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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Acanthus Family
Seed Plants
Acanthus Family
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Odontonema paniculatum
(Nees) Lindau
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records Germany
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Brazil Species List
, and
South Atlantic Species List
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
(Nees) Radlk.
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records Germany
Schaueria paniculata
Species recognized by
Brazil Species List
Eranthemum riedelianum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Eranthemum riedelianum
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
iNaturalist data coverage
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
Recognized by
TRY database summary
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
Species recognized by
Flora do Brasil
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Schaueria paniculata
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Siphoneranthemum riedelianum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Alternative Names
Eranthemum riedelianum Nees
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Odontonema paniculatum (Nees) Lindau
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Schaueria paniculata Nees
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Siphoneranthemum riedelianum (Nees) Kuntze
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Eranthemum riedelianum Nees
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Eranthemum riedelianum Nees
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Odontonema paniculatum (Nees) Lindau
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Odontonema paniculatum (Nees) Lindau
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum (Nees) V. M. Baum
Ambiguous synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Schaueria paniculata Nees
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Schaueria paniculata Nees
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Siphoneranthemum riedelianum (Nees) Kuntze
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Siphoneranthemum riedelianum (Nees) Kuntze
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
(this page)
Pseuderanthemum acuminatissimum (Miq.) Benoist
Pseuderanthemum alatum (Nees) Radlkofer
Pseuderanthemum angustifolium Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum aubertii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum bibracteatum Fosberg
Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Sims) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum breviflos (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum campylosiphon Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum candidum (Ridl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard
Pseuderanthemum comptonii S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confertum S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confusum Merrill
Pseuderanthemum congestum (S. Moore) Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum couderci Benoist
Pseuderanthemum crenulatum (Lindl.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum curtatum (C. B. Cl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill
Pseuderanthemum depauperatum Merrill
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum (Nees ex Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum diantherum (Roxb.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum dispermum Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum eberhardtii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill
Pseuderanthemum exaequatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum (Oerst.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum floribundum T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum fruticosum (Elmer) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum glomeratum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum haikangense C. Y. Wu & H. S. Lo
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum hispidulum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hookerianum (Nees) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum hooveri D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum incisum Benoist
Pseuderanthemum inclusum Hosokawa
Pseuderanthemum interruptum (Kunth) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum katangense Champl.
Pseuderanthemum kingii (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pav.) D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum lanceophyllum Choopan
Pseuderanthemum lanceum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum (A. Gray) Hubbard ex L. H. Bailey
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptanthum (C. B. Cl.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptostachys Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lilacinum Stapf
Pseuderanthemum longifolium (Seem.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum longistylum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum (Büttn.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macgregorii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macrophyllum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum maculatum (Lodd.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum maguirei Leonard
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble
Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum modestum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandi Lindau
Pseuderanthemum orientalis D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum (BI.) Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum parishii (C. B. Cl.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum pittieri Leonard
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum (C. B. Cl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum praecox (Benth.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum pseudovelutinum Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum pubescens Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum reticulatum (Hort. ex Hook. fil.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum selangorense (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum shweliense (W. W. Sm.) C. Y. Wu & C. C. Hu
Pseuderanthemum siamense Imlay
Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard
Pseuderanthemum sorongense Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum standleyi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum (Leonard) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum subauriculatum Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum sumatrense (Ridl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum sylvestre Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum teysmannii (Anders.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum thailandicum Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum tomentellum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum tonkinense Benoist
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afzel.) Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum verapazense Donn. Smith
Pseuderanthemum verbenaceum (Nees & Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum viriduliflorum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri Mildbr.
26 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Lamiales Bromhead
Acanthaceae Juss.
Acanthoideae Eaton
Pseuderanthemum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
(this page)
Pseuderanthemum acuminatissimum (Miq.) Benoist
Pseuderanthemum alatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum angustifolium Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum armitii S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum aubertii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum bibracteatum Fosberg
Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Sims) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum bracteatum J. B. Imlay
Pseuderanthemum bradtkei S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum breviflos (C. B. Clarke) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum candidum (Ridl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii (Seem.) Guill.
