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Pigeons and doves often form feeding flocks, which allow for increased vigilance and reduce the chance that any one bird will be caught by a predator. They also use broken wing displays to draw predators from the nest. In response to high rates of nest predation, columbids have developed short incubation and nestling periods. Snakes (suborder Serpentes) are common nest predators and falcons (family Falconidae) and other birds of prey (order Falconiformes) feed on adults.

Known Predators:

  • snakes (Serpentes)
  • falcons (Falconidae)
  • birds of prey (Falconiformes)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Pigeons and doves are stocky birds that range from 15 to 75 cm long and weigh from 30 to over 2000 g. The smaller species within Columbidae are often called doves and the larger species pigeons, but these names do not necessarily reflect true differences and are often used interchangeably. Columbids have small heads and short beaks and legs. Their flight muscles may make up to 44 percent of the bird’s body weight and allow them to have excellent flying capabilities and maneuverability. Wing-shape is often a good indicator of the species’ migratory behavior. They have soft skin at the base of their bills and a ring of bare skin around their eyes that can be red, blue, yellow or white. Columbids have a bilobed crop that produces “crop-milk” (or "pigeon milk") that they feed their young.

Columbids can be divided in to seed-eating and fruit-eating species. Many of the seed-eating columbids are buff, grey and brown colors while the fruit-eaters are often more brightly colored. Typical pigeons (subfamily Columbinae) are usually grey, brown and/or pink. Fruit-eating pigeons (subfamily Treroninae) are more colorful with oranges and greens. Crowned pigeons (subfamily Gourinae) are grey with pink or chestnut underparts and a white wing patch. Tooth-billed pigeons (subfamily Didunculinae) are chestnut colored on the back and wings and dark green elsewhere. Many doves and pigeons have ornamentation (such as crests and colorful eye rings) and iridescent feathers on the neck, breast, back, wings and face. They range from sexually monomorphic to sexually dimorphic, and molt annually after breeding.

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; male larger; sexes colored or patterned differently; male more colorful; ornamentation

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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The oldest recorded columbid is a mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) that lived 19 years and 4 months. Adult annual survival has been estimated to be 40 to 65 percent.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Columbids are found in almost all terrestrial habitats from temperate areas to the tropics including: lowland rainforest, highland forest, tropical deciduous forest, riparian forest, boreal forest, savanna, desert, cliff, chaparral, coral atolls, mangroves, swamp forest, woodland edge, agricultural areas, suburban and urban areas. The highest diversity of pigeons and doves occurs in tropical rainforests. They can be found from sea level to 5000 m and their excellent flying abilities have allowed them to colonize oceanic islands.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune ; savanna or grassland ; chaparral ; forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest ; mountains

Aquatic Biomes: coastal

Wetlands: swamp

Other Habitat Features: urban ; suburban ; agricultural

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Pigeons and doves are a cosmopolitan family (although they are not found in Antarctica or the high arctic). The highest diversity of columbids occurs in South America, Australasia and the Pacific Islands. Some species (for example, Rock Doves (Columba livia)) have been introduced throughout much of their range.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Introduced , Native ); palearctic (Native ); oriental (Native ); ethiopian (Native ); neotropical (Introduced , Native ); australian (Introduced , Native ); oceanic islands (Introduced , Native )

Other Geographic Terms: cosmopolitan ; island endemic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Pigeons and doves can be seen feeding in flocks. They are primarily grainivorous and frugivorous, but occasionally they eat insects, snails, worms, lizards, leaves, buds and flowers. Seeds are picked up off the ground and eaten whole and fruits are plucked from trees. Grainivorous species have specialized gizzards, intestines and esophagi that help them eat and digest seeds. Grain is stored in their crops and ground by the grit in their gizzard. Grainivorous species need to drink a lot of water in order to digest seeds. Desert species get their water from succulent plants and have the ability to drink saline water. Columbids drink by submerging their beaks into the water and sucking the water up, they do not scoop water in their beaks and lift their heads to swallow like most birds.

Size differences among columbids often reflect dietary differences and allow for resource partitioning. Larger birds eat larger fruit than smaller birds and smaller birds can feed on thinner branches and reach fruit that the larger birds can not reach.

Primary Diet: herbivore (Frugivore , Granivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Pigeons and doves are important seed dispersers and are host to a number of feather parasites (including Columbicola columbae and Campanulotes bidentatus). In addition, they can carry human diseases.

Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Pigeons and doves are often a part of folklore and literature, and havae been domesticated for food (both eggs and adults are eaten by people). Research involving columbids has lead to increased knowledge about the inheritance of morphological and behavioral traits, endocrinology, learning, evolution, orientation and navigation. Pigeon racing is also a common pass-time and racing pigeons can sell for as much as $350 000. Pigeons and doves were also used as messengers during war times and are sometimes kept as pets.

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; research and education

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Pigeons and doves have a variety of songs and calls that they use to find mates, signal danger, and defend territories. Males have special vocalizations that are only used in courtship and advertising. Both males and females sing; most songs are flute-like cooing noises that differ in the length of each note and in the interval between notes. Some species sound like a whistle, and others sound more like a croak. Small columbid species have higher-pitched calls than larger species. They will sometimes call in duets. Some species make quiet purring sounds that function in mate-bonding. Adults will respond to song playbacks. Young birds have begging calls and the results of cross-fostering experiments show that songs are innate and are not learned from their parents.

Pigeons and doves have a variety of courtship displays (see Reproduction: Mating Systems). They also have threat displays in which they spread and raise their wings and spread their tail. If the display does not work to repel and intruder, they will “buffet” with their wings or peck at the intruder.

Columbids are excellent navigators and use both the magnetic field of the planet and the position of the sun to find their way.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic

Other Communication Modes: duets

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical ; magnetic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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Some species of pigeons and doves have expanded their ranges and increased their population sizes as a result of human activities (for example, 'rock doves Columba livia' and 'Eurasian collared doves Streptopelia decaocto'). Other species are less fortunate and their ranges and populations are shrinking as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting, introduced species, agriculture and pesticides. Columbids that live on islands are the most threatened. Habitat preservation is the best solution to dwindling numbers of some columbids, and captive breeding may be useful as a last resort.

The IUCN lists 109 species of columbids in various categories from ‘Extinct’ to ‘Near Threatened. CITES lists 26 members of Columbidae ranging from Appendix I to Appendix III.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Comprehensive Description

provided by Animal Diversity Web

Pigeons and doves are in the order Columbiformes and family Columbidae. There are five subfamilies within Columbidae, 42 genera and 308 species. They are easily recognizable and have a world-wide distribution (although they are not found in Antarctica). They live in almost all types of terrestrial habitats from desert to dense forest and large urban areas. Pigeons and doves are stocky birds that range from 15 to 75 cm long. Many of the seed-eating columbids are buff, grey and brown colors, while the fruit-eaters are often more brightly colored. Many have ornamentation and iridescent feathers on the neck, breast, back, wings and face. They range from solitary to extremely social; the now extinct passenger pigeons (Ectopistes migratorius) are reported to have occurred in flocks of up to two million birds that were so dense that they blocked out the sun.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Because they feed on cultivated grain, columbids are often thought of as crop pests. They are also pests in urban areas where they nest in man-made structures and their droppings can be a nuisance. They are also known to carry human disease.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (carries human disease); crop pest; household pest

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Pigeons and doves are monogamous, and many have the same mate from year to year. They have numerous displays that are performed either on the ground or in the air. For example, while on the ground, males of some species squat, lift their tail, lower their head, twitch their wings and scratch the ground with their feet while calling. Some species have aerial displays that usually involve wing claps (most forest and ground living species do not have aerial displays). Aerial displays are used in courtship and to indicate territory boundaries. During a pre-copulation display, a male inflates his crop, bows, spreads his tail feathers, pirouettes and calls. This display varies among species, and birds with ornaments and colorful plumage usually show them off during the display. Some species of pigeons and doves also engage in courtship feeding and/or mate guarding.

Mating System: monogamous

Breeding is triggered by food availability and photoperiod and can be seasonal or year-round, depending on the species. Some columbids breed colonially, some solitarily. The males bring nest material to the females who build the nest. The nest is a platform or shallow cup of twigs and stems built on a crevice, cliff, tree or the ground. Columbids will re-use nests and will build nests on top of abandoned bird nests. Nest building usually lasts two to four days and nest sites are defended.

Clutch size is usually one to two eggs (occasionally three). Frugivorous species usually have only one egg; fruit is low in protein so the birds can not raise more than one chick. The eggs are white or buff colored and unmarked. Both males and females incubate, but females usually spend more time incubating than males. Species that live in the desert wet their stomach feathers before incubating to help cool the eggs by evaporation. Incubation lasts 11 to 30 days, and hatching can be either synchronous or asynchronous. Chicks are altricial and are fed by both parents. Chicks fledge in 10 to 36 days (earlier if disturbed) and may continue to receive food from their parents for 30 to 40 days.

Breeding pairs can have up to five broods in one breeding season. Their short breeding cycle allows pigeons and doves to have more broods to compensate for their small brood sizes and relatively high rates of predation. Fledglings grow their adult plumage a few months after fledging and reach sexual maturity in 6 to 12 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous

Both males and females incubate, but females usually spend more time incubating than males. Species that live in the desert wet their stomach feathers before incubating to help cool the eggs by evaporation. Incubation lasts 11 to 30 days. Chicks are altricial and are fed by both parents. The chicks are usually fed crop-milk for three to four days and are then fed seeds and fruit, however, some continue to be fed crop-milk even after they have fledged. Crop-milk is made in the crop of the adult birds and is 75 to 77 percent water, 11 to 13 percent protein, 5 to 7 percent fat and 1.2 to 1.8 percent minerals and amino acids. Nestling pigeons and doves grow rapidly because of the crop-milk. Chicks fledge in 10 to 36 days (earlier if disturbed) and may continue to receive food from their parents for 30 to 40 days.

Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Camfield, A. 2004. "Columbidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Columbidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Duif ( Afrikaans )

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'n Duif is 'n voël wat aan die orde van duifagtiges (Columbidae) behoort. Hulle is meestal middelgroot en kompak van bou met 'n ronde bors en 'n kleinerige kop. Hulle het 'n vinnige, maar meestal reglynige vlug. In teenstelling tot ander voëls kan hulle water met hulle snawels opsuig. As gevolg hiervan kan hulle vinnig groot volumes water inneem.[1] Jong duiwe word met duiwemelk uit die krop gevoer.

Sedert die tyd van die ou Egiptenare is duiwe al makgemaak en geleer om boodskappe wat aan hul voete vasgemaak is, oor te dra. Lank reeds word dié voëls deur tallose toegewyde vliegduifgeesdriftiges aangehou en dit is die bron waarvan die meeste stadsduiwe gekom het.[1]


Genus Columba

  • Columba livia (Wildeposduif)
  • Columba oenas
  • Columba trocaz
  • Columba bollii
  • Columba junoniae
  • Columba leucocephala
  • Columba flavirostris
  • Columba fasciata
  • Columba rupestris
  • Columba leuconota
  • Columba guinea (Kransduif)
  • Columba albitorques
  • Columba eversmanni
  • Columba oliviae
  • Columba palumbus
  • Columba unicincta
  • Columba arquatrix (Geelbekbosduif)
  • Columba sjostedti
  • Columba thomensis
  • Columba polleni
  • Columba hodgsonii
  • Columba albinucha
  • Columba pulchricollis
  • Columba elphinstonii
  • Columba torringtoni
  • Columba punicea
  • Columba argentina
  • Columba palumboides
  • Columba janthina
  • Columba versicolor (uitgesterf)
  • Columba vitiensis
  • Columba leucomela
  • Columba jouyi (uitgesterf)
  • Columba pallidiceps
  • Columba leucocephala
  • Columba squamosa
  • Columba speciosa
  • Columba picazuro
  • Columba corensis
  • Columba maculosa
  • Columba fasciata
  • Columba araucana
  • Columba caribaea
  • Columba cayennensis
  • Columba flavirostris
  • Columba oenops
  • Columba inornata
  • Columba plumbea
  • Columba subvinacea
  • Columba nigrirostris
  • Columba goodsoni
  • Columba delegorguei (Withalsbosduif)
  • Columba iriditorques
  • Columba malherbii
  • Columba larvata (Kaneelduif)
  • Columba simplex

Genus Streptopelia

  • Streptopelia bitorquata
  • Streptopelia reichenowi
  • Streptopelia decipiens
  • Streptopelia semitorquata (Groot-rooioogtortelduif)
  • Streptopelia capicola (Gewone tortelduif)
  • Streptopelia vinacea
  • Streptopelia tranquebarica
  • Streptopelia hypopyrrha

Genus Nesoenas

Genus Macropygia

  • Macropygia unchall
  • Macropygia amboinensis
  • Macropygia phasianella
  • Macropygia magna
  • Macropygia rufipennis
  • Macropygia tenuirostris
  • Macropygia emiliana
  • Macropygia nigrirostris
  • Macropygia mackinlayi
  • Macropygia ruficeps

Genus Reinwardtoena

  • Reinwardtoena reinwardtii
  • Reinwardtoena browni
  • Reinwardtoena crassirostris

Genus Turacoena

  • Turacoena manadensis
  • Turacoena modesta

Genus Turtur

Genus Oena

  • Oena capensis

Genus Chalcophaps

  • Chalcophaps indica
  • Chalcophaps stephani

Genus Henicophaps

  • Henicophaps albifrons
  • Henicophaps foersteri

Genus Phaps

  • Phaps chalcoptera
  • Phaps elegans
  • Phaps histrionica

Genus Ocyphaps

  • Ocyphaps lophotes

Genus Geophaps

  • Geophaps plumifera
  • Geophaps scripta
  • Geophaps smithii

Genus Petrophassa

  • Petrophassa rufipennis
  • Petrophassa albipennis

Genus Geopelia

  • Geopelia cuneata
  • Geopelia striata
  • Geopelia placida
  • Geopelia maugei
  • Geopelia humeralis

Genus Leucosarcia

  • Leucosarcia melanoleuca
Zenaida macroura

Genus Zenaida

  • Zenaida graysoni
  • Zenaida auriculata
  • Zenaida aurita
  • Zenaida galapagoensis
  • Zenaida asiatica
  • Zenaida meloda
  • Zenaida macroura

Genus Ectopistes

Genus Columbina

  • Columbina passerina
  • Columbina minuta
  • Columbina buckleyi
  • Columbina talpacoti
  • Columbina picui
  • Columbina cruziana
  • Columbina cyanopis

Genus Claravis

  • Claravis pretiosa
  • Claravis godefrida
  • Claravis mondetoura

Genus Metropelia

  • Metriopelia ceciliae
  • Metriopelia morenoi
  • Metriopelia melanoptera
  • Metriopelia aymara

Genus Scardafella

  • Scardafella inca
  • Scardafella squammata

Genus Uropelia

  • Uropelia campestris

Genus Leptotila

  • Leptotila verreauxi
  • Leptotila megalura
  • Leptotila rufaxilla
  • Leptotila plumbeiceps
  • Leptotila pallida
  • Leptotila battyi
  • Leptotila wellsi
  • Leptotila jamaicensis
  • Leptotila cassini
  • Leptotila ochraceiventris
  • Leptotila conoveri

Genus Geotrygon

  • Geotrygon lawrencii
  • Geotrygon carrikeri
  • Geotrygon costaricensis
  • Geotrygon goldmani
  • Geotrygon saphirina
  • Geotrygon caniceps
  • Geotrygon versicolor
  • Geotrygon chiriquensis
  • Geotrygon veraguensis
  • Geotrygon albifacies
  • Geotrygon linearis
  • Geotrygon frenata
  • Geotrygon chrysia
  • Geotrygon mystacea
  • Geotrygon violacea
  • Geotrygon montana

Genus Starnoenas

  • Starnoenas cyanocephala

Genus Caloenas

  • Caloenas nicobarica

Genus Gallicolumba

  • Gallicolumba luzonica
  • Gallicolumba criniger
  • Gallicolumba platenae
  • Gallicolumba keayi
  • Gallicolumba menagei
  • Gallicolumba rufigula
  • Gallicolumba tristigmata
  • Gallicolumba jobiensis
  • Gallicolumba kubaryi
  • Gallicolumba erythroptera
  • Gallicolumba xanthonura
  • Gallicolumba stairi
  • Gallicolumba ferruginea (uitgesterf)
  • Gallicolumba sanctaecrucis
  • Gallicolumba salamonis (uitgesterf)
  • Gallicolumba rubescens
  • Gallicolumba beccarii
  • Gallicolumba canifrons
  • Gallicolumba hoedtii
  • Gallicolumba norfolciensis (uitgesterf)

Genus Trugon

  • Trugon terrestris

Genus Microgoura

  • Microgoura meeki (moontlik uitgesterf)

Subfamilie Otidiphabinae

Genus Otidiphaps

  • Otidiphaps nobilis

Subfamilie Gourinae


Genus Goura

  • Goura cristata
  • Goura scheepmakeri
  • Goura victoria

Subfamilie Didunculinae

Genus Didunculus

  • Didunculus strigirostris

Subfamilie Treroninae

Genus Phapitreron

  • Phapitreron leucotis
  • Phapitreron amethystina
  • Phapitreron cinereiceps

Genus Treron

  • Treron fulvicollis
  • Treron olax
  • Treron vernans
  • Treron bicincta
  • Treron pompadora
  • Treron curvirostra
  • Treron griseicauda
  • Treron teysmannii
  • Treron floris
  • Treron psittacea
  • Treron capellei
  • Treron phoenicoptera
  • Treron waalia
  • Treron australis
  • Treron calva
  • Treron pembaensis
  • Treron sanctithomae
  • Treron apicauda
  • Treron oxyura
  • Treron seimundi
  • Treron sphenura
  • Treron sieboldii
  • Treron formosae

Genus Ptilinopus

  • Ptilinopus cinctus
  • Ptilinopus alligator
  • Ptilinopus dohertyi
  • Ptilinopus porphyreus
  • Ptilinopus marchei
  • Ptilinopus merrilli
  • Ptilinopus occipitalis
  • Ptilinopus fischeri
  • Ptilinopus jambu
  • Ptilinopus subgularis
  • Ptilinopus leclancheri
  • Ptilinopus bernsteinii
  • Ptilinopus magnificus
  • Ptilinopus perlatus
  • Ptilinopus ornatus
  • Ptilinopus tannensis
  • Ptilinopus aurantiifrons
  • Ptilinopus wallacii
  • Ptilinopus superbus
  • Ptilinopus perousii
  • Ptilinopus porphyraceus
  • Ptilinopus pelewensis
  • Ptilinopus rarotongensis
  • Ptilinopus roseicapilla
  • Ptilinopus regina
  • Ptilinopus richardsii
  • Ptilinopus purpuratus
  • Ptilinopus chalcurus
  • Ptilinopus coralensis
  • Ptilinopus greyii
  • Ptilinopus huttoni
  • Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii
  • Ptilinopus mercierii
  • Ptilinopus insularis
  • Ptilinopus coronulatus
  • Ptilinopus pulchellus
  • Ptilinopus monacha
  • Ptilinopus rivoli
  • Ptilinopus solomonensis
  • Ptilinopus viridis
  • Ptilinopus eugeniae
  • Ptilinopus iozonus
  • Ptilinopus insolitus
  • Ptilinopus hyogaster
  • Ptilinopus granulifrons
  • Ptilinopus melanospila
  • Ptilinopus nanus
  • Ptilinopus arcanus
  • Ptilinopus victor
  • Ptilinopus luteovirens
  • Ptilinopus layardi

Genus Drepanoptila

  • Drepanoptila holosericea

Genus Alectroenas

  • Alectroenas madagascariensis
  • Alectroenas sganzini
  • Alectroenas pulcherrima

Genus Ducula

  • Ducula poliocephala
  • Ducula forsteni
  • Ducula mindorensis
  • Ducula radiata
  • Ducula carola
  • Ducula aenea
  • Ducula perspicillata
  • Ducula concinna
  • Ducula pacifica
  • Ducula oceanica
  • Ducula aurorae
  • Ducula galeata
  • Ducula rubricera
  • Ducula myristicivora
  • Ducula rufigaster
  • Ducula basilica
  • Ducula finschii
  • Ducula chalconota
  • Ducula pistrinaria
  • Ducula rosacea
  • Ducula whartoni
  • Ducula pickeringii
  • Ducula latrans
  • Ducula brenchleyi
  • Ducula bakeri
  • Ducula goliath
  • Ducula pinon
  • Ducula melanochroa
  • Ducula mullerii
  • Ducula zoeae
  • Ducula badia
  • Ducula lacernulata
  • Ducula cineracea
  • Ducula bicolor
  • Ducula spilorrhoa
  • Ducula luctuosa

Genus Lopholaimus

  • Lopholaimus antarcticus

Genus Hemiphaga

  • Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Genus Cryptophaps

  • Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa

Genus Gymnophaps

  • Gymnophaps albertisii
  • Gymnophaps mada
  • Gymnophaps solomonensis

Sien ook


  1. 1,0 1,1 Die Suid-Afrikaanse voëlgids (4de uitgawe), John Sinclair, John Mendelsohn, 1987. P.14
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Duif: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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'n Duif is 'n voël wat aan die orde van duifagtiges (Columbidae) behoort. Hulle is meestal middelgroot en kompak van bou met 'n ronde bors en 'n kleinerige kop. Hulle het 'n vinnige, maar meestal reglynige vlug. In teenstelling tot ander voëls kan hulle water met hulle snawels opsuig. As gevolg hiervan kan hulle vinnig groot volumes water inneem. Jong duiwe word met duiwemelk uit die krop gevoer.

Sedert die tyd van die ou Egiptenare is duiwe al makgemaak en geleer om boodskappe wat aan hul voete vasgemaak is, oor te dra. Lank reeds word dié voëls deur tallose toegewyde vliegduifgeesdriftiges aangehou en dit is die bron waarvan die meeste stadsduiwe gekom het.

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Columbidae ( Asturian )

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«Palombu» redirixe equí. Pa otres aceiciones, ver Palombu (dixebra).

Les colúmbides (Columbidae) son una familia d'aves del orde Columbiformes qu'inclúi los palombos, les tórtoles y formes allegaes. Son, en total, unes 308 especies.

Les colúmbides distribúense por tol mundu, sacante l'Antártida y l'Árticu, y con centru de dispersión en América Central.[1] La mayor diversidá d'especies tienla la ecozona indomalaya y la ecozona d'Australasia.


Perfil d'un palombu.
Los palombos suelen esponxar les sos plumes como un mecanismu pa caltenese calientes.

Son aves dotaes de gran intelixencia (si se comparen con otres aves), y monógames; esta carauterística déxa-yos un gran curiáu de les sos críes y, inclusive, quiciabes una rellación afeutiva (etolóxica) importante ente proxenitores y descendencia. La monogamia ente los palombos, per otra parte, paez facilitar en gran midida una alta tasa reproductiva (magar que tamién, como otros animales monteses, los palombos sufren d'una gran morrina “infantil”). Les críes de palombos, al poco tiempu de tar llistes pa autosustentarse y desenvueltes abondo como pa volar, son espulsaes del territoriu en qu'añera la pareya proxenitora, una y bones la mesma xeneralmente vuelve procrear en poco tiempu otros dos pichones a los que la pareya de padre y madre dedica gran dedicación y curiáu (la madre suel quedase gran parte del so tiempu nel senciellu nial guarando los güevos y depués curiando a los pichones mientres el padre o palombu busca alimentos pa nutrir a la familia).

Los niales, de normal débiles, tán ellaboraos con pequeñes cañes, y los güevos, davezu dos, son guaraos por dambos sexos. Naturalmente los palombos aliméntense de granes y frutos. Dambos sexos alimenten a les sos críes con una secreción bien nutritiva denomada lleche del buche, que se segrega por célules especiales.

Amás de tener un gran sentíu de la orientación, el palombu ye una de les aves que más rápido vuela: algama los 56 km/h.[2] Tamién carauteriza a los palombos el so agudísimo sentíu de la vista: la Guardia Costera de los Estaos Xuníos suel fornir a los sos helicópteros de rescate con un par de palombos allugaos nuna pequeña cabina con ventanales escontra la parte inferior delantrera del vehículu, una y bones los palombos pueden ver, muncho primero que'l ser humanu, la cabeza flotante d'un náufragu n'alta mar, alvirtiéndolo coles sos rumoreos y picotazos. Esto ye práuticamente imposible de realizar polos güeyos humanos y los sos dispositivos (o gadgets), entá en plenu día estenu.

Los palombos nuevos denominar pichones, y les persones que críen palombos llámense colombófilos.

Anque son tan pacífiques que simbolicen la paz, por cuenta de la presión de les circunstancies (por casu la perda de fontes d'alimentu o llugares p'añerar, problemes que suelen ser causaos polos humanos), l'estrés puede provoca-yos violencia intraespecífica, y pueden matase ente elles y matar a los pichones d'otres pareyes de conxéneres pa intentar subsistir.

Rellación col home

Los palombos son de los pocos animales que llograron afaese exitosamente al entorno urbanu.

Delles especies afixéronse al entorno urbanu, hasta tal puntu que se convirtieron nun problema en ciudaes como Venecia, onde tuvieron que tomar midíes porque l'escomiu provocáu poles deyecciones d'esti animal ta deteriorando gravemente'l patrimoniu artístico y arquitectónico de dicha ciudá.


La tórtola doméstica (Streptopelia risoria) ye utilizada n'actos d'ilusionismu pol so gran docilidad, principalmente del machu. Amás, esta especie cunta ente les sos variedaes con exemplares totalmente blancos, que son los xeneralmente usaos nestos espectáculos.

Palombos domésticos nuna barandiella nel Parque del Retiro, en Madrid (España).

Enfermedaes rellacionaes

Tar en contautu con escrementos de palombos (como asocede con tolos escrementos, inclusive'l de los humanos) puede representar un riesgu pa la salú. Sábese que siquier tres enfermedaes humanes tán acomuñaes colos escrementos de los palombos: criptococosis, histoplasmosis y psitacosis.[3]


Gura victoria (Goura victoria) nun zoolóxicu.

El palombu ye tamién un animal con significáu simbólicu, con connotaciones y denotaciones positives o benignes na mayor parte de les cultures. Nel Antiguu Testamentu de la Biblia rellátase que Noé dexó dir un palombu dende'l arca dempués del Diluviu pa intentar atopar tierra firme, y que aquella tornó con una caña d'olivo nel picu. Amás, nel Nuevu Testamentu, el Espíritu Santu baxó dende los cielos con apariencia de palombu sobre Xesucristo nel momentu que este yera bautizáu.[4]

Per otra parte, el profeta llamáu n'español Jonás, nel so xenuinu nome hebréu ye llamáu יונה (Yonah), esto ye, 'Palombu'.

El palombu ye'l símbolu del candor, la cencellez y l'inocencia, y especialmente de la correcta paz o l'harmonía. Taba consagrada a Venus, que la llevaba na mano y arreyar al so carru, según Apuleyo. Eliano añede que delles vegaes tresformaba ella mesma en palombu, polo que'l comeles taba acutáu a los sos sacerdotes. Homero cunta qu'unes palombos tomaron el cuidu d'alimentar a Zeus, fábula fundada na circunstancia de qu'una mesma pallabra significa en llingua fenicia 'sacerdote' y 'palombu'.[5]

Los habitantes d'Ascalonia teníen un gran respetu por estes aves, nes que creíen tresformase dempués de la muerte, nun atreviéndose a comer nin matar nenguna pola medrana de comese o matar a los sos mesmos padres, y alimentaben con particular curiáu a toes los palombos que nacíen na ciudá. Yeren estes aves tamién teníes n'enforma respetu polos asirios, porque creíen que l'alma de Semirámide, la so reina, xubió al cielu en forma de palombu. Sófocles dixo que dellos palombos de la floresta de Dodona anunciaron a Hércules el fin de los sos díes.[5]

Anguaño, la representación d'un palombu blancu con una caña de olivo nel picu ye un símbolu de paz y pureza nes sociedaes occidentales, imaxe inmortalizada por Pablo Picasso na so Palombu de la paz.

Por causa de les matances efectuaes pol ser humanu fueron escastaes la palombu de la Carolina (Ectopistes migratorius) que yera archicomún nel oriente de Norteamérica y dos especies xigantes que'l so gigantismo yera debíu en gran midida al secular aisllamientu insular: el dronte (Raphus cucullatus) de la islla Mauriciu y el solitariu (Pezophaps solitaria) de la islla Rodrigues.


Palombina esmeralda dorsiverde (Chalcophaps indica), nativa del sur tropical d'Asia y d'Australia.
Dúcula verde (Ducula aenea).

La familia Columbidae subdividir en cinco subfamilies y numberosos xéneros:[6]

Subfamilia Columbinae

Subfamilia Didunculinae

Subfamilia Gourinae

  • Xéneru Goura (3 especies)

Subfamilia Otidiphabinae

Subfamilia Raphinae (didinos)

  • Xéneru Pezophaps – (1 especie, estinguida aprox. en 1730)
  • Xéneru Raphus (1 especie, estinguida a finales del sieglu XVII)

Subfamilia Treroninae

Ver tamién

Notes y referencies

  1. Díaz, M., Asensio, B. y Tellería, J. L. (1996). Aves Ibériques, I. Non Paseriformes (n'español), J. M. Reyero Editor, 306. ISBN 84-921085-1-7.
  2. Natura - Animales extraordinarios.
  3. Dato alrodiu d'enfermedaes rellacionaes colos palombos. http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/epi/epi-pigeon-sp.shtml.
  4. Xénesis 8:11, Isaías 59:11, Mateo 3:16; 10:16; 21:12.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Diccionariu enciclopédicu popular ilustráu Salvat (1906-1914).
  6. Zoonomen. «Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names.» (inglés). Consultáu'l 22 de xunu de 2009.

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Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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... Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Llista d'artículos que toa Wikipedia tien que tener/Archivu «Palombu» redirixe equí. Pa otres aceiciones, ver Palombu (dixebra).

Les colúmbides (Columbidae) son una familia d'aves del orde Columbiformes qu'inclúi los palombos, les tórtoles y formes allegaes. Son, en total, unes 308 especies.

Les colúmbides distribúense por tol mundu, sacante l'Antártida y l'Árticu, y con centru de dispersión en América Central. La mayor diversidá d'especies tienla la ecozona indomalaya y la ecozona d'Australasia.

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Göyərçinlər ( Azerbaijani )

provided by wikipedia AZ

Göyərçinlər (lat. Columbidae) — Göyərçinkimilər dəstəsinin yeganə müasir fəsiləsi.


Əsl göyərçinlər (Columbinae) yarımfəsiləsi:

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Göyərçinlər: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Göyərçinlər (lat. Columbidae) — Göyərçinkimilər dəstəsinin yeganə müasir fəsiləsi.

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Columbidae ( Breton )

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lang="br" dir="ltr">

Columbidae a zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur an evned, war-dro 320 spesad ennañ.

Genadoù (renket diouzh an urzh filogenetek)

Notennoù ha daveennoù

  1. Bet lakaet da isspesad (Columba larvata larvata) da gColumba larvata gant IOC World Bird List.
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Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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Columbidae a zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur an evned, war-dro 320 spesad ennañ.

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Colúmbids ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Els colúmbids (Columbidae) són una família d'ocells de l'ordre dels columbiformes, a la qual pertanyen els coloms i les tórtores. La família inclou unes 300 espècies d'ocells quasi-passerins. Aquesta família s'estén arreu del món, però la diversitat més gran d'espècies es dóna a les ecozones indomalaia i australasiàtica.

Els colúmbids són aus de cos robust amb coll curt, i tenen el bec curt i prim. L'espècie habitualment coneguda com a "colom" és el colom roquer, que és comú a moltes ciutats a tot el món.

Els colúmbids construeixen nius relativament febles, de pals i altres deixalles, que poden ser col·locats en els arbres, a les vores o a terra, depenent de l'espècie. Ponen un o dos ous i ambdós pares en tenen cura en un període de 7 a 28 dies,[2] després del qual els fills abandonen el niu. Els colúmbids s'alimenten de llavors, fruites i plantes. A diferència de la majoria de les aus (excepte el flamenc), els coloms produeixen una secreció similar a la llet, que desprenen per regurgitació. Ambdós sexes produeixen aquesta substància molt nutritiva per alimentar els joves.


Els colúmbids tenen un cos i coll robust i el bec prim i curt amb ceres carnoses.

  • Cos arrodonit i robust.
  • Cap petit.
  • Coll curt
  • Bec curt
  • Potes curtes
  • Plomatge llis, lluent i de colors vius o apagats.

Els coloms presenten variacions considerables en la mida. Les espècies més grans són els Goura o coloms coronats de Nova Guinea, que són gairebé la mida d'un gall dindi, amb un pes de 2,4 quilograms. Els més petits són els del gènere Columbina, que són els mateixa mida d'un pardal comú i pesen només 22 grams.[3] Amb una longitud total de més de 50 centímetres i pes de gairebé un quilo, l'espècie arbòria més gran és el colom comú de les Marqueses mentre que el colom nan de la fruita, que pot mesurar tan sols 13 centímetres, té una longitud total lleugerament més petita que qualsevol altra espècie d'aquesta família.

En general, el colúmbids tendeixen a tenir el bec i les cames curtes i el cap petit sobre un gran cos compacte. Les ales són grans i tenen càrregues d'ala baixa, els coloms tenen músculs forts (els músculs de les ales constitueixen un 31-44% del seu pes corporal) i es troben entre els més forts volants de totes les aus. També tenen una gran maniobrabilitat a l'hora de volar.

El plomatge de la família és variable. Les espècies granívores tendeixen a tenir un plomatge opac, amb poques excepcions, mentre que les espècies frugívores tenen un plomatge de colors brillants. Els coloms Ptilinopus són algunes de les espècies de coloms de colors brillants, així com les tres espècies endèmiques de Fiji i Alectroenas, de l'Oceà Índic. Els coloms poden ser sexualment monocromàtics o dicromatics. A més dels coloms de colors brillants, també poden tenir crestes o altres ornamentacions.

Com alguns altres ocells, els colúmbids manquen de vesícula biliar.[4] Alguns naturalistes medievals en van concloure que també manquen de bilis, cosa que segons la teoria medieval dels quatre humors explicaria el presumpte comportament dolç dels coloms.[5] Tanmateix (i com ja sabia Aristòtil), sí que tenen bilis, que és secretada directament a l'intestí.[6]


Mengen llavors, fruita i insectes. Alimenten als seus colomins amb una secreció anomenada llet del pap que se secreta per cèl·lules especials.[7] Ambdós sexes produeixen aquesta substància molt nutritiva per alimentar al jove.


Segons les espècies, viuen a les roques, als penya-segats, als arbres o a terra. Els nius, normalment febles, estan elaborats amb branquetes, i els ous, normalment dos, són incubats per ambdós sexes.

Distribució geogràfica

Els colúmbids són cosmopolites, es distribueixen a tot arreu a la Terra, a excepció de les regions més àrides del desert del Sàhara, l'Antàrtida i les seves illes circumdants i l'alt Àrtic. Han colonitzat la majoria de les illes oceàniques del món, arribant a la Polinèsia oriental i les Illes Chatham, al Pacífic, a Maurici, les Seychelles i Reunió, a l'Oceà Índic, i de les Açores a l'Oceà Atlàntic.

La família s'ha adaptat a la majoria dels hàbitats disponibles al planeta. El major nombre d'espècies es troben en els boscos tropicals, on poden ser arborícoles, terrestres o semi-terrestres. Diverses espècies també habiten a les sabanes, prats, deserts, boscos temperats i selves, boscos de manglars, i fins i tot a les sorres àrides i les graves dels atols.


A part de tenir un gran sentit de l'orientació, el colom és una de les aus que més ràpid vola, assolint els 56 km/h.[8][9]

Convivència amb l'ésser humà

Vegeu també: Hemerofília.
El colom és probablement l'espècie d'ocell que millor s'ha adaptat a la vida en medis urbans (aquí, un colom a Londres).

Encara que moltes espècies de coloms s'han beneficiat de les activitats humanes i han augmentat la seva distribució geogràfica, moltes altres espècies han disminuït en nombre i algunes s'han vist amenaçades o fins i tot s'han extingit. Entre les 10 espècies que s'han extingit des de 1600 (la data tradicional per a l'estimació de les extincions modernes) són dues de les espècies extintes més famós, el dodo i el colom passatger. L'extinció del colom passatger va ser excepcional per a una sèrie de raons, a més de ser l'única espècie de colom no illenca extinta en temps moderns, hi va haver una època en què era una vegada que les espècies més nombroses d'aus a la Terra. Els seus nombres antics són difícils d'estimar però un ornitòleg, Alexander Wilson, estimà que un sol estol, podia contenir més de dos mil milions d'aus. El declivi de l'espècie va ser abrupta, aproximadament entre el 1871 i el 1914. Encara que la pèrdua d'hàbitat fou un factor decisiu, es creu que l'especie va ser massivament caçada i s'utilitzà com a aliment per als esclaus i, més tard, als pobres en els Estats Units durant el segle XIX.

L'extinció del dodo fou més típica. Igual que moltes espècies que colonitzen illes remotes amb pocs depredadors van perdre gran part del seu comportament en contra de depredadors, juntament amb la seva capacitat de volar. L'arribada de les persones, juntament amb un conjunt d'altres espècies introduïdes, com rates, porcs i gats, ràpidament va posar fi a aquesta espècie.

Al voltant de 59 espècies de colom es troben en perill d'extinció avui en dia, això és del 19% de totes les espècies. La majoria d'aquests són tropicals i viuen a les illes. Totes les espècies amenaçades avui en dia es veuen amenaçades pels depredadors introduïts, la pèrdua d'hàbitat i la caça, o una combinació d'aquests factors. En alguns casos, pot ser extingit en la naturalesa, com és el Colom Socorro de l'Illa Socorro, a Mèxic, que va ser conduït a l'extinció per la pèrdua d'hàbitat i la introducció del gat salvatge. En algunes zones la manca de coneixement significa que la veritable situació de l'espècie és desconeguda, el tilinop de Negros (Ptilinopus arcanus) no ha estat vist des del 1953 i pot ser que s'hagi extingit,[10] mentre que el colom de terra de la Polinèsia està classificat com a espècie en perill crític, ja que es desconeix si sobreviu o no en les illes remotes a l'extrem oest de l'Oceà Pacífic.

Algunes espècies s'han adaptat a l'entorn urbà, fins al punt que s'ha convertit en un problema en ciutats com Venècia, on han hagut de prendre mesures perquè la corrosió provocada per les defecacions d'aquest animal estan deteriorant greument el patrimoni artístic i arquitectònic d'aquesta ciutat.


La tórtora turca és la més utilitzada en actes d'il·lusionisme per la seva gran docilitat, principalment en el gènere masculí.

Malalties relacionades

Estar en contacte amb excrements de coloms pot representar un risc per a la salut. Se sap que almenys tres malalties humanes estan associades amb els excrements dels coloms: histoplasmosi, criptococcosi i psitacosi.[11]


El colom és també un animal amb significat simbòlic. A la Bíblia es relata que Noè va deixar anar un colom des de la seva arca després del Diluvi perquè intentés trobar terra ferma i que aquesta va tornar amb una branca d'olivera al bec. A més, en el Nou Testament, l'Esperit Sant descendeix en forma de colom sobre Jesucrist en el moment en què aquest és batejat.[12]

El colom és el símbol de la candor, la senzillesa i la innocència. Estava consagrat a Venus que la portava a la mà i la lligava al seu carro segons Apuleu. Eliana afegeix que algunes vegades es transformava ella mateixa en colom pel que estava privat als seus sacerdots el menjar. Homer relata que uns coloms es van prendre la cura d'alimentar Júpiter, una faula basada en la circumstància que una mateixa paraula significa en llengua fenícia sacerdot i colom.[13]

Els habitants d'Ascalònia tenien un gran respecte per aquestes aus, en les que creien transformar-se després de la mort. Per això, no s'atrevien a menjar-ne ni matar-ne cap pel temor de menjar els seus propis pares i alimentaven amb particular cura tots els colomins que naixien a la ciutat. Aquestes aus també tingudes en molt de respecte pels assiris, perquè creien que l'ànima de Semiramide, la seva reina, havia pujat al cel transformada en colom. Sòfocles diu que alguns coloms de la Floresta de Dodona van anunciar a Hèrcules la fi dels seus dies.[13]

Actualment, la representació d'un colom blanc que porta una branca d'olivera al bec és un símbol de pau i puresa en les societats occidentals, una imatge que va ser immortalitzada per Pablo Picasso en el seu Colom de la pau.

Especulacions evolutives

Aquesta família és un grup molt coherent pel que fa als seus membres i no presenta vincles evidents amb altres famílies d'aus, o viceversa. Els dodos i els solitaris estan clarament relacionats, però tampoc no tenen vincles evidents amb altres famílies d'aus. El registre fòssil limitat també constata una única espècie de columbids. S'han suggerit enllaços vers els pteroclidiformes o els lloros, però la coincidència amb el primer grup es deu a una evolució convergent i el segon es relaciona amb les característiques de la Didunculus, similars a les d'un lloro. No obstant això, les característiques distintives de les aus semblen haver sorgit de la seva dieta especialitzada en lloc d'una relació real amb els lloros.

La família es divideix en cinc subfamílies, però això és probablement poc correcte. Per exemple, les guatlles de terra americanes i els coloms que se solen incloure en el colúmbids semblen ser dues subfamílies diferents. L'ordre que presentat aquí correspon a Baptista et al. (1997) amb algunes actualitzacions (Johnson i Clayton 2000, Johnson et al. 2001, Shapiro et al. 2002).

La disposició dels gèneres i noms de subfamílies en alguns casos és provisional perquè l'anàlisi de seqüències d'ADN donen resultats que difereixen, de vegades radicalment, en la col·locació d'alguns gèneres (principalment Indo-Australians). Aquesta ambigüitat, és probablement causada per l'atracció de branques llargues, i sembla confirmar que els coloms va evolucionar primer en la regió de Australàsia, i que els trerònids i formes afins (amb faisans i coloms, per exemple) representen la primera radiació del grup.

Agreujant aquests problemes, els colúmbids no estan ben representats en el registre fòssil. Fins ara no se n'han trobat formes veritablement primitives. El gènere Gerandia, que probablement pertany a la subfamília dels columbins, ha estat descrit a partir de restes trobades en dipòsits del Miocè a França. Restes fragmentàries indeterminades (probablement de la subfamília dels treronins), també del Miocè es van trobar a Nova Zelanda. A part d'això, tots els fòssils pertanyen a altres gèneres existents.

Registre fòssil

El colom migratori (Ectopistes migratorius) aparegué fa uns cinc milions d'anys i està ben representat al registre fòssil. Tot i que a principis del segle XIX hi havia milers de milions d'individus d'aquesta espècie a Nord-amèrica, la caça desmesurada per part dels humans la conduí a l'extinció en menys d'un segle.[14][15]

El registre fòssil dels colúmbids es remunta al Miocè. Les restes més antigues d'aquest clade han estat trobades a Austràlia.

Registre fòssil[1] Localitat País Antiguitat Espècie/s Llac Namba (Austràlia Meridional) Austràlia Oligocè superior Columbidae indet. Saint Bathans (Otago) Nova Zelanda Miocè inferior Columbidae indet.[16] Sawane (Prefectura de Niigata) Japó Miocè mitjà Columbidae indet. CH/f637 (Illes Chatham) Nova Zelanda Pliocè inferior Hemiphaga sp.[17] Langebaanweg Quarry E Sud-àfrica Pliocè inferior Columbidae indet. Lee Creek Mine (Carolina del Nord) Estats Units Pliocè inferior Ectopistes migratorius Laetoli Tanzània Pliocè mitjà Streptopelia sp. Kromdraai A Sud-àfrica Pliocè superior Columba sp. Laetoli Tanzània Pliocè superior Streptopelia sp. Atapuerca (Castella i Lleó) Espanya Plistocè Columba livia Sandalja 1 (Ístria) Croàcia Plistocè inferior Columba sp. Sierra de Quibas (Múrcia) Espanya Plistocè inferior Columba livia Castiglione (Còrsega) França Plistocè mitjà Columba livia Cheek Bend Cave (Tennessee Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Deadman Cave (Arizona) Estats Units Plistocè superior Zenaida macroura Dry Cave i U-Bar Cave (Nou Mèxic) Estats Units Plistocè superior Zenaida macroura Rock Springs (Florida) Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Bell Cave (Alabama) Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Brown's Cave (Virgínia) Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Dark Canyon Cave (Nou Mèxic) Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Ladds Quarry (Geòrgia) Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Califòrnia Estats Units Plistocè superior Columba fasciata
Ectopistes migratorius[18] Ruby Gully (Illa del Sud) Nova Zelanda Plistocè superior Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Monte Tuttavista (Sardenya) Itàlia Plistocè superior Columba livia Back Creek Cave (Virgínia) Estats Units Plistocè superior Ectopistes migratorius Matupi Cave República Democràtica del Congo Plistocè superior Columbidae indet. i Columba sp. Shaqadud S1-B Sudan Holocè Streptopelia sp. Gordon's Bay Shell Midden Sud-àfrica Holocè Columbidae indet. Cova d'Andrahomana (Toliara) Madagascar Holocè Streptopelia picturata Nuapua 2 (Chuquisaca) Bolívia Holocè Columbidae indet. Burma Quarry Fissure Filling Antigua i Barbuda Holocè Zenaida aurata


La família Columbidae fou descrita pel zoòleg anglès William Elford Leach en una guia del contingut del Museu Britànic publicada el 1820.[19][20] Es tracta de l'única família de l'ordre dels columbiformes. Anteriorment s'hi classificaven les gangues (Pteroclidae), que posteriorment foren transferides a l'ordre dels pterocliformes basant-se en diferències anatòmiques (p. ex. no poden «xuclar» per a beure).[21] Avui en dia es considera que tenen una relació més propera amb els caradriformes.[22] Tanmateix, estudis filogenòmics recents apunten que els colúmbids i les gangues s'haurien de classificar juntament amb els mesitornítids en un tàxon germà dels mirandornis.[23][24][25][26]

Avui es considera que l'ordre dels columbiformes està format per una única família, el colúmbids (Columbidae) amb 53 gèneres (4 extints) i 366 espècies (almenys 16 extintes en època històrica)[27]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Entrada «Columbidae» de la Paleobiology Database (en anglès).
  2. Crome, Francis H. J.. Forshaw, Joseph. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds (en anglès). Londres: Merehurst Press, 1991, p. 115–116. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
  3. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. i Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). A: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. i Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9 (en anglès)
  4. Lee R. Hagey et al.; Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves(Columbiformes); Journal of Lipid Research; PDF en línia (en anglès). Consultat el 31 de gener del 2010.
  5. The Medieval Bestiary, Doves (en anglès). Consultat el 31 de gener del 2010.
  6. Thomas Browne, 1646; Pseudodoxia Epidemica III.iii; edició del 1672 disponible en línia (en anglès). Consultat el 31 de gener del 2010.
  7. Glòria Llobet i Elies, Marc Cutrina, Esther García i Mireia Artigas. «Pap». UAB, 2005-2008. [Consulta: 6 setembre 2011].
  8. Natura - Animals extraordinaris
  9. Bernard Rio. Toutes les chasses du pigeon ramier. Editions Jean-paul Gisserot, 2000, p. 26–. ISBN 978-2-87747-533-4.
  10. BirdLife International 2006. Ptilinopus arcanus. Llista Vermella d'Espècies Amenaçades de la UICN 2006. Consultat el 24 juliol 2007. (en anglès)
  11. Dades sobre malalties relacionades amb els coloms (en anglès)
  12. Gènesi 8:11, Isaïes 59:11, Mateu 3:16; 10:16; 21:12
  13. 13,0 13,1 Diccionari enciclopèdic popular il·lustrat Salvat (1906-1914)
  14. BirdLife International (2004). Ectopistes migratorius. Llista Vermella de la UICN, Unió Internacional per a la Conservació de la Natura, 2006. Consultat el 10 maig 2006 (en anglès).
  15. Schorger, A.W. (1955). The Passenger Pigeon: Its Natural History and Extinction. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison (Wisconsin). Reimprès el 2004 per Blackburn Press. ISBN 1-930665-96-2. (en anglès)
  16. Worthy, T.H.; Hand, S.J.; Worthy, J.P.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Scofield, R.P. 2009: A large fruit pigeon (Columbidae) from the Early Miocene of New Zealand. Auk, 126: pàg. 649-656. doi:10.1525/auk.2009.08244 (en anglès)
  17. M. K. Eagle, B. J. Gill i J. A. Grant-Mackie. 2005. Pliocene bird bones from Pitt Island, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Records of the Aukland Museum 42:62-73 (en anglès)
  18. R. M. Chandler. 1982. A second Pleistocene passenger pigeon from Calfornia. Condor 82:242 (en anglès)
  19. Leach, William Elford. «Eleventh Room». A: Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum (en anglès). 17a edició. British Museum, 1820, p. 65–70. OCLC 6213801.
  20. Bock, Walter J. History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names (en anglès). Number 222. American Museum of Natural History, 1994, p. 139.
  21. «Drinking Behavior of Sandgrouse in the Namib and Kalahari Deserts, Africa» (en anglès). The Auk, 83, 1, 1966, pàg. 124–126. DOI: 10.2307/4082983. JSTOR: 4082983.
  22. «Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves and Dodos)». Francis Hugh John Crome. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Michael Hutchins, Dennis A. Thoney i Melissa C. McDade (editors). Vol. 9: Birds II. 2a edició. Detroit: Gale, 2004. pàg. 241–246.
  23. ; Mirarab, S; Aberer, A. J.; Li, B; Houde, P «Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds» (en anglès). Science, 346, 6215, 2014, pàg. 1320–31. Bibcode: 2014Sci...346.1320J. DOI: 10.1126/science.1253451. PMC: 4405904. PMID: 25504713.
  24. «Parallel radiations in the primary clades of birds» (en anglès). Evolution, 58, 11, 2004, pàg. 2558–2573. DOI: 10.1554/04-235. PMID: 15612298.
  25. Hackett, Shannon J. «A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History» (en anglès). Science, 320, 5884, 2008, pàg. 1763–1768. Bibcode: 2008Sci...320.1763H. DOI: 10.1126/science.1157704. PMID: 18583609.
  26. Yuri, T. «Parsimony and Model-Based Analyses of Indels in Avian Nuclear Genes Reveal Congruent and Incongruent Phylogenetic Signals» (en anglès). Biology, 2, 1, 2013, pàg. 419–444. DOI: 10.3390/biology2010419. PMC: 4009869. PMID: 24832669.
  27. LF. Baptista, PW. Trail i HM Horblit. (2018). Pigeons, Doves (Columbidae). J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D.A. Christie i E. de Juana, (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.


  • Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Order Columbiformes. A: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
  • Gibbs, Barnes and Cox, Pigeons and Doves (Pica Press 2001) ISBN 1-873403-60-7
  • Johnson, Kevin P. & Clayton, Dale H. (2000): Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14(1): 141–151. Text complet en PDF
  • Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001): A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba. Auk 118(4): 874-887. Text complet en PDF
  • Shapiro, Beth; Sibthorpe, Dean; Rambaut, Andrew; Austin, Jeremy; Wragg, Graham M.; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P.; Lee, Patricia L. M. & Cooper, Alan (2002): Flight of the Dodo. Science 295: 1683. doi:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683 (Abstracte HTML) Informació complementària

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Colúmbids: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Els colúmbids (Columbidae) són una família d'ocells de l'ordre dels columbiformes, a la qual pertanyen els coloms i les tórtores. La família inclou unes 300 espècies d'ocells quasi-passerins. Aquesta família s'estén arreu del món, però la diversitat més gran d'espècies es dóna a les ecozones indomalaia i australasiàtica.

Els colúmbids són aus de cos robust amb coll curt, i tenen el bec curt i prim. L'espècie habitualment coneguda com a "colom" és el colom roquer, que és comú a moltes ciutats a tot el món.

Els colúmbids construeixen nius relativament febles, de pals i altres deixalles, que poden ser col·locats en els arbres, a les vores o a terra, depenent de l'espècie. Ponen un o dos ous i ambdós pares en tenen cura en un període de 7 a 28 dies, després del qual els fills abandonen el niu. Els colúmbids s'alimenten de llavors, fruites i plantes. A diferència de la majoria de les aus (excepte el flamenc), els coloms produeixen una secreció similar a la llet, que desprenen per regurgitació. Ambdós sexes produeixen aquesta substància molt nutritiva per alimentar els joves.

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Colomen ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Adar sy'n byw ledled y byd yw Colomennod. Maent yn perthyn i deulu'r Columbidae sy'n cynnwys tua 335 o rywogaethau.[1] Maen nhw'n codi nyth syml o ffyn, lle maen nhw'n dodwy un neu ddau ŵy gwyn. Mae'r rhieni'n cynhyrchu math o "laeth" ar gyfer eu cywion nhw.

Hadau a ffrwyth ydy bwyd y rhan fwyaf o golomenod a gellir rhannu'r teulu'n ddau. Gall un math o golomenod sy'n perthyn i'r Colomenod Ffrwyth Atoll fwyta pryfaid a phryfaid genwair a gwybed.[2]


Rhestr Wicidata:

teulu enw tacson delwedd Colomen Seland Newydd Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Dodo Raphus cucullatus
Dronte dodo Raphus cucullatus.jpg
Turtur Streptopelia turtur
European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur).jpg
Turtur alarus Streptopelia decipiens
Streptopelia decipiens -Kambi ya Tembo, Tanzania-8.jpg
Turtur dorchgoch Streptopelia tranquebarica
Streptopelia tranquebarica.jpg
Turtur dorchog Streptopelia decaocto
Streptopelia decaocto -balcony -two-8.jpg
Turtur dorwridog Streptopelia hypopyrrha
Adamawa Turtle-dove (Streptopelia hypopyrrha) on branch.jpg
Turtur ddaear blaen Columbina minuta
Torcazas - Camino de Pasoancho (Cali) (4111461954).jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.


  1. World Bird Names (2013) Sandgrouse & pigeons, Fersiwn 3.5.
  2. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Cyfrol 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
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Colomen: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Adar sy'n byw ledled y byd yw Colomennod. Maent yn perthyn i deulu'r Columbidae sy'n cynnwys tua 335 o rywogaethau. Maen nhw'n codi nyth syml o ffyn, lle maen nhw'n dodwy un neu ddau ŵy gwyn. Mae'r rhieni'n cynhyrchu math o "laeth" ar gyfer eu cywion nhw.

Hadau a ffrwyth ydy bwyd y rhan fwyaf o golomenod a gellir rhannu'r teulu'n ddau. Gall un math o golomenod sy'n perthyn i'r Colomenod Ffrwyth Atoll fwyta pryfaid a phryfaid genwair a gwybed.

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Holubovití ( Czech )

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Holubovití (Columbidae) je rozsáhlá skupina ptáků čítající až 310 druhů, žijících po celém světě, až na Antarktidu a několik ostrovů.

Většina holubů žije na území Asie a Austrálie, kde se vyskytují v mnoha krásně vybarvených variacích. V Česku je nejhojnějším druhem z čeledi holubovití holub domácí, ale hojná je v České republice také hrdlička zahradní nebo holub hřivnáč, méně hrdlička divoká a nejméně holub doupňák.


Někteří holubi dorůstají velikosti vrabce, jiní skoro krocana. Většina holubů má husté opeření a zavalitou mohutnou postavu a poměrně malou hlavu. Většinou se od sebe samec a samice neliší, jen někdy je samec jinak zbarven.

Způsob života

Holubi mají zvláštní fenomén, spojovaný s rozmnožováním. Ve voleti vytvoří „tvaroh“, kterým krmí rodiče mláďata v prvních dnech jejich života. Tato výživná hmota má vysoký obsah bílkovin a tuku a voní jako sýr. Obvykle holubice snáší 1–2 vejce do vzdušného, ale přesto účelného hnízda, které staví z větví.

Mnoho holubů tráví většinu svého života na stromech a žere semena, plody, výhonky a jiný rostlinný materiál. Také někteří zemní holubi se živí na tímto způsobem. Holubi skvěle létají a mají výborný orientační smysl, který jim umožňuje, aby se vraceli „domů“ i z velkých vzdáleností.

Holubovití v Česku



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Holubovití: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Holubovití (Columbidae) je rozsáhlá skupina ptáků čítající až 310 druhů, žijících po celém světě, až na Antarktidu a několik ostrovů.

Většina holubů žije na území Asie a Austrálie, kde se vyskytují v mnoha krásně vybarvených variacích. V Česku je nejhojnějším druhem z čeledi holubovití holub domácí, ale hojná je v České republice také hrdlička zahradní nebo holub hřivnáč, méně hrdlička divoká a nejméně holub doupňák.

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Duer ( Danish )

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En due, der kurrer.

Er der problemer med lyden? Se da eventuelt Hjælp:Ogg Vorbis eller "Media help" (engelsk)

Duer (latin: Columbidae) er en familie af fugle med mere end 300 forskellige arter fordelt på over 40 slægter. Arterne er udbredt i næsten alle verdensdele.

Familien regnes nu for at være den eneste i ordenen duefugle, hvortil man tidligere også henførte sandhøns. Den uddøde dronte blev også henført til sin egen familie, Raphidae, men det har vist sig, at dronten er nært beslægtet med de øvrige duer i underfamilien Raphinae.[1]


Duer varierer i størrelse mellem en lærke og næsten op til en kalkun. Fuglene har kompakte kroppe med kort hals, og korte slanke næb, der ved basis har en blød voksagtig hud. Fjerdragten spænder fra overvejende grå til meget farvestrålende. Nogle arter er tilknyttet det åbne land, mens andre kun findes i skove. Alle arter har en veludviklet kro (udposning af spiserøret), der anvendes til at opmagasinere føden, der især er vegetabilsk.

Duernes sang kaldes kurren. De lægger normalt kun mellem 1 og 3 hvide æg i kuldet. Ungerne fodres med såkaldt duemælk, der udskilles i kroen som en osteagtig masse.

På vis med mange andre fugle, vipper duer deres hoveder. Det er ikke helt klart hvorfor, men den generelle konsensus er for at kompensere for deres ubevægelige pupiller eller anden visuel årsag.[2]

Danske duer

De mest kendte duer fra Danmark er:

Uddøde arter

En del duearter er uddøde siden 1500-tallet. I følge BirdLife International er 15 arter sikkert uddøde, mens yderligere to muligvis er uddøde.[3] Til de uddøde arter er f.eks. dronten og vandreduen.


Duer blev brugt som kommunikationsmiddel: brevdue. Fuglen har tidligere været meget folkekær og findes i mange byer, normalt der hvor folk færdes, og den kan få mad af turister. I de seneste år er der en stigende modvilje mod duer og de ødelæggelser især deres efterladenskaber forårsager. Flere steder er det blevet forbudt at fodre dem, og i Californien er man begyndt at give dem præventionsmiddel[4]. Ringduen er et velsmagende eftertragtet jagtbytte.


Fuglen bruges ofte som fredssymbol: en fredsdue. Med urette: duer er meget ufredelige mod artsfæller. Den bærer som fredsdue ofte en oliegren i næbbet. Duen bruges desuden som billede på Helligånden. Fuglen har været meget brugt på gravsten som en figur af uglaseret porcelæn - biscuit. Den symboliserer da sorg. Duen optræder også i fortællingen om Noa i Det Gamle Testamente.


