
Amenazas ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
Factores de riesgo

Tala y Fuego.

Situación actual del hábitat con respecto a las necesidades de la especie

Por lo accidentado del terreno donde hábita esta especie, el hábitat esta sin un grado de alteración.
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Biología ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
Antecedentes del estado de la especie o de las poblaciones principales

Es una especie rara en el norte de Baja California, aparentemente establecida principalmente en zonas rocosas para proteccion del fuego.

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bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Conservación ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
No hay programas. Distribución restringida en Sierra Juárez. (ej. Cerro Hanson) y NW de San Pedro Martir poblaciones en ambos parques nacionales. Las poblaciones de Sierra Blanca no se encuentran dentro de un area protegida.
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Descripción ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
Árbol de tronco recto o curvado en la base, con las ramas principales muy largas, de hasta 15-25 m de alto y 100 cm de d.a.p. Corteza gruesa en el tronco, escamosa, con placas largas, fisuras irregulares y longitudinales, de color café obscuro con las fisuras negras, acículas en fascículos de 3, de 15-25(-30) cm de longitud y 1.9-2.2 mm de ancho, rectas o curvadas, muy rígidas y frecuentemente resinosas, conos solitarios o en pares, algunas veces en verticilos de 3-4(-5) en tallos de árboles jóvenes en pedúnculos cortos, gruesos y robustos, ovoides, de 20-35 x 15-20 cm cuando abren, extremadamente resinosos. Semillas 10-18 x 7-10 mm, de color café obscuro a negruzco, con ala articulada de color café, de 18-30 x 12-16 mm, engrosada en la base.
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Distribución ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı

Regiones Terrestres Prioritarias: Sierra de Juárez

Laguna de Hanson Sierra Juárez.

Regiones Terrestres Prioritarias: Sierra de San Pedro Mártir

En Baja California, la especie esta dispersa y rara en Sierra Blanca, Sierra Juárez (1200-1800 msnm) y San Pedro Mártir (1900-2150 msnm); Más abundante y ampliamente distribuida en las cordilleras de la costa de la Alta California.



Pinus coulteri es restringido a las montañas de la costa y a la parte central y sur de California y norte de Baja California. En zonas de traslape esta relacionada con Pinus jeffreyi y Pinus sabiniana, y es conocida la hibridación en la naturaleza con Pinus jeffreyi (Zobel 1951; en Critchfield &Little 1966).
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Ecología ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
Historia de vida

Especie de pino que ha sido agrupado en un grupo resistente al fuego, sobreviviendo los árboles adultos al mismo; la mayoría son altos, con gruesa corteza, aciculas largas y gruesas ramas. Sus conos son pesados y con escamas que presentan espinas; semillas grandes con alas largas, y son lentas para iniciar la producción de semillas. Es menos divergente del grupo (P. sabiniana, P. torreyana), con lento crecimiento y de tamaño menor; la parcialidad serotina aparentemente le da una ventaja reproductiva después del fuego sobre otras especies del grupo (P. lambertiana) (McCune 1988).
P. coulteri, la igual que P. torreyana (Bradron 1949; Vogl 1973; en Keeley &Zedler, 1998), tiene conos que mantienen el árbol por años y se abren al madurar sin estimulo del calor. Una gran porción de las semillas salen en las primeras semanas, pero algunas son mantenidas en la porción proximal del cono y caen a lo largo de grandes periodos, posiblemente en respuesta al movimiento gradual causado por la humedad y sequía (Keelley &Zedler 1998).
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Estado de conservación ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı

Pr sujeta a protección especial


P en peligro de extinción
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bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Hábitat ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
Limites inferiores del bosque de pino, extendiendose dentro del chaparral o en áreas rocosas entre cantos de granito; este pino se encuentra en rodales abiertos.


Climas Templados Cs(b')e; de tipo Mediterráneo con lluvias en invierno (Nov-Abril) y verano seco. Sierra Juárez (1200-1800 msnm) y San Pedro Mártir (1900-2150 msnm).
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Relevancia de la especie ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

Conabio tarafından sağlandı
Relevancia de la especie

Conífera muy relevante desde el punto de vista ecológico, con una distribución muy restringida. Esta especie tiene el cono más voluminoso de todas las especies de pino, Se ha hecho referencia que el tamaño de su cono, de hasta 35 cm, lo hace más eficiente la formación de semillas.
telif hakkı
bibliyografik atıf
Delgadillo, R. J. y Camacho Canett, L. C. 2004. Ficha técnica de Pinus coulteri. En: Delgadillo, R. J. (compilador). Actualización de las especies de plantas incluidas en la NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Herbario BCMEX, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W037. México, D.F.
Delgadillo, R. J.
Camacho Canett, L. C.
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Comments ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Pinus coulteri is the heaviest-coned pine; one who seeks its shade should wear a hardhat.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Trees to 24m; trunk to 1m diam., straight to contorted; crown broad, thin, irregular. Bark dark gray-brown to near black, deeply furrowed, with long, scaly, irregularly anastomosing, rounded ridges. Branches often ascending; twigs stout to moderately slender, violet-brown, often glaucous, aging gray-brown, rough. Buds ovoid, deep red-brown, 1.5(--3)cm, resinous; scale margins white-fringed, apex cuspidate. Leaves 3 per fascicle, slightly spreading, not drooping, mostly ascending in a brush, persisting 3--4 years, 15--30cm ´ ca. 2mm, slightly curved or straight, twisted, dusty gray-green, all surfaces with pale, fine stomatal lines, margins serrulate, apex abruptly subulate; sheath 2--4cm, base persistent. Pollen cones ovoid to cylindric, to 25mm, light purple-brown, aging orange-brown. Seed cones maturing in 2 years, gradually shedding seeds thereafter and moderately persistent, massive, heavy, drooping, asymmetric at base, narrowly ovoid before opening, ovoid-cylindric when open, 20--35cm, pale yellow-brown, resinous, stalks to 3cm; apophyses transverse-rhombic, strongly and sharply cross-keeled, elongate, curved, continuous with umbos to form long, upcurved claws 2.5--3cm. Seeds obovoid; body 15--22mm, dark brown; wing to 25mm. 2 n =24.
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Habitat & Distribution ( İngilizce )

eFloras tarafından sağlandı
Dry rocky slopes, flats, ridges, and chaparral, transitional to oak-pine woodland; 300--2100m; Calif.; Mexico in Baja California.
telif hakkı
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliyografik atıf
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Common Names ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Coulter pine
California Coulter pine
big-cone pine
nut pine
pitch pine
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Description ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Coulter pine is a native evergreen conifer that lives up to 100 years of
age [23]. It attains a height of 30 to 83 feet (9-25 m) and a d.b.h.
of 12 to 31 inches (30-80 cm) [23,29,31,41]. The bark is thick and
roughly furrowed at maturity [29,36,38]. The crown is pyramidal and may
be dense or open, depending upon the site [23,38,41]. Needles occur in
groups of three and are 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm) long [29,41,50]. The
massive, spiny cones are 9 to 15 inches (24-40 cm) long, occurring in
whorls of four [29,41]. Young trees first bear cones on the trunk. As
trees mature, cones are also borne on strong branches [7].

Although geographically isolated, nine Coulter pine populations were
very similar in all of three morphological characteristics studies.
Oleoresins (volatile portion) were also similar [55].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Distribution ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Coulter pine occurs from Contra Costa County, California, south through
the Coastal, Transverse, and Peninsular ranges to the Mexican border
[10,34,35,39,41,55]. It is cultivated in Hawaii [58].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Ecology ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: cone, fire regime

Coulter pine displays ecotypical variation in degree of cone serotiny.
Serotiny is prevalent in Coulter pine/chaparral, Coulter pine-canyon
live oak, and Coulter pine/Sargent cypress communities. Cones of
Coulter pine in these communities typically do not open until heated by
fire. Consequently, the bulk of Coulter pine regeneration in these
communities occurs after fire. Coulter pine ecotypes associated with
coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), however, typically bear cones that
open at maturity or shortly thereafter [7].

Coulter pine seedling development is best in mineral soil in open areas
[38]. Such conditions are created by fire.

Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: fire intensity, fire suppression, forest, fuel, fuel loading, woodland

Intense fire may be responsible for reducing the distribution of Coulter
pine [52,57]. Fire intensity in chaparral, woodland, and forest
vegetation is probably greater since initiation of fire suppression
[56], and intense fire reduces Coulter pine populations. Frequent,
moderate-severity surface fires, however, would probably benefit this
species. The differential survival of large trees in less intensely
burned areas and enhanced reproduction on exposed mineral soil in such
areas both suggest that most Coulter pine evolved under a regime of
frequent, light- to moderate-severity surface fires [54]. Managers
should keep in mind, however, that Coulter pine in Coulter pine-coast
live oak communities may be harmed by fire [7].

