience in Great Britain is limited but well documented (13); Port-Orford- cedar is combined with western redcedar in yield tables (table 1). Thinnings begin at 20 to 30 years. Mean annual increment (MAI) peaks at 57 to 72 years. Current annual increment (CAI) increases later than for Douglas-fir and western hemlock on good sites and after its peak decreases more slowly than Douglas-fir but faster than hemlock. On poor sites, CAI starts to increase late than for Douglas-fir but earlier than for hemlock; it decreases after Douglas-fir but before hemlock. On good sites, peak MAI is reached 5 years later than for Douglas-fir and hemlock; on poor sites, it is reached 10 years later than for Douglas-fir but 5 years earlier than for hemlock. In one study, cedar plantations at 60 years were maintained at two to three times the density of Douglas-fir with 1.4 to 1.5 times higher basal area. Sixty-year-old trees averaged 5 to 8 m (16 to 25 ft) shorter and 11 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in) smaller in diameter breast height than Douglas-fir.

Table 1- Attributes of British plantations of Port Orford-cedar and wetern redcedar for the least productive (A) and most productive (B) yield classes¹
Diameter Basal Area maintained
after thinning
Cumulative yield A B A B A B A B A B yr no./ha m cm m²/ha m³/ha 20 3,575 2,186   8 13 10 14 28 35   50    232 40 1,730    746 16 24 18 30 42 54 377    901 60    984    451 21 30 26 43 51 66 706 1,439 80    738    347 24 35 32 53 59 76 953 1,838 yr no./acre ft in ft²/acre ft³/acre 20 1,447 885 26   43   3.9   5.5 122 152      715   3,315 40    700 302 52   79   7.1 11.8 183 235   5,388 12,876 60    398 183 69   98 10.2 16.9 222 287 10,090 20,565 80    299 140 79 115 12.6 20.9 257 331 13,620 26,267 ¹Yield classes A and B support maximum mean annual increments of 12.0 and 24.0 m³/ha (171.5 and 343.0 ft³/acre), respectively. Yields include thinnings and are computed for top diameter of 7cm (2.8 in) outside bark (adapted from 13). Volumes reported from young natural stands in Oregon (table 2) and plantations in Europe and New Zealand (13) are in the moderate to low range, compared with British plantations; however, the small top diameter limit used for table 1 and the impurity of natural stands may account for most or all of the difference. Values of MAI for two Oregon stands (table 2) were 13.7 (61 years) and 16.9 m³/ha (57 years) (196 and 242 ft³/acre).

Table 2- Yields from young natural stands of Port-Orford-cedar in western Oregon (7) Total Stand (all species) Port-Orford-cedar
Location Stand
Trees Basal
Trees Basal
area Average diameter Average height¹
Volume yr no./ha m²/ha no./ha m²/ha cm m m³/ha Coos County Forest 36 3,361   68 2,026   41 16 16 244 Coos County Forest 40 2,817   72 1,359   36 18 16 205 Coos-Curry county line 44 1,853   94 1,507   66 24 22 506 Coos-Curry county line 43 1,705   80 1,384   51 22 22 445 Port Orford 61 1,680 113 1,458   90 28 23 838 Port Orford 57 1,666 126 1,483 115 31 22 966 yr no./acre ft²/acre no./acre ft²/acre in ft ft³/acre Coos County Forest 36 1,360 298 820 179   6.3 51   3,490 Coos County Forest 40 1,140 312 550 157   7.2 52   2,930 Coos-Curry county line 44    750 408 610 287   9.3 73   7,230 Coos-Curry county line 43    690 348 560 222   8.5 72   6,360 Port Orford 61    680 490 590 393 11.1 74 11,980 Port Orford 57    670 548 600 503 12.4 73 13,800 ¹Height of trees of mean basal area. Live volumes of Port-Orford-cedar in old-growth forest sampled in 1935-40 averaged 86 m³/ha (1,229 ft³/acre) in the valley of the South Fork of the Co- quille River (Port Orford Cedar Experimental Forest, 3752 ha or 9,271 acres); the most volume in a 259-ha (640-acre) section was 154 m³/ha (2,201 ft³/acre) (13). Average volume near Bluff Creek, southwest of Orleans, CA, in 1940 was 22 m³/ha (314 W/acre) and the maximum was 47 m³/ha (672 ft³ /acre) on 4922 hectares (12,162 acres). Most volume was in large trees. On coastal terraces, the proportion of Port-Orford-cedar decreased as total volume of old-growth timber increased (13).

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USDA, Forest Service

Reaction to Competition ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Port-Orford-cedar is tolerant of shade and of competition in natural stands (13). Its slow growth beyond the sapling stage results in its being overtopped, but it continues to grow and retains into old age the ability to respond after the dominants die (7). Port-Orford-cedar can reproduce effectively from seed after clearcutting and partial cutting (where a sufficient seed source is present) and under almost all natural forests, and it can be used for under-planting established forest or scrub (13). Some old-growth forest structures resulted from repeated waves of invasion, almost certainly after fires.

Because of its shade tolerance, relatively thick bark, high value, and moderate but consistent growth rate, Port-Orford-cedar might be grown effectively in a partial-cut system in which faster growing associates are removed part way through the rotation. Its litter (with high calcium and high pH) increases soil pH, suggesting that the species may be important in afforestation of moderately acidic soils or for ameliorating the effects of other conifers on soils (13).

Shade tolerance and a narrow crown allow dense stocking in British plantations, and volume for a given height is high (13). Holes left after thinning close slowly, however, and a longer thinning cycle is necessary than for most conifers. Pruning is not useful. Forking of trees has been a problem in many British plantations.

In recent years, plantations of Port-Orford-cedar have not been widely established in the Pacific Northwest outside its native range because of problems with root rot, winter damage, and its slow growth relative to other species (13).

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USDA, Forest Service

Rooting Habit ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
A dense, coastal 50-year-old stand of Port-Orford-cedar on a clay-loam soil had a dense network of fibrous roots at the surface (4). The major horizontal system of surface roots extended up to 7 m (22 ft) from the trunk, producing "humus strivers" (roots with unlignified tips that rise into the surface soil and duff) uniformly along its length. Root systems of adjacent trees intermingled freely; some overlap was likely in trees closer than 12 m (39 ft). Root grafting was common in the main horizontal surface root system, averaging 1.5 grafts per tree; the average graft was 34 cm (13 in) deep between roots 3.8 cm (1.5 in) in diameter. The chance of grafting decreased with both horizontal distance between trees (becoming very small beyond 6 m (20 ft)) and with vertical distance on the slope; however, graft complexes that included several trees sometimes joined trees as far as 12 m (39 ft) apart. Port-Orford-cedar has no taproot but produces vertical sinkers from the horizontal system.

Port- Orford-cedar forms endomycorrhizae with fungi of the family Endogonaceae (13).

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USDA, Forest Service

Seed Production and Dissemination ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Seed production starts when the tree is 5 to 20 years old (5). It can be induced in trees as young as 7 months with sprays of 50 p/m gibberellic acid (the effect is enhanced by Ethrel) with the correct photoperiodic regime (13). (At least 2 weeks of long days are required after gibberellin treatment, followed by at least 2 weeks of short days, followed by long days to allow cone maturation.)

The major peak of seedfall is in the late fall, with a smaller one in spring. Roughly 50 to 60 percent of the seeds fall by mid-January and 85 to 90 percent by May 1 (13); however, some seed is released all year.

Crops of 20,000 to 4,600,000 seeds per hectare (8,094 to 1,862,000/acre) have been measured, with a mean of 829,000 seeds per hectare (335,000/acre) for 30 crops (13). Annual seed production can also be expressed in relation to a unit basal area of the population; 600 to 185,000 with a mean of 40,200 seeds per square meter (56 to 17,187 with a mean of 3,735/ft²) of basal area were produced. Of 30 crops, 5 exceeded 100,000 seeds per square meter (9,290/ft²) of basal area, 6 produced 20,000 to 60,000 seeds per square meter (1,858 to 5,574/ft²), 6 had 10,000 to 20,000 seeds per square meter (929 to 1,858/ft²) , and 13, less than 10,000 seeds per square meter (929/ft²). High seed production per unit basal area occurred in all types of habitats sampled and in both 65-year-old and old-growth forests. No site had good or moderate seed crops 2 years in succession. There seems to be no regional synchronization of large seed crops, however, as occurs in many tree species.

The seeds are small, averaging about 463 000/kg (210,000/lb), with a range of 176 to 1323/g (80,000 to 600,000/lb) (5). Despite having small wings along both sides, the seeds apparently fall more rapidly than many larger conifer seeds. The seed wings appear to aid their flotation on water. Seeds are not a preferred food of rodents in feeding experiments (7), but harvesting of large numbers of cones and removal of seed from them by rodents have been observed in natural stands (13).

Seeds may be stored frozen at less than 10 percent moisture in a sealed container for more than 10 years and retain considerable viability (5,12). One study reports 43 percent germination from seed stored this way for 13 years. Few seeds, if any, germinate later than the first year after dispersal (13).

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USDA, Forest Service

Seedling Development ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Seed germination is epigeal; in the natural habitat, it occurred in early June or later in the 1 year it was observed (13). Germination ranged from 11 to 44 percent in natural seed fall trapped on the floor of seven forests. Germination of collected seed is often higher, about 50 percent (5).

Stratification increases germination and seedling growth for some seed lots (13). Red light accelerates germination; far-red light delays it. In laboratory conditions, few seeds germinate below 12° C (12). Sowing in the nursery in March and April is more reliable in England than fall sowing (13). In nursery practice, seeds were sown at 320 to 540/m² (30 to 50/ft² ) and covered by 3 to 6 mm (0.12 to 0.25 in) of soil (5). Shading until midseason may be helpful. A nursery yield of 284,000 usable plants per kilogram of seed (129,000/lb) has been reported (5). Port-Orford-cedar seedlings are easy to grow and establish (13). Seedlings have been planted as 2-0 or 3-0 stock in the United States, and after the first or second year, or as 2-1 stock in Great Britain. Spacing in Britain is 1.4 to 1.5 m (4.5 to 5 ft); recently, in its native range, Port-Orford-cedar has been interplanted with Douglas-fir, at 2.7- to 8-m (9- to 26-ft) spacing (13).

Seedlings are small, with two cotyledons. The next several whorls of leaves are needlelike (5 to 13 whorls in one study); successive whorls gradually develop into the mature, appressed, scalelike foliage differentiated into the flat "facial" and the folded "lateral" leaves (13). Seedling establishment in small experimental plots under a natural canopy was most common where soil had been disturbed but did occur in natural litter; after three growing seasons, only 5 percent of the germinants survived in the most favorable soil conditions. In clearcut or partially cut areas, establishment decreases as ground cover vegetation increases (7).

Seedling growth under a canopy is slow-experimental seedlings are only about 40 mm (1.6 in) tall after their second growing season (13). Seedlings in the open average 36 mm (1.4 in) after 1 year and 78 mm (3.1 in) after 2. Planted 3-0 stock averaged 48 cm (18.8 in) tall after 2 years in the field (7). Natural seedlings established under a canopy take 14 to 31 years to reach breast height (1.37 m; 4.5 ft), compared with 5 to 11 years for trees in clearcuts on nonultramafic soils (13). Early seedling growth sometimes equals that of Douglas-fir in the same clearcut. Seedlings are quite shade-tolerant but do die in dense shade under old-growth forest and do not become established under young, dense, even-aged stands (13). They seem to survive in most understory microsites where western hemlock and white fir can grow.

Port-Orford-cedar often reproduces aggressively from seed. Natural reproduction in clearcuts is usually adequate within 80 to 110 m (262 to 361 ft) of a seed source; however, planting will often be required in large clearcuts (13). Planted seedlings may grow normally in dense competition from gorse or bracken fem. Later growth is intrinsically somewhat slower than that of Douglas-fir (13), and weeding may be necessary to keep Port-Orford-cedar in the upper canopy where maximum growth is possible.

Port-Orford-cedar does not develop winter buds with preformed internodes (13). Elongation continues for as long as 5 months in mild coastal climates; it is more rapid and early in the mixed evergreen zone and equally rapid but late in the Abies concolor zone. Elongation lasts 1.3 to 1.9 times as long as that of Pinaceae on the same site.

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USDA, Forest Service

Soils and Topography ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Port-Orford-cedar grows on many geologic and soil types: sand dunes; bogs, margins of intermittent streams, and drier sites on ultramafic rocks; and productive soils on sedimentary rocks and diorite (13). The largest trees are found on deep soils weathered from sedimentary rocks in Coos County, OR. The species is also found on sedimentary rocks near the lower Klamath River in California. Throughout much of its range, it is restricted to areas with consistent seepage within a meter of the soil surface. South of Coos County, OR, it is most common on wet spots on ultramafic rocks, especially at lower elevations in the inland and southern parts of its range. Reportedly, Port-Orford-cedar grows on soils in the orders Spodosols, Ultisols, and Inceptisols.

Soils vary from well developed, deep, and productive to skeletal (in seepage areas on peridotite) (13). Average depth to the surface of the C horizon ranges from 32 cm (13 in) in the mixed pine community to 73 cm (29 in) in the rhododendron community. Surface soils vary from sandy loam to clay in texture and often contain much gravel, cobble, or stone; their pH values range from 4.2 to 7.0; cation exchange capacities range from 10 to 42 meq/100 g. Concentrations of macronutrients are nitrogen, 0.12 to 0.25 percent; phosphorus, 2 to 40 p/m; extractable potassium, 36 to 400 p/m; extractable calcium, 0.3 to 10.8 meq/100 g; extractable magnesium, 0.2 to 9.9 meq/100 g. Calcium-to-magnesium ratios are 0.2 to 3.7. Foliar concentrations of nutrients in native saplings are often low (means for 85 saplings at 10 sites were 0.86 percent nitrogen, 0.52 percent potassium, and 0.11 percent phosphorus); in contrast, calcium is usually quite high (1.11 percent) (13). The calcium-to-magnesium ratio of foliage is high, averaging 4.4 and staying above 2 even on ultramafic substrates. Surface soils under Port-Orford-cedar plantations in Great Britain have the highest pH of soils under any conifer tested. Growth in the northern end of the natural range increases with levels of nitrate in the soil. In culture, growth increases with levels of potassium, nitrogen, and calcium in the foliage (13).

In some areas in the northern part of its range, Port-Orford-cedar grows in habitats similar to those of western redcedar (8,9). On sites where both species are present, soils under Port-Orford-cedar are usually more acidic and have higher concentrations of potassium and lower calcium: magnesium ratios. Mineralization of nitrogen is slower in Port-Orford-cedar litter.

Port-Orford-cedar usually grows on concave or sheltered slopes where soil seepage occurs (13). It is most common on slopes, on benches, and in drainageways. Restriction to streamsides and ravines is most obvious inland at low elevations. Stands are most common on northwest, north, and northeast aspects, especially at lower elevations. Port-Orford-cedar grows from just above sea level to about 1500 m (4,900 ft) in the main section of the range, and to 1950 m (6,400 ft) near Mount Shasta (13).