Drengenavnet Jonas betyder "due". Det er afledet af det hebraiske ord for due, yonah.


De ca. 322 nulevende duearter er foreslået fordelt på tre underfamilier og 42 slægter.[5][1]

Underfamilie Columbinae

Nogle af de 13 slægter (med udvalgte arter) er:

Underfamilie Peristerinae

Disse kaldes også amerikanske jordduer og omfatter fire slægter.

Underfamilie Raphinae

Denne underfamilie af duer fra Den gamle verden omfatter cirka 30 slægter, hvor eksempler er:

Se også


  1. ^ a b John H. Boyd: Taxonomy in Flux Sammenfatning af forskningsresultater indenfor fuglenes fylogenetiske systematik. Arkiveret
  2. ^ "Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk?". Library of Congress. Hentet 13. januar 2019.
  3. ^ BirdLife International (2012). The BirdLife checklist of the birds of the world, with conservation status and taxonomic sources. Version 5. BirdLife Checklist hentet 2. nov. 2013. Med visning af uddøde eller truede fuglearter vha. filtreringsfunktionen i ruden "G2" i filen "BirdLife_Checklist_Version_5.1.xls".
  4. ^ BBC NEWS | Americas | US pigeons to get contraceptives
  5. ^ Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2015. IOC World Bird List (v 5.1). doi:10.14344/IOC.ML.5.1. Arkiveret

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Duer: Brief Summary ( Danish )

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Duer (latin: Columbidae) er en familie af fugle med mere end 300 forskellige arter fordelt på over 40 slægter. Arterne er udbredt i næsten alle verdensdele.

Familien regnes nu for at være den eneste i ordenen duefugle, hvortil man tidligere også henførte sandhøns. Den uddøde dronte blev også henført til sin egen familie, Raphidae, men det har vist sig, at dronten er nært beslægtet med de øvrige duer i underfamilien Raphinae.

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Tauben ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Tauben (Columbidae) sind eine artenreiche Familie der Vögel. Sie sind die einzige Familie der Ordnung der Taubenvögel (Columbiformes). Eine männliche Taube heißt Tauberich[1], Täuberich[2], Tauber[3] oder auch Täuber[4]. Eine weibliche Taube wird manchmal auch Täubin[5] genannt. Die Arten der Familie haben einen recht einheitlichen Körperbau mit kräftigem Rumpf und relativ kleinem Kopf, der beim Laufen in charakteristischer Weise vor und scheinbar zurück bewegt wird: Er wird nach jedem Schritt „nachgeholt“, so dass das Bild auf der Netzhaut bis dahin ruht – ein Stellreflex. Bei den meisten Arten ist das Gefieder grau, graublau oder braun gefärbt. Einige wenige Arten, die meist zu den Fruchttauben gehören, haben ein sehr farbenprächtiges Gefieder.

Tauben ernähren sich überwiegend von pflanzlicher Nahrung, die von den meisten Arten unzerteilt verschluckt wird. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Vögeln heben Tauben den Kopf beim Trinken nicht an – das wäre sonst das übliche „Schöpftrinken“ –, sondern sie saugen das Wasser auf: „Saugtrinken“. Die Nester der Tauben sind meist sehr einfache Gebilde. Das Gelege besteht aus einem bis zwei Eiern. Zu den Besonderheiten der Taubenvögel zählt die Bildung der sogenannten Kropfmilch, mit der die Jungvögel ernährt werden. Die Nestlinge wachsen sehr schnell heran, bei vielen Arten sind sie bereits nach zwei Wochen flügge. Die Familie umfasst etwa 42 Gattungen und mehr als 300 Arten, die größte Artenvielfalt besteht im Bereich von Südasien bis Australien. In der Paläarktis kommen 29 Arten vor, davon fünf in Mitteleuropa.


Die Ringeltaube kann wie alle Tauben das Wasser beim Trinken ansaugen.

Die kleinsten Tauben sind etwa so groß wie eine Lerche, die größten Arten erreichen die Größe eines Haushuhns. Tauben sind kräftig gebaut und meist auffallend kleinköpfig. Der Schnabel hat nur in der distalen Hälfte eine Hornscheide. Die basale Hälfte wird von einer weichen, basisnah geschwollenen Haut bedeckt, unter der sich die schlitzförmigen Nasenlöcher befinden. Der Tarsometatarsus ist mehr oder weniger ausgedehnt befiedert. Der unbefiederte Teil des Tarsometatarsus ist vorn meist durch eine Reihe tafelförmiger Schuppen bedeckt und im Übrigen fein beschildert oder mehr oder weniger nackt. Der Fuß ist als Sitzfuß ausgebildet und anisodactyl, drei Zehen weisen nach vorn, eine nach hinten.

Das Deckgefieder ist recht dicht, die Federfahnen haben basal und seitlich dunige Bereiche, Pelzdunen fehlen. Das Gefieder wirkt beim lebenden Vogel durch die starke Puderbildung wachsartig bereift. Das Großgefieder besteht aus 11 Handschwingen, 12 bis 18 Armschwingen und meist 12 bis 14 Steuerfedern. Der Schwanz ist gerade abgeschnitten bis stark keilförmig. Die Geschlechter unterscheiden sich in der Regel nur geringfügig.

Alle Tauben haben rudimentäre Blinddärme und einen großen, zweiteiligen Kropf. In diesem wird nicht nur Nahrung gespeichert, sondern auch die sogenannte Kropfmilch zur Fütterung der Nestlinge gebildet. Diese Kropfmilch entsteht durch die kontinuierliche Neubildung und Ablösung von Epithelzellen im Kropf. Die äußerst nahrhafte Flüssigkeit wird von beiden Geschlechtern erzeugt. Bei der Haustaube setzt sie sich zu 64 bis 82 % aus Wasser, zu 7 bis 13 % aus Fett und fettähnlichen Stoffen, zu 10 bis 19 % aus Eiweiß, zu 1,6 % aus Mineral- und Wirkstoffen wie Vitamin A und B-Komplexen zusammen.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Mit Ausnahme der Arktis und Antarktis kommt die Familie beinahe weltweit vor. Die größte Formenvielfalt findet sich von Südasien bis Australien, als Region mit der größten Vielfalt bezogen auf Körpergröße und besetzter ökologischer Nische gilt Neuguinea.[6] In der Paläarktis kommen 29 Arten vor, davon fünf in Mitteleuropa (Ringeltaube, Hohltaube, Türkentaube, Turteltaube und Stadttaube).

Tauben nutzen eine Vielzahl verschiedener Lebensräume. Eine große Zahl der Arten bewohnt Wälder, sowohl in den Ebenen als auch in Gebirgen. Einige wenige Arten besiedeln felsige Gebiete oder kommen im Randgebiet von Wüsten und Trockensteppen vor.[7] Einige Arten sind ausgesprochene Lebensraumspezialisten. So kommen die Rotscheitel- und die Weißscheiteltauben ausschließlich in stark zerklüfteten und felsigen Gebieten im Norden Australiens vor. Die zu den Feldtauben gehörende Schneetaube brütet im Himalaya in Höhenlagen zwischen 4000 und 6000 Metern und unternimmt teilweise Vertikalwanderungen von mehr als 2000 Höhenmetern, um nach Nahrung zu suchen. Die im karibischen Raum verbreitete Weißkappentaube benötigt während der Fortpflanzungszeit sogar zwei stark unterschiedliche Lebensräume. Sie brütet in isoliert vor der Küste liegenden Mangrovengebieten. Dort sind die Nester vor Beutegreifern wie Waschbären geschützt. Ihre Nahrung sucht sie dagegen in immergrünen Hartlaubwäldern.[8]


Die meisten Arten ernähren sich fast ausschließlich pflanzlich. Tauben sind anders als viele andere samenfressende Vögel nicht in der Lage, Samen oder Körner mit dem Schnabel zu enthülsen. Sie nehmen daher Samen, Früchte, Beeren und auch kleine Wirbellose ganz auf und verschlucken sie. Auch die Füße werden bei der Nahrungsaufnahme nur sehr selten benutzt.[9] Eine Ausnahme davon ist die Zahntaube, die mit ihrem kräftigen Schnabel in der Lage ist, auch größere Samen zu zerbeißen. Über diese Art liegen nur wenige Beobachtungen vor. Vermutlich nutzt sie aber dabei ihre Füße zum Festhalten größerer Nahrungsteile.[10]


Balzfütternde Sclaters Rotbrust-Krontauben (Goura sclaterii)
Ein Schopftaubenmännchen balzt mit aufgefächertem Schwanz und abgespreizten Flügeln um ein Weibchen

Die Nester sind meist recht kleine Plattformen aus Zweigen, seltener wird in fertigen Höhlen in Bäumen, Felsen oder in der Erde gebrütet. Einige australische Arten brüten häufig auf dem Boden. Bei nestbauenden Arten erfolgt der Bau im Wesentlichen durch das Weibchen, das Männchen übergibt diesem jedoch die zum Bau verwendeten Ästchen und Zweige. Die Gelege umfassen nur ein oder zwei elliptische, einfarbige Eier. Bei den meisten Arten sind die Eier rein weiß, nur bei einigen bodennahe brütenden Arten kommen cremefarbene oder blass gelbbraune Eier vor. Die Jungen sind Nesthocker, sie sind beim Schlupf nackt oder grob gelb haarig bedaunt. Sie werden in den ersten Lebenstagen ausschließlich mit Kropfmilch ernährt, die sie erhalten, indem sie den Schnabel in den Rachen der Altvögel stecken.

Gefährdete Taubenarten

Zu den Arten der Tauben, die besonders gefährdet sind, zählen viele, die auf kleinen Inselterritorien endemisch sind. Zum Bestandsrückgang tragen Veränderungen ihres Habitats durch menschliche Eingriffe und die Einführung konkurrierender Arten bei oder Arten, die Beutegreifer der Tauben sind. Rosa-, Socorro-, Grenada- und Kuba-Erdtaube sind Beispiele für Inselarten, bei denen neben der Zerstückelung ihres Lebensraumes durch Rodung und Umwandlung in landwirtschaftliche Flächen eingeführte Beutegreifer wie verwilderte Hauskatzen, Ratten, Opossums und Mangusten zum Bestandsrückgang beigetragen haben. Bei der Tahiti-Fruchttaube ist eine wesentliche Ursache für den Bestandsrückgang, der zum wahrscheinlichen Aussterben auf Moorea und Tahiti geführt hat, die Ansiedlung von Sumpfweihen gewesen.[11][12] Die Restbestände dieser Art auf der Insel Makatea sind durch eine Wiederaufnahme des Bergbaus dort bedroht. Bei der Mindoro- und der Negros-Dolchstichtaube sowie der Marquesastaube wird neben dem Verlust an Lebensraum auch in der Jagd ein wesentlicher Faktor für den Rückgang der Populationen gesehen.[13] Geoffroys Täubchen, das sehr stark bedroht ist, kommt dagegen auf dem südamerikanischen Kontinent vor. Bei dieser Art handelt es sich um einen Nahrungsspezialisten, der überwiegend von den Samen zweier Bambusarten lebt. Umfangreiche Rodungen haben den Lebensraum dieser Art so stark fragmentiert, dass die IUCN es für möglich hält, dass diese Art nicht mehr vor dem Aussterben bewahrt werden kann.[14]

Zu den wesentlichen Schutzmaßnahmen gehört die Unterschutzstellung wichtiger Lebensräume. Für einige Arten spielt die Zucht in Menschenhand eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Arterhaltung. So ist die Socorrotaube in ihrer Heimat ausgerottet. Weltweit existieren aber noch etwa 300 Individuen, die mit dem Ziel nachgezüchtet werden, diese auf Socorro wieder anzusiedeln, wenn dort die Voraussetzungen geschaffen sind, die eine solche Wiederansiedlung erfolgversprechend machen. Ähnlich ist man bei der auf Mauritius beheimateten Rosataube vorgegangen, bei der die Wiederansiedelung seit Jahren erfolgreich verläuft.[15]


Die Columbidae ist die einzige Familie der Ordnung der Taubenvögel (Columbiformes) mit etwa 42 Gattungen und mehr als 300 Arten. Die im 18. Jahrhundert ausgerotteten, flugunfähigen Arten Dodo und Rodrigues-Solitär der Maskarenen-Inseln werden nach neueren Erkenntnissen ebenfalls zu dieser Familie gestellt. Die hier angegebene Liste der Gattungen sowie die Artenzahlen folgen der IOC World Bird List.[16]

Paradies-Fruchttaube (Alectroenas pulcherrima)
Jungferntaube (Alopecoenas xanthonurus)
  • Aplopelia – 1 Art
Kragentaube (Caleonas nicobarica)
  • Kragentauben (Caloenas) – 1 Art
Oliventaube (Columba arquatrix)
Stadttaube (Columba livia forma domestica)
Guineataube (Columba guinea)
Ringeltaube (Columba palumbus)
Rosttäubchen (Columbina talpacoti)
  • Zahntauben (Didunculus) – 1 Art
Spaltschwingentaube (Drepanoptila holosericea)
Zweifarben-Fruchttaube (Ducula bicolor)
Schwarzkragen-Fruchttaube (Ducula mullerii)
Rotschwanz-Fruchttaube (Ducula rufigaster)
  • Wandertauben (Ectopistes) – 1 Art
Hopftaube (Gallicolumba tristigmata)
Diamanttaube (Geopelia cuneata)
Schnurrbart-Erdtaube (Geotrygon mystacea)
Sclaters Rotbrust-Krontaube (Goura sclaterii)
  • Maori-Fruchttauben (Hemiphaga) – 1 Art
Wongataube (Leucosarcia melanoleuca)
  • Wongatauben (Leucosarcia) – 1 Art
Weißstirntaube (Leptotila verreauxi)
Rosabrust-Kuckuckstaube (Macropygia amboinensis)
Brillentäubchen (Metriopelia ceciliae)
Spitzschopftaube (Ocyphaps lophotes)
  • Fasanentauben (Otidiphaps) – 1 Art
Rotschnabeltaube (Patagioenas flavirostris)
Salvintaube (Patagioenas oenops)
Bronzeflügeltaube (Phaps chalcoptera)
Schwarznacken-Fruchttaube ( Ptilinopus melanospilus)
Rothals-Flaumfußtaube (Ptilinopus porphyreus)
Schöne Flaumfußtaube (Ptilinopus pulchellus)
  • Raphus – 1 Art
    • Dodo (Raphus cucculatus) †
Rotbraune Reinwardttaube (Reinwardtoena reinwardtii)
  • Kubatauben (Starnoenas) – 1 Art
Kapturteltaube (Streptopelia capicola)
Graustirn-Pompadourtaube (Treron affinis)
Bindengrüntaube (Treron bicincta)
Nacktgesicht-Grüntaube (Treron calva)
  • Dickschnabel-Erdtauben (Trugon) – 1 Art
Manadotaube (Turacoena manadensis)
  • Campostäubchen (Uropelia) – 1 Art
Küstentaube (Zenaida aurita)


Steintafel mit Taube und Olivenzweig, Domitilla-Katakomben, Rom
Sedisvakanzmünze mit dem Heiligen Geist in Taubengestalt.

Weil die antike Naturwissenschaft annahm, dass die Taube keine Gallenblase hat und daher frei von allem Bitteren und Bösen ist[18], gilt sie als Symbol des Friedens (Friedenstaube), auch der Unschuld, Liebe (vgl. Turteltaube), Treue (vergl. Hochzeitstaube, Auflasstaube) und Mutterschaft, der Seele und christlich gedeutet des Heiligen Geistes[19] sowie auf Wappen. Die Symbolik findet sich in zahlreichen Kulturen. Im Umfeld von Trauer oder der Beisetzung eines Verstorbenen steht die weiße Taube vor allen Dingen für die Freiheit, die eine Seele nach dem Tode und dem Verlassen des menschlichen Körpers erhält.



Historische Abbildungen

Tauben in der Stadt, 21. Jahrhundert


  • Bruce M. Beehler, Thane K. Pratt: Birds of New Guinea; Distribution, Taxonomy, and Systematics. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016, ISBN 978-0-691-16424-3.
  • Robert Fulton, J. W. Ludlow: Das Buch der Tauben. Nach der Ausgabe um 1870. Mit einem Nachwort von Joachim Schütte. Harenberg, Dortmund (= Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher. Band 32).
  • Urs N. Glutz v. Blotzheim, Kurt M. Bauer: Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Bd. 9, 2. Aufl., AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden 1994, S. 9–11. ISBN 3-89104-562-X.
  • David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes und John Cox: Pigeons and Doves. A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. Pica Press, Sussex 2001, ISBN 90-74345-26-3.
  • Alois Münst, Josef Wolters: Tauben – Die Arten der Wildtauben. 2. erweiterte und überarbeitete Auflage, Verlag Karin Wolters, Bottrop 1999, ISBN 3-9801504-9-6.
  • Gerhard Rösler: Die Wildtauben der Erde – Freileben, Haltung und Zucht. Verlag M. & H. Schaper, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0.


  1. Tauberich | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft. Abgerufen am 23. Juli 2020.
  2. Täuberich | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft. In: Duden. Abgerufen am 22. Juli 2018.
  3. Tauber | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft. In: Duden. Abgerufen am 22. Juli 2018.
  4. Duden | Täuber | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft. Abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2019.
  5. Duden | Täubin | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft. Abgerufen am 20. Dezember 2019.
  6. Beehler & Pratt: Birds of New Guinea, S. 63.
  7. Rösler, S. 19
  8. Gibbs, S. 213
  9. Rösler, S. 25
  10. Rösler, S. 318
  11. C. Blanvillain u. a.: Impact of introduced birds on the recovery of the Tahiti Flycatcher (Pomarea nigra), a critically endangered forest bird of Tahiti. In: Biological Conservation 109, Nr. 2, Februar 2003. S. 197–205.
  12. Neil Hetherington: Species Profile: Australasian Harrier (Memento des Originals vom 26. Mai 2009 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.canterburynature.org www.canterburynature.org. September 2006. Abgerufen am 3. Dezember 2016.
  13. Rösler, S. 21.
  14. Factsheet auf BirdLife International
  15. Rösler, S. 23
  16. Columbidae auf der IOC World Bird List, Version 6.4. zugegriffen am 27. November 2016
  17. a b Banks, Weckstein, Remsen & Johnson: Classification of a clade of New World doves (Columbidae: Zenaidini). Zootaxa 3669 (2): 184–188 doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.2.11
  18. a b Charles Victor Daremberg und Friedrich Anton Reuß (1810–1868). S. Hildegardis Abbatissae Subtilitatum Diversarum Naturarum Creaturarum Libri Novem. Physica, Buch VI (De avibus), Kapitel 30: Columba. Kapitel 31: Turtur. Migne, Paris 1855. Sp. 1299 (Digitalisat). Übersetzung: Marie-Louise-Portmann, Basel 1991: Von der Taube. Die Taube ist mehr kalt als warm, und den Morgen des Tages, das heißt seinen ersten Anfang, der mäßig kalt ist, liebt sie mehr als die Wärme. Und sie ist einfältig und furchtsam, und daher fliegt sie im Schwarm, um desto weniger von andern Vögeln geschädigt zu werden. Und weil sie kalt ist, hat sie leicht Hunger. Und die Speise in ihr wird nicht so warm wie in andern Vögeln, und daher hat sie schnell Hunger, und sie frisst mehr als ein anderer Vogel ihrer Größe. Und ihr Fleisch ist nicht fest, sondern etwas dürr, und sie verleiht dem Menschen nicht viel Saft, und einem gesunden Menschen nützt sie nicht viel zur Speise, auch wenn sie ihm nicht schadet. Den Kranken, der im Körper schwach ist, schädigt sie, wenn er sie gegessen hat. Aber auch die Holztaube und die Ringeltaube haben dieselbe Natur, außer dass sich diese in den Wäldern aufhalten, und daher sind sie etwas herber und größer, und dass sie vom Futter der Wälder fressen. Aber weder diese noch jene taugen zu Heilmitteln. --- Von der Turteltaube. Die Turteltaube ist warm und trocken, und sie ist von männlicher Stärke, und sie ist nicht furchtsam, und sie hat immer sozusagen einen Diener. Und weil sie Feuchtigkeit nicht hat und ihre Lebensweise nicht nach verschiedenen (Richtungen) (ab)stellt, kann Galle in ihr nicht wachsen, wie das im Menschen der Fall ist. Wer guten Willen hat, in dem kann die Galle nicht wachsen, sondern sie nimmt in ihm ab. Und wenn er einen verbrecherischen Sinn hat, nimmt die Galle in ihm zu. Und das Fleisch der Turteltaube taugt nicht zum Essen, weil es die Gicht im Menschen erregt. Das Übrige taugt nichts.
  19. Margret Nußbaum: Taube, Feuer, Wind. In: Katholisch.de. 14. Mai 2016, abgerufen am 4. Juni 2020 (deutsch).
  20. Pedanios Dioskurides. 1. Jh.: De Medicinali Materia libri quinque. Übersetzung. Julius Berendes. Des Pedanius Dioskurides Arzneimittellehre in 5 Büchern. Enke, Stuttgart 1902, S. 191–192 (Buch II, Kapitel 97): Blut von Tauben (Digitalisat); (Buch II, Kapitel 98): Kot von Tauben (Digitalisat)
  21. Plinius der Ältere, 1. Jh.: Naturalis historia Buch X, Kapitel 52–53 (§ 104–110): Palumbes (Digitalisat); Übersetzung Külb 1855 (Digitalisat)
  22. Galen, 2. Jh., De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis ac facultatibus, Buch X, Kapitel II/3 (nach der Ausgabe Kühn 1826, Band XII, S. 256): De sanguine columbae (Digitalisat) Buch X, Kapitel II/25 (nach der Ausgabe Kühn 1826, Band XII, S. 302): De stercare columbino (Digitalisat)
  23. Druck: Sexti Placiti Papyriensis, de medicamentis ex animalibus, libellus. Kapitel 30: De columba Johann Petri, Nürnberg 1538. (Digitalisat)
  24. Avicenna, 11. Jh.: Kanon der Medizin. Übersetzung und Bearbeitung durch Gerhard von Cremona, Arnaldus de Villanova und Andrea Alpago (1450–1521). Basel 1556, Band II, Kapitel 132: Columba (Digitalisat)
  25. Konrad von Megenberg, 14. Jh.: Buch der Natur. Ausgabe. Franz Pfeiffer. Aue, Stuttgart 1861, S. 179 (IIIb/22): Tauben (Digitalisat)
  26. Herbarius Moguntinus, Mainz 1484, Teil II, Kapitel 81: Columba (Digitalisat)
  27. Gart der Gesundheit. Mainz 1485, Kapitel 144: Columba (Digitalisat)
  28. Hortus sanitatis 1491, Mainz 1491, Teil III (De avibus), Kapitel 32: Columba (Digitalisat)
  29. Druck: Sexti Placiti Papyriensis, de medicamentis ex animalibus, libellus. Johann Petri, Nürnberg 1538. (Digitalisat)
  30. Puli columbini. In: Abdul ibn Butlan: Tacuinum sanitatis in medicina. 14. Jh., Codex Vindobon. Ser. Nova 2644, Blatt 26v. Transkription und Übersetzung des Textes durch Franz Unterkircher: Tacuinum sanitatis ... Graz 2004, S. 104: Puli columbini. Pulli columhini: complexio calida et humida. Electio: acquirentes iam sibi cibum. iuvamentum: conferunt paralixi ex frigiditate. nocumentum: nocent cerebro et uigilijs, maxime assati. Remotio nocumenti: cum aceto et coriandro. Quid generant: sanguinem calidum fortis caliditatis. conveniunt magis frigidis, decrepitis et humidis, hyeme et regionibus niuosis. --- Junge Tauben. Junge Tauben: warme und feuchte Komplexion. Vorzuziehen solche, die sich schon selbst das Futter suchen. Nutzen: gut gegen Schlaganfälle infolge Kälte. Schaden: sie schaden dem Gehirn und verursachen Schlaflosigkeit, besonders wenn sie gebraten sind. Verhütung des Schadens: mit Essig und Koriander. Was sie erzeugen: warmes Blut von starker Wärme. Besonders zuträglich für Menschen mit kalter Komplexion, Geschwächte und solche mit feuchter Komplexion, im Winter und in schneereichen Gegenden.
  31. Turtures. In: Abdul ibn Butlan: Tacuinum sanitatis in medicina. 14. Jh., Codex Vindobon. Ser. Nova 2644, Blatt 26v. Transkription und Übersetzung des Textes durch Franz Unterkircher: Tacuinum sanitatis ... Graz 2004, S. 106: Turtures. Turtures: complexio calida et humida in 2°, minoris tamen humiditatis quam pulli columbini. Electio: iuvenes, cum volare incipere debent. iuvamentum: egritudinibus nervorum frixe et assate. cum cera intromissa conferunt fluxui ventris. Nocumentum: sunt famosi nutrimenti, non tantum tamen ut columbi. Remotio nocumenti: cum aceto et coriandro. Quid generant: sanguinem calidum et acutum. conveniunt magis frigidis humidis, decrepitis, hyeme et niuosis regionibus. --- Turteltauben. Turteltauben: Komplexion: warm und feucht im 2. Grad, jedoch von geringerer Feuchtigkeit als junge Tauben. Vorzuziehen: junge, die eben zu fliegen beginnen. Nutzen: wenn sie geröstet und gebraten sind, gegen Nervenkrankheiten, unter Beifügung von Wachs sind sie gut gegen Fluss des Bauches. Schaden: sie haben bekannt guten Nährstoff, jedoch nicht soviel wie die Tauben. Verhütung des Schadens: mit Essig und Koriander. Was sie erzeugen: warmes und scharfes Blut. Besonders zuträglich für Menschen mit kalter und feuchter Komplexion, für Geschwächte, im Winter und in schneereichen Gegenden.
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Tauben: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Tauben (Columbidae) sind eine artenreiche Familie der Vögel. Sie sind die einzige Familie der Ordnung der Taubenvögel (Columbiformes). Eine männliche Taube heißt Tauberich, Täuberich, Tauber oder auch Täuber. Eine weibliche Taube wird manchmal auch Täubin genannt. Die Arten der Familie haben einen recht einheitlichen Körperbau mit kräftigem Rumpf und relativ kleinem Kopf, der beim Laufen in charakteristischer Weise vor und scheinbar zurück bewegt wird: Er wird nach jedem Schritt „nachgeholt“, so dass das Bild auf der Netzhaut bis dahin ruht – ein Stellreflex. Bei den meisten Arten ist das Gefieder grau, graublau oder braun gefärbt. Einige wenige Arten, die meist zu den Fruchttauben gehören, haben ein sehr farbenprächtiges Gefieder.

Tauben ernähren sich überwiegend von pflanzlicher Nahrung, die von den meisten Arten unzerteilt verschluckt wird. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Vögeln heben Tauben den Kopf beim Trinken nicht an – das wäre sonst das übliche „Schöpftrinken“ –, sondern sie saugen das Wasser auf: „Saugtrinken“. Die Nester der Tauben sind meist sehr einfache Gebilde. Das Gelege besteht aus einem bis zwei Eiern. Zu den Besonderheiten der Taubenvögel zählt die Bildung der sogenannten Kropfmilch, mit der die Jungvögel ernährt werden. Die Nestlinge wachsen sehr schnell heran, bei vielen Arten sind sie bereits nach zwei Wochen flügge. Die Familie umfasst etwa 42 Gattungen und mehr als 300 Arten, die größte Artenvielfalt besteht im Bereich von Südasien bis Australien. In der Paläarktis kommen 29 Arten vor, davon fünf in Mitteleuropa.

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Balondis (paukštis) ( Samogitian )

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Balondis (Columba livia)

Balondis (luotīnėškā: Columbidae) īr balondėniu būrė paukštis. Ons īr paplėtės vėsam svietė. Prėskaitlioujama aple 300 rūšiū. Žemaitėjuo tonkiausē sotėnkama balondiu rūšis īr namėnis balondis. Onsā īr nuognē dažns miestūs. Mėškūs ė laukūs īr ulduku, keršoliu, porpleliu.

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Calman ( Scottish Gaelic )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

'S e eun liath is geal a tha ann an calman (Laideann: Columbidae). Tha iad a' gabhail ionnsachaidh dol dhachaigh à àite fad air falbh. Tha ainmean eile air: colaman[1][2], colar[1][2], colgan[1][2], colm[1][2], colman[1][2], colum[1][2], agus columan[1][2]. Tha iad gu math cumanta sna bailtean, far a bheil iad a' dèanamh mòran trioblaid.

Tha an t-ainm 'Calum' càirdeil ris.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Dwelly, Edward (1911), Faclair Gàidhlig gu Beurla le Dealbhan/Dwelly's Illustrated Gaelic to English Dictionary 1988, Glaschu: Gairn Publications, ISBN 978-0901771926, ISBN 901771929
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Bauer, Mìcheal. "Am Faclair Beag"


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Calman: Brief Summary ( Scottish Gaelic )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

'S e eun liath is geal a tha ann an calman (Laideann: Columbidae). Tha iad a' gabhail ionnsachaidh dol dhachaigh à àite fad air falbh. Tha ainmean eile air: colaman, colar, colgan, colm, colman, colum, agus columan. Tha iad gu math cumanta sna bailtean, far a bheil iad a' dèanamh mòran trioblaid.

Calman-coilearach: (Laideann: Streptopelia decaocto, Beurla: Eurasian collared dove, collared dove, Eurasian collared-dove) Calman-coille, calman-coille fearan, calman-fiadhaich, colman-coille, guragag: (Laideann: Streptopelia risoria, Beurla: Barbary dove, ringed turtle dove, ringneck dove, ring-necked turtle dove, ring dove) Calman-coille, Calman-fiadhaich, Dòrdan, Dùdan, Dùradan, Durbadan: (Laideann: Columba palumbus, Beurla: wood pigeon, woodpigeon) Calman-creige, Calman nan creag, Calman-mara, Smùdan: (Laideann: Columba livia, Beurla: rock dove, rock pigeon) Calman-dubh, Calman-fiadhaich, Calman-gorm: (Laideann: Columba oenas, Beurla: stock dove, stock-dove) Calman-gobhlach: (Laideann: Columba livia domestica, Beurla: (fancy) fan-tailed pigeon, (fancy) fantail pigeon) Calman-taighe: (Laideann: Columba livia domestica, Beurla: domestic pigeon) Calman-tùchan, Caidhean, Turtair, : (Laideann: Streptopelia turtur, Beurla: European turtle dove, turtle dove)

Tha an t-ainm 'Calum' càirdeil ris.

Ùghdaran agus luchd-deasachaidh Wikipedia

Colomb ( Occitan (post 1500) )

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Columba livia domestica.

Un colomb es un aucèu de la familha dei Columbidae.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbidae ( Aragonese )

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Columbidae ye una familia d'a orden Columbiformes y d'a clase Aves. Comprende os animals que en aragonés se denomina palomos y as tordoletas.


Anque os termins «palomo» y «paloma» son intercambeables en aragonés, a forma femenina, en l'Alto Aragón, se gosa reservar ta las fembras de cría u ta os animals salvaches, mientres que a parola masculina se refiere muito mas a sobén a os exemplars domesticos.

Os exemplars chovens anque con plumas (os polletz naixen despullaus), pre-adultos en todas as columbidas, reciben o nombre de pichons.


A familia columbidae ye subdivita en cinco subfamilias y muitos cheneros:[1]

Subfamilia Columbinae

Subfamilia Otidiphabinae

Subfamilia Gourinae

  • Chenero Goura (3 especies)

Subfamilia Didunculinae

Subfamilia Treroninae

Galeria de fotos


  • Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Order Columbiformes. A: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
  • Gibbs, Barnes and Cox, Pigeons and Doves (Pica Press 2001) ISBN 1-873403-60-7
  • Johnson, Kevin P. & Clayton, Dale H. (2000): Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14(1): 141–151. Texto en PDF.
  • Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001): A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba. Auk 118(4): 874-887. Texto en PDF.


  1. [1].

Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbidae ( Picard )

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Lisse ed chés éspèches in Picardie

  • Columba (Coulon o Pinjon)
    • Columba oenas - Nicheu
    • Columba palumbus (Biset) - Nicheu
  • Streptopelia (Toertréle) - Nicheusse
    • Streptopelia decaocto - Nicheusse
    • Streptopelia turtur - Nicheusse
Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbidae ( Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) )

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Columbidae es un familia de Columbiformes. Illo produce pigeon[*].

Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbidae ( Scots )

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A doo is a bird o the faimily Columbidae. The birds can be foond athort the warld, but the maist varieties bides in the airts aboont Indonesia an Australie. There is mair nor 300 species o doos.

Doos is thick-boukit birds wi a cutty hause an short nairae beaks. The species for ordinar cried the "doo" is Columba livia, common in mony ceeties.

The nests o doos is for ordinar made o ryce. Their twa white eggs is incubatit bi baith the male an the female. Doos feeds on seeds, fruit an plaunts. Unalike maist ither birds, the doos maks a type o milk. Baith sexes creates this gey nutritious milk for tae feed tae the young.

Mony fowk hauds doos for a habbie, sic as racin, or tae send messages. Doos is for ordinae hauden in a doocot.

As a seembol

In the Bible, Noah released a white doo for tae find laund efter the fluid. The doo returned wi an olive brainch. For ordinar a white doo wi an olive brainch in its beak means peace an lou.

Ither doos


  1. Farner, Donald (2012). Avian Biology. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-15799-5.
Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

A doo is a bird o the faimily Columbidae. The birds can be foond athort the warld, but the maist varieties bides in the airts aboont Indonesia an Australie. There is mair nor 300 species o doos.

Doos is thick-boukit birds wi a cutty hause an short nairae beaks. The species for ordinar cried the "doo" is Columba livia, common in mony ceeties.

The nests o doos is for ordinar made o ryce. Their twa white eggs is incubatit bi baith the male an the female. Doos feeds on seeds, fruit an plaunts. Unalike maist ither birds, the doos maks a type o milk. Baith sexes creates this gey nutritious milk for tae feed tae the young.

Mony fowk hauds doos for a habbie, sic as racin, or tae send messages. Doos is for ordinae hauden in a doocot.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Aragonese )

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Columbidae ye una familia d'a orden Columbiformes y d'a clase Aves. Comprende os animals que en aragonés se denomina palomos y as tordoletas.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Columbiformo ( Lingua Franca Nova )

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Streptopelia chinensis.jpg

La Columbiformos es un ordina de avias cual inclui pijones, la 308 spesies multe susedente trovada sirca la mundo.

Es sola du familias:

Wikipedia authors and editors

Dara ( Javanese )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Dara iku familia Columbidae saka ordho Columbiformes.Dara local ya iku kagolong jinis manuk alasan kang diopèni manungsa kanggo kéwan ingonan ana ing omah utawa ing pekarangan. Sajeroning dadi kéwan pangopènan (sato iwèn) dara uga bisa dadi daging konsumsi manungsa, amarga daging dara rasané énak lan gurih.

Manuk dara bisa dipakani jagung, gabah lan beras. Panggonan utawa omah dara jenengé Pagupon. Dara kang alasan racaké nyusuh ana ing wit-witan. Pagupon (omah dara) iku kanggo dedunung utawa netepé dara lan ngiyup saka panasé srengéngé lan udan. Mumpangate pagupon uga bisa kanggo nyusuh (sarang), ngangkremi endhog supaya bisa netes. Endhog kang diangkremi suwéné 25 dina bisa netes dadi piyik (anak dara). Umur sewulan utawa (30 dina), wis thukul wuluné, sok diarani ing tlatah Jawa karang drejepi. Piyik dara kang durung bisa golèk pangan dhèwé racaké diloloh (dipakani liwat cucuké déning simboké).

Macem-Macem Dara

Dara uga bisa dikelompokake miturut warnané

  • Dara Cemani: Dara kang wernane ireng
  • Dara Blorok: Dara kang jinis wernane ana telu 3 ya iku abang, kuning lan putih
  • Dara Klawu: Dara kang warnané campura saka warna ireng karo putih utawa mau warna klawu

Penulis lan editor Wikipedia

Doeve ( Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
"Douf" verwies nao dit artikel; veure gehuuerstuuernis, zuuch: "doufheid".
'n Vlegendje doef.

Doeve (Columbidae) vörmen 'n femielje van meistes middelgroeate, kómpak-geboedje veugel mit 'ne vólle, rónje bórs en 'ne kleine kop. Ze höbben 'n snel en meistes rechlienige vlöch. In taengestèlling toet anger veugel kónne ze mitte snavel water opzuge. De jónge waere mit doevemilk oete krop geveurdj. 't Menke wuuertj 'nen "dóffer" of 'nen "häöre" geneump en 't vruike meistes gewuuen 'n "doef" (al kump "doevin" ouch veur wen 't óngersjied tösse de geslechte benaodrök mót waere).


'n Doef breudj zoea zèstieën toet twintjig daag in 'n einveljig, krempelig ès. Wen de jónge waere gebaore zeen ze nag blindj en bedèk mit dón gael duvelshaore (dóns). Nao drie toet zès daag gaon de uigskes vanne jónge aop en nao ellef daag kriege de jónge vaere. De moder sjèdj oet mit 't vore nao óngevieër zèstieën daag; den ètj 't jónk zelf. Nao viefentwintjig daag kan 't jónk vlege.

Relatie mitte miens

Doeve waeren allang gehaje door luuj; es ploemvieë, óm ze (in doeveslaeg) vèt te mèsten en op te aete, es sierdoef en veural ouch es posdoef, vanewaengen häör fenomenaal oriëntatievermeuge. Al inne viefdje dynastie van 't aad Egypte 2500-2350 v.Chr.) goof 't taam doeve. Hievan zeen teikeninge gevónjen in e graaf oet dees periood.

In vreuger jaore kanj me ónger 't Ancien Régime 't Doeverech. Allein d'n aedel enne geistelikheid haw 't rech doeve te haje.


De volgendje geslechte zeen bieje femielje ingedeildj gewaore:


Zuuch ouch

Wikipedia authors and editors

Doeve: Brief Summary ( Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
"Douf" verwies nao dit artikel; veure gehuuerstuuernis, zuuch: "doufheid".  src= 'n Vlegendje doef.

Doeve (Columbidae) vörmen 'n femielje van meistes middelgroeate, kómpak-geboedje veugel mit 'ne vólle, rónje bórs en 'ne kleine kop. Ze höbben 'n snel en meistes rechlienige vlöch. In taengestèlling toet anger veugel kónne ze mitte snavel water opzuge. De jónge waere mit doevemilk oete krop geveurdj. 't Menke wuuertj 'nen "dóffer" of 'nen "häöre" geneump en 't vruike meistes gewuuen 'n "doef" (al kump "doevin" ouch veur wen 't óngersjied tösse de geslechte benaodrök mót waere).

Wikipedia authors and editors

Duuvn ( Vls )

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Duuvn (Columbidae) vormn e familie van veugels die bestoat uut oengeveer 45 geslachtn en 320 soortn. 't Is d' eenigste familie die nog in leevn is van d' orde Columbiformes.

't Zyn compact gebouwde veugels met e roende bost, korte pootn, korte snoavels en e kleene kop. Z' hèn groote vlerkn en sterke vlerkspiern. Duuvn leevn overal ip eirde, uutgezoenderd in de droogste gebiedn van de Sahara-woestyne, Antarctica en 't Noordpoolgebied.


De geslachtn in de familie zyn:

  • Alectroenas (blauwe duuvn, 3 soortn)
  • Alopecoenas (patrysduuvn, 10 soortn)
  • Caloenas (1 soorte)
  • Chalcophaps (smaragdduuvn, 3 soortn)
  • Claravis (groendduuvn, 3 soortn)
  • Columba (35 soortn woaroender d' houtduuve)
  • Columbina (9 soortn)
  • Cryptophaps (1 soorte)
  • Didunculus (tandduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Drepanoptila (1 soorte)
  • Ducula (keyzerlyke duuvn of muskoatduuvn, 39 soortn)
  • Gallicolumba (dolkstekduuvn, 7 soortn)
  • Geopelia (zebraduuvn, 5 soortn)
  • Geophaps (3 soortn)
  • Geotrygon (kwakkelduuvn, 9 soortn)
  • Goura (kroonduuvn, 4 soortn)
  • Gymnophaps (bergduuvn, 4 soortn)
  • Hemiphaga (2 soortn van Nieuw-Zeeland)
  • Henicophaps (2 soortn)
  • Leptotila (11 soortn)
  • Leptotrygon (Veraguakwakkelduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Leucosarcia (Wongaduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Lopholaimus (knoedelduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Macropygia (koekoeksduuvn, 15 soortn)
  • Metriopelia (4 soortn)
  • Nesoenas (2 leevnde soortn)
  • Ocyphaps (1 soorte)
  • Oena (Austroalische kamduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Otidiphaps (fazantduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Patagioenas (Amerikoansche duuvn, 17 soortn)
  • Petrophassa (rotsduuvn, 2 soortn)
  • Phapitreron (bruune vruchtduuvn, 4 soortn)
  • Phaps (bronsvlerkduuvn, 3 soortn)
  • Ptilinopus (fruutduuvn, 55 soortn)
  • Reinwardtoena (lanksteirtduuvn, 3 soortn)
  • Spilopelia (2 soortn)
  • Starnoenas (blauwkopduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Streptopelia (tortelduuvn, 13 soortn)
  • Treron (poapegoaiduuvn, 31 soortn)
  • Trugon (grysde groendduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Turacoena (3 soortn)
  • Turtur (5 soortn)
  • Uropelia (camposduuve, 1 soorte)
  • Zenaida (treurduuvn, 7 soortn)
  • Zentrygon (8 soortn)
Wikipedia authors and editors

Duuvn: Brief Summary ( Vls )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Duuvn (Columbidae) vormn e familie van veugels die bestoat uut oengeveer 45 geslachtn en 320 soortn. 't Is d' eenigste familie die nog in leevn is van d' orde Columbiformes.

't Zyn compact gebouwde veugels met e roende bost, korte pootn, korte snoavels en e kleene kop. Z' hèn groote vlerkn en sterke vlerkspiern. Duuvn leevn overal ip eirde, uutgezoenderd in de droogste gebiedn van de Sahara-woestyne, Antarctica en 't Noordpoolgebied.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Duve ( Nds Nl )

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n Duve

n Duve of doeve (Latien: Columbidae) is n voegelsoort die veule veurkömp. In Nederlaand he'j n paor duvesoorten, waorvan sommigen der eigen stark an de meens an-epast hebben. De rotsduve bieveurbeeld is n veurouwer van de tamme stadsduve die'j overal in de grote stejen zien, volgens sommigen luui soms zelfs te veule. Veur veule meensen is de stadsduve dé duve, mer n duve as de Turkse tortel of de houtduve kömp oek aordig vake veur in Europa.

Tamme duven

Duven wörden al ieuwig lange ehöllen deur de meens; as pluumvee, um ze (in duvetillen) vet te mesten en op te eten, mer veural oek as postduve vanwegen der goeie oriëntasievermeugen. Al in de vuufde dynastie van t ouwe Egypte (±2000 veur Christus) bestungen der al tamme duven. Hiervan bin tekeningen evunnen in n graf uut disse periode. In de Tachtigjaorige Oorlog wördden de duve al gebruukt um tiejigen te doon vanuut bezetten stejen. In de Eerste Weerldoorlog gebruukten t Duutse leger én de geallieerden postduven.

De duve as symbool

De duve steet symbool veur verschillende dingen.


Wikipedia authors and editors

Duve: Brief Summary ( Nds Nl )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= n Duve

n Duve of doeve (Latien: Columbidae) is n voegelsoort die veule veurkömp. In Nederlaand he'j n paor duvesoorten, waorvan sommigen der eigen stark an de meens an-epast hebben. De rotsduve bieveurbeeld is n veurouwer van de tamme stadsduve die'j overal in de grote stejen zien, volgens sommigen luui soms zelfs te veule. Veur veule meensen is de stadsduve dé duve, mer n duve as de Turkse tortel of de houtduve kömp oek aordig vake veur in Europa.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Dúgva ( Faroese )

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Dúgva (frøðiheiti - Columbidae)


Sí eisini

Wikipedia authors and editors

Dúgva: Brief Summary ( Faroese )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Dúgva (frøðiheiti - Columbidae)

Wikipedia authors and editors

Düüwen ( North Frisian )

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Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

Düüwen (Columbidae) san en fögelfamile an hiar tu at order Columbiformes.

Onerfamilin an sköölen

  • Columbinae
    Caloenas – Chalcophaps – Claravis – Columba – Columbina – Gallicolumba – Geopelia – Geophaps – Geotrygon – Henicophaps – Leptotila – Leptotrygon – Leucosarcia – Macropygia – Metriopelia – Nesoenas – Ocyphaps – Oena – Patagioenas – Petrophassa – Phaps – Reinwardtoena – Spilopelia – Starnoenas – Streptopelia – Trugon – Turacoena – Turtur – Uropelia – Zenaida – Zentrygon
  • Didunculinae
  • Gourinae
  • Otidiphabinae
  • Ptilinopinae
    Drepanoptila – Ducula – Gymnophaps – Hemiphaga – Lopholaimus – Ptilinopus
  • Treroninae
    Alectroenas – Cryptophaps – Phapitreron – Treron

Enkelt slacher

  • Columba
    Dünemdüüw (Columba oenas)
    Holtdüüw (Columba palumbus)
  • Raphus
    Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) †
  • Streptopelia
    (Streptopelia decaocto)
    (Streptopelia turtur)

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Düüwen: Brief Summary ( North Frisian )

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Düüwen (Columbidae) san en fögelfamile an hiar tu at order Columbiformes.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Golubovi ( Bosnian )

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Golubovi (Columbidae) su porodica ptice iz reda Columbiformes. Rasprostranjeni su širom svijeta, a najveća raznolikost između vrsta postoji na području Indonezije i Australije. Zbijene su građe, imaju kratak vrat, te kratke i uske noseve.

Jednostavan naziv "golub" se najčešće odnosi na goluba pećinara jer on vrlo učestalo naseljava urbane sredine.



Golub Goura cristata
Golub Treron phoenicoptera jede plodove sapodile
Golub Međimurska lastavica na jednoj izložbi malih životinja

Smatra se da su golubovi pripitomljeni prije više od 3000 godina prije nove ere. Najvjerojatnije su ih pripitomili Egipćani i Sumerani. Ovi narodi su štovali golubove kao svetu pticu i glasnike bogova. Prilikom iskopavanja faraonskih grobnica pronađeni su muminficirani golubovi koji su faraonu trebali poslužiti kao glasnici prilikom putovanja u nebo. Iz starog Egipta uzgoj domaćih golubova se širio na ostale civilizacije. Poznato je da su se stari Grci i Rimljani počeli rano baviti uzgojem golubova. U to vrijeme su se polako počele formirati različite pasmine golubova. U srednjem vijeku samo su plemići smjeli uzgajati rasne, dok su seljaci smjeli držati samo obične poludivlje golubove. Raspadom feudalnog sistema i stvaranjem demokracija rasni golubovi postaju dostupni svim zainteresiranim ljudima pa otada počinje stvaranje mnogih novih pasmina. Domaće golubove možemo podijeliti na dvije osnovne grupe - na ukrasne golubove koji se uzgajaju zbog svoje iznimne ljepote, i sportske golubove koji se uzgajaju zbog svojih letačkih osobina. Golubovi letači dijele se na letače, visokoletače, Engleski tipler, pismonoše i prevrtače. Ukrasni golubovi se dijele na njivske golubove i golubove u boji, golubove bubnjare, golubove gušane, strukturne golubove, golubove galebiće, bradavičaste golubove i kratkokljune ukrasne golubove.

Izgled i osobine

Perje ovog reda ptica je od jednostavno obojenog pa do tropsko šarenog. Mnoge vrste imaju upadljive šare ili naročito na glavi, vratu i krilima perje s metalnim odsjajem. Razlikovanje spolova na temelju boje perja kod ovih ptica nije moguće.

Sve vrste imaju snažno razvijenu voljku koja im služi za pohranu hrane, za neke dijelove probavnog procesa i za pripremu voljkinog mlijeka. Neke vrste još imaju zakržljali ostatak slijepog crijeva, dok je kod većine vrsta potpuno nestalo.

Među vrstama postoje izraženi specijalisti, ali i svežderi. Ali većina vrsta ima veliku potrebu za vodom za piće, ali i za kupanje. Ove ptice žive monogamno.

Gnijezde se pretežno na drveću i u grmlju. No, postoje i vrste koje se gnijezde na tlu ili u dupljama. Većina vrsta može imati nekoliko legla u jednoj godini. Na ležanju na jajima učestvuju oba roditelja. Golublja gnijezda golubovi najčešće izrađuju od štapića pronađenih u prirodi. Na golubljim jajima za vrijeme inkubacije sjede i mužjak i ženka.


Golubovi se hrane sjemenjem, voćem i biljkama. Za razliku od ostalih ptica, proizvode vlastito mlijeko. Golublje mlijeko ima vrlo visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, a roditelji njime hrane svoje mlade.

Hrane se biljnom hranom - vrste umjerenih područja pretežno raznim sjemenjem, a tropske vrste i plodovima. Domaći golubovi potječu od goluba pećinara, divlje vrste koja još i danas živi po pećinama i jamama pod zemljom. Pećinari su rasprostranjeni pretežno na Sredozemlju (žive i u Dalmaciji), sjevernoj Africi i Indiji. U Evropi osim pećinara žive i druge vrste divljih golubova: golub dupljaš, golub grivnjaš, divlja grlica i gugutka.

Također pogledajte


Autori i urednici Wikipedije

Golubovi: Brief Summary ( Bosnian )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Golubovi (Columbidae) su porodica ptice iz reda Columbiformes. Rasprostranjeni su širom svijeta, a najveća raznolikost između vrsta postoji na području Indonezije i Australije. Zbijene su građe, imaju kratak vrat, te kratke i uske noseve.

Jednostavan naziv "golub" se najčešće odnosi na goluba pećinara jer on vrlo učestalo naseljava urbane sredine.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije

Hún-chiáu ( Nan )

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Hún-chiáu sī sio̍k tī Columbidae kho, iok-liōng ū 300 chéng ê chiáu-á.


Í-hā sī hún-chiáu kho ê a-kho kap ē-té ê sio̍k. Chiàu jī-bó pâi-lia̍t:

Wikipedia authors and editors

Hún-chiáu: Brief Summary ( Nan )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Hún-chiáu sī sio̍k tī Columbidae kho, iok-liōng ū 300 chéng ê chiáu-á.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Kalapati ( Tagalog )

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Ang kalapati, pitson, paloma, o batubato (Ingles: dove o pigeon, Kastila: pichón) ay isang uri ng ibon. Kalimitang tinatawag na pitson ang anak ng kalapati.[1]

Mga talasanggunian

  1. Diksyunaryong Tagalog-Ingles ni Leo James English, Kongregasyon ng Kabanalbanalang Tagapag-ligtas, Maynila, ipinamamahagi ng National Book Store, may 1583 na mga dahon, ISBN 971-91055-0-X

Usbong Ang lathalaing ito ay isang usbong. Makatutulong ka sa Wikipedia sa nito.

Mga may-akda at editor ng Wikipedia

Kalapati: Brief Summary ( Tagalog )

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Ang kalapati, pitson, paloma, o batubato (Ingles: dove o pigeon, Kastila: pichón) ay isang uri ng ibon. Kalimitang tinatawag na pitson ang anak ng kalapati.

Mga may-akda at editor ng Wikipedia

Kaptarlar ( Uzbek )

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Kaptarlar (Columbidae), kabutarlar — kaptarsimonlar turkumiga mansub qushlar oilasi. Gavdasining uz. 10—15 sm dan (mitti kaptar) 89 sm gacha (tojli kaptar). Boʻyni kalta, tanasi miqti, qanotlari baquvvat, yaxshi uchadi. Ustki tumshugʻi asosida yumshoq teri boʻrtmasi bor. 43 urugʻi va 285 turi maʼlum. Jan. va Shim. qutblardan boshqa hamma hududlarda tarqalgan. Oʻzbekiston faunasida asl K. va gʻurraklar urugʻiga mansub 9 tur uchraydi. Asl K. urugʻidan togʻ koʻk kaptari (Colum livia) juda keng tarqalgan; gov K. (S. palumbus) va togʻ K. i (S. rupestr) togʻli hududlarda, qora K. (S. Eversmanni) tof etaklari va vodiylarda, klintux (S. oenas) sharqiy hududlarda tarqalgan. Gʻurraklar urugʻidan musicha (Streptopelia senegalensis) va gʻurrak (S. turtur) koʻp uchraydi; togʻ gʻurragi (S. orientalis) togʻli hududlarda yashaydi. K. daraxtlar va ularning kovagiga, jarliklar, koyader, binolar tomiga juftjuft boʻlib uya quradi. Moda va narisi tuxumlarini navbat bilan bosadi. Bir yilda 2, baʼzan 4—5 martagacha 2 tadan tuxum bosadi. Tuxumdan yalangʻoch (patsiz) jish joʻja chiqadi. Joʻjani dastlab nari va modasi jigʻildonidan ajralib chiqadigan oqsilga boy suyuqlik — qush suti, keyinroq jigʻildonda ezilgan don bilan boqadi. Koʻk K. barcha xonaki K.ning zot boshi hisoblanadi. Koʻk K. va gov K. qisman ovlanadi.

Xonaki K. ning 200 ga yaqin zoti mavjud boʻlib, ular pochtachi, dekorativ va goʻshtdor guruhlarga boʻlinadi. Pochtachi K. uchganda oson yoʻl topadi. Qadimda ulardan xat tashishda foydalanilgan. Hozir faqat koʻngil ochish maqsadlarida koʻpaytiriladi. Dekorativ K. ajib qiyofasi va patining juda chiroyli boʻlishi (buqoq, yakobin, tovus kaptar) yoki oʻziga xos uchishi (turmanlar, baliqchi qorasimon zotlar) bilan ajralib turadi. Goʻshtdor zotlar yirik (900 g gacha) boʻladi (karno, king , rim zotlari).[1]


  1. OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil

Vikipediya mualliflari va muharrirlari

Kaptarlar: Brief Summary ( Uzbek )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Kaptarlar (Columbidae), kabutarlar — kaptarsimonlar turkumiga mansub qushlar oilasi. Gavdasining uz. 10—15 sm dan (mitti kaptar) 89 sm gacha (tojli kaptar). Boʻyni kalta, tanasi miqti, qanotlari baquvvat, yaxshi uchadi. Ustki tumshugʻi asosida yumshoq teri boʻrtmasi bor. 43 urugʻi va 285 turi maʼlum. Jan. va Shim. qutblardan boshqa hamma hududlarda tarqalgan. Oʻzbekiston faunasida asl K. va gʻurraklar urugʻiga mansub 9 tur uchraydi. Asl K. urugʻidan togʻ koʻk kaptari (Colum livia) juda keng tarqalgan; gov K. (S. palumbus) va togʻ K. i (S. rupestr) togʻli hududlarda, qora K. (S. Eversmanni) tof etaklari va vodiylarda, klintux (S. oenas) sharqiy hududlarda tarqalgan. Gʻurraklar urugʻidan musicha (Streptopelia senegalensis) va gʻurrak (S. turtur) koʻp uchraydi; togʻ gʻurragi (S. orientalis) togʻli hududlarda yashaydi. K. daraxtlar va ularning kovagiga, jarliklar, koyader, binolar tomiga juftjuft boʻlib uya quradi. Moda va narisi tuxumlarini navbat bilan bosadi. Bir yilda 2, baʼzan 4—5 martagacha 2 tadan tuxum bosadi. Tuxumdan yalangʻoch (patsiz) jish joʻja chiqadi. Joʻjani dastlab nari va modasi jigʻildonidan ajralib chiqadigan oqsilga boy suyuqlik — qush suti, keyinroq jigʻildonda ezilgan don bilan boqadi. Koʻk K. barcha xonaki K.ning zot boshi hisoblanadi. Koʻk K. va gov K. qisman ovlanadi.

Xonaki K. ning 200 ga yaqin zoti mavjud boʻlib, ular pochtachi, dekorativ va goʻshtdor guruhlarga boʻlinadi. Pochtachi K. uchganda oson yoʻl topadi. Qadimda ulardan xat tashishda foydalanilgan. Hozir faqat koʻngil ochish maqsadlarida koʻpaytiriladi. Dekorativ K. ajib qiyofasi va patining juda chiroyli boʻlishi (buqoq, yakobin, tovus kaptar) yoki oʻziga xos uchishi (turmanlar, baliqchi qorasimon zotlar) bilan ajralib turadi. Goʻshtdor zotlar yirik (900 g gacha) boʻladi (karno, king , rim zotlari).

Vikipediya mualliflari va muharrirlari

Kevok ( Kurdish )

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Kevok an jî Kewên malan sernavê kewên ku li malan xwedî dikine. Kewê hêşin jî ji wan yek e. Rengên xwe ya pir gewr, reş, çakar û belek dibin. Li Kurdistanê kewvanên ku ewan xwedî dikin pir in. Kewvan wan difirînin û pê kewên din yên çolê digirin. Hin kewên malan li banî xwe teqle dikin.



Nivîskar û edîtorên Wikipedia-ê

Kevok: Brief Summary ( Kurdish )

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Kevok an jî Kewên malan sernavê kewên ku li malan xwedî dikine. Kewê hêşin jî ji wan yek e. Rengên xwe ya pir gewr, reş, çakar û belek dibin. Li Kurdistanê kewvanên ku ewan xwedî dikin pir in. Kewvan wan difirînin û pê kewên din yên çolê digirin. Hin kewên malan li banî xwe teqle dikin.

Nivîskar û edîtorên Wikipedia-ê

Kolombo ( Ido )

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Kolombo esas familio di uceli kun korta kolo pezante mezavalore 900g, qui nutras precipue per grani e frukti. Existas cirkume 300 speci di kolombi. La maxim pezoza apartenas a la genero Goura (kronigita kolombi) di Nova-Guinea, qui pezas preske 2kg. La maxim legera esas la komuna kolumbo di sulo (Columbina passerina) qua pezas proxim 32 g. Omna kolombi apartenas a familio Columbidae. La maxim komuna subfamilii di kolombi esas Columbinae (origino: Europa e Azia til Japonia) e Columbininae (origino: Amerika), e la precipua genero esas Columba, kun 36 speci (di qui 2 o 3 extingita) de subfamilio Columbinae.

Kelka speci di kolombi:

Bizeto esas quan la homaro manjas lo. Maxim granda kolumbo voyajas ed ofte savas retroirar a lua domo.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Njiwa ( Swahili )

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Njiwa ni ndege wakubwa kiasi wa jenasi Columba na Patagioenas katika familia Columbidae. Spishi nyingine huitwa kunda pia.

Wana rangi ya kijivu na nyeupe na pengine kuna rangi ing'aayo ya buluu au zambarau.

Wanatokea mazingira yote yenye miti. Njiwa hula mbegu, matunda na mimea. Hujenga tago lao la vijiti kwa miti au miwamba. Jike hutaga mayai mawili kwa kawaida na makinda wapewa dutu inayofanana na maziwa. Dutu hii inatungwa katika gole la ndege.