Pseuderanthemum caudifolium (C. B. Clarke) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Leonard
Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard
Pseuderanthemum comptonii S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confertum S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confusum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum congestum (S. Moore) Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum coudercii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum crenulatum (Lindl.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum curtatum (C. B. Clarke) Merr.
Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill
Pseuderanthemum depauperatum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum (Nees ex Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum diachylum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum diantherum (Roxb.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum dispermum Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum eberhardtii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill
Pseuderanthemum exaequatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum (Oerst.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum floribundum T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum fruticosum (Elmer) Merr.
Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum glomeratum J. B. Imlay
Pseuderanthemum graciliflorum (Nees) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum guerrerense Cruz Durán & S. Valencia
Pseuderanthemum haikangense C. Y. Wu & H. S. Lo
Pseuderanthemum heterophyllum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum hispidulum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hookerianum (Nees) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum huegelii K. Schum.
Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum incisum Benoist
Pseuderanthemum inclusum Hosok.
Pseuderanthemum interruptum (Kunth) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum katangense Champl.
Pseuderanthemum kingii (C. B. Clarke) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum lanceum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum (A. Gray) F. T. Hubb. ex L. H. Bailey
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptanthum (C. B. Clarke) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptostachys Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum liesneri T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum lilacinum Stapf
Pseuderanthemum longifolium (Seem.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum longistylum J. B. Imlay
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum (Büttner) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macgregorii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macrophyllum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum maguirei Leonard
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble
Pseuderanthemum metallicum Hallier
Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum minutiflorum (Elmer) Merr.
Pseuderanthemum modestum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum orientalis Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum (Blume) Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum parishii (C. B. Clarke) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum pelagicum (Seem.) P. S. Green
Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum pittieri Leonard
Pseuderanthemum poilanei Benoist
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum (C. B. Clarke) Merr.
Pseuderanthemum potamophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum praecox (Benth.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum pseudovelutinum Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum pumilum Lindau
Pseuderanthemum repandum (G. Forst.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum reticulatum (Hort. ex Hook. fil.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum selangorense (C. B. Clarke) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum shweliense (W. W. Sm.) C. Y. Wu & C. C. Hu
Pseuderanthemum siamense J. B. Imlay
Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard
Pseuderanthemum sorongense Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum standleyi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum (Leonard) V. M. Baum
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
(this page)
Pseuderanthemum acuminatissimum (Miq.) Benoist
Pseuderanthemum alatum (Nees) Radlkofer
Pseuderanthemum angustifolium Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum aubertii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum bibracteatum Fosberg
Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Sims) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum breviflos (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum campylosiphon Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum candidum (Ridl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard
Pseuderanthemum comptonii S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confertum S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confusum Merrill
Pseuderanthemum congestum (S. Moore) Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum couderci Benoist
Pseuderanthemum crenulatum (Lindl.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum curtatum (C. B. Cl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill
Pseuderanthemum depauperatum Merrill
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum (Nees ex Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum diantherum (Roxb.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum dispermum Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum eberhardtii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill
Pseuderanthemum exaequatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum (Oerst.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum floribundum T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum fruticosum (Elmer) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum glomeratum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum haikangense C. Y. Wu & H. S. Lo
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum hispidulum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hookerianum (Nees) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum hooveri D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum incisum Benoist
Pseuderanthemum inclusum Hosokawa
Pseuderanthemum interruptum (Kunth) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum katangense Champl.