Prescribed burning has been used in Coulter pine/manzanita stands to
reduce fuel loading [11,51]. Severe fires or fires at too-frequent
intervals, however, convert such communities to mixed stands of
manzanita and ceanothus [52,55].

Frequent fire selects for Coulter pine over bigcone Douglas-fir in
canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) communities [38].

Under long fire return intervals, Coulter pine invades oak savanna
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: phanerophyte

bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: serpentine soils

Coulter pine occurs in a mediterranean climate. Winter rains are
infrequent, and the summer is dry with occasional summer thunderstorms

Coulter pine is most frequent on steep south-facing slopes and ridges
[4,22,52]. Soils may be poor to fertile, and are typically dry.
Coulter pine is an indicator of serpentine soils, but also occurs on a
variety of other substrates. Soils range from loamy to gravelly or
rocky in texture [22,29,30]. Coulter pine occurs between 500 to 7,000
feet (150-2,120 m) elevation [47,55].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

211 White fir
232 Redwood
234 Douglas-fir - tanoak - Pacific madrone
246 California black oak
247 Jeffrey pine
248 Knobcone pine
249 Canyon live oak
250 Blue oak - Digger pine
255 California coast live oak
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

More info for the term: shrub

FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES23 Fir - spruce
FRES28 Western hardwoods
FRES34 Chaparral - mountain shrub
FRES27 Redwood
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the term: forest

K006 Redwood forest
K020 Spruce - fir - Douglas-fir forest
K029 California mixed evergreen forest
K030 California oakwoods
K033 Chaparral
K034 Montane chaparral
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Immediate Effect of Fire ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: crown fire, surface fire, tree

Large Coulter pine are resistant to all but severe surface fires.
Younger trees are apparently killed by moderate-severity surface or
crown fires [23,54]. No data are available concerning the effect of
crown fire on large-diameter Coulter pine.

A "hot" surface fire on Mt. Diablo killed nearly all Coulter pine,
including large trees. In an area of the mountain where fire was less
severe, however, 9 of 52 Coulter pine survived. Of these trees, all of
those greater than 16 inches (40 cm) in d.b.h. survived, and only one
tree less than 16 inches in d.b.h. survived. Surviving trees had needle
scorch only on lower branches [54].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Females of the southern race of white-headed woodpeckers forage for
insects almost exclusively on lower main trunks of Coulter pine, while
male white-headed woodpeckers extensively use the cones [33]. The seeds
are also a dependable year-round food source for western gray squirrels
[7]. Black-tailed deer rarely browse even young trees [23].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: forest, natural

Coulter pine occurs in a variety of plant associations, but seldom forms
extensive pure stands [18]. Where they do occur, communities dominated
by Coulter pine intergrade with chaparral and lower montane coniferous
forest [5,24,27,47]. Coulter pine is named as a dominant species in the
following published classifications:

Terrestrial natural communities of California [22]
Vegetation types of the San Bernadino Mountains [25]
Vegetation of the San Bernadino Mountains [37]
A vegetation classification system applied to southern California [42]
Mixed evergreen forest [45]
Vascular plant communities of California [47]
Montane and subalpine forests of the Transverse and Peninsular ranges [48]
An introduction to the plant communities of the Santa Ana and San
Jacinto Mountains [52]

Associated trees not mentioned in Distribution and Occurrence include
sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), bristlecone fir (Abies bracteata),
incense-cedar (Libocedrus decurrens), Sargent cypress (Cupressus
sargentii), black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), California bay
(Umbellularia californica), bigcone Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
macrocarpa), Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii), and birchleaf
mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides)
[4,7,22,24,47,48,55]. Understory associates include chamise (Adenostoma
fasciculatum), Eastwood manzanita (Arctostaphylos glandulosa), Pringle
manzanita (A. pringlei), pointleaf manzanita (A. pugens), deerbrush
(Ceanothus integerrimus), annual hairgrass (Deschampsia danthonioides),
rareflower heterocodon (Heterocodon rariflorum), golden violet (Viola
douglasii), and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) [4,19,37,48,52].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: tree

bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: cone, fire suppression, tree

Coulter pine distribution has apparently decreased in recent years.
This may be due to past policies of fire suppression [55]. See the Fire
Effects frame for a discussion on this problem.

Annual grasses deplete moisture from the top layer of soil, which
decreases survival of young Coulter pine [12,23]. Mature Coulter pine,
however, are drought tolerant [23].

Coulter pine cone processing and tree planting methods are discussed in
the literature [23,31]. A discussion of damaging agents can also be
found in the literature [1,7,21,28].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Other uses and values ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Coulter pine is used as an ornamental [23]. The cones are used for
decoration and crafts [26].

Coulter pine seeds were eaten by Native Americans [13,15,29,41].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Phenology ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: ecotype, seed

Coulter pine cones open for pollination in May and June [31,41,50].
Cones ripen in August and September of the second year following
pollination [29,31,50]. Mature cones may open at or soon after
maturity, slowly over a several-year period, or only after fire,
depending upon ecotype. Cones of nonserotinous ecotypes open and
disperse seed from October through November [7,31,37].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: cone, density, frequency, interference, relative frequency, seed

Coulter pine readily establishes from seed on burned sites [52].
Persisting cones on surviving trees, and sometimes on those killed by
fire, provide a source of seed [38,52]. Seedling establishment is
usually greatest during the first postfire year [7]. The severe Marble
Cone Fire in the Santa Lucia Mountains destroyed Coulter pine stands.
At postfire year 1, a large number of Coulter pine seeds germinated.
Three seasons following the fire, Coulter pine seedling density ranged
from 18 to 4,213 per acre (7-1,685/ha). The lower seedling densities
probably resulted from interference by annual ryegrass [19].

Vale [54] found that pine seedling density was much greater after the
Mt. Diablo fire than before it (newly-germinated pines could not be
identified by species). Pine seedling numbers were greatest in areas
where fire was less intense. In these areas, relative frequency of pine
seedlings was 100 percent; density was 2 seedlings per square meter. In
areas where fire was severe, relative frequency was only 56 percent, and
density was one seedling per square meter. Vale suggested that the
intense heat in the heavily burned areas may have destroyed seeds within
the cones of trees, but the less intense heat in the more lightly burned
areas may have opened cones without destroying seeds. Pine seedlings
were disproportionately located on areas where mineral soil was exposed.
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the terms: crown residual colonizer, root crown

Tree without adventitious-bud root crown
Crown residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info for the term: seed

Coulter pine first bears cones at 10 to 15 years of age [7,31,38]. The
interval between good seed crops is 3 to 6 years [31]. Cones may
persist up to 5 or 6 years [31,41]. Seed dispersal is limited due to
the large size of seed. Seed viability is generally high. Seedling
establishment is best on mineral soil in full sun. Early growth is
rapid [7,23,31,38]. (See the Fire Ecology frame for a discussion of the
role of fire in Coulter pine regeneration.)
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regional Distribution in the Western United States ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

3 Southern Pacific Border
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Successional Status ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
More info on this topic.

Coulter pine occurs in both initial communities and later seres. Stands
are often even-aged, establishing after fire [7,18,39]. Mature Coulter
pine is shade intolerant [2], but seedlings can grow in partial shade

At higher elevations of the Coast Ranges, Coulter pine sometimes
replaces blue oak (Quercus douglasii) [3].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Taxonomy ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
The currently accepted scientific name of Coulter pine is Pinus coulteri
D. Don [10,35]. There are no recognized subspecies or varieties.

Coulter pine hybridizes with Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) [8,10,31,35].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Wood Products Value ( İngilizce )

Fire Effects Information System Plants tarafından sağlandı
Coulter pine wood is rarely used except as fuelwood and second-grade
lumber [26,41,50]. It is light, weak, coarse-grained, and brittle [41].
bibliyografik atıf
Cope, Amy B. 1993. Pinus coulteri. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Physical Description ( İngilizce )

USDA PLANTS text tarafından sağlandı
Tree, Evergreen, Monoecious, Habit erect, Trees without or rarely having knees, Tree with bark rough or scaly, Young shoots 3-dimensional, Buds resinous, Leaves needle-like, Leaves alternate, Needle-like leaf margins finely serrulate (use magnification or slide your finger along the leaf), Leaf apex acute, Leaves > 5 cm long, Leaves > 10 cm long, Leaves grey-green, Leaves not blue-green, Needle-like leaves triangular, Needle-like leaves twisted, Needle-like leaf habit erect, Needle-like leaves per fascicle mostly 3, Needle-like leaf sheath persistent, Twigs glabrous, Twigs viscid, Twigs not viscid, Twigs without peg-like projections or large fascicles after needles fall, Berry-like cones orange, Woody seed cones > 5 cm long, Seed cones bearing a scarlike umbo, Umbo with obvious prickle, Bracts of seed cone included, Seeds brown, Seeds winged, Seeds unequally winged, Seed wings narrower than body.
Stephen C. Meyers
Aaron Liston
Steffi Ickert-Bond
Damon Little

Kultera şamı ( Azerice )

wikipedia AZ tarafından sağlandı

Pinus coulteri (lat. Pinus coulteri) - şamkimilər fəsiləsinin şam ağacı cinsinə aid bitki növü.