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USDA, Forest Service

Special Uses ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Outside its natural range, the major use of Port-Orford-cedar is as an ornamental (13). As such, it is usually referred to as Lawson cypress. More than 200 cultivars are known, varying in size, shape, foliar morphology, and color. It is suitable for hedges but is usually planted as separate individuals of either full-sized or dwarfed varieties. Its use has declined in some areas because of root rot. Cut branches are used in floral arrangements.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Vegetative Reproduction ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Cuttings may be rooted with relative ease (13). A recommended practice is to use cuttings from tips of major branches from the lower crown of young trees, taken from December to February. Auxin treatments sometimes aid rooting. Natural layering of Port-Orford-cedar occurs occasionally (13). Several vertical limbs of windthrown trees in open stands may develop into separate trunks attached to the horizontal "parent" trunk. Most reproduction, however, is from seed.

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USDA, Forest Service

Distribution ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Port-Orford-cedar grows in a small area near the Pacific coast, from about latitude 40° 50' to 43° 35' N. in southern Oregon and northern California (13). It is most important on uplifted marine terraces and in the Coast Ranges of southern Coos County and northern Curry County, OR. A secondary concentration is found at high elevations in the upper reaches of the Illinois and Klamath River drainages near the Oregon State boundary. Throughout the rest of its range, Port-Orford-cedar is found as small, scattered populations, most common in the drainages of the middle Rogue, upper Illinois, Smith, lower Klamath, and lower Trinity Rivers. A major inland disjunction includes small populations of the upper Trinity and Sacramento River drainages southwest of Mount Shasta, CA.

- The native range of Port-Orford-cedar.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Cupressaceae -- Cypress family

Donald B. Zobel

Port-Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), also called Lawson cypress and Port Orford white-cedar, is known for its grace in ornamental plantings and for its versatile wood. As logs, mostly exported to Japan, it brings higher prices than almost any other conifer in the United States. This valuable tree, however, has a very limited range and an uncertain future. Management of Port-Orford-cedar has become impossible in much of its range since the introduction of a fatal root rot that is still spreading. Old-growth forests are being depleted rapidly, and the use of second-growth forests is complicated because early growth is relatively slow. The commercial future of one of the most beautiful and potentially useful trees will depend on development of silvicultural practices that minimize infection by root rot.

telif hakkı
USDA, Forest Service

Physical Description ( İngilizce )

USDA PLANTS text tarafından sağlandı
Tree, Evergreen, Monoecious, Habit erect, Trees without or rarely having knees, Tree with bark rough or scaly, Young shoots in flat sprays, Buds not resinous, Leaves scale-like, Leaves opposite, Non-needle-like leaf margins entire, Leaf apex acute, Leaves < 5 cm long, Leaves < 10 cm long, Leaves not blue-green, Scale leaves without raised glands, Scale leaf glands not ruptured, Scale leaves overlapping, Twigs glabrous, Twigs not viscid, Twigs without peg-like projections or large fascicles after needles fall, Berry-like cones orange, Woody seed cones < 5 cm long, Bracts of seed cone included, Seeds tan, Seeds brown, Seeds winged, Seeds equally winged, Seed wings prominent, Seed wings equal to or broader than body.
Stephen C. Meyers
Aaron Liston
Steffi Ickert-Bond
Damon Little

Cypreswydden lawson ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Coeden binwydd, fytholwyrdd yw Cypreswydden lawson sy'n enw benywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Cupressaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Chamaecyparis lawsoniana a'r enw Saesneg yw Lawson`s cypress.[1] Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Cypreswydden Lawson.

Mae'r dail ifanc ar ffurf nodwyddau a cheir moch coed sef yr hadau ar y goeden hon.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gerddi Kew; adalwyd 21 Ionawr 2015
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Cypreswydden lawson: Brief Summary ( Galce )

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Coeden binwydd, fytholwyrdd yw Cypreswydden lawson sy'n enw benywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Cupressaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Chamaecyparis lawsoniana a'r enw Saesneg yw Lawson`s cypress. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Cypreswydden Lawson.

Mae'r dail ifanc ar ffurf nodwyddau a cheir moch coed sef yr hadau ar y goeden hon.

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Cypřišek Lawsonův ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Cypřišek Lawsonův (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) je severoamerický jehličnatý strom z čeledě cypřišovitých.


Je původem ze Spojených států severoamerických z oblastí států Kalifornie a Oregon. Roste většinou v izolovaných populacích v jehličnatých lesích, nejčastěji s borovicemi a jedlemi, do nadmořské výšky asi 1700 m a hlavně na hadcových podložích. Snáší sušší prostředí, znečištěné ovzduší i polostín, má rád zásaditou půdu. Při extrémních mrazech namrzá. V roce 1854 byl dovezen do Edinburgu v Anglii a o pět let později i do Čech (Nové Hrady?).[3][4]


Je to stálezelený strom dorůstající ve své domovině do výšky 50 metrů, v našich podmínkách jen 25 metrů. Má tvar úzce kuželovitýválcovitý, kmen mívá výčetní tloušťku až 3 m. Jeho větve jsou husté s kratšími a většinou vodorovnými větvičkami. Konce větví i terminálu jsou obvykle převislé. Borka je hnědá s červenavým nádechem, u nejstarších stromů je tlustá 15 až 25 cm (u stromu do 100 let stáří asi jen 2 cm). Hladké špičaté až zašpičatělé modrozelené šupinovité listy jsou přitisklé k ose, zespodu mají šedý lem ve tvaru písmene X, jsou dlouhé od 2 do 3 mm. Po rozetření vydávají příjemné aroma, stejně jako mladá kůra.

Žlutozelené samčí šištice, mající v průměru 2 až 3 mm, jsou v období zralosti načervenalé až purpurové, mají červená prašná pouzdra s pylem. Samičí šištice jsou kulovité nebo mírně kuželovité, 8 až 12 mm v průměru, skládají se z 5 až 10 šupin, zralá jsou červeno hnědá. Po opylení dozrávají ještě téhož roku na podzim, pod každým plodolistem vyrostou 2 až 4 semena dlouhá od 2 do 5 mm se zhruba stejně velkým křídlem.[3][5][6]


Dříve v době přirozené hojnosti bylo jeho bílé, vonné dřevo velmi ceněno a z Ameriky i vyváženo, např. do Japonska na stavbu chrámů, nebo se používalo na stavbu lodí. Nyní jsou přirozené zdroje vydrancovány.

Dřevo obsahuje olej používaný jako léčivá droga, vnitřně i inhalací, Olej se nyní získává destilaci pilin a jiného dřevěného odpadu. Dlouhodobé vdechování naopak je spojováno s onemocněním ledvin.

Cypřišek Lawsonův je velice variabilní druh. Šlechtí se intenzivně co do výšky, vzhledu, tvaru i barvy jehličí a je známo okolo 500 kultivarů. Toho se využívá v parkové a zahradní výsadbě, kde je jeden z nejvýznamnějších jehličnanů.[3][6][7]


Zhoubná patogenní plíseň Phytophthora lateralis se rozšířila v některých místech výskytu cypřišku lawsonova, hlavně ve vnitrozemí Kalifornie, a ničí stromy bez ohledu na jejích věk. Není znám způsob jak toto šíření zastavit chemicky, ani nejsou odolné klony stromů. Soudí se, že plíseň je rozšiřována vodou, zvířaty a lidmi.[6]


Stromy dosahují ve své domovině úctyhodných rozměrů i stáří.

  • Nejmohutnější roste v Siskiyou National Forest v Oregonu, má výčetní tloušťku kmene 365 cm, výšku 69,8 m a šířku koruny 12 m (v r. 1998).
  • Nejvyšší lze nalézt v Jed Smith State Park v Kalifornii, je vysoký 81,08 m a kmen má průměr 280,4 cm (v r. 2009).
  • Věk nejstarších stromů je odhadován na 560 let.[6]




  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
  2. BioLib: Cypřišek Lawsonův [online]. Ondřej Zicha, 04.01.2006 [cit. 2010-11-27]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  3. a b c Dendrologie.cz: Cypřišek Lawsonův [online]. P. Horáček a J. Mencl, 07.06.2007 [cit. 2010-11-27]. Dostupné online. (cz)
  4. The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California [online]. University of California, Oakland, CA [cit. 2010-11-27]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  5. Flora of North America: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana [online]. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA. [cit. 2010-11-27]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  6. a b c d The Gymnosperm Database: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana [online]. Christopher J. Earle, rev. 16.11.2010 [cit. 2010-11-27]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. The Wood Explorer: Port Orford cedr [online]. The Wood Explorer [cit. 2010-11-27]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)

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Cypřišek Lawsonův: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Cypřišek Lawsonův (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) je severoamerický jehličnatý strom z čeledě cypřišovitých.

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Ædelcypres ( Danca )

wikipedia DA tarafından sağlandı

Ædelcypres (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), også kaldt Lawsoncypres, er et stedsegrønt træ med en slank, kegleformet krone og overhængende topskud. Løvet lugter frisk som en mellemting mellem harpiks og persille.


Stammen er ofte flere gange gaffeldelt. Grenene er opstigende og korte med hængende kviste. Barken er først skælklædt med kileformede, grønne skæl. Senere bliver den glat og brun-grøn, og til sidst bliver den gråviolet med afskallende, lange plader. Skudsystemerne er flade og bregneagtige, dog med trådagtige skudspidser. Bladskællene er butte med en tydelig spids. Oversiden er mørkegrøn, mens undersiden er bleggrøn og helt lys dér, hvor andre skæl dækker ind over undersiden.

"Blomsterne" sidder i små stande med han- og hunblomster hver for sig. Koglerne er kuglerunde med store, skjoldformede skæl. De er først grågrønne, så brune. Frøene modner godt og spirer villigt.

Rodnettet består både af svære hovedrødder, der går dybt ned, og fine smårødder, der ligger lige under jordoverfladen. Rodnettet begynder først væksten omkring den 1. juli.

Højde x bredde og årlig tilvækst: 30 × 8 m (30 × 10 cm/år) – gælder arten i Danmark. I sin hjemegn i det vestlige USA bliver træet umådelig højt, op til 70 m. Slægtsnavnet Chamaecyparis der betyder dværgcypres, må derfor siges at passe dårligt til netop denne art. En lang række af sorterne til havebrug bliver dog ikke over 10 m, og en række sorter udviser egentlig dværgvækst.


Ædelcypres gror i Coast Range-bjergkæden fra Oregon i nord til Californien i syd. Den optræder mest hyppigt på nord- og nordvestvendte bjergsider. Her findes den sammen med bl.a. Amelanchier alnifolia, Blærespiræa, Canadisk Hasselurt, Canadisk Hønsebær, Douglasgran, Gul-Fyr, Hvid Snebær, Klit-Fyr, Kæmpe-Ædelgran, Papir-Birk, Stor Bjergte og Trillium ovatum.


Træet har ingen videre forstlig betydning i Danmark, men leverer udmærket tømmer. Det dyrkes i begrænset opmfang til pyntegrønt. Som prydtræ er det imidlertid overordentlig almindeligt, og der findes utallige forskellige sorter der varierer kraftigt i farve og størrelse. Det er en af de billigste prydnåletræer der handles i Danmark, og det fås tillige i supermarkeder. Mange af de lilleput-juletræer der sælges ved juletid er sorter af Ædelcypres.

I Østasien dyrkes træet også i stor stil, og en del eksporteres til Japan. Det er i hele Østasien efterspurgt som materiale til ligkister, og til snedkerarbejder i kapeller og templer.

Det lette, lige og holdbare ved giver også anledning til helt specielle anvendelser – til pileskafter og er en acceptabel, dog ikke ideal, træsort til konstruktion af flyvemaskiner.

Løvet er mulddannende.


Sorten Ellwoodii er af særlig stor betydning, da den er ophav til en lang række af de andre sorter.

  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Alumii'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Alumii Magnifica'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Alumii Gold'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Aurea Densa'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Aurea Romana'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Blom'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Chilworth Silver'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris Glauca'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii Empire'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii Gold'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii Pillar'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Erecta Blom'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Forsteckensis'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Glauca Elegans'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Globira'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Globosa'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Golden Triumph'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Graywoods Feather'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Green Globe'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Green Pillar'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ilona'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Intertexta'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Kelleriis'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Kelleriis Gold'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Aurea'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Glauca'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Pembury Blue'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Rijnhof'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Romana'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Snowwhite'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Stardust'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Stewartii'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Sunkist'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Tharandtensis Caesia'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Van Pelts Blue'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'White Spot'
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Wisselii'

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Ædelcypres: Brief Summary ( Danca )

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Ædelcypres (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), også kaldt Lawsoncypres, er et stedsegrønt træ med en slank, kegleformet krone og overhængende topskud. Løvet lugter frisk som en mellemting mellem harpiks og persille.

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Lawsons Scheinzypresse ( Almanca )

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Lawsons Scheinzypresse (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) ist eine immergrüne Pflanzen-Art aus der Gattung der Scheinzypressen (Chamaecyparis) innerhalb der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Sie wurde nach dem schottischen Botaniker Peter Lawson benannt. Sie wird auch Oregonzeder genannt.



Ausgewachsene Bäume

Lawsons Scheinzypresse ist ein immergrüner, ein- oder mehrstämmiger Baum, der in seiner Heimat Wuchshöhen von meist 50, selten bis zu 65 Metern und Stammdurchmesser (BHD) von bis zu 300 Zentimetern, in Europa aber nur Wuchshöhen von 30 Metern erreicht. Sie ist damit die größte Art der Gattung der Scheinzypressen (Chamaecyparis). Das Höchstalter liegt bei rund 600 Jahren. Ein Artkennzeichen sind die überhängenden Gipfeltriebe und die farnwedelartigen, in gleicher Ebene ausgerichteten Zweige. Die Hauptäste sind stets abwärts gerichtet. Lawsons Scheinzypresse bildet keine Pfahlwurzel aus, ist aber in der Lage an horizontal verlaufenden Lateralwurzeln Senker zu bilden.


Die sehr kleinen schuppenartigen Blätter sind kreuzgegenständig angeordnet und liegen den Zweigen eng an. Die Größe und Gestalt der Blätter variiert je nach Zweigordnung und Wuchskraft. Die Kantenblätter werden zwischen 1,6 und 4 Millimeter lang und haben freie Spitzen. Die meist rautenförmigen Flächenblätter erreichen nur 70 bis 90 % dieser Größe. Sie weisen an der Oberseite eine Harzdrüse auf. Die inneren Blätter werden von den äußeren verdeckt was dazu führt, dass auf den blatttragenden Zweigen eine x-förmige, weiße Markierung entsteht. Die Blätter an der Oberseite dieser Zweige sind dunkelgrün, die auf der Unterseite hell- bis graugrün. Sie verbleiben bis zu 3 Jahre am Baum, ehe sie abfallen.



Die Altbäume haben eine dunkel-rotbraune Borke, die sich in Streifen ablöst. Sie kann in Bodennähe bis zu 25 Zentimeter dick werden.


Das weiße Splintholz unterscheidet sich farblich kaum vom cremig-weißen Kernholz. Die Jahresringe sind undeutlich. Das Holz ist sehr leicht und geradfaserig. Es weist keinerlei Harzkanäle auf. Die Rohdichte bei einer Holzfeuchte von 12 % liegt bei 0,426 g/cm³. Das Holz lässt sich leicht bearbeiten und ist äußerst widerstandsfähig gegen Insekten, Pilze und ätzende Substanzen.