Spishi ya Afrika

Spishi za mabara mengine


Crystal Clear app babelfish vector.svg Makala hii kuhusu mnyama fulani bado ni mbegu.
Je, unajua kitu kuhusu Njiwa kama uainishaji wake wa kibiolojia, maisha au uenezi wake?
Labda unaona habari katika Wikipedia ya Kiingereza au lugha nyingine zinazofaa kutafsiriwa?
Basi unaweza kuisaidia Wikipedia kwa kuihariri na kuongeza habari.
Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri

Njiwa: Brief Summary ( Swahili )

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Njiwa ni ndege wakubwa kiasi wa jenasi Columba na Patagioenas katika familia Columbidae. Spishi nyingine huitwa kunda pia.

Wana rangi ya kijivu na nyeupe na pengine kuna rangi ing'aayo ya buluu au zambarau.

Wanatokea mazingira yote yenye miti. Njiwa hula mbegu, matunda na mimea. Hujenga tago lao la vijiti kwa miti au miwamba. Jike hutaga mayai mawili kwa kawaida na makinda wapewa dutu inayofanana na maziwa. Dutu hii inatungwa katika gole la ndege.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri

Palumma ( Sicilian )

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La palumma è n'aceddu dû gèniri Columba dâ famigghia di li Columbidi ca cumprenni tanti speci cumunimenti noti comu palummi o picciuna.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Pijon ( Haitian; Haitian Creole )

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Yon pijon (Zenaida aurita).

Pijon se yon zwazo.



Mo pijon an soti nan lang franse a (pigeon).

Otè ak editè Wikipedia

Pijon: Brief Summary ( Haitian; Haitian Creole )

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 src= Yon pijon (Zenaida aurita).

Pijon se yon zwazo.

Otè ak editè Wikipedia

Pykasu ( Guarani )

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Pykasu (karaiñe'ẽ: paloma) guyra hũngy, jeruti joguaha, ho'úva kóga ha yva ra'ỹi. Oĩ hesaitéva ha oĩ oñemongakuaáva ogaháre. Ko juehepehẽme ojejuhu amo 308 pykasu juehegua.

Pykasu oiko oparupi, Antártida yvyrusúpe mante ndoikói.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Pëllumbi ( Albanian )

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Pëllumbi shkëmbor në fluturim
Pëllumbat postierë
Pëllumbat e Sarajevës

Pëllumbi ose pëllumbat paraqesin grupin e familjes së shpendëve Columbidae dhe rendin Columbiformes, e cila përfshin rreth 42 gjini dhe 310 lloje. Prandaj fjala "columbine" i referohet pëllumbave. Ata kryesisht ushqehen me fara, fruta dhe bimë. Kjo familje e shpendëve shtrihet në mbarë botën, por më së shumti në rajonin e njohur si Indomalaya dhe Australazia. Pëllumbat janë grupi i shpendëve më të përhapur në botë.

Fjala angleze Pigeon (Pëllumb) është një fjalë franceze me prejardhje nga gjuha latine pipio, që d.m.th. zogth,[1] ndërsa fjala dove (pëllumb) është fjalë protogjermane e cila i referohet fluturimit të zogjve.[2]

Shih edhe


Për lexim të mëtejshëm

  • Blechman, Andrew, Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World's Most Revered and Reviled Bird (Grove Press 2007) ISBN 978-0-8021-4328-0978-0-8021-4328-0
  • Gibbs, Barnes and Cox, Pigeons and Doves (Pica Press 2001) ISBN 1-873403-60-71-873403-60-7

Autorët dhe redaktorët e Wikipedia

Pëllumbi: Brief Summary ( Albanian )

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 src= Pëllumbi shkëmbor në fluturim  src= Pëllumbat postierë  src= Pëllumbat e Sarajevës

Pëllumbi ose pëllumbat paraqesin grupin e familjes së shpendëve Columbidae dhe rendin Columbiformes, e cila përfshin rreth 42 gjini dhe 310 lloje. Prandaj fjala "columbine" i referohet pëllumbave. Ata kryesisht ushqehen me fara, fruta dhe bimë. Kjo familje e shpendëve shtrihet në mbarë botën, por më së shumti në rajonin e njohur si Indomalaya dhe Australazia. Pëllumbat janë grupi i shpendëve më të përhapur në botë.

Fjala angleze Pigeon (Pëllumb) është një fjalë franceze me prejardhje nga gjuha latine pipio, që d.m.th. zogth, ndërsa fjala dove (pëllumb) është fjalë protogjermane e cila i referohet fluturimit të zogjve.

Autorët dhe redaktorët e Wikipedia

Tauben ( Alemannic )

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D Duube (Columbidae) si e Familie vo Vögel mit vile Arte. Si si die äinzigi Familie in dr Ornig vo de Duubevögel (Columbiformes). D Arte vo dr Familie häi e zumlig äihäitlige Körperbau mit eme chreftige Rumpf und eme relativ chliine Chopf, wo bim Laufe uf e charakteristischi Art vorwärts und und zrugg bewegt wird. Bi de mäiste Arte isch s Gfiider grau, graublau oder bruun. Es git e baar wenigi Arte, wo die mäiste von ene zu de Fruchtduube ghööre, wo seer farbigi Fäädere häi.

D Duube ernääre sich vor allem vo pflanzliger Naarig, wo vo de mäiste Arte ganz verschluckt wird. Im Geegesatz zu de mäiste Vögel lüpfe d Duube zum Drinke dr Chopf nit, sondern si suuge s Wasser uf. D Näster vo de Duube si mäistens seer äifach. S Gleeg bestoot us äim bis zwei Äier. Es isch bsundrigs für d Duubevögel ass si für iiri Junge die sogenannti Chropfmilch bilde und si mit ere füetere. Die Junge waggse seer schnäll und chönne bi vile Arte scho mit zwäi Wuche usfliege.

D Ringelduube cha wie alli Duube s Wasser bim Drinke ufsuuge.

D Familie umfasst öbbe 42 Gattige und mee as 300 Arte. Die grössti Artevilfalt bestoot im Gebiet vo Südostasei bis Australie. In dr Paläarktis chömme 29 Arte vor, fünf von ene in Middelöiropa.


  • Urs N. Glutz v. Blotzheim und Kurt M. Bauer: Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Bd. 9., 2. Aufl., AULA-Verlag, Wiesbade, 1994: S. 9–11. ISBN 3-89104-562-X.
  • David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes und John Cox: Pigeons and Doves – A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. Pica Press, Sussex 2001, ISBN 90-74345-26-3.
  • Alois Münst und Josef Wolters: Tauben – Die Arten der Wildtauben, 2. Uflaag, Verlag Karin Wolters, Bottrop 1999, ISBN 3-9801504-9-6.
  • Gerhard Rösler: Die Wildtauben der Erde – Freileben, Haltung und Zucht. Verlag M. & H. Schaper, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0.

Autorët dhe redaktorët e Wikipedia

Tauben: Brief Summary ( Alemannic )

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D Duube (Columbidae) si e Familie vo Vögel mit vile Arte. Si si die äinzigi Familie in dr Ornig vo de Duubevögel (Columbiformes). D Arte vo dr Familie häi e zumlig äihäitlige Körperbau mit eme chreftige Rumpf und eme relativ chliine Chopf, wo bim Laufe uf e charakteristischi Art vorwärts und und zrugg bewegt wird. Bi de mäiste Arte isch s Gfiider grau, graublau oder bruun. Es git e baar wenigi Arte, wo die mäiste von ene zu de Fruchtduube ghööre, wo seer farbigi Fäädere häi.

D Duube ernääre sich vor allem vo pflanzliger Naarig, wo vo de mäiste Arte ganz verschluckt wird. Im Geegesatz zu de mäiste Vögel lüpfe d Duube zum Drinke dr Chopf nit, sondern si suuge s Wasser uf. D Näster vo de Duube si mäistens seer äifach. S Gleeg bestoot us äim bis zwei Äier. Es isch bsundrigs für d Duubevögel ass si für iiri Junge die sogenannti Chropfmilch bilde und si mit ere füetere. Die Junge waggse seer schnäll und chönne bi vile Arte scho mit zwäi Wuche usfliege.

 src= D Ringelduube cha wie alli Duube s Wasser bim Drinke ufsuuge.

D Familie umfasst öbbe 42 Gattige und mee as 300 Arte. Die grössti Artevilfalt bestoot im Gebiet vo Südostasei bis Australie. In dr Paläarktis chömme 29 Arte vor, fünf von ene in Middelöiropa.

Autorët dhe redaktorët e Wikipedia

Titbirin ( Kabyle )

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Titbirin (Assaɣ ussnan: Columbidae) d tawacult n iylalen dgi llan-t waṭas n tewsitin d telmas, llan-t kra n telmas yessegred wemdan yessxdem i tuzna n tebratin am itbir iminig


Ẓeṛ daɣen

Wikipedia authors and editors

Titbirin: Brief Summary ( Kabyle )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Titbirin (Assaɣ ussnan: Columbidae) d tawacult n iylalen dgi llan-t waṭas n tewsitin d telmas, llan-t kra n telmas yessegred wemdan yessxdem i tuzna n tebratin am itbir iminig

Wikipedia authors and editors

Urpi ( Quechua )

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Urpi[1][2][3] (familia Columbidae) nisqakunaqa huk pisqukunam. Kayman Wampa, Kukuli, Kullku[1] nisqakunam kapun. Mallkunkunatam irpa[2] ninchik.

Urpi ( paloma, amada) [4]. Urpi urpichallay, ama karupa paarichu, sunquta suwaskir. Kay pisqum kuyasqa warmipa rantin rikhurin, takikunapa qillqanpi. Urpay niyanpas.

  • Urpay wawa tanta manta rurasqa urpiniraq, qarayan qari runata, qari warmata.
  • Urpaypanpa , mayupa pachapa sutin.


Kaymi huk rikch'aqninkuna:

Hawa t'inkikuna

  • Commons nisqapi ruray Commons nisqaqa multimidya kapuyninkunayuqmi kay hawa: Urpi.
  • 1,0 1,1 Qheswa simi hamut'ana kuraq suntur: Simi Taqe Qheswa - Español - Qheswa. Qusqu, Piruw 2006.
  • 2,0 2,1 Teofilo Laime Ajacopa: Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha. La Paz - Bolivia, 2007.
  • Fabián Potosí C. et al., Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador: Kichwa Yachakukkunapa Shimiyuk Kamu, Runa Shimi - Mishu Shimi, Mishu Shimi - Runa Shimi. Quito (DINEIB, Ecuador) 2009.
  • FCR: Diccionario quechua ancashino- castellano)
  • license
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Urpi: Brief Summary ( Quechua )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    Urpi (familia Columbidae) nisqakunaqa huk pisqukunam. Kayman Wampa, Kukuli, Kullku nisqakunam kapun. Mallkunkunatam irpa ninchik.

    Urpi ( paloma, amada) . Urpi urpichallay, ama karupa paarichu, sunquta suwaskir. Kay pisqum kuyasqa warmipa rantin rikhurin, takikunapa qillqanpi. Urpay niyanpas.

    Urpay wawa tanta manta rurasqa urpiniraq, qarayan qari runata, qari warmata. Urpaypanpa , mayupa pachapa sutin.
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Галубовыя ( Belarusian )

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    Галубовыя (па-лацінску: Columbidae) — адзінае сучаснае сямейства птушак з атраду голубападобных, якое складаецца з прыкладна 310 відаў, разьбітых на 42 роды. Галубы ёсьць дужымі даволі буйнымі птушкамі з кароткімі шыямі, яны маюць кароткую і тонкую дзюбу. Яны сілкуюцца насеньнем, садавінай і расьлінамі. Да сямейства адносяцца галубы і туркаўкі, шырока распаўсюджаныя ў Старым і Новым Сьвеце. Найбольшая біяразнастайнасьць відаў назіраецца ў Паўднёвай, Паўднёва-Ўсходняй Азіі і ў Аўстраліі. Большасьць відаў пражывае ў палесістай мясцовасьці, часта ў вільготных трапічных лясах. Некаторыя віды, накшталт шызага голуба, прыстасаваліся да жыцьця ў гарадзкіх умовах, і жывуць у многіх буйных гарадах сьвету.

    Галубы будуюць адносна нетрывалыя гнёзды, часьцяком выкарыстоўваюць галіньне і іншае сьмецьце, якоя яны здольны знайсьці на дрэвах або на зямлі. Галубы высіжваюць адно або два яйкі і абодва бацькі клапоцяцца пра малых, якія пакідаюць гняздо 7 да 28 дзён пасьля нараджэньня[1]. У адрозьненьне ад большасьці птушак, галубы абедзьвюх плоцяў вырабляюць гэтак заванае птушынае малако, каб пракарміць маладняком, якое ёсьць асобнай вадкасьцю, якая вылучаецца з вальля.


    Памеры і вага

    Галубы дэманструюць значную розьніцу ў памерах, дасягаючы ў даўжыню ад 15 да 75 сантымэтраў. Вага ж скаладе ад 30 грамаў да больш за 2 кіляграмы[2]. Самым буйным відам зьяўляецца голуб Columba cristata, арэал якога абмяжоўваецца Новай Гвінэяй[3]. Ягоны памер амаль падобны на памер індычкі, а вага складае 2—4 кг[4]. Самым маленькім голубам ёсьць Columbina, які мае такі ж памер, як хатні верабей, а вага роўная ўсяго толькі 22 грамам[5]. Голуб Ptilinopus nainus можа дасягаць паводле памеру ўсяго 13 см, ён мае агульную даўжыню значна меншую, чым любы іншы від гэтага сямейства[5]. Адзін з найбуйнейшых відаў, прадстаўнікі якога пражываюць на дрэвах, ёсьць голуб Ducula galeata, які ў цяперашні час знаходзіцца пад пагрозай выміраньня[6].

    Анатомія і фізыялёгія

    У цэлым анатоміі галубовых характэрныя кароткія лапкі, кароткая дзюба і маленькія галоўкі на вялікіх кампактных целах[7]. Як і некаторыя іншыя птушкі, у галубовых няма жаўцяку[8]. Некаторыя сярэднявечныя натуралісты прыйшлі да высновы, што ў іх адсутнічае жоўць, што паводле сярэднявечнае тэорыі чатырох характараў тлумачылася нібыта добрым норавам галубоў[9]. На самай справе, аднак, у іх ёсьць жоўць, як яшчэ раней выявіў Арыстотэль разумеў, якая вылучаецца непасрэдна ў кішачнік[10].

    Галубовыя крылы вялікія і маюць адзінаццаць асноўных пёраў[11]. Цягліцы крылаў ёсьць даволі моцнымі, складаючы 31—44% ад іхнае агульнае масы цела[12]. Галубовыя зьяўляюцца аднымі з самых моцных лятуноў з усіх птушак[11].

    У сэрыі экспэрымэнтаў, якія ў 1975 годзе былі зьдзейсьнены доктарам Маркам Б. Фрыдманам, выкарыстоўваючы галубоў, было паказана, што іхная характэрнае боўтаньне галавой тлумачыцца натуральным жаданьнем захоўваць сталасьць зроку[13]. Гэта было яшчэ раз даказана ў экспэрымэнце доктара Бары Фроста ў 1978 годзе, у якім галубы былі разьмешчаны на бегавых дарожках; было заўважана, што яны ня боўталі галовамі, бо навакольле было нязьменным[14].

    Глядзіце таксама


    1. ^ Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph, ed. «Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds». London: Merehurst Press. — С. 115—116. — ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
    2. ^ «Columbidae: doves and pigeons». Animal Diversity Web.
    3. ^ «Victoria crowned-pigeon». Arkive.
    4. ^ «Southern crowned-pigeon». Arkive.
    5. ^ а б Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W.; Horblit, H. M. (1997). «Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons)». In del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. (eds.). «Handbook of birds of the world. 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos». Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. — ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1.
    6. ^ Thorsen, M., Blanvillain, C., & Sulpice, R. (2002). «Reasons for decline, conservation needs, and a translocation of the critically endangered upe (Marquesas imperial pigeon, Ducula galeata), French Polynesia». DOC Science Internal Series.
    7. ^ «Columbidae — Pigeons and Doves». Fauna Paraguay.
    8. ^ Hagey, LR; Schteingart, CD; Ton-Nu, HT; Hofmann, AF (1994). «Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves (Columbiformes)». Journal of Lipid Research. 35 (11): 2041—2048. PMID 7868982.
    9. ^ «Doves». The Medieval Bestiary.
    10. ^ Browne, Thomas (1646). «Pseudodoxia Epidemica». III.iii (1672 ed.).
    11. ^ а б «Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves, and Dodos)». Encyclopedia.com.
    12. ^ Clairmont, Patsy (2014). «Twirl: A Fresh Spin at Life». Harper Collins. — ISBN 978-0-8499-2299-2.
    13. ^ «Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk?». Library of Congress.
    14. ^ Necker, R (2007). «Head-bobbing of walking birds». Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 193 (12): 1177—1183. DOI:10.1007/s00359-007-0281-3. PMID 17987297.

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    Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі

    Галубовыя: Brief Summary ( Belarusian )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    Галубовыя (па-лацінску: Columbidae) — адзінае сучаснае сямейства птушак з атраду голубападобных, якое складаецца з прыкладна 310 відаў, разьбітых на 42 роды. Галубы ёсьць дужымі даволі буйнымі птушкамі з кароткімі шыямі, яны маюць кароткую і тонкую дзюбу. Яны сілкуюцца насеньнем, садавінай і расьлінамі. Да сямейства адносяцца галубы і туркаўкі, шырока распаўсюджаныя ў Старым і Новым Сьвеце. Найбольшая біяразнастайнасьць відаў назіраецца ў Паўднёвай, Паўднёва-Ўсходняй Азіі і ў Аўстраліі. Большасьць відаў пражывае ў палесістай мясцовасьці, часта ў вільготных трапічных лясах. Некаторыя віды, накшталт шызага голуба, прыстасаваліся да жыцьця ў гарадзкіх умовах, і жывуць у многіх буйных гарадах сьвету.

    Галубы будуюць адносна нетрывалыя гнёзды, часьцяком выкарыстоўваюць галіньне і іншае сьмецьце, якоя яны здольны знайсьці на дрэвах або на зямлі. Галубы высіжваюць адно або два яйкі і абодва бацькі клапоцяцца пра малых, якія пакідаюць гняздо 7 да 28 дзён пасьля нараджэньня. У адрозьненьне ад большасьці птушак, галубы абедзьвюх плоцяў вырабляюць гэтак заванае птушынае малако, каб пракарміць маладняком, якое ёсьць асобнай вадкасьцю, якая вылучаецца з вальля.

    Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі

    Кăвакарчăн йышшисем ( Chuvash )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages
    Гудзон кăвакарчăнĕ

    Кăвакарчăн йышшисем (лат. Columbidae) — хальхисенчен кăвакарчăн евĕрлисен отрядне кĕрекен вĕçен кайăксен пĕртен-пĕр йышĕ, 41 ăрата пайланакан 300 яхăн тĕс кĕрет. Йышра кăвакарчăнсенм тата кулюккасем. Кăнтăр Америкăра, Кăнтăр-Тухăç Азире, Австралире тĕрлĕ тĕсĕсем тĕл пулаççĕ. Вăрманта, тăтăшах Нӳрĕклĕ тропик вăрманĕсенче йăва тăваççĕ.


    Пĕрлехи характеристика

    Çырса кăтартни



    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Кăвакарчăн йышшисем: Brief Summary ( Chuvash )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages
     src= Гудзон кăвакарчăнĕ

    Кăвакарчăн йышшисем (лат. Columbidae) — хальхисенчен кăвакарчăн евĕрлисен отрядне кĕрекен вĕçен кайăксен пĕртен-пĕр йышĕ, 41 ăрата пайланакан 300 яхăн тĕс кĕрет. Йышра кăвакарчăнсенм тата кулюккасем. Кăнтăр Америкăра, Кăнтăр-Тухăç Азире, Австралире тĕрлĕ тĕсĕсем тĕл пулаççĕ. Вăрманта, тăтăшах Нӳрĕклĕ тропик вăрманĕсенче йăва тăваççĕ.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Күгәрсендәр ( Bashkir )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    Күгәрсендәр (лат. Columbidae) — күгәрсен һымаҡтар отрядының берҙән бер хәҙерге ғаиләлеге; күберәк күкшел, күк йәки аҡ төҫтәге, ҙур бөрләтәүле гөрләй торған ҡоштар[1]. Яҡынса 41 ырыуға бүлгеләнгән 300 төрҙән тора. Ғаиләгә Евразияла һәм Америкала таралған күгәрсендәр һәм әберсендәр инә. Көньяҡ һәм Көньяҡ-Көнсығыш Азияла, һәм Австралияла төрҙәрҙең күп төрлөлөгө күҙәтелә. Төрҙәрҙең күбеһе урманлы урындарҙы үҙ итә, йышыраҡ дымлы тропик урмандарҙы һайлайҙар. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәр, әйтәйек, күкһел күгәрсен ҡала шарттарына бик ныҡ ҡулайлашҡан, һәм донъяның бар ҡалаларында ла таралған.


    Ғаилә ҡәнәғәтләнерлек берҙәм төркөмдө сағылдыра. Дөйөм биологик морфология һыҙаттары буйынса ғаилә ырыуҙаш башҡа ҡоштар менән асыҡ бәйләнештәр булдырмай. Яҡын ҡәрҙәшлеге булған ҡоштарҙан тик дронттар ғына булған (улар XVIIXVIII быуаттарҙа кешенең һаҡһыҙ эш итеүе һөҙөмтәһендә юҡҡа сыҡҡан). Ҡаҙыу эштәре тикшеренеүҙәре ваҡытында күгәрсендәргә оҡшаған байтаҡ ҡына ҡоштарҙың ҡалдыҡтары табылған, уларҙың күгәрсендәр менән дөйөм мөнәсәбәте бар, шулай ҙа уларҙың башҡа ҡоштар менән бер ниндәй ҙә уртаҡ билдәләре юҡ түгел. Күгәрсендәр менән тутыйғоштарҙың һәм селдәрҙең ырыуҙаштар икәненә күҙаллауҙар килтерелгән, уларҙы тышҡы ҡиәфәттәре буйынса оҡшашлыҡтарын конвергентн эволюция менән бәйләйҙәр. Тағы ла уларҙың туҡланыуҙары яғынан оҡшашлығы ла дөйөм эволюция оҡшашлығына ҡарағанда нығыраҡ һиҙелә икән[2][3].

    Дөйөм характеристика


    Ҡоштарҙың оҙонлоҡтары 15 см-ҙан 75 см-ғаса, ә ауырлыҡтары 30 грамдан 3 кг-ғаса. Ғаиләлектең иң эре вәкиле тип беҙ моронло тажлы күгәрсен Goura victoria иҫәпләнә. Ул төр Папуа-Яңы Гвинеяла йәшәй. Иң бәләкәй күгәрсен — Австралияла таралыусы гәүһәр һыҙатлы әберсен(Geopelia cuneata). Ауырлығы ни бары 30 грамм ғына[4]. Ҡыҫҡа ғына муйынлы, бәләкәй башлы, тән төҙөлөшө тығыҙ . Ҡанаттары киң, оҙон, остары түңәрәк. Елпеү ҡауырһындары 11, икенсел ҡауырһындар һаны 10-15 бөртөк. Ҡойроғо оҙон, остары осланған, киң, шулай уҡ түңәрәкләнгәндәре лә бар, ғәҙәттә 12-14 ҡаурыйҙан тора (ҡайһы бер төрҙәрҙә 18-гәсә). Суҡышы, ғәҙәттә, ҡыҫҡа (һирәк кенә уртаса оҙонлоҡтағылары ла осрай), йоҡаҡ ҡына төпкә табан киңәйеүсән. Төптә йомшаҡ тиресәләр менән ҡапланған (балауҙ). Күҙҙәре янында уратылып тиреһе яланғас . Күп төрҙәр ҡиәфәте менән ата һәм инә ҡоштар бер береһенән айырылмай. Шуныһы бар — ата ҡоштар бер аҙ эрерәк була. Мамыҡтары ҡуйы, тығыҙ, башлыса һоро, көрән йәки һарғылт-аҡ. Тропиктарҙағы төрҙәр асыҡ төҫтә булалар[5].

    Аяҡтары ҡыҫҡа, дүрт бармаҡлы (ҡсәүһе ал яҡта, береһе арт яҡҡа ҡарай), ерҙә йөрөү өсөн уңайлы яраҡлашҡан. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәр башҡа ғаиләләргә бик оҡшаған. Мәҫәлән: Күркәләргә, тутыйғоштарға һәм ҡырғауылдарға.

    Башҡа ҡайһы бер ҡоштарҙағы кеүек күгәрсендәрҙең үт ҡыуығы юҡ.[6]. Урта быуаттың ҡайһы бер натуралистары күгәрсендәрҙә үт юҡ тип яңғылыш һығымталар яһағандар. Был һығымта организмдағы 4 шыйыҡса теорияһына бәйләп ебәрелгән[7].Ысынында күгәрсендәрҙең үте бар, был турала Аристотель дә әллә ҡасан уҡ яҙып ҡалдырған. Күгәрсендәрҙә үт ашҡайнатыу трактында уҡ бүленә башлай икәне раҫланған[8].


    Күгәрсен һымаҡтар Антарктиканан башҡа бар ҡитғаларҙа ла киң таралған. Таралыуы киң диапазонда — биотоптарҙа, ҡуйы урмандарҙан алып, сүллектәргәсә, диңгеҙ кимәленән 5000 метр юғарылыҡтарға тиклем. Биологик күп төрлөлөгө буйынса Көньяҡ Америкала һәм Австралазияла таралған. Башлыса был һыҙаттың дымлы тропик урмандарында йәшәйҙәр. 60 % -ҡа яҡыны материктарҙа осрамай, улар тик утрауҙарҙа ғына осрай. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәре, мәҫәлән, күк күгәрсен, ер шарының һәр төбәгенә лә яраҡлашҡан. Ул ябай ҡала күгәрсене булараҡ танылған. Рәсәй Федерацияһы биләмәһендә күгәсендәрҙең 9 төрө йәшәй. Шул иҫәптән, күк күгәрсен, ҡая күгәрсене, урман күгәрсене, алатуба, япон йәшел күгәрсене, ябай әберсен, ҙур әберсен, сыңғалы әберсен һәм дә бәләкәй әберсен, ике төр осоп үтәләр: ҡыҫҡа ҡойроҡло әберсен һәм ҡуңыр күгәрсен[9].


    Күгәрсендәр моногамдар; иштәрен бер нисә йыл рәттән һаҡлап ҡалалар. Туй (ҡыуаныу осоро) мәле бер нисә тапҡыр ҡабатлана, ул ерҙә лә һауала ла үтә. Ата ҡош сүгәләп ҡуҡыһына һауа тултыра, башын һуҙа, ҡойроҡтарын ҡабарта. Ҡанаттарын ергә хәтле төшөрә, аяҡтары менән ерҙе тырнай. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәр һауала осоп бер-береһен ашата. Үрсеү ваҡыты аҙыҡ булыу булмауға бәйле. Аҙыҡ күп булған осорҙа йыл буйы дауам итһә, аҙыҡҡа ҡыҫырыҡ ваҡыттарҙа ваҡытлы ғына була. Йышыраҡ йылына ике тапҡыр йомортҡа һалып баҫалар (һирәк осраҡта 4-5 тапҡыр). Оялары бер нисә арҡыс-торҡос һалынған сыбыҡ-сабыҡтан, йәки ҡаурыйҙарҙан тора. Ағастарҙа, ҡаяларҙа, текә ярҙарҙағы өңдәрҙә, һирәк осраҡта ерҙәге тәрән булмаған соҡорҙарҙа оялайҙар. Башлыса 1-2, һирәк осраҡта 4-кә хәтле ап-аҡ йомортҡа һалалар. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәҙәрҙең һарғылт аҡ, йәки асыҡ- көрән була. Баҫып сығарыу осоро 14 көндән алып бер айғаса бара (төрөнә ҡарап). Себештәре йөнһөҙ, яланғас килеш сыға. Күгәрсен һымаҡтарҙың балаларын ашатыуы башҡа ҡоштарҙан бик ныҡ айырыла, һәм ул бик үҙенсәлекле. Ҡоштарҙың бөрләтәүҙәрендә туҡлыҡлы матдә- күгәрсен һөтө бүленеп сыға. Ошо шыйыҡса менән себештәрен туҡландыралар, ошо ризыҡ менән себештәр бик тиҙ турығалар. Был башҡа ҡоштарҙа күҙәтелмәй. Тик ҡайһы бер тутыйғоштарҙа ғына бар, тик улар себештәрен тәүге сәғәттәрҙә генә шыйыҡса менән туҡландыралар. Себештәрҙең беренсе осошҡа хәтле ваҡыты дүрт аҙнаға хәтле һуҙыла.


    Күгәрсен һымаҡтарҙың төп рацион аҙығы булып үҫемлектәр тора. Башлыса япраҡтары, орлоҡтары, емештәре менән туҡланалар. Емештәр бөтәүләй килеш йотола, һәм аҙаҡ эсендәге һөйәге кире сығарыла. Ҡоштарҙың күбеһе емештәрҙе ағастарҙан йәки ерҙә үҫкән үҫемлектәрҙән йыя. Төрҙәр араһында галапагосс әберсененең (Zenaida galapagoensis) үҙенсәлекле ғәҙәте бар, улар суҡыштары менән ерҙе соҡоп эҙләйҙәр.Үҫемлек аҙыҡтан башҡа, умыртҡаһыҙ хайуандарҙы ла аулайҙар, тик уларҙың миҡдары рационда бик аҙ. Шулай ҙа Ptilinopus coralensis төрөн айырып үтергә мөмкин, улар башлыса бөжәктәр һәм башҡа тере ризыҡ менән туҡлана. Һыуҙы, башҡа ҡоштарҙан айырмалы булараҡ, эскә һурып алып эсәләр. Һыу эҙләп бик алыҫтарға осорға ла мөмкиндәр.


    Һыҙатлы ҡойроҡло күгәрсен (Patagioenas fasciata)

    Ярым ғаилә Хәҙерге күгәрсендәр (Columbinae) — был төр ҡоштар Арктика һәм Антарктиданан башҡа донъяның бөтә өлөштәрендә лә көн күрә тип һанала. Уларҙың иң күп төрө Көньяҡ Азияла һәм Австралияла теркәлгән. Үҙәк Европа дәүләттәре биләмәләрендә был ярым ғаилә вәкилдәренең биш төрө бар тип иҫәпләнә.

    Ғалимдәр билдәләүенсә, «хәҙерге күгәрсендәр» ярым ғаиләһе төрҙәре тарихҡаса осорҙан йәшәп килә һәм улар кешеләр менән бергә эволюцион үҫеш кисергән. Быны тикшереп-дөрөҫләү, әлбиттә, бик ҡыйын, сөнки боронғо замандарҙа кешеләрҙең билдәле бер урында йәшәү тығыҙлығы түбән булған кеүек, күгәрсендәр һаны ла хәҙерге менән сағыштырғанда күпкә аҙыраҡ булған. Шулай ҙа Төньяҡ Америка күгәрсененең Европа күгәрсендәренә ике туғанлығы билдәле, сөнки XVIII быуатҡа тиклем уларҙың Төньяҡ Америкаға күпләп күсеп китеүе күҙәтелгән — унда уларға ерле халыҡтан башҡа бер ниндәй ҙә ҡурҡыныс янамаған. Ул заман йылъяҙмасыларының беҙгә килеп еткән мәғлүмәттәре буйынса, күктә осоп барған күгәрсен туптары хатта Ҡояшты тулыһынса ҡаплаған. Үҙҙәрен ҡырыу көсәйгәнгә күрә күгәрсендәр тора-бара кешеләрҙән ҡурҡа башлаған, һәм XIX быуат аҙағына улар эре ҡалаларҙан көтмәгәндә юҡ була.

    Был төр күгәрсендәр урта һәм эре ҙурлыҡта була.

    Кәүҙә төҙөлөшө менән был ярым ғаиләлә Соломон утрауҙары архипелагында көн иткән бүрекле (хохлатый) күгәрсендәр айырылып тора: улар оҙонса башлы һәм муйындарында (үңәстәрендә) йөндәре бар. Был йөндәр кикреккә оҡшаш, һәм нәҡ ошо үҙенсәлек был төргә исем бирә лә инде. Уларҙың суҡыштары ныҡ ҡалын һәм аҫҡы өлөшөндә ырғаҡ һымаҡ бөгөлөп тора.

    • Күгәрсендәр (Columba) (35 төр, ике-өсө күптән түгел юҡҡа сыҡҡан), шул иҫәптән Aplopelia
    • Әберсендәр (Streptopelia) (16 хәҙерге төр), шул иҫәптән Stigmatopelia һәм Nesoenas
    • Сәйәхәт итеүсе күгәрсендәр (Ectopistes)
    • Patagioenas (17 төр)
    • Кәкүк һымаҡ әберсендәр (Macropygia)
    • Оҙон ҡойроҡло күгәрсендәр (Reinwardtoena) (3 төр)
    • Тоноҡ төҫтәге күгәрсендәр (Turacoena) (2 төр)
    Ҡулсалы әберсендәр (Streptopelia decaocto)

    Ярым ғаилә Әберсендәр, алатубалар (лат. Streptopelia, от бор. грек. στρεπτο- +πέλεια «голубь с ожерельем» — «муйынсаҡлы күгәрсен»)[10].

    Бәләкәй һәм урта ҙурлыҡтағы күгәрсендәр, кәүҙәләренең оҙонлоғо 30 сантиметрға тиклем етә, ауырлыҡтары 100—150 грамм була. Ағастарҙа асыҡ һәм яҫы (ялпаҡ) оялар ҡора, ә ауыл һәм ҡалаларҙа оялары — йорт-ҡураларҙың кәрниздәре аҫтында була[11].

    Был төр Евразия һәм Африка ҡитғаларында осрай. Уларҙың күптәре ҡалаларҙа, ауылдарҙа, парк һәм баҡсаларҙа бик теләп көн күрә. Мәҫәлән, бәләкәй әберсендәр тораҡ пункттары ғәмәлдә берҙән-бер йәшәү урыны һанала. 1930-сы йылдарҙан башлап ҡулсалы әберсендәр Көньяҡ-Көнбайыш Азиянан һәм Балҡан ярым утрауынан бөтөн Европа һәм Үҙәк Азия буйлап таралған һәм был әле лә дауам итә.

    • Урман әберсене (Turtur) (5 төр)
    • Кап әберсене (Oena)
    • Ер күгәрсендәре (Chalcophaps) (2 төр)
    • Ҡула ҡанатлы күгәрсендәр (Henicophaps) (2 төр)
    • Ҡула ҡанатлы күгәрсендәр-фапс (Phaps) (3 төр)
    • Ялбыр ҡула ҡанатлы күгәрсен (Ocyphaps)
    • Geophaps (3 төр)
    • Таш күгәрсендәре (Petrophassa) (2 төр)
    • Һыҙатлы әберсендәр (Geopelia) (3-5 төр)

    Ярым ғаилә (Leptotilinae)

    • Әберсен-зенайдтар (Zenaida) (7 төр)
    • Лептотилдар (Leptotila)
    • Ер күгәрсене (Geotrygon)
    • Күк күҙле ер күгәрсене (Starnoenas)

    Ярым ғаилә Иргәйел әберсендәр (Columbininae)

    • Ер әберсене (Claravis) (Claravis)
    • Ер әберсене (Columbina), Scardafellaны керетеп
    • Ер әберсене-метропелиа (Metriopelia)
    • Оҙон ҡойроҡло әберсен (Uropelia)

    Ярым ғаилә Гөрләүселәр

    • Тауыҡ һымаҡ күгәрсендәр (Gallicolumba) (16-17 хәҙерге төр, 3-4 күптән түгел юҡҡа сыҡҡаны)
    • Ҡалын суҡышлы күгәрсен (Trugon)

    Ярым ғаилә Ҡырғауыл һымаҡ күгәрсендәр (Otidiphabinae)

    • Ҡырғауыл һымаҡ күгәрсендәр (Otidiphaps)

    Ярым ғаилә Тешсуҡышлы күгәрсендәр (Didunculinae)

    • Теш суҡышлы күгәрсендәр (Didunculus)

    Ярым ғаилә Тажлы күгәрсендәр (Gourinae)

    • Тажлы күгәрсендәр (Goura)

    Ярым ғаилә Емеш менән туҡланыусы, йәки йәшел күгәрсендәр (Treroninae)

    • Емеш менән туҡланыусы күгәрсендәр (Ducula)
    • Йәшел күгәрсендәр (Treron)
    • Бүрекле емеш менән туҡланыусы күгәрсен (Lopholaimus)
    • Яңы Зеландия емеш менән туҡланыусы күгәрсене (Hemiphaga)
    • Сулавес ҡуңыр күгәрсене (Cryptophaps)
    • Тау күгәрсендәре (Gymnophaps)
    • Сыбар күгәрсендәр (Ptilinopus) (около 50 современных видов, 1-2 недавно вымершие)
    • Natunaornis gigoura|Natunaornis
    • Яңы каледон сыбар күгәрсене (Drepanoptila)
    • Күк күгәрсендәр (Alectroenas)
    • Емеш күгәрсендәре (Phapitreron) (4 төр)

    Ярым ғаилә Яллы күгәрсендәр (Caloenadinae)

    • Яллы күгәрсен (Caloenas) (1 хәҙерге төр, 2 юҡҡа сыҡҡан)

    Ярым ғаилә билдәләнмәгән

    • Сыбар ҡабырғалы әберсен (Leucosarcia)
    • Бүрекле ҡалын суҡышлы күгәрсен (Microgoura)
    • Dysmoropelia dekarchiskos|Dysmoropelia[12]

    Ҡайһы саҡта дронддар ғаиләһе Raphinae күгәрсендәр ғаиләһе булараҡ ҡарала[13][14].

    Һаҡлау статусы

    Zenaida graysoni —Ҡырағай тәбиғәттә юҡҡа сыҡҡан күгәрсен һымаҡтарға өлгө


    Аҡ додо. Питер Холстейн һүрәте

    Күгәрсен һымаҡтарҙың йәшәү арауығы кешенеке менән сағыштырғанда бик күпкә киңерәк, әммә ғаиләлектең ҡайһы бер төрҙәренең популяцияһы бик ныҡ кәмегән, ҡайһы бер төрҙәр бөтөнләй юҡҡа сыҡҡан. 1600 йылдан алып, яҡынса 10 төр юҡҡа сыҡҡан. Ә инде додоһы яңыраҡ юҡҡа сыҡҡан төрҙәрҙең иң билдәле осрағы булып тора.[16], шулай уҡ ҡапыл ғына юҡҡа сығыусы сәйәхәтсе күгәрсенде лә миҫал итеп килтерергә мөмкин[17].

    2007 йылдың мәғлүмәттәре буйынса күгәрсен һымаҡтарҙың 59 төрө юҡҡа сығыу ҡурҡынысы аҫтында булған. Был ғаилә төрҙәренең 19 % тәшкил итә.[18].Айырыуса был ҡурҡыныс утрауҙарҙа тропиктарҙа йәшәүсе төрҙәргә ҡағыла. Юҡҡа сығыуҙың төп сәбәптәре булып, йыртҡыс янаурҙар керетеү, йәшәү мөхитен юҡҡа сығарыу һәм аусылыҡ тора.

    Күгәрсен һымаҡтарҙы һаҡлаусы саралар булып, аусылыҡты тыйыуҙы ҡабул ителгән закондар, үрсеү өсөн резервация зонаһы булдырыу өсөн артабан тәғәйен мөхит булдырыу, популяцияларҙы махсус үрсетеү, шулай уҡ яңы төр популяциялар барлыҡҡа китереү өсөн махсус мөхит булдырыу тора.

    Кеше менән йоғонтоһо

    Ҡулға эйәләштереү

    Күгәрсен һүрәте менән сығарылған марка

    Төрлө баһаламаларға ҡарағанда, күгәрсен 5 −10 мең йылдар элек ҡулға эйәләштерелгән.[19]. Шул осорҙан алып бик күп йорт күгәрсене тоҡомдары үрсетелгән. Иң танылған төрө почта күгәрсене. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәр матурлыҡ өсөн үрсетелгән.Ҡайһы бер төрҙәр почта, ярыштар өсөн махсус үрсетелгән. Күп кенә тантаналарҙа, әлеге ваҡытта ла күгәрсендәр осороу ғәҙәте бар. Был тыныслыҡ символы булараҡ ҡулланыла. Бының өсөн махсус ап-аҡ төр күгәрседәр үрсетелә.

    Күгәрсен итенән ризыҡтар

    Ҡыҙҙырылған күгәрсен, сундан кухняһы, Индонезия

    Күгәрсен һымаҡтарҙың күп төрҙәре кулинарияла ҡулланылыш тапҡан. Ит аҙығы булараҡ, күкрәк ите алына. Күгәрсен ите аҙыҡ булараҡ, боронғо Көнсығышта, боронғо Римдә, урта быуат европаһында ҡулланыла. Шулай уҡ йәһүд, ғәрәп һәм француз кухняларында ла ҡулланыла. Йәһүд дине буйынса күгәрсен ите хәләл(кашрут), ашарға яраҡлы тип күрһәтелгән. Шулай уҡ йәһүдтәрҙә күгәрсен һымаҡтар төрө ҡорбан итеп салырға рөхсәт ителгән бер нисә ҡош исемлегенә керә. Күгәрсен бәлеше викториан Англияһында арзан булараҡ таралыш тапҡан.[20].


    Күгәрсен почтаһы һәм кешеләр мөнәсәбәте, почта күгәрсендәре тураһында күп кенә әҙәби әҫәрҙәрҙә осратырға мөмкин. Әйтәйек, Шалев Меирҙың «Күгәрсен һәм малай » романында төп сюжет һыҙаты булып тора.[21][22] Шулай уҡ шыҡһыҙ почта күгәрсене тураһында Сетон-Томпсон Эрнесттың «Арно» хикәйәһендә шул исемдәге күгәрсен төрлө мажараларға, яҡшыһына ла, насарына ла, тарый.


    Күгәрсен образы бик күп диндәрҙә сағылыш тапҡан:

    • Танахта күгәрсен тураһындағы беренсе телгә алыуҙы осратырға мөмкин. Унда Бөтә Донъя һыу баҫыуы яҙмаларында яҙылған. Нух(Ной) Ҡоро ер барлығын белер өсөн, кәмәнән иң беренсе ҡоҙғондо осороп ебәрә, аҙаҡ күгәрсен ебәрелә. Күгәрсен суҡышында зәйтүн ағасы ботағын алып килә. Был һыу кәмеп, ер ҡорой башлағанды белдерә.[23]. Зәйтүн ботағы ҡапҡан күгәрсен һыны халыҡ ара тыныслыҡ символы булып ҡала.
    • Шумерҙарҙың эпосы Гилгәмештә лә шулай уҡ Бөтә Донъяны һыу баҫҡан ваҡыт тураһында яҙмала ҡоҙғон менән күгәрсен тасуирланған. Унда ҡоҙған ерҙең ҡорой башлауын белдереүе тураһында яҙылған. Ул Утнапиштиму әйләнеп ҡайтмай, һәм шуның менән яҡшы хәбәр алып килә.[24].
    • Ә христиан динендә күгәрсен изге рухҡа бәйле[25].

    Ҡыҙыҡлы факттар

    Йомортҡаһын юғалтҡан күгәрсен ҡара һауытын да баҫып ултырырға мөмкин[26].

    Күгәрсендәр геральдикала


    1. Толковый словарь современного башкирского литературного языка. (под. ред З.Г.Ураксина, 2005)
    2. (1966) «Drinking Behavior of Sandgrouse in the Namib and Kalahari Deserts, Africa». The Auk 83 (1): 124–126. DOI:10.2307/4082983.
    3. (2014) «Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds». Science 346 (6215): 1320–31. DOI:10.1126/science.1253451. PMID 25504713.
    4. Goodwin, D. Pigeons and Doves of the World. 3rd ed. Ithaca, NY: British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press, 1983
    5. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    6. (1994) «[http://www.jlr.org/cgi/reprint/35/11/2041.pdf Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves (Columbiformes)]». Journal of Lipid Research 35 (11): 2041–8. PMID 7868982.
    7. The Medieval Bestiary, Doves, last checked 2010-01-31
    8. Thomas Browne, 1646; Pseudodoxia Epidemica III.iii; 1672 edition available online, last checked 2010-01-31
    9. Коблик Е. А., Редькин Я. А., Архипов В. Ю. 2006. Список птиц Российской Федерации. М. КМК. С. 128—129.
    10. в XIX веке род носил латинское имя Turtur, которое сейчас закреплено за лесными горлицами из Африки
    11. Галушин В.М, Дроздов Н.Н., Ильичёв В.Д., Константинов В.М, Курочкин Е.Н., Полозов С.А., Потапов Р.Л, Флинт В.Е., Фомин В.Е. Фауна Мира: Птицы: Справочник — М: Агропромиздат, 1991. — Б. 154. — 311 б. — ISBN 5-10-001229-3.
    12. Dysmoropelia dekarchiskos: информация на сайте Красной книги МСОП (инг.)
    13. Janoo, Anwar (2005). «Discovery of isolated dodo bones [Raphus cucullatus (L.), Aves, Columbiformes] from Mauritius cave shelters highlights human predation, with a comment on the status of the family Raphidae Wetmore, 1930». Annales de Paléontologie 91 (2): 167. DOI:10.1016/j.annpal.2004.12.002.
    14. Shapiro, Beth; Sibthorpe, Dean; Rambaut, Andrew; Austin, Jeremy; Wragg, Graham M.; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P.; Lee, Patricia L. M. & Cooper, Alan (2002). «Flight of the Dodo». Science 295 (5560): 1683. DOI:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683. PMID 11872833. Supplementary information
    15. BirdLife International Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni. Data Zone. BirdLife International (2009). Тәүге сығанаҡтан архивланған 30 апрель 2013. 29 апрель 2013 тикшерелгән.
    16. Fuller Errol Extinct Birds — revised. — New York: Comstock, 2001. — ISBN 978-0-8014-3954-4.
    17. Игорь Иванович Акимушкин. Трагедия странствующего голубя // «Следы невиданных зверей», М.: Географгиз, 1961
    18. Walker, J. (2007). «Geographical patterns of threat among pigeons and doves (Columbidae)». Oryx 41 (3). DOI:10.1017/S0030605307001016.
    19. Richard F. Johnston, Marian Janiga. Feral Pigeons — Oxford University Press, 1995. — 336 p. — ISBN 978-0195084092.
    20. CHAPTER 40 — DINNERS AND DINING | Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management. Mrsbeeton.com. Retrieved on 2013-03-05.
    21. Меир Шалев, с иврита на русский Рафаила Нудельмана и Аллы Фурман Голубь и мальчик = יונה ונער — place: йәһ. Am Oved‎, русский: «Текст» и «Еврейское слово», 2006, 2008 (русский перевод). — 544 б. — ISBN 978-5-7516-0716-6.
    22. Новая книга Меира Шалева «Голубь и мальчик» стала «золотым» произведением писателя. Рецензия на news.ru.
    23. Быт (8:11)
    24. Kovacs, Maureen Gallery The epic of Gilgamesh — Stanford University Press, 1989. — P. 102. — ISBN 978-0-8047-1711-3.
    25. Матвей (3:16)
    26. Морозов В. П. Занимательная биоакустика. Изд. 2-е, доп., перераб. — М.: Знание, 1987. — 208 с. + 32 с. вкл. — С. 70-75



    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Күгәрсендәр: Brief Summary ( Bashkir )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    Күгәрсендәр (лат. Columbidae) — күгәрсен һымаҡтар отрядының берҙән бер хәҙерге ғаиләлеге; күберәк күкшел, күк йәки аҡ төҫтәге, ҙур бөрләтәүле гөрләй торған ҡоштар. Яҡынса 41 ырыуға бүлгеләнгән 300 төрҙән тора. Ғаиләгә Евразияла һәм Америкала таралған күгәрсендәр һәм әберсендәр инә. Көньяҡ һәм Көньяҡ-Көнсығыш Азияла, һәм Австралияла төрҙәрҙең күп төрлөлөгө күҙәтелә. Төрҙәрҙең күбеһе урманлы урындарҙы үҙ итә, йышыраҡ дымлы тропик урмандарҙы һайлайҙар. Ҡайһы бер төрҙәр, әйтәйек, күкһел күгәрсен ҡала шарттарына бик ныҡ ҡулайлашҡан, һәм донъяның бар ҡалаларында ла таралған.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Көгүчкөн ( Kirghiz; Kyrgyz )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages
    Көк көгүчкөн (Columba livia).

    Көгүчкөндөр, кептерлер (лат. Columbidae) – куштардын көгүчкөн сымалдар түркүмүнүн тукуму. Канаты узун, учтуу, жакшы учат. Түсү ар түрдүү. Жер бетинин мелүүн жана тропик алкактарында кеңири таралган. 43 уруусу, 285 түрү белгилүү. Көз Карандысыз мамлекеттер шериктештиги өлкөлөрүндө 3 уруусунун 13 түрү кезигет. Көбү келгин куш. Көгүчкөндөр токой, талаа, тоону, эгин айдалган жерлерди мекендейт. Дарак, бадал, аскаларга, курулуштарга уялайт. 2 жумуртка тууп, эркек, ургаачысы тең басат. Экиден же кээде колония болуп жашайт. Балапаны жылаңач, кээде сейрек тыбыттуу болот. Өсүмдүк уругу, мөмөсү менен азыктанат. Суу ичүү үчүн алыс аралыкка учуп барат. Азыркы почта жана кооздук Көгүчкөндөр Көк көгүчкөндөн чыккан. 6 түрү, 9 түрчөсү ТКЭСтин Кызыл китебине катталган. Ак төш көгүчкөн менен сур көгүчкөн (эверсмаин) Кыргызстандын Кызыл китебинин тизмесине кирген.

    Колдонулган адабияттар

    Wikipedia жазуучу жана редактор

    Тагтаа ( Mongolian )

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    Тагтаа нь Columbidae овгийн шувуу юм. Өргөн тархсан ба хамгийн их суурьшсан нь Индонез болон Австралийн бүс нутаг болно. Тагтааны 300 орчим зүйл бий.


    Тагтааны далавчны урт 20-27 см, жин нь 200-650 гр байдаг ба Евроази, Африк, Австралид өргөн тархсан байдаг. Тагтааг хүмүүс ойролцоогоор 5000-10000 жилийн өмнөөс гаршуулан тэжээж эхэлсэн гэж үздэг. Энэ хугацаанд тагтаа судлаачид өнгө, биеийн хэлбэр, зориулалтаараа өөр өөр 800 орчим төрөл зүйлийн тагтааг гарган авчээ.

    Тагтаа нь нилээд удаан хугацааны турш хүмүүсийн шуудан харилцааны гол арга хэрэгсэл байсан юм.

    Тагтаа нь эр, эмээрээ хослон насан туршдаа хамт амьдрах бөгөөд эр тагтаа нь эм тагтааныхаа өмнө эргэлдэн бүжиглэж, чанга дуу авиа гаргах зэргээр анхаарлыг нь татахыг хичээсээр эцэст нь амжилт олж хамт амьдарч эхэлнэ. Тагтаа нь нэг жилийн дотор долоогоос найман удаа өндөглөхдөө тус бүрдээ хоёр өндөг, хааяа нэг өндөг гаргах ба үүр барих, өндөг дарахдаа эр эм тагтаа тус тусын үүрэгтэй байдаг. Эр тагтаа нь модны нарийн мөчир, өвс зэргийг олж цуглуулан авчрахад эм нь эвийг нь олж эвтэйхэн байрлуулах үүрэг хүлээнэ. Өндөг дарахад мөн хоёул ээлжлэн дарах боловч ихэнх цагийг эм тагтаа дарж өнгөрөөнө. Эр тагтаа нь ихэвчлэн өдрийн цагаар эм тагтааг ус уухаар явахад өндгөө дарж үлдэнэ. Дэгдээхэй нь ойролцоогоор 35 -37 хоногийн дараа бие даан нисэж чадах бөгөөд энэ үедээ эцэг эхтэйгээ ижилхэн харагдах болсон байдаг.

    Зургийн цомог

    Wikipedia зохиогчид ба редакторууд

    Тагтаа: Brief Summary ( Mongolian )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    Тагтаа нь Columbidae овгийн шувуу юм. Өргөн тархсан ба хамгийн их суурьшсан нь Индонез болон Австралийн бүс нутаг болно. Тагтааны 300 орчим зүйл бий.

    Wikipedia зохиогчид ба редакторууд

    Тхьэрыкъуэ лъэпкъыр ( Kabardian Circassian )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    Тхьэрыкъуэ лъэпкъыр (лат-бз. Columbidae) — тхьэрыкъуэ теплъэ хэкӀыгъуэм хыхьэ лъэпкъитӀым язщ, къызэщӀеубыдэ лӀэужьыгъуэ 292-рэ. Ищхъэрэ, Ипщэ дыдэхэм я щӀыпӀэ щӀыӀэхэм къанэмыщӀа, дэни щопсэу.


    Тхьэрыкъуэ лъэпкъ къуэдзэр (Columbinae)









    • Брат Хьэсин. Адыгэхэм я къуалэбзу щӀэныгъэр. Черкеск къ. 2007 гъ.
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    कबूतर ( Hindi )

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    कबूतर पूरे विश्व में पाये जाने वाला पक्षी है। यह एक नियततापी, उड़ने वाला पक्षी है जिसका शरीर परों से ढँका रहता है। मुँह के स्थान पर इसकी छोटी नुकीली चोंच होती है। मुख दो चंचुओं से घिरा एवं जबड़ा दंतहीन होता है। अगले पैर डैनों में परिवर्तित हो गए हैं। पिछले पैर शल्कों से ढँके एवं उँगलियाँ नखरयुक्त होती हैं। इसमें तीन उँगलियाँ सामने की ओर तथा चौथी उँगली पीछे की ओर रहती है। यह जन्तु मनुष्य के सम्पर्क में रहना अधिक पसन्द करता है। अनाज, मेवे और दालें इसका मुख्य भोजन हैं। भारत में यह सफेद और सलेटी रंग के होते हैं पुराने जमाने में इसका प्रयोग पत्र और चिट्ठियाँ भेजने के लिये किया जाता था।

    चित्र दीर्घा


    विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक

    कबूतर: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    कबूतर पूरे विश्व में पाये जाने वाला पक्षी है। यह एक नियततापी, उड़ने वाला पक्षी है जिसका शरीर परों से ढँका रहता है। मुँह के स्थान पर इसकी छोटी नुकीली चोंच होती है। मुख दो चंचुओं से घिरा एवं जबड़ा दंतहीन होता है। अगले पैर डैनों में परिवर्तित हो गए हैं। पिछले पैर शल्कों से ढँके एवं उँगलियाँ नखरयुक्त होती हैं। इसमें तीन उँगलियाँ सामने की ओर तथा चौथी उँगली पीछे की ओर रहती है। यह जन्तु मनुष्य के सम्पर्क में रहना अधिक पसन्द करता है। अनाज, मेवे और दालें इसका मुख्य भोजन हैं। भारत में यह सफेद और सलेटी रंग के होते हैं पुराने जमाने में इसका प्रयोग पत्र और चिट्ठियाँ भेजने के लिये किया जाता था।

    विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक

    পাৰ চৰাই ( Assamese )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    পাৰ চৰাই (Pigeon) পৃথিৱীৰ প্ৰায় সকলো অঞ্চলতে পোৱা এবিধ মজলীয়া আকাৰৰ চৰাই। পাৰই সহজে পোহ মানে আৰু মানুহৰ লগত থাকি ভাল পায় । ই মানুহৰ পোহ মনা প্ৰথম চৰাই । খ্ৰীষ্টপূৰ্ব তিনি হাজাৰমান বছৰৰ আগতেই ইজিপ্টিত পাৰ পোহাৰ প্ৰমাণ পোৱা গৈছে ।


    Group of Pigeons

    একোটা পাৰৰ দৈৰ্ঘ্য ১৫ চেণ্টিমিটাৰৰ পৰা ৮০ চেণ্টিমিটাৰ পৰ্যন্ত হয় । পৃথিৱীত প্ৰায় ৩০০ প্ৰকাৰৰ পাৰ পোৱা যায় । তাৰ আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰবিধৰ ওজন চাৰি কিলোগ্ৰামলৈকে হ'ব পাৰে ।

    পাৰৰ শৰীৰটো সুগঢ়িত । ঠেং দুটা সৰু । মূৰ আৰু ঠোঁটো সৰু । সাধাৰণতে ঠোঁটৰ ৰং ক'লা আৰু ওপৰৰ ঠোঁটটো সামান্য বেঁকা ।পাৰৰ বৰণ বগা, মুগা, ক'লা বা ছাই ৰঙৰ হয় । কিছুমান প্ৰজাতি অৱশ্যে উজ্জ্বল বৰণৰো হয় ।


    পৃথিৱীৰ অতি ঠাণ্ডা অঞ্চলসমূহৰ বাহিৰে সকলো ঠাইতে পাৰ আছে ।



    ইহঁতে সাধাৰণতে শস্যৰ গুটি, পোক-পতংগ আদি খায় । কিছুমান পাৰৰ গলধনত খোৱাবস্তু জমা ৰাখিব পৰাকৈ এটা টোটোলা থাকে ।


    পাৰই এবাৰত দুটালৈকে কণী পাৰে । মতা-মাইকী দুয়োটাই পাল পাতি কণী উমনি দিয়ে আৰু সাধাৰণতে ১২-১৯ দিনৰ ভিতৰত কণী ফুটি পোৱালি জগে । কণী ফুটি পোৱালি ওলোৱাৰ পাচত মাক আৰু বাপেক উভয়ে, ঠোঁটত ঠোঁট লগাই সিহঁতৰ মুখৰ টোটোলাৰ ভিতৰত সৃষ্টি হোৱা এক ক্ৰীমৰ দৰে 'গাখীৰ' খুৱায় । অৱশ্যে কিছু ডাঙৰ হোৱাৰ পাচত তাৰ লগত, আধা হজম হোৱা খাদ্যও মিহলাই দিয়ে ।


    পাৰৰ কিছুমান প্ৰজাতিয়ে পৰিব্ৰজন কৰে । দেহৰ আকৃতি অনুসৰি পাৰৰ ডেউকা দুখন বেছ ডাঙৰ আৰু শক্তিশালী । ইয়াৰ ফলত পাৰই বেগাই আৰু বহু দূৰলৈ উৰিব পাৰে । পাৰৰ উৰণবেগ ঘণ্টাত ৮০-৯৬ কিলোমিটাৰ পৰ্যন্ত হয় ।

    মানুহৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্ক

    প্ৰায় সকলো পাৰই পোহ মানে আৰু গৃহপালিত চৰাইৰুপে মানুহৰ আশ্ৰয়ত ঘৰৰ চিলিং বা নিৰ্দিষ্টকৈ সাজি দি বাহ বা গৰাল আদিত বাস কৰে । ঘৰুৱা পাৰৰ বাহিৰে আনবোৰ পাৰ সাধাৰণতে গছৰ আশ্ৰয়ত থাকে । তাতে সিহঁতে বাহ সাজে । কিছুমানে থিয় গৰা বা মাটিতে বাহ সাজে ।

    প্ৰাচীন কালত পাৰক বা-বাতৰি সৰবৰাহ কামত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছিল । তেনে ধৰণৰ প্ৰশিক্ষণপ্ৰাপ্ত এটা পাৰই ১,০০০ কিলোমিটাৰলৈকে উৰি গৈ বাতৰি দি আহিব পাৰে । খ্ৰীষ্টপূৰ্ব ৪৪-ৰ পৰাই, পাৰৰ দ্বাৰা খবৰ আদান-প্ৰদান কৰাৰ বিষয়ে জনা যায় । দ্বিতীয় মহাসমৰৰ সময়তো পাৰৰ দ্বাৰা বাতৰি সৰবৰাহ কৰা হৈছিল ।


    বগা পাৰক শান্তিৰ প্ৰতীক হিচাপে গণ্য কৰা হয় ।


    1. "Columba livia Gmelin, 1789" (Web data). ITIS Report. http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=177071। আহৰণ কৰা হৈছে: 2008-02-26.
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    পাৰ চৰাই: Brief Summary ( Assamese )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    পাৰ চৰাই (Pigeon) পৃথিৱীৰ প্ৰায় সকলো অঞ্চলতে পোৱা এবিধ মজলীয়া আকাৰৰ চৰাই। পাৰই সহজে পোহ মানে আৰু মানুহৰ লগত থাকি ভাল পায় । ই মানুহৰ পোহ মনা প্ৰথম চৰাই । খ্ৰীষ্টপূৰ্ব তিনি হাজাৰমান বছৰৰ আগতেই ইজিপ্টিত পাৰ পোহাৰ প্ৰমাণ পোৱা গৈছে ।

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    કપોત કુળ ( Gujarati )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    કબૂતરો અને હોલાઓનો કપોત કુળમાં સમાવેશ કરવામાં આવે છે જેમાં દુનીયાભરની ૩૧૦ જાતીઓના પક્ષીઓનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. આ કુળના બધા પક્ષીઓ દેખાવમાં હૃષ્ટપૃષ્ટ શરીર, ટૂંકી ગરદન અને પ્રમાણમાં ટૂંકી અને નાજુક ચાંચ, ચાંચના નીચલા ભાગ તરફથી ખુલ્લી, મીણ જેવી માંસલ આંતરત્વચા હોય છે. આ કુટુંબના પક્ષીઓ વિશ્વભરમાં જોવા મળે છે પરંતું તેઓની વિપુલ વિવિધતા ઇન્ડોમલય અને ઓસ્ટ્રેલેશીઆના પર્યાવર્ણીય વિસ્તારોમાં જોવા મળે છે.