Cənubi Kaliforniya dan Monte Diabloya qədər sahilyanı dağlarda, quru yamaclarda və çınqıllarla örtülmüş təpələrdə tək-tək və ya kiçik qruplarla bitir, sahilyanı rayonlarda, dəniz səviyyəsindən 800-1500 m hündürlükdə zolaqlar əmələ gətirir. Hündürlüyü 40 m-ə, gövdəsinin diametric 120 sm-dək olan ağacdır. Qabığı qalın, tünd qonur, dərin şırımlı, enli, hamar hissəlidir. Budaqları yuxarı qalxandır. Çətiri ensiz, pyramidal olub, simmetrik deyildir. Zoğları qalın, qonur rəngli olub, bir neçə Buğumarasından ibarətdir, xırda yarpaqları qırışlı qalıqlıdır. Tumurcuqları iri, yumurtavarı olub, ucu bizdir, uzunluğu 4 sm-ə qədərdir, möhkəm yapışmış qabıqlıdır. İynəyarpaqların uzunluğu 15-30 sm-dir, tünd-mavi-yaşıldır. Alt tərəfi hamardır, xırda dişli, ucu sarımtıldır, 3-5 ədədi bir yerə yığılmış olur. Qozaları yumurtavarı-konusvarı, uzunluğu 20-35 sm, eni 10-12 sm-dir, açıq-sarı-qonur rəngli olub, qatranlıdır, qısa saplaqda yerləşərək aşağı əyilir. Toxum qabıqları qalın, qabarıqdır. Toxum qabıqlarının ucları bizdir, qozanın ucuna doğru istiqamətlənmiş, bünövrəyə tərəf əyilmişdir. Toxumları ellipsvaridir, uzunluğu 15-20 mm, eni 5-8 mm-dir, tünd-qonur, təxminən qara rəngli olub, ortası enli qanadlıdır. Tez böyüyür, dekorativ məqsədlə geniş becərilir. Toxumları yüksək cücərmə qabiliyyətinə malikdir. 1 kq-da 3000 toxum olur. Oduncağı yumşaq, yüngül, tez sınandır, xüsusi çəkisi 0,41 qr-dır, dərin lifli, qatranlıdır, az qiymətlidir, ancaq yanacaq üçün istifadə edilir. Toxumları yeməlidir. Çəkisi 1 kq olan iri, dekorativ qozaları vardır. Son dövrlərdə AbşeronLənkəran mədəni şəraitdə becərilir. Respublikamızda quru yamacların, bağların və parkların yaşıllaşdırılması üçün yararlıdır.

Məlumat mənbələri

  1. Деревья и кустарники СССР. т.3.1954;
  2. Флора Азербайджана. т.5. 1954;
  3. Azərbaycanın ağac və kolları. III cild. 1970;
  4. Azərbaycanın “Qırmızı” və “Yaşıl Кitabları”na tövsiyə olunan bitki və bitki formasiyaları. 1996;
  5. Azərbaycan florasının konspekti. I-III cildlər. 2005; 2006; 2008.
  6. “Azərbaycan dendraflorasi” I cild, Baki, “Elm”, 2011, 312 səh.


  1. “Azərbaycan dendraflorasi” I cild, Baki, “Elm”, 2011, 312 səh.
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Kultera şamı: Brief Summary ( Azerice )

wikipedia AZ tarafından sağlandı

Pinus coulteri (lat. Pinus coulteri) - şamkimilər fəsiləsinin şam ağacı cinsinə aid bitki növü.

Cənubi Kaliforniya dan Monte Diabloya qədər sahilyanı dağlarda, quru yamaclarda və çınqıllarla örtülmüş təpələrdə tək-tək və ya kiçik qruplarla bitir, sahilyanı rayonlarda, dəniz səviyyəsindən 800-1500 m hündürlükdə zolaqlar əmələ gətirir. Hündürlüyü 40 m-ə, gövdəsinin diametric 120 sm-dək olan ağacdır. Qabığı qalın, tünd qonur, dərin şırımlı, enli, hamar hissəlidir. Budaqları yuxarı qalxandır. Çətiri ensiz, pyramidal olub, simmetrik deyildir. Zoğları qalın, qonur rəngli olub, bir neçə Buğumarasından ibarətdir, xırda yarpaqları qırışlı qalıqlıdır. Tumurcuqları iri, yumurtavarı olub, ucu bizdir, uzunluğu 4 sm-ə qədərdir, möhkəm yapışmış qabıqlıdır. İynəyarpaqların uzunluğu 15-30 sm-dir, tünd-mavi-yaşıldır. Alt tərəfi hamardır, xırda dişli, ucu sarımtıldır, 3-5 ədədi bir yerə yığılmış olur. Qozaları yumurtavarı-konusvarı, uzunluğu 20-35 sm, eni 10-12 sm-dir, açıq-sarı-qonur rəngli olub, qatranlıdır, qısa saplaqda yerləşərək aşağı əyilir. Toxum qabıqları qalın, qabarıqdır. Toxum qabıqlarının ucları bizdir, qozanın ucuna doğru istiqamətlənmiş, bünövrəyə tərəf əyilmişdir. Toxumları ellipsvaridir, uzunluğu 15-20 mm, eni 5-8 mm-dir, tünd-qonur, təxminən qara rəngli olub, ortası enli qanadlıdır. Tez böyüyür, dekorativ məqsədlə geniş becərilir. Toxumları yüksək cücərmə qabiliyyətinə malikdir. 1 kq-da 3000 toxum olur. Oduncağı yumşaq, yüngül, tez sınandır, xüsusi çəkisi 0,41 qr-dır, dərin lifli, qatranlıdır, az qiymətlidir, ancaq yanacaq üçün istifadə edilir. Toxumları yeməlidir. Çəkisi 1 kq olan iri, dekorativ qozaları vardır. Son dövrlərdə AbşeronLənkəran mədəni şəraitdə becərilir. Respublikamızda quru yamacların, bağların və parkların yaşıllaşdırılması üçün yararlıdır.

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Pinus coulteri ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı
Vista de l'arbre

Pinus coulteri és una espècie d'arbre de la família de les pinàcies.


La mida va des dels 10 als 24 m d'alçada[1] i té un diàmetre de tronc de fins a 1 m. El tronc és vertical i les branques horitzontals i corbades cap al dalt. Les fulles són aciculars, en raïms de tres, color verd grisenc glauc, 15-30 cm de longitud i rígides, 2 mm de gruix. La característica destacada d'aquest arbre són els estròbils espinosos que tenen 20-40 cm de llarg, i un pes de 2-5 kg quan són frescos. Aquesta espècie produeix els cons més alts de cap espècie de pi (s'aconsella a la gent que porti barrets durs quan treballin en boscos d'aquest pi), encara que els troncs prims de Pinus lambertiana són més llargs. Les grans dimensions dels cons els ha valgut el sobrenom en anglès de "widowmakers" ("creador de vídues") entre els locals.

Distribució i hàbitat

És una espècie originària de les muntanyes litorals del sud de Califòrnia (Estats Units) i el nord de Baixa Califòrnia (Mèxic). Bosquets aïllats es troben molt al nord arribant a l'àrea de la badia de San Francisco al Parc estatal de la Mount Diablo i la Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve.

Prefereix els vessants que estan orientats al sud entre 200-2300 m d'altitud, i tolera sòl rocós sec. Sovint apareix en boscos mixtes. Apareix en una sèrie de formacions forestals; per exemple, a majors altures de les muntanyes San Jacinto aquest pi és dominant juntament amb el Quercus kelloggii.[2] Els pícids sovint busquen aliment en aquesta espècie, i pelen l'escorça per accedir als insectes que estan a sota.[3]


La fusta és tova i suau, de manera que l'espècie es fa servir per a poc més que llenya de foc. Ocasionalment es planta com un arbre ornamental en parcs i grans jardins.


Pinus coulteri va ser descrita per David Don i publicada a Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 17: 440, l'any 1836.[4]



  • Pinus coulteri var. diabloensis Lemmon
  • Pinus macrocarpa Lindl.
  • Pinus ponderosa subsp. coulteri (D.Don) A.E.Murray[6]


  1. Gymnosperm Database, 2008
  2. C. Michael Hogan, 2008
  3. Moore, Gerry; Kershner, Bruce; Craig Tufts; Daniel Mathews; Gil Nelson; Spellenberg, Richard; Thieret, John W.; Terry Purinton; Block, Andrew. National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America. Nueva York: Sterling, 2008, p. 86. ISBN 1-4027-3875-7.
  4. «Pinus coulteri». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. [Consulta: 8 abril 2013].
  5. Pinus a Noms Botànics
  6. «Pinus coulteri a The Plant List» (en anglès). [Consulta: 19 juliol 2017].


Enllaços externs

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Pinus coulteri Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata  src= Podeu veure l'entrada corresponent a aquest tàxon, clade o naturalista dins el projecte Wikispecies.
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Pinus coulteri: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı
 src= Vista de l'arbre

Pinus coulteri és una espècie d'arbre de la família de les pinàcies.

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Borovice Coulterova ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı
Pinus coulteri
Pinus coulteri

Borovice Coulterova (Pinus coulteri D. Don, 1836) je severoamerický druh tříjehličné borovice, která je zajímavá především svými šiškami, jedněmi z největších a nejtěžších ze všech jehličnanů.


  • Pinus macrocarpa Lindley, 1840
  • Pinus Sabina Coulteri Loudon, 1842
  • Pinus Sabiniana Parry, 1858 non Douglas


Strom 13-25 m vysoký, se silnými, vodorovně rozloženými větvemi, které tvoří řídké přesleny. Spádný kmen, téměř černá silná borka, hrubě rozpraskaná. Letorosty silné, modravě bělavě ojíněné, lysé. Pupeny přišpičatělé, 25- 40 mm, pryskyřičnaté. Jehlice po 3, velmi tuhé, vzpřímené, tmavě modrozelené, 12-25 cm, drsné, s průduchy, tvořící husté olistění větví. Šišky veliké a těžké (nezralé až 3 kg!), krátce stopkaté, lesklé, zralé žlutohnědé, 25-35 x 10-12 cm, pozdě otevíravé. Šupiny silné a dřevnaté, pupek dlouhý s drápovitým ostnem. Semena vejčitá, černá, jedlá, 12-18 mm, s 25-30 mm dlouhým křídlem.


V západní části Severní Ameriky, (USA: Kalifornie (Coast Ranges jižně od ústí řeky Sacramento); SZ Mexiko: sev. Baja California]. U nás velmi vzácně, pouze několik mladších exemplářů (Průhonice), špatně snáší naše klima.


Roste v polohách od 900 do 1800 m. Výrazně slunná dřevina. U nás trpí mrazem, a proto je její pěstování ve střední Evropě nevhodné. Na překryvu jejího areálu s areálem borovice Jeffreyovy tvoří mezidruhové hybridy. V arboretu Sofronka rostou plodní trojnásobní zpětní kříženci s tímto druhem [Pinus (jeffreyi x coulteri) x jeffreyi x jeffreyi] ve věku cca 40 let, vzniklí z kontrolovaného křížení.


Jako zdroj dřeva se příliš nehodí: má spádný kmen a je příliš větevnatá. Používá se v okrasných výsadbách jako dekorativní strom s obrovskými šiškami.


V některých amerických státech (např. v Kalifornii) je zakázáno vysazovat ji do okrasných výsadeb a parků z důvodu možného zranění pádem šišek.



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]


  • BUSINSKÝ, R. 2004. Komentovaný světový klíč rodu Pinus L. – Závěrečná zpráva „Výzkum a hodnocení genofondu dřevin z aspektu sadovnického použití“, Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví, Průhonice.
  • KAŇÁK, J. 2004. Možnosti a úskalí introdukce některých druhů rodu Pinus. [Possibilities and difficulties of introduction of some species of Pinus genus.] In: Karas, J., *Kobliha, J. (eds.): Perspektivy lesnické dendrologie a šlechtění lesních dřevin. Sborník z konference. Kostelec n. Č. lesy, 12. – 13. 5. 2004. Praha, FLE ČZU, s. 76-84. ISBN 80-213-1164-9.
  • PILÁT, A. 1964. Jehličnaté stromy a keře našich zahrad a parků. – Nakladatelství ČSAV, Praha.
  • POKORNÝ, J. 1963. Jehličnany lesů a parků. – SZN, Praha.

Externí odkazy

Rod borovice (Pinus) Podrod
Evropa Asie Amerika
borovice Banksovaborovice arizonskáborovice Balfourovaborovice bahenníborovice Coulterovaborovice dlouholistáborovice Douglasovaborovice durangskáborovice Elliottovaborovice Engelmannovaborovice Hartwegovaborovice ježatáborovice karibskáborovice Jeffreyovaborovice kadidlováborovice mičoakánskáborovice Montezumovaborovice ostnitáborovice paprsčitáborovice pavejmutkaborovice pichlaváborovice pokroucenáborovice pozdníborovice Sabineovaborovice smolnáborovice těžkáborovice Torreyovaborovice tuháborovice uzavřenáborovice virginskáborovice zúženáPinus apulcensisPinus cubensisPinus tropicalisPinus yecorensis
Evropa Asie Amerika
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Borovice Coulterova: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı
 src= Pinus coulteri  src= Pinus coulteri

Borovice Coulterova (Pinus coulteri D. Don, 1836) je severoamerický druh tříjehličné borovice, která je zajímavá především svými šiškami, jedněmi z největších a nejtěžších ze všech jehličnanů.

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Coulter-Kiefer ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Pinus coulteri
Pinus coulteri

Die Coulter-Kiefer (Pinus coulteri) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Kiefern in der Familie der Kieferngewächse (Pinaceae).


Die Coulter-Kiefer ist im Südwesten Kaliforniens und im äußersten Norden Mexikos in niedrigeren, trockenen Lagen beheimatet. Sie ist in Mitteleuropa wenig winterhart; in Deutschland wächst sie nur mit wenigen Exemplaren in den wärmsten Gegenden, so etwa im Rheintal.


Die Coulter-Kiefer wächst als immergrüner Baum, der Wuchshöhen von bis zu 28 Meter und Stammdurchmesser von etwa 1 Meter erreichen kann. Ihre Borke ist schwarz bis graubraun mit leichter Purpurtönung; sie bildet dicke Leisten oder große Platten, zwischen denen breite, tiefe Risse klaffen. Junge Bäume haben eine hellgraue, auch schon deutlich rissige Rinde.

Die Baumkrone wächst breit. Die Krone junger Bäume ist locker mit nur wenigen, an den Enden aufwärts gerichteten Ästen. Ältere Bäume haben lange, etwas hängende Äste.

Die Äste sind sehr dick und gefurcht. Die Rinde junger Zweige ist bläulich bis bläulichweiß, später rotbraun. Der lange innere Teil des Zweiges ist unbenadelt und weist dort lediglich braune schmale Schuppen auf. Die Knospen sind hell orange, dick, spitz zulaufend und bis zu 5 Zentimeter lang. Die blaugrünen Nadeln stehen in Dreierbüscheln und sind sehr dick und steif; sie werden 25 bis 30 Zentimeter lang.

Die männlichen Zapfen bilden sich auf 6 bis 12 Zentimeter Länge am unteren Teil der neuen Zweige; sie sind dick eiförmig, purpurrosa (während des Stäubens etwa Anfang Juni gelblich) und etwa 2 Zentimeter lang. Die Zapfen wachsen in der obersten Kronenspitze; sie sind massiv, lang eiförmig und die schwersten von allen Kiefernarten: Die Zapfen werden 20 bis 35 Zentimeter lang und wiegen bis 2 kg, manchmal sogar bis 3 kg. Die Basis des Zapfens ist schief; die Schuppen sind hellbraun; ihre dicken Enden laufen in sehr scharfe Dornhaken von bis zu 2 cm Länge aus, die abstehend und aufwärts gebogen sind; lediglich einige Basisschuppen sind abweichend davon abwärts gebogen.

Abgrenzung von ähnlichen Arten

Die Jeffrey-Kiefer hat wesentlich kleinere Zapfen, die vor allem viel kürzere Dornen an den Schuppen tragen. Die Digger-Kiefer hat ähnliche Zapfen, die aber auch kleiner sind, und deren Dorne an den Schuppen alle abwärts gekrümmt sind.