Blüten, Zapfen und Samen

Weibliche Blütenzapfen
Männliche Blütenzapfen

Lawsons Scheinzypresse ist einhäusig (monözisch). Sowohl die männlichen als auch die weiblichen Blütenzapfen befinden sich an den Enden desselben Zweiges. Die männlichen Zapfen sind karminrot und 2 × 3 Millimeter groß. Die weiblichen Blütenzapfen sind bläulich bis purpurfarben und kugelig. Sie werden rund 5 Millimeter groß. Bis zur Reife benötigen die kugeligen Zapfen 6 bis 7 Monate; sie sind dann rotbraun und weisen einen Durchmesser von 8 bis 12 Millimeter auf. Sie besitzen acht bis zehn (selten sechs bis acht) Zapfenschuppen mit je zwei bis vier Samen. Der kastanienbraune Same ist 2 bis 5 Millimeter groß; sein unregelmäßig geformter Flügel ist mindestens genauso breit wie das Samenkorn.[1]


Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 22.[2]

Pollen der Lawsons Scheinzypresse (400×)

Verbreitung und Standort

Das ursprüngliche Verbreitungsgebiet (Primärareal) von Lawsons Scheinzypresse liegt an der Westküste der USA – in Südwest-Oregon und Nordwest-Kalifornien. Man findet sie von 0 bis 1950 m Seehöhe. Die Niederschlagsmenge liegt zwischen 1.000 und 2.200 Millimetern pro Jahr. Sie verträgt Temperaturen von bis zu −15 °C und kommt mit starker Beschattung zurecht. Meist bildet sie dort Reinbestände. In Europa und in Neuseeland tritt sie auch als Neophyt auf.[3]

Krankheiten und Schädlinge

Im natürlichen Verbreitungsgebiet heimische Schadinsekten und Krankheiten richten nur wenig Schaden an. Gelegentlich kommt es zu Ausfällen die durch Borkenkäfer der Gattung Phloesinus ausgelöst werden.

Problematisch hat sich jedoch die Einschleppung des Pilzes Phytophthora lateralis in den 1950er Jahren erwiesen. Er befällt die Feinwurzeln und tötet das Kambium an der Stammbasis ab, so dass der Baum verwelkt. Es besteht keine natürliche Resistenz und keine Möglichkeit der chemischen Bekämpfung.

Als abiotische Schadfaktoren werden Dürre und Winterkälte genannt. Jungbäume reagieren empfindlich auf Waldbrände.


Das hellgelbe, harzfreie Holz wird für Boote, Masten und Möbel verwendet. In seiner Heimat findet es zudem Verwendung im Hausbau und zur Herstellung von Pfeilen. In Europa wird Lawsons Scheinzypresse als Zierbaum gepflanzt und wurde in vielen Gebieten seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts eingebürgert; mittlerweile gibt es wild wachsende Vorkommen. Es sind viele Sorten in Kultur.


Zuchtformen (Auswahl)

Hecke aus Lawsons Scheinzypressen (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)

In Europa sind über 200 Sorten im Handel. Hier eine Auswahl:

  • ‚Alumii‘: Eine sehr bekannte Sorte; sie wird etwa 3 bis 4,5 Meter hoch und wächst schmal säulenförmig. Die dicht stehende Belaubung ist blau bereift.
  • ‚Argentea Compacta‘: Eine Zwergform mit panaschierten Blättern.
  • ‚Aurea‘: Mit goldgelben Blättern.
  • ‚Aurea Densa‘: Mit goldgelben Blättern.
  • ‚Blue Gem‘: mit hellblauen Blättern. wächst 1,5 bis 2 m in 10 Jahren.[4]
  • ‚Croftway‘: Die Blätter sind anfangs grau, später dunkelgrün.
  • ‚Ellwoodii‘: Kleinwüchsig mit kegelförmigem Wuchs und blaugrünen Blättern.
  • ‚Erecta‘: Diese Sorte wird etwa 10 Meter hoch; sie wächst schmal kegelförmig. Die Blätter sind hellgrün.
  • ‚Erecta Aurea‘: Der Sorte ‚Erecta‘ ähnlich, aber mit leuchtend gelben Blättern.[5]
  • ‚Fletcheri‘: Eine langsam wüchsige Form mit graublauen Blättern, die jung annähernd nadelförmig sind.
  • ‚Glauca‘: Mit blaugrauen Blättern.
  • ‚Golden Wonder‘: hat ganzjährig goldgelbe Blätter.
  • ‚Green Globe‘: Eine nur 45 Zentimeter Höhe erreichende Zwergform, die ein dichtes, kugeliges Polster bildet und feine, dunkelgrüne Blätter besitzt.
  • ‚Lane‘: Eine schlank säulenförmig wachsende Form. Ihre frisch ausgetriebenen Blätter sind zunächst zitronengelb und werden im Winter bronzefarben bis goldgelb.
  • ‚Lemon Queen‘: Mit blass gelben Blättern.
  • ‚Pembury Blue‘: Eine Form mit überhängenden Zweigen und silbrig-blauer Belaubung.
  • ‚Stewartii‘: Eine schnell wüchsige Form die 4 bis 8 Meter hoch wird. Sie hat dichte, überhängende Zweige und eine auffällig goldgelbe Belaubung, die im Winter grüngelb wird.[6]
  • ‚Wisselii‘: Diese Form erreicht Wuchshöhen von bis zu 25 Metern. Sie wächst schlank kegelförmig und besitzt blaugrüne Blätter.
  • ‚Winston Churchill‘: Eine Form mit kegelförmigem Wuchs und goldgelber Belaubung.[7]



  1. An illustrated manual of Pacific Coast trees Von Howard McMinn,Evelyn Maino,H. W. Shepherd
  2. Tropicos. [1]
  3. Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Chamaecyparis. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 22. März 2019.
  4. Dwarf and Small Growing Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Memento vom 26. Mai 2010 im Internet Archive)
  5. biolib: Lawson's Cypress: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murray) Parl.
  6. Michigan State University Extension Ornamental Plants plus Version 3.0 - 00000338 - 11/12/99: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana--Lawson Falsecypress (Memento vom 29. Juli 2010 im Internet Archive)
  7. University of Delaware: College of Agricultural & Natural Resources: Botanic Gardens: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
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Lawsons Scheinzypresse: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Lawsons Scheinzypresse (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) ist eine immergrüne Pflanzen-Art aus der Gattung der Scheinzypressen (Chamaecyparis) innerhalb der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Sie wurde nach dem schottischen Botaniker Peter Lawson benannt. Sie wird auch Oregonzeder genannt.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ( İngilizce )

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, known as Port Orford cedar[2] or Lawson cypress,[3] is a species of conifer in the genus Chamaecyparis, family Cupressaceae. It is native to Oregon and northwestern California, and grows from sea level up to 4,900 feet (1,500 m) in the valleys of the Klamath Mountains, often along streams.


A large evergreen tree, specimens mature up to 200 ft (61 m) tall or more, with trunks 4–7 ft (1.2–2 m) in diameter, exceptionally 8–9 ft (2.4–2.7 m).[4] The bark is silver-brown, vertically furrowed, and 6–10 inches (15–25 cm) thick near the base.[4] The foliage is arranged in lacy, flat sprays with a feathery appearance,[4] usually somewhat glaucous (i.e. blue-green) in color. The leaves are scale-like, 18316 inch (3–5 mm) long, with narrow white markings on the underside, and produced on somewhat flattened shoots. The foliage gives off a rather pungent scent, not unlike parsley. The seed cones are globose, 932916 inch (7–14 mm) in diameter, with 6–10 scales, green at first, maturing brown in early fall, 6–8 months after pollination. The male cones are 18532 inch (3–4 mm) long, dark red, turning brown after pollen release in early spring. The seeds fall quickly and can float on water.[4]

Old specimens lack branches near the base and often have dead tops. They can live up to about 600 years of age.[4]


The species was first discovered (by European Americans) near Port Orford, Oregon, and introduced into cultivation in 1854 by collectors working for Charles Lawson FRSE[5] of the Lawson & Son nursery in Edinburgh, Scotland, after whom it was named as Lawson Cypress by the describing botanist Andrew Murray. The United States Department of Agriculture officially calls it by the name Port Orford cedar,[2] as do most people in its native area, but some botanists prefer to use the name Lawson cypress (or in very rare instances Port Orford cypress) instead. The name "Lawson's cypress" is widely used in horticulture.

Distribution and habitat

The species is native to southwestern Oregon and northwestern California, and grows from sea level up to 4,900 feet (1,500 m)[4] in the valleys of the Klamath Mountains, often along streams. It fares best at the north end of its range.[4]


The thick bark provides resistance to wildfires, and the species regenerates well on disrupted land in a variety of soils, but requires consistent moisture. It is shade tolerant, but not so much so as competing species western hemlock and white fir.[4] The old-growth population near Coos Bay, Oregon, was wiped out by logging and wildfires in 1867–1868, and again by fire and root disease in 1936.[4]


In the wild, the species is seriously and uniquely threatened by a root disease caused by the oomycete pathogen, Phytophthora lateralis, accidentally introduced in the early 1950s following the fungus's arrival to the Pacific Northwest on nursery trees.[4] This disease is also a problem for horticultural plantings in some parts of North America. The tree is sometimes killed, though less often, by other species of Phytophthora.

Phytophthora lateralis infection begins when mycelium, from a germinated spore, invade the roots. The infection then spreads through the inner bark and cambium around the base of the tree. Spread up the trunk is generally limited. Infected tissue dies and effectively girdles the tree. Large trees are more likely to be infected than small trees due to larger root areas (although all trees at the edges of infected streams will eventually succumb). However, large trees can often live with the infections for a longer duration (up to several years).

C. lawsoniana in streamside populations are highly susceptible to P. lateralis infection. However, the rate of fungal spread through populations in dry upland areas appears to be slow. P. lateralis spreads through water via mobile spores (zoospores). The fungus also produces resting spores (chlamydospores) that can persist in soil for a long period of time. New infections generally begin when soil is transferred from an infected population to a non-infected population via water, human or animal movement.[4] After initial infection in streamside populations, secondary spread via zoospores quickly infects all downstream individuals.

Human facilitated spread is thought to be responsible for most new, and all long-distance, infections. Soil on vehicle tires, especially logging trucks and other off-road vehicles, is considered the most pressing problem due to the volume of soil that can be carried and the traffic rate in and between susceptible areas. Spread on boots and mountain bike tires has also been suggested and probably contributes to new infections locally.[6] Animal-facilitated spread is thought to occur, but is localized.

The United States Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management attempt to prevent Phytophthora spread through road closures, monitoring, research and education. Research has focused on determining the dynamics and mechanisms of spread, as well as attempts to breed resistant trees. One solution against Phytophtera is known generically as Mancozeb and also commercially known as Dithane (C). Commercial preparations of the parasitic fungus Pythium oligandrum are licensed for pest control, and documented to predate many species of Phytophthora.[7]

Similar species

The extinct Eocene species Chamaecyparis eureka, known from fossils found on Axel Heiberg Island in Canada, is noted as resembling C. lawsoniana and C. pisifera.[8]

The associated genus Calocedrus (incense-cedar) has thick orange-brown bark and the bark of Thuja plicata (western redcedar) is comparatively thin; both have different foliage than Port Orford cedar.[4]


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana thrives best in well-drained but moist soils, in a fairly sheltered position in full sun. Several hundred named cultivars of varying crown shape, growth rates and foliage color have been selected for planting in parks and gardens. In the United Kingdom (UK) the following have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit (confirmed 2017):[9]


The species was discovered by Euro-Americans in the 1850s. The wood is light yet has great strength and rot resistance, even after long exposure to salt water.[4] Its properties resemble those of yellow-cedar, but was historically more available in the region.[4] On shores lacking docks, logs were transported via high-line cable directly onto ship decks. It was valued for boatbuilding.[4] The species was important to Oregon's lumber industry until the 1950s when it was crippled by disease.[4] It was preferred for storage battery cell separation, Venetian blinds, and other uses.[4] Quality specimens eventually began to be shipped almost exclusively to East Asia, where it is highly valued.[4] Large amounts have been exported to Japan where it is used in making coffins, shrines, and temples.[34] Its lumber is known for its highly fragrant ginger aroma, caused by an oil which repulses decay and insects, including termites; this oil has been used as an insecticide.[4] Due to the straightness of its grain, it is also one of the preferred woods for the manufacture of arrow shafts. It is also considered an acceptable, though not ideal, wood for construction of aircraft.[35]

The wood is considered more than acceptable for use in stringed instruments. Its fine grain, good strength and tonal quality are highly regarded for soundboards in guitar making.[36]


See also


  1. ^ Farjon, A. (2013). "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013: e.T34004A2840024. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34004A2840024.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
  3. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Arno, Stephen F.; Hammerly, Ramona P. (2020) [1977]. Northwest Trees: Identifying & Understanding the Region's Native Trees (field guide ed.). Seattle: Mountaineers Books. pp. 169–174. ISBN 978-1-68051-329-5. OCLC 1141235469.
  5. ^ Biographical Index of Former Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1783–2002 (PDF). The Royal Society of Edinburgh. July 2006. ISBN 0-902-198-84-X. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2017-03-28.
  6. ^ Soden, Tabitha (October 19, 2015). "Roads in the Six Rivers National Forest close to prevent spread of root disease". Times-Standard. Eureka, Calif. Archived from the original on 20 August 2017. Retrieved 8 September 2016.
  7. ^ Plato Roberts, Amy. "Biopesticides Fact Sheet" (PDF). epa.gov. Retrieved 10 February 2018.
  8. ^ Kotyk, M.E.A.; Basinger, J.F.; McIlver, E.E. (2003). "Early Tertiary Chamaecyparis Spach from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic". Canadian Journal of Botany. 81 (2): 113–130. doi:10.1139/B03-007.
  9. ^ "AGM Plants - Ornamental" (PDF). Royal Horticultural Society. July 2017. p. 16. Retrieved 24 January 2018.
  10. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Aurea Densa'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  11. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Chilworth Silver'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  12. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Dik's Weeping'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 2013-01-28.
  13. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  14. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwood's Gold'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  15. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwood's Pillar'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 26 January 2018.
  16. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Fletcheri'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  17. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Gimbornii'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  18. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Golden Wonder'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  19. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Grayswood Feather'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  20. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Green Globe'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  21. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Imbricata Pendula'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  22. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Kilmacurragh'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  23. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Lanei Aurea'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  24. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Little Spire'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  25. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Aurea'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  26. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Glauca'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  27. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Pembury Blue'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  28. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Pygmaea Argentea'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  29. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Stardust'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  30. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Summer Snow'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  31. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Triomf van Boskoop'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  32. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Wisselii'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  33. ^ "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Wissel's Saguaro'". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  34. ^ Snyder 1999 pg. 225
  35. ^ Kroes, Watkins, and Delp: Aircraft Maintenance and Repair, sixth edition, page 66, McGraw Hill, 1993
  36. ^ "Port Orford Cedar tops". Luthiers Mercantile International, Inc.
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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, known as Port Orford cedar or Lawson cypress, is a species of conifer in the genus Chamaecyparis, family Cupressaceae. It is native to Oregon and northwestern California, and grows from sea level up to 4,900 feet (1,500 m) in the valleys of the Klamath Mountains, often along streams.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, el falso ciprés de Lawson,[2]camecíparis de Lawson, "cedro" de Oregón o "cedro" de Puerto Oxford[3]​ es un ciprés dentro del género Chamaecyparis, familia Cupressaceae, que aunque en el comercio hortícola se le llame "cedro" de Oregón o "cedro" de Puerto Oxford en su medio nativo, no es realmente un verdadero cedro).