    સામાન્ય પણે, હોલો કે કબૂતર શબ્દો પરસ્પર અદલાબદલી કરી શકાય તેવા છે. પક્ષીશાસ્ત્રની પરીભાષામાં હોલો એ કદમાં થોડા નાના પક્ષીઓ માટે વપરાય છે જ્યારે કબૂતર કદમાં થોડા મોટા પક્ષીઓ માટે વપરાય છે. પરંતુ આ નિયમ પણ દરેક જગ્યાએ સરખી રીતે લાગુ પાડેલો જોવા મળતો નથી અને ઐતિહાસિક રીતે એવું કહી શકાય કે આ પક્ષીઓને લગતા સર્વનામોમાં ભિન્નતાનું પ્રમાણ સર્વાધિક જોવા મળે છે. આ બઘી જ ૩૧૦ જાતીઓમાં કબૂતર તરીકે જેને સામાન્ય જનતા ઓળખે છે તે છે મોટેભાગે આખા વિશ્વમાં દરેક શહેરોમાં જોવા મળે છે.

    આ કુળની ખાસીયત એ છે કે તે બહુ આછોપાતળો માળો બનાવે છે. આ માળો તે મોટેભાગે સાંઠીકડા, વાળાના ટૂકડા અને બીજી એવી વસ્તુઓ કે સામાન્ય દૃષ્ટીમાં જેને કાટમાળ કહેવાય તેવી વસ્તુઓમાંથી બનાવે છે. માળો સામાન્ય રીતે જાડ પર મધ્યમ ઊંચાઇએ, કે પછી મકાનોની છત પર કે માળિયામાં કે જમીન પર બનાવે છે. આ માળમાં તેઓ ૧ થી ૩ ઇંડા મુકે છે. મા-બાપ બન્ને પક્ષી બચ્ચાની સરખી સંભાળ લે છે. બચ્ચા ૭ થી લઇને ૨૮ દિવસ સુધીમાં માળો છોડી ને ઊડતા શીખી જાય છે.

    વર્ગીકરણ અને તંત્રબદ્ધતા

    શરૂવાતમાં બટાવડા કુળને (અં:Pteroclididae) તેમની અમુક રીતે પાણી પીવાની આદતને કારણે કપોતાકાર ગોત્ર ના એક હિસ્સા તરીકે આવરી લેવામાં આવ્યું હતું. હાલનાં સંશોધન પ્રમાણે બટાવડા કુળ કપોતાકાર ના પક્ષીઓની જેમ ચૂસીને કે શોષી લઇને પાણી પીતા ફાવતું નથી આથી તેમને માટે બટાવડાકાર (અં:Pteroclidiformes) નામના નવા ગોત્રની રચના કરી ને એમાં સમાવવામાં આવ્યા છે.

    કપોત કુળ ને પાંચ કુટુંબમાં, કદાચ ખોટી રીતે, વિભાજીત કર્યા હતા. ઊદાહરણ તરીકે અમેરીકન ગ્રાઊંડ અને ક્વેલ હોલા કે જે કપોત કુળમાં મુકવામાં આવ્યા હતા તે બે તદ્દન અલગ કુટુંબ તેમ લાગે છે. આ બાબતે બાપ્ટીસ્ટા એટ. અલ. (૧૯૯૭)ને થોડા સુધારા સાથે (જ્હોનસન અને ક્લેયટોન (૨૦૦૦) જ્હોનસન એટ. અલ. (૨૦૦૧) શાપીરો એટ. અલ. (૨૦૦૨)) અનુસરવામાં આવે છે.

    અસ્થિ / મજ્જા તંત્ર અને જ નીનમાળાનો અભ્યાસ દર્શાવે છે કે જ્યાં સુધી વધારે માહીતિ મળે નહી ત્યાં સુધી "ડોડો" અને "રોડ્રીગ્સ સોલીટેર (અં:Rodrigues Solitaire)" ને કપોત કુળના "નાશ પામેલા કપોત (અં: Raphinae)" કુટુંબ તરીકે મુકવા જ વધુ યોગ્ય રહેશે.


    માનવ વસાહતો વચ્ચે જોવા મળતા કબૂતરના હાડપિંજર અને ચામડીને દર્શાવતી તસ્વીર
    કપોત કુળનું નાનામાં નાનુ પક્ષી-કોમન ગ્રાઊન્ડ ડવ
    ભારતીય ગ્રામ્ય વિસ્તારોમાં જોવા મળતો એક પ્રકારનો હોલો

    કદની બાબતમાં કપોત કુળ અનેક પ્રકારની વિવિધતા દર્શાવે છે. મોટામાં મોટું પક્ષી છે ન્યુ ગિનિમાં જોવા મળતું મુગટવાળુ કબૂતર જે લગભગ એક ટર્કી પક્ષીના કદનું અને ૨ થી ૪ કિલો વજનનું હોય છે જ્યારે નાનામાં નાનું છે નવી દુનીયાનું જમીનવાસી હોલો જે લગભગ ઘર આસપાસ જોવા મળતી ચકલી જેટલા કદનું હોય છે. ૨૦ સે.મી. લંબાઇ અને લગભગ ૧ કિ.ગ્રા. વજન ધરાવતી કાયમ વૃક્ષોમાં રહેનારી મોટામાં મોટી જાતી છે માર્ક્વેસન ઇમ્પેરીયલ કબૂતર. બીજી બાજુ ડ્વાર્ફ ફળ હોલો નામનું પક્ષી ફક્ત ૧૩ સે.મી. લંબાઇ ઘરાવતું જોવા મળી શકે છે.

    મોટેભાગે કપોત કુળના પક્ષીઓ નાજુક ચાંચ અને પગ, અને મોટા શરીર પર નાનું માથું ઘરાવતા જોવા મળે છે.

    આ કુળમાં પીછાઓમાં પણ બહુવિધતા જોવા મળે છે. કણભક્ષી જાતીઓને ઝાંખા રંગના પીછા હોય છે (કેટલાક અપવાદ છે.) જ્યારે ફળભક્ષી જાતીઓને ચમકદાર પીછા હોય છે. પ્ટીલિનોપસ પ્રકારના ફળ ખાનારા કપોત કુળના પક્ષીઓ તો સૌથી વધુ ચમકદાર રંગો ધરાવે છે. જેમાંની ફીજી પ્રદેશમાં અને હિંદ મહાસાગર આસપાદ હંમેશા દેખા દેતી ત્રણ જાતીઓ પણ ચિત્ત-આકર્ષક રંગો ધરાવતી જોવા મળે છે.

    કપોત કુળમાં નર અને માદા એક જ રંગના કે અલગ અલગ રંગના હોઇ શકે છે અને ચમકદાર રંગો ઊપરાંત કેટલીક જાતીઓમાં ચોટલી કે અન્ય રીતનો પીછાઓનો શણગાર પણ જોવા મળી શકે છે. અન્ય કેટલીક પક્ષી-જાતીઓની માફક કપોતકુળને પિત્તાશય નામનું કોઇ સ્વતંત્ર પાચનતંત્રનું અવયવ હોતું નથી. પરંતુ પાચન માટે જરૂરી પિત્ત તત્વનો સીધો જઠરમાં જ સ્ત્રાવ થાય છે.

    વ્યાપ અને વસવાટ

    The Common Bronzewing has a widespread distribution across all of Australia and lives in most habitat types except dense rainforest and the driest deserts.

    કપોત કુળ સહરાના રણ, ઉપરીય ઉત્તર ધ્રુવ, દક્ષીણ ધ્રુવ અને તેની નજીકના ટાપુઓ સિવાય દુનીયામાં લગભગ બઘી જગ્યાએ ફેલાયેલુ છે. પ્રશાંત મહાસાગરના ચેથામ ટાપુઓ, મોરેશીયસ, સિસિલિઝ અને હિંદ મહાસાગરના રીયુનીયન, એટલાંટીકના એઝોરેસ થી પુર્વીય પોલીનેશિયા પહોચીને તેમણે દુનીયાના મોટાભાગના ટાપુઓ ને પોતાની વસાહત બનાવ્યા છે.

    આ કુળે દુનીયા પરના મોટાભાગના પ્રદેશો પર વસવા માટેનું અનુકુલન સાધ્યુ છે. આ કુળ વિષવૃત્તિય જંગલો માં સૌથી મોટી સંખ્યામાં જોવા મળે છે. આ કુળ દ્રુમસ્થ, ભુસ્થ અને આંશીક-ભુસ્થ છે. કેટલીક જાતીઓ સવાના, ઘાસીયા મેદાનો, રણ, સમશીતોષ્ણ જંગલો, મેંગ્રોવ જંગલો કે અટોલ્સના વેરાન રેતાળ અને પથરાળ વિસ્તારોમાં પણ જોવા મળે છે.

    The Zebra Dove has been widely introduced around the world.

    કેટલીક જાતીઓ કુદરતી રીતે જ બહુ વિશાળ વ્યાપ ધરાવે છે. ઇયર્ડ હોલો નામની જાતી દક્ષીણ અમેરીકાના કોલંબીયાથી લઇને ટીએરા ડીલ ફ્યુગો સુધીનો વિશાળ વ્યાપ ધરાવે છે જ્યારે ધોળ હોલા કે કાંઠલાવાળા હોલા તરીકે ઓળખાતી જાતતો યુરોપમાં બ્રિટન, મધ્યપુર્વના દેશો, ભારત, પાકિસ્તાન અને ચીન જેટલો અતિવિશાળ (પણ છુટોછવાયો) વ્યાપ ધરાવે છે. ખુમરી, હોલડી અથવા નાના હોલા તરીકે ઓળખાતી જાતિ સબ-સહારન આફ્રીકા, ભારત, પાકિસ્તાન અને મધ્યપુર્વના દેશોમાં ફેલાયેલી છે. અન્ય કેટલીક જાતીઓ ટચુકડો અને સિમિત ફેલાવો ધરાવે છે: આવુ ટાપુઓ પર જોવા મળે છે. સીસોટી હોલો જે ફક્ત ટચુકડા ફીજીનાં કડાવુ ટાપુ જ જોવા મળે છે. કેરોલીન ટાપુઓ પર કેરોલીન ધરતી-હોલો ટુર્ક અને પોહ્નપેઇ નામના ફક્ત બે ટાપુ પર જોવા મળે છે. કેરીબીયન વિસ્તારનો ગ્રેનેડા હોલો કેરેબીયનનાં ફક્ત ગ્રેનેડા ટાપુ પર જોવા મળે છે. ઉપરાંત કેટલીક ભુખંડીય વસતિ પણ સિમિત વ્યાપ ઘરાવે છે જેમાં છે કાળી-પટ્ટીવાળો ફળ હોલો જે ઓોસ્ટ્રેલીયાના અર્નહેમના બહુ સિમિત વિસ્તારમાં જોવા મળે છે. સોમાલી કબૂતર જે ઉત્તરીય સોમાલીયાના વિસ્તારો પુરતું સિમિત છે. મોરેનોનો હોલો જે નો વ્યાપ આર્જેન્ટીનાના ઉત્તરીય ભાગ ના સાલ્ટા અને ટ્યુક્યુમન વિસ્તારો પુરતો સિમિત છે.

    આપણે જેને કબૂતર તરીકે ઓળખીયે છીએ તે જાતીનો ફેલાવો સૌથી વધારે છે. એ જાતી બ્રિટન, આયરલેંડ, ઉત્તરીય આફ્રિકા, આખુ યુરોપ, અરેબીક દેશો, મધ્ય એશિયા, ભારત, હિમાલય અને ચીનમાં સુદ્ધા ફેલાયેલા છે. આ જાતીનો આ પ્રકારનો ફેલાવામાં નાટકીય વધારો તેઓનું માનવ વસવાટ સાથેનું અનુકુલન છે. આ જાતી આ કારણ ને લીધે અત્યારે તો ઉત્તર અને દક્ષીણ અમેરીકા, સબ-સહારન આફ્રિકા, અગ્નિ એશીયા, જાપાન ઓસ્ટ્રેલીયા અને ન્યુઝીલેંડ સુધી પ્રસરી ચુકી છે. જો કે માણસોને કારણે જે ના ફેલાવામાં વધારો થયો હોય એવી આ જાત એકલી નથી. અન્ય કેટલીક જાતિઓ પણ કોઇક કારણે બંધનમુક્ત થઇ ને પોતાની સીમા વધારી છે અને કેટલાકે માનવ-પ્રવૃત્તિઓને લીધે પોતાના વસવાટમાં થતા ફેરફારોને કારણે પોતાના ફેલાવામાં વધારો કર્યો છે.

    વર્તણુક અને પર્યાવરણ

    ફળો અને ઠળીયાઓ કપોતકુળના ખોરાકનો મુખ્ય હિસ્સો છે. હકીકતમાં આ કુળને દાણા-ઠળીયા-ભક્ષી અને ફળભક્ષી એમ બે મુખ્ય વિભાગમાં વહેચવામાં આવે છે. દાણા-ઠળીયા-ભક્ષી લાક્ષણીક ઢબે જમીન પર ચણે છે જ્યારે ફળભક્ષીઓ ખોરાક માટે વૃક્ષો પર નભે છે. એમણે શરીરરચનામાં સાધેલા અનુકુલન પરથી આ બન્ને જાતીઓને અલગ પાડી શકાય છે. દાણા-ઠળીયા-ભક્ષીના જઠરની દિવાલ જાડી હો છે જ્યારે ફળભક્ષીઓના જઠરની દિવાલ પાતળી હોય છે. તદોપરંત, ફળભક્ષીઓના આંતરડાની લંબાઇ દાણા-ઠળીયા-ભક્ષીના આંતરડાની લંબાઇ કરતા ઓછી હોય છે. ફળભક્ષીઓ ના પગની રચના એવી હોય છે કે તેઓ છેડા પર લાગેલા ફળ સુઘી પહોચી શકાય તે માટે વૃક્ષની ડાળી પર ટીંગાવા માટે કે ઉલ્ટા લટકવા માટે સક્ષમ હોય છે.

    કેટલીક જાતી દાણા કે ફળ ઉપરાંત અન્ય વસ્તુઓને પણ પોતાનું ભોજન બનાવે છે. કેટલાક, ખાસ કરીને જમીન હોલો અને લાવરી હોલો, જીવડા અને કીડાઓને પણ મોટી સંખ્યામાં પોતાનો શિકાર બનાવે છે. અટોલ્લ ફળ હોલો નામની એક જાતતો જીવડા અને સરીસૃપોને ભોજન બનાવવામાં નિપુણ છે. સફેદ-મુકુટધારી કબૂતર, નારંગી હોલો અને રતાશપડતા રંગવાળો જમીન હોલો ગોકળગાય, ફુદા અને કેટલાક જંતુનું ભક્ષણ કરે છે.

    સંરક્ષણ સ્થિતિ

    જેમ કેટલાક કપોતને માનવ સહવાસને કારણે પોતાનો ફેલાવો વધારવાનો ફાયદો મળ્યો છે તેમ કેટલીક અન્ય જાતિની સંખ્યામાં કાંતો ઘટાડો જોવા મળ્યો છે અથવા તો તેઓ સંપુર્ણપણે નામશેષ થઇ ગયા છે.ઇ.સ. ૧૬૦૦ સુધીમાં લગભગ ૧૦ જાતીઓ નામશેષ થઇ ચુકેલી હતી જેમા ડોડો અને પેસેન્જર કબૂતરનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.

    પેસેન્જર કબૂતરોનું અસ્તિત્વ સમાપ્ત થઇ જવા પાછળ અનેક કારણો છે. ટાપુ પર ન રહેતી હોય અને છતા નામશેષ થઇ હોય એવી આધુનિક સમયની આ એક માત્ર જાતી છે. એક સમયે તેઓ પૃથ્વી પર સૌથી વધુ બહોળી સંખ્યા ધરાવતા પક્ષીઓ હતા. અગાઉની વસ્તીનો ચોક્કસ અંદાજ લગાવવો તો મુશ્કેલ છે પણ પક્ષી વિશારદ, એલેક્ઝાંડર વીલ્સને જોયેલા ટોળામાં વીસ કરોડ કરતા વધુ પક્ષીઓ હોવાનો અંદાજ મુકાયો હતો. આ જાતીની વસ્તીમાં, જેની એક વસાહતમાં ઇ.સ. ૧૮૭૧માં દશ કરોડ કરતા વધુ પક્ષીઓ હતા, ઓચિંતો ધટાડો આવ્યો અને ૧૯૧૪ સુધીમાં તો એમાંનું છેલ્લુ પક્ષી પણ મરી પરવાર્યુ હતું. વસવાટની જગ્યાઓનો નાશ આની પાછળનું મુખ્ય પરિબળ હોવા છતા આખા અમેરીકામાં ૧૯મી સદીમાં ગરીબ અને ગુલામ માણસના ખોરાક માટે મોટા પાયે થતી આ જાતીની કત્લેઆમ પણ જવાબદાર હતી એમ માનવામાં આવે છે.

    કબૂતરોના વિનાશમાં ડોડો અને તેનુ નિકંદનતો વધારે મોટા નમુનારૂપ છે. કોઇ શીકારીનું અસ્તિત્વ ન હોય ત્યાં વસેલી અન્ય કેટલીક પક્ષી-જાતીઓની માફક એ પોતાની ઉડવાની ક્ષમતાની સાથોસાથ સ્વરક્ષણ અને સ્વબચાવની આવડત પણ ખોઇ ચુકેલા હતા. માણસો અને તેમની સાથે પ્રવેશેલી અન્ય જાતી જેમકે ઉંદર, ભુંડ અને બીલાડી એ નાનકડા ટાપુઓ પરથી તેમનો ખૂરદો બોલાવી દીધો.

    આજની તારીખે કપોત કુળના ૧૯% થતી ૫૯ જેટલી કપોતકુળની જાતીઓ નિકંદનના ભયમાં છે. એમાંની મોટાભાગની જાતીઓ સમશીતોષ્ણ કટિબંધના ટાપુઓની રહેવાસી છે. એ બઘી જાતીઓનું અસ્તીત્વ બહારથી માણસોએ આણેલા શિકારીઓ, વસવાટની જગ્યાઓનો નાશ અને શીકાર થવાના કારણે કે આમાંના એક કરતા વધુ કારણો ભેગા થવાના કારણે જોખમમાં છે. કેટલીક જાતીઓતો તેમની કુદરતી અવસ્થામાં જોવા મળતી તો ક્યારનીય બંધ થઇ ગઇ છે. જેમ કે મેક્સીકોના સોકોર્રો ટાપુનો સોકોર્રો હોલો બિલાડી કુળના ફેરલ નામના પ્રાણીને લીધે ન કુદરતી અવસ્થામાં જોવા મળતા બંધ થઇ ગયા છે. નેગ્રોસ ફળ હોલો ૧૯૫૩ પછી ક્યારેય જોવા મળ્યો નથી તે નામશેષ થયા છે કે નહી એ હાલત વિષેની જાણકારીનો અભાવ છે. પોલીનેશિઅન જમીન હોલા અત્યારો તો ગંભીર જોખમ ની હાલતમાં ગણાય છે પણ દુરસુદુરના ટાપુઓ પર તેમનો વસવાટ હોવાના કારણે તેઓ બચ્યા છેકે નહી તે વિષેની સાચી સ્થીતીનો વાસ્તવિક ચિતાર મળતો નથી.

    આ વિનાશને અટકાવવા માટે કાયદા ના ધડતરથી અને અંકુશીકરણ, વસવાટની જગ્યાઓના રક્ષણ માટે અભયારણ્યોની રચના, બંધક હાલતમાં પ્રજનન અને વનમાં પુનઃવસન જેવી કેટલીક સંરક્ષણ રીતભાત અજમાવવામાં આવે છે.

    મનુષ્ય સાથેનો સંબંધ

    લશ્કરમાં ઉપયોગ

    The Dickin Medal for the pigeon Royal Blue

    પાળતુ તરીકે ઉપયોગ

    Pigeon-gram ટપાલ-ટિકિટ

    ધર્મમાં ઉપયોગ

    જયપુર, ભારતમાં પવિત્ર કબૂતરોને ચણ નાખતા વીક્સ એડવીન
    દિલ્લિ, ભારતમાં દાણા ચણતા કબૂતરો

    ખોરાકમાં ઉપયોગ

    કેળાની છાલમાં વિંટેલા ભાત સાથે સાંતળેલું કબૂતર અને શાક, ઇન્ડોનેશિઆ


    વિકિપીડિયા લેખકો અને સંપાદકો

    કપોત કુળ: Brief Summary ( Gujarati )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    કબૂતરો અને હોલાઓનો કપોત કુળમાં સમાવેશ કરવામાં આવે છે જેમાં દુનીયાભરની ૩૧૦ જાતીઓના પક્ષીઓનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. આ કુળના બધા પક્ષીઓ દેખાવમાં હૃષ્ટપૃષ્ટ શરીર, ટૂંકી ગરદન અને પ્રમાણમાં ટૂંકી અને નાજુક ચાંચ, ચાંચના નીચલા ભાગ તરફથી ખુલ્લી, મીણ જેવી માંસલ આંતરત્વચા હોય છે. આ કુટુંબના પક્ષીઓ વિશ્વભરમાં જોવા મળે છે પરંતું તેઓની વિપુલ વિવિધતા ઇન્ડોમલય અને ઓસ્ટ્રેલેશીઆના પર્યાવર્ણીય વિસ્તારોમાં જોવા મળે છે.

    વિકિપીડિયા લેખકો અને સંપાદકો

    ପାରା ( Oriya )

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    ଏହା ଏକ କପୋତ ଶ୍ରେଣୀୟ ପକ୍ଷୀ । ଅପାଳିତ ଅବସ୍ଥାରେ ଏମାନେ ଘରର ଚାଳରେ ଦେଉଳର ଖୋଲରେ ଓ ପର୍ବତ ଖୋଲରେ ରହନ୍ତି । ଗୃହପାଳିତ ପାରାମାନେ ଧଳା, କଳା, ନାଲି ଆଦି ନାନା ରଙ୍ଗର ହୁଅନ୍ତି ଏମାନଙ୍କର ଶଦ୍ଦକୁ ଘୁମୁରିବା କହନ୍ତି ଏମାନଙ୍କର ଧ୍ୱନି 'ଚକ୍ ବକୂମ୍ କୀମ୍' । ଏମାନେ ଘମୁରିଲା ବେଳେ ବେକ ଫୁଲାନ୍ତି । ଏମାନେ ବହୁ ଉଚ୍ଚରେ ଉଡ଼ି ପାରନ୍ତି ଓ ଉଡ଼ିବା ସମୟରେ ଲୋଟଣି ପାରାମାନେ ବନ୍ଧ ଭାଙ୍ଗନ୍ତି । ଇଉରୋପ ଆଦି ଦେଶରେ ଏମାନଙ୍କ ଗୋଡ଼ରେ ଚିଠି ବାନ୍ଧି ଦେଇ ଉଡ଼ାଇ ଦେଲେ ଏମାନେ ଦୂର ଦେଶରେ ଅଭିପ୍ରେତ ସ୍ଥାନରେ ଯାଇ ପହଞ୍ଚିବାଦ୍ୱାରା ଦୂରବାସୀ ମାନେ ସମ୍ବାଦ ପାଆନ୍ତି । ପାରାମାନଙ୍କ ଉଡ଼ିବା ଦେଖିବା ପାଇଁ ଲୋକେ ସଉକିରେ ପାରା ପାଳନ୍ତି ଏମାନଙ୍କର ଦୃଷ୍ଟିଶକ୍ତି ଅତି ପ୍ରଖର ଏମାନେ ଉପରକୁ ୧/୨: ମାଇଲ ଉଚ୍ଚକୁ ଉଠି ମେଘରେ ଅଦୃଶ୍ୟ ହୋଇ ଯାଆନ୍ତି ଭୂଇଁରେ ସୋରିଷ ବୁଣି ଦେଲେ ଏମାନେ ବହୁ ଉଚ୍ଚରୁ ତାହା ଦେଖି ଖୁଣ୍ଟି ପାରନ୍ତି ।


    • ଦେଉଳିଆ ପାରା
    • ଲୋଟଣୀ ପାରା
    • ପରପାଓଁ ପାରା
    • ରେସୀ ପାରା
    • ସୀରାଜୁ ପାରା
    • ଲଙ୍କା ପାରା
    • ପାର୍ବତୀଆ ପାରା ଇତ୍ୟାଦି ।

    ଓଡ଼ିଶା ପୋଲିସ ପାରା ଡାକ

    ପାରା ମାନେ ପୂର୍ବ କାଳରେ ଡାକ ନେବାକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର ହେଉଥିଲେ ଯାହାର ସବୁଠାରୁ ପୁରୁଣା ଇତିହାସ ହେଉଛି ଖ୍ରୀଷ୍ଟପୂର୍ବ ୨୯୦୦ରେ ମିଶରୀୟ ଲୋକଂକଦ୍ୱାରା ପାରା ଡାକ ବ୍ୟବହାର । ଆଧୁନିକ ବିଶ୍ୱରେ ଓଡ଼ିଶା ପୋଲିସ ହେଉଛଂତି ଏକମାତ୍ର ସଂସ୍ଥା[୨] ଯେକି ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ (୨୦୧୮) ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଏକ ପାର ଡାକ ସେବା ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା ରଖିଛଂତି [୩]


    1. Farner, Donald (2012-12-02). Avian Biology (in ଇଂରାଜୀ). Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-15799-5.
    2. ବାରିକ, ସତ୍ୟ ସୁଂଦର (5 May 2018). "Delivered by pigeon post in Cuttack". ଦି ହିନ୍ଦୁ. Retrieved 19 May 2018.
    3. ପାଳ, ସଂଚାରି. "Odisha has a Police Pigeon Service, the Only One of Its Kind In the World!". ଦି ବେଟର ଇଣ୍ଡିଆ. Vikara Media Pvt Ltd. Retrieved 19 May 2018.
    ଉଇକିପିଡ଼ିଆର ଲେଖକ ଏବଂ ସମ୍ପାଦକ |

    புறா ( Tamil )

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    புறா முட்டையிட்டுக் குஞ்சு பொரிக்கும் பறவையினத்தைச் சேர்ந்த உயிரினமாகும். உயிரின வகைப்பாட்டில் இது கொலம்பிடே (Columbidae) குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தது. இக்குடும்பத்தில் ஏறத்தாழ 310 வகை இனங்கள் உள்ளன.


    பரவல் மற்றும் வாழ்விடம்

    புறாக்கள் உலகெங்கிலும் அதிகமாகக் காணப்படுகின்றன என்றாலும், சகாரா பாலைவனம், ஆர்க்டிக், அண்டார்க்டிக் பகுதிகளில் இவை காணப்படுவதில்லை. வெப்ப மண்டலக் காடுகளில் இவை அதிகம் வசிக்கின்றன. மேலும் இவை வெப்பப்புல்வெளிகள்(சவானாக்கள்), பிற புல்வெளிகள், சில பாலைவனங்கள், மிதவெப்ப மற்றும் சதுப்புநிலக் காடுகள் , வட்டப்பவளத்திட்டுகளில் உள்ள சரளை மற்றும் மலட்டு நிலங்கள் போன்றவற்றிலும் வசிக்கின்றன. புறாக்கள் பல்வேறு வேறுபட்ட அளவுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன. நியூகினியாவைச் சேர்ந்த க்ரோண்ட் புறாக்கள் அளவில் பெரியவை. இரண்டு முதல் நான்கு கிலோ எடையுடையவை. மிகச் சிறியவை ஜெனஸ் கொலம்பினா என்ற இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவை ஆகும். இவை சுமார் 22 கிராம் எடை உடையவை.

    உடற்கூற்றியல் விளக்கம்

    உடலமைப்பும் உறுப்புகளும்

    புறாக்கள் பறக்கும் திறனுடைய பறவைகள். இவற்றின் உடல் முழுவதும் பறத்தலுக்கென மாறுபட்டுள்ளது. இவை பறத்தலுக்கென இறகுகள் , அலகு , கால் அமைப்பு போன்றவற்றைப் பெற்றுள்ளன. புறாக்கள் கதிர் வடிவம் உடையவை. இவற்றின் அளவு 20-25 செமீ ஆகும். உடலானது தலை, கழுத்து, நடுவுடல், வால் எனும் பகுதிகளையுடையது. உருண்டை வடிவத் தலைப்பகுதி முன்புறத்தில் கூர்மையான அலகுப் பகுதியைக் கொண்டுள்ளது. அலகுகளின் மேல்புறத்தில் தடித்த ராம்போதீக்கா எனும் உறை உள்ளது. மேல் அலகின் அடிப்புறத்தில் இணை நாசித்துவாரங்கள் உள்ளன. அவற்றைச் சுற்றிலும் அலகுப்பூ எனும் பருத்த தோல் பகுதி உள்ளது. ஓர் இணைக் கண்கள் உண்டு. கண்கள் சற்றுப் பெரியவை. கண்களின் பாதுகாப்பிற்கு மேல்-கீழ் இமைகளும் சிமிட்டுமென்றகடு அல்லது நிமிட்டுச்சவ்வு என்றழைக்கப்படும் மென்படலமும் உள்ளன. கண்களின் பின்புறம் இணை செவித்துவாரங்கள் உண்டு. இவை உள்ளாக செவிப்பறையில் திறந்துள்ளன. நீண்ட கழுத்து உண்டு. நடுவுடல் பகுதியில் ஓரிணை இறக்கைகளும் கால்களும் உள்ளன. உடலின் பின் முனையில் பொதுக் கழிவாய்த் துளையும் அதனைத் தொடர்ந்து வால் பகுதியும் உள்ளன. வால் பகுதியில் கோதுசுரப்பி எனும் எண்ணெய்ச் சுரப்பிகள் உள்ளன. இவை சுரக்கும் எண்ணெய்ப் பொருள் இறகுகளை அலகினால் நீவிவிட்டுப் பாதுகாக்க உதவும்.


    புறாக்களின் உடலில் மூன்று வகை இறகுகள் உண்டு. அவை

    1. இறக்கை இறகுகள்
    2. உருவ இறகுகள்
    3. இழை இறகுகள்

    இறக்கையில் 23 இறக்கை இறகுகள் உள்ளன. இதில் மேல்கையில் இணைந்துள்ள 11இறகுகள் முதனிலை இறகுகள் எனப்படும். நடுக்கையில் இணைந்துள்ள 12 இறகுகள் இரண்டாம் நிலை இறகுகள் எனப்படும். வால் பகுதியில் 12 இறகுகள் உண்டு. இவை விசிறி வடிவில் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. உருவ இறகுகள் சற்றுச் சிறியவை, மென்மையானவை. இவை உடலின் வெப்பத்தைப் பாதுகாக்கும். இழை இறகுகள் மிகவும் மென்மையானவை ஆகும்.

    வாழ்க்கைப் பழக்கவழக்கங்கள்


    இது தானிய வகைகளை உணவாக உண்ணும் பயிறுண்ணிப் பறவை ஆகும். இது விதைகள், பழங்கள், செடிகள் போன்றவற்றையும் உட்கொள்ளுகின்றது.பறவைகளிலேயே புறா மட்டுமே தண்ணீரைத் தன் அலகால் உறிஞ்சிக் குடிக்கும் பழக்கமுடையது என்றும் சொல்லப்படுவதுண்டு. பழங்கள் போன்றவை அல்லாது பிறவற்றை உண்ணும் புறாக்களும் உண்டு. நிலப்புறாக்கள், காடைகள் ஆகியவை புழுக்கள், பூச்சிகள் போன்றவற்றை விரும்பி உட்கொள்ளுகின்றன. பவளத்திட்டுப் பழந்திண்ணிப் புறா ஊர்வனவற்றையும் ஆரஞ்சுப் புறாக்கள் நத்தைகளையும் உண்கின்றன.


    புறாக்கள் மரங்களில் குச்சிகள் மற்றும் குப்பைகளை வைத்துக் கூடு கட்டுகின்றன. இவை ஒன்று அல்லது இரண்டு முட்டைகள் இடுகின்றன. ஆண், பெண் புறாக்கள் குஞ்சுகளை கவனித்துக்கொள்ளுகின்றன. குஞ்சுகள் 7 முதல் 27 நாட்களில் கூட்டை விட்டு வெளியே வருகின்றன.[1] பாறைப் புறாக்கள் சற்றே வித்தியாசமாக இறந்த பறவையுடன் உடலுறவு கொள்ள முயல்கின்றன.


    புறாக்களில் பலவகையான புறாக்கள் இருக்கின்றன. அலங்கார புறாக்களில் நிறைய வகைகள் உள்ளன இவைகள் பார்பதற்கு மிகவும் அழகாக இருப்பதால் இவைகளை அதிகமாக விரும்பி வளர்கின்றனர்.

    புறாக்களின் அழிவும் அவற்றைப் பாதுகாத்தலும்

    பல புறாக்கள் எண்ணிக்கையில் அதிகமாகி இருப்பினும் புறாக்களின் 10 வகைகள் அழிந்து, தற்போது இல்லாமல் போய் விட்டன. அவற்றுள் டூடூ(Dodo) போன்ற புறா வகைகள் அடக்கம். தற்காலத்தில் 59 புறா வகைகள் அழிவின் விழும்பில் உள்ளன. இவற்றுள் பெரும்பாலானவை வெப்ப மண்டலக் காடுகளிலும் தீவுகளிலும் வாழ்கின்றன.இவை கொன்றுண்ணிகள், வாழ்விட அழிவு, வேட்டையாடுதல் போன்றவற்றால் அச்சுறுத்தப்படுகின்றன. தற்போது இவ்வினத்தைப் பாதுகாக்க பல்வேறு சட்டங்களை அரசுகள் அமல் படுத்தியுள்ளன.

    தூது மற்றும் பந்தயம்

    மன்னர்கள் காலத்தில் கடிதப்போக்குவரத்து மற்றும் தூது ஓலை அனுப்புவதற்கு நன்கு பயிற்சிகொடுத்துப் பழக்கப்பட்ட புறாக்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டன. தமிழ்நாட்டில் இப்போதும் புறாக்களுக்கான பந்தயம் நடைபெறுகிறது. பழக்கப்பட்ட புறாக்கள் வெகுதொலைவில் கொண்டுவிடப்பட்டு அவை தங்கள் கூட்டுக்குத் திரும்பி வரும் நேரத்தை வைத்து இப்பந்தயங்கள் நடத்தப்படுகின்றன.இது வீட்டிலும் செல்லப்பறவையாக வளர்க்கப்படுகிறது. வீட்டில் வளர்க்கப்படும் புறாக்கள் உருவத்தில் சிறியனவாகவும் சாதுவாகவும் காணப்படும். காட்டுப்புறாக்கள் உருவத்தில் சற்றுப்பெரியவை.

    மதங்களில் புறாக்கள்

    எபிரேய விவிலியத்தில் விலையுயர்ந்தவற்றைக் கடவுளுக்குப் படைக்க முடியாத மக்கள் புறாக்களைப் பலியிட்டுப் படைப்பது ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்படும் எனத் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது. இயேசுவின் உயிர்த்தெழுப்புக்குப் பின்னர் அவரது பெற்றோர் புறாவைப் பலியிட்டு இறைவனுக்குப் படைத்ததாகக் கூறப்படுகிறது.நபிகள் நாயகத்திற்கு உதவிய காரணத்தால், இசுலாமிய மதத்திலும் புறாக்கள் மிகவும் மதிக்கப் படுகின்றன. இந்து மதத்திலும் புறாக்களுக்கு உணவளித்தல் புண்ணியச் செயலாகக் கருதப்படுகிறது.

    குறியீடாகப் புறாக்கள்

    இசுரேலியக் கடவுள் அசெரா, உரோமானியக் கடவுள் வீனஸ், போர்சுனேட்டா, போன்பேசியக் கடவுள் தனித் ஆகியோரினை பிரதிநிதித்துவம் செய்யும் குறியீடாகப் புறாக்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டன.[2] கிறித்தவத்தில் புறாக்களின் அலகில் தாங்கப்பட்ட ஒலிவ் இலைக் கொத்துக்கள் சமாதானத்தின் குறியீடாகக் கருத்தப்படுகின்றன.

    கோதுமை அரிசி இரண்டில், கோதுமையை மட்டும் உண்ணும்

    மனிதர்களும் புறாவும்


    முதலாம் மற்றும் இரண்டாம் உலகப்போர்களில் புறா பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. குறிப்பாக ஆஸ்திரேலியா, பிரித்தானியா, பிரான்சு, செருமனி, அமெரிக்கா ஆகிய நாடுகளியே புறாக்கள் போரின் போது பரவலாகப் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளன. இரண்டாம் உலகப் போரில் வழங்கப்பட்ட பங்களிப்புக்களுக்காக 32 புறாக்களுக்கு டிக்கின் பதக்கம் வழங்கி கௌரவிக்கப்பட்டது.


    வாழையிலால் சுற்றப்பட்ட சோற்றுடன் பொரித்த புறா இறைச்சி

    புறாக்களில் ஒரு சில உணவாக எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்பட்டாலும், அனைத்துப் புறா வகைகளும் உண்ணக்கூடியவையே ஆகும்.[3] புறா இறைச்சியில் மார்பு இறைச்சியே மிகவும் சுவையானதாகும். பண்டைய மத்திய கிழக்கு, பண்டைய உரோம், மத்திய ஐரோப்பா ஆகிய காலப்பகுதிகளில் இருந்தே வேட்டையாடப்பட்ட அல்லது வீட்டில் வளர்க்கப்பட்ட புறாக்கள் உணவாக எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்படுகின்றன. யூதர்கள், அசாமியர்கள், அரேபியர்களின் உணவில் புறா பொதுவாக எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்படுகின்றது. ஆசியர்களில், இந்தோனேசியரும், சீனரும் புறாக்களை உண்கின்றனர்.

    மேலும் காண்க


    விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

    புறா: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    புறா முட்டையிட்டுக் குஞ்சு பொரிக்கும் பறவையினத்தைச் சேர்ந்த உயிரினமாகும். உயிரின வகைப்பாட்டில் இது கொலம்பிடே (Columbidae) குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தது. இக்குடும்பத்தில் ஏறத்தாழ 310 வகை இனங்கள் உள்ளன.

    விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

    కపోతము ( Telugu )

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    కపోతము (ఆంగ్లం Pigeon) ఒక రకమైన పక్షి. ఇవి కొలంబిఫార్మిస్ క్రమంలోకొలంబిడే కుటుంబానికి చెందినవి. వీటిలో సుమారు 300 జాతులు ఉన్నాయి. వీటిలో పెద్దగా ఉండే జాతులను కపోతాలు అని, చిన్నగా ఉండే జాతులను పావురాలు అని అంటారు [1] పావురం (Dove) 'శాంతి'కి చిహ్నం.

    ఇవి ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా విస్తరించాయి కానీ ముఖ్యంగా ఇండోమలయా, ఆస్ట్రేలాసియా ప్రాంతాలలో ఎక్కువగా రకాలున్నాయి.

    కపోతాలు పొట్టిగా లావుగా ఉండి, చిన్న మెడ, ముక్కు కలిగివుంటాయి. సామాన్యంగా మనం పట్టణాలలో ఇంటి పరిసరాల్లో చూసే కపోతాలను ఫెరల్ కపోతాలు (Feral Pigeon) అంటారు.

    కపోతాలు చెట్లు, కొండచరియలు, ఆపార్టుమెంటుల మీద పుల్లలతో గూడు కట్టుకుంటాయి. ఇవి ఒకటి లేదా రెండు గుడ్లు పెడతాయి. పిల్లల్ని ఆడమగ పక్షులు రెండూ సంరక్షిస్తాయి. పిల్లలు 7 నుండి 28 రోజుల తర్వాత గూడు వదిలి ఎగిరిపోతాయి.[2] పావురాలు గింజలు, పండ్లు, చిన్న మొక్కల్ని తింటాయి. చాలామంది కపోతము అనే పేరు బదులు పావురము అనే పదం వాడతారు.

    కపోతాలు గురించి కొన్ని విశేషాలు

    • కపోతము, పావురము చూడటానికి సుమారు ఒకేలా ఉంటాయి.
    • పావురాలు కపోతాలకంటే చిన్నవి. పావురాలు జనారణ్యాల్లో కనిపించవు.
    • కపోతము, పావురము - ఈ రెండూ ఒకే కుటుంబానికి శాస్త్రీయ వర్గీకరణ ...

    ఇవి ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా విస్తరించాయి కానీ ముఖ్యంగా ఇండోమలయా, ఆస్ట్రేలాసియా ప్రాంతాలలో ఎక్కువగా రకాలున్నాయి.

    కపోతాలు పొట్టిగా లావుగా ఉండి, చిన్న మెడ, ముక్కు కలిగివుంటాయి. సామాన్యంగా మనం పట్టణాలలో ఇంటి పరిసరాల్లో చూసే కప, జాతులు వేరు. అందుకే కపోతాన్ని పావురముగా పొరబడుతుంటారు.

    • పూర్తిగా ఎదిగిన కపోతం ఒంటిమీద దాదాపు పదివేల ఈకలుంటాయి!
    • పావురాలు దాదాపు 26 మైళ్ల దూరంలో ఉన్నవాటిని కూడా గుర్తిస్తాయి. అందుకే యుద్ధాల్లో శత్రు సైన్యాలను గుర్తించేందుకు పావురాలను ఉపయోగించేవారు. అంతేకాదు, వీటికి ఏకాగ్రత ఎక్కువ. ఎలాంటి దారిలోనయినా కన్‌ఫ్యూజ్ అవకుండా వెళ్లిపోగలవు. అందుకే సందేశాలను వీటితో పంపించేవారు!
    • వీటి గుండె నిమిషానికి ఆరు వందలసార్లు కొట్టుకుంటుంది. ఇవి సెకనుకు పదిసార్లకు పైగా రెక్కలు ఆడిస్తాయి. పదహారు గంటలపాటు విశ్రాంతి తీసుకోకుండా ఎగరగలుగుతాయి!
    • తలను పైకి ఎత్తకుండా మింగే శక్తి ఉన్న పక్షి పావురం మాత్రమే. ఇతర పక్షులన్నీ నీటినిగానీ, ఆహారాన్నిగానీ నోటిలోకి తీసుకున్న తర్వాత తలను పెకైత్తి మింగుతాయి!
    • పావురాలు జీవితంలో ఒక్కదానితోనే జతకడతాయి. చాలా పావురాలు తమ జంట పావురం చనిపోతే మరో దానికి దగ్గర కాకుండా అలాగే ఉండిపోతాయని పరిశోధనల్లో తేలింది!
    • వీటి గొంతులో ఓ సంచిలాంటి గ్రంథి ఉంటుంది. అందులో పాలలాంటి తెల్లటి ద్రవం ఉత్పత్తి అవుతుంది. ఈ ద్రవాన్ని పిల్లల నోటిలో వేస్తాయి పావురాలు. కొంతకాలం పాటు తల్లిదండ్రులిచ్చే ఈ పాలతోనే పిల్లలు పెరుగుతాయి!
    • అన్ని పక్షుల పిల్లలూ కనిపిస్తాయి కానీ, పావురాల పిల్లలు సాధారణంగా ఎక్కడా కనిపించవు. అన్ని పక్షుల పిల్లలూ పుట్టిన పది, పదిహేను రోజులకు ఎగరడం మొదలుపెడతాయి. కానీ పావురాల పిల్లలు మాత్రం రెండు నెలలకు గానీ ఎగరవు!

    బయట లంకెలు


    1. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997). Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9.
    2. Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph (సంపాదకుడు.). Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. pp. 115–116. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
    వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు

    కపోతము: Brief Summary ( Telugu )

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    కపోతము (ఆంగ్లం Pigeon) ఒక రకమైన పక్షి. ఇవి కొలంబిఫార్మిస్ క్రమంలోకొలంబిడే కుటుంబానికి చెందినవి. వీటిలో సుమారు 300 జాతులు ఉన్నాయి. వీటిలో పెద్దగా ఉండే జాతులను కపోతాలు అని, చిన్నగా ఉండే జాతులను పావురాలు అని అంటారు పావురం (Dove) 'శాంతి'కి చిహ్నం.

    ఇవి ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా విస్తరించాయి కానీ ముఖ్యంగా ఇండోమలయా, ఆస్ట్రేలాసియా ప్రాంతాలలో ఎక్కువగా రకాలున్నాయి.

    కపోతాలు పొట్టిగా లావుగా ఉండి, చిన్న మెడ, ముక్కు కలిగివుంటాయి. సామాన్యంగా మనం పట్టణాలలో ఇంటి పరిసరాల్లో చూసే కపోతాలను ఫెరల్ కపోతాలు (Feral Pigeon) అంటారు.

    కపోతాలు చెట్లు, కొండచరియలు, ఆపార్టుమెంటుల మీద పుల్లలతో గూడు కట్టుకుంటాయి. ఇవి ఒకటి లేదా రెండు గుడ్లు పెడతాయి. పిల్లల్ని ఆడమగ పక్షులు రెండూ సంరక్షిస్తాయి. పిల్లలు 7 నుండి 28 రోజుల తర్వాత గూడు వదిలి ఎగిరిపోతాయి. పావురాలు గింజలు, పండ్లు, చిన్న మొక్కల్ని తింటాయి. చాలామంది కపోతము అనే పేరు బదులు పావురము అనే పదం వాడతారు.

    వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు

    ခို ( Burmese )

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    ခိုနှင့်ဂျိုးသည် Columbidae taxonomic မိသားစုရသည်။ လက်ရိုးဆုံးအမျိုးအစား ကျောက်ခို (rock pigeon) ဖြစ်သည်။ အိမ်တွင်ခို (domestic pigeon) နှင့်ခိုစိမ်း (feral pigeon) ကျောက်ခိုရနေလာသည်။

    ခိုသည် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတွင် လူသိများသော ငှက်တစ်မျိုး ဖြစ်သည်။ ခိုသည် ချိုးနှင့်အတူ ကိုလမ်ဗီဒီ မျိုးရင်းတွင် ပါဝင်၍ တစ်ကမ္ဘာလုံး၌ ယခုအခါ ခိုနှင့် ချိုးမျိုးပေါင်း ၆၅ဝ ကျော်မျှ ရှိသည်ဟု သိရသည်။ အရွယ်အားဖြင့်ကား၊ ခိုက ချိုးထက်ကြီး လေသည်။ ဝင်ရိုးစွန်းဒေသများမှလွဲလျှင် ကမ္ဘာ အရပ်ရပ်၌ ခိုကို တွေ့နိုင်၍ အထူးသဖြင့် အပူပိုင်းဒေသများ တွင် ပေါများသည်။ မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတွင်မူ အမြို့မြို့ အရွာရွာမှာ ပင် ခိုကို တွေ့ရသည်။

    ခိုတွင် အမျိုးများသလောက် အဆင်းသဏ္ဌာန်တွင်လည်း အနည်းနှင့်အများ ကွဲပြားကြသည်။ သို့သော် အပြာရောင်ကို အများဆုံးတွေ့ရ၏။ ယေဘူယျအားဖြင့် ခိုအားလုံးသည် အမြီး ကော့၍၊ ခြေထောက်နီသည်။ အလျား ၁၃ လက်မခန့် ရှိ၍ ကိုယ်ကာယတုတ်ခိုင်သည်။ ထူးခြားချက်ကား ခိုနှင့် ချိုးတို့ သည် ရေသောက်ရာတွင် အခြားငှက်များကဲ့သို့ ခေါင်းမမော့ဘဲ တစ်ဆက်တည်း သောက်လေ့ရှိကြသည်။

    ခိုသည် သဘာဝအားဖြင့် တောတွင်းကျက်စားသော ငှက် ဖြစ်သော်လည်း အလွန်ယဉ်ပါးလွယ်သည်။ ခိုရိုင်းများကို ရှေး နှစ်ပေါင်း ၅ဝဝဝ လောက်ကစ၍ မွေးမြူခဲ့ကြောင်း အမှတ် အသားများ တွေ့ရသည်။ ခိုသည် သစ်သီးနှင့် သစ်စေ့များကို စားတတ်သည်။ အဖိုနှင့်အမ တစ်စုသည် ရာသက်ပန် ပေါင်း သင်း၍ စုံတွဲသော်လည်းကောင်း၊ သင်းဖွဲ့၍သော်လည်းကောင်း နေတတ်သည်။ ခိုသည် နေရာမြဲ၍ ကျက်စားရာ ဒေသကို များစွာခင်တွယ်သည့်အတိုင်း မိုင်ပေါင်းများစွာ ဝေးကွာသော အရပ်မှ နေရင်းဌာနသို့ ရောက်အောင် ပြန်လာတတ်သည်။ ထို့ကြောင့် ရှေးဂရိနှင့် ရောမလူမျိုးတို့ လက်ထက်မှစ၍ ပြီးခဲ့သော ဒုတိယကမ္ဘာစစ်ကြီးအထိ ခိုမျိုး အချို့ကို သတင်းပို့ ခိုများအဖြစ်နှင့် မွေးမြူအသုံးပြုခဲ့ကြရာ၊ ယင်းတို့၏ စွမ်း ဆောင် စွန့်စားမှုကို တစ်ကမ္ဘာလုံးကပင် အံ့ဩချီးကျူးခဲ့ကြ ရပေသည်။ သတင်းပို့ခိုတို့သည် တစ်နာရီ လျှင် ပျှမ်းမျှမိုင် ၄ဝ နှုန်း ပျံသန်းနိုင် ခဲ့ကြသည်ဟု အဆိုရှိလေသည်။

    ခိုသည် တစ်နှစ်ပတ်လုံး သားပေါက်တတ်၍၊ အသိုက်များ ကို သစ်ပင်သစ်ကိုင်းထက်နှင့်တကွ အိမ်၊ တန်ဆောင်း၊ကျောင်း စသည့် ခေါင်မိုးများပေါ်တွင် သစ်ခက်၊ အမွှေးအတောင်တို့ဖြင့် ဆောက်လုပ်ကြသည်။ တစ်မြုံလျှင် ၂ ဥ ရှိတတ်၍ အသိုက် လုပ်ရာ၌လည်းကောင်း၊ သားငယ်သမီးငယ်များကို စောင့်ရှောက် ရာ၌ လည်းကောင်း၊ အဖိုနှင့် အမ ၂ ကောင်စလုံးပင် တာဝန် ယူလေ့ရှိသည်ကို တွေ့ရသည်။[၁]


    1. မြန်မာ့စွယ်စုံကျမ်း၊ အတွဲ(၂)

    ခို: Brief Summary ( Burmese )

    provided by wikipedia emerging languages

    ခိုနှင့်ဂျိုးသည် Columbidae taxonomic မိသားစုရသည်။ လက်ရိုးဆုံးအမျိုးအစား ကျောက်ခို (rock pigeon) ဖြစ်သည်။ အိမ်တွင်ခို (domestic pigeon) နှင့်ခိုစိမ်း (feral pigeon) ကျောက်ခိုရနေလာသည်။

    ခိုသည် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတွင် လူသိများသော ငှက်တစ်မျိုး ဖြစ်သည်။ ခိုသည် ချိုးနှင့်အတူ ကိုလမ်ဗီဒီ မျိုးရင်းတွင် ပါဝင်၍ တစ်ကမ္ဘာလုံး၌ ယခုအခါ ခိုနှင့် ချိုးမျိုးပေါင်း ၆၅ဝ ကျော်မျှ ရှိသည်ဟု သိရသည်။ အရွယ်အားဖြင့်ကား၊ ခိုက ချိုးထက်ကြီး လေသည်။ ဝင်ရိုးစွန်းဒေသများမှလွဲလျှင် ကမ္ဘာ အရပ်ရပ်၌ ခိုကို တွေ့နိုင်၍ အထူးသဖြင့် အပူပိုင်းဒေသများ တွင် ပေါများသည်။ မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတွင်မူ အမြို့မြို့ အရွာရွာမှာ ပင် ခိုကို တွေ့ရသည်။

    ခိုတွင် အမျိုးများသလောက် အဆင်းသဏ္ဌာန်တွင်လည်း အနည်းနှင့်အများ ကွဲပြားကြသည်။ သို့သော် အပြာရောင်ကို အများဆုံးတွေ့ရ၏။ ယေဘူယျအားဖြင့် ခိုအားလုံးသည် အမြီး ကော့၍၊ ခြေထောက်နီသည်။ အလျား ၁၃ လက်မခန့် ရှိ၍ ကိုယ်ကာယတုတ်ခိုင်သည်။ ထူးခြားချက်ကား ခိုနှင့် ချိုးတို့ သည် ရေသောက်ရာတွင် အခြားငှက်များကဲ့သို့ ခေါင်းမမော့ဘဲ တစ်ဆက်တည်း သောက်လေ့ရှိကြသည်။

    ခိုသည် သဘာဝအားဖြင့် တောတွင်းကျက်စားသော ငှက် ဖြစ်သော်လည်း အလွန်ယဉ်ပါးလွယ်သည်။ ခိုရိုင်းများကို ရှေး နှစ်ပေါင်း ၅ဝဝဝ လောက်ကစ၍ မွေးမြူခဲ့ကြောင်း အမှတ် အသားများ တွေ့ရသည်။ ခိုသည် သစ်သီးနှင့် သစ်စေ့များကို စားတတ်သည်။ အဖိုနှင့်အမ တစ်စုသည် ရာသက်ပန် ပေါင်း သင်း၍ စုံတွဲသော်လည်းကောင်း၊ သင်းဖွဲ့၍သော်လည်းကောင်း နေတတ်သည်။ ခိုသည် နေရာမြဲ၍ ကျက်စားရာ ဒေသကို များစွာခင်တွယ်သည့်အတိုင်း မိုင်ပေါင်းများစွာ ဝေးကွာသော အရပ်မှ နေရင်းဌာနသို့ ရောက်အောင် ပြန်လာတတ်သည်။ ထို့ကြောင့် ရှေးဂရိနှင့် ရောမလူမျိုးတို့ လက်ထက်မှစ၍ ပြီးခဲ့သော ဒုတိယကမ္ဘာစစ်ကြီးအထိ ခိုမျိုး အချို့ကို သတင်းပို့ ခိုများအဖြစ်နှင့် မွေးမြူအသုံးပြုခဲ့ကြရာ၊ ယင်းတို့၏ စွမ်း ဆောင် စွန့်စားမှုကို တစ်ကမ္ဘာလုံးကပင် အံ့ဩချီးကျူးခဲ့ကြ ရပေသည်။ သတင်းပို့ခိုတို့သည် တစ်နာရီ လျှင် ပျှမ်းမျှမိုင် ၄ဝ နှုန်း ပျံသန်းနိုင် ခဲ့ကြသည်ဟု အဆိုရှိလေသည်။

    ခိုသည် တစ်နှစ်ပတ်လုံး သားပေါက်တတ်၍၊ အသိုက်များ ကို သစ်ပင်သစ်ကိုင်းထက်နှင့်တကွ အိမ်၊ တန်ဆောင်း၊ကျောင်း စသည့် ခေါင်မိုးများပေါ်တွင် သစ်ခက်၊ အမွှေးအတောင်တို့ဖြင့် ဆောက်လုပ်ကြသည်။ တစ်မြုံလျှင် ၂ ဥ ရှိတတ်၍ အသိုက် လုပ်ရာ၌လည်းကောင်း၊ သားငယ်သမီးငယ်များကို စောင့်ရှောက် ရာ၌ လည်းကောင်း၊ အဖိုနှင့် အမ ၂ ကောင်စလုံးပင် တာဝန် ယူလေ့ရှိသည်ကို တွေ့ရသည်။


    Clómb ( Eml )

    provided by wikipedia emerging_languages
    Un clómb in vōl

    Al clómb o pisòṅ (Columba Livia, colombo o piccione in italiàṅ) 'l è na bèstia ch'la fà part ad na famìja 'd uśèi ch'la gh'à dèntar 300 spèci, 5 sótafamìji e 42 gènar.

    I sò mùscui i èṅ dimóndi fòrt e i gh parmétan ad schivàr via in présia i ustàcui, virànd da n'atra banda.


    Al dè 'd incō, dal nostri bandi i clómb i vìvan dapartùt, in campàgna e in sità. In generàl, i s càtan in tut al mónd ma briśa in dal Pòlo sud.