Systematik und Taxonomie

Pinus coulteri wurde 1836 von David Don in "Transactions of the Linnean Society of London", Band 17, Seite 440 erstbeschrieben. Synonyme sind Pinus macrocarpa Lindl. und Pinus ponderosa subsp. coulteri (D.Don) A.E.Murray.[1] Die Art entdeckt hatte Dr. Coulter.


Wegen der riesigen Zapfen wird die Coulter-Kiefer in Kalifornien auch big-cone pine („Großzapfige Kiefer“) oder widow maker („Witwenmacher“) genannt.



  1. Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Pinus. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 18. April 2019.
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Coulter-Kiefer: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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 src= Pinus coulteri  src= Pinus coulteri

Die Coulter-Kiefer (Pinus coulteri) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Kiefern in der Familie der Kieferngewächse (Pinaceae).

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Култер пожум ( Komice )

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Култер пожум
Култер пожум
Pinus coulteri

Култер пожум (лат. Pinus coulteri) – быдмассэзлӧн пожум котырись пожум увтырын (Pinus субувтырын) торья вид. Пожумыс быдмӧ 10-24 метра вылына да овлӧ 1 метра кыза диаметрын. Пожум пантасьӧ Америкаись Ӧтлаасьӧм Штаттэзын да Мексикаын.

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Култер пужым ( Udmurtça )

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Култер пужым
Култер пужым
Pinus coulteri

Култер пужым (лат. Pinus coulteri) – Pinaceae семьяысь Америкалэн Огазеяськем Штатъёсаз но Мексикаын будӥсь пужым. Ӝуждалаез ог 10-24 м, модослэн диаметрез 1 м.

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Coulter pine ( İngilizce )

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The Coulter pine or big-cone pine, Pinus coulteri, is a native of the coastal mountains of Southern California in the United States and northern Baja California in Mexico. Isolated groves are found as far north as Clearlake, California on the flanks of Mt. Konocti and Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve. It is named after Thomas Coulter, an Irish botanist and physician. The Coulter pine produces the heaviest cone of any pine tree, up to 5 kg (11 lb) and among conifers is exceeded only by the cones of Araucaria bidwillii.

Although it has a limited range in the wild, the Coulter pine is a popular ornamental tree and is grown in many countries.


Pinus coulteri is a substantial coniferous evergreen tree in the genus Pinus. The size ranges from 10–24 m (33–79 ft) tall,[2] and a trunk diameter up to 1 m (3.3 ft). The trunk is vertical and branches horizontal to upcurved. The leaves are needle-like, in bundles of three, glaucous gray-green, 15–30 cm (5.9–11.8 in) long and stout, 2 mm (0.079 in) thick.

The outstanding characteristic of this tree is the large, spiny cones which are 20–40 cm (7.9–15.7 in) long (occasionally as much as twenty inches (51 centimeters) length has been observed),[3] 23 centimeters (nine inches) in width,[4] and weigh 2–5 kg (4.4–11.0 lb) when fresh. Each segment, or "scale", of the cone is tipped with a talon-like hook. Coulter pines produce the largest cones of any pine tree species and people are advised to wear hardhats when working in Coulter pine groves, although the slender cones of the sugar pine are longer. The large size of the cones, combined with the claw-like scales, has earned them the nickname "widowmakers" among locals.


The Coulter pine is closely related to the foothill pine, Pinus sabiniana. It is more distantly related to Jeffrey pine with which it shares habitats, and the ponderosa pine.[5] Coulter pines tend to grow in drier environments than ponderosa and Jeffery pines.

This erect, medium-sized pine prefers south-facing slopes between 200–2,300 m (660–7,550 ft) elevation, and tolerates dry rocky soil. Pinus coulteri most often appears in mixed forests. The Coulter pine occurs in a number of forest plant associations; for example, At higher elevations forestation of the San Jacinto Mountains Coulter Pine is co-dominant with the California black oak.[6] Woodpeckers often forage on the species, and peel the bark to access insects underneath.[7]


Wildlife, especially squirrels, gather the large seeds. They were also once eaten by Native Americans.[8]

The wood is weak and soft, so that the species is little used other than for firewood.

Pinus coulteri is cultivated as an ornamental tree, planted in parks and large gardens, and drought tolerant landscaping. The Coulter pine has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[9]



  1. ^ Farjon 2013.
  2. ^ Earle 2018.
  3. ^ Lanner, Ronald M. (1999). Conifers of California. Los Olivos, California: Cachuma Press. pp. 73–74.
  4. ^ Gardener's Chronicle Volume 23 (third series)(March 28, 1885) Page 415
  5. ^ Cope 1993.
  6. ^ Hogan 2008.
  7. ^ NWF Field Guide.
  8. ^ Whitney, Stephen (1985). Western Forests (The Audubon Society Nature Guides). New York: Knopf. p. 410. ISBN 0-394-73127-1.
  9. ^ RHS Gardening.
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Coulter pine: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

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The Coulter pine or big-cone pine, Pinus coulteri, is a native of the coastal mountains of Southern California in the United States and northern Baja California in Mexico. Isolated groves are found as far north as Clearlake, California on the flanks of Mt. Konocti and Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve. It is named after Thomas Coulter, an Irish botanist and physician. The Coulter pine produces the heaviest cone of any pine tree, up to 5 kg (11 lb) and among conifers is exceeded only by the cones of Araucaria bidwillii.

Although it has a limited range in the wild, the Coulter pine is a popular ornamental tree and is grown in many countries.

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Pinus coulteri ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Pinus coulteri, el pino de Coulter,[2]​ es una especie arbórea de la familia de las Pináceas.

Vista del árbol


El tamaño va desde 10-24 m de alto,[3]​ y un diámetro en el tronco de hasta 1 m. El tronco es vertical y las ramas horizontales y curvadas hacia el arriba. Las hojas son aciculares, en racimos de tres, color verde grisáceo glauco, 15-30 cm de largo y rígidas, 2 mm de grueso. La característica sobresaliente de este árbol son los estróbilos espinosos que tienen 20-40 cm de largo, y un peso de 2-5 kg cuando es fresco. Los pinos de Coulter producen los conos más altos de ninguna especie de pino (se aconseja a la gente que lleve sombreros duros cuando trabajen en bosquecillos de pino de Coulter), aunque los troncos delgados del pino de azúcar son más largos. El gran tamaño de los conos les ha valido el apodo en inglés de "widowmakers" ("hacedor de viudas") entre los locales. La madera es blanda y suave, de manera que la especie se usa para poco más que leña de fuego. Ocasionalmente se planta como un árbol ornamental en parques y grandes jardines.

Distribución y hábitat

Es una especie originaria de las montañas litorales del sur de California (Estados Unidos) y el norte de Baja California (México). Bosquecillos aislados se encuentran muy al norte llegando al área de la bahía de San Francisco en el Parque estatal de Monte Diablo y la Reserva Regional Minas Diamante Negro.


Este pino erecto, de medio tamaño, prefiere las laderas que están orientadas al sur entre 200-2300 m de altitud, y tolera suelo rocoso seco. El pino de Coulter a menudo aparece en bosques mixtos. Aparece en una serie de formaciones forestales; por ejemplo, en mayores alturas de montes San Jacinto el pino de Coulter es dominante junto con el Quercus kelloggii.[4]​ Las pícidas a menudo buscan alimento en esta especie, y pelan la corteza para acceder a los insectos que están debajo.[5]


Pinus coulteri fue descrita por David Don y publicado en Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 17: 440. 1836.[6]


Pinus: nombre genérico dado en latín al pino.[7]

coulteri: epíteto otorgado en honor de Thomas Coulter, un botánico y físico irlandés.

  • Pinus coulteri var. diabloensis Lemmon
  • Pinus macrocarpa Lindl.
  • Pinus ponderosa subsp. coulteri (D.Don) A.E.Murray[8][9]


  1. Conifer Specialist Group (1998). «Pinus coulteri». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2006 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 12 de mayo de 2006.
  2. Nombre vulgar preferido en castellano, en Árboles: guía de campo; Johnson, Owen y More, David; traductor: Pijoan Rotger, Manuel, ed. Omega, 2006. ISBN 978-84-282-1400-1 Versión en español de la Collins Tree Guide.
  3. Gymnosperm Database, 2008
  4. C. Michael Hogan, 2008
  5. Moore, Gerry; Kershner, Bruce; Craig Tufts; Daniel Mathews; Gil Nelson; Spellenberg, Richard; Thieret, John W.; Terry Purinton; Block, Andrew (2008). National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America. Nueva York: Sterling. p. 86. ISBN 1-4027-3875-7.
  6. «Pinus coulteri». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 8 de abril de 2013.
  7. En Nombres Botánicos
  8. «Pinus coulteri». World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 8 de abril de 2013.
  9. Pinus coulteri en PlantList


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Pinus coulteri: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Pinus coulteri, el pino de Coulter,​ es una especie arbórea de la familia de las Pináceas.

 src= Vista del árbol
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Coulteri mänd ( Estonyaca )

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Coulteri mänd (Pinus coulteri) on männiliste sugukonda männi perekonda kuuluv okaspuu.