C. lawsoniana mostrando los conos macho en primavera con su color rojo característico.
C. lawsoniana mostrando conos femeninos maduros.
Vista del árbol

Distribución y hábitat

El camecíparis de Lawson es nativo del sudoeste de Oregón y el extremo noroeste de California en los Estados Unidos, teniendo una prevalencia desde el nivel del mar hasta los 1.500 msnm (4,900 pies) de altitud en los valles de las montañas, frecuentemente en los bordes de los arroyos.


Es una conífera de porte arbóreo perennifolio, que normalmente alcanza entre 50 a 70 m (200 pies) de altura, con follaje plumoso en escamas planas, de color azulverdoso generalmente algo glauco. Las hojas están escaladas, de 3 a 5 milímetros de largo, con marcas blancas estrechas en la superficie inferior, y produciendo brotes algo aplanados. La semilla, los conos son globosos, de 7 a 14 milímetros de diámetro, con 6 a 10 escalas, verde al principio, madurando con color marrón a principios de otoño, de 6 a 8 meses después de la polinización. Los conos masculinos son de 3 a 4 milímetros de largo, rojo oscuro, cambiando a marrón después del lanzamiento del polen a principios de la primavera. La corteza es rojiza, y de fibrosa a escamosa en tiras verticales.

Fue descubierto por vez primera cerca de Port Orford en Oregón introducido en cultivos en 1854, por los colectores que trabajaban para la compañía de viveros "Lawson & Son nursery" en Edimburgo, Escocia, después de que fuera nombrado como ciprés de Lawson por la descripción del botánico Andrew Murray. La USDA lo denomina oficialmente como "Port Orford Cedar", al igual que la mayoría de la gente en su área nativa, pero como no es un cedro, muchos botánicos prefieren evitar el nombre, usando el de Ciprés de Lawson, o en casos muy raros el de ciprés de Port Orford, en lugar de crear más confusión. La industria hortícola, en la cual la especie es muy importante, utiliza sobre todo el nombre de ciprés de Lawson.

Cultivo y usos

Tiene una gran importancia en horticultura, con varios cientos de conocidos cultivares con formas diversas de copa, tasas de crecimiento y color de follaje lo que permite seleccionar el más apropiado para plantar en el jardín. Prospera mejor en suelos bien drenados pero húmedos. Su Madera es ligera y durable, y valorada especialmente en el este Asia, siendo exportadas grandes cantidades a Japón donde está muy demandada para hacer féretros, y para ser utilizada en santurarios y templos.[4]​ Debido a la rectitud de su grano, es también una de las maderas preferidas para la fabricación de astiles de flechas. También se considera una madera aceptable, aunque no la ideal, para la construcción de los aviones.[5]

En su hábitat natural C. lawsoniana alcanza alturas de 70 m, siendo el árbol más alto registrado de 69.80 m, en el año 1998, con una edad estimada de 500 años, en Coos County, Oregón, Estados Unidos. No obstante hay datos de árboles talados por la industria maderera de más de 80 m de altura. Fuera del hábitat natural, los ejemplares europeos más viejos rondan los 150 años con alturas lógicamente menores siendo el ejemplar del parque New Forest al sur de Inglaterra el que ostenta el récord de 44.00 m de altura en el año 2013.


En su medio natural, la especie se encuentra seriamente amenazada por una enfermedad de las raíces causada por el hongo patógeno introducido, Phytophthora lateralis. Esta enfermedad es un problema para las plantaciones hortícolas en algunas partes de Norteamérica. El árbol también es atacado, aunque no en la misma cuantía, por otras especies de Phytophthora.

La infección con Phytophthora lateralis comienza cuando el micelio, de una espora germinada, invade las raíces. La infección entonces se extiende a través de la corteza y del cambio internos alrededor de la base del árbol. La extensión por encima del tronco es generalmente limitada. El tejido infectado muere y rodea con eficacia el árbol. Los árboles grandes tienen más probabilidad de ser infectados que los pequeños, debido a áreas de raíz más grandes (aunque sucumbirán todos los árboles en los bordes de corrientes de agua). Sin embargo, los árboles grandes pueden vivir a menudo con las infecciones durante un período más largo (hasta varios años).

Las poblaciones de "Port Orford Cedar" junto a corrientes de agua son altamente susceptibles a contraer la infección de Phytophthora lateralis. Sin embargo, el índice de contagio del Phytophthora en poblaciones en áreas secas de la altiplanicie parece ser más lento. El Phytophthora lateralis se extiende a través del agua vía las esporas móviles (zoosporas). El hongo también produce esporas latentes (clamidiosporas) que pueden persistir en suelo durante un largo periodo del tiempo. Las nuevas infecciones comienzan generalmente cuando se transfieren desde el suelo de una población infectada a una población no infectada vía el movimiento humano o animal. Después de la infección inicial en poblaciones junto a corrientes de agua, la extensión secundaria vía zoosporas infecta rápidamente a todos los individuos río abajo.

El ser humano como medio facilitador de la extensión es probablemente el responsable de los brotes más nuevos, y de las infecciones que se producen a distancia. El suelo en contacto con los neumáticos de los vehículos, especialmente camiones de transporte y otros vehículos que circulan en los caminos forestales, se considera el problema más acuciante debido al volumen de suelo que puede ser desplazado y la cuantía del tráfico entre áreas susceptibles. La extensión en suelas de las botas y neumáticos de las bicicletas de montaña también se ha sugerido que contribuya probablemente a las nuevas infecciones locales. También se sugiere que los animales faciliten la extensión pero de un modo muy localizado.

El Bureau of Land Management (BLM) y el United States Forest Service (USFS) intentan prevenir la extensión de Phytophthora cerrando caminos, monitorizando el área infectada, mediante la investigación y a través de la educación. La investigación se ha centrado en la determinación de la dinámica y de los mecanismos de la extensión, así como en tentativas de criar árboles resistentes.


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana fue descrita por (A. Murray) Parl. y publicado en Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 66: 141. 1928.[6]


Chamaecyparis: nombre genérico que deriva de las palabras griegas: khamai, que significa "terreno", y kuparissos por "ciprés".

lawsoniana: epíteto fue nombrado en honor de "Lawson & Son nursery" en Edimburgo, Escocia, que introdujo la especie en el cultivo.

  • Chamaecyparis allumii (Webster) Heydt
  • Cupressus fragrans Kellogg
  • Cupressus lawsoniana A.Murray bis
  • Cupressus nutkanus Torr.
  • Retinispora lawsoniana (A.Murray bis) A.V.Bobrov & Melikyan[7]


  1. Conifer Specialist Group (2000). «Chamaecyparis lawsoniana». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2006 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 11 de mayo de 2006. Listed as Vulnerable (VU A1de+2e v2.3)
  2. Nombre vulgar preferido en castellano. Árboles: guía de campo; Johnson, Owen y More, David; traductor: Pijoan Rotger, Manuel, ed. Omega, 2006. ISBN 978-84-282-1400-1. Versión en español de la Collins Tree Guide.
  3. Camecíparis de Lawson, Falso ciprés de Lawson, "cedro" de Oregón, "cedro" de Puerto Oxford, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl (Cupresáceas), pág. 70 - Gregor Aas y Andreas Riedmiller: Gran Guía de la Naturaleza, editorial Everest, traductor Eladio M. Bernaldo de Quirós, ISBN 84-241.2663.5, 4.ª edición, 1993.
  4. Snyder 1999 pg. 225
  5. Kroes, Watkins, and Delp: Aircraft Maintenance and Repair, sixth edition, page 66, McGraw Hill, 1993
  6. «Chamaecyparis lawsoniana». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2015.
  7. «Chamaecyparis lawsoniana». The Plant List. Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2015.


  • Siskiyou National Forest has posted precautions for persons entering areas with Port Orford Cedar populations ([1]).
  • Jules, E.S., M.J. Kaufmann, W. Ritts, & A.L. Carroll. 2002. Spread of an invasive pathogen over a variable landscape: a non-native root rot on Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Ecology 83: 3167-3181.
  • Hunt, J. 1959. Phytophthora lateralis on Port-Orford-cedar. Research Note 172: 1-6. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
  • Roth, L. F., Trione, E. J., & Ruhmann, W. H. 1957. Phytophthora induced root rot of native Port-Orford-cedar. Journal of Forestry 55: 294-298.
  • Snyder, Gary. 1999. "The Gary Snyder Reader". Counterpoint. ISBN 1-887178-90-2
  • Torgeson, D. C., Young, R. A., & Milbrath, J. A. 1954. Phytophthora root rot diseases of Lawson cypress and other ornamentals. Oregon Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 537: 1-18. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State College.
  • Trione, E J. 1959. The pathology of Phytophthora lateralis on native Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Phytopathology 49: 306-310.
  • Tucker, C. M.; Milbrath, J.A. 1942. Root rot of Chamaecyparis caused by a species of Phytophthora. Mycologia. 34: 94-103.
  • Zobel, D. B., Roth, L. F., & Hawk, G. M. 1985. Ecology, pathology, and management of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-184: 1-161. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
  • Monumental trees: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, el falso ciprés de Lawson,​ camecíparis de Lawson, "cedro" de Oregón o "cedro" de Puerto Oxford​ es un ciprés dentro del género Chamaecyparis, familia Cupressaceae, que aunque en el comercio hortícola se le llame "cedro" de Oregón o "cedro" de Puerto Oxford en su medio nativo, no es realmente un verdadero cedro).

 src= C. lawsoniana mostrando los conos macho en primavera con su color rojo característico.  src= C. lawsoniana mostrando conos femeninos maduros.  src= Hojas  src= Vista del árbol
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Lawson altzifre ( Baskça )

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Lawson altzifre (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Cupressaceae familiaren espezie baten izen arrunta da.

Hosto iraunkor konifera hau Oregonen eta Kalifornian du jatorria[1] eta beste lekuetan apaingarri moduan erabiltzen dute.


  1. Hunt, J. 1959. Phytophthora lateralis on Port-Orford-cedar. Research Note 172: 1-6. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.

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Lawson altzifre: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Lawson altzifre (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Cupressaceae familiaren espezie baten izen arrunta da.

Hosto iraunkor konifera hau Oregonen eta Kalifornian du jatorria eta beste lekuetan apaingarri moduan erabiltzen dute.

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Lawsoninsypressi ( Fince )

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Lawsoninsypressi (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) on valesypressien sukuun kuuluva alkuperältään pohjoisamerikkalainen havupuu. Nykyisin se on hyvin yleinen koristekasvi Euroopassa.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Lawsoninsypressi kasvaa yleensä kymmenestä jopa viiteenkymmeneen metriä korkeaksi puuksi, jonka latvus on kartiomainen. Suurimmaksi se tulee alkuperäisellä elinalueellaan, ja suurin tunnettu puu Oregonin Siskiyoun kansallismetsässä on 69,8 metriä korkea sekä yli 3,6 metriä rungon halkaisijaltaan.[2][3]

Puun oksat ovat litteitä. Suomumaiset lehdet kasvavat tiheästi versojen myötäisenä. Lehdet kasvavat vastakkaisesti pareissa, ja ovat 2–3 millimetriä pitkiä. Ne ovat versojen päältä tumman sinivihreitä ja alta kalpeita, valkojuovaisia. Murskattuna lehdet tuoksuvat pihkalta ja persiljalta. Laji on yksikotinen, ja hede- ja emikävyt kasvavat vierekkäin samoilla oksilla. Lawsoninsypressin siemenkävyt ovat pallomaisia, 6–10 millimetriä pitkiä ja koostuvat 4–5 parista puutuneita käpysuomuja. Jokaisessa käpysuomussa on 2–4 siivekästä siementä.[4][3][2]


Lawsoninsypressiä tavataan luontaisena suppeilla alueilla Länsi-Yhdysvalloissa Luoteis-Kaliforniassa ja Lounais-Oregonissa. Sen levinneisyysalue on keskittynyt rannikolle, ja sitä esiintyy aivan merenpinnantasosta 1 700 metrin korkeuteen.[2][5]


Lawsoninsypressi on mereisen ilmaston puu, ja sen luontaiselle esiintymisalueelle ovat tyypillisiä viileät, sateiset kesät ja leudot talvet. Laji menestyy parhaiten savisissa hieta- ja hiesumaaperissä ja kalliosilla harjanteilla, mutta sitä esiintyy myös soisilla alueilla. Lawsoninsypressi muodostaa harvoin puhtaan yksilajisia metsiä ja kasvaa yleensä samoissa metsissä sitkankuusen, lännenhemlokin ja harmaapihdan kanssa.[2][5]

Lawsoninsypressi on IUCN:n luokituksen mukaan silmälläpidettävä. Aiemmin uhanalaisena pidetyn lajin levinneisyysalue on ollut kasvussa 2000-luvulla, vaikka aiemmin kansainvälinen kauppa aiheutti painetta lajin olemassaololle. Lisäksi Phytophthora lateralis -sienen leviämisen takia joillain paikoin lawsoninsypressin uusiutuminen on hidasta.[6]


Pystyoksainen koristekäyttöön valikoitu muoto.

Lajia on varsinkin 1800-luvulla ja 1900-luvun alkupuolella käytetty puutavaran lähteenä, mutta nykyään suurin osa aarniometsien vanhoista arvokkaista puista on jo kaadettu, ja käyttö on vähentynyt.

Lawsoninsypressiä käytetään myös koristekasvina. Laji on tuotu Eurooppaan 1850-luvulla ja on nykyisin Euroopan yleisimpiä koristepuulajeja. Lawsoninsypressistä on jalostettu jopa yli 500 erilaista viljelylajiketta.[2] Suomessa se on menestynyt huonosti viljeltynä aivan etelässä.[3]

Lawsoninsypressin kääpiömuotoinen lajike ’Ellwoodii’ eli joulusypressi (vanhalta nimeltään joulukataja) löydettiin 1920-luvulla Bishop’s Walthamin kylästä Isossa-Britanniassa.[7][8] Siitä on tullut suosittu koristekasvi, joka tunnetaan Suomessa varsinkin joulukukkana.[7][9]


  1. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. (englanniksi)
  2. a b c d e f Christopher J. Earle: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana The Gymnosperm Database. 2011. Viitattu 14.7.2012. (englanniksi)
  3. a b c Mitchell, A. & Wilkinson, J. (suomentanut A. Kurtto): Euroopan puuopas, s. 32–33. Helsinki: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 2009. ISBN 951-1-14705-6.
  4. Mossberg, B. & Stenberg, L.: Suuri Pohjolan kasvio, s. 66. Suomentanut Vuokko, S. & Väre, H. Tammi, 2005. ISBN 951-31-2924-1.
  5. a b US Forest Service, Silvics Manual: Port-Orford-Cedar (englanniksi)
  6. The IUCN Red List. (englanniksi)
  7. a b Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii' Sluiter Ellwoodii B.V. Viitattu 4.1.2016. (englanniksi)
  8. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii' Finto. Viitattu 4.1.2016.
  9. Tynys, Outi: Näin joulukukat säilyvät hyvinä pitkään suomela.fi. Viitattu 4.1.2016.