Pseuderanthemum kingii (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pav.) D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum lanceophyllum Choopan
Pseuderanthemum lanceum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum (A. Gray) Hubbard ex L. H. Bailey
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptanthum (C. B. Cl.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptostachys Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lilacinum Stapf
Pseuderanthemum longifolium (Seem.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum longistylum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum (Büttn.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macgregorii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macrophyllum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum maculatum (Lodd.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum maguirei Leonard
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble
Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum modestum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandi Lindau
Pseuderanthemum orientalis D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum (BI.) Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum parishii (C. B. Cl.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum pittieri Leonard
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum (C. B. Cl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum praecox (Benth.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum pseudovelutinum Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum pubescens Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum reticulatum (Hort. ex Hook. fil.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum selangorense (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum shweliense (W. W. Sm.) C. Y. Wu & C. C. Hu
Pseuderanthemum siamense Imlay
Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard
Pseuderanthemum sorongense Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum standleyi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum (Leonard) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum subauriculatum Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum sumatrense (Ridl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum sylvestre Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum teysmannii (Anders.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum thailandicum Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum tomentellum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum tonkinense Benoist
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afzel.) Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum verapazense Donn. Smith
Pseuderanthemum verbenaceum (Nees & Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum viriduliflorum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri Mildbr.
26 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
(this page)
Pseuderanthemum acuminatissimum (Miq.) Benoist
Pseuderanthemum alatum (Nees) Radlkofer
Pseuderanthemum angustifolium Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum aubertii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum bibracteatum Fosberg
Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Sims) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum breviflos (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum campylosiphon Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum candidum (Ridl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard
Pseuderanthemum comptonii S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confertum S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confusum Merrill
Pseuderanthemum congestum (S. Moore) Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum couderci Benoist
Pseuderanthemum crenulatum (Lindl.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum curtatum (C. B. Cl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill
Pseuderanthemum depauperatum Merrill
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum (Nees ex Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum diantherum (Roxb.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum dispermum Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum eberhardtii Benoist
Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill
Pseuderanthemum exaequatum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum (Oerst.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum floribundum T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum fruticosum (Elmer) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum glomeratum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum haikangense C. Y. Wu & H. S. Lo
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum hispidulum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hookerianum (Nees) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum hooveri D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum incisum Benoist
Pseuderanthemum inclusum Hosokawa
Pseuderanthemum interruptum (Kunth) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum katangense Champl.
Pseuderanthemum kingii (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pav.) D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum lanceophyllum Choopan
Pseuderanthemum lanceum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum (A. Gray) Hubbard ex L. H. Bailey
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptanthum (C. B. Cl.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptostachys Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lilacinum Stapf
Pseuderanthemum longifolium (Seem.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum longistylum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum (Büttn.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macgregorii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macrophyllum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum maculatum (Lodd.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum maguirei Leonard
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble
Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum modestum (Nees) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandi Lindau
Pseuderanthemum orientalis D. C. Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum (BI.) Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum parishii (C. B. Cl.) Lindau
Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum pittieri Leonard
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum (C. B. Cl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum praecox (Benth.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum pseudovelutinum Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum pubescens Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum reticulatum (Hort. ex Hook. fil.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum selangorense (C. B. Cl.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum shweliense (W. W. Sm.) C. Y. Wu & C. C. Hu
Pseuderanthemum siamense Imlay
Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard
Pseuderanthemum sorongense Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum standleyi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum (Leonard) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum subauriculatum Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum sumatrense (Ridl.) Merrill
Pseuderanthemum sylvestre Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum teysmannii (Anders.) Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum thailandicum Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum tomentellum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum tonkinense Benoist
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afzel.) Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum verapazense Donn. Smith
Pseuderanthemum verbenaceum (Nees & Mart.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum viriduliflorum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri Mildbr.
26 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Pseuderanthemum Radlk. ex Lindau
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum (Nees) Radlk.
(this page)
Pseuderanthemum candidum Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii (Seem.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum caudifolium Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Leonard
Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard
Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard
Pseuderanthemum comptonii S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confertum S. Moore
Pseuderanthemum confusum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum corcovadense Lindau
Pseuderanthemum couderci Benoist
Pseuderanthemum crenulatum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum curtatum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill
Pseuderanthemum depauperatum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum diachylum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum diantherum (Roxb.) I. M. Turner
Pseuderanthemum dispermum Milne-Redh.
Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill
Pseuderanthemum exaequatum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum (Oerst.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum floribundum T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum fruticosum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum glomeratum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum haikangense C. Y. Wu & H. S. Lo
Pseuderanthemum heterophyllum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum hispidulum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum hookerianum (Nees) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum huegelii K. Schum.
Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum incisum Benoist
Pseuderanthemum inclusum Hosok.
Pseuderanthemum katangense Champl.
Pseuderanthemum kingii Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Wassh.
Pseuderanthemum lanceophyllum Choopan
Pseuderanthemum lanceum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum latifolium (Vahl) B. Hansen
Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum Hubbard ex L. H. Bailey
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis Lindau
Pseuderanthemum leptostachys Leonard
Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum liesneri T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum lilacinum Stapf
Pseuderanthemum longifolium (Seem.) Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum longistylum Imlay
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macgregorii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum macrophyllum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum maguirei Leonard
Pseuderanthemum malabaricum Gamble
Pseuderanthemum melanesicum
Pseuderanthemum metallicum Hallier
Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum minutiflorum Merr.
Pseuderanthemum modestum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandi Lindau
Pseuderanthemum palauense Fosberg & Sachet
Pseuderanthemum parishii Lindau
Pseuderanthemum pelagicum (Seem.) P. S. Green
Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense T. F. Daniel
Pseuderanthemum pittieri Leonard
Pseuderanthemum poilanei Benoist & Benoist
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum (C. B. Clarke) Merr.
Pseuderanthemum potamophilum Leonard
Pseuderanthemum praecox (Benth.) Leonard
Pseuderanthemum pseudovelutinum Guillaumin
Pseuderanthemum pumilum Lindau
Pseuderanthemum reticulatum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum selangorense Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum shweliense (W. W. Sm.) C. Y. Wu & C. C. Hu
Pseuderanthemum siamense Imlay
Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard
Pseuderanthemum sorongense Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum standleyi Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard
Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum (Leonard) V. M. Baum
Pseuderanthemum subauriculatum Mildbr.
Pseuderanthemum subviscosum (C. B. Clarke) Stapf
Pseuderanthemum sumatrense (Ridl.) Merr.
Pseuderanthemum sylvestre Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum tenellum (Benth.) Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum teysmannii Ridl.
Pseuderanthemum thailandicum Choopan & Grote
Pseuderanthemum thelothrix Leonard
Pseuderanthemum tomentellum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum tonkinense Benoist & Benoist
Pseuderanthemum variabile Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum verapazense Donn. Sm.
Pseuderanthemum verbenaceum Radlk.
Pseuderanthemum viriduliflorum Bremek.
Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri Mildbr.