    Un clómb drē a giràr insìma a 'n marciapē
    Un clómb su 'n teǵ 'd na cà
    Du ōv dal clómb

    Al clómb 'l è lung 30-35 cm cun na vèrta alàra ad 62-68 cm. La part da drē sóta gl'ali l'è biànca e l'è 'l quèl più impurtànt ch'a s pōl druàr p'r arcgnós'r-i. Al clómb al gh'à anc dū righi négri ch'i cùran in sima a gl'ali griśi. La cóa la gh'à i bórd biànc. La tèsta e 'l còl i èṅ griś-blù scûr in d'l adùlt cun di riflès smeraldèṅ. I òć i èṅ aràns e i pōl'n èsar burdâ da di anèi griś-biànc. Al śampi i ténd'n al rós.

    'D aspèt sìmil a 'l culumbàs (Colomba palumbus), 'l è invéci 'n pôs difarènt da lò par chi mutìṿ chè 'd sóta:

    • al n gh'à mia al maci biànchi 'd intór'n al còl;
    • al bèc 'l è brûn e minga rós e śal;
    • al n gh'à mia na riga biànca insìma a l'ala cuma invéci al gh'à 'l culumbàs;
    • al grupòṅ 'l è biànc;
    • la dimensiòṅ l'è n po' più pìcula.

    Al clómb al viṿ da tri a sinc an da selvàdag, ma al pōl scampàr anc 15 an s'l è adumesticâ. Anc s'al gh'à 'n sarvèl pìcul, al pisòṅ 'l è bòṅ 'd arcgnós'r i quàdar, al létri d'l alfabét, 'l ghigni e 'l càncar in di tesû umàṅ [1].

    A n è minga fàcil arcgnósar al masć da la fémna (in gènar, qvésta chè l'è più pìcula). Durànt al curtegiamènt, al masć 'l impinìs al còl 'd ària e al taca a prilàr in tónd da par lò mèntar al tuba e pò a gh cur adrē. Dimóndi vòlti la fémna la scapa via o la vóla luntàṅ e al masć al rèsta lè cuma un bambòs.

    Durànt 'l acupiamènt, al masć e la fémna i s tōśan p'r al bèc e i s pìgan al còl 'l un cun cl'atra dimóndi vòlti. A la fiṅ la fémna la s mét par tèra e al masć al gh salta insìma in sla schina.

    I clómb i cóvan i sò óṿ biànc, a dū a la vòlta, par 21 dè: la fémna ad dè e al masć a la nòt. Quànd i pulśèṅ i nàsan, i màgnan quél ch'i gh pòrtan i genitōr, pò i mùcian sù al péni e i vólan via da 'l gnal dòp un mèś.

    Impàt in s'l ambînt

    Al fat che cal bèsti chè ad sòlit i vìvan in gran nùmar in di arìi urbàni al pōl dar dimóndi prubléma dal punt ad vista igènic. Difàti i clómb i téndan a purtàr sèg dal malatìi periculóśi anc par 'l óm. A gh'è pò anc da dir che i sò pét, acsè acid, i pōlan purtàr di dan a 'l custrusiòṅ e a i munumènt.

    Manéri ad dir

    • (CARPŚ) Clomb sasèt! N'ètra śgancèda in sim'ala plèda!! Stùfet! ;-DD (IT) Colombo assassino! Un'altra sganciata (deiezione) sulla pelata!! Stancati!
    Prim piàṅ 'd un pisòṅ

    Culegamènt estéran


    1. La diàgnuśi dal càncar al la farà 'n pisòṅ La Stampa, 30 ad Nuvémbar dal 2015
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Clómb: Brief Summary ( Eml )

    provided by wikipedia emerging_languages
     src= Un clómb in vōl

    Al clómb o pisòṅ (Columba Livia, colombo o piccione in italiàṅ) 'l è na bèstia ch'la fà part ad na famìja 'd uśèi ch'la gh'à dèntar 300 spèci, 5 sótafamìji e 42 gènar.

    I sò mùscui i èṅ dimóndi fòrt e i gh parmétan ad schivàr via in présia i ustàcui, virànd da n'atra banda.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Columbidae ( Fijian )

    provided by wikipedia emerging_languages

    Columbidae e matavuvale vuka e lewena na ruve. Sai koya duadua ga na matavuvale ena ivakarau Columbiformes. O ira oqo na vakaukauwa bodied manumanu na domodomoqa, kei na ilavo lekaleka vakadua yasadra era sa sausaumi tiko ena so na bula kania ceres. Era sa vakania taumada na sorenikau, na vuanikau, kei tea. Sa yaco na matavuvale me vuravura raraba, ia na kena duidui cecere e tiko ena Indomalaya kei na Australasia ecovinaka.

    Treron vernans
    Vatu ruve (Columba livia)
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Columbidae ( Sardinian )

    provided by wikipedia emerging_languages

    Sa famìlia de is columbus (columbidae, Illiger 1811) est dividia in prus de 300 spetzias, 5 subfamìlias, e 42 generes.

    B'est su columbu areste, chi vivet in sas campagnas, in sos buscos, e mandigat semenes. B'est su columbu masedu, chi vivet in tzitade. S'inde ident subra sas domos, subra campaniles, crejas, turres. S'ind 'ident medas in sas piattas cando lis dana a mandigare. Faghet su nidu in totue. Sa femina faghet duos osos e los ciocchit. Su colore de sas pumas est variu: iscuru, colore 'e chijina, biancu, cun una istriscia bianca chi inghiriat totu su puzone, alas nieddas e conca niedda. Su tuju de custos est colore 'e brunzu cun isfumaduras de 'irde.

    Wikipedia authors and editors


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    Culfre (mnf. Culfran) sind þæs hīredes Columbidae beinnan þǣm hāda Columbiformes, þe ymbe 300 cynna fugla inn hæfþ. Gemǣne geseƿen on ƿoruld ealle, ac hæfþ mǣstan fāgnesse in Indomalaya and Australasian līfmearcum. Þā māran culfran þe man in burgum sīehþ, is sēo stānculfre.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Duven en tortels ( Zea )

    provided by wikipedia emerging_languages

    De duven en tortels (Columbidae) zien middelhroôte veugels die an over bieni eêl de waereld voekomm'n, mè toch vurral in 't Oriëntaols hebied en Australazië. De veugels èn een volle bost en een kleine kop. Een kenmerk van duven is da'n ze zonder moeite waeter mie der snaevel op kunn'n drienken. Jonge duven kriehen drienken uut de kroppe, duvenmelk. Duvenmelk is een eiwitrieke, kaesachtihe substansie. Der zien onheveêr 300 soôrten duven.

    Duven eetn vurral zaeden, fruit en plantaârdihe diengen. Duven lèn twi witte eiers in een slordig nest van twiegjes, die an deur beie ouwers worn uutebroeid.

    't Ouwen van duven

    Tamme duven worn vee ehouwen deur mensen. Zelfs in 't ouwe Ehypte wiern der a tamme duven ehouwen. In deze tied wiern ze vurral ehouwen voe 't vleês, 't a hol as een delicatesse. Ok is de duuve bekend as boodschapper bie kokertjes rond der nikke in onder are de Tachtigjaerihe Oôrlog. As lessen wor in deze tied de duuve vee ehouwen voe duvenwedstrijen, wibie a de duuve in zò kort meuhlijke tied wee ni ruus mò vliehen.

    Duven in Nederland

    In Nederland komm'n een paer duvensoôrten voe, wivan sommihe soôrten die an oôrspronkelijk van varre wig kwamm'n mè der eihen hoed anepast ène. De stadsduuve is in feite een afstammelieng van de rotsduuve. De volhende soôrten komm'n dus voe in Nederland:

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Duven en tortels: Brief Summary ( Zea )

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    De duven en tortels (Columbidae) zien middelhroôte veugels die an over bieni eêl de waereld voekomm'n, mè toch vurral in 't Oriëntaols hebied en Australazië. De veugels èn een volle bost en een kleine kop. Een kenmerk van duven is da'n ze zonder moeite waeter mie der snaevel op kunn'n drienken. Jonge duven kriehen drienken uut de kroppe, duvenmelk. Duvenmelk is een eiwitrieke, kaesachtihe substansie. Der zien onheveêr 300 soôrten duven.

    Duven eetn vurral zaeden, fruit en plantaârdihe diengen. Duven lèn twi witte eiers in een slordig nest van twiegjes, die an deur beie ouwers worn uutebroeid.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Kitula ( Aymara )

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    Kitula (kastilla aru: Paloma), suni thaya tuqina jakasiri sallqa jisk'a khullkhutiya jamach'ï. Kitulaxa k'ita jiwranakakwa suni tuqina manq'asixa.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Kolom ( Cornish )

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    Kolom po kolommen yw edhen y'n teylu Columbidae. Yma a-dro dhe 335 ehen y'n teylu; kevys yns i yn pub brastir marnas Antarktika. Ydhyn korfek gans gelvin byhan ha pluv medhel yw kelemmi. I a wra dybri has, frooth ha del dre vras.


    • Perrins, Christopher, pennskrifer (2004) The New Encyclopedia of Birds, Oxford University Press, Rysohen.

    Kevrennow a-ves

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Kolom: Brief Summary ( Cornish )

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    Kolom po kolommen yw edhen y'n teylu Columbidae. Yma a-dro dhe 335 ehen y'n teylu; kevys yns i yn pub brastir marnas Antarktika. Ydhyn korfek gans gelvin byhan ha pluv medhel yw kelemmi. I a wra dybri has, frooth ha del dre vras.

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    Mirahpati nyan saboh bansa Cicém nyang cukôp le udép di Acèh.

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    Pitax ( Wolof )

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    Pitax picc la ci néegu Columbidae.

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    Salampati ( Bcl )

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    Salampati nakatogdon sa alambre nin elektrisidad
    Nag'aabrakan na mga salampati
    Doseng salampati na nakatugdon sa linya nin kuryente sa Atulayan Island, Camarines Sur
    Salamapti kan Pilipinas

    An Salampati asin punay sakop sa pamilya nin mga gamgam na igwang 42 na genera asin 310 na species.

    An mga ini punggok an mga liog asin haralipot an mga tuka. Tinutuka kaining mga pagkakan iyo an mga bagas, mga pisog, mga prutas asin mga tinanom. Kadakulan kaini mas natitipon sa ecozone nin Indomalaya asin Austrolasia. An ibang species nin salampati domestikado na asin mga garo na sa pag'aataman kan mga tawo.

    An mga salampati nagibo nin mga salagan na bakong purusog ta gamit lang mga giriw asin mga dahon-dahon na sinasarangat sana sa mga soksok kan mga edipisyo o mga sanga nin kahoy. An salampati nasugok parati duwa lang na sugok asin an duwang magurang ribay-ribay nag'aasikaso asin nagbabantay, naghihilomlom. Pakahimsa, 7 abot 28ng aldaw an pagtener sa tataghan depende sa species.[1] Kun saradit pa, binabahog asin pinapapakakan ini kan magurang nin suka hale sa butse kan magurang, lalaki o babae man, paagi kan pagluwa kaini sa akab na mga tuka kan sadit.


    1. Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph, ed. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. pp. 115–116. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Salampati: Brief Summary ( Bcl )

    provided by wikipedia emerging_languages
     src= Salampati nakatogdon sa alambre nin elektrisidad  src= Nag'aabrakan na mga salampati  src= Doseng salampati na nakatugdon sa linya nin kuryente sa Atulayan Island, Camarines Sur  src= Salamapti kan Pilipinas

    An Salampati asin punay sakop sa pamilya nin mga gamgam na igwang 42 na genera asin 310 na species.

    An mga ini punggok an mga liog asin haralipot an mga tuka. Tinutuka kaining mga pagkakan iyo an mga bagas, mga pisog, mga prutas asin mga tinanom. Kadakulan kaini mas natitipon sa ecozone nin Indomalaya asin Austrolasia. An ibang species nin salampati domestikado na asin mga garo na sa pag'aataman kan mga tawo.

    An mga salampati nagibo nin mga salagan na bakong purusog ta gamit lang mga giriw asin mga dahon-dahon na sinasarangat sana sa mga soksok kan mga edipisyo o mga sanga nin kahoy. An salampati nasugok parati duwa lang na sugok asin an duwang magurang ribay-ribay nag'aasikaso asin nagbabantay, naghihilomlom. Pakahimsa, 7 abot 28ng aldaw an pagtener sa tataghan depende sa species. Kun saradit pa, binabahog asin pinapapakakan ini kan magurang nin suka hale sa butse kan magurang, lalaki o babae man, paagi kan pagluwa kaini sa akab na mga tuka kan sadit.

    Wikipedia authors and editors

    Xamaam(Shinbir) ( Somali )

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    Template:Use dmy dates


    Xamaam Waa mid kamida Shimbir.xamaamku waxa ay ka koobanyihiin noocyo badan oo kala duwan.Xamaamku waxa uu kasoo jeedaa Bahda Qooleeyda xamaamku waxa uu ku noolyahay meelo badan oo caalamka ka mida waxaana uu leeyahay noocyo kaladuwan iyo midabo badan.

    Qorayaasha Wikipedia iyo tifaftirayaasha

    कपोतः ( Sanskrit )

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    Rock pigeon courtship

    कपोतः (आङ्गलेयम : Pigeon अथवा dove)

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    provided by wikipedia EN

    Columbidae (/kəˈlʌmbɪd/) is a bird family consisting of doves and pigeons. It is the only family in the order Columbiformes. These are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills that in some species feature fleshy ceres. They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and plants. The family occurs worldwide, but the greatest variety is in the Indomalayan and Australasian realms.

    The family contains 344 species divided into 50 genera. Thirteen of the species are extinct.[2]

    In English, the smaller species tend to be called "doves" and the larger ones "pigeons".[3] However, the distinction is not consistent,[3] and does not exist in most other languages. Historically, the common names for these birds involve a great deal of variation among the terms. The bird most commonly referred to as just "pigeon" is the domestic pigeon, which is common in many cities as the feral pigeon.

    Doves and pigeons build relatively flimsy nests, often using sticks and other debris, which may be placed on branches of trees, on ledges, or on the ground, depending on species. They lay one or (usually) two white eggs at a time, and both parents care for the young, which leave the nest after 25–32 days. Unfledged baby doves and pigeons are called squabs and are generally able to fly by 5 weeks of age. These fledglings, with their immature squeaking voices, are called squeakers once they are weaned.[4] Unlike most birds, both sexes of doves and pigeons produce "crop milk" to feed to their young, secreted by a sloughing of fluid-filled cells from the lining of the crop.


    Pigeon is a French word that derives from the Latin pīpiō, for a "peeping" chick,[5] while dove is an ultimately Germanic word that refers to the bird's diving flight.[6] The English dialectal word culver appears to derive from Latin columba.[5] A group of doves is called a "dule", taken from the French word deuil ('mourning').[7]

    Origin and evolution

    Columbiformes is one of the most diverse non-passerine clades of neoavians, and its origins are in the Cretaceous[8] and the result of a rapid diversification at the end of the K-Pg boundary.[9] Whole genome analyses have found the columbiformes form a sister clade of a group conformed by the sandgrouses (Pterocliformes) and mesites (Mesitornithiformes).[10][11]

    Taxonomy and systematics

    The name 'Columbidae' for the family was introduced by the English zoologist William Elford Leach in a guide to the contents of the British Museum published in 1820.[12][13] Columbidae is the only living family in the order Columbiformes. The sandgrouse (Pteroclidae) were formerly placed here, but were moved to a separate order, Pterocliformes, based on anatomical differences (such as the inability to drink by "sucking" or "pumping").[14]

    The Columbidae are usually divided into five subfamilies, probably inaccurately.[15] For example, the American ground and quail doves (Geotrygon), which are usually placed in the Columbinae, seem to be two distinct subfamilies.[a] The order presented here follows Baptista et al. (1997),[16] with some updates.[17][18][19]

    The arrangement of genera and naming of subfamilies is in some cases provisional because analyses of different DNA sequences yield results that differ, often radically, in the placement of certain (mainly Indo-Australian) genera. This ambiguity, probably caused by long branch attraction, seems to confirm the first pigeons evolved in the Australasian region, and that the "Treronidae" and allied forms (crowned and pheasant pigeons, for example) represent the earliest radiation of the group.

    The family Columbidae previously also contained the family Raphidae, consisting of the extinct Rodrigues solitaire and the dodo.[19][20][21] These species are in all likelihood part of the Indo-Australian radiation that produced the three small subfamilies mentioned above,[22] with the fruit doves and pigeons (including the Nicobar pigeon). Therefore, they are here included as a subfamily Raphinae, pending better material evidence of their exact relationships.[23]

    Exacerbating these issues, columbids are not well represented in the fossil record.[24] No truly primitive forms have been found to date. The genus Gerandia has been described from Early Miocene deposits in France, but while it was long believed to be a pigeon,[25] it is now considered a sandgrouse.[26] Fragmentary remains of a probably "ptilinopine" Early Miocene pigeon were found in the Bannockburn Formation of New Zealand and described as Rupephaps;[26] "Columbina" prattae from roughly contemporary deposits of Florida is nowadays tentatively separated in Arenicolumba, but its distinction from Columbina/Scardafella and related genera needs to be more firmly established (e.g. by cladistic analysis).[27] Apart from that, all other fossils belong to extant genera.[28]

    Baby pigeon
    Rock dove (Columba livia) in flight
    Rock dove courtship
    Rock doves in flight
    A pigeon on roof top

    List of genera

    Fossil species of uncertain placement:

    • Genus †Arenicolumba Steadman, 2008
    • Genus †Rupephaps Worthy, Hand, Worthy, Tennyson, & Scofield, 2009 (St. Bathans pigeon, Miocene of New Zealand)

    Subfamily Columbinae (typical pigeons and doves)

    Subfamily Claravinae (American ground doves)



    The common ground dove (Columbina passerina) is among the smallest species in the family.

    Size and appearance

    A Woodpigeon on a telephone line.
    The Common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) is common throughout Europe.

    Pigeons and doves exhibit considerable variation in size, ranging in length from 15 to 75 centimetres (5.9 to 29.5 in), and in weight from 30 g (0.066 lb) to above 2,000 g (4.4 lb).[29] The largest species is the crowned pigeon of New Guinea,[30] which is nearly turkey-sized, at a weight of 2–4 kg (4.4–8.8 lb).[31] The smallest is the common ground dove (Columbina passerina) of the genus Columbina, which is the same size as a house sparrow, weighing as little as 22 g (0.049 lb).[16] The dwarf fruit dove, which may measure as little as 13 cm (5.1 in), has a marginally smaller total length than any other species from this family.[16] One of the largest arboreal species, the Marquesan imperial pigeon, currently battles extinction.[32]

    Anatomy and physiology

    Overall, the anatomy of Columbidae is characterized by short legs, short bills with a fleshy cere, and small heads on large, compact bodies.[33] Like some other birds, the Columbidae have no gall bladders.[34] Some medieval naturalists concluded they have no bile (gall), which in the medieval theory of the four humours explained the allegedly sweet disposition of doves.[35] In fact, however, they do have bile (as Aristotle had earlier realized), which is secreted directly into the gut.[36]

    A landing collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) displays the contour and flight feathers of its wings.

    The wings are large, and have eleven primary feathers;[37] pigeons have strong wing muscles (wing muscles comprise 31–44% of their body weight[38]) and are among the strongest fliers of all birds.[37]

    In a series of experiments in 1975 by Dr. Mark B. Friedman, using doves, their characteristic head bobbing was shown to be due to their natural desire to keep their vision constant.[39] It was shown yet again in a 1978 experiment by Dr. Barrie J. Frost, in which pigeons were placed on treadmills; it was observed that they did not bob their heads, as their surroundings were constant.[40]


    Pigeon feather types, excluding down.

    Columbidae have unique body feathers, with the shaft being generally broad, strong, and flattened, tapering to a fine point, abruptly.[37] In general, the aftershaft is absent; however, small ones on some tail and wing feathers may be present.[41] Body feathers have very dense, fluffy bases, are attached loosely into the skin, and drop out easily.[42] Possibly serving as a predator avoidance mechanism,[43] large numbers of feathers fall out in the attacker's mouth if the bird is snatched, facilitating the bird's escape. The plumage of the family is variable.[44]

    Granivorous species tend to have dull plumage, with a few exceptions, whereas the frugivorous species have brightly coloured plumage.[16] The Ptilinopus (fruit doves) are some of the brightest coloured pigeons, with the three endemic species of Fiji and the Indian Ocean Alectroenas being the brightest. Pigeons and doves may be sexually monochromatic or dichromatic.[45] In addition to bright colours, pigeons may sport crests or other ornamentation.[46]


    Animation of flying pigeons

    Columbidae are excellent fliers due to the lift provided by their large wings, which results in low wing loading;[47] They are highly maneuverable in flight[48] and have a low aspect ratio due to the width of their wings, allowing for quick flight launches and ability to escape from predators, but at a high energy cost.[49]

    Distribution and habitat

    The zebra dove (Geopelia striata) has been widely introduced around the world.

    Pigeons and doves are distributed everywhere on Earth, except for the driest areas of the Sahara Desert, Antarctica and its surrounding islands, and the high Arctic.[29] They have colonised most of the world's oceanic islands, reaching eastern Polynesia and the Chatham Islands in the Pacific, Mauritius, the Seychelles and Réunion in the Indian Ocean, and the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean.

    The family has adapted to most of the habitats available on the planet. These species may be arboreal, terrestrial, or semi-terrestrial. Various species also inhabit savanna, grassland, desert, temperate woodland and forest, mangrove forest, and even the barren sands and gravels of atolls.[50]

    Some species have large natural ranges. The eared dove ranges across the entirety of South America from Colombia to Tierra del Fuego,[51] the Eurasian collared dove has a massive (if discontinuous) distribution from Britain across Europe, the Middle East, India, Pakistan and China,[52] and the laughing dove across most of sub-Saharan Africa, as well as India, Pakistan, and the Middle East.[53] Other species have tiny, restricted distributions; this is most common in island endemics. The whistling dove is endemic to the tiny Kadavu Island in Fiji,[54] the Caroline ground dove is restricted to two islands, Truk and Pohnpei in the Caroline Islands,[55] and the Grenada dove is restricted to Grenada in the Caribbean.[56] Some continental species also have tiny distributions; for example, the black-banded fruit dove is restricted to a small area of the Arnhem Land of Australia,[57] the Somali pigeon is restricted to a tiny area of northern Somalia,[58] and Moreno's ground dove is restricted to the area around Salta and Tucuman in northern Argentina.[16]

    The largest range of any species is that of the rock dove.[59] This species had a large natural distribution from Britain and Ireland to northern Africa, across Europe, Arabia, Central Asia, India, the Himalayas and up into China and Mongolia.[59] The range of the species increased dramatically upon domestication, as the species went feral in cities around the world.[59] The species is currently resident across most of North America, and has established itself in cities and urban areas in South America, sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.[59] The species is not the only pigeon to have increased its range due to the actions of man; several other species have become established outside of their natural range after escaping captivity, and other species have increased their natural ranges due to habitat changes caused by human activity.[16] A 2020 study found that the East Coast of the U.S. includes two pigeon genetic megacities, in New York and Boston, and the birds do not mix together.[60]



    White-bellied green pigeon (Treron sieboldii) feeding on fruit

    Seeds and fruit form the major component of the diets of pigeons and doves.[29][61] In fact, the family can be divided into the seed-eating or granivorous species (subfamily Columbinae) and the fruit-and-mast-eating or frugivorous species (the other four subfamilies).[62] The granivorous species typically feed on seed found on the ground, whereas the frugivorous species tend to feed in trees.[62] There are morphological adaptations that can be used to distinguish between the two groups: granivores tend to have thick walls in their gizzards, intestines, and esophagi whereas the frugivores tend to have thin walls.[29] In addition, fruit-eating species have short intestines whereas those that eat seeds have longer ones.[63] Frugivores are capable of clinging to branches and even hang upside down to reach fruit.[16][62]

    In addition to fruit and seeds, a number of other food items are taken by many species. Some, particularly the ground doves and quail-doves, eat a large number of prey items such as insects and worms.[62] One species, the atoll fruit dove, is specialised in taking insect and reptile prey.[62] Snails, moths, and other insects are taken by white-crowned pigeons, orange fruit doves, and ruddy ground doves.[16]

    Urban feral pigeons, descendants of domestic rock doves (Columbia Livia), reside in urban environments, disturbing their natural feeding habits. They depend on human activities and interactions to obtain food, causing them to forage for spilled food or food provided by humans.[64]

    Status and conservation

    The Socorro dove (Zenaida graysoni) is extinct in the wild

    While many species of pigeons and doves have benefited from human activities and have increased their ranges, many other species have declined in numbers and some have become threatened or even succumbed to extinction.[65] Among the ten species to have become extinct since 1600 (the conventional date for estimating modern extinctions) are two of the most famous extinct species, the dodo and the passenger pigeon.[65]

    The passenger pigeon was exceptional for a number of reasons. In modern times, it is the only pigeon species that was not an island species to have become extinct[65] even though it was once the most numerous species of bird on Earth. Its former numbers are difficult to estimate, but one ornithologist, Alexander Wilson, estimated one flock he observed contained over two billion birds.[66] The decline of the species was abrupt; in 1871, a breeding colony was estimated to contain over a hundred million birds, yet the last individual in the species was dead by 1914.[67] Although habitat loss was a contributing factor, the species is thought to have been massively over-hunted, being used as food for slaves and, later, the poor, in the United States throughout the 19th century.

    The dodo, and its extinction, was more typical of the extinctions of pigeons in the past. Like many species that colonise remote islands with few predators, it lost much of its predator avoidance behaviour, along with its ability to fly.[68] The arrival of people, along with a suite of other introduced species such as rats, pigs, and cats, quickly spelled the end for this species and all the other island forms that have become extinct.[68]

    Around 59 species of pigeons and doves are threatened with extinction today, about 19% of all species.[69] Most of these are tropical and live on islands. All of the species are threatened by introduced predators, habitat loss, hunting, or a combination of these factors.[68] In some cases, they may be extinct in the wild, as is the Socorro dove of Socorro Island, Mexico, last seen in the wild in 1972, driven to extinction by habitat loss and introduced feral cats.[70] In some areas, a lack of knowledge means the true status of a species is unknown; the Negros fruit dove has not been seen since 1953,[71] and may or may not be extinct, and the Polynesian ground dove is classified as critically endangered, as whether it survives or not on remote islands in the far west of the Pacific Ocean is unknown.[72]

    Various conservation techniques are employed to prevent these extinctions, including laws and regulations to control hunting pressure, the establishment of protected areas to prevent further habitat loss, the establishment of captive populations for reintroduction back into the wild (ex situ conservation), and the translocation of individuals to suitable habitats to create additional populations.[68][73]


    Dickin Medal for the pigeon Royal Blue
    Cher Ami was awarded the Croix de Guerre.

    The pigeon was used in both World War I and World War II, notably by the Australian, French, German, American, and UK forces. They were also awarded with various laurels throughout, for their service. On 2 December 1943, three pigeons – Winkie, Tyke, and White Vision – were awarded the first Dickin medal, serving with Britain's Royal Air Force, for rescuing an air force crew during World War II.[74] Thirty-two pigeons have been decorated with the Dickin Medal, citing them for "brave service",[75] for war contributions, including Commando, G.I. Joe,[76] Paddy, Royal Blue, and William of Orange.

    Cher Ami, a homing pigeon in World War I, was awarded the Croix de Guerre Medal, by France, with a palm Oak Leaf Cluster for his service in Verdun.[77] Despite having almost lost a leg and being shot in the chest, he managed to travel around 25 miles to deliver the message that saved 194 men of the Lost Battalion of the 77th Infantry Division in the Battle of the Argonne, in October 1918.[77][74] When Cher Ami died, he was mounted and is part of the permanent exhibit at the National Museum of American History of the Smithsonian Institution.[78]

    A grand ceremony was held in Buckingham Palace to commemorate a platoon of pigeons that braved the battlefields of Normandy to deliver vital plans to Allied forces on the fringes of Germany.[79] Three of the actual birds that received the medals are on show in the London Military Museum so that well-wishers can pay their respects.[79] In Brussels, there is a monument commemorating pigeons that served in World War I, the Monument au Pigeon-Soldat.


    Emperor Honorius is a historically prominent individual who kept pigeons as pets.

    The rock dove has been domesticated for hundreds of years.[80] It has been bred into several varieties kept by hobbyists, of which the best known is the homing pigeon or racing homer.[80] Other popular breeds are tumbling pigeons such as the Birmingham roller, and fancy varieties that are bred for certain physical characteristics such as large feathers on the feet or fan-shaped tails. Domesticated rock pigeons are also bred as carrier pigeons,[46] used for thousands of years to carry brief written messages,[81] and release doves used in ceremonies.[82] White doves are also used for entertainment and amusement, as they are capable of solving puzzles and performing intricate tricks.[83] A variant called the zurito, bred for its speed, may be used in live pigeon shooting.[84][85]

    In religion

    Early fifth-century BC statue of Aphrodite from Cyprus, showing her wearing a cylinder crown and holding a dove
    God the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove at the Baptism of Jesus depicted by Almeida Júnior

    In ancient Mesopotamia, doves were prominent animal symbols of Inanna-Ishtar, the goddess of love, sexuality, and war.[86][87] Doves are shown on cultic objects associated with Inanna as early as the beginning of the third millennium BC.[86] Lead dove figurines were discovered in the temple of Ishtar at Aššur, dating to the thirteenth century BC,[86] and a painted fresco from Mari, Syria, shows a giant dove emerging from a palm tree in the temple of Ishtar,[87] indicating that the goddess herself was sometimes believed to take the form of a dove.[87] In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim releases a dove and a raven to find land; the dove merely circles and returns.[88] Only then does Utnapishtim send forth the raven, which does not return, and Utnapishtim concludes the raven has found land.[88]

    In the ancient Levant, doves were used as symbols for the Canaanite mother goddess Asherah.[86][87][89] The ancient Greek word for "dove" was peristerá,[86][87] which may be derived from the Semitic phrase peraḥ Ištar, meaning "bird of Ishtar".[86] In classical antiquity, doves were sacred to the Greek goddess Aphrodite,[90][91][86][87] who absorbed this association with doves from Inanna-Ishtar.[87] Aphrodite frequently appears with doves in ancient Greek pottery.[90] The temple of Aphrodite Pandemos on the southwest slope of the Athenian Acropolis was decorated with relief sculptures of doves with knotted fillets in their beaks[90] and votive offerings of small, white, marble doves were discovered in the temple of Aphrodite at Daphni.[90] During Aphrodite's main festival, the Aphrodisia, her altars would be purified with the blood of a sacrificed dove.[92] Aphrodite's associations with doves influenced the Roman goddesses Venus and Fortuna, causing them to become associated with doves as well.[89]

    In the Hebrew Bible, doves or young pigeons are acceptable burnt offerings for those who cannot afford a more expensive animal.[93] In Genesis, Noah sends a dove out of the ark, but it came back to him because the floodwaters had not receded. Seven days later, he sent it again and it came back with an olive branch in her mouth, indicating the waters had receded enough for an olive tree to grow. "Dove" is also a term of endearment in the Song of Songs and elsewhere. In Hebrew, Jonah (יוֹנָה) means dove.[94] The "sign of Jonas" in [1] is related to the "sign of the dove".[95]

    Jesus's parents sacrificed doves on his behalf after his circumcision (Luke 2:24).[95] Later, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism like a dove (Matthew), and subsequently the "peace dove" became a common Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit.[95]

    In Islam, doves and the pigeon family in general are respected and favoured because they are believed to have assisted the final prophet of Islam, Muhammad, in distracting his enemies outside the cave of Thaw'r, in the great Hijra.[96] A pair of pigeons had built a nest and laid eggs at once, and a spider had woven cobwebs, which in the darkness of the night made the fugitives believe that Muhammad could not be in that cave.[96]

    As food

    Fried pigeon with nasi timbel (banana leaf wrapped rice), tempeh, tofu, and vegetables, Sundanese cuisine, Indonesia

    Several species of pigeons and doves are used as food; however, all types are edible.[97] Domesticated or hunted pigeons have been used as the source of food since the times of the Ancient Middle East, Ancient Rome, and Medieval Europe.[75] It is familiar meat within Jewish, Arab, and French cuisines. According to the Tanakh, doves are kosher, and they are the only birds that may be used for a korban. Other kosher birds may be eaten, but not brought as a korban. Pigeon is also used in Asian cuisines, such as Chinese, Assamese, and Indonesian cuisines.

    In Europe, the wood pigeon is commonly shot as a game bird,[98] while rock pigeons were originally domesticated as a food species, and many breeds were developed for their meat-bearing qualities.[50] The extinction of the passenger pigeon in North America was at least partly due to shooting for use as food.[99] Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management contains recipes for roast pigeon and pigeon pie, a popular, inexpensive food in Victorian industrial Britain.[100]

    List of monuments depicting pigeons

    There are many public monuments on planet Earth devoted to and depicting pigeons.

    See also


    1. ^ Conventional treatment saw two large subfamilies: one for the fruit doves, imperial pigeons, and fruit pigeons, and another for nearly all of the remaining species. Additionally, three monotypic subfamilies were noted, one each for the genera Goura, Otidiphaps, and Didunculus. The old subfamily Columbinae consisted of five distinct lineages, whereas the other four groups are more or less accurate representations of the evolutionary relationships.


    1. ^ Farner, Donald (2012). Avian Biology. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-15799-5.
    2. ^ Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (2020). "Pigeons". IOC World Bird List Version 10.1. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 27 February 2020.
    3. ^ a b McDonald, Hannah (17 August 2008). "What's the Difference Between Pigeons and Doves?". Big Questions. Mental Floss.
    4. ^ Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph (ed.). Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. pp. 115–116. ISBN 978-1-85391-186-6.
    5. ^ a b Harper, Douglas. "pigeon". Online Etymology Dictionary.
    6. ^ Harper, Douglas. "dove". Online Etymology Dictionary.
    7. ^ Lipton, James (1991). An Exaltation of Larks. Viking. ISBN 978-0-670-30044-0.
    8. ^ Pereira, S.L. et al. (2007) Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences support a Cretaceous origin of Columbiformes and a dispersal-driven radiation in the Paleocene. Syst Biol. 56:656–72
    9. ^ Soares, A.E.R. et al. (2016) Complete mitochondrial genomes of living and extinct pigeons revise the timing of the columbiform radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16(230).
    10. ^ Jarvis, E.D.; et al. (2014). "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds". Science. 346 (6215): 1320–1331. Bibcode:2014Sci...346.1320J. doi:10.1126/science.1253451. PMC 4405904. PMID 25504713.
    11. ^ Prum, R.O.; et al. (2015). "A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing". Nature. 526 (7574): 569–573. Bibcode:2015Natur.526..569P. doi:10.1038/nature15697. PMID 26444237. S2CID 205246158.
    12. ^ Leach, William Elford (1820). "Eleventh Room". Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. Vol. 17 (17th ed.). London: British Museum. p. 68. Although the name of the author is not specified in the document, Leach was the Keeper of Zoology at the time.
    13. ^ Bock, Walter J. (1994). History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. Number 222. New York: American Museum of Natural History. p. 139. hdl:2246/830.
    14. ^ Cade, Tom J.; Willoughby, Ernest J.; MacLean, Gordon L. (1966). "Drinking Behavior of Sandgrouse in the Namib and Kalahari Deserts, Africa" (PDF). The Auk. 83 (1): 124–126. doi:10.2307/4082983. JSTOR 4082983.
    15. ^ Allen, Barbara (2009). Pigeon. Reaktion Books. ISBN 978-1-86189-711-4.
    16. ^ a b c d e f g h Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W.; Horblit, H. M. (1997). "Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons)". In del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. (eds.). Handbook of birds of the world. Vol. 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1.
    17. ^ Johnson, Kevin P.; Clayton, Dale H. (2000). "Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes)" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 14 (1): 141–151. doi:10.1006/mpev.1999.0682. PMID 10631048.
    18. ^ Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen; Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001). "A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba" (PDF). Auk. 118 (4): 874–887. doi:10.1642/0004-8038(2001)118[0874:AMPOTD]2.0.CO;2. hdl:20.500.11755/a92515bb-c1c6-4c0e-ae9a-849936c41ca2. JSTOR 4089839. S2CID 26083712.
    19. ^ a b Shapiro, Beth; Sibthorpe, Dean; Rambaut, Andrew; Austin, Jeremy; Wragg, Graham M.; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P.; Lee, Patricia L. M.; Cooper, Alan (2002). "Flight of the Dodo". Science. 295 (5560): 1683. doi:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683. PMID 11872833. S2CID 29245617. Supplementary information
    20. ^ Janoo, Anwar (2005). "Discovery of isolated dodo bones Raphus cucullatus (L.), Aves, Columbiformes from Mauritius cave shelters highlights human predation, with a comment on the status of the family Raphidae Wetmore, 1930". Annales de Paléontologie. 91 (2): 167. Bibcode:2005AnPal..91..167J. doi:10.1016/j.annpal.2004.12.002.
    21. ^ Cheke, Anthony; Hume, Julian P. (2010). Lost Land of the Dodo: The Ecological History of Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4081-3305-7.
    22. ^ "dodo | extinct bird". Encyclopedia Britannica.
    23. ^ Christidis, Les; Boles, Walter E. (2008). Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-09964-7.
    24. ^ Fountaine, Toby M. R.; Benton, Michael J.; Dyke, Gareth J.; Nudds, Robert L. (2005). "The quality of the fossil record of Mesozoic birds". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 272 (1560): 289–294. doi:10.1098/rspb.2004.2923. PMC 1634967. PMID 15705554.
    25. ^ Olson, Storrs L. (1985). "The fossil record of birds". In Farmer, Donald S.; King, James R.; Parkes, Kenneth C. (eds.). Avian Biology, Vol. VIII. Academic Press. pp. 79–238. hdl:10088/6553. ISBN 978-0-12-249408-6. The earliest dove yet known, from the early Miocene (Aquitanian) of France, was a small species named Columba calcaria by Milne-Edwards (1867–1871) from a single humerus, for which Lambrecht (1933) later created the genus Gerandia
    26. ^ a b Worthy, Trevor H.; Hand, Suzanne J.; Worthy, Jennifer P.; Tennyson, Alan J. D.; Scofield, R. Paul (2009). "A large fruit pigeon (Columbidae) from the Early Miocene of New Zealand". The Auk. 126 (3): 649–656. doi:10.1525/auk.2009.08244. S2CID 86799657. Because Columba calcaria Milne-Edwards, 1867–1871, from the Lower Miocene at Saint-Gérand-le-Puy in France, is now also considered a sandgrouse, as Gerandia calcaria (Mlíkovský 2002), there is no pre-Pliocene columbid record in Europe.
    27. ^ "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". fossilworks.org.
    28. ^ Mayr, Gerald (2009). Paleogene Fossil Birds. Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-89628-9.
    29. ^ a b c d "Columbidae (doves and pigeons)". Animal Diversity Web.
    30. ^ "Victoria crowned-pigeon videos, photos and facts – Goura victoria". Arkive. Archived from the original on 24 April 2017. Retrieved 23 April 2017.
    31. ^ "Southern crowned-pigeon videos, photos and facts – Goura scheepmakeri". Arkive. Archived from the original on 24 April 2017. Retrieved 23 April 2017.
    32. ^ Thorsen, M., Blanvillain, C., & Sulpice, R. (2002). Reasons for decline, conservation needs, and a translocation of the critically endangered upe (Marquesas imperial pigeon, Ducula galeata), French Polynesia. Department of Conservation.
    33. ^ Smith, Paul. "COLUMBIDAE Pigeons and Doves FAUNA PARAGUAY". www.faunaparaguay.com.
    34. ^ Hagey, LR; Schteingart, CD; Ton-Nu, HT; Hofmann, AF (1994). "Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves (Columbiformes)". Journal of Lipid Research. 35 (11): 2041–8. doi:10.1016/S0022-2275(20)39950-8. PMID 7868982.
    35. ^ "Doves". The Medieval Bestiary. Retrieved 31 January 2010.
    36. ^ Browne, Thomas (1646). Pseudodoxia Epidemica. Vol. III.iii (1672 ed.). available online at University of Chicago. Retrieved 31 January 2010.
    37. ^ a b c "Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves, and Dodos) – Dictionary definition of Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves, and Dodos)". www.encyclopedia.com.
    38. ^ Clairmont, Patsy (2014). Twirl: A Fresh Spin at Life. Harper Collins. ISBN 978-0-8499-2299-2.
    39. ^ "Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk? Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress". www.loc.gov.
    40. ^ Necker, R (2007). "Head-bobbing of walking birds" (PDF). Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 193 (12): 1177–83. doi:10.1007/s00359-007-0281-3. PMID 17987297. S2CID 10803990.
    41. ^ Schodde, Richard; Mason, I. J. (1997). Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06037-1.
    42. ^ Skutch, A. F. (1964). "Life Histories of Central American Pigeons" (PDF). Wilson Bulletin. 76 (3): 211.
    43. ^ "DiversityofLife2012 – Pigeon". diversityoflife2012.wikispaces.com.
    44. ^ Hilty, Steven L. (2002). Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1-4008-3409-9.
    45. ^ Valdez, Diego Javier; Benitez-Vieyra, Santiago Miguel (2016). "A Spectrophotometric Study of Plumage Color in the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata), the Most Abundant South American Columbiforme". PLOS ONE. 11 (5): e0155501. Bibcode:2016PLoSO..1155501V. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155501. PMC 4877085. PMID 27213273.
    46. ^ a b "Pigeon family Columbidae". creagrus.home.montereybay.com.
    47. ^ Alerstam, Thomas (1993). Bird Migration. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-44822-2.
    48. ^ Forshaw, Joseph; Cooper, William (2015). Pigeons and Doves in Australia. Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4863-0405-9.
    49. ^ Pap, Péter L.; Osváth, Gergely; Sándor, Krisztina; Vincze, Orsolya; Bărbos, Lőrinc; Marton, Attila; Nudds, Robert L.; Vágási, Csongor I. (2015). Williams, Tony (ed.). "Interspecific variation in the structural properties of flight feathers in birds indicates adaptation to flight requirements and habitat". Functional Ecology. 29 (6): 746–757. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12419.
    50. ^ a b "Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae) – Dictionary definition of Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae)". www.encyclopedia.com.
    51. ^ "Zenaida auriculata (eared dove)". Animal Diversity Web.
    52. ^ "Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) detail". natureconservation.in. 5 February 2019.
    53. ^ "Laughing Dove This Bird Is Native To Subsaharan Africa The Middle East And India Where It Is Known As The Little Brown Dove It Inhabits Scrubland And Feeds On Grass Seeds And Grain Stock Photo". www.gettyimages.in. Archived from the original on 25 April 2017. Retrieved 24 April 2017.
    54. ^ "Whistling Fruit Doves". www.beautyofbirds.com. 16 September 2021.
    55. ^ Gibbs, David (2010). Pigeons and Doves: A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4081-3555-6.
    56. ^ "Grenada Dove (Leptotila wellsi) - BirdLife species factsheet". datazone.birdlife.org.
    57. ^ Schodde, Richard; Mason, I. J. (1997). Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06037-1.
    58. ^ Baptista, Luis F.; Trail, Pepper W.; Horblit, H. M.; Sharpe, Christopher J.; Boesman, Peter F. D.; Garcia, Ernest (4 March 2020). Del Hoyo, Josep; Elliott, Andrew; Sargatal, Jordi; Christie, David; De Juana, Eduardo (eds.). "Somali Pigeon (Columba oliviae)". Birds of the World. doi:10.2173/bow.sompig1.01. S2CID 240954419.
    59. ^ a b c d "Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) aka Feral or Domestic Pigeons". www.beautyofbirds.com. 16 September 2021.
    60. ^ Sokol, Joshua (23 April 2020). "New York and Boston Pigeons Don't Mix". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 27 April 2020.
    61. ^ "What Do Doves Eat – Best Food For Doves". www.birdfeedersspot.com.
    62. ^ a b c d e "Pigeons And Doves – What's The Differance?". birdsofeden.co.za. 22 July 2011.
    63. ^ Campbell, Bruce; Lack, Elizabeth (2010). A Dictionary of Birds. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4081-3838-0.
    64. ^ Belguermi, Ahmed; Bovet, Dalila; Anouck, Pascal; Prevot-Julliard, Anne-Caroline; Jalme, Michel Saint; Rat-Fishcer, Lauriane; Leboucher, Gerard (2011). "Pigeons discriminate between human feeders". Animal Cognition. 14 (6): 909–914. doi:10.1007/s10071-011-0420-7. PMID 21647649. S2CID 8632076.
    65. ^ a b c "Species Extinction Time Line | Animals Lost Since 1600". National Geographic.
    66. ^ "The Birds". The New Yorker. 6 January 2014.
    67. ^ "Passenger Pigeon". Nebraska Bird Library.
    68. ^ a b c d Gibbs, David (2010). Pigeons and Doves: A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. A&C Black. ISBN 978-1-4081-3556-3.
    69. ^ Walker, J. (2007). "Geographical patterns of threat among pigeons and doves (Columbidae)". Oryx. 41 (3): 289–299. doi:10.1017/S0030605307001016.
    70. ^ BirdLife International (2009). "Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni". Data Zone. BirdLife International. Archived from the original on 5 January 2009. Retrieved 26 June 2009.
    71. ^ "Ptilinopus arcanus (Negros Fruit-dove, Negros Fruit Dove, Negros Fruit-Dove)". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. October 2016.
    72. ^ "Alopecoenas erythropterus (Polynesian Ground-dove, Polynesian Ground Dove, Polynesian Ground-Dove, Society Islands Ground-dove, White-collared Ground-dove)". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. October 2017.
    73. ^ Tidemann, Sonia C.; Gosler, Andrew (2012). Ethno-ornithology: "Birds, Indigenous Peoples, Culture and Society". Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-54384-5.
    74. ^ a b "Pigeons Awarded First Dickin Medals for Bravery ⋆ History Channel". History Channel. 20 June 2016.
    75. ^ a b Eastman, John (2000). The Eastman Guide to Birds: Natural History Accounts for 150 North American Species. Stackpole Books. ISBN 978-0-8117-4552-9.
    76. ^ "See some of the 67 animals who've been handed the Dickin Medal for bravery". BBC. 5 April 2016.
    77. ^ a b "Cher Ami". National Museum of American History.
    78. ^ "Cher Ami "Dear Friend" WWI". Flickr. 25 September 2006. Retrieved 26 April 2008.
    79. ^ a b "Aerial athletes". New Age Xtra. Archived from the original on 7 October 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2017.
    80. ^ a b Shapiro, Michael D.; Domyan, Eric T. (2013). "Domestic pigeons". Current Biology. 23 (8): R302–R303. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.063. PMC 4854524. PMID 23618660.
    81. ^ "WysInfo Docuwebs – The Columbidae Family". www.wysinfo.com.
    82. ^ "Release of White Doves for your wedding from Pangroove Elegant Events In Barbados". www.pangroove.com. Archived from the original on 16 August 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2017.
    83. ^ Brough, Clarice. "White Dove". Animal World. Retrieved 12 March 2022.
    84. ^ Montague, Andrew (16 August 2000). Successful Shotgun Shooting. ISBN 9781461702702. Archived from the original on 16 December 2020. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
    85. ^ Montague, Andrew (2000). Successful Shotgun Shooting. The Derrydale Press. p. 98. ISBN 1568331649.
    86. ^ a b c d e f g Botterweck, G. Johannes; Ringgren, Helmer (1990). Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. Vol. VI. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. pp. 35–36. ISBN 978-0-8028-2330-4.
    87. ^ a b c d e f g Lewis, Sian; Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd (2018). The Culture of Animals in Antiquity: A Sourcebook with Commentaries. New York City, New York and London, England: Routledge. p. 335. ISBN 978-1-315-20160-3.
    88. ^ a b Kovacs, Maureen Gallery (1989). The Epic of Gilgamesh. Stanford University Press. p. 102. ISBN 978-0-8047-1711-3.
    89. ^ a b Resig, Dorothy D. The Enduring Symbolism of Doves, From Ancient Icon to Biblical Mainstay" Archived 31 January 2013 at the Wayback Machine, BAR Magazine.
    90. ^ a b c d Cyrino, Monica S. (2010). Aphrodite. Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World. New York City, New York and London, England: Routledge. pp. 120–123. ISBN 978-0-415-77523-6.
    91. ^ Tinkle, Theresa (1996). Medieval Venuses and Cupids: Sexuality, Hermeneutics, and English Poetry. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. p. 81. ISBN 978-0804725156.
    92. ^ Simon, Erika (1983). Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Companion. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 978-0-299-09184-2.
    93. ^ Freedman, David Noel; Myers, Allen C. (2000). Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 978-90-5356-503-2.
    94. ^ Yonah Jonah Blue Letter Bible. Blueletterbible.org. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    95. ^ a b c God's Kingdom Ministries serious Bible Study Chapter 12: The Sign of Jonah. Gods-kingdom-ministries.net. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    96. ^ a b "The Dawn of Prophethood". Al-Islam.org. 18 October 2012.
    97. ^ Eggs. Cooking Methods & Materials, Critter Cuisine
    98. ^ "TPWD: Doves and Pigeons – Introducing Birds to Young Naturalists". tpwd.texas.gov.
    99. ^ "Why the Passenger Pigeon Went Extinct". Audubon. 17 April 2014.
    100. ^ CHAPTER 40 – DINNERS AND DINING Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management. Mrsbeeton.com. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    101. ^ "Passenger Pigeon Plaque". Wisconsin Historical Society. December 2003. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    102. ^ "A Monument for a Lost Bird". Aldo Leopold Foundation. 29 July 2021. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    103. ^ "Monument voor de Oorlogsduif". monument.heritage.brussels/. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    104. ^ "Monument voor de oorlogsduif en duivenliefhebbers voor het" (PDF). Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    105. ^ "Monument to Carrier Pigeons - Lille, France". Atlas Obscura. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    106. ^ ""Fat bird" statue at Raffles Place goes viral worldwide & people can't get enough of it". Mothership. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    107. ^ "Pigeon monument in Tokyo". Monuments Reveal. 2 February 2022. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    108. ^ "Memorial War Pigeons". Traces of War. Retrieved 17 March 2023.
    109. ^ "Martha - Passenger Pigeon Memorial Hut". Roadside America. Retrieved 12 March 2023.
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    wikipedia EN

    Columbidae: Brief Summary

    provided by wikipedia EN

    Columbidae (/kəˈlʌmbɪdiː/) is a bird family consisting of doves and pigeons. It is the only family in the order Columbiformes. These are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills that in some species feature fleshy ceres. They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and plants. The family occurs worldwide, but the greatest variety is in the Indomalayan and Australasian realms.

    The family contains 344 species divided into 50 genera. Thirteen of the species are extinct.

    In English, the smaller species tend to be called "doves" and the larger ones "pigeons". However, the distinction is not consistent, and does not exist in most other languages. Historically, the common names for these birds involve a great deal of variation among the terms. The bird most commonly referred to as just "pigeon" is the domestic pigeon, which is common in many cities as the feral pigeon.

    Doves and pigeons build relatively flimsy nests, often using sticks and other debris, which may be placed on branches of trees, on ledges, or on the ground, depending on species. They lay one or (usually) two white eggs at a time, and both parents care for the young, which leave the nest after 25–32 days. Unfledged baby doves and pigeons are called squabs and are generally able to fly by 5 weeks of age. These fledglings, with their immature squeaking voices, are called squeakers once they are weaned. Unlike most birds, both sexes of doves and pigeons produce "crop milk" to feed to their young, secreted by a sloughing of fluid-filled cells from the lining of the crop.

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    wikipedia EN

    Kolombedoj ( Esperanto )

    provided by wikipedia EO

    Kolombedoj estas familio de birdoj enhavanta kvin subfamiliojn kaj 309 speciojn.
    La subfamilioj estas:
    La Columbinae, aŭ tipaj kolomboj, 181 specioj, subdividebla en kvin aliaj subfamilioj,
    La Otidiphabinae, enhavanta ununuran specion: Fazankolombo Otidiphaps nobilis
    La Gourinaekronokolomboj, tri specioj
    La Didunculinae, ununura specio: Dentobeka kolombo Didunculus strigirostris
    La Treroninae, aŭ fruktomanĝantaj turtoj, 123 specioj.

    Kolomboj kunformas la familion de Kolombedoj en la ordo Kolomboformaj, kiu inkludas ĉirkaŭ 300 speciojn de birdoj. Tiu familio ekzistas tutmonde, sed la plej granda varieco estas en la orientalisa kaj en la aŭstralazia ekozonoj.

    Kolomboj havas fortikajn korpojn, mallongajn kolojn kaj mallongajn maldikajn bekojn kun karneca ceraĵo. La specio pli komune nomita kiel "kolombo" estas la Rokkolombo, komuna en multaj urboj.

    Ties kutime malfortaj nestoj estas konstruitaj el bastonetoj kaj la du blankaj ovoj estas kovataj de ambaŭ gepatroj. Kolomboj manĝas semojn, fruktojn kaj plantojn. Malkiel plej parto de aliaj birdoj (sed vidu artikolon flamengo), kolomboj produktas "kropolakton," ĉe ĉelaro kiu funkcias kiel likvidujo. Ambaŭ seksoj produktas tiun tre nutrivan substancon por manĝigi la idaron. La kolomboj nutras iliajn idojn per tiu laktosimila kaĉo, kiun ili produktas en sia kropo.

    Taksonomio kaj evoluo

    Tiu familio estas tre kohera grupo sen membroj kiuj montrus evidentajn ligojn kun aliaj familioj de birdoj aŭ inverse. La dido kaj la ermitkolomboj estas tre rilataj, sed ankaŭ ili malhavas ligojn kun aliaj familioj de birdoj. Ankaŭ la malmultaj fosilioj konsistas nur je senkonfuzaj specioj de la familio de Kolombedoj. Oni sugestis ligojn kun pteroklojpapagoformaj, sed similaĵoj kun la unua grupo kialas pro konverĝa evoluo kaj kun la dua dependas je la papagecaj ecoj de la Dentobeka kolombo. Tamen, la diferencaj ecoj de tiu ĉi birdo ŝajnas konsekvenco de ties dieto pli ol de ties rilato kun papagoj.

    Tiu familio estas kutime dividita en kvin subfamilioj, sed tio eble estas maltaŭga. Ekzemple la Amerikaj grundokolomboj kaj koturnokolomboj kiuj estas kutime lokitaj en la Columbinae ŝajne estas du diferencaj subfamilioj. Ĝenerale la kutima klasigo konsideras du grandajn subfamiliojn, unu por la fruktokolomboj kaj la imperiaj kolomboj kaj alia por preskaŭ ĉiu la restantaj specioj. Krome estis 3 unutipaj subfamilioj, po unu por la genroj Goura, Otidiphaps kaj Didunculus. La malnova subfamilio Columbinae konsistas el 5 diferencaj stirpoj, dum la aliaj 4 grupoj estas pli malpli akurataj ekzemploj de la evoluaj rilatoj.

    La ordo ĉi ite prezentata sekvas Baptista et al. (1997) kun aldonoj (Johnson & Clayton 2000, Johnson et al. 2001, Shapiro et al. 2002).

    La lokigo de genroj kaj nomigo de subfamilioj estas ĉiukaze provizora ĉar analizoj de diferencaj sekvencoj de DNA indikas, ke diversas, ofte tre radikale, en la lokigo de kelkaj (ĉefe hindoaŭstraliaj) genroj. Tiu ambigveco, probable kaŭzita de Allogo inter longaj branĉoj, ŝajnas konfirmi, ke la unuaj kolomboj kiuj evoluis en la Aŭstralazia regiono, kaj la "Treronidae" kaj similaj formoj (kronaj kaj fazankolomboj, ekzemple) reprezentas la plej fruan radiadon de la grupo.

    Ĉar la Dido kaj la Rodrigesa ermitkolombo estas tutcerte parto de la Hindoaŭstralia radiado kiu produktas la 3 etajn subfamiliojn menciitaj sube kun la fruktokolomboj (inkludante la Nikobara kolombo), ili estas ĉi tie inkluditaj kiel subfamilio Rafedoj, ĝis kiam oni havos pli certigan materialon pri iliaj interrilatoj.

    Kolombedoj ne estas bone reprezentitaj de fosilioj. Oni ne trovis praformojn kiujn oni povus datigi. La genro Gerandia kiu tre verŝajne apartenas al Columbinae estis prskribita kiel de frua Mioceno en Francio. Krome ĉiu alia fosilio apartenas al nunaj genroj. Por tiuj kaj por konsiderinda nombro de pli ĵuse ekstingitaj praspecioj, vidu la respektivan informon de genro.

    Subfamilio Columbinae – tipaj kolomboj

    Kolomba skeleto.

    Genro Columba inkludante Aplopelia – Malnovmondaj kolomboj (33-34 vivantaj specioj, 2-3 ĵuse formortintaj)

    Genro Streptopelia inkludante Stigmatopelia kaj Nesoenas - turtoj (14-18 vivantaj specioj)

    Genro Patagioenasamerikaj kolomboj; iam inkluditaj en Columba (17 specioj)

    Genro Macropygia - kukolkolomboj (10 specioj)

    Genro Reinwardtoena (3 specioj) ankaŭ kukolkolomboj

    Genus Turacoena (2 specioj) ankaŭ kukolkolomboj

    Subfamilio N.N. - Bronzflugiluloj kaj parencoj

    Genro Turtur - Afrikaj arbarkolomboj (5 specioj; provizore lokitaj ĉi tie)

    Genro Oena - Namakva kolombo (provizore lokita ĉi tie)

    Genro Chalcophaps (2 specioj)

    Genro Henicophaps (2 specioj) Bronzflugiluloj

    Genro Phaps (3 specioj) Bronzflugiluloj

    Genro OcyphapsKresta kolombo

    Genro Geophaps (3 specioj)

    Genro Petrophassa - rokarkolomboj (2 specioj)

    Genro Geopelia - strikolomboj (3-5 specioj)

    Subfamilio Leptotilinae - Zenaidine kaj koturnokolomboj

    Genro Zenaida (7 specioj)

    Genro EctopistesMigrokolombo (formortinta; 1914)

    Genro Leptotila (11 specioj)

    Genro Geotrygon - koturnokolomboj (17 specioj)

    Genro Starnoenas

    Subfamilio Columbininae - amerikaj grundokolomboj

    Genro Columbina (7 specioj)

    Genro Claravis

    Genro Metriopelia (4 specioj)

    Genro Scardafella – eble apartenas al Columbina

    Genro Uropelia

    Subfamilio N.N. - Indopacifika grundokolombo

    Genro GallicolumbaKorkolomboj (16-17 vivantaj specioj, 3-4 ĵuse formortintaj)

    Genro Trugon

    Subfamilio Otidiphabinae - Fazankolombo

    Genro Otidiphaps - Fazankolombo

    Subfamilio Didunculinae - Dentobekaj kolomboj

    Genro Didunculus

    Subfamilio Gourinae - kronokolombo

    Genro Goura

    Subfamilio N.N. (Treroninae) – verdaj, fruktokolomboj kaj imperiaj kolomboj

    Genro Ducula - imperia kolombo (37 specioj)

    Genro Lopholaimus - Nodoverta kolombo

    Genro Hemiphaga

    Genro Cryptophaps

    Genro Gymnophaps - montokolomboj

    Genro Ptilinopus - fruktokolomboj (ĉ. 50 vivantaj specioj, 1-2 ĵuse formortintaj)

    Genro Natunaornis - Vitilevua kolombo (prabirdo)

    Genro Drepanoptila

    • , Drepanoptila holosericea

    Genro Alectroenas - blukolomboj

    Subfamilio Raphinae - Rafedoj

    Genro Raphus - Dido (formortinta; malfrua 17-a jarcento)

    Genro PezophapsRodrigesa ermitkolombo (formortinta; ĉ.1730)

    Nesolvita lokigo

    Genro Caloenas

    Genro Treronverdaj kolomboj

    Genro Phapitreron - brunkolomboj

    Genro Leucosarcia - Ŭongakolombo

    Genro Microgoura - Ŝuasela krestokolombo (formortinta; frua 20-a jarcento)

    Genro Dysmoropelia

    Genro sendeterminata

    • Hendersona kolombo, Kolombedoj. (prabirdo)


    Kolomboj kaj homoj

    Kelkaj specioj de kolomboj estas uzataj por esti manĝataj kaj probable ĉiu povus esti manĝata; la povaj brustomuskoloj karakteraj de tiu ĉi birdofamilio estas bongusta manĝaĵo. En Eŭropo la Palumbo estas komune ĉasata, dum la Rokkolombo estis origine enhejmigita kiel manĝospecio, kaj multe estis bredata pro siaj bongustaj kvalitoj. La malapero de la Migrokolombo estis almenaŭ parte kialita de troa ĉasado por manĝo.