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Lawsoninsypressi: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Lawsoninsypressi (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) on valesypressien sukuun kuuluva alkuperältään pohjoisamerikkalainen havupuu. Nykyisin se on hyvin yleinen koristekasvi Euroopassa.

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Cyprès de Lawson ( Fransızca )

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Le Cyprès de Lawson, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, est un arbre du genre Chamaecyparis, de la famille des Cupressaceae, originaire de l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord, largement cultivé comme arbre ou arbuste d'ornement[1].


Originaire de l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord, l'arbre se retrouve sur une bande du littoral s'étendant de la Californie à l'Oregon. Le Cyprès de Lawson fut introduit en Europe en 1854[1] par Charles Lawson avec des graines importées d'Oregon. Mêlé avec des Sapins de Vancouver et des Sapins de Douglas, on le trouve à des altitudes inférieures à 1 400 mètres.

L'arbre apprécie les zones humides et pousse difficilement sur des sols secs[1].


Les jeunes arbres grandissent lentement et préfèrent un ensoleillement moyen tandis que les vieux spécimens recherchent plus de lumière. L'arbre est moyennement sensible au gel. Il donne des fruits tous les deux ans à partir de sa vingtième année environ. L'arbre peut atteindre un âge compris entre 300 et 400 ans[1], et dans son aire naturelle près de 60 m de haut.

En Europe, l'arbre culmine de 30 à 40 mètres. Les écailles portent sur la face interne un petit dessin blanc. Les fleurs mâles sont rougeâtres alors que les strobiles femelles sont d'un vert bleuté[1].

Les cônes font de 7 à 8 mm de diamètre et mûrissent en automne de la première année. Ils se composent de 8 écailles abritant chacune deux ou quatre semences plates[1].

Notes et références

  1. a b c d e et f (fr) Arbres, Jaromir Pokorny, p. 70, Éditions Gründ, 1987 (ISBN 2-7000-1818-4).

Voir aussi

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Cyprès de Lawson: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Le Cyprès de Lawson, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, est un arbre du genre Chamaecyparis, de la famille des Cupressaceae, originaire de l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord, largement cultivé comme arbre ou arbuste d'ornement.

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Cúfróg Lawson ( İrlandaca )

wikipedia GA tarafından sağlandı

Saghas cúfróg bhréige is ea cúfróg Lawson (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). Is féidir í a aithint as an mboladh óna duilliúr brúite, atá cosúil le peirsil. An-athraitheach ó thaobh airde, crutha, craobhtha is datha. Dúchasach do stáit Oregon (deisceartach) is California (tuaisceartach), ach i measc na gcrann is leithne a shaothraítear, agus tá timpeall 200 saghas sa chlann.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Alcipreste de Lawson ( Galiçyaca )

wikipedia gl Galician tarafından sağlandı
C. lawsoniana mostrando os conos masculinos en primavera co seu cor vermello caracteristico.
C. lawsoniana amosando conos femininos maduros.
Exemplares vellos de C. lawsoniana nun bosque de California.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana é unha especie de conífera da familia das cupresáceas (Cupressaceae), subfamilia das cupresoideas (Cupressoideae), unha das seis incluídas no xénero Chamaecyparis.

Coñecida en galego, segundo a Comisión de Normalización Lingüística da Escola Politécnica Superior de Lugo, da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, como alcipreste de Lawson ou ciprés de Lawson,[2] a pesar de non ser un verdaeiro ciprés, nome reservado na maior parte das bibliografías para as especiés do xénero Cupressus (ver máis abaixo poíbeis nomes galegos).

A especie é nativa do suroeste de Oregón e o extremo noroeste de California nos EStados Unidos,[3] [4] tendo unha prevalencia desde o nivel do mar até os 1 800 m de altitude,[4] nos vales das montañas, frecuentemente nas beiras dos regueiros.[Cómpre referencia]

Moi resistente, porén, é ocasionalmente é queimada polos ventos secos e fríos nos invernos crus.[4]

Abundante tanto o tipo como os diversos cultivares nas cidades e nos xardíns suburbanos, parques, cemiterios, prazas e claustros de igrexas de moitos lugares de Europa.[4]

Non é unha árbore propia de Galiza, atopándose soamente nalgúns parques e xardíns.[3]


As principais características de Chamaecyparis lawsoniana son:[3] [5]

  • É unha conífera perennifolia de porte arbóreo e forma cónica, que normalmente acada entre 50 e 70 m de altura.
  • O tronco pode chegar, na base, até os 4 m de diámetro. Frecuentemente aparecen bifurcados, a miúdo repetidamente.
  • A casca, lisa nos espécimes novos e de cor apardazada escura, nos exemplares vellos aparece fisurada en longas placas verticais.
  • A copa é alta, estreitamente cónica e co brote principal pendurante, e densa e chagaendo case até o solo nos exemplares cultivados situados en lugares despexados.
  • A follaxe e péndula, e ramiñas uniformemente pequenas e, nas árbores vellas, unhas poucas ramas basais teñen a follaxe disposta en anel. Os brotes novos son longos e filliformes. A follaxe esmagada esprende un olor resinoso que recorda ao do perexil.
  • As follas xorden dun brote pardo rosado mate, que se torna logo en purpúreo. Son escamentas, planas, opostas e decusadas, de 3 a 5 mm de longo e de cor azulverdosa escura pola face, cunha glándula translúcida no centro das follas medias, e verde pálida polo envés, con fileiras de estomas brancas no bordo.
  • A maior parte das árbores levan numerosas inflorescencias de ambos os sexos. As flores masculinas, de 2 mm, con escamas de cor gris lousa, aparecen situadas no extremo das ramiñas, e son de cor avermellada, típica, que se torna a carmesí a finais de marzo, cando miden 5 mm, desprendendo o pole en abril; despois, murchan e despréndense. As flores femininas xorden terminais nas ramiñas pequenas, son de cor azulada e chegan a medir uns 5 mm; abren en abril e, unhas poucas, ao logo do verán; cando maduran vólvense verdes e globulosas.
  • Os froitos (conos son globulares, leñosos, de cor parda purpúrea e de 7 a 10 mm de diámetro, con de 8 a 10 escamas engurradas.
  • As sementes son aladas, e aparecen de 2 a 5 por cada escama.



A especie foi descrita en 1855 polo botánico e entomólogo escocés Andrew Murray, baixo o nome de Cupressus lawsoniana, nun traballo publicado no Edinburgh New Philos. J. ser. 2, 1: 292, t. 10. 1855 (Jan-Apr 1855).[6]

Pouco despois, en 1864, a especie foi transferida ao xénero Chamaecyparis polo botánico italiano Filippo Parlatore, nun traballo publicado nos Ann. Mus. Imp. Fis. Firenze 1: 181.[7]


Para a do xénero, véxase Chamaecyparis.

O epíteto espeífico, lawsoniana, foi nomeado por Andrew Murray na honra á compañía "Lawson & Son nursery" de Edimburgo, Escocia, Reino Unido, que introduciu a especie no cultivo.


Ademais de polo nome actualmente válido, a especie coñeceuse tamén polos sinónimos:[8]

  • Chamaecyparis allumii (Webster) Heydt
  • Cupressus fragrans Kellogg
  • Cupressus lawsoniana A.Murray (basónimo)
  • Cupressus nutkanus Torr.
  • Retinispora lawsoniana (A.Murray) A.V.Bobrov & Melikyan

Cultivo e usos

Esta especie foi descuberta por vez primeira preto de Port Orford, en Oregón (de aí o nome en inglés, Port Oxford cedar; outros nomes ingleses son Oregon cedar e Lawson cypress, malia que non sexa nin un cedro nin un ciprés).[4]

Comezou a cultivarse a partir de 1854, polos traballadores dos viveiros "Lawson & Son nursery" en Edimburgo, Escocia, Reino Unido. (De aí que Andrew Murray lle adxudicara o epítetoe lawsoniana). A USDA denomínao oficialmente como "Port Orford Cedar", o mesmo que a meirande parte da xente da súa área orixinal; mais, por no ser un cedro, moitos botánicos prefiren evitar este nome. Na silvicultura e na xardinaxe, eidos nos que a especie é moi importante, utilízan especialmete o nome de ciprés de Lawson.

Porque Chamaecypais lawsoniana ten unha grande importancia en horticultura, paisaxismo e xardinaría.

Por outra parte, a súa madeira é lixeira e durábel, e valorada especialmente no leste de Asia, sendo exportadas grandes cantidades ao Xapón, onde é moi arelada para facer cadaleitos e para ser utilizada na construción de templos.[9]

Por mor da rectitude do seu gran, é tamén unha das madeiras preferidas para a fabricación de eixos das setas. Tamén se considera unha madeira aceptábel, aínda que non a ideal, para a construción de avións.[10]

Principais cultivares

Varios centos de cultivares de variadas formas das copas, taxas de crecemento e cor da follaxe foron seleccionadas para poder elixir a máis apropiada para plantar en parques e xardíns, segundo as condicións climáticas do lugr, ou as preferencis estéticas. Prosperan mellor en solos ben drenados, pero húmidos. Os seguintes cultivares ganaron o Award of Garden Merit (Premio do mérito de xardín) outorgado pola Royal Horticultural Society de Londres (Real Sociedade de Horticultura):


No seu medio natural, a especie atópase seriamente ameazada por unha doenza nas raíces causada polo fungo patóxeno introducido, Phytophthora lateralis. Esta enfermidade é así mesmo un problema para as plantacións hortícolas nalgunhas partes de América do Norte. A árbore tamén é atacada, aínda que non coa mesma intensiade, por outras especies do xénero Phytophthora.

A infección por Phytophthora lateralis comeza cando o micelio dunha espora xermolada, invade as raíces. A infección esténdese entón a través da casca e do cámbium interno arredor da base da árbore. A extensión por riba do toro é xeralmente limitada. O tecido infectado morre e arrodea con eficacia a árbore. As árbores vellas teñen máis probabilidade de seren infectadas que as novas, por mor de que zonas de raíz son máis grandes (aínda que sucumbirán todas as árbores nos bordos das correntes de auga). Porén, as árbores vellas poden vivir a miúdo coa infección durante un período máis longo (até varios anos).

As poboaciónss de Chamaecyparis lawsoniana nas ribeiras dos ríos son altamente susceptíbeis para contraer a infección de Phytophthora lateralis. Porén, o índice de contaxio da Phytophthora en poboacións en zonas secas da meseta parece ocorrer máis amodo. A Phytophthora lateralis propágase a través da auga, por medio de esporas móbiles (zoósporas). O fungo tamén produce esporas latentes (clamidiósporas) que poden persistiren no solo durante un longo período de tempo. As novas infeccións comezan xeralmente cando se transfiren dende o chan dunha poboación infectada a unha non infectada por medio do movemento humano ou animal. Logo da infección inicial en poboacións á beira de correntes de auga, a extensión secundaria vía zoósporas infecta rapidamente a todos os individuos río abaixo.

O ser humano como medio facilitador do espallamento é probabelmente o responsábel dos gomos máis novos, e das infeccións que se producen a distancia. O chan en contacto cos pneumáticos dos vehículos, especialmente camións de transporte e outros vehículos que circulan nas vías forestais, considérase o problema máis perentorio por mor ao volume de solo que pode ser desprazado e a cantidade de tráfico entre áreas susceptíbeis. A extensión en solas de botas e pneumáticos de bicicletas de montaña tamén se teñen suxerido que contribúen a novas infeccións locais.[26] Tamén se ten suxerido que os animais facilitan o espallamento, mais dun xeito moi localizado.

En Galicia

Esta especie está moi espallada por toda Galicia en parques e xardíns. Os exemplares de maior tamaño encóntranse no parque do Carballiño e na alameda de Santiago.[3]

Posíbeis nomes galegos

A pesar de apuntado máis arriba, e tendo en conta que a Real Academia Galega prefire o termo ciprés ao de alcipreste,[27][28] ambos referidos á especie Cupressus sempervirens, e que, segundo as normas para a nomenclatura en linguas vulgares das especies vexetais, que aconsellan dar nomes diferentes ás especies de xéneros distintos, uns posíbeis nomes galegos para esta especie poderían ser falso ciprés de Lawson ou camecíparis de Lawson.[29]


  1. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana na Lista vermella da UICN. Versión 2017-3. Consultada o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  2. Nome vulgar preferido en galego xunto coa variante ciprés de Lawson en Termos Esenciais de Botánica Comisión de Normalización Lingüística da Escola Politécnica Superior de Lugo - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Castro, Freire & Prunell 1989, p. 72.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 Mitchell 1979, p. 77.
  5. Mitchell 1979, pp. 77-78.
  6. Cupressus lawsoniana A.Murray bis no IPNI.
  7. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A.Murray bis) Parl. no IPNI.
  8. "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". The Plant List. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  9. Snyder 1999, p. 225.
  10. Michael J. Kroes,‎ William A. Watkins, Frank Delp & Ronald Sterkenburg (2013): Aircraft Maintenance and Repair, 7th Edition. New York, NY, USA: McGraw Hill, ISBN 978-0-0718-0150-8.
  11. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Aurea Densa'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  12. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Chilworth Silver'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  13. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  14. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwood's Gold'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  15. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Fletcheri'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  16. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Gimbornii'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  17. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Kilmacurragh'". Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.[Ligazón morta]
  18. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Lanei Aurea'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  19. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Little Spire'". Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.[Ligazón morta]
  20. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Aurea'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  21. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Glauca'". Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.[Ligazón morta]
  22. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Pembury Blue'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  23. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Pigmaea Argentea'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  24. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Stardust'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  25. "RHS Plant Selector – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Wisselii'". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de setembro de 2019. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  26. Soden, Tabitha (19-10-2015). "Roads in the Six Rivers National Forest close to prevent spread of root disease". Times-Standard (Eureka, Calif.). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 20-08-2017. Consultado o 1 de xaneiro de 2018.
  27. ciprés no Dicionario da RAG.
  28. alcipreste no Dicionario da RAG.
  29. Mitchell 1979, p. 76.