38 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Siphoneranthemum riedelianum
(this page)
Siphoneranthemum alatum
Siphoneranthemum atropurpureum
Siphoneranthemum beyrichii
Siphoneranthemum bicolor
Siphoneranthemum cooperi
Siphoneranthemum crenulatum
Siphoneranthemum cuspidatum
Siphoneranthemum decurrens
Siphoneranthemum detruncatum
Siphoneranthemum eldorado
Siphoneranthemum exaequatum
Siphoneranthemum fasciculatum
Siphoneranthemum foecundum
Siphoneranthemum heterophyllum
Siphoneranthemum hispidulum
Siphoneranthemum hypocrateriforme
Siphoneranthemum lanceum
Siphoneranthemum lapathifolium
Siphoneranthemum leptanthum
Siphoneranthemum leptostachyum
Siphoneranthemum lilacinum
Siphoneranthemum lindenianum
Siphoneranthemum macrophyllum
Siphoneranthemum modestum
Siphoneranthemum moorei
Siphoneranthemum nervosum
Siphoneranthemum nigritianum
Siphoneranthemum polyneurum
Siphoneranthemum praecox
Siphoneranthemum reticulatum
Siphoneranthemum roseum
Siphoneranthemum senense
Siphoneranthemum sessile
Siphoneranthemum tenellum
Siphoneranthemum tricolor
Siphoneranthemum tuberculatum
Siphoneranthemum variabile
Siphoneranthemum verbenaceum
Siphoneranthemum versicolor
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Eranthemum riedelianum
(this page)
Eranthemum acanthodes
Eranthemum aciculare
Eranthemum acuminatissimum
Eranthemum adenocarpum
Eranthemum alatum
Eranthemum albiflorum
Eranthemum album
Eranthemum amethystinum
Eranthemum angustatum
Eranthemum angustifolium
Eranthemum armatum
Eranthemum aspersum
Eranthemum austrosinense
Eranthemum bifarium
Eranthemum borneense
Eranthemum breviflos
Eranthemum burmanicum
Eranthemum candidum
Eranthemum capense
Eranthemum carruthersii
Eranthemum caudifolium
Eranthemum ciliatum
Eranthemum cinnabarinum
Eranthemum congestum
Eranthemum cooperi
Eranthemum cordatum
Eranthemum crenulatum
Eranthemum cubensis
Eranthemum curtatum
Eranthemum cuspidatum
Eranthemum detruncatum
Eranthemum diversifolium
Eranthemum duckei
Eranthemum ecbolium
Eranthemum edgeworthianum
Eranthemum elatum
Eranthemum erythrochilum
Eranthemum exaequatum
Eranthemum fasciculatum
Eranthemum filiforme
Eranthemum grandiflorum
Eranthemum griffithii
Eranthemum haenkeanum
Eranthemum heterophyllum
Eranthemum hildebrandtii
Eranthemum hirtipistillum
Eranthemum hispidulum
Eranthemum insularum
Eranthemum lanceum
Eranthemum lapathifolium
Eranthemum lateriflorum
Eranthemum latifolium
Eranthemum laxiflorum
Eranthemum leptostachyum
Eranthemum macrophyllum
Eranthemum macrostachys
Eranthemum macrostachyus
Eranthemum malabaricum
Eranthemum mannii
Eranthemum microphyllum
Eranthemum modestum
Eranthemum nigrum
Eranthemum obovatum
Eranthemum ovatifolium
Eranthemum pacificum
Eranthemum paniculatum
Eranthemum polyneurum
Eranthemum porphyranthos
Eranthemum pratense
Eranthemum pubescens
Eranthemum pubipetalum
Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pumilio
Eranthemum punctatum
Eranthemum purpurascens
Eranthemum repandum
Eranthemum salaccense
Eranthemum sanguinolentum
Eranthemum selangorense
Eranthemum semperflorens
Eranthemum sessile
Eranthemum shweliense
Eranthemum sinuatum
Eranthemum strictum
Eranthemum succisifolium
Eranthemum suffruticosum
Eranthemum sumatranum
Eranthemum tapingense
Eranthemum tetragonum
Eranthemum tetrasepalum
Eranthemum tuberculatum
Eranthemum tubiflorum
Eranthemum verbenaceum
Eranthemum verschaffeltii
Eranthemum verticillatum
Eranthemum viscidum
Eranthemum wardii
Eranthemum wattii
Eranthemum whartonianum
Eranthemum zollingerianum
31 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Pseuderanthemum riedelianum
(this page)
Pseuderanthemum adenocarpum
Pseuderanthemum albocoeruleum
Pseuderanthemum arunachalense
