Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Macromitrium trinitense R. S. Williams,
Bryologist 24: 65. 1922.
Secondary stems curved, 1-3 cm. high, brown below, yellow-green above; leaves contorted to suhrrtsned when drv. 5-7 mm. long, narrowly lanceolate, serrulate half their length or more. the slender, flexuous points often twisted when dry, the margins plane above and often undulate; costa rarely excurrent, the very narrow lamina usually extending to the apex; leaf -cells elongate, mostly unipapillate on both sides from near the apex to the base, the median cells variable with prominent papillae and broad lumen or in older leaves with more indistinct papillae and narrower lumen; cell walls unequally thickened, the lumen more or less flexuous; outer perichaetial leaves similar, the inner 2 or 3 H~K as l° n £> more or less oblong, abruptly narrowed and irregularly serrate above to a short, nearly entire point; evidently dioicous; seta smooth, 6-8 mm. long; capsules smooth, globose-pyriform, when dry tapering to a somewhat ribbed neck, the urn about 1 mm. long; calyptra not hairy but somewhat scabrous above, deeply laciniate; operculum slenderly rostrate, about 1 mm. long; peristomes seen imperfect, evidently double; spores slightly roughened, 22-25 ft in diameter.
Type locality: On tree trunks, El Valle to San Juan, Trinidad (/. R. Johnson 163).
Distribution: Trinidad (Criiger in herb. Mitten at the N. Y. Bot. Gard.) ; near Kaietur Falls, British Guiana {Miss S. F. Noel).
- bibliographic citation
- North American flora. vol 15A (1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY