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Monobia quadridens (Four Toothed Mason Wasp) is a species of Hymenoptera in the family Eumenidae. They visit flowers of Clustered Mountain-Mint, lateflowering thoroughwort, devil's darning needles, and rocky mountain sumac. They are . Individuals can grow to 20 mm.

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EOL has data for 13 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Four-toothed Mason Wasp. View this species on GBIF
Four-toothed Mason WaspHornetwild hydrangeaOrpineSwamp Smartweedgiant goldenrodcoastal sweetpepperbushnarrowleaf mountainmintwild garlicFour-banded Stink Bug WaspEastern Red-tailed Spider Waspgolden mydas flyCommon buckeyeNoble Scoliid WaspHump-backed BeewolfElegant Tarantula-hawk WaspBrotherly Potter WaspSmiling Mason WaspGreat Black Wasp

Trophic Web

data from GloBI