Véxase tamén


  • Castro, Marisa, Luís Freire e Antonio Prunell (1989): Guía das Árbores de Galicia. Autóctonas e ornamentais. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia. ISBN 84-7507-406-5.
  • Farjon, A. (2005): Monograph of Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 1-8424-6068-4.
  • Farjon, A. (2010): A Handbook of the World's Conifers. 2 Vols. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill. ISBN 978-9-0474-3062-9.
  • Jules, E. S.; M. J. Kaufmann; W. Ritts, & A. L. Carroll (2002): "Spread of an invasive pathogen over a variable landscape: a non-native root rot on Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". Ecology 83: 3167-3181.
  • Hunt, J. (1959): "Phytophthora lateralis on Port-Orford-cedar". Research Note 172: 1-6. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
  • Mitchell, Alan (1979): Guía de campo de los árboles de Europa. Barcelona: Ediciones Omega, S. A. ISBN 84-2820-549-3.
  • Rushforth, Keith D. (1987): Conifers. New York City, New York, USA: Facts on File. ISBN 978-0-8160-1735-5.
  • Roth, L. F.; Trione, E. J., & Ruhmann, W. H. (1957): "Phytophthora induced root rot of native Port-Orford-cedar. Journal of Forestry 55: 294-298.
  • Siskiyou National Forest has posted precautions for persons entering areas with Port Orford Cedar populations ([1]).
  • Snyder, G. (1999): "The Gary Snyder Reader". En: Counterpoint. ISBN 1-8871-7890-2.
  • Torgeson, D. C.; Young, R. A. & Milbrath, J. A. (1954): "Phytophthora root rot diseases of Lawson cypress and other ornamentals". Oregon Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 537: 1-18. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State College.
  • Trione, E. J. (1959): "The pathology of Phytophthora lateralis on native Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". Phytopathology 49: 306-310.
  • Tucker, C. M. & Milbrath, J. A. (1942): "Root rot of Chamaecyparis caused by a species of Phytophthora". Mycologia. 34: 94-103.
  • Zobel, D. B.; Roth, L. F. & Hawk, G. M. (1985): "Ecology, pathology, and management of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-184: 1-161. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.

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Alcipreste de Lawson: Brief Summary ( Galiçyaca )

wikipedia gl Galician tarafından sağlandı
 src= C. lawsoniana mostrando os conos masculinos en primavera co seu cor vermello caracteristico.  src= C. lawsoniana amosando conos femininos maduros.  src= Exemplares vellos de C. lawsoniana nun bosque de California.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana é unha especie de conífera da familia das cupresáceas (Cupressaceae), subfamilia das cupresoideas (Cupressoideae), unha das seis incluídas no xénero Chamaecyparis.

Coñecida en galego, segundo a Comisión de Normalización Lingüística da Escola Politécnica Superior de Lugo, da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, como alcipreste de Lawson ou ciprés de Lawson, a pesar de non ser un verdaeiro ciprés, nome reservado na maior parte das bibliografías para as especiés do xénero Cupressus (ver máis abaixo poíbeis nomes galegos).

A especie é nativa do suroeste de Oregón e o extremo noroeste de California nos EStados Unidos, tendo unha prevalencia desde o nivel do mar até os 1 800 m de altitude, nos vales das montañas, frecuentemente nas beiras dos regueiros.[Cómpre referencia]

Moi resistente, porén, é ocasionalmente é queimada polos ventos secos e fríos nos invernos crus.

Abundante tanto o tipo como os diversos cultivares nas cidades e nos xardíns suburbanos, parques, cemiterios, prazas e claustros de igrexas de moitos lugares de Europa.

Non é unha árbore propia de Galiza, atopándose soamente nalgúns parques e xardíns.

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Tupa cypresa ( Yukarı Sorbca )

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Tupa cypresa (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) je štom ze swójby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae).






  • Aichele, D., Golte-Bechtle, M.: Was blüht denn da: Wildwachsende Blütenpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Kosmos Naturführer (1997)
  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)

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Tupa cypresa: Brief Summary ( Yukarı Sorbca )

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Tupa cypresa (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) je štom ze swójby cypresowych rostlinow (Cupressaceae).

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Fagursýprus ( İzlandaca )

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Fagursýprus (fræðiheiti: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana[2][3]) er barrtré í Cupressaceae (Grátviðarætt), sem vex í Oregon og norðvestur Kaliforníu, og vex frá sjávarmáli upp í 1500 m hæð í dölum Klamanth-fjalla, oft meðfram ám.


Þetta er stórt, sígrænt tré, fullvaxta um 60m hátt eða meira, 1,2 til 2m í stofnþvermál. The börkurinn er rauðbrúnn, með kringlóttu hreistri í röndum.


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana þrífst best í rökum jarðvegi með góðu frárennsli, í góðu skjóli og birtu. Mörg hundruð ræktunarafbrigði með mismunandi vaxtarlag, vaxtarhraða og lit á barri hafa verið valin til ræktunar. Í Lystigarðinum Akureyri eru t.d.: 'Compacta', 'Erecta Glaucescens', 'Fraseri', 'Glauca, Elegans', 'Glauca', 'Kelleriis', 'Lombarts Glauca', 'Lutea', 'Minima Glauca', 'Silver Queen', 'Stewartii', ´Tiomfe van Boskoop' og fleiri.[4]

Viðurinn er léttur en sterkur og þolinn gegn fúa.[5]



  1. Farjon, A. 2013. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.
  2. "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA.
  3. „BSBI List 2007“. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Afrit af upprunalegu (xls) geymt þann 2015-01-25. Sótt 17. október 2014.
  4. Lystigarður Akureyrar
  5. Snyder 1999 pg. 225


  • Conifer Specialist Group (2000). "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2006. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 11 May 2006. Listed as Vulnerable (VU A1de+2e v2.3)
  • Siskiyou National Forest has posted precautions for persons entering areas with Port Orford Cedar populations ([1]).
  • Jules, E. S.; M. J. Kaufmann; W. Ritts & A. L. Carroll (2002). „Spread of an invasive pathogen over a variable landscape: a non-native root rot on Chamaecyparis lawsoniana“. Ecology. 83 (11): 3167–3181. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2002)083[3167:SOAIPO]2.0.CO;2. JSTOR 3071851.
  • Hunt, J. 1959. Phytophthora lateralis on Port-Orford-cedar. Research Note 172: 1–6. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
  • Roth, L. F.; Trione, E. J. & Ruhmann, W. H. (1957). „Phytophthora induced root rot of native Port-Orford-cedar“. Journal of Forestry. 55: 294–298.
  • Torgeson, D. C., Young, R. A., & Milbrath, J. A. 1954. Phytophthora root rot diseases of Lawson cypress and other ornamentals. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. 537: 1–18. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State College.
  • Trione, E. J. (1959). „The pathology of Phytophthora lateralis on native Chamaecyparis lawsoniana“. Phytopathology. 49: 306–310.
  • Tucker, C. M.; Milbrath, J. A. (1942). „Root rot of Chamaecyparis caused by a species of Phytophthora“. Mycologia. 34 (1): 94–103. doi:10.2307/3754945. JSTOR 3754945.
  • Zobel, D. B., Roth, L. F., & Hawk, G. M. 1985. Ecology, pathology, and management of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. General Technical Report. PNW-184: 1–161. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
  • Uchytil, Ronald J. (1990). "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (USFS), Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory – via https://www.feis-crs.org/feis/.

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Fagursýprus: Brief Summary ( İzlandaca )

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Fagursýprus (fræðiheiti: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) er barrtré í Cupressaceae (Grátviðarætt), sem vex í Oregon og norðvestur Kaliforníu, og vex frá sjávarmáli upp í 1500 m hæð í dölum Klamanth-fjalla, oft meðfram ám.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ( İtalyanca )

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Il cipresso di Lawson Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl. è una pianta sempreverde della famiglia Cupressaceae, originaria delle coste occidentali degli Stati Uniti. In Italia è diffusa come ornamentale ed è stata usata nel Meridione per effettuare rimboschimenti [2].


C. lawsoniana coni maschili

Il cipresso di Lawson è un albero che può raggiungere, nelle zone di origine, i 50 m di altezza.
Le foglie sono squamiformi, embricate e portate su rametti appiattiti (carattere diacritico che lo distingue dal cipresso).
I coni maschili sono di piccole dimensioni e di color rosso intenso: divengono poi giallastri per la produzione del polline.

Distribuzione e habitat

Si trova in particolare negli stati di California e Oregon, sui dirupi e nei canyon.


  1. ^ (EN) Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Sandro Pignatti, Flora d'Italia, Bologna, Edagricole, 1982, ISBN 88-506-2449-2.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

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Il cipresso di Lawson Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl. è una pianta sempreverde della famiglia Cupressaceae, originaria delle coste occidentali degli Stati Uniti. In Italia è diffusa come ornamentale ed è stata usata nel Meridione per effettuare rimboschimenti .

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Lausono puskiparisis ( Litvanca )

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Lausono puskiparisis (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) – pušūnų (Pinophyta) skyriaus, kiparisinių (Cupressaceae) šeimos spygliuočių medžių rūšis. Auga vakarų JAV, Kalifornijoje ir Oregone, tarpukalnių slėnių upių pakrantėse.

Būdingas aukštis 30-40 m, nors gali užaugti ir iki 70 m. Šiuo metu žinomas aukščiausias šios rūšies medis auga Oregone ir yra 81.08 m aukščio (pagal Michael Taylor, Mario Vaden 2011). Žievė rausvai ruda, plaušuota. Spygliai melsvai žali, žvynelių pavidalo, išsidėstę ant plunksniškų, plokščių šakelių. Moteriški kankorėžiai sferiški, 7-14 mm skersmens, sudaryti iš 6-10 žvynelių, pradžioje žali, subrendę paruduoja. Vyriški kankorėžiai 3-4 mm ilgio, tamsiai rudi.

Mediena lengva, patvari, naudojama karstų, relikvinių, strėlių gamybai. Lausono puskiparisis populiarus dekoratyvinis augalas, išveista ir visame pasaulyje auginama daug skirtingų veislių.


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Californische cipres ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De Californische cipres (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) is een boom uit de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). De plant wordt ook wel lawsoncipres genoemd. De soort komt oorspronkelijk uit westelijk Noord-Amerika (Californië, Oregon). In Noord- en Midden-Europa wordt de boom veel aangeplant als beschutting en als sierboom. Gekweekte varianten zijn veel in parken, tuinen en op kerkhoven te zien. In Amerika kan de boom wel 60 m hoog worden, in Europa is 40 m het maximum.

Botanische beschrijving

De kroon is smal en kegelvormig. De uiteinden van de takken hangen iets naar beneden. De schors is glad, grijsbruin en glimmend. Later wordt deze purperkleurig bruin en gegroefd. Bij oude bomen gaat de schors afschilferen.

De Lawsoncipres heeft heldergroene, driehoekige en schubbige bladeren die zijn bevestigd aan afgeplatte, horizontale twijgen. Ze doen denken aan varenbladeren. Er zijn ook variëteiten met goudkleurige en met blauwgroene bladeren.

De mannelijke kegels zijn karmijnrood en knotsvormig. Ze worden 5 mm lang en zitten aan de toppen van de twijgen. Vrouwelijke kegels zijn groen en bolvormig. Deze zitten aan de toppen van kortere twijgen. Rijpend ontwikkelen ze zich tot houtige, purperbruine kegels van 7-8 mm in doorsnede met gevleugelde zaden.


In de Verenigde Staten levert de Lawsoncipres sterk, licht en duurzaam hout met geelwit spinthout en donkerbruin kernhout. Het wordt gebruikt voor meubels, schuttingen en waterwerken. In Europa dient de boom alleen als sierboom.

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Californische cipres: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De Californische cipres (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) is een boom uit de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). De plant wordt ook wel lawsoncipres genoemd. De soort komt oorspronkelijk uit westelijk Noord-Amerika (Californië, Oregon). In Noord- en Midden-Europa wordt de boom veel aangeplant als beschutting en als sierboom. Gekweekte varianten zijn veel in parken, tuinen en op kerkhoven te zien. In Amerika kan de boom wel 60 m hoog worden, in Europa is 40 m het maximum.

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Lawsonsypress ( Norveççe )

wikipedia NO tarafından sağlandı

Lawsonsypress eller edelsypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) er en art av bartrær innenfor dvergsypresslekten i sypressfamilien (Cupressaceae). Lokalt kalles den «Port Orford Cedar». Hele treet er giftig.

Arten blir 25–35 meter høy, og kjennes på en skarp lukt. Den er et populært hage- og parktre. Arten har en slank, kjegleformet eller sylinderformet kroneform. Toppskuddet og greinspissene henger ned. Den har flate, vifteaktige bladskudd, som er skjellaktige. Nålene er eggeformede og tilspisset og ligger inntil kvisten i fire rader. Undersiden av bladene er hvit.

Frøkonglene går fra blågrønt til brunt gjennom sesongen. De er ca. 1 cm lange, og har 8 skjell med hver sin torn på. Barken er rødbrun og skjellaktig eller fibrøs. Den løsner i langsgående strimler. Blomstene dannes om våren året før – hannblomsten er rød og har kølleform, og sitter ytterst på det grønne skjelldekte nåleskuddet. Hunnblomsten er helt rund og nesten usynlig.

Lawsonsypress har hengende toppskudd, mens østamerikansk tuja har opprett toppskudd. Nutkasypress har mer rufsete bark enn lawsonsypress.

Arten vokser i skoger sammen med trær som sitkagran, vestamerikansk hemlokk, douglasgran, Notholithocarpus densiflorus, sukkerfuru, redwood, coloradoedelgran og Shasta-edelgran. I undervegetasjonen finnes mange buskarter, blant annet Frangula purshiana, Morella californica og stillehavsbarlind.[2]

Lawsonsypress vokser naturlig i det vestlige Nord-Amerika, nærmere sørvestlige Oregon og nordlige California, fra kysten og opp til 1.500 moh.. Arten er utrydningstruet på grunn av et spesielt angrep av sopp. Den er plantet ut blant annet i Europa fra 1854, og har forvillet seg litt også i Norge. Den er svært tallrik i hager og parker i Storbritannia, og brukes i Europa for å ringe inn og diversifisere plantasjer med bøk. Lawsonsypress naturaliseres på sandbanker og andre nøysomme steder.

Hele treet er giftig, og bladene har en sur smak og duft av persille. Det er vanskelig å identifisere arten, for de tallrike kultivarene har ganske ulik form og utseende.


  1. ^ A. Farjon (2013). «Chamaecyparis lawsoniana». The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T34004A2840024. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34004A2840024.en.
  2. ^ D.B. Zobel. «Port-Orford-Cedar». Silvics of North America. Besøkt 12. februar 2018.


Eksterne lenker

Lawsonsypress fotografert i Funchal på Madeira.
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Lawsonsypress: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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Lawsonsypress eller edelsypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) er en art av bartrær innenfor dvergsypresslekten i sypressfamilien (Cupressaceae). Lokalt kalles den «Port Orford Cedar». Hele treet er giftig.

Arten blir 25–35 meter høy, og kjennes på en skarp lukt. Den er et populært hage- og parktre. Arten har en slank, kjegleformet eller sylinderformet kroneform. Toppskuddet og greinspissene henger ned. Den har flate, vifteaktige bladskudd, som er skjellaktige. Nålene er eggeformede og tilspisset og ligger inntil kvisten i fire rader. Undersiden av bladene er hvit.

Frøkonglene går fra blågrønt til brunt gjennom sesongen. De er ca. 1 cm lange, og har 8 skjell med hver sin torn på. Barken er rødbrun og skjellaktig eller fibrøs. Den løsner i langsgående strimler. Blomstene dannes om våren året før – hannblomsten er rød og har kølleform, og sitter ytterst på det grønne skjelldekte nåleskuddet. Hunnblomsten er helt rund og nesten usynlig.