    Kolombo estas Koŝera, kaj ili kaj Turtoj estas la ununuraj birdoj kiuj povas esti uzataj por Buĉofero. Aliaj koŝeraj birdoj povas esti manĝataj, sed ne alportataj kiel Korban (Buĉofero).

    Kolombo estas la Pacosimbolo en la tuta mondo. La deveno estas en la biblia rakonto de la diluvo kiam kolombo revenas al Noao ŝipo kun olivbranĉo en la beko por pruvi ke jam ne la tuta tero estis akvokovrita.


    • Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Order Columbiformes. In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    • Johnson, Kevin P. & Clayton, Dale H. (2000): Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14(1): 141–151. PDF plena teksto
    • Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001): A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba. Auk 118(4): 874-887. PDF plena teksto

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    Kolombedoj: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

    provided by wikipedia EO

    Kolombedoj estas familio de birdoj enhavanta kvin subfamiliojn kaj 309 speciojn.
    La subfamilioj estas:
    La Columbinae, aŭ tipaj kolomboj, 181 specioj, subdividebla en kvin aliaj subfamilioj,
    La Otidiphabinae, enhavanta ununuran specion: Fazankolombo Otidiphaps nobilis
    La Gourinaekronokolomboj, tri specioj
    La Didunculinae, ununura specio: Dentobeka kolombo Didunculus strigirostris
    La Treroninae, aŭ fruktomanĝantaj turtoj, 123 specioj.

    Kolomboj kunformas la familion de Kolombedoj en la ordo Kolomboformaj, kiu inkludas ĉirkaŭ 300 speciojn de birdoj. Tiu familio ekzistas tutmonde, sed la plej granda varieco estas en la orientalisa kaj en la aŭstralazia ekozonoj.

    Kolomboj havas fortikajn korpojn, mallongajn kolojn kaj mallongajn maldikajn bekojn kun karneca ceraĵo. La specio pli komune nomita kiel "kolombo" estas la Rokkolombo, komuna en multaj urboj.

    Ties kutime malfortaj nestoj estas konstruitaj el bastonetoj kaj la du blankaj ovoj estas kovataj de ambaŭ gepatroj. Kolomboj manĝas semojn, fruktojn kaj plantojn. Malkiel plej parto de aliaj birdoj (sed vidu artikolon flamengo), kolomboj produktas "kropolakton," ĉe ĉelaro kiu funkcias kiel likvidujo. Ambaŭ seksoj produktas tiun tre nutrivan substancon por manĝigi la idaron. La kolomboj nutras iliajn idojn per tiu laktosimila kaĉo, kiun ili produktas en sia kropo.

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    Columbidae ( Spanish; Castilian )

    provided by wikipedia ES

    Las colúmbidas (Columbidae) son una familia de aves del orden Columbiformes que incluye las palomas, las tórtolas y formas afines. Son, en total, unas 308 especies.

    Las colúmbidas se distribuyen por todo el mundo, excepto la Antártida[n. 1]​ y el Ártico, y con centro de dispersión en América Central.[1]​ La mayor diversidad de especies la tienen la ecozona indomalaya y la ecozona de Australasia.

    Origen y evolución

    Relación filogenética de los Columbiformes en el clado Neoaves[2]Neoaves    









    Columbiformes, es uno de los más diversos paseriformes clados de neoaves, y sus orígenes se sitúan en el Cretácico[3]​ y el resultado de una rápida diversificación al final del K-Pg.[4]​ Unos análisis del genoma completo han colocado a los columbiformes cerca de los cucos (Cuculiformes), formando un grupo que es el clado hermano de un grupo conformado por las gaviotas (Pterocliformes) y los mesites (Mesitornithiformes).[5][6][2]


    Perfil de una paloma.
    Las palomas suelen esponjar sus plumas como un mecanismo para mantenerse calientes.

    Son aves dotadas de gran inteligencia (si se las compara con otras aves), aunque ya entre otras aves menos inteligentes se ha descubierto una importante inteligencia que ha llegado a permitir incluso una interacción entre Homo sapiens y aves, pese a que tal interacción inteligente (como ocurre entre la especie de aves llamadas taxonómicamente Indicator indicator) no llega al grado superior existente entre la de las palomas o entre los cuervos[7]​ y monógamas; esta característica les permite un gran cuidado de sus crías e, incluso, quizás una relación afectiva (etológica) importante entre progenitores y descendencia. La monogamia entre las palomas, por otra parte, parece facilitar en gran medida una alta tasa reproductiva (pese a que también, como otros animales silvestres, las palomas sufren de una gran mortandad “infantil”). Las crías de paloma, al poco tiempo de estar listas para autosustentarse y lo suficientemente desarrolladas como para volar, son expulsadas del territorio en que anida la pareja progenitora, ya que la misma generalmente vuelve a procrear en un intervalo de tiempo corto otros dos pichones en los que la pareja, padre y madre, invierte gran cantidad de tiempo en cuidados (la madre suele quedarse gran parte de su tiempo en el sencillo nido empollando los huevos y luego cuidando a los pichones mientras el padre o palomo busca alimentos para nutrir a la familia).

    Los nidos, normalmente débiles, están elaborados con pequeñas ramas, y los huevos, habitualmente dos, son incubados por ambos sexos. Naturalmente las palomas se alimentan de semillas y frutos. Ambos sexos alimentan a sus crías con una secreción muy nutritiva denominada leche de buche, que se segrega por células especiales.

    Aparte de tener un gran sentido de la orientación, la paloma es una de las aves que más rápido vuela: alcanza los 56 km/h.[8]​ También caracteriza a las palomas su agudísimo sentido de la vista: entre finales de los años 70 y principios de los 80 la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos desarrolló un sistema experimental de rescate con palomas adiestradas en reconocer colores brillantes. Consistía en equipar un helicóptero con tres ejemplares en una pequeña cabina con ventanales en la parte inferior del vehículo cubriendo así los 360° del arco de visión. Las palomas conseguían una efectividad en la localización de objetos flotantes del 93 %, frente al 38 % de los humanos en las mismas condiciones. El proyecto Project Sea Hunt fue definido por la Guardia Costera como el "mejor sistema de búsqueda con luz diurna". Este sistema nunca pasó de la fase experimental y fue cancelado en 1983 por recortes presupuestarios sin que las palomas pudiesen tener la posibilidad de salvar ninguna vida.[9]

    Las palomas o Columbidae superarían la prueba del espejo, por la cual cada individuo se reconocería a sí mismo o tendría una consciencia de su "personalidad", si es que la palabra "personalidad" puede aplicarse a otro animal que no sea el "humano", ya que personalidad significa un enmascaramiento. Que las palomas se reconozcan como seres individuales o tengan una autoconsciencia es obvio, dado que pueden reconocer las diferencias individuales de seres de otras especies, como otras aves inteligentes, y reconocen muy fácilmente a otros individuos de su misma especie; igualmente saben diferenciar a los seres humanos que les ayudan de los que las agreden. Por otra parte, de acuerdo a los más recientes descubrimientos (año 2017), las palomas son capaces de "leer" o, mejor dicho, distinguir distintos grafos y llegar a tener algún entendimiento en la diferencia de tales grafos.[10]

    Las palomas jóvenes se denominan pichones, y las personas que crían palomas se denominan columbicultores; los afectos por esta ave colombófilos.

    Debido a la presión de las circunstancias (por ejemplo la pérdida de fuentes de alimento o lugares para anidar), el estrés puede provocarles violencia intraespecífica, en la cual pueden matarse entre ellas y matar a los pichones de otras parejas de congéneres para intentar subsistir.[cita requerida]

    Características anatómicas

    Esculturas que representan palomas en la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona.

    Las especies de la familia Columbidae se caracterizan por poseer un tronco muy robusto con, en comparación, una cabeza pequeña aunque el área del encéfalo es bastante desarrollada, los picos son cortos e hinchados y las patas cortas con cuatro dedos, uno de ellos oponible tal cual ocurre con el dedo pulgar. Poseen además alas relativamente grandes y especialmente fuertes, alas que les hacen particularmente adecuadas para el vuelo.[11]


    Las dimensiones entre las especies varían considerablemente, van desde los gura de Nueva Guinea que alcanzan las dimensiones de un pavo a las tortolitas que son poco más grandes que un pájaro, la primacía de la especie de menos longitud corresponde a la frugívora enana (Ptilinopus nainus) que mide apenas 13 cm de longitud. El plumaje suave y ancho, también es muy variable: algunas especies tienen un color blanco y negro y poco visible, mientras que otras, especialmente las palomas que comen fruta del género Ptilinopus y las palomas del género Treron y Alectroenas poseen características de libreas de varios colores muy llamativos.[12]

    Tamaño y apariencia

    Las palomas exhiben una variación considerable de tamaño, con una longitud de 15 a 75 cm y un peso de 30 g a más de 2000 g.[13]​ La especie más grande es la paloma coronada de Nueva Guinea,[14]​ que es casi del tamaño de un pavo, con un peso de 2 a 4 kg.[15]​ La más pequeña es la paloma de tierra del Nuevo Mundo del género Columbina , que tiene el mismo tamaño que un gorrión común y pesa tan solo 22 g.[16]​ La paloma de la fruta enana, que puede medir tan solo 13 cm, tiene una longitud total ligeramente menor que cualquier otra especie de esta familia.[16]​ Una de las especies arbóreas más grandes, la paloma imperial de las Marquesas o «dúcula de las Marquesas», actualmente[¿cuándo?] lucha contra la extinción.[17]

    Relación con el humano

    Las palomas son de los pocos animales que han logrado adaptarse exitosamente al entorno urbano.

    Algunas especies se han adaptado al entorno urbano, hasta tal punto que se han convertido en un problema en ciudades como Venecia, donde han tenido que tomar medidas porque la corrosión provocada por las deyecciones de este animal está deteriorando gravemente el patrimonio artístico y arquitectónico de dicha ciudad.


    La tórtola doméstica (Streptopelia risoria) es utilizada en actos de ilusionismo por su gran docilidad, principalmente del macho. Además, esta especie cuenta entre sus variedades con ejemplares totalmente blancos, que son los generalmente usados en estos espectáculos.

    Palomas domésticas en una barandilla en el Parque del Retiro, en Madrid (España).

    En el ejército

    La paloma fue utilizada tanto en la Primera Guerra Mundial como en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, especialmente por las fuerzas australianas, francesas, alemanas, estadounidenses y del Reino Unido. También fueron galardonadas con varios laureles por su servicio. El 2 de diciembre de 1943, tres palomas, Winkie, Tyke y White Vision, recibieron la primera medalla Dickin, sirviendo en la Royal Air Force de Gran Bretaña, por rescatar a una tripulación de la fuerza aérea durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Treinta y dos palomas han sido condecoradas con la Medalla Dickin, citándolas por "servicio valiente", por contribuciones de guerra, incluyendo Commando, G.I. Joe, Paddy, Royal Blue y William of Orange.

    Cher Ami, una paloma mensajera en la Primera Guerra Mundial, recibió la medalla Croix de Guerre, de Francia, con un racimo de hojas de roble de palma por su servicio en Verdún. A pesar de haber estado a punto de perder una pata y recibir un disparo en el pecho, logró viajar alrededor de veinticinco millas para entregar el mensaje que salvó a 194 hombres del Batallón Perdido de la 77 División de Infantería en la Batalla de Argonne, en octubre de 1918. Cuando Cher Ami murió fue embalsamada y es parte de la exposición permanente en el Museo Nacional de Historia Estadounidense del Smithsonian.

    Se llevó a cabo una gran ceremonia en el Palacio de Buckingham para conmemorar un pelotón de palomas que desafiaron los campos de batalla de Normandía para entregar planes vitales a las fuerzas aliadas en la periferia de Alemania. Tres de las aves reales que recibieron las medallas están expuestas en el Museo Militar de Londres para que los simpatizantes puedan presentar sus respetos.

    Salud humana

    La fama de las palomas de animales insalubres para los humanos se ha exagerado mucho.[18]​ El contacto con las deposiciones de las palomas supone un riesgo menor de contraer histoplasmosis, criptococosis y psitacosis[19]​ y la exposición prolongada a sus heces y plumas puede causar la pneumonitis conocida como pulmón del cuidador de aves. Por ello, en algunas ciudades de Estados Unidos y Europa, se controlan las poblaciones de palomas usando diferentes métodos.[20]​ Algunos métodos utilizados para disminuir este riesgo a la salud humana son: prohibición de alimentarlas, exterminación o uso de anticonceptivos, aunque existe debate sobre cuál es la mejor forma de atender el problema.[21]

    En cambio, las palomas son un riesgo potencial por ser posibles portadoras, como otras aves, de la gripe aviar. Pero un estudio ha demostrado que las palomas adultas no son susceptibles de contraer la cepa más peligrosa de gripe aviar, la H5N1, por lo que no pueden trasmitírsela a los pollos.[22]​ Se ha descubierto que son «resistentes o tienen una susceptibilidad mínima» a otras cepas de la gripe aviar, como la H7N7.[23]​ Otros estudios han mostrado que presentaban signos clínicos de lesiones neurológicas resultantes de la infección, pero que no trasmitían la enfermedad a los pollos que estaban en contacto directo con ellas.[24][25]


    Gura victoria (Goura victoria) en el zoológico de Bristol.

    La paloma es también un animal con significado simbólico, con connotaciones y denotaciones positivas o benignas en la mayor parte de las culturas. En el Antiguo Testamento de la Biblia se relata que Noé dejó ir una paloma desde el arca después del Diluvio para intentar encontrar tierra firme, y que aquella regresó con una rama de olivo en el pico. Además, en el Nuevo Testamento, el Espíritu Santo descendió desde los cielos con apariencia de paloma sobre Jesucristo en el momento en que este era bautizado.[26]

    Por otra parte, el profeta llamado en español Jonás, en su genuino nombre hebreo es llamado יוֹנָה (Yonah), es decir, ‘Paloma’.

    La paloma es el símbolo del candor, la sencillez y la inocencia, y especialmente de la correcta paz o la armonía. Estaba consagrada a Venus, que la llevaba en la mano y la ataba a su carro, según Apuleyo. Eliano añade que algunas veces se transformaba ella misma en paloma, por lo que el comerlas estaba reservado a sus sacerdotes. Homero cuenta que unas palomas se tomaron el cuidado de alimentar a Zeus, fábula fundada en la circunstancia de que una misma palabra significa en lengua fenicia ‘sacerdote’ y ‘paloma’.[27]

    Los habitantes de Ascalonia tenían un gran respeto por estas aves, en las que creían transformarse después de la muerte, no atreviéndose a comer ni matar ninguna por el temor de comerse o matar a sus mismos padres, y alimentaban con particular cuidado a todas las palomas que nacían en la ciudad. Eran estas aves también tenidas en mucho respeto por los asirios, porque creían que el alma de Semirámide, su reina, ascendió al cielo en forma de paloma. Sófocles dijo que algunas palomas de la floresta de Dodona anunciaron a Hércules el fin de sus días.[27]

    Actualmente, la representación de una paloma blanca con una rama de olivo en el pico es un símbolo de paz y pureza en las sociedades occidentales, imagen inmortalizada por Pablo Picasso en su Paloma de la paz.

    La paloma era una diosa íbera adorada principalmente por los turdetanos, su epíteto era la blanca paloma.

    En marzo de 2016 en la ciudad Nueva York en la zona del World Trade Center se inauguró la World Trade Center (Autoridad Portuaria Trans-Hudson), diseñada por Santiago Calatrava la entonces estación de metro más grande del mundo denominada The Oculus (El Ojo) representada esculturalmente por una gran paloma.[28][29]

    Por causa de las matanzas efectuadas por el ser humano fueron extinguidas la paloma de la Carolina (Ectopistes migratorius) que era archicomún en el oriente de Norteamérica y dos especies gigantes cuyo gigantismo era debido en gran medida al secular aislamiento insular: el dronte (Raphus cucullatus) de la isla Mauricio y el solitario (Pezophaps solitaria) de la isla Rodrigues.


    Palomita esmeralda dorsiverde (Chalcophaps indica), nativa del sur tropical de Asia y de Australia.
    Dúcula verde (Ducula aenea).

    La familia Columbidae se subdivide en cinco subfamilias y numerosos géneros:[30]

    Subfamilia Columbinae

    Subfamilia Otidiphabinae

    Subfamilia Gourinae

    • Género Goura (3 especies)

    Subfamilia Raphinae (didinos)

    • Género Pezophaps – (1 especie, extinta aprox. en 1730)
    • Género Raphus (1 especie, extinta a finales del siglo XVII)

    Subfamilia Didunculinae

    Subfamilia Treroninae


    Cladograma basado en el trabajo de John H. Boyd, III,[31]​ un profesor de economía.[32]

    Columbinae Zenaidini    

    Starnoenas (Blue-headed quail-doves)


    Geotrygon (Quail-doves)




    Leptotrygon (olive-backed quail-dove)






    Ectopistes (Passenger pigeon)


    Patagioenas (American pigeons)












    Columba (Old World pigeons)








    Uropelia (long-tailed ground dove)




    Columbina [Scardafella]








    Ocyphaps (Crested pigeon)


    Petrophassa (rock pigeons)


    Leucosarcia (Wonga pigeon)








    Trugon (thick-billed ground pigeon)


    Microgoura (Choiseul crested pigeon)


    Otidiphaps (pheasant pigeon)


    Goura (Crowned pigeon)


    Natunaornis (Viti Levu giant pigeon)


    Didunculus (tooth-billed pigeon)


    ?†Bountyphaps (Henderson Island pigeon)


    Caloenas (Nicobar pigeon)


    Raphus (Dodo)


    Pezophaps (Rodrigues solitaire)


    Treron (Green pigeons)


    Phapitreron (Brown doves)


    Chalcophaps (Emerald doves)


    Oena (Namaqua dove)


    Turtur (African wood doves)


    Ducula (Imperial pigeons)


    [Ptilinopus; Drepanoptila; Alectroenas] (Fruit doves)


    Hemiphaga (New Zealand pigeons)


    Lopholaimus (Topknot pigeon)


    Cryptophaps (Sombre pigeon)


    Gymnophaps (Mountain pigeons)


    Véase también


    1. Díaz, M., Asensio, B. y Tellería, J. L. (1996). Aves Ibéricas. I. No Paseriformes. Madrid, España: J. M. Reyero Editor. p. 306. ISBN 84-921085-1-7.
    2. a b H Kuhl, C Frankl-Vilches, A Bakker, G Mayr, G Nikolaus, S T Boerno, S Klages, B Timmermann, M Gahr (2020) An unbiased molecular approach using 3’UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life. Molecular Biology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msaa191
    3. Pereira, S.L. et al. (2007) Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences support a Cretaceous origin of Columbiformes and a dispersal-driven radiation in the Paleocene. Syst Biol. 56:656-72
    4. Soares, A.E.R. et al. (2016) Los genomas mitocondriales completos de palomas vivas y extintas revisan la cronología de la radiación columbiforme. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16(230).
    5. Jarvis, E.D. (2014). «Los análisis del genoma completo resuelven las primeras ramas del árbol de la vida de las aves modernas». Science 346 (6215): 1320-1331. Bibcode:2014Sci...346.1320J. PMC 4405904. PMID 25504713. doi:10.1126/science.1253451.
    6. Prum, R.O. (2015). «A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing». Nature 526 (7574): 569-573. Bibcode:..569P 2015Natur.526 ..569P. PMID 26444237. S2CID 205246158. doi:10.1038/nature15697.
    7. Primer caso de comunicación entre humanos y animales Primer caso de comunicación entre humanos y animales Indicator indicator.
    8. Natura - Animales extraordinarios.
    9. Pigeon Search and Rescue System: (PROJECT SEA HUNT)
    10. El País (diario renombrado en España y todo el mundo hispanoparlante): Las palomas también saben ortografía
    11. Family Columbidae. Consultado el 19 maggio 2014.
    12. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    13. «Columbidae (doves and pigeons)». Animal Diversity Web.
    14. «Victoria crowned-pigeon videos, photos and facts – Goura victoria». Arkive. Archivado desde el original el 24 April 2017. Consultado el 23 April 2017.
    15. «Southern crowned-pigeon videos, photos and facts – Goura scheepmakeri». Arkive. Archivado desde el original el 24 April 2017. Consultado el 23 April 2017.
    16. a b Baptista, LF; Trail, PW; Horblit, HM (1997). "Familia Columbidae (palomas y palomas)" . En del Hoyo, J .; Elliott, A .; Sargatal, J. (eds.). Manual de aves del mundo . 4: Ganga de arena a Cucos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1.
    17. Thorsen, M., Blanvillain, C., & Sulpice, R. (2002). Reasons for decline, conservation needs, and a translocation of the critically endangered upe (Marquesas imperial pigeon, Ducula galeata), French Polynesia. Department of Conservation.
    18. «Pigeons and Public Health - The TRUE Facts». The Urban Wildlife Society. Consultado el 5 de marzo de 2009.
    19. «Facts about pigeon-related diseases». The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Archivado desde el original el 4 de marzo de 2009. Consultado el 5 de marzo de 2009.
    20. Stock, B., & Haag-Wackernagel, D. (2014). Effectiveness of gel repellents on feral pigeons. Animals, 4(1), 1-15.
    21. Error en la cita: Etiqueta no válida; no se ha definido el contenido de las referencias llamadas :2
    22. Liu Y, Zhou J, Yang H, et al. (2007). «Susceptibility and transmissibility of pigeons to Asian lineage highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1». Avian Pathol. 36 (6): 461-5. PMID 17994324. doi:10.1080/03079450701639335.
    23. Panigrahy B, Senne DA, Pedersen JC, Shafer AL, Pearson JE (1996). «Susceptibility of pigeons to avian influenza». Avian Dis. 40 (3): 600-4. JSTOR 1592270. PMID 8883790. doi:10.2307/1592270.
    24. Klopfleisch R, Werner O, Mundt E, Harder T, Teifke JP (2006). «Neurotropism of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/chicken/Indonesia/2003 (H5N1) in experimentally infected pigeons (Columbia livia f. domestica)». Vet. Pathol. 43 (4): 463-70. PMID 16846988. doi:10.1354/vp.43-4-463.
    25. Werner O, Starick E, Teifke J, et al. (2007). «Minute excretion of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/chicken/Indonesia/2003 (H5N1) from experimentally infected domestic pigeons (Columbia livia) and lack of transmission to sentinel chickens». J. Gen. Virol. 88 (Pt 11): 3089-93. PMID 17947534. doi:10.1099/vir.0.83105-0.
    26. Génesis 8:11, Isaías 59:11, Mateo 3:16; 10:16; 21:12.
    27. a b Diccionario enciclopédico popular ilustrado Salvat (1906-1914).
    28. [World Trade Center (PATH station)]
    29. [1]
    30. Zoonomen. «Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names.» (en inglés). Consultado el 22 de junio de 2009.
    31. Boyd, John H., III (2007). «COLUMBEA: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae». JBoyd.net. Consultado el 30 de diciembre de 2015.
    32. Boyd, John H., III. «John Boyd's Home Page». JBoyd.net. Consultado el 11 de enero de 2017.


    1. En las costas e islas exteriores de la Antártida existe la llamada paloma antártica, aunque no se trata de una columbidae sino de la Chionis alba que morfológicamente tiene grandes similitudes con las palomas debido a una convergencia evolutiva.

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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

    provided by wikipedia ES

    Las colúmbidas (Columbidae) son una familia de aves del orden Columbiformes que incluye las palomas, las tórtolas y formas afines. Son, en total, unas 308 especies.

    Las colúmbidas se distribuyen por todo el mundo, excepto la Antártida​ y el Ártico, y con centro de dispersión en América Central.​ La mayor diversidad de especies la tienen la ecozona indomalaya y la ecozona de Australasia.

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    Tuvilased ( Estonian )

    provided by wikipedia ET
    Disambig gray.svg See artikkel räägib lindudest; filmi kohta vaata artiklit Tuvid (film)

    Tuvilased (Columbidae) on lindude sugukond tuviliste seltsist.

    Kõik liigid peale turteltuvi elutsevad inimasulate läheduses[1].

    Tuvid pole küll rändlinnud (v.a turteltuvid), kuid nad on kodutee leidmises väga osavad (nt kodutuvi)[1].

    Tuvid toituvad enamjaolt teraviljast, kuid söövad ka lehti, marju ja mugulaid[1].

    Tuvi hääl on nagu kumedalt kõlavad "kuu"-silbi variatsioonid, turteltuvi aga nurrub ja kaelus-turteltuvi hääl tundub veidi oigav[1].


    Tuvimaja Saint-Tropez's Lõuna-Prantsusmaal.

    Tuvidel on elu jooksul vaid üks paariline[1]. Nad pesitsevad paarikaupa ja kindlal maa-alal (territoriaalselt)[1].

    Tuvide pesa meenutab okstest tehtud hõredat lasundit, milles on tavaliselt 2 muna[1]. Üles kasvatatakse 2–3 pesakonda aastas, ent 4 või 5 pole ebatavalised ja ette võib tulla ka 6 pesakonda[1]. Mõlemad vanemad hooldavad ja toidavad poegi, haududes vaheldumisi 16–18 päeva[1].


    Kõik Eestis elavad tuvilased on perekondadest tuvi (Columba) ja turteltuvi (Streptopelia).

    Tuvilased jaotatakse järgmiste perekondade vahel:


    1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 Dominic Couzens, Linnud, Varrak, 2005


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    Tuvilased: Brief Summary ( Estonian )

    provided by wikipedia ET

    Tuvilased (Columbidae) on lindude sugukond tuviliste seltsist.

    Kõik liigid peale turteltuvi elutsevad inimasulate läheduses.

    Tuvid pole küll rändlinnud (v.a turteltuvid), kuid nad on kodutee leidmises väga osavad (nt kodutuvi).

    Tuvid toituvad enamjaolt teraviljast, kuid söövad ka lehti, marju ja mugulaid.

    Tuvi hääl on nagu kumedalt kõlavad "kuu"-silbi variatsioonid, turteltuvi aga nurrub ja kaelus-turteltuvi hääl tundub veidi oigav.

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    Uso ( Basque )

    provided by wikipedia EU

    Uso edo urzo da Columbidae familia osatzen duten 308 hegazti espeziei dagozkien izen generikoa. Dodo ezagunaren ahaide dira. Usoaren hotsa urruma da. Historian zehar aberetua izan da, haragitarako eta mezulari gisa erabiltzeko, azken hau usategira itzultzeko duten senaz baliaturik.

    Gainera, usoak oso erabilera sinbolikoa izan du urte askoan. Bakearen sinbolo den uso zuria adibidez. Eta gure herrian ezaguna den askatasunaren sinbolo. Kasuko abestia dugu Txoria Txori kanta, Mikel Laboarena.

    Usoak arazo ugari sortzen ditu hiri eta herri askotan. Animalia oso ongi egokitu da herriguneetan bizitzen eta harrizko eraikinetako paretak hondatuaz aparte, gaixotasunak eta zikinkeria ugari dakartza berarekin.

    Biologia Artikulu hau biologiari buruzko zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.
    (RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003Chttps://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berezi:Gadgetaku003E.");});
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    Uso: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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    (RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003Chttps://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berezi:Gadgetaku003E.");});
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    Kyyhkyt ( Finnish )

    provided by wikipedia FI
    Tämä artikkeli käsittelee lintuheimoa. Kyyhkyt on myös lintusuku. Hakusana ”kyyhkynen” ohjaa tänne. Kyyhkynen on myös tähdistö.

    Kyyhkyt eli kyyhkyset (Columbidae) on kyyhkylintujen lahkon (Columbiformes) ainoa heimo. Kyyhkyjen heimo jaetaan kolmeen alaheimoon. Häkkilintuina pidettävät kyyhkylajit kuuluvat kaikki varsinaisiin kyyhkyihin (Columbinae). Kyyhkyjä on maapallolla kaikkiaan noin 300 lajia.

    Suomessa tavatut lajit

    Kyyhkyjen historiaa

    Vähiten kantamuodostaan eroavat kirjekyyhkyt, joita jo egyptiläiset kesyttivät viestinviejiksi. Kun kyyhkyjä aiemmin käytettiin viestien välittämiseen, viestin lähettäjän oli tuotava mukanaan kyyhky sieltä, mihin hän aikoi lähettää viestin. Kyyhkyt käyttävät suunnistaessaan hyväksi Aurinkoa, Kuuta ja tähtiä. Ne kuuluvat myös eläinlajeihin, jotka pystyvät aistimaan Maan magneettisia voimaviivoja. Kyyhkyillä on nimittäin aivoissaan magnetiittihiukkasia. Lisäksi ne pystyvät painamaan mieleensä maan muotoja ja jossain määrin käyttämään suunnistautumisessa hyväkseen myös kuulo- ja näköaistiaan.

    Kyyhkyjen levinneisyys

    Kyyhkyt ovat levinneet kaikkialle kylmimpiä napa-alueita lukuun ottamatta. Yleensä kyyhkyt ovat erilaisten metsien lintuja. Eräät lajit viihtyvät parhaiten viljelysmailla tai muilla avomailla.


    Häkkilintuna yleinen on naurukyyhky (Streptopelia senegalensis), jota kutsutaan joskus myös palmukyyhkyksi tai senegalinkyyhkyksi. Muita häkkilajeja ovat muun muassa kapinkyyhky (Oena capensis), joka on myös kotoisin Afrikasta, australialainen timanttikyyhky (Geopelia cuneata) sekä turkinkyyhky (Streptopelia decaocto), jonka pesimäkanta Suomessa on pari sataa paria.

    Muuta kyyhkyistä

    Kyyhkyjen sukupuolta on usein vaikea erottaa. Yleensä varmin tunnusmerkki onkin käyttäytyminen; uros kujertaa ja esittää soidintanssia naaraan ympärillä.

    Häkkilintuina kyyhkyt ovat helposti kesyyntyviä ja kestäviä.

    Kyyhkyt ovat vahvoja ja nopeita lentäjiä. Pesimäajan ulkopuolella ne viihtyvät usein suurissa parvissa. Kyyhkyset ruokkivat poikasiaan kupunsa eritteellä.


    1. Columbidae BioLib. Viitattu 20.1.2011. (englanniksi)

    Aiheesta muualla

    Tämä lintuihin liittyvä artikkeli on tynkä. Voit auttaa Wikipediaa laajentamalla artikkelia.
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    Kyyhkyt: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

    provided by wikipedia FI
    Tämä artikkeli käsittelee lintuheimoa. Kyyhkyt on myös lintusuku. Hakusana ”kyyhkynen” ohjaa tänne. Kyyhkynen on myös tähdistö.

    Kyyhkyt eli kyyhkyset (Columbidae) on kyyhkylintujen lahkon (Columbiformes) ainoa heimo. Kyyhkyjen heimo jaetaan kolmeen alaheimoon. Häkkilintuina pidettävät kyyhkylajit kuuluvat kaikki varsinaisiin kyyhkyihin (Columbinae). Kyyhkyjä on maapallolla kaikkiaan noin 300 lajia.

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    Columbidae ( French )

    provided by wikipedia FR

    Les Columbidae (colombidés ou columbidés en français) sont une famille d'oiseaux constituée d'une quarantaine de genres et d'un peu plus de 320 espèces existantes de pigeons et apparentés. C'est la seule famille vivante de l'ordre des Columbiformes qui comporte aussi la famille éteinte des Raphidae (dodo et Dronte de Rodriguez).


    Les pigeons se sont adaptés à la vie en ville: ici, ils se nourrissent des restes éparpillés d'une boîte.

    Ce sont des oiseaux de taille petite à grande (de 17 à 75 cm), à petite tête, pattes et bec courts. Ils ont les muscles du vol bien développés.

    Cette appellation regroupe les Colombes, Tourterelles et Pigeons. La différence de terminologie dépend de la variation de taille des oiseaux (du plus petit au plus gros), mais ceci reste très arbitraire.

    Habitats et répartition

    Cosmopolites, ils se rencontrent dans presque tous les habitats terrestres, de la forêt dense au désert, des régions tempérées froides aux tropiques.

    Liste des sous-familles et genres

    Genres par ordre alphabétique :

    Liste des espèces

    D'après la classification de référence (version 5.1, 2015) du Congrès ornithologique international (ordre phylogénique) :

    Espèces par ordre phylogénique

    Parmi celles-ci, treize espèces sont éteintes.

    Voir aussi

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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( French )

    provided by wikipedia FR

    Les Columbidae (colombidés ou columbidés en français) sont une famille d'oiseaux constituée d'une quarantaine de genres et d'un peu plus de 320 espèces existantes de pigeons et apparentés. C'est la seule famille vivante de l'ordre des Columbiformes qui comporte aussi la famille éteinte des Raphidae (dodo et Dronte de Rodriguez).

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    Colm ( Irish )

    provided by wikipedia GA

    Is éan é an colm. Is baill d'fhine na Columbidae iad.

    Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
    Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

    Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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    Colúmbidos ( Galician )

    provided by wikipedia gl Galician

    A dos colúmbidos[1] (Columbidae) é unha familia de aves da subclase dos neornites, infraclase dos neognatos, superorde nas neoaves e granorde dos columbimorfos, que comprende todas as especies, viventes e extintas, da monotípica orde das columbiformes, que inclúe as chamadas pombas,[2] o pombo,[3] as rulas,[4] e outras especies afíns.

    As pombas distribúense por toda a Terra, agás a Antártida e o Ártico, e con centro de dispersión en América Central.[5] A maior diversidade de especies téñena as ecozonas Indomalaia e de Australasia.

    A especie máis coñecida é a pomba brava (Columba livia) que deu orixe ás diferentes razas de pombas domésticas que se ven en cidades e vilas de todo o mundo. Quizais a característica máis sorprendente deste animal é a súa capacidade para volver ó seu niño desde os lugares máis remotos. Por iso, o ser humano empregouna para enviar mensaxes. A estas Pombas chámaselles pombas mensaxeiras e constituíu un eficaz medio de comunicación antes de que se inventara o teléfono ou o telégrafo.

    Esta ave sóubose adaptar ó contorno urbano ata tal punto que se converteu nun tremendo problema en cidades como Venecia ou Santiago de Compostela, onde tiveron que tomar medidas porque a corrosión provocada polas defecacións deste animal están deteriorando gravemente o patrimonio artístico e arquitectónico da dita cidade.


    As pombas son aves dotadas de grande intelixencia se se comparan con outras aves e monógamas. Esta característica permítelles un gran coidado das súas crías. A monogamia entre as pombas parece facilitar en gran medida unha alta taxa reprodutiva, a pesar de que, como outros animais silvestres, as pombas sofren dunha gran mortandade infantil. As crías de pombas ao pouco de estaren listas para sustentarse e suficientemente desenvolvidas para voar son expulsadas do territorio en que aniña a parella proxenitora, xa que a mesma xeralmente volve procrear nun intervalo de tempo curto outros dous pichóns nos que a parella inverte gran cantidade de tempo en coidado: a nai adoita quedar gran parte do seu tempo nun sinxelo niño chocando os ovos e logo coidando os pichóns mentres o pai busca alimentos para nutrir a familia.

    Os niños, normalmente débiles, están elaborados con pequenas pólas, e os ovos, habitualmente dous, son incubados por ambos os sexos. As pombas aliméntanse de sementes e froitos. Ambos os sexos alimentan as súas crías cunha secreción moi nutritiva que se segrega por células especiais.

    Á parte de ter un gran sentido da orientación, a pomba é unha das aves que voa máis rápido: alcanza os 56 km/h.[6] Tamén caracteriza as pombas o seu agudo sentido da vista: entre finais da década de 1970 e principios da de 1980 a Garda Costeira dos Estados Unidos desenvolveu un sistema experimental de rescate con pombas adestradas en recoñeceren cores brillantes. Consistía en equipar un helicóptero con tres exemplares nunha pequena cabina con xanelas na parte inferior do vehículo cubrindo así os 360 ° do arco de visión. As pombas conseguían unha efectividade na localización de obxectos boiantes do 93 %, fronte ao 38 % dos humanos nas mesmas condicións. O proxecto, denominado "Project Sea Hunt", foi definido pola Garda Costeira como o "mellor sistema de busca con luz diúrna". Porén, o sistema nunca pasou da fase experimental e foi cancelado en 1983 por recortes no orzamento sen que as pombas puidesen ter a posibilidade de salvar vida ningunha.[7]

    As pombas superan a proba do espello; cada individuo recoñeceríase como individual ou tería conciencia da súa "personalidade". De acordo a descubrimentos de 2016 as pombas son capaces de distinguir distintos grafemas ("ler") e chegar a ter algún entendemento da diferenza entre estes grafemas.[8]


    As especies da familia Columbidae caracterízanse por posuír un tronco moi robusto cunha cabeza pequena en comparación, aínda que a área do encéfalo está bastante desenvolvida, os peteiros son curtos e inchados e as patas curtas con catro dedos, un deles opoñíbel. Posúen ademais ás relativamente grandes e especialmente fortes, que as fan particularmente axeitadas para o voo.[9]


    As dimensións entre as especies varían considerablemente, dende os Goura da Nova Guinea que chegan ás dimensións dun pavo ás Columbina que son pouco meirandes ca un paxaro, a primacía da especie de menos lonxitude corresponde á Ptilinopus nainus, que mide apenas 13 cm de lonxitude. A plumaxe suave e larga tamén é moi variábel: algunhas especies teñen unha cor branca e negra e pouco visíbel, mentres que outras, especialmente as pombas que coman froita do xénero Ptilinopus e as pombas do xénero Treron e Alectroenas posúen varias cores moi rechamantes.[10]

    Relación cos humanos


    As pombas foron empregadas nas dúas guerras mundiais, especialmente polos exércitos australiano, francés, alemán, estadounidense e británico e recibiron galardóns polo seu servizo. O 2 de decembro de 1943 tres pombas, Winkie, Tyke e White Vision recibiron por primeira vez a medalla Dickin polo seu servizo na Royal Air Force durante a segunda guerra mundial.[11]


    Na Biblia relátase que Noé deixou ir unha pomba desde a arca despois do Diluvio para intentar encontrar terra firme e que esta regresou cunha póla de oliveira no bico. Ademais, no Novo Testamento, o Espírito Santo descende en forma de pomba sobre Xesuscristo no momento en que este é bautizado.[12]


    Algunhas especies de pombas son empregadas como alimento; non obstante, todos os tipos son comestibles.[13]


    A pomba é tamén un animal con significado simbólico. Actualmente, a representación dunha pomba branca cunha póla de oliveira no bico é un símbolo de paz e puridade nas sociedades occidentais.

    En política, ós políticos que defenden solucións pacíficas ós problemas cualifícaselles de pomba, mentres que os que avogan por unha actuación agresiva denomínaselles falcóns.

    Galería de imaxes


    1. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para Colúmbidos.
    2. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para pomba.
    3. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para pombo.
    4. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para rula.
    5. Díaz, M.; Asensio, B.; Tellería, J. L. (1996). "I. No Paseriformes". Aves Ibéricas (en castelán). Madrid: J. M. Reyero Editor. p. 306. ISBN 84-921085-1-7.
    6. Natura - Animales extraordinarios.
    7. Pigeon Search and Rescue System: (PROJECT SEA HUNT)
    8. El País: Las palomas también saben ortografía
    9. IOC World Bird List
    10. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    11. "Pigeons Awarded First Dickin Medals for Bravery ⋆ History Channel". History Channel (en inglés). 20-6-2016.
    12. Xénese 8:11, Isaías 59:11, Mateo 3:16; 10:16; 21:12.
    13. (http://www.eattheweeds.com/eggs-for-survival-and-food-2/ )

    Véxase tamén


    • Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): "Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons)". En: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 84-8733-422-9.
    • Blechman, Andrew (2007): Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World's Most Revered and Reviled Bird. New York, NY, USA: Grove Press. ISBN 978-0-8021-4328-0.
    • Gibbs, David; Barnes, Eustace & Cox, John (2001): Pigeons and Doves: A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. London, UK: Christopher Helm Publishers. ISBN 1-8734-0360-7.

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    Colúmbidos: Brief Summary ( Galician )

    provided by wikipedia gl Galician

    A dos colúmbidos (Columbidae) é unha familia de aves da subclase dos neornites, infraclase dos neognatos, superorde nas neoaves e granorde dos columbimorfos, que comprende todas as especies, viventes e extintas, da monotípica orde das columbiformes, que inclúe as chamadas pombas, o pombo, as rulas, e outras especies afíns.

    As pombas distribúense por toda a Terra, agás a Antártida e o Ártico, e con centro de dispersión en América Central. A maior diversidade de especies téñena as ecozonas Indomalaia e de Australasia.

    A especie máis coñecida é a pomba brava (Columba livia) que deu orixe ás diferentes razas de pombas domésticas que se ven en cidades e vilas de todo o mundo. Quizais a característica máis sorprendente deste animal é a súa capacidade para volver ó seu niño desde os lugares máis remotos. Por iso, o ser humano empregouna para enviar mensaxes. A estas Pombas chámaselles pombas mensaxeiras e constituíu un eficaz medio de comunicación antes de que se inventara o teléfono ou o telégrafo.

    Esta ave sóubose adaptar ó contorno urbano ata tal punto que se converteu nun tremendo problema en cidades como Venecia ou Santiago de Compostela, onde tiveron que tomar medidas porque a corrosión provocada polas defecacións deste animal están deteriorando gravemente o patrimonio artístico e arquitectónico da dita cidade.

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    Golubovi ( Croatian )

    provided by wikipedia hr Croatian
    Golubovi pasmine Međimurska lastavica na jednoj izložbi malih životinja

    Golubovi (lat. Columbidae) su porodica ptica iz reda golupčarki (Columbiformes). Rasprostranjeni su širom svijeta, a najveća raznolikost između vrsta postoji na području Indonezije i Australije. Zbijene su građe, imaju kratak vrat, te kratke i uske noseve.

    Jednostavan naziv "golub" se najčešće odnosi na goluba pećinara jer on vrlo učestalo naseljava urbane sredine.

    Golublja gnijezda golubovi najčešće izrađuju od štapića pronađenih u prirodi. Na golubljim jajima za vrijeme inkubacije sjede i mužjak i ženka. Golubovi se hrane sjemenjem, voćem i biljkama. Za razliku od ostalih ptica, proizvode vlastito mlijeko. Golublje mlijeko ima vrlo visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, a roditelji njime hrane svoje mlade.

    Hrane se biljnom hranom - vrste umjerenih područja pretežno raznim sjemenjem, a tropske vrste i plodovima. Domaći golubovi potječu od goluba pećinara, divlje vrste koja još i danas živi po pećinama i jamama pod zemljom. Pećinari su rasprostranjeni pretežno na Sredozemlju (žive i u Dalmaciji), sjevernoj Africi i Indiji. U Europi osim pećinara žive i druge vrste divljih golubova: golub dupljaš, golub grivnjaš, divlja grlica i gugutka.



    Smatra se da su golubovi pripitomljeni prije više od 3000 godina prije nove ere. Najvjerojatnije su ih pripitomili Egipćani i Sumerani. Ovi su narodi štovali golubove kao svetu pticu i glasnike bogova. Prilikom iskopavanja faraonskih grobnica pronađeni su muminficirani golubovi koji su faraonu trebali poslužiti kao glasnici prilikom putovanja u nebo. Iz starog Egipta uzgoj domaćih golubova se širio na ostale civilizacije. Poznato je da su se stari Grci i Rimljani počeli rano baviti uzgojem golubova. U to vrijeme su se polako počele formirati različite pasmine golubova. U srednjem vijeku samo su plemići smjeli uzgajati rasne, dok su seljaci smjeli držati samo obične poludivlje golubove. Raspadom feudalnog sustava i stvaranjem demokracija rasni golubovi postaju dostupni svim zainteresiranim ljudima pa otada počinje stvaranje mnogih novih pasmina. Domaće golubove možemo podijeliti na dvije osnovne skupine - na ukrasne golubove koji se uzgajaju zbog svoje iznimne ljepote, i sportske golubove koji se uzgajaju zbog svojih letačkih osobina. Golubovi letači dijele se na letače, visokoletače, engleski tipler, pismonoše i prevrtače. Ukrasni golubovi se dijele na njivske golubove i golubove u boji, golubove bubnjare, golubove gušane,strukturne golubove, golubove galebiće, bradavičaste golubove i kratkokljune ukrasne golubove.

    Izgled i osobine

    Perje ovog reda ptica je od jednostavno obojenog pa do tropsko šarenog. Mnoge vrste imaju upadljive šare ili naročito na glavi, vratu i krilima perje s metalnim odsjajem. Razlikovanje spolova na temelju boje perja kod ovih ptica nije moguće.

    Sve vrste imaju snažno razvijenu voljku koja im služi za pohranu hrane, za neke dijelove probavnog procesa i za pripremu voljkinog mlijeka. Neke vrste još imaju zakržljali ostatak slijepog crijeva, dok je kod većine vrsta potpuno nestalo.

    Među vrstama postoje izraženi specijalisti, ali i svežderi. Ali većina vrsta ima veliku potrebu za vodom za piće, ali i za kupanje. Ove ptice žive monogamno.

    Gnijezde se pretežno na drveću i u grmlju. No, postoje i vrste koje se gnijezde na tlu ili u dupljama. Većina vrsta može imati nekoliko legla u jednoj godini. Na ležanju na jajima sudjeluju oba roditelja.


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    Golubovi: Brief Summary ( Croatian )

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     src= Golubovi pasmine Međimurska lastavica na jednoj izložbi malih životinja

    Golubovi (lat. Columbidae) su porodica ptica iz reda golupčarki (Columbiformes). Rasprostranjeni su širom svijeta, a najveća raznolikost između vrsta postoji na području Indonezije i Australije. Zbijene su građe, imaju kratak vrat, te kratke i uske noseve.

    Jednostavan naziv "golub" se najčešće odnosi na goluba pećinara jer on vrlo učestalo naseljava urbane sredine.

    Golublja gnijezda golubovi najčešće izrađuju od štapića pronađenih u prirodi. Na golubljim jajima za vrijeme inkubacije sjede i mužjak i ženka. Golubovi se hrane sjemenjem, voćem i biljkama. Za razliku od ostalih ptica, proizvode vlastito mlijeko. Golublje mlijeko ima vrlo visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, a roditelji njime hrane svoje mlade.

    Hrane se biljnom hranom - vrste umjerenih područja pretežno raznim sjemenjem, a tropske vrste i plodovima. Domaći golubovi potječu od goluba pećinara, divlje vrste koja još i danas živi po pećinama i jamama pod zemljom. Pećinari su rasprostranjeni pretežno na Sredozemlju (žive i u Dalmaciji), sjevernoj Africi i Indiji. U Europi osim pećinara žive i druge vrste divljih golubova: golub dupljaš, golub grivnjaš, divlja grlica i gugutka.

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    Columbidae ( Indonesian )

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    "Dara" dan "Merpati" menuju ke artikel ini. Untuk kegunaan lainnya, lihat Dara (disambiguasi) dan Merpati (disambiguasi).

    Merpati dan dara termasuk dalam famili Columbidae atau burung berparuh merpati dari ordo Columbiformes, yang mencakup sekitar 300 spesies burung kerabat pekicau. Dalam percakapan umum, istilah "dara" dan "merpati" dapat saling menggantikan. Dalam praktik ornitologi, terdapat suatu kecenderungan "dara" digunakan untuk spesies yang lebih kecil dan "merpati" untuk yang besar, tetapi hal ini tidak secara konsisten diterapkan, dan secara historis nama umum untuk burung-burung tersebut memiliki banyak variasi antara istilah "dara" dan "merpati." Famili ini terdapat di seluruh dunia, tetapi varietas terbesar terdapat di Indomalaya dan Ekozona Australasia. Dara dan merpati muda disebut "squabs."

    Merpati dan dara adalah burung berbadan gempal dengan leher pendek dan paruh ramping pendek dengan cere berair. Spesies yang umumnya dikenal sebagai "merpati" adalah merpati karang liar, umum digunakan di banyak kota.

    Dara dan merpati membangun sangkarnya dari ranting dan sisa-sisa lainnya, yang ditempatkan di pepohonan, birai, atau tanah, tergantung spesiesnya. Mereka mengerami satu atau dua telur, dan kedua induknya sangat memedulikan anaknya, yang akan meninggalkan sangkarnya setelah 7 hingga 28 hari.[1] Dara makan biji, buah dan tanaman. Tidak seperti kebanyakan burung lainnya (namun lihat juga flamingo), dara dan merpati menghasilkan "susu tembolok." Kedua jenis kelamin menghasilkan zat bernutrisi tinggi ini untuk memberi makan anaknya.

    Hubungan dengan manusia

    Merpati sering diapakai sebagai lambang perdamaian oleh manusia dan sering digambarkan sedang memegang daun zaitun, menurut catatan dahulu merpati pernah dipakai untuk mengirim surat dengan mengikatkan surat di kakinya.


    Daftar seluruh spesies yang disusun berdasarkan nama umum dan nama ilmiah, terdapat pada Daftar spesies Columbidae

    Famili Columbidae

    Dara zamrud, Chalcophaps indica, asli wilayah tropis Asia bagian selatan dan Australia
    Merpati Nikobar, Caloenas nicobarica
    • SubFamili Columbinae – Merpati dan dara umum
      • Genus Columba termasuk Aplopelia – Merpati Dunia Lama (33-34 spesies hidup, 2-3 punah)
      • Genus Streptopelia termasuk Stigmatopelia dan Nesoenas – perkutut (14-18 spesies hidup)
      • Genus Patagioenas – Merpati-merpati Amerika; dulunya termasuk dalam Columba (17 spesies)
      • Genus Macropygia (10 spesies)
      • Genus Reinwardtoena (3 spesies)
      • Genus Turacoena (2 spesies)
    • SubFamili Belum Diketahui – Sayap perunggu dan kerabatnya
      • Genus Turtur – Dara-kayu Afrika (5 spesies; sementara ditempatkan di sini)
      • Genus Oena – Dara Namaqua (sementara ditempatkan di sini)
      • Genus Chalcophaps (2 spesies)
      • Genus Henicophaps (2 spesies)
      • Genus Phaps (3 spesies)
      • Genus Ocyphaps – Merpati berjambul
      • Genus Geophaps (3 spesies)
      • Genus Petrophassa – Merpati-merpati karang (2 spesies)
      • Genus Geopelia (3–5 spesies)
    • SubFamili Leptotilinae – Zenaidin dan dara-puyuh
    • SubFamili Columbininae – Dara-tanah Amerika
    • SubFamili Belum Diketahui – Dara tanah Indopasifik
    • SubFamili Otidiphabinae – Merpati sempidan
    • SubFamili Didunculinae – Merpati paruh-gigi
    • SubFamili Gourinae – Merpati mahkota
    • SubFamili Belum Diketahui ("Treroninae") – Dara buah dan dara hijau dan merpati raja
    • SubFamili Raphinae – Dodo dan kerabatnya
    • Penempatan tak diketahui


    1. ^ Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph, ed. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. hlm. 115–116. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.

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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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    "Dara" dan "Merpati" menuju ke artikel ini. Untuk kegunaan lainnya, lihat Dara (disambiguasi) dan Merpati (disambiguasi).

    Merpati dan dara termasuk dalam famili Columbidae atau burung berparuh merpati dari ordo Columbiformes, yang mencakup sekitar 300 spesies burung kerabat pekicau. Dalam percakapan umum, istilah "dara" dan "merpati" dapat saling menggantikan. Dalam praktik ornitologi, terdapat suatu kecenderungan "dara" digunakan untuk spesies yang lebih kecil dan "merpati" untuk yang besar, tetapi hal ini tidak secara konsisten diterapkan, dan secara historis nama umum untuk burung-burung tersebut memiliki banyak variasi antara istilah "dara" dan "merpati." Famili ini terdapat di seluruh dunia, tetapi varietas terbesar terdapat di Indomalaya dan Ekozona Australasia. Dara dan merpati muda disebut "squabs."

    Merpati dan dara adalah burung berbadan gempal dengan leher pendek dan paruh ramping pendek dengan cere berair. Spesies yang umumnya dikenal sebagai "merpati" adalah merpati karang liar, umum digunakan di banyak kota.

    Dara dan merpati membangun sangkarnya dari ranting dan sisa-sisa lainnya, yang ditempatkan di pepohonan, birai, atau tanah, tergantung spesiesnya. Mereka mengerami satu atau dua telur, dan kedua induknya sangat memedulikan anaknya, yang akan meninggalkan sangkarnya setelah 7 hingga 28 hari. Dara makan biji, buah dan tanaman. Tidak seperti kebanyakan burung lainnya (namun lihat juga flamingo), dara dan merpati menghasilkan "susu tembolok." Kedua jenis kelamin menghasilkan zat bernutrisi tinggi ini untuk memberi makan anaknya.

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    Dúfur ( Icelandic )

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    Um kvenmannsnafnið Dúfa, sjá Dúfa (nafn).

    Dúfur (fræðiheiti: Columbidae) er ætt af dúfnafuglaættbálki. Ættin telur um 300 tegundir.

    Sjá einnig

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    Dúfur: Brief Summary ( Icelandic )

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    Um kvenmannsnafnið Dúfa, sjá Dúfa (nafn).

    Dúfur (fræðiheiti: Columbidae) er ætt af dúfnafuglaættbálki. Ættin telur um 300 tegundir.

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    Columbidae ( Italian )

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    I Columbidi (Columbidae Illiger, 1811) sono una famiglia di uccelli che comprende oltre 300 specie. È l'unica famiglia dell'ordine Columbiformes.[1]


    Le specie della famiglia Columbidae sono caratterizzate da un tronco massiccio con una testa piccola, un becco corto e rigonfio e zampe corte con quattro dita. Le ali, grandi e robuste, li rendono eccellenti volatori.[2]

    La tortorina comune (Columbina passerina) è una delle specie più piccole della famiglia

    Le dimensioni delle varie specie variano considerevolmente: si va dai gura della Nuova Guinea, che raggiungono le dimensioni di un tacchino, alle tortorine, che sono poco più grandi di un passero; il primato della specie più corta spetta alla colomba frugivora nana (Ptilinopus nainus), che misura appena 13 cm di lunghezza.[2]

    Il piumaggio, soffice e folto, è anch'esso molto variabile: alcune specie hanno una colorazione monocromatica e poco appariscente, mentre altre, in particolare le colombe frugivore del genere Ptilinopus e i piccioni dei genere Treron e Alectroenas, sfoggiano livree multicolori molto vistose.

    Distribuzione e habitat

    La famiglia Columbidae ha una distribuzione cosmopolita, con specie presenti in quasi ogni parte del pianeta, con l'eccezione dell'Antartide e delle aree più secche del Sahara.[2]

    I columbidi si sono adattati alla maggior parte degli habitat esistenti sulla terra. La maggior parte delle specie si trova nelle foreste tropicali, ma sono presenti anche nella savana, nelle praterie, nei deserti, nelle foreste temperate e nelle mangrovie.

    L'areale di alcune specie è estremamente ampio: ad esempio il piccione selvatico (Columba livia) ha una distribuzione naturale che spazia dall'Europa e dal Nord Africa sino all'Estremo Oriente, ma è stato introdotto, e si è naturalizzato, nell'Africa subsahariana, in Nord America, Sud America, Australia e Nuova Zelanda; la tortora dal collare (Streptopelia decaocto) è presente, con areale frammentato, in Europa, Medio Oriente, India, Pakistan e Cina; la tortora delle palme (Spilopelia senegalensis) è presente in gran parte dell'Africa subsahariana ma anche in Medio Oriente, India e Pakistan. Altre specie invece sono endemismi insulari con areali molto limitati: ad esempio, la colomba frugivora di Layard (Ptilinopus layardi) è presente esclusivamente nell'isola di Kadavu, nelle Figi; l'areale della tortorina delle Caroline (Gallicolumba kubaryi) è ristretto alle omonime isole della Micronesia; la tortora di Grenada (Leptotila wellsi) è un endemismo dell'isola caraibica di Grenada.


    Il nome Columbidae per la famiglia fu introdotto dallo zoologo inglese William Elford Leach in una guida ai contenuti del British Museum, pubblicata nel 1820.[3][4] Columbidae è l'unica famiglia vivente nell'ordine Columbiformes. Le grandule (Pteroclidae) erano precedentemente collocati all'interno di questa famiglia, ma vennero in seguito spostate in un ordine separato, Pterocliformes, sulla base di alcune differenze anatomiche (ad esempio, non sono in grado di bere "succhiando" o "pompando");[5] sono ora considerati più strettamente correlati agli uccelli costieri.[6] Recenti studi filogenomici supportano il raggruppamento di piccioni e grandule, insieme ai mesena, formando il sister taxon di Mirandornithes.[7][8][9][10]

    I Columbidi sono generalmente divisi in cinque sottofamiglie, probabilmente in modo impreciso.[11] Ad esempio, la colomba quaglia americana e la colomba quaglia (Geotrygon), solitamente collocate all'interno di Columbinae, sembrano essere due sottofamiglie distinte.[12] L'ordine qui presentato segue gli studi di Baptista et al. (1997),[13] con alcuni aggiornamenti.[14][15][16]

    La disposizione dei generi e la denominazione delle sottofamiglie è in alcuni casi provvisoria perché le analisi delle diverse sequenze di DNA producono risultati diversi, spesso radicalmente, nel posizionamento di determinati generi (principalmente quelli indo-australiani). Questa ambiguità, probabilmente causata dalla long branch attraction, sembra confermare che i primi piccioni evolutisi nella regione dell'Australasia e che i "Treronidae" e le forme affiliate (colombe coronate e piccioni fagiani, per esempio) rappresentino la prima radiazione del gruppo.

    La famiglia Columbidae in precedenza conteneva anche la famiglia Raphidae, composta dagli estinti solitario di Rodrigues ed il dodo.[16][17][18] Queste specie sono con ogni probabilità parte della radiazione indo-australiana che ha prodotto le tre piccole sottofamiglie menzionate sopra,[19] con le colombe e i piccioni frugivori (incluso il piccione di Nicobar). Pertanto, sono qui inclusi come la sottofamiglia Raphinae, in attesa di migliori prove materiali delle loro esatte relazioni.[20]

    Esacerbando questi problemi, i columbidi non sono ben rappresentati nel record fossile.[21] Ad oggi non sono state trovate forme veramente primitive. Il genere Gerandia è stato descritto dai depositi del Miocene inferiore in Francia, ma sebbene si credesse da tempo un piccione,[22] ora è considerato una grandula.[23] I resti frammentari di un possibile "ptilinopino", sono stati ritrovati nella Formazione Bannockburn in Nuova Zelanda, e descritti come il genere Rupephaps;[23] "Columbina" prattae, ritrovata in depositi approssimativamente contemporanei in Florida è oggi provvisoriamente separata in Arenicolumba, ma la sua distinzione da Columbina/Scardafella e generi correlati deve essere stabilita più saldamente (ad esempio mediante analisi cladistiche).[24] A parte questo, tutti gli altri fossili appartengono a generi esistenti.[25]

    Piccione selvatico
    Columba livia (Columbinae)
    Esemplari di colomba migratrice (Ectopistes migratorius) esposti al MUSE di Trento
    Colomba pugnalata di Luzon
    Gallicolumba luzonica (Raphinae)
    Gura crestato
    Goura cristata (Raphinae)


    Tassonomia basata sugli studi di John H. Boyd, III,[26] professore di economia.[27]

    Columbinae Zenaidini    

    Starnoenas (Tortora quaglia testazzurra)


    Geotrygon (Tortora quaglia)




    Leptotrygon (Tortora quaglia dorsoliva)






    Ectopistes (Colomba migratrice)


    Patagioenas (Piccioni americani)












    Columba (Piccioni del Vecchio Mondo)








    Uropelia (Tortorina codalunga)




    Columbina [Scardafella]








    Ocyphaps (Piccione crestato)


    Petrophassa (Piccione delle rocce)


    Leucosarcia (Piccione wonga)








    Trugon (Piccione terragnolo)


    Microgoura (Piccione di Choiseul)


    Otidiphaps (Piccione fagiano)


    Goura (Colombe coronate)


    Natunaornis (Piccione gigante di Vitilevu)


    Didunculus (Piccione dentato)


    ?†Bountyphaps (Piccione di Henderson Island)


    Caloenas (Piccione di Nicobar)


    Raphus (Dodo)


    Pezophaps (Solitario di Rodrigues)


    Treron (Piccione verde)


    Phapitreron (Tortora bruna)


    Chalcophaps (Tortora smeraldina)


    Oena (Tortora di Namaqua)


    Turtur (Tortora boschereccia)


    Ducula (Colomba imperiale)


    [Ptilinopus; Drepanoptila; Alectroenas] (Piccioni frugivori)


    Hemiphaga (Piccione della Nuova Zelanda)


    Lopholaimus (Piccione doppiacresta)


    Cryptophaps (Piccione scuro)


    Gymnophaps (Piccione montano)


    Alcune specie


    1. ^ (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Columbidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 15 febbraio 2018.
    2. ^ a b c Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    3. ^ William Elford Leach, Eleventh Room, in Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum, 17th, London, British Museum, 1820, p. 68. Although the name of the author is not specified in the document, Leach was the Keeper of Zoology at the time.
    4. ^ Walter J. Bock, History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Number 222, New York, American Museum of Natural History, 1994, p. 139.
    5. ^ Cade, Tom J., Willoughby, Ernest J. e MacLean, Gordon L., Drinking Behavior of Sandgrouse in the Namib and Kalahari Deserts, Africa (PDF), in The Auk, vol. 83, n. 1, 1966, pp. 124–126, DOI:10.2307/4082983, JSTOR 4082983.
    6. ^ "Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves and Dodos)". Francis Hugh John Crome. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Michael Hutchins, Dennis A. Thoney, and Melissa C. McDade (eds.). Vol. 9: Birds II. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2004. pp. 241–246.
    7. ^ E. D. Jarvis, S Mirarab, A. J. Aberer, B Li, P Houde, C Li, S. Y. Ho, B. C. Faircloth, B Nabholz, J. T. Howard, A Suh, C. C. Weber, R. R. Da Fonseca, J Li, F Zhang, H Li, L Zhou, N Narula, L Liu, G Ganapathy, B Boussau, M. S. Bayzid, V Zavidovych, S Subramanian, T Gabaldón, S Capella-Gutiérrez, J Huerta-Cepas, B Rekepalli, K Munch e M Schierup, Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds, in Science, vol. 346, n. 6215, 2014, pp. 1320–31, Bibcode:2014Sci...346.1320J, DOI:10.1126/science.1253451, PMC 4405904, PMID 25504713.
    8. ^ Fain, Matthew G. e Houde, Peter, Parallel radiations in the primary clades of birds, in Evolution, vol. 58, n. 11, 2004, pp. 2558–2573, DOI:10.1554/04-235, PMID 15612298.
    9. ^ Hackett, Shannon J., A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History, in Science, vol. 320, n. 5884, 2008, pp. 1763–1768, Bibcode:2008Sci...320.1763H, DOI:10.1126/science.1157704, PMID 18583609.
    10. ^ T. Yuri, Parsimony and Model-Based Analyses of Indels in Avian Nuclear Genes Reveal Congruent and Incongruent Phylogenetic Signals, in Biology, vol. 2, n. 1, 2013, pp. 419–444, DOI:10.3390/biology2010419, PMC 4009869, PMID 24832669.
    11. ^ Barbara Allen, Pigeon, Reaktion Books, 2009, ISBN 978-1-86189-711-4.
    12. ^ Basically, the conventional treatment had two large subfamilies, one for the fruit doves, imperial pigeons, and fruit pigeons, and another for nearly all of the remaining species. Additionally, three monotypic subfamilies were noted, one each for the genera Goura, Otidiphaps, and Didunculus. The old subfamily Columbinae consists of five distinct lineages, whereas the other four groups are more or less accurate representations of the evolutionary relationships.
    13. ^ L. F. Baptista, P. W. Trail e H. M. Horblit, Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons), in Handbook of birds of the world, 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos, Barcelona, Lynx Edicions, 1997, ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1.
    14. ^ Johnson, Kevin P. e Clayton, Dale H., Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes) (PDF), in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 14, n. 1, 2000, pp. 141–151, DOI:10.1006/mpev.1999.0682, PMID 10631048.
    15. ^ Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H., A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba (PDF), in Auk, vol. 118, n. 4, 2001, pp. 874–887, DOI:10.1642/0004-8038(2001)118[0874:AMPOTD]2.0.CO;2, JSTOR 4089839.
    16. ^ a b Shapiro, Beth, Sibthorpe, Dean, Rambaut, Andrew, Austin, Jeremy, Wragg, Graham M., Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P., Lee, Patricia L. M. e Cooper, Alan, Flight of the Dodo, in Science, vol. 295, n. 5560, 2002, p. 1683, DOI:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683, PMID 11872833. Supplementary information
    17. ^ Janoo, Anwar, Discovery of isolated dodo bones Raphus cucullatus (L.), Aves, Columbiformes from Mauritius cave shelters highlights human predation, with a comment on the status of the family Raphidae Wetmore, 1930, in Annales de Paléontologie, vol. 91, n. 2, 2005, p. 167, DOI:10.1016/j.annpal.2004.12.002.
    18. ^ Anthony Cheke e Julian P. Hume, Lost Land of the Dodo: The Ecological History of Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-3305-7.
    19. ^ dodo | extinct bird, in Encyclopedia Britannica.
    20. ^ Les Christidis e Walter E. Boles, Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds, Csiro Publishing, 2008, ISBN 978-0-643-09964-7.
    21. ^ Toby M. R. Fountaine, Michael J. Benton, Gareth J. Dyke e Robert L. Nudds, The quality of the fossil record of Mesozoic birds, in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 272, n. 1560, 2005, pp. 289–294, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2004.2923, PMC 1634967, PMID 15705554.
    22. ^ Storrs L. Olson, The fossil record of birds, in Avian Biology, Vol. VIII, Academic Press, 1985, pp. 79–238, ISBN 978-0-12-249408-6.
      «The earliest dove yet known, from the early Miocene (Aquitanian) of France, was a small species named Columba calcaria by Milne-Edwards (1867–1871) from a single humerus, for which Lambrecht (1933) later created the genus Gerandia»
    23. ^ a b Trevor H. Worthy, Suzanne J. Hand, Jennifer P. Worthy, Alan J. D. Tennyson e R. Paul Scofield, A large fruit pigeon (Columbidae) from the Early Miocene of New Zealand, in The Auk, vol. 126, n. 3, 2009, pp. 649–656, DOI:10.1525/auk.2009.08244.
      «Because Columba calcaria Milne-Edwards, 1867–1871, from the Lower Miocene at Saint-Gérand-le-Puy in France, is now also considered a sandgrouse, as Gerandia calcaria (Mlíkovský 2002), there is no pre-Pliocene columbid record in Europe.»
    24. ^ Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database, su fossilworks.org.
    25. ^ Gerald Mayr, Paleogene Fossil Birds, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-89628-9.
    26. ^ John H., III Boyd, COLUMBEA: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae, su JBoyd.net, 2007. URL consultato il 30 dicembre 2015.
    27. ^ John H., III Boyd, John Boyd's Home Page, su JBoyd.net. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2017.


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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Italian )

    provided by wikipedia IT

    I Columbidi (Columbidae Illiger, 1811) sono una famiglia di uccelli che comprende oltre 300 specie. È l'unica famiglia dell'ordine Columbiformes.

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    Columbidae ( Latin )

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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Latin )

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    Columbidae sunt familia avium Columbiformium, circiter 310 species comprehendens, corpore pingues, collo breves, rostro breves et tenues. Plerumque seminibus, fructibus, plantisque vescuntur. Omnem per orbem terrarum praeter Antarcticam habitant, sed maxima diversitas specierum in oecozonis Indomalayana et Australasiatica reperitur.

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    Karveliniai ( Lithuanian )

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    Karveliniai (Columbidae) – karvelinių (Columbiformes) paukščių šeima. Snapas plonas ir ilgokas, su nedideliu kabliuku gale. Plunksnų spalvos gana įvairios, dažnai su metališku blizgesiu. Skraido gana vikriai, nes sparnai platūs, o krūtinės raumenys – stiprūs. Lizdus krauna ant medžių šakų, apsigyvena uoksuose, uolų plyšiuose. Deda 2 baltus kiaušinius. Minta įvairiu augaliniu maistu: sėklomis, uogomis, pumpurais.

    Lietuvoje gyvena 5 rūšys:

    Kitos rūšys


    Pošeimis. Columbinae


    Pošeimis. Leptotilinae

    Pošeimis. Columbininae

    Pošeimis N.N.

    Pošeimis. Otidiphabinae

    Pošeimis. Didunculinae

    Pošeimis. Gourinae




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    Karveliniai: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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    Karveliniai (Columbidae) – karvelinių (Columbiformes) paukščių šeima. Snapas plonas ir ilgokas, su nedideliu kabliuku gale. Plunksnų spalvos gana įvairios, dažnai su metališku blizgesiu. Skraido gana vikriai, nes sparnai platūs, o krūtinės raumenys – stiprūs. Lizdus krauna ant medžių šakų, apsigyvena uoksuose, uolų plyšiuose. Deda 2 baltus kiaušinius. Minta įvairiu augaliniu maistu: sėklomis, uogomis, pumpurais.

    Lietuvoje gyvena 5 rūšys:

    Naminis karvelis, balandis, uolinis karvelis (Columbia livia) Uldukas (Columba oenas). Rūšis įrašyta į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą. Keršulis (Columba palumbus) Pietinis purplelis (Streptopelia decaocto) Paprastasis purplelis (Streptopelia turtur)
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    Baložu dzimta ( Latvian )

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    Baloži, baložu dzimta (Columbidae) ir vienīgā baložveidīgo putnu kārtas (Columbiformes) dzimta. Baložu dzimtas putnus sauc arī par dūjām un ūbelēm. Visbiežāk mazākos baložu dzimtas putnus sauc par ūbelēm, bet lielākos par baložiem. Baložu dzimtā ir 344 sugas, kas tiek iedalītas 49 ģintīs.[1]

    Baložu dzimta ir adaptējusies visa veida biomām. Vislielākā sugu dažādība dzīvo tropiskajos reģionos. Tropu baloži var būt gan dzīvojoši kokos, gan uz zemes, gan daļēji kokos un daļēji uz zemes. Ir sugas, kas dzīvo savannā, klajās vietās ar skraju koku audzi, tuksnešos, pustuksnešos, dažādos mežos, mangrovju audzēs un smilšainajos jūras krastos.


    Gredzenūbele (Streptopelia decaocto) ir sastopama visā Eirāzijas kontinentā

    Baloži un ūbeles ir izplatītas visā pasaulē, izņemot lielo un sauso Sahāras tuksnesi, Antarktīdu un tai pieguļošās salas, kā arī ziemeļos arktiskās salas. Baloži ir kolonizējuši gandrīz visas okeānu salas, sasniedzot Polinēziju un Četema salas Klusajā okeānā, Maurīciju, Seišelu salas un Reinjonu Indijas okeānā, un Azoru salas Atlantijas okeānā.

    Dažām sugām ir liels izplatības reģions. Ausainā ūbele (Zenaida auriculata) dzīvo visā Dienvidamerikas kontinentā, bet gredzenūbele (Streptopelia decaocto) ir sastopama visā Eirāzijā, sākot ar Lielbritāniju un beidzot ar Ķīnu un Indiju. Toties smejošā ūbele (Stigmatopelia senegalensis) dzīvo gandrīz visā Āfrikas kontinentā, izņemot Sahāras tuksnesi, kā arī tā ir sastopama Indijā un Tuvajos Austrumos. Ir sugas, kuru izplatība ir ļoti ierobežota, visbiežāk tas attiecas uz sugām, kas dzīvo okeānu salās, piemēram, svilpojošā ūbele (Ptilinopus layardi) ir endēmiska suga nelielai Kadavu salai Fidži salu arhipelāgā. Arī dažām kontinentu sugām ir neliels izplatības areāls, piemēram, melnmuguras augļu ūbele (Ptilinopus cinctus) ir sastopama nelielā apgabalā Ziemeļu teritorijā Austrālijā, bet Somālijas balodis (Columba oliviae) ir sastopams pavisam nelielā teritorijā Somālijas ziemeļos.

    Tomēr izplatības čempions pasaulē ir mājas balodis (Columba livia), tā dabiskā izplatība ir Eiropa, Ziemeļāfrika, Tuvie Austrumi, Centrālāzija, Indija, Himalaji, Ķīna un Mongolija, bet, pateicoties cilvēkiem, kas centās šo balodi pieradināt un kas ir aizveduši balodi sev līdzi ceļojumos, tā izplatība mūsdienās aptver gandrīz visu Ziemeļameriku, Dienvidamerikas lielās apdzīvotās vietas, Āfrikas kontinentu uz dienvidiem no Sahāras, Dienvidaustrumāziju, Japānu, Austrāliju un Jaunzēlandi.


    Latvijā ligzdo 5 baložu dzimtas sugas: mājas balodis (Columba livia domestica), meža balodis (Columba oenas), lauku balodis (Columba palumbus), parastā ūbele (Streptopelia turtur) un gredzenūbele (Streptopelia decaocto).[2] Vienu reizi Latvijā novērota arī austrumu ūbele (Streptopelia orientalis).[3]

    Izskats un īpašības

    Viktorijas vainagbalodis (Goura victoria) ir viens no lielākajiem putniem baložu dzimtā, tā ķermeņa garums sasniedz 74 cm, un tas sver 2,5 kg

    Baloži un ūbeles ir kompakti veidoti putni, ar mazām galvām uz salīdzinoši lieliem ķermeņiem, īsiem kakliem un kājām, un slaidiem, īsiem knābjiem, kuriem ir gaļīgas nāsis. Spārni ir lieli, ar spēcīgiem spārnu muskuļiem, kas sastāda no kopējā svara 31—44%. Baloži ir vieni no spēcīgākajiem un ātrākajiem putniem pasaulē, kā arī tie ir ļoti veikli, ar izcilām spējām manevrēt lidojuma laikā.

    Baložu dzimtas putni ir ļoti dažādos izmēros. Lielākie ir vainagbaloži (Goura) no Jaungvinejas, kas gandrīz sasniedz tītara augumu un sver 2—4 kg. Mazākās ir Amerikas zemesūbeles (Columbina), kas ir apmēram vienā augumā ar mājas zvirbuli un sver 22 g.[4] Starp kokos dzīvojošiem baložiem vislielākais ir Marķīzu imperiālbalodis (Ducula galeata), kura ķermeņa garums sasniedz 50 cm un svars apmēram 1 kg, bet vismazākais kokos dzīvojošais balodis ir mazā augļu ūbele (Ptilinopus naina), kuras garums nepārsniedz 13 cm.[4]

    Baložu apspalvojuma krāsas ir ļoti dažādas. Visbiežāk baloži ir pasteļkrāsās, bet ir daži izņēmumi, šo putnu spalvas ir košas un uzkrītošas.[4] Vienas no viskošākajām ir augļu ūbeles (Ptilinopus). Baložu un ūbeļu dzimumiem atkarībā no to sugas var būt gan atšķirīgs krāsu apspalvojums, gan vienāds. Atšķirībā no citiem putniem baložiem nav žultspūšļa.[5] Daži viduslaiku pētnieki uzskatīja, ka baložiem vispār nav žults, un tādēļ baložiem un ūbelēm ir maigs raksturs.[6] Patiesībā žults baložiem izstrādājas tieši zarnās.[7]


    Baloži un ūbeles parasti būvē diezgan nekārtīgas un vaļīgas ligzdas, izmantojot dažādus zariņus un stiebrus. Ligzda var būt uzbūvēta gan kokā, uz klinšu malām un uz zemes, atkarībā kādai sugai pieder balodis. Parasti tiek izdēta viena vai divas olas, un abi vecāki rūpējas par putnēniem, kas ligzdu pamet 7—28 dienā pēc izšķilšanās.[8]


    Baltvēdera zaļais balodis (Treron sieboldii) barojas tikai ar augļiem un ozolzīlēm[9]
    Lauku balodis (Columba palumbus) ir visbiežāk medītais savvaļas balodis Eiropā
    Cilvēki ir selekcionējuši daudzas un dažādas dekoratīvo baložu šķirnes

    Baloži barojas ar dažādām sēkliņām, augļiem un augiem. Kopumā baložus pēc to ēšanas ieradumiem var iedalīt divās lielās grupās: sēklu jeb graudēdāju baloži un augļēdāji. Graudēdāji barojas ar dažādām sēklām, kuras tiek atrastas uz zemes, toties augļēdāji barojas kokos. Arī morfoloģiski abas grupas viena no otras atšķiras. Graudēdājiem guzas sienas ir biezas, bet augļēdājiem plānas, kā arī to zarnu trakts ir īsāks kā graudēdāju baložiem. Augļēdāju baloži spēj rāpties no viena zara uz otru, un pat karāties koka zarā ar galvu uz leju, lai varētu sasniegt kādu augli. Graudēdāju baloži atšķirībā no citiem putniem, lai pabarotu mazuļus, ražo "graudu pienu", atrijot sašķeltus graudus un to apvalkus putriņā, kas ir uzturvielām bagāta barība mazajiem putnēniem. Abi dzimumi ražo "graudu piernu".

    Bez graudiem un augļiem baloži barojas arī ar kukaiņiem un sīkiem dzīvniekiem. Zemesūbeles un paipalūbeles lielos daudzumos patērē kukaiņus un kāpurus. Atola augļu ūbele (Ptilinopus coralensis) barojas tikai ar kukaiņiem un nelieliem rāpuļiem. Baltcekula balodis (Patagioenas leucocephala), ugunsūbele (Ptilinopus victor) un sārtā zemesūbele (Columbina talpacoti) barojas ar gliemežiem, naktstauriņiem un citiem kukaiņiem.

    Baloži un cilvēki

    Kā cilvēku pārtika

    Dažas baložu un ūbeļu sugas tiek lietotas cilvēku pārtikā, iespējams, ka ēdamas ir visas baložu sugas. Muskuļotās baložu krūtis ir izcila un garšīga delikatese. Eiropā visbiežāk medīti tiek lauku baloži (Columba palumbus), bet mājas apstākļos gaļas ieguvei tiek audzēti mājas baloži. Mājas baložiem ir selekcionētas daudzas šķirnes, cenšoties izaudzēt labus gaļas baložus. Viens no iemesliem, kādēļ izmira ceļotājbaloži (Ectopistes), bija to medīšana un lietošana pārtikā.

    Saskaņā ar jūdaisma tradīcijām baložiem ir košergaļa, un tie ir vienīgie putni, kurus var upurēt dievam.

    Militārām vajadzībām

    Baloži militārām vajadzībām tika izmantoti gan Pirmajā pasaules karā, gan 2. pasaules karā. Tos lietoja Francijas, Vācijas, ASV un Lielbritānijas militārie spēki. Pavisam nesen Lielbritānija atsākusi lietot baložus militārajos konfliktos. Kā ziņo Baložu policijas vadītājs Lī Rainers, tad baložus var iemācīt lidot uz ikvienu objektu kā savu māju, tādējādi baloži spēj pārnēsāt baktērijas un sprāgstvielas.

    Kā mājdzīvnieks

    Mājas baloži (Columba livia domestica) iegūti, pieradinot klinšu baložus (Columba livia). Tie ir dzīvojuši kopā ar cilvēkiem jau tūkstošiem gadu un laika gaitā selekcionētas daudzas šķirnes, kuras audzē baložu mīļotāji visā pasaulē. Kopumā ir zināmas vairāk nekā 800 baložu šķirnes, kas nosacīti iedalāmas divās lielās grupās — gaļas un lidotājbaložos.[10] Pasta balodis jeb sporta balodis ir slavens ar savu ātrumu un spēju atgriezties mājās no jebkuras vietas pasaulē. Vēl populāras šķirnes ir Birmingemas rollers, kas ir slavens ar savu spēju lidojuma laikā mest kūleņus atmuguriski, kā arī dažādās dekoratīvās šķirnes ar krāšņām astēm un kāju spalvām. Baloži tiek izmantoti dažādām ceremonijām, izrādēm un tie piedalās cirka trikos.

    Baloži reliģijā

    Baloži simbolizē mieru un mīlestību, kas atspoguļojas daudzās reliģijās. Tas bijis mīlestības dieviešu — semītu Astartes un grieķu Afrodītes — svētais putns.[10]

    Senebreju bībelē (Hebrew) ir teikts, ka drīkst upurēt jaunus baložus, ja cilvēkam trūkst līdzekļu lielāka upurdzīvnieka nopirkšanai. Vecajā derībā Noass, ceļojot ar šķirstu pēc lielajiem plūdiem, izlaiž balodi, lai pārbaudītu, vai kaut kur tuvumā nav zeme. Kā arī balodis kā mīlestības simbols tiek pieminēts Zālamana augstajā dziesmā.

    Jaunajā derībā Jēzus vecāki pēc bērniņa apgraizīšanas dievam upurē dūju. Vēlāk, kad Jēzus tiek iesvētīts, Svētais gars parādās kā balodis, līdz ar to balodis kļūst par Svētā gara simbolu kristietībā.

    Arī islāmā balodis ir svēts putns, jo palīdzējis Muhamedam cīņā ar ienaidniekiem.

    Baložu aizsardzība

    Apmēram 59 baložu un ūbeļu sugas ir apdraudētas, un tām draud izmiršana, tie ir apmēram 19% no visiem baložiem.[11] Lielākā daļa apdraudēto sugu dzīvo tropiskajos mežos un okeānu salās. Baložus apdraud dzīves telpas zaudēšana, medības un jaunu plēsēju uzrašanās to apdzīvotajās vietās, piemēram, kaķi,[12] kas kādreiz nedzīvoja okeānu salās. Par daudzām sugām jau vairākus gadu desmitus nav datu un dabas pētnieki nezina, vai šīs sugas joprojām eksistē vai ir jau izmirušas. Lai aizsargātu baložus, tiek ieviesti liegumi un likumi, kas aizliedz tos medīt, kā arī tiek izveidotas baložu nebrīves populācijas zoodārzos.


    Fazānbalodis (Otidiphaps nobilis) ir viena no senākajām baložu sugām

    Baložu dzimta ir īpaša ar to, ka tai nav radniecīgu saišu ne ar vienu citu putnu dzimtu. Kādreiz par radniecīgo dzimtu tika atzīta didīnu dzimta (Raphinae), kurai pieder dodo un Rodrigesas solitāri, bet mūsdienās ir zinātniski pierādīts, ka didīni pieder baložu dzimtai, un tie tiek izdalīti kā viena no baložu apakšdzimtām. Ierobežotie fosilie atradumi neļauj zinātniekiem atklāt patieso baložu saikni ar citiem putniem. Ir zinātnieki, kas uzskata, ka baloži varētu būt radniecīgi ar smilširbju un papagaiļu dzimtām, no vienas puses saskatot līdzību papagaiļiem ar zobknābja baložiem un no otras puses dažas kopīgas iezīmes ar smilširbēm. Tomēr lielākā daļa zinātnieku uzskata, ka līdzība ir veidojusies evolūcijas ceļā, lietojot līdzīgu barību, nevis starp putniem ir ģenētiska radniecība.

    Parasti baložu dzimtu iedala 5 apakšdzimtās, tomēr iespējams, ka apakšdzimtu skaits nav korekts. Klasifikācija, kas izmantota šajā rakstā, seko 1997. gada Baptista sistematizācijai, kas atjaunota un papildināta 2000., 2001. un 2002. gadā. Reizēm ģintīm nav zināma apakšdzimta, tām ir provizorisks vai nezināms iedalījums. Darbs pie baložu klasifikācijas joprojām tiek turpināts, izmantojot jaunākās ģenētisko pētījumu metodes. Šobrīd zinātnieki uzskata, ka pirmie baloži ir radušies Austrālijas reģionā, un vieni no senākajiem baložiem ir Treroninae apakšdzimtas baloži un tiem līdzīgie kā vainagbaloži un fazānbaloži.

    Baložu dzimtas putniem nav atrastas labi saglabājušās fosilijas. Viena no Francijā atrastajām miocēna fosilijām saukta Gerandia pēdējā laikā tiek uzskatīta par smilširbes fosiliju nevis par baloža fosiliju. Fragmentāri agrā miocēna fosilie kauli ir atrasti Jaunzēlandē, kuri tiek dēvēti par Rupephaps baložiem, un Floridā Arenicolumba baloži. Mūsdienās šādu baložu nav, un tās visas ir izmirušas formas.


    Zaļspārnu ūbele (Chalcophaps indica)
    Sārtā zemesūbele (Columbina talpacoti)
    Mindanao sarkankrūšu zemesbalodis (Gallicolumba crinigera)
    Raibais imperiālbalodis, (Ducula bicolor)
    Nikobaru balodis (Caloenas nicobarica)

    Baložveidīgo kārta (Columbiformes)


    1. World Bird List: Pigeons, 2018
    2. Kārta: Baložveidīgie putni; Ordo: Columbiformes
    3. «Austrumu ūbele». Latvijas putni. 2010-2-10. Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2009-08-26. Skatīts: 2010-02-10.
    4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    5. Lee R. Hagey et al; Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves (Columbiformes); Journal of Lipid Research
    6. Medieval Bestiary : Dove
    7. Sir Thomas Browne's Vulgar Errors III.iii: Of the Dove
    8. Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph. ed. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. pp. 115—116. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
    9. «Birding In Taiwan - White-bellied Green-Pigeon». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2010. gada 8. martā. Skatīts: 2010. gada 11. februārī.
    10. 10,0 10,1 Latvijas Dabas muzejā atgriežas baloži : Diena.lv
    11. Walker, J. (2007) "Geographical patterns of threat among pigeons and doves (Columbidae)" Oryx 41 (3): 289-299.
    12. Socorro Dove (Zenaida graysoni) - BirdLife species factsheet

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    Baložu dzimta: Brief Summary ( Latvian )

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    Baloži, baložu dzimta (Columbidae) ir vienīgā baložveidīgo putnu kārtas (Columbiformes) dzimta. Baložu dzimtas putnus sauc arī par dūjām un ūbelēm. Visbiežāk mazākos baložu dzimtas putnus sauc par ūbelēm, bet lielākos par baložiem. Baložu dzimtā ir 344 sugas, kas tiek iedalītas 49 ģintīs.

    Baložu dzimta ir adaptējusies visa veida biomām. Vislielākā sugu dažādība dzīvo tropiskajos reģionos. Tropu baloži var būt gan dzīvojoši kokos, gan uz zemes, gan daļēji kokos un daļēji uz zemes. Ir sugas, kas dzīvo savannā, klajās vietās ar skraju koku audzi, tuksnešos, pustuksnešos, dažādos mežos, mangrovju audzēs un smilšainajos jūras krastos.

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    Columbidae ( Malay )

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    Columbidae adalah satu keluarga burung yang terdiri daripada merpati dan punai (diistilahkan sebagai pigeon dan dove dalam bahasa Inggeris). Ia mempunyai badan bulat, leher pendek, paruh bengkok pendek dan pada beberapa spesies mempunyai cere berdaging. Makanan mereka terdiri daripada bijiran, buah-buahan dan tumbuhan. Keluarga burung Columbidae boleh ditemui di seluruh dunia tetapi kepelbagaian spesies boleh didapati di ekozon Indomalaya dan Australasia.

    Order Columbiformes yang merangkumi merpati dan punai ini termasuk sekitar 42 genera dan 310 spesies.

    Perbezaan antara "dove" (punai) dan "pigeon" (merpati) tidak konsisten dalam bahasa Inggeris dan tidak wujud dalam kebanyakan bahasa-bahasa lain. Berlawanan dalam bidang saintifik dan ornitologi, di mana "dove" cenderung merujuk pada spesies yang lebih kecil manakala "pigeon" untuk yang lebih besar; tetapi istilah ini juga tidak digunakan secara konsisten. Dari segi sejarah, nama-nama biasa bagi burung-burung ini melibatkan kesan perbezaan yang jauh. Burung ini biasanya dirujuk sebagai "pigeon" (merpati) adalah merpati domestik, di mana menjadi kebiasaan di kebanyakan bandar-bandar dengan nama merpati feral.

    Pigeon (merpati) merupakan sebuah perkataan Perancis yang diterbitkan daripada perkataan Latin pipio, merujuk pada seekor anak burung "mengintai",[2] sementara dove (punai) adalah sebuah perkataan Jermanik yang merujuk pada "penerbangan junam" yang dimiliki oleh spesies burung ini.[3] The English dialectal word "culver" appears to derive from Latin columba.[2]

    Merpati dan punai membina sarang nipis, sering kali menggunakan ranting kayu atau sampah sarap lain, yang mana terletak di atas pokok, belebas atau tanah bergantung pada spesies. Ia bertelur sebiji atau dua biji pada suatu masa, dan kedua-dua ibu dan bapa akan menjaga anaknya, yang mana akan meninggalkan sarang selepas 7–28 hari.[4] Tidak seperti kebanyakan burung-burung lain, kedua-dua jantina merpati dan punai akan menghasilkan "susu tembolok" untuk diberi kepada anaknya. Susu ini dihasilkan oleh satu kulit yang dipenuhi sel-sel cecair daripada lapisan tembolok. Merpati dan punai muda dipanggil "squab".

    Taksonomi dan sistematik

    Keluarga Columbidae telah diperkenalkan oleh ahli zoologi Inggeris William Elford Leach dalam satu panduan kandungan Muzium British yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1820.[5][6] Columbidae merupakan satu-satunya keluarga hidup dalam order Columbiformes. Sandgrouse (Pteroclidae) dahulunya diletakkan di sini, sebelum dipindahkan ke order Pterocliformes berlainan berdasarkan perbezaan anatomi (contohnya ia tidak boleh minum dengan cara "menghisap" atau "mengepam");[7] mereka kini dianggap berkait rapat dengan burung pantai.[8] Kajian pilogenomik terkini menyokong pengumpulan burung merpati dan sandgrouse bersama-sama, begitu juga mesite, membentuk takson dalam Mirandornithes.[9][10][11][12]

    Columbidae biasanya dibahagikan kepada lima sub-keluarga, berkemungkinan tidak berapa tepat.[13] Contohnya, punai tanah dan punai-puyuh Amerika (Geotrygon), di mana biasanya diletakkan dalam genus Columbinae, kelihatan adalah dua sub-keluarga yang berbeza.[14] The order presented here follows Baptista et al. (1997),[15] with some updates.[16][17][18]

    The arrangement of genera and naming of subfamilies is in some cases provisional because analyses of different DNA sequences yield results that differ, often radically, in the placement of certain (mainly Indo-Australian) genera.[petikan diperlukan] This ambiguity, probably caused by long branch attraction, seems to confirm the first pigeons evolved in the Australasian region, and that the "Treronidae" and allied forms (crowned and pheasant pigeons, for example) represent the earliest radiation of the group.[petikan diperlukan]

    The family Columbidae previously also contained the family Raphidae, consisting of the extinct Rodrigues solitaire and the dodo.[18][19][20] These species are in all likelihood part of the Indo-Australian radiation that produced the three small subfamilies mentioned above,[21] with the fruit doves and pigeons (including the Nicobar pigeon). Therefore, they are here included as a subfamily Raphinae, pending better material evidence of their exact relationships.[22]

    Exacerbating these issues, columbids are not well represented in the fossil record.[23] No truly primitive forms have been found to date.[petikan diperlukan] The genus Gerandia has been described from Early Miocene deposits in France, but while it was long believed to be a pigeon,[24] it is now considered a sandgrouse.[25] Fragmentary remains of a probably "ptilinopine" Early Miocene pigeon were found in the Bannockburn Formation of New Zealand and described as Rupephaps;[25] "Columbina" prattae from roughly contemporary deposits of Florida is nowadays tentatively separated in Arenicolumba, but its distinction from Columbina/Scardafella and related genera needs to be more firmly established (e.g. by cladistic analysis).[26] Apart from that, all other fossils belong to extant genera.[27]

    Anak merpati
    Pergam batu sedang terbang
    Pergam batu sedang bercumbuan


    Taksonomi berdasarkan hasil kerja oleh John H. Boyd, III,[28] seorang professor ekonomi.[29]

    Columbinae Zenaidini

    Starnoenas (Blue-headed partridge-dove) Giuseppe Arcimboldo - Blue-Headed Quail-Dove - WGA00861.jpg

    Geotrygon (punai-puyuh) Geotrygon versicolor 1849.jpg

    Leptotila Leptotila plumbeiceps 1902.jpg

    Leptotrygon (punai-puyuh belakang zaitun) GeotrygonRufiventrisSmit.jpg

    Zenaida Zenaida macroura1.jpg

    Zentrygon Zentrygon frenata (cropped).jpg


    Ectopistes (Tekukur Passenger) Passenger pigeon 6.jpg

    Patagioenas (Merpati Amerika) Patagioenas fasciata 5.jpg

    Reinwardtoena Reinwardtoena reinwardtii.jpg

    Turacoena Turacoena manadensis Prêtre.jpg

    Macropygia (Tekukur Api) Macropygia amboinensis albicapilla 1898.jpg

    Streptopelia (Tekukur Berkolar) Streptopelia chinensis -Kuala Lumpur Bird Park-8a.jpg

    Columba (Merpati Dunia Lama) Columba livia Luc Viatour.jpg

    Nesoenas Pink Pigeon RWD2.jpg

    Spilopelia Laughing dove (Spilopelia senegalensis cambayensis).jpg


    Claravis Claravis pretiosa 2zz.jpg

    Uropelia (punai tanah ekor panjang) Long-tailed Ground Dove (Uropelia campestris) (28106329484).jpg

    Metriopelia Metriopelia ceciliae in Bolivia.jpg

    Columbina [Scardafella] Columbina talpacoti.jpg

    Raphinae Phabini

    ?Henicophaps NovitatesZoologicae18 Pl01.png

    Gallicolumba (Punai jantung berdarah) Australien2010 0547 LuzonBleedingHeart.jpg

    Alopecoenas Purple Ground Dove RWD.jpg

    Ocyphaps (Tekukur jambul) Ocyphaps lophotes - Lake Parramatta Reserve.jpg

    Petrophassa (Pergam Batu) PetrophassaRufipennisKeulemans.jpg

    Leucosarcia (Merpati Wonga) Leucosarcia melanoleuca - Brunkerville.jpg

    Geopelia (Merbuk/ketitir) Geopelia striata 1 crop - Chinese Garden.jpg

    Phaps Bronze wing444.jpg

    Geophaps Spinifex pigeon Jim Bendon.jpg


    Trugon (thick-billed ground pigeon) Trugon.jpg

    Microgoura (Choiseul crested pigeon) Microgoura meeki.jpg

    Otidiphaps (pheasant pigeon) OtidiphapsInsularisKeulemans.jpg

    Goura (Punai mahkota) GouraScheepmakeriFinsch.jpg

    Didunculus (merpati paruh gigi) Tooth-billed Pigeon.jpg

    Caloenas (Merpati Nicobar) Nicobar.pigeon.750pix.jpg

    Raphus (Dodo) Frohawk Dodo.png

    Pezophaps (Rodrigues solitaire) Pezophaps solitaria.png


    Treron (Punai Hijau) SphenocercusFormosaeKeulemans.jpg


    Phapitreron (Punai perang) White Eared Brown Dove.jpg

    Chalcophaps (Punai Tanah) Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica indica).jpg

    Oena (Namaqua dove) Oena capensis -near Kambi ya Tembo, Arusha, Tanzania-8, crop.jpg

    Turtur (Punai kayu Afrika) Turtur chalcospilos -Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve, South Africa-8.jpg


    Ducula (Pergam) Ducula poliocephala Mitchell.jpg

    [Ptilinopus; Drepanoptila; Alectroenas] (Punai Buah) Ptilinopus porphyrea2.jpg

    Hemiphaga (Punai New Zealand) Keulemans, John Gerrard 1842-1912 -New Zealand pigeon. Carpophaga Novae Zealandiae. (one-half natural size). - J. G. Keulemans delt. and lith. (Plate XXIV. 1888). (21014153784).jpg

    Lopholaimus (Punai Topknot) Lopholaimus antarcticus lithograph.jpg

    Cryptophaps (Merpati Sombre)

    Gymnophaps (Pergam Gunung) ColumbaMadaKeulemans.jpg


    Punai tanah biasa adalah salah satu spesies terkecil dalam keluarga ini.

    Saiz dan perawakan

    Pigeons and doves exhibit considerable variation in size, ranging in length from 15 hingga 75 sentimeter (5.9 hingga 29.5 in), and in weight from 30 g (0.066 lb) to above 2,000 g (4.4 lb).[30] The largest species is the crowned pigeon of New Guinea,[31] which is nearly turkey-sized, at a weight of 2–4 kg (4.4–8.8 lb).[32] The smallest is the New World ground dove of the genus Columbina, which is the same size as a house sparrow, weighing as little as 22 g (0.049 lb).[15] The dwarf fruit dove, which may measure as little as 13 cm (5.1 in), has a marginally smaller total length than any other species from this family.[15] One of the largest arboreal species, the Marquesan imperial pigeon, currently battles extinction.[33]

    Anatomi dan fisiologi

    Overall, the anatomy of Columbidae is characterized by short legs, short bills with a fleshy cere, and small heads on large, compact bodies.[34] Like some other birds, the Columbidae have no gall bladders.[35] Some medieval naturalists concluded they have no bile (gall), which in the medieval theory of the four humours explained the allegedly sweet disposition of doves.[36] In fact, however, they do have bile (as Aristotle had earlier realized), which is secreted directly into the gut.[37]

    A landing pigeon displays the contour and flight feathers of its wings.

    The wings are large, and have eleven primary feathers;[38] pigeons have strong wing muscles (wing muscles comprise 31–44% of their body weight[39]) and are among the strongest fliers of all birds.[38]

    In a series of experiments in 1975 by Dr. Mark B. Friedman, using doves, their characteristic head bobbing was shown to be due to their natural desire to keep their vision constant.[40] It was shown yet again in a 1978 experiment by Dr. Barrie J. Frost, in which pigeons were placed on treadmills; it was observed that they did not bob their heads, as their surroundings were constant.[41]


    Pigeon feather types, excluding down.

    Columbidae have unique body feathers, with the shaft being generally broad, strong, and flattened, tapering to a fine point, abruptly.[38] In general, the aftershaft is absent; however, small ones on some tail and wing feathers may be present .[42] Body feathers have very dense, fluffy bases, are attached loosely into the skin, and drop out easily.[43] Possibly serving as a predator avoidance mechanism,[44] large numbers of feathers fall out in the attacker's mouth if the bird is snatched, facilitating the bird's escape. The plumage of the family is variable.[45] Granivorous species tend to have dull plumage, with a few exceptions, whereas the frugivorous species have brightly coloured plumage.[15] The Ptilinopus (fruit doves) are some of the brightest coloured pigeons, with the three endemic species of Fiji and the Indian Ocean Alectroenas being the brightest. Pigeons and doves may be sexually monochromatic or dichromatic.[46] In addition to bright colours, pigeons may sport crests or other ornamentation.[47]


    Animation of flying pigeons

    Columbidae are excellent fliers due to the lift provided by their large wings, which results in low wing loading;[48] They are highly maneuverable in flight[49] and have a low aspect ratio due to the width of their wings, allowing for quick flight launches and ability to escape from predators, but at a high energy cost.[50]

    Taburan dan habitat

    Merbuk atau ketitir boleh ditemui di seluruh dunia.

    Merpati dan punai boleh ditemuai hampir di seluruh dunia kecuali kawasan paling kering di padang pasir Sahara, Antartika dan kawasan pulau-pulau di sekelilinginya, dan Artik.[30] Ia juga mendiami kebanyakan pulau-pulau di lautan dunia, mencapai timur Polynesia dan kepulauan Chatham di Pasifik, Mauritius, Seychelles dan Réunion di Lautan Hindi, dan Azores di Lautan Atlantik.

    The family has adapted to most of the habitats available on the planet. These species may be arboreal, terrestrial, or semi-terrestrial. Various species also inhabit savannas, grasslands, deserts, temperate woodlands and forests, mangrove forests, and even the barren sands and gravels of atolls.[51]

    Some species have large natural ranges. The eared dove ranges across the entirety of South America from Colombia to Tierra del Fuego,[52] the Eurasian collared dove has a massive (if discontinuous) distribution from Britain across Europe, the Middle East, India, Pakistan and China,[53] and the laughing dove across most of sub-Saharan Africa, as well as India, Pakistan, and the Middle East.[54] Other species have tiny, restricted distributions; this is most common in island endemics. The whistling dove is endemic to the tiny Kadavu Island in Fiji,[55] the Caroline ground dove is restricted to two islands, Truk and Pohnpei in the Caroline Islands,[56] and the Grenada dove is restricted to Grenada in the Caribbean.[57] Some continental species also have tiny distributions; for example, the black-banded fruit dove is restricted to a small area of the Arnhem Land of Australia,[58] the Somali pigeon is restricted to a tiny area of northern Somalia,[59] and Moreno's ground dove is restricted to the area around Salta and Tucuman in northern Argentina.[15]

    The largest range of any species is that of the rock dove.[60] This species had a large natural distribution from Britain and Ireland to northern Africa, across Europe, Arabia, Central Asia, India, the Himalayas and up into China and Mongolia.[60] The range of the species increased dramatically upon domestication, as the species went feral in cities around the world.[60] The species is currently resident across most of North America, and has established itself in cities and urban areas in South America, sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.[60] The species is not the only pigeon to have increased its range due to the actions of man; several other species have become established outside of their natural range after escaping captivity, and other species have increased their natural ranges due to habitat changes caused by human activity.[15]


    Merpati jantan boleh berpasangan dengan betina lain.[61]


    White-bellied green pigeon sedang memakan buah.

    Bijiran dan buah-buahan membentuk komponen sumber makanan diet utama bagi merpati dan punai.[30][62] Faktanya, keluarga ini boleh dikelaskan kepada dua iaitu pemakan bijiran atau spesoes granivorous (sub-keluarga Columbinae) dan pemakan buah-buahan atau spesies frugivorous (empat sub-keluarga yang lain).[63] The granivorous species typically feed on seed found on the ground, whereas the frugivorous species tend to feed in trees.[63] There are morphological adaptations that can be used to distinguish between the two groups: granivores tend to have thick walls in their gizzards, intestines, and esophagi whereas the frugivores tend to have thin walls.[30] In addition, fruit-eating species have short intestines whereas those that eat seeds have longer ones.[64] Frugivores are capable of clinging to branches and even hang upside down to reach fruit.[15][63]

    Selain daripada buahan dan bjiran, sejumlah jenis makanan lain juga dimakan oleh banyak spesies. Beberapa spesies terutamanya punai tanah dan punai-puyuh, memakan sejumlah makanan berdaging seperti serangga dan cacing.[63] Satu spesies, atoll fruit dove memakan serangga dan reptilia.[63] Siput, rama-rama dan serangga lain juga dimakan oleh white-crowned pigeon, orange fruit dove dan ruddy ground dove.[15]

    Status and conservation

    While many species of pigeons and doves have benefited from human activities and have increased their ranges, many other species have declined in numbers and some have become threatened or even succumbed to extinction.[65] Among the ten species to have become extinct since 1600 (the conventional date for estimating modern extinctions) are two of the most famous extinct species, the dodo and the passenger pigeon.[65]

    The passenger pigeon was exceptional for a number of reasons. In modern times, it is the only pigeon species that was not an island species to have become extinct[65] even though it was once the most numerous species of bird on Earth.[petikan diperlukan] Its former numbers are difficult to estimate, but one ornithologist, Alexander Wilson, estimated one flock he observed contained over two billion birds.[66] The decline of the species was abrupt; in 1871, a breeding colony was estimated to contain over a hundred million birds, yet the last individual in the species was dead by 1914.[67] Although habitat loss was a contributing factor, the species is thought to have been massively over-hunted, being used as food for slaves and, later, the poor, in the United States throughout the 19th century.[petikan diperlukan]

    The dodo, and its extinction, was more typical of the extinctions of pigeons in the past. Like many species that colonise remote islands with few predators, it lost much of its predator avoidance behaviour, along with its ability to fly.[68] The arrival of people, along with a suite of other introduced species such as rats, pigs, and cats, quickly spelled the end for this species and all the other island forms that have become extinct.[68]

    Around 59 species of pigeons and doves are threatened with extinction today, about 19% of all species.[69] Most of these are tropical and live on islands. All of the species are threatened by introduced predators, habitat loss, hunting, or a combination of these factors.[68] In some cases, they may be extinct in the wild, as is the Socorro dove of Socorro Island, Mexico, last seen in the wild in 1972, driven to extinction by habitat loss and introduced feral cats.[70] In some areas, a lack of knowledge means the true status of a species is unknown; the Negros fruit dove has not been seen since 1953,[71] and may or may not be extinct, and the Polynesian ground dove is classified as critically endangered, as whether it survives or not on remote islands in the far west of the Pacific Ocean is unknown.[72]

    Various conservation techniques are employed to prevent these extinctions, including laws and regulations to control hunting pressure, the establishment of protected areas to prevent further habitat loss, the establishment of captive populations for reintroduction back into the wild (ex situ conservation), and the translocation of individuals to suitable habitats to create additional populations.[68][73]


    Dickin Medal for the pigeon Royal Blue
    Cher Ami was awarded the Croix de Guerre.

    The pigeon was used in both World War I and II, notably by the Australian, French, German, American, and UK forces. They were also awarded with various laurels throughout, for their service. On 2 December 1943, three pigeons – Winkie, Tyke, and White Vision – were awarded the first ever Dickin medal, serving with Britain's Royal Air Force, for rescuing an air force crew during World War II.[74] Thirty-two pigeons have been decorated with the Dickin Medal, citing them for "brave service",[75] for war contributions, including Commando, G.I. Joe,[76] Paddy, Royal Blue, and William of Orange.[77]

    Cher Ami, a homing pigeon in World War I, was awarded the Croix de Guerre Medal, by France, with a palm Oak Leaf Cluster for her service in Verdun.[78] Despite having almost lost a leg and being shot in the chest, she managed to travel around twenty-five miles to deliver the message that saved 194 men of the Lost Battalion of the 77th Infantry Division in the Battle of the Argonne, in October 1918.[78][74] When Cher Ami died, she was mounted and is part of the permanent exhibit at the National Museum of American History of the Smithsonian Institution.[79]

    A grand ceremony was held in Buckingham Palace to commemorate a platoon of pigeons that braved the battlefields of Normandy to deliver vital plans to Allied forces on the fringes of Germany.[80] Three of the actual birds that received the medals are on show in the London Military Museum so that well-wishers can pay their respects.[80]


    Emperor Honorius is a historically prominent individual who kept pigeons as pets.

    The rock pigeon has been domesticated for hundreds of years.[81] It has been bred into several varieties kept by hobbyists, of which the best known is the homing pigeon or racing homer.[81] Other popular breeds are tumbling pigeons such as the Birmingham roller, and fancy varieties that are bred for certain physical characteristics such as large feathers on the feet or fan-shaped tails. Domesticated rock pigeons are also bred as carrier pigeons,[47] used for thousands of years to carry brief written messages,[82] and release doves used in ceremonies.[83] White doves are also commonly used in magic acts.[84]

    In religion

    Early fifth-century BC statue of Aphrodite from Cyprus, showing her wearing a cylinder crown and holding a dove
    God the Holy Spirit descending from heaven like a dove at the Baptism of Jesus depicted by Almeida Júnior
    Lihat juga: Doves as symbols

    In ancient Mesopotamia, doves were prominent animal symbols of Inanna-Ishtar, the goddess of love, sexuality, and war.[85][86] Doves are shown on cultic objects associated with Inanna as early as the beginning of the third millennium BC.[85] Lead dove figurines were discovered in the temple of Ishtar at Aššur, dating to the thirteenth century BC,[85] and a painted fresco from Mari, Syria, shows a giant dove emerging from a palm tree in the temple of Ishtar,[86] indicating that the goddess herself was sometimes believed to take the form of a dove.[86] In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim releases a dove and a raven to find land; the dove merely circles and returns.[87] Only then does Utnapishtim send forth the raven, which does not return, and Utnapishtim concludes the raven has found land.[87]

    In the ancient Levant, doves were used as symbols for the Canaanite mother goddess Asherah.[85][86][88] The ancient Greek word for "dove" was peristerá,[85][86] which may be derived from the Semitic phrase peraḥ Ištar, meaning "bird of Ishtar".[85] In classical antiquity, doves were sacred to the Greek goddess Aphrodite,[89][90][85][86] who absorbed this association with doves from Inanna-Ishtar.[86] Aphrodite frequently appears with doves in ancient Greek pottery.[89] The temple of Aphrodite Pandemos on the southwest slope of the Athenian Acropolis was decorated with relief sculptures of doves with knotted fillets in their beaks[89] and votive offerings of small, white, marble doves were discovered in the temple of Aphrodite at Daphni.[89] During Aphrodite's main festival, the Aphrodisia, her altars would be purified with the blood of a sacrificed dove.[91] Aphrodite's associations with doves influenced the Roman goddesses Venus and Fortuna, causing them to become associated with doves as well.[88]

    In the Hebrew Bible, doves or young pigeons are acceptable burnt offerings for those who cannot afford a more expensive animal.[92] In Genesis, Noah sends a dove out of the ark, but it came back to him because the floodwaters had not receded. Seven days later, he sent it again and it came back with an olive branch in her mouth, indicating the waters had receded enough for an olive tree to grow. "Dove" is also a term of endearment in the Song of Songs and elsewhere. In Hebrew, Jonah (יוֹנָה) means dove.[93] The "sign of Jonas" in [1] is related to the "sign of the dove".[94]

    Jesus's parents sacrificed doves on his behalf after his circumcision (Luke).[94] Later, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism like a dove (Matthew), and subsequently the "peace dove" became a common Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit.[94]

    In Islam, doves and the pigeon family in general are respected and favoured because they are believed to have assisted the final prophet of Islam, Muhammad, in distracting his enemies outside the cave of Thaw'r, in the great Hijra.[95] A pair of pigeons had built a nest and laid eggs at once, and a spider had woven cobwebs, which in the darkness of the night made the fugitives believe that Muhammad could not be in that cave.[95]

    Sebagai makanan

    Lihat juga: Squab (makanan)
    Merpati goreng dengan nasi timbel (nasi yang dibungkus dengan daun pisang), tempeh, tofu, dan sayur, makanan Sunda, Indonesia

    Beberapa spesies merpati dan punai digunakan sebagai sumber makanan; bagaimanapun hampir semua spesies boleh dimakan.[96] Merpati peliharaan atau buruan telah dijadikan sumber makanan sejak zaman Timur Tengah Tua, Rome Tua, dan Eropah Zaman Pertengahan.[75] Ia merupakan sumber daging biasa bagi Yahudi, Arab, Assam dan Perancis. Berdasarkan pada Tanakh, punai merupakan kosher, dan ia satu-satunya burung yang boleh digunakan sebagai seekor korban. Burung kosher lain boleh dimakan tetapi tidak sebagai seekor korban. Merpati juga digunakan dalam masakan Asia, seperti Cina dan Indonesia.