Puu on nimetatud iiri botaaniku ja arsti Thomas Coulteri (1793–1843) järgi, kes oma 1834 lõppenud ekspeditsioonil uuris Mehhikot, sealhulgas tollase Mehhiko põhjaosa, mis tänapäeval USA-le kuulub.



Coulteri mänd on suhteliselt lühiealine okaspuu, puude vanus küündib sageli vaid 100 aastani[3][4]. Puu kasvab kuni 25 m kõrguseks, tüve läbimõõt on kuni 1,0 m[4]. Võra on püramiidja, sageli ebakorrapärase kujuga[4]. Oksad on rõhtsad või tõusvad. Koor on tumehallikaspruun, sügavate lõhedega, plaatjas, kestendav[4].

Pungad on munaja kujuga, punakaspruunid, 1,5 (−3) cm pikkused. Võrsed on tihti jämedad, violetjaspruunikad, sageli vahased, vananedes muutuvad hallikaspruuniks. Okkad on kolmekaupa kimbus, 15–30 cm pikkused, sirged või veidi kõverad, terava tipuga, keerdunud, tolmhallikasrohelised ja püsivad võrsetel 3–4 aastat.[4]

Isasõisikud on munaja kuni silinderja kujuga, kuni 25 mm pikkused, õitsemise alguses helepurpurjaspruunid, hiljem oranžikaspruunid. Käbid on massiivsed ja kõige raskemad männiliste sugukonnas, mass võib vahetult enne valmimist küündida kuni 2,3 kg[5], 20–35 cm pikkused, munajas-silinderja kujuga, vaiguste kattesoomustega. Suhkrumänni käbid võivad olla pikemad, aga nad ei ole nii rasked. Coulteri männikutes töötavatel inimestel soovitatakse kanda kiivrit. Seemned on söödavad, nende kestad on tumepruunid, 15–22 mm pikkused, varustatud kuni 25 mm pikkuse tiivakesega.[4] 1000 seemne mass on 278–400 g[6].

Levila ja ökoloogia

Coulteri männi levila asub Californias, nii selle USA- kui Mehhiko-osas, kus ta kasvab mägedes 300–2100 m kõrgusel üle merepinna. Levilas valitseb soe vahemereline kliima, suved on seal väga soojad ja kuivad, talved pehmed ja väheste äikesetormidega.[3] Aasta keskmine sademete hulk on 250...450 mm. Kuivaperiood võib järjest kesta kuni 8 kuud. Aasta keskmine õhutemperatuur on 8...11 °C. Suve soojemate kuude keskmine maksimaalne õhutemperatuur tõuseb kuni +19...+39 °C, talve külmematel kuudel aga langeb keskmine miinimumtemperatuur kuni −1...–10 °C.[6] Coulteri mänd talub talvel külma kuni −7...–12 °C.[7]

Kasvukohtadeks on tavaliselt lõunasuunalised (Mehhikos pigem põhjasuunalised) järsud mäenõlvad ja seljandikud. Mullad on lasevad tavaliselt väga hästi vett läbi, veega küllastunud muldadel kasvab ta halvasti.[3]

Metsad on tihti ühevanused, mis viitab esinenud metsapõlengutele. Täiskasvanud puud varju ei talu, nooremad võivad kasvada ka poolvarjus. Coulteri mänd moodustab harva puhaspuistuid ja kasvab enamasti segametsades koos järgmiste puuliikidega:[3]


Coulteri männi pooleks lõigatud käbi ja fossiilne männikäbi
Coulteri männi seemned

Coulteri mänd on ühekojaline okaspuu ja paljuneb seemnete abil. Puud hakkavad viljuma 10–15 aasta vanuselt. Looduslikus levilas toimub tolmlemine mais-juunis. Noored puud kannavad raskeid käbisid tüvel, vanemad tugevatel okstel. Coulteri männil esineb nii tavalisi kui ka vaiguga suletud käbisid. Käbid valmivad augustis-septembris, tolmlemisele järgneval aastal. Tavalised käbid avanevad oktoobris-novembris, vahepealsete tunnustega käbid mõned aastad peale valmimist ning vaiguga suletud käbid avanevad kõrgemate õhutemperatuuride kaasabil (näiteks metsapõlengute ajal). Seemnete levik on nende suurema massi tõttu raskendatud. Head seemneaastad korduvad 3–6 aasta järel. Seemned lähevad kõige paremini idanema poolvarjus asuvatel paljastel mineraalmuldadel. Juurdunud seemikud kasvavad esimesel paarikümnel eluaastal küllalt kiiresti. Viimaste aastakümnete jooksul on Coulteri männi levila järk-järgult vähenenud, seda eelkõige inimeste tõttu, kes on metsapõlengute levikut oluliselt piiranud.[3]


Valgepea-rähnid toituvad Coulteri männikutes.

Coulteri männi puit on kerge ja pehme. Seetõttu kasutatakse seda vähesel määral vaid küttepuuna ja ebakvaliteetsete puittoodete valmistamisel. Puid kasvatatakse mõnel määral ilupuuna. Suuri ja raskeid käbisid kollektsioneerivad inimesed, seemned olid toiduks indiaanlastele. Lindudest on seemned oluliseks toiduks isastele valgepea-rähnidele (Picoides albolarvatus), emased toituvad aga vanadel mändidel olevatest kahjurputukatest. Oravaliik Sciurus griseus toitub samuti meelsasti suurtest ja toitvatest seemnetest.[3]


  1. "Conifer database: "Pinus coulteri". Catalogue of Life: 2010 Annual Checklist. Vaadatud 23.08.2010. Inglise.
  2. Farjon, A. (2011). Pinus coulteri. IUCNi punase nimistu ohustatud liigid. IUCN 2013.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 "Pinus coulteri". www.fs.fed.us. Vaadatud 23.08.2010. Inglise.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 "Pinus coulteri". www.conifers.org. Vaadatud 23.08.2010. Inglise.
  5. "Trees of the Pacific and Northwest". www.gardening-for-wildlife.com. Vaadatud 23.08.2010. Inglise.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Compiled from the Forestry Compendium, CAB International. "Pines of Silvicultural Importance", CABI Publishing, 2002. ISBN 085199539X.
  7. Francine J. Bigras ja Stephen J. Colombo. "Conifer Cold Hardiness", Holland: Kluwer Academic Pulishers, 2001. ISBN 0-7923-6636-0.
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Coulteri mänd: Brief Summary ( Estonyaca )

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Coulteri mänd (Pinus coulteri) on männiliste sugukonda männi perekonda kuuluv okaspuu.

Puu on nimetatud iiri botaaniku ja arsti Thomas Coulteri (1793–1843) järgi, kes oma 1834 lõppenud ekspeditsioonil uuris Mehhikot, sealhulgas tollase Mehhiko põhjaosa, mis tänapäeval USA-le kuulub.

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Pin à gros cônes ( Fransızca )

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Pinus coulteri

Le pin à gros cônes (Pinus coulteri) dit aussi pin de Coulter, pin faiseur de veuves, pin des veuves est un arbre appartenant à la famille des Pinacées et au genre Pinus. Il est originaire du sud de la Californie (États-Unis), et du nord de la Basse-Californie (Mexique). Il est nommé ainsi en hommage à Thomas Coulter, un botaniste et physicien irlandais (1793-1843). C'est l'espèce de pin qui possède les cônes les plus lourds.


C'est un arbre à feuilles persistantes qui peut atteindre une hauteur de 25 m, et 1 m de diamètre. Il vit sur les versants secs et rocheux des montagnes. Il a un port largement étalé, mais plutôt conique chez les jeunes sujets. Ses branches sont souvent ascendantes. Ses rameaux brun-violet sont robustes. Leur couleur s'éclaircit avec l'âge.

Son écorce épaisse est pourpre-brun, écaillée, aux fissures profondes. Ses feuilles sont en forme d'aiguilles raides, très légèrement incurvées, longues de 15 à 30 cm. Elles sont de couleur verte à vert-gris, par faisceau de trois, mais parfois 4 ou 5, avec des stomates sur toutes les faces. Elles persistent 3 à 4 ans.