Lawsonsypress har hengende toppskudd, mens østamerikansk tuja har opprett toppskudd. Nutkasypress har mer rufsete bark enn lawsonsypress.

Arten vokser i skoger sammen med trær som sitkagran, vestamerikansk hemlokk, douglasgran, Notholithocarpus densiflorus, sukkerfuru, redwood, coloradoedelgran og Shasta-edelgran. I undervegetasjonen finnes mange buskarter, blant annet Frangula purshiana, Morella californica og stillehavsbarlind.

Lawsonsypress vokser naturlig i det vestlige Nord-Amerika, nærmere sørvestlige Oregon og nordlige California, fra kysten og opp til 1.500 moh.. Arten er utrydningstruet på grunn av et spesielt angrep av sopp. Den er plantet ut blant annet i Europa fra 1854, og har forvillet seg litt også i Norge. Den er svært tallrik i hager og parker i Storbritannia, og brukes i Europa for å ringe inn og diversifisere plantasjer med bøk. Lawsonsypress naturaliseres på sandbanker og andre nøysomme steder.

Hele treet er giftig, og bladene har en sur smak og duft av persille. Det er vanskelig å identifisere arten, for de tallrike kultivarene har ganske ulik form og utseende.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murray) Parl.
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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

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Cyprysik Lawsona ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı

Cyprysik Lawsona (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) – gatunek drzewa należący do rodziny cyprysowatych. Dziko występuje na zachodnim wybrzeżu USA; w Kalifornii i Oregonie[3]. W rozlicznych odmianach sadzony w Europie jako drzewo ozdobne.


Wysokość dochodzi do około 75 metrów (w Polsce dorasta do około 25 m). Korona bardzo wąska, stożkowata ze zwykle zwieszającym się pędem wiodącym. Drzewo stojące samotnie jest gęsto i równomiernie rozgałęzione aż do ziemi. Wskutek rozgałęziania się pnia korona jest często wieloszczytowa[4].
Początkowo szarobrunatna lub zielonkawa i gładka, później - ciemnieje i jest podzielona na duże, podłużne płaty, których końce się odchylają[4].
Boczne łuski o zaostrzonych wierzchołkach. Od spodniej strony na krawędziach łusek znajduje się woskowy nalot w postaci białych linii, przypominających dwie litery "Y" połączone podstawami.
Rozdzielnopłciowe - gatunek jednopienny. Kwiaty męskie są karminowoczerwone i wyrastają zwykle na końcach gałązek. Kwitnie od marca do kwietnia.
Kuliste o średnicy do 0,8 cm, złożone z tarczowatych łusek nasiennych. Pokryte są biało-niebieskim nalotem woskowym. W stanie dojrzałym jasnobrunatne.

Zagrożenia i ochrona

Gatunek umieszczony został przez Międzynarodową Unię Ochrony Przyrody w Czerwonej księdze gatunków zagrożonych w grupie gatunków o wyższym ryzyku wyginięcia (kategoria NT, według klasyfikacji v3.1)[5].


Odmiana 'Columnaris'

Roślina ozdobna. Zalecany do dużych ogrodów, w miastach zalecany do parków czy też zieleńców jako soliter.

Odmiany uprawne
  • 'Ivonne'
  • 'Golden Wonder'
  • 'Stardust'
  • 'Stewartii'
  • 'Lane'
  • 'Wiselii'
  • 'Mimima'
  • 'White Spot'
  • 'Alumii'
  • 'Alumii Gold'
  • 'Kelleris Gold'
  • 'Columnaris'
  • 'Globosa'


Roślina, która najlepiej rośnie na umiarkowanie wilgotnych i żyznych glebach o odczynie lekko kwaśnym (pH w okolicach 6). Cyprysik Lawsona jest rośliną wymagającą dużej wilgotności powietrza, lubi słońce ew. półcień. Strefa mrozoodporności 7 dlatego w naszym klimacie może przemarzać. Roślina wrażliwa na zanieczyszczenia powietrza oraz zasolenie podłoża[6].


  1. P. F. Stevens: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website - Seed Plant Evolution. 2001–.
  2. Christenhusz, M.J.M., J.L. Reveal, A. Farjon, M.F. Gardner, R.R. Mill, and M.W. Chase (2011). A new classification and linear sequence of extant gymnosperms. Phytotaxa 19: 55-70.
  3. a b Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (ang.). W: Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) [on-line]. United States Department of Agriculture. [dostęp 2011-12-10].
  4. a b Bruno T. Kremer: Drzewa. Warszawa: Świat Książki, 1996, s. 70-71. ISBN 83-7129-141-8.
  5. A. Farjon: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (ang.). W: IUCN 2007. 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013: e.T34004A2840024 [on-line]. 2013. [dostęp 2017-09-02].
  6. Agnieszka Mike-Jeziorska: Cyprysik Lawsona (pol.). 2013. [dostęp 2013-04-26].
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Cyprysik Lawsona: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

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Cyprysik Lawsona (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) – gatunek drzewa należący do rodziny cyprysowatych. Dziko występuje na zachodnim wybrzeżu USA; w Kalifornii i Oregonie. W rozlicznych odmianach sadzony w Europie jako drzewo ozdobne.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl., conhecida pelos nomes comuns de cedro-do-óregão, cedro-do-oregon, cedro-branco, cipreste ou cipreste-de-lawson, é uma árvore da família das cupressáceas, muito utilizada como árvore ornamental. É uma árvore nativa do noroeste da América do Norte, no sudoeste do Oregon, e no extremo noroeste da Califórnia, ocorrendo desde o nível médio da água do mar até uma altitude de 1500 m em vales montanhosos, muitas vezes a acompanhar cursos de água.

Caracteriza-se pelo seu porte elevado, atingindo entre 50 a 70 m, com uma copa piramidal e frondosa. A sua madeira é forte e durável. As folhas são escamiformes, decussadas e normalmente agudas, revestindo raminhos disticados na horizontal.

Os estróbilos dispõem-se na extremidade dos braquiblastos (ramos curtos). As inflorescências masculinas são purpúreas, dando origem a gálbulos de 8 a 10 mm, de cor glauca quando recentemente formados, com 6 a 10 escamas de escudo subplano, e castanhos quando maduros, seis a oito meses após a polinização.

Referências bibliográficas

  • FRANCO, J.; Cedro, in "Enciclopédia Verbo Luso-Brasileira da Cultura, Edição Século XXI", Volume VI, Editorial Verbo, Braga, Setembro de 1998
  • HOUAISS, Antônio; Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa; Lisboa; Temas e Debates; 2005

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl., conhecida pelos nomes comuns de cedro-do-óregão, cedro-do-oregon, cedro-branco, cipreste ou cipreste-de-lawson, é uma árvore da família das cupressáceas, muito utilizada como árvore ornamental. É uma árvore nativa do noroeste da América do Norte, no sudoeste do Oregon, e no extremo noroeste da Califórnia, ocorrendo desde o nível médio da água do mar até uma altitude de 1500 m em vales montanhosos, muitas vezes a acompanhar cursos de água.

Caracteriza-se pelo seu porte elevado, atingindo entre 50 a 70 m, com uma copa piramidal e frondosa. A sua madeira é forte e durável. As folhas são escamiformes, decussadas e normalmente agudas, revestindo raminhos disticados na horizontal.

Os estróbilos dispõem-se na extremidade dos braquiblastos (ramos curtos). As inflorescências masculinas são purpúreas, dando origem a gálbulos de 8 a 10 mm, de cor glauca quando recentemente formados, com 6 a 10 escamas de escudo subplano, e castanhos quando maduros, seis a oito meses após a polinização.

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Ädelcypress ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Ädelcypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) är ett städsegrönt träd som ursprungligen härstammar från Nordamerika. Naturligt förekommer ädelcypressen i kustnära barrskogar.[1]

I Sverige förekommer den odlad på många håll, och har på sina ställen förvildats.[2]

I sin naturliga miljö kan arten nå en höjd av upp till 60 m och en stamdiameter av upp till 4 m. Den har rakt utåtstående grenar och små tillspetsade barr. Veden är lätt, hård, tät och stark, går bra att bearbeta och är genomträngd av ett väldoftande harts. Träets färg är vit och kan ges en vacker polityr. [3]


Träslaget har en omfattande användning både inom byggverksamhet och snickeri, såsom slipers, gärdsgårdar, fartygsdäck, dörrar och paneler, samt till möbler. Det har traditionellt också använts till kistor för textilförvaring då hartslukten håller insekter borta. [3]

Arten är utsatt från hot från två huvudsakliga håll; dels människans avverkning dels från infektion av protisten Phytophthora lateralis som orsakar sjukdom hos trädets rot.


  1. ^ [a b] Conifer Specialist Group 2000. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Från: IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Läst 2007-01-5.
  2. ^ Bonniers flora i Färg, Richard Fitter & Alastair Fitter, 5:e upplagan 6:e tryckningen 1997 s. 24.
  3. ^ [a b] Meyers varulexikon, Forum, 1952
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Ädelcypress: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Ädelcypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) är ett städsegrönt träd som ursprungligen härstammar från Nordamerika. Naturligt förekommer ädelcypressen i kustnära barrskogar.

I Sverige förekommer den odlad på många håll, och har på sina ställen förvildats.

I sin naturliga miljö kan arten nå en höjd av upp till 60 m och en stamdiameter av upp till 4 m. Den har rakt utåtstående grenar och små tillspetsade barr. Veden är lätt, hård, tät och stark, går bra att bearbeta och är genomträngd av ett väldoftande harts. Träets färg är vit och kan ges en vacker polityr.

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Кипарисовик Лавсона ( Ukraynaca )

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Європейці вперше ідентифікували цю рослину біля Порту Орфорду (Port Orford), звідки походить її англіська назва Port Orford cedar.


Кипарисовик Лавсона — вічнозелене дерево до 50-60 м заввишки, діаметром 1-1,8 м, з красивою вузькоконусовидною кроною і темно-зеленими лускоподібними шпильками. Кора зрілого стовбура темно-коричнева, з поздовжніми тріщинами, а в однорічних пагонів — зелена. Шпильки дрібні, темно-зелені зверху, сизі знизу, щільно і в одній площині розміщені на пагонах.

Розмножується в основному насінням.

Поширення та середовище існування

Походить з тихоокеанського району Північної Америки. Росте на висоті 1 500 м над рівнем моря. В умовах українського клімату росте добре, але в перші роки повільно. Зимостійкий, лише в суворі зими підмерзають кінчики нездерев'янілих пагонів. Посухостійкий, однак сухість повітря переносить погано. В міських умовах почуває себе добре, до вологи і ґрунтів невибагливий.

Практичне використання

Дає цінну деревину, стійку проти гниття. Має блакитну форму, відому як кипарисовик Алюма (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Alumii') — з блакитним кольором хвої.



  1. Farjon, A. 2013. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. . Downloaded on 13 July 2013.


  • Меннинджер Э. Причудливые деревья // Мир, 1970, 371 с. — С. 36
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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cupressaceae. Loài này được A.Murray bis Parl. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1864.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cupressaceae. Loài này được A.Murray bis Parl. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1864.

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Кипарисовик Лоусона ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Хвойные
Класс: Хвойные
Порядок: Сосновые
Семейство: Кипарисовые
Вид: Кипарисовик Лоусона
Международное научное название

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A.Murray bis) Parl.

  • Cupressus fragrans Kellogg
  • Cupressus lawsoniana A.Murray bis
  • Retinispora lawsoniana (A.Murray bis)
    A.V.Bobrov & Melikyan
Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 183453NCBI 58030EOL 1034844IPNI 261839-1TPL kew-2715286

Кипари́совик Ло́усона (лат. Chamaecýparis lawsoniána) — хвойное вечнозелёное дерево или высокий кустарник; вид рода Кипарисовик (Chamaecýparis) семейства Кипарисовые (Cupressáceae).

Родиной кипарисовика считается Северная Америка и Азия. Вывезенный из Америки в 1854 году, он нашёл широкое распространение в Европе[1].


Дерево с узкой кроной конической формы, достигает высоты 81 м[2] и по своему внешнему виду напоминает тую. В отличие от неё, вершина из маленьких горизонтальных или повислых веточек. Кора черно-коричневая, чешуйчатая. Хвоя чешуйчатая. Мужские цветки — пурпурно-красные, женские — зеленоватые, расположены на конце побега. Шаровидные шишки, вначале зеленые, дозревают в сентябре, открываются, и из них вылетают мелкие крылатые семена[1].


Кипарисовик Лоусона в естественных условиях растет в Калифорнии и Орегоне, в горных долинах вдоль рек и ручьёв, расположенных на высоте 1 500 м над уровнем моря. В молодом возрасте дерево переносит тенистость, позднее становится более светолюбивым. Лучше всего растёт на лёгких влажных почвах[1].


  1. 1 2 3 Покорны, Яромир. Деревья вокруг нас. — Прага: Артия, 1980. — С. 72—73. — 189 с.
  2. The thickest, tallest, and oldest Lawson's cypress trees
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Кипарисовик Лоусона: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

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Кипари́совик Ло́усона (лат. Chamaecýparis lawsoniána) — хвойное вечнозелёное дерево или высокий кустарник; вид рода Кипарисовик (Chamaecýparis) семейства Кипарисовые (Cupressáceae).

Родиной кипарисовика считается Северная Америка и Азия. Вывезенный из Америки в 1854 году, он нашёл широкое распространение в Европе.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

美国扁柏 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
(A. Murr.) Parl.