Pseuderanthemum australe
Pseuderanthemum congestum
Pseuderanthemum corcovadense
Pseuderanthemum cordatum
Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum
Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum
Pseuderanthemum detruncatum
Pseuderanthemum dispermum
Pseuderanthemum diversifolium
Pseuderanthemum eberhardtii
Pseuderanthemum ellipticum
Pseuderanthemum ewanii
Pseuderanthemum exaequatum
Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum
Pseuderanthemum floribundum
Pseuderanthemum fruticosum
Pseuderanthemum galbanum
Pseuderanthemum glomeratum
Pseuderanthemum graciliflorum
Pseuderanthemum grandiflorum
Pseuderanthemum haikangense
Pseuderanthemum haughtii
Pseuderanthemum heterophyllum
Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii
Pseuderanthemum hirtipistillum
Pseuderanthemum hispidulum
Pseuderanthemum hooveri
Pseuderanthemum huegelii
Pseuderanthemum hylophilum
Pseuderanthemum idroboi
Pseuderanthemum igneum
Pseuderanthemum incisum
Pseuderanthemum inclusum
Pseuderanthemum indicum
Pseuderanthemum interruptum
Pseuderanthemum jaluitense
Pseuderanthemum jundiaiense
Pseuderanthemum katangense
Pseuderanthemum kingii
Pseuderanthemum lanceolatum
Pseuderanthemum lapathifolium
Pseuderanthemum latifolium
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum
Pseuderanthemum leonardii
Pseuderanthemum leptanthus
Pseuderanthemum leptorhachis
Pseuderanthemum leptostachys
Pseuderanthemum leptostachyum
Pseuderanthemum liesneri
Pseuderanthemum lilacinum
Pseuderanthemum longifolium
Pseuderanthemum longistylum
Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum
Pseuderanthemum macgregorii
Pseuderanthemum macrophylum
Pseuderanthemum maguirei
Pseuderanthemum majus
Pseuderanthemum malaccense
Pseuderanthemum metallicum
Pseuderanthemum micranthum
Pseuderanthemum minutiflorum
Pseuderanthemum modestum
Pseuderanthemum muelleri-fernandi
Pseuderanthemum orientalis
Pseuderanthemum palatiferum
Pseuderanthemum palauense
Pseuderanthemum paniculatum
Pseuderanthemum parishii
Pseuderanthemum pelagicum
Pseuderanthemum pennellii
Pseuderanthemum pihuamoense
Pseuderanthemum pittieri
Pseuderanthemum poecilanthum
Pseuderanthemum poilanei
Pseuderanthemum polyanthum
Pseuderanthemum potamophilum
Pseuderanthemum praecox
Pseuderanthemum pseudovelutinum
Pseuderanthemum pulchellum
Pseuderanthemum pumilum
Pseuderanthemum repandum
Pseuderanthemum selangorense
Pseuderanthemum shweliense
Pseuderanthemum siamense
Pseuderanthemum sneidernii
Pseuderanthemum sorongense
Pseuderanthemum standleyi
Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon
Pseuderanthemum stenostachyum
Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Pseuderanthemum tapingense
Pseuderanthemum tetrasepalum
Pseuderanthemum teysmannioides
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum
Pseuderanthemum velutinum
Pseuderanthemum verapazense
Pseuderanthemum weberbaueri
72 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Schaueria paniculata
(this page)
Schaueria azaleiflora
Schaueria caduciflora
Schaueria calycobractea
Schaueria calycobracteata
Schaueria calycotricha
Schaueria calytricha
Schaueria capitata
Schaueria decipiens
Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria gonyostachya
Schaueria graveolens
Schaueria hirsuta
Schaueria hirta
Schaueria humuliflora
Schaueria lachnostachya
Schaueria linearifolia
Schaueria litoralis
Schaueria lophura
Schaueria macrophylla
Schaueria malifolia
Schaueria marginata
Schaueria maximiliani
Schaueria maximilianii
Schaueria paranaensis
Schaueria parviflora
Schaueria parvifolia
Schaueria populifolia
Schaueria pyramidalis
Schaueria schottii
Schaueria sulphurea
Schaueria thyrsiflora
Schaueria virginea