Les fleurs mâles sont pourpres, mais jaunes en s'ouvrant, les femelles sont rouges. Les cônes sont ovoïdes et très volumineux. Ils font jusqu'à 35 cm de long et 10 cm de large, et peuvent peser jusqu'à 2,5 kg. Ils mûrissent en 2 ans, mais ne s'ouvrent qu'un peu plus tard. Leurs écailles possèdent de robustes épines crochues pointant vers l'apex. Les graines, brun-foncé et comestibles, font de 1,5 à 2 cm, et possèdent une aile qui fait jusqu'à 2,5 cm de long.

L'espèce est proche de Pinus sabiniana dont les cônes sont plus petits.

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Pin à gros cônes: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Pinus coulteri

Le pin à gros cônes (Pinus coulteri) dit aussi pin de Coulter, pin faiseur de veuves, pin des veuves est un arbre appartenant à la famille des Pinacées et au genre Pinus. Il est originaire du sud de la Californie (États-Unis), et du nord de la Basse-Californie (Mexique). Il est nommé ainsi en hommage à Thomas Coulter, un botaniste et physicien irlandais (1793-1843). C'est l'espèce de pin qui possède les cônes les plus lourds.

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Pinus coulteri ( İzlandaca )

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Pinus coulteri er meðalstór fura sem ættuð er frá strandfjöllum Suður-Kaliforníu og norður Baja California (Mexíkó). Stakir lundir hafa fundist norður til San Francisco Bay svæðisins í Mt. Diablo State Park og Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve. Tegundin er nefnd eftir Thomas Coulter, írskum grasafræðingi og lækni.

Hún er með þyngstu köngla nokkurrar furu. Þrátt fyrir takmarkaða náttúrulega útbreiðslu er hún vinsælt skrauttré.

Hawk Flying by Pine Tree.jpg


Pinus coulteri er frá 10 til 25 m há með stofnþvermál að 1m. Bolurinn er beinn og greinarnar láréttar til lítið eitt uppsveigðar. Barrnálarnar eru þrjár saman í búnti, blá-grágrænar, 15 til 30 sm langar og gildar: 2 mm þykkar.


Afgerandi einkenni þessarar tegundar eru stórir könglarnir með göddum sem eru 20 til 40 sm langir, og 2 til 5 kg nýþroskaðir. Hún myndar stærstu köngla nokkurrar furu (fólk sem er að vinna í kring um eða við furuna þarf helst að vera með öryggishjálma), þó að grannir könglar sykurfuru séu lengri.


Pinus coulteri er náskyld Pinus sabiniana. Hún er fjarskyldari freysfuru (Pinus sabiniana) sem hún deilir búsvæði með, og gulfuru (P. ponderosa). Pinus coulteri vex í þurrara umhverfi en freysfura og gulfura.

Hún vex í suðurhliðum í 200 til 2300m hæð, og þolir þurran og grýttan jarðveg. Pinus coulteri er oftast í blandskógum. Hærra til fjalla í San Jacinto Mountains vex hún með Quercus kelloggii. Spætur leita oft að skordýrum undir berkinum á tegundinni.


Viðurinn er mjúkur og lélegur, svo tegundin er lítið notuð í annað en eldivið.

Pinus coulteri er ræktuð sem skrauttré, í almennings og einkagarða og yndisskógrækt þar sem þurrkþols er þörf.




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Pinus coulteri: Brief Summary ( İzlandaca )

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Pinus coulteri er meðalstór fura sem ættuð er frá strandfjöllum Suður-Kaliforníu og norður Baja California (Mexíkó). Stakir lundir hafa fundist norður til San Francisco Bay svæðisins í Mt. Diablo State Park og Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve. Tegundin er nefnd eftir Thomas Coulter, írskum grasafræðingi og lækni.

Hún er með þyngstu köngla nokkurrar furu. Þrátt fyrir takmarkaða náttúrulega útbreiðslu er hún vinsælt skrauttré.

Hawk Flying by Pine Tree.jpg
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Pinus coulteri ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il pino di Coulter (Pinus coulteri D.Don, 1837) è una conifera appartenente alla famiglia Pinaceae, diffusa nel Nordamerica.[2]


  1. ^ (EN) Farjon, A., 2013, Pinus coulteri, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Pinus coulteri, su The Plant List. URL consultato il 27 agosto 2013.


  • Burns, R. M. and Honkala, B. H., Silvics of North America, Washington, DC, USDA, Forest Service, 1990.
  • Farjon, A., A Handbook of the World's Conifers, Leida, Koninklijke Brill, 2010.
  • Lanner, R. M., Conifers of California, Los Olivos, California, Cachuma Press, 1999.

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Pinus coulteri: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il pino di Coulter (Pinus coulteri D.Don, 1837) è una conifera appartenente alla famiglia Pinaceae, diffusa nel Nordamerica.

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Skarotoji pušis ( Litvanca )

wikipedia LT tarafından sağlandı
Binomas Pinus coulteri

Skarotoji pušis (lot. Pinus coulteri) – pušinių šeimai (Pinaceae) priklausanti spygliuočių medžių rūšis. Paplitusi Šiaurės Amerikos vakaruose: Kalifornijoje (JAV) ir Žemutinėje Kalifornijoje (Meksika).

Aukštis iki 24 m, kamieno skersmuo – iki 1 m. Laja plati, netaisyklinga. Žievė tamsiai pilka, ruda ar beveik juoda, giliai sueižėjusi, su netaisyklingais rumbais. Spygliai 15-30 cm ilgio, 2 mm storio, susitelkę po 3. Kankorėžiai cilindriški arba kiaušiniški 20-35 cm ilgio, su 3 cm ilgio žvyneliais, sunkiausi iš visų pušų. Sėklos 15-22 mm ilgio, su 25 mm ilgio skristuku[1].

Mediena minkšta, trapi, todėl naudojama nebent malkoms. Auga 200–2300 m aukštyje, sausose, uolingose dirvose.



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Skarotoji pušis: Brief Summary ( Litvanca )

wikipedia LT tarafından sağlandı

Skarotoji pušis (lot. Pinus coulteri) – pušinių šeimai (Pinaceae) priklausanti spygliuočių medžių rūšis. Paplitusi Šiaurės Amerikos vakaruose: Kalifornijoje (JAV) ir Žemutinėje Kalifornijoje (Meksika).

Aukštis iki 24 m, kamieno skersmuo – iki 1 m. Laja plati, netaisyklinga. Žievė tamsiai pilka, ruda ar beveik juoda, giliai sueižėjusi, su netaisyklingais rumbais. Spygliai 15-30 cm ilgio, 2 mm storio, susitelkę po 3. Kankorėžiai cilindriški arba kiaušiniški 20-35 cm ilgio, su 3 cm ilgio žvyneliais, sunkiausi iš visų pušų. Sėklos 15-22 mm ilgio, su 25 mm ilgio skristuku.

Mediena minkšta, trapi, todėl naudojama nebent malkoms. Auga 200–2300 m aukštyje, sausose, uolingose dirvose.


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Sosna Coultera ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı
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Sosna Coultera (Pinus coulteri D. Don) – gatunek drzewa iglastego z rodziny sosnowatych (Pinaceae Lindl.). Sosna Coultera występuje naturalnie na półkuli północnej, w Meksyku (Kalifornia Dolna) i USA (Kalifornia).

Łacińska nazwa gatunku pochodzi od Thomasa Coultera, irlandzkiego botanika i lekarza.


Korona drzewa rozpostarta, nieregularna.
Osiąga do 24 m wysokości i 1 m średnicy, prosty lub pokrzywiony. Kora szaro-brązowa do prawie czarnej, głęboko spękana.
Igły zebrane po 3 na krótkopędach, długości 15–30 cm i średnicy 2 mm. Lekko rozpostarte, nie opadające, proste lub delikatnie skrzywione, skręcone.
Szyszki męskie jajowate do cylindrycznych, o długości do 2,5 cm, pomarańczowo-brązowe. Szyszki żeńskie masywne i ciężkie, wąsko jajowate przed otwarciem, jajowato-cylindryczne po otwarciu. Dojrzałe osiągają długość 20–35 cm, są żywiczne, blado żółto-brązowe. Nasiona o długości 15–22 mm, ciemnobrązowe, opatrzone skrzydełkiem długości 25 mm.

Biologia i ekologia

Igły opadają po 3–4 latach. Szyszki nasienne dojrzewają w ciągu 2 lat.

Występuje na suchych, skalistych zboczach, płaszczyznach i graniach. Preferuje południowe stoki na wysokości 200–2300 m n.p.m. Najczęściej występuje w lasach mieszanych, współtworzy wiele zespołów roślinności leśnej. Na wyższych położeniach leśnych w górach San Jacinto Mountains tworzy razem z dębem Quercus kelloggii lasy dębowo-sosnowe.

Sosna Coultera jest przystosowana do pożarów lasu i częściowo zależna od ich występowania[2].