美国扁柏学名Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)又稱美國檜、羅森檜、美洲花柏,是柏科扁柏属的植物分布于美国加州俄勒岡州沿岸地區。中国大陆庐山南京杭州等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。


  • 昆明植物研究所. 美国扁柏. 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
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美国扁柏: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

美国扁柏(学名:Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)又稱美國檜、羅森檜、美洲花柏,是柏科扁柏属的植物分布于美国加州俄勒岡州沿岸地區。中国大陆庐山南京杭州等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。

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ローソンヒノキ ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı
ローソンヒノキ Chamaecyparis lawsoniana tree.jpg
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 NT.svg 分類 : 植物界 Plantae : 裸子植物門 Pinophyta 亜門 : マツ亜門 Pinophytina : マツ綱 Pinopsida 亜綱 : マツ亜綱 Pinidae : マツ目 Pinales : ヒノキ科 Pinaceae : ヒノキ属 Chamaecyparis : ローソンヒノキ C. lawsoniana 学名 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
(A. Murray) Parl. 和名 ローソンヒノキ、ベイヒ 英名 Lawson's Cypress、Port-Orford cedar

ローソンヒノキ (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) はヒノキ科ヒノキ属の樹木。


ヒノキ科ヒノキ属、日本のヒノキChamaecyparis obtusa)やサワラ (C. pisifera) とは同属である。始新世に生息していた絶滅種C. eureka の近縁であるという報告がある[2]

ヒノキ属のいくつかの種類と交雑出来るという報告がある。ローソンヒノキを雌親としてヒノキ、サワラ、ヌマヒノキ (C. thyoides) などと交雑させた結果、サワラとの間ではローソンヒノキ同士の種内交雑と比べても比較的多くの充実種子[注釈 1]が得られた、ヒノキとの間ではそれより低く、ヌマヒノキとの間ではそれはほとんど得られなかった[3]。このうち、サワラとの交雑で得た雑種には致死性の発芽・生育不良(雑種致死)が見られた。発芽した雑種のうちの8割以上の個体が葉緑素の形成に異常のある黄色いもので、それらは皆すぐに枯死してしまったという[3]

本種の代表的な英名には Lawson's CypressPort-Orford Cedarの2種類の呼び名があるが、これについて英語版の記事によれば[4]、前者の名前は本種を発見し持ち帰った先のスコットランド(Scotland)エディンバラ(Edinburgh)にあるローソン・アンド・サン種苗場(Lawson and Son nursery)に由来し、スコットランドの植物学者 アンドリュー・ディクソン・マレー (1812 -1878) によって1854年に与えられたもの。後者の名前は本種の発見地、アメリカ合衆国オレゴン州 Port Orfordに因む。後者の名前はアメリカ合衆国農務省 (United States Department of Agriculture, USDA)では公式に用いており、原産地付近に住む住民のほとんどもこの名称を使う。植物学者は前者の名前を良く使うが、これは本種はCedar (シダー)ではない(狭義のシダーはヒマラヤスギ属 Cydrus のみを指す)ためだという。

和名は Lawson's Cypress を直訳した ローソンヒノキ が一般的。アメリカ産のヒノキということでベイヒ (米檜、米桧) と呼ばれることもある。


アメリカ合衆国西海岸カリフォルニア州北部とオレゴン州南部にまたがる北緯43度50分から43度35分の太平洋に近い限られた地域を原産地とする[5]。垂直分布は海岸付近から標高1500 mまで。谷地やしばしば小川に沿って分布する[4]

太平洋は本種の分布域の気候に対して大きな影響を与え、寒く湿った冬と暖かく乾いた夏となる[5]。降水量は平均的か多い方であり、年間1100 - 2200 mmである。ただし、6月から8月までに降るのはこのうちの2 - 4%である。クラマス山脈の高地では積雪量が1 - 2 mに達するのはふつうである。湿度は夜は高くなるが、谷の内部の一部の地域では日中は乾燥する。霧は海岸沿いの地域ではよく発生し、海岸から離れた山間部でも小さな谷では午前中に良く見られる。夏の曇天は分布域北限付近ではよく見られる。気温の変動は2年ごとに大きく変わる[5]。沿岸部の3か所において、地上1mの月平均気温を測定したところ3地点の平均気温は最低が1月の5℃、同最高は7月の14℃であり、年間平均気温は8.5℃であった。最も暖かい所はオレゴン州Kerbyに近く、標高は350 mで平均気温は最低3℃最高22℃で、年間平均気温は11.3℃だった。逆に最も寒い所はカリフォルニア州のシャスタ山 (Mount Shasta)の南西で標高1500 m付近の場所で月平均気温は-2℃から14℃で変動し、年間平均気温は5.2℃だった。分布域において観測された地上1 mでの最低気温は-15℃である。地下20 cmにおける地温は一般的に低く、年間平均4 - 11℃となっている。このため凍ることはきわめてまれであり、観測された地温で最も低いのは-0.5℃であった。

本種は多くの土壌・地質で生育する。砂丘、泥炭土壌、普段は涸れ川だが一時的に水が流れるような場所、超苦鉄質岩 (火成岩をケイ素の含有率で分けたときにケイ素をほとんど含まないもの。) の上のような乾燥した場所、堆積岩閃緑岩の上の肥えた土などなど[5]。最も巨大な個体はオレゴン州Coos Countyで見つかっており、そこは堆積岩が風化した厚い土壌がある。分布域のほとんどの地点において地下1m程度の地点に涸れることない地下水がある。オレゴン州Coos Couty(意訳:コス郡?)の南部では標高が低く超苦鉄質岩かつ湿った場所に多く生育している。

分布域の北限ではベイスギ(Thuja plicata)と生息場所が重なる[6][7]。そのような地域では本種はベイスギと比べてより酸性でカリウム濃度が高く、カルシウムマグネシウムが少ない場所で見られる。

後述のように有用な林業樹種であり、イギリスなどいくつかの地域にも導入されて栽培されてきた。しかし、1980年代以降、原産地である太平洋岸北西部(Pacific Northwest)以外で大規模に植林されることはなくなってきた。これは根の病害、冬の気象災害に弱く、他の種と比べて成長が遅いからである[5]

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成木は樹高60 m、胸高直径120 - 180 cmになる大型の常緑針葉樹である。葉は軽く扁平で色は白っぽい青緑色で、3 - 5 mmの小さい葉が扁平な枝にこびり付く様に多数生じる。球果は直径7 - 14 mmで6-10枚の鱗片を持つ。最初は緑色で成熟するにつれて茶色に変わる。雄花は長さ3 - 4 mmで最初は暗赤色だが、早春に花粉を散布すると茶色に変わっていく。樹皮は赤褐色で垂直の筋が目立つ。個体によって繊維質のものから鱗状に裂けるものまで色々ある[4]


種子は小さく、1 kg当たりに含まれる種子の数は平均すると46万粒である。1 g当たりでみると170粒から1300粒まで幅がある。種子には小さな翼が付いているにもかかわらず、もっと大きな針葉樹の種と比べて落下速度は速い。種子の翼があるおかげで種は水に浮かべても沈まない[5]

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種子の生産が始まるのは樹齢が5年から20年生ぐらいの時である。樹齢7カ月と極々若い木であっても50 ppmの濃度のジベレリン酸 (植物ホルモンの一種)を施してやることで花芽を誘導することが出来ることが確認されている[5]。高濃度のジベレリンを施すと逆に着花は減るという[9]

前述のように本種は雌雄同株であり、1つの個体に雄蕊だけを持つ雄花と雌蕊だけを持つ雌花の2種類の花をつける。雄花と雌花は同じ枝に形成される。生殖器官の形成が始まるのは春の終わりから夏にかけてである。その年の冬には明るい赤色をした小さなボール状の雄花の中に花粉嚢のない花粉(bladderless pollen)が形成されている。オレゴン州沿岸部においては花粉が飛ぶのは3月中旬である。受粉した花粉がさらに受精まで行くのは1カ月ないし、それ以上後である。種子の成熟はその年の秋、9月か10月である[8]



本種の発芽は子葉が地上に出てくるタイプ (epigeal)である[5]


日陰では成長は遅く、2年目の成長期の終わりで4 cmにしかならない[5]。これが開けた場所であれば1年目の終わりにで約4 cm、2年で約8 cmになる。さらに3-0ストックで植林された様な場所だと2年目の終わりには48 cmに達する。樹高1.4 mに達するのに必要な年数は樹冠で覆われた個体が14年から31年もかかるのに対し、皆伐(全ての木を伐採すること)跡地の個体では僅か5年から11年である[5]





本種は色々な種類の植物と混生し、色々な植生区分を作る。混生する中でも多いのはシトカトウヒ (Picea sitchensinis)、アメリカツガ (Tsuga heterophylla)、様々な常緑樹、シロモミ (Abies concolor) である[5][11]。砂地から食虫植物ダーリングトニア属Darlingtonia、カリフォルニアのごく限られた地域で見られ一属一種の珍しい植物)の生えるような沼地でも生育する[12]。大きく成長して商業的価値を持つ個体が多く、しかも生長が早いのはシトカトウヒ(P. sitchensinis)やアメリカツガ(T. heterophylla)との群落で、ベイマツ(Pseudotsuga menziesii、ダグラス・ファーとも)が優勢な場所である。土壌の水分が多い場所では優先種になり、そのような場所では土壌母材が少なくとも超苦鉄質岩(ultramafic rock)であることが多い。Abies concolor が生えるような高地ではよく見ることが出来るが生長は遅い[5]。原産地付近で常緑樹が混生している様な場所では、広葉樹ではなく日陰に耐性のある針葉樹だけで占められている場所が多い。、

本種と混生する植物は場所によって異なる[5][13]。森林において上層を形成し、光を奪い合う競争関係にあるものとしては以下のような樹木が知られている。シトカトウヒ (Picea sitchensis)、アメリカツガ(Tsuga heterophylla)、ベイマツ(Pseudotuga menziesii)、タンオークLithocarpus densiflorusサトウマツ (Pinus lamberitiana)、 P. jefferyiモンチコラマツ (P. monticola), 'Sequoia sempervirens, シロモミ (Abies concolor), シャスタアカモミ (A. magnifica var. shastensisnsis) など。

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    アメリカツガ Tsuga heterophylla

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    シトカトウヒ Picea sitchensis

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    ベイマツ Pseudotuga menziesii

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    シロモミ Abies concolor

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    サトウマツ Pinus lambertiana

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    Pinus jefferyi

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    モンチコラマツ Pinus monticola

下層を構成する低木類としては以下のようなものが見られる。ツツジの仲間であるRhododendron macrophyllumR. occldentale、同じくツツジの仲間でスノキ属 (Vaccinium) の V. ovatumV. parvifollum、キイチゴの仲間 Rubus spectabllisクロウメモドキ科Rhamnus purshianaR. californica、ツツジ科のGautheria shallonヤマモモ科Myrica californica、ナラ類のQuercus vaccinifollaQ. sadlerianaLeucothoe davisiae, タイヘイヨウイチイ (Taxus brevifolla)、ヒイラギナンテン (Mahonia japonica)の近縁種 M. nervosaニシキギ科Pachistima myrsinitesなど。

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    Rhododendron macrophyllum

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    タイヘイヨウイチイ Taxus brevifolla

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    Vaccinium parvifolium スノキ属はブルーベリーと近縁である

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    Rubus spectabllis の果実

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    R. californica

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    Myrica californica

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    Mahonia nervosa

草本として重要なのは以下のような種類である。シダ植物の一種 Polystichum munitumカタバミの仲間 Oxalis oreganaメランチウム科Xeropphyllum tenax, リンネソウ (Linnaea borealis subsp. longiflora)、メギ科Achlys triphyllaVancouveria spp.、ウメガサソウ (Chimaphila japonica) の仲間C. umbellata var. occidentalisユリ科Prosartes hookeriヤブコウジ科Trientalis laticolia, など。

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    シダの一種Polystichum munitum

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    カタバミの一種Oxalis Oregana

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    Xeropphyllum tenax、メランチウム科はAPG分類体系にて新設された科でバイケイソウなどが含まれる。

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    リンネソウ Linnaea borealis

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    Chimaphila umbellata

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    Prosartes hookeri

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    Trientalis borealis

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    Vancouveria 属の一種




本種の病害で特に重要なのが エキビョウキン (Phytophthora) の一種による根を腐らせてしまう病気である[5]。1950年代初め、オレゴン州において外来種であるP. lateralisが確認された。この菌は蔓延し、多くの場所で壊滅的な被害をこうむった。(1985年現在、)病害抵抗性の系統も感染した場合の有効な対処方法も見つかっていない。この菌の胞子は水によって運ばれるので、上流部で被害が出ると下流域全体に被害が出ることがある。高台では感染の拡大は緩やかである。高台で感染の拡大が早まったり、分水嶺を越えて被害が出るのは罹病個体、もしくは病原菌を含む汚染土壌の移動によるものとされている。

別のエキビョウキン P. cinnamomi は苗床や造林地において大きな被害をもたらす。この病気は本種以外にもさまざまな植物を侵す。英名White Pocket Top Rot という病害も重大である。この病気の原因菌は(1985年時点で、)分かっていない。これら以外の病気や虫による害は少ない[5]。苗木に対しての動物の加害の度合いは混生する他の針葉樹に比べると大きな変動があり、高い時もあれば低い時もある[5]

Seridium unicorne はヒノキ樹脂胴枯病を引き起こす。本種はこの病気に感受性が高く、発症した場合は枯死してしまうことが多い[14]

アメリカ西海岸ではナラ類が急激に衰弱し死んでしまうen:Sudden oak deathの流行も問題になっており、これもエキビョウキンの一種、P. ramorumの感染によるものである。

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    P. lateralis の感染により枯死したローソンヒノキ。

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    アメリカ西海岸ではen:Sudden oak deathの発生も大きな被害をもたらしている。





日本では在来種であるヒノキ (C. obtusa) の代用品として扱われている。ヒノキと同じく木材は強い香りを放つ[4]。心材(木材の中心部分)は淡い黄白色から黄褐色で、辺材(木材の周辺部分)は心材部分よりも薄い色をしている[15]



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    園芸品種 C. lawsoniana cv. "Ellwoodii" の葉


  1. ^ 中身が詰まっており、発芽できる可能性はあるとみられる種子


  1. ^ Conifer Specialist Group 2000. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4.
  2. ^ Kotyk, M.E.A.; Basinger, J.F. (2003). "Early Tertiary Chamaecyparis Spach from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic". Canadian Journal of Botany 81 (2): 113–130
  3. ^ a b 山本千秋. 1981. ローソンヒノキと他のヒノキ属数種との種間交雑の可能性. 日本林學會誌 63(9), 311-319
  4. ^ a b c d e f Wikipedia 英語版en:Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 18 December 2011 UTC の版
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Zobel, Donald B., Lewis F. Roth, and Glenn M. Hawk. 1985. Ecology, pathology and management of Port-Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-184. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. 161 p.
  6. ^ Imper, David K. 1981. The relation of soil characteristics to growth and distribution of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and Thuja plicata in southwestern Oregon. Thesis (M.S.), Oregon State University, Corvallis. 100 p.
  7. ^ Imper, D. K., and D. B. Zobel. 1983. Soils and foliar nutrient analysis of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and Thuja plicata in southwestern Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 13:1219-1227.
  8. ^ a b Harris, A. S. 1974. Chamaecyparis Spach White-cedar. In Seeds of woody plants in the United States. p. 316-320. C. S. Schopmeyer, tech. coord. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 450.
  9. ^ 橋詰隼人. 1959. ヒノキおよびローソンヒノキの花芽および花性分化に及ぼすジベレリンの影響. 日本林學會誌 41(11), 458-463
  10. ^ Zobel, Donald B. (n.d.) Unpublished data. Oregon State University, Corvallis.
  11. ^ Franklin, Jerry F., and C. T. Dyrness. 1973. Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PNW-8. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. 417 p.
  12. ^ Barbour, M. G., and Jack Major, eds. 1977. Chapters 2, 10, 19, 20. In Terrestrial vegetation of California. John Wiley, New York. 1002 p.
  13. ^ Hawk, Glenn M. 1977. A comparative study of temperate Chamaecyparis forests. Thesis (Ph.D.), Oregon State University, Corvallis. 195 p.
  14. ^ 日本植物病理学会 (編). 1995. 植物病理学事典. 1995. 養賢堂
  15. ^ 貴島恒夫, 岡本省吾, 林昭三. 1980. 原色木材大図鑑. 保育社


  • United States Department of Agriculuture Forest Service "Port-Orford-cedar"
  • Wikipedia 英語版 en:Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
  • 林野庁監修. 2001. 林業技術ハンドブック. 林業改良普及協会.




 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ローソンヒノキに関連するメディアがあります。
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ローソンヒノキ: Brief Summary ( Japonca )

wikipedia 日本語 tarafından sağlandı

ローソンヒノキ (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) はヒノキ科ヒノキ属の樹木。

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