Systematyka i zmienność

Pozycja gatunku w obrębie rodzaju Pinus[3]:

  • podrodzaj Pinus
    • sekcja Trifoliae
      • podsekcja Ponderosae
        • gatunek P. coulteri


Roślina umieszczona w Czerwonej księdze gatunków zagrożonych, początkowo w grupie gatunków najmniejszej troski z kategorią zagrożenia LC (lest concern)[4]. Przy kolejnej ocenie stopnia zagrożenia gatunek został sklasyfikowany do wyższej kategorii NT (near threatened)[2]. Zasięg sosny Coultera jest niewielki (816 km²) a populacje bardzo rozczłonkowane. W połączeniu z rosnącą dominacją na tym obszarze gatunków drzew mniej odpornych na pożary lasu, może to prowadzić do zmniejszania liczebności populacji i zwiększania stopnia zagrożenia tego gatunku.


  1. P. F. Stevens: PINACEAE. W: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website [on-line]. 2001–.
  2. a b c A. Farjon: Pinus coulteri (ang.). W: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 [on-line]. [dostęp 2013-08-10].
  3. Christopher J. Earle: Pinus (ang.). W: Gymnosperm Database [on-line]. [dostęp 2010-03-20].
  4. Conifer Specialist Group (1998): Pinus coulteri (ang.). W: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.1 [on-line]. [dostęp 2010-03-20].


  1. R. Kral. Pinus. „Flora of North America North of Mexico”. Vol. 2, 1993. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (red.). Oxford University Press (ang.). [dostęp 2010-03-20].
  2. Christopher J. Earle: Pinus coulteri (ang.). W: Gymnosperm Database [on-line]. [dostęp 2010-03-20].
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Sosna Coultera: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı

Sosna Coultera (Pinus coulteri D. Don) – gatunek drzewa iglastego z rodziny sosnowatych (Pinaceae Lindl.). Sosna Coultera występuje naturalnie na półkuli północnej, w Meksyku (Kalifornia Dolna) i USA (Kalifornia).

Łacińska nazwa gatunku pochodzi od Thomasa Coultera, irlandzkiego botanika i lekarza.

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Pinus coulteri ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı
Pinus coulteri - MHNT
Pinus coulteri - MHNT

Pinus coulteri é uma espécie de pinheiro originária do Novo Mundo. Faz parte do grupo de espécies de pinheiros com área de distribuição no Canadá e Estados Unidos (com excepção das àreas adjacentes à fronteira com o México).[1]

Ver também


  1. «Pinus coulteri» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov)

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Pinus coulteri: Brief Summary ( Portekizce )

wikipedia PT tarafından sağlandı
 src= Pinus coulteri - MHNT  src= Pinus coulteri - MHNT

Pinus coulteri é uma espécie de pinheiro originária do Novo Mundo. Faz parte do grupo de espécies de pinheiros com área de distribuição no Canadá e Estados Unidos (com excepção das àreas adjacentes à fronteira com o México).

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Pinus coulteri ( Ukraynaca )

wikipedia UK tarafından sağlandı

Поширення, екологія

Країни поширення: Мексика (Нижня Каліфорнія); США (Каліфорнія). Його діапазон висот від 300 м до 2100 м над рівнем моря. Найбільш часто зустрічається на сухих, кам'янистих схилах і гірських хребтах. Клімат середземноморського типу з зимовими дощами і довгим, жарким, сухим літом.


Росте до 24 м; стовбур до 1 м діаметром, від прямого до спотвореного, крони широкі, тонкі, неправильної форми. Кора від темно-сіро-коричневого до майже чорного кольору, глибоко борозенчаста. Гілки фіолетово-коричневого, часто сизого кольору, при старінні сіро-коричневі, грубі. Бруньки яйцеподібні, темно-червоний-коричневі, 1,5 (-3) см, смолисті. Голки ростуть по 3 в пучку, зберігаються 3-4 роки, розміром 15-30 см х бл. 2 мм, злегка зігнуті або прямі, сіро-зелені. Пилкові шишки яйцеподібні, до циліндричних, до 25 мм довжиною, світло-фіолетово-коричневі, при старості оранжево-коричневі. Насіннєві шишки масивні, важкі, висячі, асиметричні біля основи, вузько яйцеподібні перед відкриттям, овально-циліндричні, коли відкриті, довжиною 20-35 см, блідо-жовто-коричневі, на смолистих стеблах, до 3 см. Насіння оберненояйцеподібні; тіло довжиною 15-22 мм, темно-коричневе; крила довжиною 25 мм. 2n = 24.

Найбільше дерево: діаметр 123 см, висота 43 м, крона поширюється на 22 м., знаходиться біля поселення Джуліан, Каліфорнія, США.


Не має особливої комерційної цінності як деревина, а насіння, хоча їстівне, не збирають для вживання. Вид досить часто представлений в парках і дендраріях на півдні Європи і м'яких частин Британських островів, і ця сосна була також введена як побутове дерево в Австралії та Новій Зеландії. У Каліфорнії також садять в парках і великих садах, часто в невеликих групах.

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Вид присутній в кількох охоронних територіях.



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Pinus coulteri ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Pinus coulteri là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Thông. Loài này được D.Don miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1837.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Pinus coulteri. Truy cập ngày 9 tháng 8 năm 2013.

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Pinus coulteri: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Pinus coulteri là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Thông. Loài này được D.Don miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1837.

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Сосна Культера ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Хвойные
Класс: Хвойные
Порядок: Сосновые
Семейство: Сосновые
Род: Сосна
Вид: Сосна Культера
Международное научное название

Pinus coulteri D.Don, 1836



Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 183333NCBI 3351EOL 1010952IPNI 196961-2TPL kew-2561977

Сосна́ Ку́льтера (лат. Pínus coúlteri) — дерево; вид рода Сосна семейства Сосновые.

Видовой эпитет — по имени ирландского натуралиста Томаса Культера, исследователя флоры южной части Северной Америки.

Распространение и среда обитания

В естественных условиях растёт в Северной Америке — на юге Калифорнии (США) и в северной части Нижней Калифорнии (Мексика).

Ботаническое описание

Дерево с кустистой кроной, вырастает до 30 м высотой.

Хвоя голубовато-зелёная, хвоинки до 30 см длиной, в пучках по три штуки.

Конические шишки нередко достигают длины 25—37 см, веса до 5 кг, что делает их самыми тяжёлыми среди всех видов сосен.

  •  src=
  •  src=
    Мужская шишка
  •  src=
  •  src=


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Сосна Культера: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Сосна́ Ку́льтера (лат. Pínus coúlteri) — дерево; вид рода Сосна семейства Сосновые.

Видовой эпитет — по имени ирландского натуралиста Томаса Культера, исследователя флоры южной части Северной Америки.

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大果松 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Pinus coulteri
D. Don 自然分布

大果松學名Pinus coulteri),或按英譯考爾泰松Coulter pine),是松屬下的一種喬木,原產於南加利福尼亞加利福尼亞半島。“Coulter pine”一名是用來紀念愛爾蘭植物學家托馬斯·考爾泰


大果松是一種耐旱的中型常綠喬木,生長在海拔200~2,300米(660~7,550英尺)的地區。樹高在10~24米(33~79英尺)之間,樹幹直徑可達1米(3英尺3英寸)。松針呈灰綠色,長度為15~30厘米(5.9~11.8英寸)。其松果碩大,長約20~40厘米(7.9~15.7英寸)。[2] 大果松和其他的植物一起構成森林,[3] 常有啄木鳥生活在大果松的附近,以其樹幹中的蟲子為食。[4]


大果松是一種常見的園藝植物,曾獲皇家園藝學會的“Award of Garden Merit”。[5]


  1. ^ Farjon, A. Pinus coulteri. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 3.1. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2011 [2013-11-10].
  2. ^ Gymnosperm Database, 2008
  3. ^ C. Michael Hogan, 2008
  4. ^ Moore, Gerry; Kershner, Bruce; Craig Tufts; Daniel Mathews; Gil Nelson; Spellenberg, Richard; Thieret, John W.; Terry Purinton; Block, Andrew. National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America. New York: Sterling. 2008: 86. ISBN 1-4027-3875-7.
  5. ^ RHS Plant Selector Pinus coulteri AGM / RHS Gardening. Apps.rhs.org.uk. [2013-09-27].



 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:Pinus coulteri
(Coulter pine)
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大果松: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

大果松(學名:Pinus coulteri),或按英譯考爾泰松(Coulter pine),是松屬下的一種喬木,原產於南加利福尼亞加利福尼亞半島。“Coulter pine”一名是用來紀念愛爾蘭植物學家托馬斯·考爾泰

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