    Di Eopah, wood pigeon biasanya ditembak sebagai daging buruan,[97] sementara Pergam Batu yang asalnya dibiakkan sebagai spesies makanan, kemudian dikembangkan banyak baka-baka lain di sebabkan kualiti dagingnya.[51] Kepupusan merpati Passenger di Amerika Utara sebahagiannya diakibatkan oleh pemburuan untuk digunakan sebagai sumber makanan.[98] Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management mengandungi resipi-resipi merpati panggang dan pai merpati, sejenis makanan popular dan tidak mahal pada zaman industri Victoria di Britain.[99]

    Lihat juga


    1. ^ Farner, Donald (2012). Avian Biology. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-15799-5.
    2. ^ a b Douglas Harper. "pigeon". Online Etymology Dictionary.
    3. ^ Douglas Harper. "dove". Online Etymology Dictionary.
    4. ^ Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph, penyunting. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. m/s. 115–116. ISBN 978-1-85391-186-6.
    5. ^ Leach, William Elford (1820). "Eleventh Room". Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum (edisi 17th). London: British Museum. m/s. 65–70. OCLC 6213801. Meskipun nama pengarang tidak dinamakan dalam dokumen ini, Leach adalah seorang Penjaga Zoologi pada waktu itu.
    6. ^ Bock, Walter J. (1994). History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Number 222. New York: American Museum of Natural History. m/s. 139. hdl:2246/830.
    7. ^ Cade, Tom J.; Willoughby, Ernest J.; MacLean, Gordon L. (1966). "Drinking Behavior of Sandgrouse in the Namib and Kalahari Deserts, Africa" (PDF). The Auk. 83 (1): 124–126. doi:10.2307/4082983. JSTOR 4082983.
    8. ^ "Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves and Dodos)". Francis Hugh John Crome. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Michael Hutchins, Dennis A. Thoney, and Melissa C. McDade (eds.). Vol. 9: Birds II. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2004. pp. 241–246.
    9. ^ Jarvis, E. D.; Mirarab, S; Aberer, A. J.; Li, B; Houde, P; Li, C; Ho, S. Y.; Faircloth, B. C.; Nabholz, B; Howard, J. T.; Suh, A; Weber, C. C.; Da Fonseca, R. R.; Li, J; Zhang, F; Li, H; Zhou, L; Narula, N; Liu, L; Ganapathy, G; Boussau, B; Bayzid, M. S.; Zavidovych, V; Subramanian, S; Gabaldón, T; Capella-Gutiérrez, S; Huerta-Cepas, J; Rekepalli, B; Munch, K; dll. (2014). "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds". Science. 346 (6215): 1320–31. Bibcode:2014Sci...346.1320J. doi:10.1126/science.1253451. PMC 4405904Boleh dicapai secara percuma. PMID 25504713.
    10. ^ Fain, Matthew G.; Houde, Peter (2004). "Parallel radiations in the primary clades of birds". Evolution. 58 (11): 2558–2573. doi:10.1554/04-235. PMID 15612298.
    11. ^ Hackett, Shannon J.; dll. (2008). "A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History". Science. 320 (5884): 1763–1768. Bibcode:2008Sci...320.1763H. doi:10.1126/science.1157704. PMID 18583609.
    12. ^ Yuri, T.; dll. (2013). "Parsimony and Model-Based Analyses of Indels in Avian Nuclear Genes Reveal Congruent and Incongruent Phylogenetic Signals". Biology. 2 (1): 419–444. doi:10.3390/biology2010419. PMC 4009869Boleh dicapai secara percuma. PMID 24832669.
    13. ^ Allen, Barbara (2009). Pigeon. Reaktion Books. ISBN 978-1-86189-711-4.
    14. ^ Basically, the conventional treatment had two large subfamilies, one for the fruit doves, imperial pigeons, and fruit pigeons, and another for nearly all of the remaining species. Additionally, three monotypic subfamilies were noted, one each for the genera Goura, Otidiphaps, and Didunculus. The old subfamily Columbinae consists of five distinct lineages, whereas the other four groups are more or less accurate representations of the evolutionary relationships.
    15. ^ a b c d e f g h Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W.; Horblit, H. M. (1997). "Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons)". dalam del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. Handbook of birds of the worldPendaftaran percuma diperlukan. 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1.
    16. ^ Johnson, Kevin P.; Clayton, Dale H. (2000). "Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes)" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 14 (1): 141–151. doi:10.1006/mpev.1999.0682. PMID 10631048.
    17. ^ Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001). "A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba" (PDF). Auk. 118 (4): 874–887. doi:10.1642/0004-8038(2001)118[0874:AMPOTD]2.0.CO;2. hdl:20.500.11755/a92515bb-c1c6-4c0e-ae9a-849936c41ca2. JSTOR 4089839.Selenggaraan CS1: Menggunakan parameter authors (link)
    18. ^ a b Shapiro, Beth; Sibthorpe, Dean; Rambaut, Andrew; Austin, Jeremy; Wragg, Graham M.; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P.; Lee, Patricia L. M.; Cooper, Alan (2002). "Flight of the Dodo". Science. 295 (5560): 1683. doi:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683. PMID 11872833. Supplementary information
    19. ^ Janoo, Anwar (2005). "Discovery of isolated dodo bones Raphus cucullatus (L.), Aves, Columbiformes from Mauritius cave shelters highlights human predation, with a comment on the status of the family Raphidae Wetmore, 1930". Annales de Paléontologie. 91 (2): 167. doi:10.1016/j.annpal.2004.12.002.
    20. ^ Cheke, Anthony; Hume, Julian P. (2010). Lost Land of the Dodo: The Ecological History of Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4081-3305-7.
    21. ^ "dodo | extinct bird". Encyclopedia Britannica.
    22. ^ Christidis, Les; Boles, Walter E. (2008). Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-09964-7.
    23. ^ Fountaine, Toby M. R.; Benton, Michael J.; Dyke, Gareth J.; Nudds, Robert L. (2005). "The quality of the fossil record of Mesozoic birds". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 272 (1560): 289–294. doi:10.1098/rspb.2004.2923. PMC 1634967Boleh dicapai secara percuma. PMID 15705554.
    24. ^ Olson, Storrs L. (1985). "The fossil record of birds". dalam Farmer, Donald S.; King, James R.; Parkes, Kenneth C. Avian Biology, Vol. VIII. Academic Press. m/s. 79–238. hdl:10088/6553. ISBN 978-0-12-249408-6. The earliest dove yet known, from the early Miocene (Aquitanian) of France, was a small species named Columba calcaria by Milne-Edwards (1867–1871) from a single humerus, for which Lambrecht (1933) later created the genus Gerandia
    25. ^ a b Worthy, Trevor H.; Hand, Suzanne J.; Worthy, Jennifer P.; Tennyson, Alan J. D.; Scofield, R. Paul (2009). "A large fruit pigeon (Columbidae) from the Early Miocene of New Zealand". The Auk. 126 (3): 649–656. doi:10.1525/auk.2009.08244. Because Columba calcaria Milne-Edwards, 1867–1871, from the Lower Miocene at Saint-Gérand-le-Puy in France, is now also considered a sandgrouse, as Gerandia calcaria (Mlíkovský 2002), there is no pre-Pliocene columbid record in Europe.
    26. ^ "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". fossilworks.org.
    27. ^ Mayr, Gerald (2009). Paleogene Fossil Birds. Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-89628-9.
    28. ^ Boyd, John H., III (2007). "COLUMBEA: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae". JBoyd.net. Dicapai 30 December 2015.
    29. ^ Boyd, John H., III. "John Boyd's Home Page". JBoyd.net. Dicapai 11 January 2017.
    30. ^ a b c d "Columbidae (doves and pigeons)". Animal Diversity Web.
    31. ^ "Victoria crowned-pigeon videos, photos and facts – Goura victoria". Arkive. Diarkibkan daripada asal pada 24 April 2017. Dicapai 23 April 2017. Parameter |url-status= tidak diketahui diabaikan (bantuan)
    32. ^ "Southern crowned-pigeon videos, photos and facts – Goura scheepmakeri". Arkive. Diarkibkan daripada asal pada 24 April 2017. Dicapai 23 April 2017. Parameter |url-status= tidak diketahui diabaikan (bantuan)
    33. ^ Thorsen, M., Blanvillain, C., & Sulpice, R. (2002). Reasons for decline, conservation needs, and a translocation of the critically endangered upe (Marquesas imperial pigeon, Ducula galeata), French Polynesia. Department of Conservation.
    34. ^ Smith, Paul. "COLUMBIDAE Pigeons and Doves FAUNA PARAGUAY". www.faunaparaguay.com.
    35. ^ Hagey, LR; Schteingart, CD; Ton-Nu, HT; Hofmann, AF (1994). "Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves (Columbiformes)" (PDF). Journal of Lipid Research. 35 (11): 2041–8. PMID 7868982.
    36. ^ "Doves". The Medieval Bestiary. Dicapai 31 January 2010.
    37. ^ Browne, Thomas (1646). Pseudodoxia Epidemica. III.iii (edisi 1672). available online at University of Chicago. Dicapai 31 January 2010.
    38. ^ a b c "Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves, and Dodos) – Dictionary definition of Columbiformes (Pigeons, Doves, and Dodos)". www.encyclopedia.com.
    39. ^ Clairmont, Patsy (2014). Twirl: A Fresh Spin at Life. Harper Collins. ISBN 978-0-8499-2299-2.
    40. ^ "Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk? Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress". www.loc.gov.
    41. ^ Necker, R (2007). "Head-bobbing of walking birds" (PDF). Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 193 (12): 1177–83. doi:10.1007/s00359-007-0281-3. PMID 17987297.
    42. ^ Schodde, Richard; Mason, I. J. (1997). Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06037-1.
    43. ^ Skutch, A. F. (1964). "Life Histories of Central American Pigeons" (PDF). Wilson Bulletin. 76 (3): 211.
    44. ^ "DiversityofLife2012 – Pigeon". diversityoflife2012.wikispaces.com.
    45. ^ Hilty, Steven L. (2002). Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1-4008-3409-9.
    46. ^ Valdez, Diego Javier; Benitez-Vieyra, Santiago Miguel (2016). "A Spectrophotometric Study of Plumage Color in the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata), the Most Abundant South American Columbiforme". PLoS ONE. 11 (5): e0155501. Bibcode:2016PLoSO..1155501V. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155501. PMC 4877085Boleh dicapai secara percuma. PMID 27213273.
    47. ^ a b "Pigeon family Columbidae". creagrus.home.montereybay.com.
    48. ^ Alerstam, Thomas (1993). Bird Migration. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-44822-2.
    49. ^ Forshaw, Joseph; Cooper, William (2015). Pigeons and Doves in Australia. Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4863-0405-9.
    50. ^ Pap, Péter L.; Osváth, Gergely; Sándor, Krisztina; Vincze, Orsolya; Bărbos, Lőrinc; Marton, Attila; Nudds, Robert L.; Vágási, Csongor I. (2015). Williams, Tony, penyunting. "Interspecific variation in the structural properties of flight feathers in birds indicates adaptation to flight requirements and habitat". Functional Ecology (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 29 (6): 746–757. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12419.
    51. ^ a b "Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae) – Dictionary definition of Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae)". www.encyclopedia.com.
    52. ^ "Zenaida auriculata (eared dove)". Animal Diversity Web.
    53. ^ "Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) detail". natureconservation.in. 5 February 2019.
    54. ^ "Laughing Dove This Bird Is Native To Subsaharan Africa The Middle East And India Where It Is Known As The Little Brown Dove It Inhabits Scrubland And Feeds On Grass Seeds And Grain Stock Photo". www.gettyimages.in. Diarkibkan daripada asal pada 25 April 2017. Dicapai 24 April 2017. Parameter |url-status= tidak diketahui diabaikan (bantuan)
    55. ^ "Whistling Fruit Doves". www.beautyofbirds.com.
    56. ^ Gibbs, David (2010). Pigeons and Doves: A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4081-3555-6.
    57. ^ "Grenada Dove (Leptotila wellsi) - BirdLife species factsheet". datazone.birdlife.org.
    58. ^ Schodde, Richard; Mason, I. J. (1997). Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). Csiro Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06037-1.
    59. ^ "Somali Pigeon (Columba oliviae)". www.hbw.com.
    60. ^ a b c d "Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) aka Feral or Domestic Pigeons". www.beautyofbirds.com.
    61. ^ Shehzad Zareen; Hameed Ur Rehman; Raqeebullah; Abid Ur Rehman (2016). "Fidelity Analysis among Mates of Different Breeds of Columba livia, District Kohat, KPK, Pakistan" (PDF). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 4 (4): 195–197. Dicapai 20 August 2016.
    62. ^ "What Do Doves Eat – Best Food For Doves". www.birdfeedersspot.com.
    63. ^ a b c d e "Pigeons And Doves – What's The Differance?". birdsofeden.co.za. 22 July 2011.
    64. ^ Campbell, Bruce; Lack, Elizabeth (2010). A Dictionary of Birds. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4081-3838-0.
    65. ^ a b c Society, National Geographic. "Species Extinction Time Line | Animals Lost SInce 1600". National Geographic.
    66. ^ "The Birds". The New Yorker. 6 January 2014.
    67. ^ "Passenger Pigeon". Nebraska Bird Library.
    68. ^ a b c d Gibbs, David (2010). Pigeons and Doves: A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World. A&C Black. ISBN 978-1-4081-3556-3.
    69. ^ Walker, J. (2007). "Geographical patterns of threat among pigeons and doves (Columbidae)". Oryx. 41 (3): 289–299. doi:10.1017/S0030605307001016.
    70. ^ BirdLife International (2009). "Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni". Data Zone. BirdLife International. Dicapai 26 June 2009.
    71. ^ "Ptilinopus arcanus (Negros Fruit-dove, Negros Fruit Dove, Negros Fruit-Dove)". www.iucnredlist.org.
    72. ^ "Alopecoenas erythropterus (Polynesian Ground-dove, Polynesian Ground Dove, Polynesian Ground-Dove, Society Islands Ground-dove, White-collared Ground-dove)". www.iucnredlist.org.
    73. ^ Tidemann, Sonia C.; Gosler, Andrew (2012). Ethno-ornithology: "Birds, Indigenous Peoples, Culture and Society". Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-54384-5.
    74. ^ a b "Pigeons Awarded First Dickin Medals for Bravery ⋆ History Channel". History Channel. 20 June 2016.
    75. ^ a b Eastman, John (2000). The Eastman Guide to Birds: Natural History Accounts for 150 North American Species. Stackpole Books. ISBN 978-0-8117-4552-9.
    76. ^ "See some of the 67 animals who've been handed the Dickin Medal for bravery". BBC. 5 April 2016.
    77. ^ "The Dickin Medal". www.forces-war-records.co.uk.
    78. ^ a b "Cher Ami". National Museum of American History.
    79. ^ "Cher Ami "Dear Friend" WWI". Flickr. 25 September 2006. Dicapai 26 April 2008.
    80. ^ a b "Aerial athletes". New Age Xtra.
    81. ^ a b Shapiro, Michael D.; Domyan, Eric T. (2013). "Domestic pigeons". Current Biology. 23 (8): R302–R303. Bibcode:1996CBio....6.1213A. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.063. PMC 4854524Boleh dicapai secara percuma. PMID 23618660.
    82. ^ "WysInfo Docuwebs – The Columbidae Family". www.wysinfo.com.
    83. ^ "Release of White Doves for your wedding from Pangroove Elegant Events In Barbados". www.pangroove.com.
    84. ^ "White Dove". Animal World.
    85. ^ a b c d e f g Botterweck, G. Johannes; Ringgren, Helmer (1990). Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. VI. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. m/s. 35–36. ISBN 978-0-8028-2330-4.
    86. ^ a b c d e f g Lewis, Sian; Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd (2018). The Culture of Animals in Antiquity: A Sourcebook with Commentaries. New York City, New York and London, England: Routledge. m/s. 335. ISBN 978-1-315-20160-3.
    87. ^ a b Kovacs, Maureen Gallery (1989). The Epic of Gilgamesh. Stanford University Press. m/s. 102. ISBN 978-0-8047-1711-3.
    88. ^ a b Resig, Dorothy D. The Enduring Symbolism of Doves, From Ancient Icon to Biblical Mainstay" Diarkibkan 31 January 2013 di Wayback Machine., BAR Magazine.
    89. ^ a b c d Cyrino, Monica S. (2010). Aphrodite. Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World. New York City, New York and London, England: Routledge. m/s. 120–123. ISBN 978-0-415-77523-6.
    90. ^ Tinkle, Theresa (1996). Medieval Venuses and Cupids: Sexuality, Hermeneutics, and English Poetry. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. m/s. 81. ISBN 978-0804725156.
    91. ^ Simon, Erika (1983). Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Companion. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 978-0-299-09184-2.
    92. ^ Freedman, David Noel; Myers, Allen C. (2000). Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 978-90-5356-503-2.
    93. ^ Yonah Jonah Blue Letter Bible. Blueletterbible.org. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    94. ^ a b c God's Kingdom Ministries serious Bible Study Chapter 12: The Sign of Jonah. Gods-kingdom-ministries.net. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    95. ^ a b "The Dawn of Prophethood". Al-Islam.org. 18 October 2012.
    96. ^ Eggs. Cooking Methods & Materials, Critter Cuisine
    97. ^ "TPWD: Doves and Pigeons – Introducing Birds to Young Naturalists". tpwd.texas.gov.
    98. ^ "Why the Passenger Pigeon Went Extinct". Audubon. 17 April 2014.
    99. ^ CHAPTER 40 – DINNERS AND DINING Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management. Mrsbeeton.com. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.

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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Malay )

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    Columbidae adalah satu keluarga burung yang terdiri daripada merpati dan punai (diistilahkan sebagai pigeon dan dove dalam bahasa Inggeris). Ia mempunyai badan bulat, leher pendek, paruh bengkok pendek dan pada beberapa spesies mempunyai cere berdaging. Makanan mereka terdiri daripada bijiran, buah-buahan dan tumbuhan. Keluarga burung Columbidae boleh ditemui di seluruh dunia tetapi kepelbagaian spesies boleh didapati di ekozon Indomalaya dan Australasia.

    Order Columbiformes yang merangkumi merpati dan punai ini termasuk sekitar 42 genera dan 310 spesies.

    Perbezaan antara "dove" (punai) dan "pigeon" (merpati) tidak konsisten dalam bahasa Inggeris dan tidak wujud dalam kebanyakan bahasa-bahasa lain. Berlawanan dalam bidang saintifik dan ornitologi, di mana "dove" cenderung merujuk pada spesies yang lebih kecil manakala "pigeon" untuk yang lebih besar; tetapi istilah ini juga tidak digunakan secara konsisten. Dari segi sejarah, nama-nama biasa bagi burung-burung ini melibatkan kesan perbezaan yang jauh. Burung ini biasanya dirujuk sebagai "pigeon" (merpati) adalah merpati domestik, di mana menjadi kebiasaan di kebanyakan bandar-bandar dengan nama merpati feral.

    Pigeon (merpati) merupakan sebuah perkataan Perancis yang diterbitkan daripada perkataan Latin pipio, merujuk pada seekor anak burung "mengintai", sementara dove (punai) adalah sebuah perkataan Jermanik yang merujuk pada "penerbangan junam" yang dimiliki oleh spesies burung ini. The English dialectal word "culver" appears to derive from Latin columba.

    Merpati dan punai membina sarang nipis, sering kali menggunakan ranting kayu atau sampah sarap lain, yang mana terletak di atas pokok, belebas atau tanah bergantung pada spesies. Ia bertelur sebiji atau dua biji pada suatu masa, dan kedua-dua ibu dan bapa akan menjaga anaknya, yang mana akan meninggalkan sarang selepas 7–28 hari. Tidak seperti kebanyakan burung-burung lain, kedua-dua jantina merpati dan punai akan menghasilkan "susu tembolok" untuk diberi kepada anaknya. Susu ini dihasilkan oleh satu kulit yang dipenuhi sel-sel cecair daripada lapisan tembolok. Merpati dan punai muda dipanggil "squab".

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    Duiven (vogels) ( Dutch; Flemish )

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    Tuin met duivenhok Vista-kmixdocked.png

    Duiven (Columbidae) vormen een familie van meestal middelgrote, compact gebouwde vogels met volle, ronde borst en kleine kop. Ze hebben een snelle, meestal rechtlijnige vlucht. Ze kunnen in tegenstelling tot andere vogels water met de snavel opzuigen. De jonge duiven worden met duivenmelk uit de krop gevoerd. Het mannetje heet doffer en het vrouwtje wordt duivin of gewoon duif genoemd.


    Een duif broedt zo'n zestien tot twintig dagen in een eenvoudig, wat rommelig gemaakt nest. Als de jongen geboren worden zijn ze blind en bedekt met dun geel dons. Na drie à zes dagen gaan de oogjes van de jongen open en na elf dagen krijgen de jongen veren. De moeder stopt het voederen na ongeveer zestien dagen, dan eet het jong zelf. Na 25 dagen kan het jong vliegen.

    Gebruik door de mens

    Duiven worden al lang gehouden door de mens; als pluimvee, om ze (in duiventillen) vet te mesten en op te eten, als sierduif en vooral ook als postduif vanwege hun fenomenale oriëntatievermogen. Al in de vijfde dynastie van het oude Egypte (2500-2350 v.Chr.) waren er tamme duiven. Hiervan zijn tekeningen gevonden in een graf uit die periode.

    In vroeger jaren kende men onder het ancien régime het Duivenrecht. Alleen de adel en de geestelijkheid was het recht voorbehouden om duiven te houden.

    In de Tachtigjarige Oorlog werd de duif al gebruikt om berichten over te brengen vanuit belegerde steden. In de Eerste Wereldoorlog gebruikten zowel het Duitse leger als de geallieerden postduiven.

    Tijdens de Olympische Zomerspelen van 1900 in Parijs stond het afschieten van levende duiven op het programma. Er werden bij dit onderdeel ongeveer 300 vogels gedood. Het onderdeel werd daarna geschrapt. De vogels werden op de Olympische Zomerspelen van 1912 in Stockholm vervangen door kleiduiven.

    Houtduiven zijn soms te koop bij de poelier. Ook wordt soep gemaakt van de duif.[1]


    De duif staat symbool voor verschillende dingen:


    In België en Nederland komt een aantal duivensoorten voor, waarvan sommige zich sterk aan de mens hebben aangepast. De rotsduif bijvoorbeeld is een voorouder van de tamme stadsduif die overal in de grote steden aangetroffen kan worden, volgens sommigen zelfs in te groten getale. Voor veel mensen is de stadsduif de duif, maar een duif als de Turkse tortel of de houtduif komt ook zeer veel voor in Europa. In de tweede helft van januari 2010 is in Nederland, in Warga, voor het eerst één oosterse tortel gespot.[3]


    De volgende geslachten zijn bij de familie ingedeeld:[4]



    Zie ook

    Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
    1. Nijkamp J., Rook R., Slijper H. en Zweers K. (1976). De 12 maanden van het jaar. Utrecht/Antwerpen: Het Spectrum.
    2. Hall, J. (2000). Hall's Iconografisch Handboek. Leiden: Primavera Pers.
    3. Dutch avifauna
    4. (en) F. Gill, M. Wright D. & Donsker (2015) - IOC World Bird Names (version 5.4)

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    Duiven (vogels): Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

    provided by wikipedia NL

    Duiven (Columbidae) vormen een familie van meestal middelgrote, compact gebouwde vogels met volle, ronde borst en kleine kop. Ze hebben een snelle, meestal rechtlijnige vlucht. Ze kunnen in tegenstelling tot andere vogels water met de snavel opzuigen. De jonge duiven worden met duivenmelk uit de krop gevoerd. Het mannetje heet doffer en het vrouwtje wordt duivin of gewoon duif genoemd.

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    Duefamilien ( Norwegian )

    provided by wikipedia NN

    Duer (Columbidae) er ein fuglefamile med 320 artar som høyrer til duefuglane. Dei er særmerkte ved at dei kurrer og gjev ungane sine «duemelk» frå kroen. Fuglane har kompakte kroppar med kort hals og korte, slanke nebb.

    Den best kjende duetypen i Noreg og mange andre stader er klippedue eller bydue (Columba livia) som held til i byar. I Noreg finst òg skogdue (Columba oenas), ringdue (Columba palumbus), turteldue (Streptopellia turtur) og tyrkardue (Streptopelia decaocto).

    Duer i kulturen

    Den heilage anden som due i ein freske av Correggio.

    Fuglane er blitt sett på som fredelege, elskelege vesen, og er gjennom turtelduer blitt symbol på kjærleik medan kvite duer står for fred. Innan kristendommen symboliserer fuglen den heilage anden. Fleire namn er blitt tekne frå fuglen, som det nederlandske Dyveke og det spanske Paloma.

    Duer og menneske

    Den gode retningssansen til fuglane har gjort at ein kunne bruka dei som brevduer. I dag held ein òg konkurranseduer som skal finna heim raskast mogleg.

    Mange har gleda seg over å gje duer mat på torg i ulike byar. Men auken av byduebestanden har mange stader ført til motstand mot dyra, som bråkar, forsøplar og kan spreia sjukdom. Derfor er det fleire stader, som på Picadilly Circus i London innført forbod mot å mata duer.

    Slekter frå duefamilien

    Slektene i rekkjefølgje etter Clementslista versjon 6.9 frå august 2014.[1] Det er 43 slekter i familien som samlar 320 nolevande artar.


    1. Clements, J.F.; T.S. Schulenberg; M. J. Iliff; B.L. Sullivan; C.L. Wood; D. Roberson (august 2014), The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.9 (CSV), Cornell Lab of Ornithology, henta 25. november 2014


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    Duefamilien: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

    provided by wikipedia NN

    Duer (Columbidae) er ein fuglefamile med 320 artar som høyrer til duefuglane. Dei er særmerkte ved at dei kurrer og gjev ungane sine «duemelk» frå kroen. Fuglane har kompakte kroppar med kort hals og korte, slanke nebb.

    Den best kjende duetypen i Noreg og mange andre stader er klippedue eller bydue (Columba livia) som held til i byar. I Noreg finst òg skogdue (Columba oenas), ringdue (Columba palumbus), turteldue (Streptopellia turtur) og tyrkardue (Streptopelia decaocto).

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    Duer ( Norwegian )

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    For stjernebildet, se Duen.

    Duer er en familie fugler med over 40 slekter. De legger vanligvis to kull med egg hvert år. De skiller seg fra andre fugler ved at de kurrer, og gir ungene sine «duemelk» fra kroen. Fuglene har kompakte kropper med kort hals, og korte, slanke nebb.

    Duer i kulturen

    Fuglene er blitt sett på som fredelige, elskelige vesen, og er gjennom turtelduer blitt symbol på kjærlighet, mens hvite duer står for fred. Innen kristendommen symboliserer fuglen Den hellige ånd. Flere navn er blitt tatt fra fuglen, som det nederlandske Dyveke og det spanske Paloma, men også mannsnavnet Jonas, som er avledet av det hebraiske ordet for due, yonah. Fredsdue er også et kjent symbol.

    Duer og mennesker

    Duer ble før i tiden brukt som et kommunikasjonsmiddel, som en brevdue. Fuglen kan bli ganske folkekjær, og er i mange byer vanlig der folk ferdes og den får mat av turister. Ringdue er et velsmakende ettertraktet jaktbytte.


    Utdypende artikkel: Liste over duer

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    Duer: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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    For stjernebildet, se Duen.

    Duer er en familie fugler med over 40 slekter. De legger vanligvis to kull med egg hvert år. De skiller seg fra andre fugler ved at de kurrer, og gir ungene sine «duemelk» fra kroen. Fuglene har kompakte kropper med kort hals, og korte, slanke nebb.

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    Gołębiowate ( Polish )

    provided by wikipedia POL
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    Gołębiowate[2], gołębie właściwe (Columbidae) – rodzina ptaków z rzędu gołębiowych (Columbiformes). Obejmuje w większości gatunki związane z drzewami, lecz występują również związane ze skałami i naziemne, zamieszkujące cały świat poza okolicami okołobiegunowymi[3].

    Cechy charakterystyczne

    Ptaki te charakteryzują się następującymi cechami:

    • krępa budowa ciała
    • stosunkowo mała głowa i dziób
    • u nasady dzioba nabrzmiała, miękka woskówka
    • miękkie i gęste upierzenie
    • większość lata dobrze i szybko
    • długość ciała 15–75 cm, masa ciała 30–2000 g[4]
    • pokarm roślinny – zasadniczo nasiona, niekiedy bezkręgowce
    • pijąc zanurzają dziób w wodzie i wsysają ją
    • gniazdo stanowi zazwyczaj platforma z drobnych gałązek
    • zazwyczaj dwa jaja w zniesieniu (rzadziej jedno)
    • gniazdowniki
    • oboje rodzice wysiadują jaja i karmią młode
    • pokarm piskląt przez pierwsze dni stanowi ptasie mleczko.


    Do rodziny gołębiowatych należą następujące podrodziny[2]:

    Rodzaje o niejasnym pokrewieństwie i nieklasyfikowane w żadnej z podrodzin:

    • Microgoura – jedynym przedstawicielem jest wymarły na początku XX wieku[5] Microgoura meekikorończyk.
    • Cryptophaps – jedynym przedstawicielem jest Cryptophaps poecilorrhoarotangowiec.
    • Starnoenas – jedynym przedstawicielem jest Starnoenas cyanocephalamodrogłowik.

    Prócz tego do rodziny należał rodzaj Natunaornis z jednym znanym, wymarłym prawdopodobnie w holocenie, gatunkiem nielotnych ptaków – Natunaornis gigoura[6].

    Gołąb w kulturze i wierzeniach


    1. Columbidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
    2. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: P. Mielczarek & M. Kuziemko: Rodzina: Columbidae Leach, 1820 – gołębiowate – Pigeons (wersja: 2017-12-14). W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 2018-09-17].
    3. F. Gill & D. Donsker (red.): Pigeons (ang.). IOC World Bird List: Version 8.2. [dostęp 2018-09-17].
    4. L.F. Baptista, P.W. Trail, H.M. Horblit: Family Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves). W: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal: Handbook of the Birds of the World. Cz. 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 1997. ISBN 84-87334-22-9. (ang.)
    5. Microgoura meeki [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [online] [dostęp 2014-02-13] (ang.).
    6. T.H. Worthy. A giant flightless pigeon gen. et sp. nov. and a new species of Ducula (Aves: Columbidae), from Quaternary deposits in Fiji. „Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand”. 31 (4), s. 763–794, 2001.
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    Gołębiowate: Brief Summary ( Polish )

    provided by wikipedia POL

    Gołębiowate, gołębie właściwe (Columbidae) – rodzina ptaków z rzędu gołębiowych (Columbiformes). Obejmuje w większości gatunki związane z drzewami, lecz występują również związane ze skałami i naziemne, zamieszkujące cały świat poza okolicami okołobiegunowymi.

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    Columbidae ( Portuguese )

    provided by wikipedia PT

    Columbídeos (Columbidae) é uma família de aves columbiformes que inclui os pombos, pombas, picaús,[1] rolas e rolinhas.[2]


    Columbidae originou-se do termo latino para pomba, columbus.[3] "Pomba" origina-se do termo latino palumba.[4] "Rola" tem provável origem onomatopaica.[5]



    Há cerca de 300 espécies desta família distribuídas em todos os continentes.[6] Os columbídeos são aves de pequeno e médio porte, com pescoço, bico e patas curtas, que se alimentam de sementes e frutos. O casal que se reúne na época de reprodução constrói ninhos não muito sofisticados, onde chocam dois a três ovos brancos. Os columbídeos são em geral espécies cinegéticas, caçadas pela sua carne. Vivem em média até os 15 anos.[6]

    Um critério útil na distinção das várias espécies é o padrão de cores da cauda. São aves muito territoriais na época de acasalamento e alimentam-se de sementes de gramíneas e outras plantas herbáceas ao nível do solo. O seu estômago, em geral, contém bastante areia, que auxilia a triturar os alimentos.


    Podem atingir, em voo, velocidades de até 80 km/h, podendo voar em distâncias até 315 km sem se cansarem. Possuem o melhor sentido de orientação de todas as aves e também de todo o reino animal, podendo localizar os seus ninhos e/ou pombais a mais de 1 000 km de distância. Conseguem também detectar sons a distâncias que nenhum outro animal consegue.


    Tal como todas as aves, os pombos nascem de ovos, que são nidificados pelo macho e pela fêmea.[6] Como sinal de acasalamento, os pombos bicam-se mutuamente. A partir daí, são um casal. A parada nupcial consiste em o macho dançar para agradar à fêmea. Quando a fêmea põe os ovos, estes são chocados por ambos para dar origem a novas crias. Estas nascem completamente cegas, mas, rapidamente, evoluem. Ficam com os progenitores até aos 32 dias, altura em que começam a voar e deixam o ninho. Quando isto acontece, o casal volta a chocar mais ovos para dar origem a uma nova ninhada.[7]

    Relação com o ser humano

    Domesticação e criação

    O imperador romano Honório é um indivíduo historicamente proeminente que mantinha pombos como animais de estimação.

    A columbofilia, atividade voltada para a criação de raças ornamentais, obteve dezenas de raças de aparência variada por seleção e cruzamentos, gerando formas como o pombo-papo-de-vento e o pombo-rabo-de-leque. O pombo-correio, usado como mensageiro e capaz de voar mais de 500 km por dia à velocidade média de 50 km/h,[8] é um dos vários descendentes do pombo-doméstico.[6] Animais dessa família estão muito presentes no cotidiano das pessoas, pois se adaptam facilmente à presença das cidades.[6]

    Abundantes nas Américas, os pombos serviam de precioso alimento para os nativos do Novo Mundo.[9] Os Yokuts da Califórnia desenvolveram um método engenhoso de caçar pombos. Domesticavam aves e as mantinham alimentadas com bolotas moídas de carvalho em uma gaiola. Um pequeno abrigo, bem disfarçado, era construído próximo à água, onde os pombos selvagens costumavam beber logo que nascia o sol. De uma pequena abertura do abrigo jogavam as bolotas moídas no chão e liberavam seus pombos famintos, com uma linha amarrada a um dos pés. Os pombos selvagens logo avançavam no alimento e eram capturados por um laço instalado na ponta.[10]

    Impacto na saúde pública

    Escultura suja por fezes de pombos

    Vítimas habituais de viroses e outras moléstias, como a ornitose e a doença de Newcastle, os membros dessa família são hospedeiros de parasitas em sua plumagem. Entre eles, se distingue a mosca-do-pombo (Pseudolynchia canariensis) transmissora do hematozoário Hemoproteus columbae.

    Sua presença pode ser considerada um problema ambiental, pois compete por alimento com as espécies nativas, danifica monumentos com suas fezes e pode transmitir doenças ao homem. Até recentemente, 57 doenças eram catalogadas como transmitidas pelos pombos, tais como: histoplasmose, salmonella, criptococose.[11] Mas, atualmente, vê-se como exagero esta atribuição de vetor de doenças:[7] como exemplo, o Departamento de Saúde de Nova Iorque não tem nenhum registro de caso de doença transmitida por pombos a seres humanos.[12]

    Contudo, é salutar que algumas recomendações sejam seguidas a fim de se evitar a aquisição de zoonoses provenientes de aves, bem como diminuir o risco de contaminação por parte das aves domésticas:[13]

    • Na limpeza de forros, calhas ou qualquer outro local que apresente fezes de pássaros, restos de ninhos ou penas, utilizar luvas e uma máscara;
    • Jamais remover a sujeira a seco, deve-se sempre adotar um meio de umedecê-la antes, para evitar a inalação de poeira contaminada;
    • Proteger os alimentos e rações animais do acesso das aves;
    • evitar que pombos da rua tenham contato com animais domésticos, sobretudo outras aves e gatos.

    Impacto cultural

    Estátua do início do século V a.C. de Afrodite, no Chipre, mostrando-a usando uma coroa e segurando uma pomba.
    O Espírito Santo desce do céu como uma pomba no batismo de Jesus, retratado por Almeida Júnior.

    Na antiga Mesopotâmia, as pombas eram símbolos animais de destaque de Inanna-Ishtar, a deusa do amor, sexualidade e guerra.[14][15] As pombas são mostradas em objetos de culto associados a Inanna, no início do terceiro milênio a.C..[14] Estatuetas de pomba de chumbo foram descobertas no templo de Ishtar em Aššur, datadas do século XIII a.C.,[14] e um afresco pintado de Mari, na Síria, mostra uma pomba gigante emergindo de uma palmeira no templo de Ishtar,[15] indicando que às vezes se acreditava que a própria deusa assumisse a forma de uma pomba.[15] No épico de Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim libera uma pomba e um corvo para encontrar terra; a pomba apenas circula e retorna.[16] Somente então Utnapishtim envia o corvo, que não retorna, e Utnapishtim conclui que o corvo encontrou terra.[16]

    No antigo Levante, as pombas eram usadas como símbolos da deusa mãe cananeia Aserá.[14][15][17] A palavra grega antiga para "pomba" era peristerá,[14][15] que pode ser derivada da frase semítica peraḥ Ištar, que significa "pássaro de Ishtar".[14] Na Antiguidade Clássica, as pombas eram sagradas para a deusa grega Afrodite,[18][19][14][15] que absorveu essa associação com pombas de Inanna-Ishtar.[15] Afrodite frequentemente aparece com pombas na cerâmica grega antiga.[18] O templo de Afrodite Pandêmia, na encosta sudoeste da Acrópole de Atenas, era decorado com esculturas em relevo de pombas com filetes atados em seus bicos[18] e ofertas votivas de pequenas pombas brancas de mármore foram descobertas no templo de Afrodite em Daphni.[18] Durante o festival principal de Afrodite, o Afrodísia, seus altares seriam purificados com o sangue de uma pomba sacrificada.[20] As associações de Afrodite com as pombas influenciaram as deusas romanas Vênus e Fortuna, fazendo com que elas também se associassem às pombas.[17]

    Pomba com um ramo de oliveira, Catacumba de Domitila, em Roma.

    Na Bíblia Hebraica, pombas ou pombos jovens são ofertas queimadas aceitáveis ​​para aqueles que não podem pagar um animal mais caro.[21] Em Gênesis, Noé envia uma pomba para fora da arca, mas ela voltou para ele porque as águas do dilúvio não haviam recuado. Sete dias depois, ele enviou o pássaro novamente e ele voltou com um ramo de oliveira na boca, indicando que as águas haviam recuado o suficiente para uma oliveira crescer. "Pomba" também é um termo carinhoso no Cântico dos Cânticos e em outros lugares. Em hebraico, Jonas (יוֹנָה) significa pomba.[22] O "sinal de Jonas" está relacionado ao "sinal da pomba".[23]

    Os pais de Jesus sacrificaram pombas em seu nome após a sua circuncisão (Lucas).[23] Mais tarde, o Espírito Santo desceu sobre Jesus em seu batismo como uma pomba (Mateus) e, posteriormente, a "pomba da paz" tornou-se um símbolo cristão comum do Espírito Santo.[23]

    No Islã, as pombas e a família dos pombos em geral são respeitadas e favorecidas, porque acredita-se que ajudaram o profeta final do Islã, Maomé, a distrair seus inimigos fora da caverna de Thaw'r, na grande Hégira.[24] Um par de pombos construiu um ninho e pôs ovos de uma só vez e uma aranha teceu teias, que, na escuridão da noite, fizeram os fugitivos acreditarem que Maomé não poderia estar naquela caverna.[24]

    Ver também


    1. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 359
    3. [1]
    4. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 359
    5. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 518
    6. a b c d e «Family Columbidae»
    7. a b «American Dove Association»
    8. «New to the Hobby». National Pigeon Association. Arquivado do original em 27 de janeiro de 2012
    9. CAVALCANTE, Messias S. Comidas dos Nativos do Novo Mundo. Barueri, SP. Sá Editora. 2014, 403p.ISBN 9788582020364
    10. CAMPBELL, Paul D. (1999). Survival skills of native California. 448p. Layton, Utah, Gibbs Smith Publisher. de uma vara
    11. «Controle de pragas»
    12. Real facts about pigeons and public health,"The New York City Department of Health has no documented cases of communicable disease transmitted from pigeons to humans." - Dr. Manuel Vargas, New York City Department of Health.
    13. «Pombos»
    14. a b c d e f g Botterweck, G. Johannes; Ringgren, Helmer (1990). Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. VI. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. pp. 35–36. ISBN 978-0-8028-2330-4
    15. a b c d e f g Lewis, Sian; Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd (2018). The Culture of Animals in Antiquity: A Sourcebook with Commentaries. New York City, New York and London, England: Routledge. p. 335. ISBN 978-1-315-20160-3
    16. a b Kovacs, Maureen Gallery (1989). The Epic of Gilgamesh. [S.l.]: Stanford University Press. p. 102. ISBN 978-0-8047-1711-3
    17. a b Resig, Dorothy D. The Enduring Symbolism of Doves, From Ancient Icon to Biblical Mainstay" Arquivado 31 janeiro 2013 no Wayback Machine, BAR Magazine.
    18. a b c d Cyrino, Monica S. (2010). Aphrodite. Col: Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World. New York City, New York and London, England: Routledge. pp. 120–123. ISBN 978-0-415-77523-6
    19. Tinkle, Theresa (1996). Medieval Venuses and Cupids: Sexuality, Hermeneutics, and English Poetry. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. p. 81. ISBN 978-0804725156
    20. Simon, Erika (1983). Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Companion. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 978-0-299-09184-2
    21. Freedman, David Noel; Myers, Allen C. (2000). Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. [S.l.]: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 978-90-5356-503-2
    22. Yonah Jonah Blue Letter Bible. Blueletterbible.org. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    23. a b c God's Kingdom Ministries serious Bible Study Chapter 12: The Sign of Jonah. Gods-kingdom-ministries.net. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    24. a b «The Dawn of Prophethood». Al-Islam.org. 18 de outubro de 2012

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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

    provided by wikipedia PT

    Columbídeos (Columbidae) é uma família de aves columbiformes que inclui os pombos, pombas, picaús, rolas e rolinhas.

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    Columbidae ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

    provided by wikipedia RO

    Columbidae este o familie de păsări care include peste 310 specii de porumbei.


    Legături externe

    La Wikicitat găsiți citate legate de Columbidae.
    Wikispecies conține informații legate de Columbidae
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     src= Caută Columbidae în Wikționar, dicționarul liber.
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    Columbidae: Brief Summary ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

    provided by wikipedia RO

    Columbidae este o familie de păsări care include peste 310 specii de porumbei.

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    Holubovité ( Slovak )

    provided by wikipedia SK

    Holubovité (Columbidae) je rozsiahla čeľaď vtákov zahrňujúca až 470 druhov[1], žijúcich po celom svete, okrem Antarktídy a niekoľkých ostrovov.

    Väčšina holubov žije na území Ázie a Austrálie, kde sa vyskytujú v mnohých farbených variantoch. Na území Slovenska je najpočetnejším druhom z tejto čeľade holub domáci. Ale hojne sa tu vyskytuje aj hrdlička záhradná alebo holub hrivnák.


    Majú hrubé telá s krátkym krkom, štíhle krátke letky a hrubý zobák. Niektoré holuby dorastajú veľkosti vrabca, iné skoro moriaka. Väčšina holubov má husté operenie a zavalitú mohutnú postavu a pomerne malú hlavu. Väčšinou sa od seba samec a samica nelíšia, len niekedy je samec inak sfarbený.

    Spôsob života

    Holuby majú osobitý fenomén, spojovaný s rozmnožovaním. V hrvoli vytvorí „hrvoľové mlieko“, ktorým kŕmia rodičia mláďatá v prvých dňoch ich života. Táto výživná hmota má vysoký obsah bielkovín a tukov a vonia ako syr. Hniezda na stromoch, rímsach alebo na zemi, podľa druhu. Obvykle holubica znáša 1 – 2 vajcia do vzdušného, ale napriek tomu účelného hniezda, ktoré stavajú z konárov a ostatných úlomkov. Mláďatá opúšťajú hniezdo po 7 až 28 dňoch. [2]

    Mnoho holubov trávi väčšinu svojho života na stromoch a žerú semená, plody, výhonky a iný rastlinný materiál. Aj niektoré zemné holuby sa živia týmto spôsobom. Holuby skvele lietajú a majú výborný orientačný zmysel, ktorý im umožňuje návrat aj z veľkých vzdialeností. To je pri zdomácnených druhoch využívané na športové preteky.

    Systematika [1]


    1. a b KOVALIK, Peter; PAČENOVSKÝ, Samuel; ČAPEK, Miroslav; TOPERCER, Ján. Slovenské mená vtákov sveta. Bratislava : SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, 2010. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-80-970481-0-5.
    2. Crome, Francis H.J. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph. ed. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. pp. 115–116. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.

    Iné projekty

    • Spolupracuj na Commons Commons ponúka multimediálne súbory na tému Holubovité
    • Spolupracuj na Wikidruhoch Wikidruhy ponúkajú informácie na tému Holubovité


    • Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článkov Holubovití na českej Wikipédii a Columbidae na anglickej Wikipédii.
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    Holubovité: Brief Summary ( Slovak )

    provided by wikipedia SK

    Holubovité (Columbidae) je rozsiahla čeľaď vtákov zahrňujúca až 470 druhov, žijúcich po celom svete, okrem Antarktídy a niekoľkých ostrovov.

    Väčšina holubov žije na území Ázie a Austrálie, kde sa vyskytujú v mnohých farbených variantoch. Na území Slovenska je najpočetnejším druhom z tejto čeľade holub domáci. Ale hojne sa tu vyskytuje aj hrdlička záhradná alebo holub hrivnák.

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    Golobi ( Spanish; Castilian )

    provided by wikipedia SL
    »Golob« se preusmerja sem. Za red Columbiformes glej Golobje. Za druge pomene glej Golob (razločitev).

    Vendar glej besedilo.

    Golobi (znanstveno ime Columbidae) so družina ptičev, ki jo uvrščamo v red Columbiformes (golobje). Sem spada okrog 300 vrst pevcem podobnih ptic. Golobi so čokate ptice s kratkimi vratovi in kratkimi vitkimi kljuni z mesnato cero. Predstavnike družine najdemo po vsem svetu, največjo pestrost vrst pa golobi dosegajo v jugovzhodni Aziji in Avstralaziji. Po telesni velikosti so golobi raznolika skupina - največji so predstavniki rodu Goura iz Nove Gvineje, ki dosežejo do 2 kilograma teže, najmanjši pa predstavniki ameriške vrste Columbina passerina, ki po velikosti ne presegajo domačega vrabca in tehtajo okoli 30g.

    So rastlinojedi, prehranjujejo se s sadeži, semeni in zelenimi deli rastlin. Za mladiče skrbita oba starša; gnezdo zgradita iz vejic in se izmenjujeta pri sedenju na jajcih. Mladiče hranita z mleku podobnim izločkom posebnih žlez v steni golše, kar je posebnost med ptiči.

    Ptič, ki ga navadno imenujemo z imenom »golob«, je domači golob, podvrsta skalnega goloba, najdemo jih v mestih po vsem svetu.


    Golobi so nedvomno monofiletska skupina, saj tako po genetskih kot po morfoloških znakih niso podobni nobeni drugi družini ptičev. Golobe največkrat delijo v pet poddružin, vendar je sodeč po novejših genetskih analizah ta razdelitev verjetno napačna.[2]


    Golobji mladiči
    Izumrli golob selec
    Dvorjenje skalnih golobov

    Filogenija temelji na delu John H. Boyda, III,[3] profesorja ekonomije.[4]

    Columbinae Zenaidini








    Ectopistes (golob selec)

    Patagioenas (ameriški golob)





    Columba (golob; golobi starega sveta)


    Spilopelia (grlica)





    Columbina [Scardafella]

    Raphinae Phabini


    Gallicolumba (zabodeni golob)


    Ocyphaps (čopasti golob)










    Goura (kronasti golob)

    Didunculus (zobati golob)

    Caloenas (grivasti golob)

    Raphus (dodo)



    Treron (zeleni golob)


    Phapitreron (rjava grlica)

    Chalcophaps (smaragdna grlica)

    Oena (dolgorepa grlica)



    Ducula (

    [Ptilinopus; Drepanoptila; Alectroenas] (sadni golob)

    Hemiphaga (novozelandski golob)



    Gymnophaps (gorski golob)

    Upodobitve golobov v umetnosti

    Golobi in golobice so pogosto upodobljeni v risbah, slikah, kipih in drugih podobah starih umetniških del z religiozno vsebino. Vedno so povezana z alegoričnim prinašanjem nekega sporočila, obvestila ali dobre vesti.

    Poštni golobi

    To so posebno vzgojeni golobi, hitri in vztrajni letalci, ki se vračajo k svojemu golobnjaku in golobarju. Pred stoletjem so jih množično gojili in uporabljali za prenos nujnih sporočil, največ v vojaških enotah, pa tudi mnogi ljubitelji v civilnem življenju. Golobe je z namenom prikaza moči selekcije na zunanji izgled gojil tudi Charles Darwin. V svoji knjigi O izvoru vrst je raznolikost pasem golobov uporabil za zgled koliko lahko selektivno križanje vpliva na telesno zgradbo.[5] Danes se s to dejavnostjo ukvarjajo le še redki ljubitelji.


    1. Myers, P. s sod. (2008). Columbidae: Classification. The Animal Diversity Web. Pridobljeno 10.4.2008.
    2. Johnson K.P. & Clayton D.H. (2000).: Nuclear and mitochondrial genes contain similar phylogenetic signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes). PDF Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14(1): 141–151.
    3. Boyd, John H., III (2007). "COLUMBEA: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae". JBoyd.net. Pridobljeno dne 30 December 2015.
    4. Boyd, John H., III. "John Boyd's Home Page". JBoyd.net. Pridobljeno dne 11 January 2017.
    5. Charles Darwin (1859). On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray. 1. izdaja.

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    Golobi: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

    provided by wikipedia SL

    Golobi (znanstveno ime Columbidae) so družina ptičev, ki jo uvrščamo v red Columbiformes (golobje). Sem spada okrog 300 vrst pevcem podobnih ptic. Golobi so čokate ptice s kratkimi vratovi in kratkimi vitkimi kljuni z mesnato cero. Predstavnike družine najdemo po vsem svetu, največjo pestrost vrst pa golobi dosegajo v jugovzhodni Aziji in Avstralaziji. Po telesni velikosti so golobi raznolika skupina - največji so predstavniki rodu Goura iz Nove Gvineje, ki dosežejo do 2 kilograma teže, najmanjši pa predstavniki ameriške vrste Columbina passerina, ki po velikosti ne presegajo domačega vrabca in tehtajo okoli 30g.

    So rastlinojedi, prehranjujejo se s sadeži, semeni in zelenimi deli rastlin. Za mladiče skrbita oba starša; gnezdo zgradita iz vejic in se izmenjujeta pri sedenju na jajcih. Mladiče hranita z mleku podobnim izločkom posebnih žlez v steni golše, kar je posebnost med ptiči.

    Ptič, ki ga navadno imenujemo z imenom »golob«, je domači golob, podvrsta skalnega goloba, najdemo jih v mestih po vsem svetu.

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    Duvor ( Swedish )

    provided by wikipedia SV

    Duvor (Columbidae) är en artrik och välkänd fågelfamilj som förekommer i hela världen utom på Antarktis. Duvan var möjligen ett av de första djur som människan domesticerade.

    Utseende och biologi

    Nordlig markduva (Columbina passerina) är en av de minsta arterna inom familjen.

    Duvor varierar mycket i storlek. De största arterna är kronduvorna i släktet Goura, vilka förekommer på Nya Guinea och som nästan är stora som kalkoner, med en vikt på 2-4 kilogram. De minsta är de amerikanska markduvorna i släktet Columbina, som inte är större än gråsparven, och väger så lite som 22 gram.[1]

    Generellt har duvor litet huvud och kompakta kroppar, korta ben, kort hals och en smal och kort näbb. Näsöppningarna täcks av en vaxliknande hud som kallas vaxhud. Deras vingar är stora och de har kraftiga vingmuskler. Vingmusklerna utgör 31-44% av deras kroppsvikt och de är kraftfulla flygare med hög grad av manöverduglighet.

    Familjen uppvisar en stor variation vad gäller fjäderdräkt. Fröätande arter tenderar att ha en dovare fjäderdäkt medan den fruktätanade arterna tenderar att ha färggrannare dräkter.[1] Hos vissa grupper av duvor förekommer det inga skillnader i fjäderdräkt mellan könen, medan könen hos andra grupper skiljer sig åt. I övrigt är hanar oftast lite kraftigare och aktivare än honorna. Vissa duvor uppvisar även fjäderplymer eller andra ornametala dräktdetaljer.

    Duvor saknar gallblåsa.[2] Dock producerar de galla som istället utsöndras direkt ut i tarmen.[3]


    En tamduva i den typ av miljö där de ofta kan ses

    Duvor förekommer nästan överallt på jorden, dock inte i Arktis eller Antarktis. De har nått de flesta havsöarna. De flesta arterna bor i tropiska skogar och skogsland där de bor på marken eller i träd.

    Förekomst i Sverige

    I Sverige häckar fyra olika arter av duva: tamduva/stadsduva, ringduva, skogsduva och turkduva. Ytterligare tre arter har besökt landet tillfälligt: turturduva, större turturduva och den amerikanska arten spetsstjärtad duva.


    De går med en nickande gång. Den absoluta merparten av alla duvarter har för fåglar ett speciellt sätt att dricka. De sänker ner näbben i vattnet och suger upp vätskan.[1] Detta beteende delar duvorna bara med ett antal astrildarter. Nästan alla andra fågelarter dricker genom att ta in lite vatten i munnen, och sedan luta huvudet bakåt så att det med hjälp av gravitationen rinner ner. En enda duvart, tandduva (Didunculus strigirostris), dricker på samma sätt som de flesta andra fåglar. Ett fåtal duvarter dricker inte alls, utan får sitt vätskebehov tillgodosett genom födan.


    Duvorna häckar i träd, bland klippor, på marken och vissa arter i närheten av människan. De lever i par som hjälps åt att bygga boet, ruva äggen och föda upp ungarna. De lägger vanligen två kullar med ägg per år. Duvorna matar sina ungar med så kallad krävmjölk, vilket är ett mycket näringsrikt ostliknande sekret som utsöndras i krävan hos föräldrarna.


    Vitbukig grönduva (Treron sieboldii) äter på en frukt.

    Säd och frukt utgör den största delen av duvornas föda. I själva verket kan familjen delas upp i de fröätande arterna (underfamiljen Columbinae) och de fruktätande arterna (de övriga fyra underfamiljerna). Columbinea äter vanligtvis säd som hittas på marken, medan arterna som äter frukt tenderar att födosöka uppe i träd. Det finns morfologiska anpassningar som kan användas till att skilja de två grupperna åt. Fröätande arter tenderar att ha tjocka väggar i muskelmagen, medan de fruktätande tenderar att ha tunna väggar. De fruktätande duvorna har även korta tarmar medan de fröätande har längre tarmar. Fruktätande arter är kapabla att klamra sig fast i grenar och till och med hänga upp och ned för att nå frukten.

    Utöver frukt och säd jagar vissa arter insekter och maskar, speciellt arterna inom släktena Gallicolumba och Geotrygon. Atollfruktduva (Ptilinopus coralensis) är helt specialiserad på att jaga insekter och små reptiler. Även sniglar, fjärilar och andra insekter utgör föda för vissa arter. Ämnesomsättningen påbörjas till viss del redan i huvudet innan födan når magsäcken.[källa behövs] För att underlätta matsmältningsprocessen upptar de små stenar.

    Systematik och evolution

    Denna familj är en högst sammanhängande grupp där ingen art visar på direkt släktskap med någon annan fågelfamilj eller vice versa. Tidigare placerades utdöda dronten och rodriguessolitären i den egna familjen Raphidae, men flera genetiska studier visar att dessa är djupt inbäddade i duvfamiljen.[4][5] Det mycket lilla urval av fossil man funnit av duvfåglar är alla tydliga Columbidea-arter. Ingen riktigt primitiv form av duvor har än så länge upptäckts i fossil form. Det äldsta fossil man funnit är ifrån miocen i Frankrike och är av släktet Gerandia.

    Det har tidigare föreslagits att duvor är besläktade med flyghöns och papegojor, men man ansåg att likheten med den första familjen berodde på konvergent evolution och att den andra familjen föreslagits som släkting beror främst på den morfologiska likheten mellan papegojor och tandduva (Didunculus strigirostris). Troligast är dock att likheten beror på denna duvas specialiserade diet än på faktiskt släktskap med papegojor. Senare genetiska studier visar att flyghöns och duvor trots allt är relativt nära släktingar. Tillsammans med mesiterMadagaskar bildar de en monofyletisk grupp. Alla tre skildes dock åt vid ett relativt tidigt skede och placeras nu därför i var sina egna ordningar.

    Släkten inom familjen

    Systematiken nedan följer Pereira et al 2007 som fann att duvfamiljen kan delas upp i tre grupper: de egentliga duvorna (Columbinae) med vaktelduvor, turturduvor, gökduvor och det välkända släktet Columba; de mycket små amerikanska markduvorna i Claravis, Uropelia, Metriopelia och Columbina; övriga duvor med bland annat fruktduvor, kejsarduvor, kronduvor – alla förekommande i Asien, Australien, Afrika eller Oceanien.[4] Antalet arter och släktesindelning följer IOC 2015:4.[6]


    Tygelvaktelduva (Geotrygon mystacea).


    Stenduva (Columba rupestris) i Indien.


    Rostmarkduva (Columbina talpacoti)


    Mindanaomarkduva (Gallicolumba crinigera)


    Blå kronduva (Goura cristata)


    Malabargrönduva (Treron affinis)



    Ockrabröstad fruktduva (Ptilinopus occipitalis)

    Duvor och människan

    Historik och symbolik

    Målning från mitten av 1400-talet av Andrea del Verrocchio som föreställer Jesu dop där man kan se den vita duvan som symboliserar den helige Anden.

    Vissa forskare menar att duvan var ett av de absolut första djur som människan domesticerade. Människan och duvan har haft en nära relation i tusentals år och detta har fört med sig att duvan har fått ett stort symboliskt värde. Å ena sidan får den representera upphöjda, positiva ting som freden eller guds ande, å andra sidan befäster vi den med negativa attribut då vi anser den vara smutsig och smittospridande.


    Läs huvudartikeln om brevduva

    Brevduvor har avlats fram för att ha en mycket god orienteringsförmåga och en benägenhet att flyga tillbaka till sitt rede även när de har transporterats långt. Dessa tama duvor används idag inom brevduvesport men tidigare, innan radiokommunikation och dylikt, för att skicka meddelanden.

    Duvor som mat

    Duvor betraktas i flera kulturkretsar som välsmakande mat. Under medeltiden var maträtter med kött av duva ganska vanliga i Europa, men idag förekommer det inte alls i samma utsträckning. Ibland förekommer bröst av duvor på menyn i gourmetrestauranger. I Asien där köket traditionellt är inriktad på kött av fågel ingår duvor fortfarande i kokkonsten.

    Se även



    1. ^ [a b c] Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    2. ^ Lee R. Hagey et al; Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves(Columbiformes); Journal of Lipid Research; PDF online, last checked 2010-01-31
    3. ^ Thomas Browne, 1646; Pseudodoxia Epidemica III.iii; 1672 edition available olnline, last checked 2010-01-31
    4. ^ [a b] Pereira, S.L., K.P. Johnson, D.H. Clayton, and A.J. Baker (2007), Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences support a Cretaceous origin of Columbiformes and a dispersal-driven radiation in the Paleogene, Syst. Biol. 56, 656-672.
    5. ^ Shapiro, B., D. Sibthorpe, A. Rambaut, J. Austin, G.M. Wragg, O.R.P. Bininda-Emonds, P.L.M. Lee, and A. Cooper (2002), Flight of the Dodo, Science 295, 1683.
    6. ^ Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2015. IOC World Bird List (v 5.4). doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.5.4.


    Delar är översatt från engelska wikipedias artikel Columbidae där följande källor uppges:

    • Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Order Columbiformes. In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    • Johnson, Kevin P. & Clayton, Dale H. (2000): Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Contain Similar Phylogenetic. Signal for Pigeons and Doves (Aves: Columbiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14(1): 141–151. PDF fulltext
    • Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001): A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera Streptopelia and Columba. Auk 118(4): 874-887. PDF fulltext
    • Shapiro, Beth; Sibthorpe, Dean; Rambaut, Andrew; Austin, Jeremy; Wragg, Graham M.; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P.; Lee, Patricia L. M. & Cooper, Alan (2002): Flight of the Dodo. Science 295: 1683. DOI:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683, Supplementary information
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    Duvor: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

    provided by wikipedia SV

    Duvor (Columbidae) är en artrik och välkänd fågelfamilj som förekommer i hela världen utom på Antarktis. Duvan var möjligen ett av de första djur som människan domesticerade.

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    Güvercingiller ( Turkish )

    provided by wikipedia TR

    Güvercingiller (Columbidae), güvercinler takımına ait, 300'e yakın güvercin ve kumru türü ile dodo (Raphus cucullatus) ve Pezophaps solitaria gibi soyu tükenmiş türleri içeren bir familyasıdır..


    Güvercingiller familyası içinde sınıflanan alt familya ve cinslerin listesi aşağıda sunulmuştur.

    • Alt familya: Columbinae - Tipik güvercin ve kumrular
    • Cins: Didunculus - Diş gagalı güvercinler; 2 tür.
    • Cins: Goura - Taçlı güvercinler; 3 tür.
    • Cins: Ectopistes - Yolcu güvercin; tek tür ve soyu tükenmiş.
    • Cins: Geotrygon - Bıldırcın kumruları; 16 tür.
    • Cins: Leptotila - 11 tür.
    • Cins: Starnoenas - Mavi başlı bıldırcın kumrusu; tek tür.
    • Cins: Zenaida - Zenaida kumruları; 7 tür.
    • Cins: Raphus - Dodo; tek tür ve soyu tükenmiş.
    • Cins: Pezophaps - Tek tür ve soyu tükenmiş.
    • Alt familya (henüz adlandırılmamış)
    • Cins: Alectroenas - Mavi güvercinler; 6 tür.
    • Cins: Cryptophaps - Tek tür.
    • Cins: Drepanoptila - Tek tür.
    • Cins: Ducula - İmparator güvercinler; 36 tür.
    • Cins: Gymnophaps - Dağ güvercinleri; 3 tür.
    • Cins: Hemiphaga - Yeni Zelanda güvercini; tek tür.
    • Cins: Lopholaimus - Tek tür.
    • Cins: Natunaornis - Viti Levu dev güvercini; tarih öncesi bir tür.
    • Cins: Ptilinopus - Meyve kumruları; yaklaşık 50 yaşayan, 1-2 de yakın tarihte soyu tükenmiş tür.
    • Alt familya (henüz adlandırılmamış) - Bronz kanat ve akrabaları
    • Cins: Chalcophaps - 2 tür.
    • Cins: Geopelia - 5 tür.
    • Cins: Geophaps - 3 tür.
    • Cins: Henicophaps - Bronz kanat kumruları; 2 tür.
    • Cins: Ocyphaps - Tepeli güvercin; tek tür.
    • Cins: Oena - Namak kumrusu; tek tür.
    • Cins: Petrophassa - Kaya güvercinleri; 2 tür.
    • Cins: Phaps - Bronz kanat güvercinleri; 3 tür.
    • Cins: Turtur - Afrika ağaç kumruları; 5 tür.
    • Alt familya (henüz adlandırılmamış) - Hint-Pasifik yer kumruları
    • Cins: Gallicolumba - "Kanayan kalp" kumruları ve diğer yer kumruları; 16-17 yaşayan, 3-4 de yakın tarihte soyu tükenmiş tür.
    • Cins: Trugon - Kalın gagalı yer güvercini; tek tür.
    • Alt familyası henüz belli olmayan cinsler
    Columbiformes (Güvercinler)

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    Güvercingiller: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

    provided by wikipedia TR

    Güvercingiller (Columbidae), güvercinler takımına ait, 300'e yakın güvercin ve kumru türü ile dodo (Raphus cucullatus) ve Pezophaps solitaria gibi soyu tükenmiş türleri içeren bir familyasıdır..

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    Голубові ( Ukrainian )

    provided by wikipedia UK

    Морфологічні ознаки

    Птахи зазвичай середнього розміру, але є дрібні (горлиці вагою близько 30 г) та великі (вінценосний голуб до 3 кг). В цілому, представники родини, як правило, мають сильні крила, короткий дзьоб і ноги, маленькі голови та великі компактні тіла. Дзьоб тонкий, дещо видовжений, з невеликим вздуттям та гачком на кінці. При основі наддзьобка є восковиця. Грудина з високим кілем. 3—5 грудних хребців зливаються в спинну кістку. Контурні пір'я без додаткового стовбуру, з сильно сплющеним основним стрижнем та добре розвиненою пуховою частиною. Пух не розвинений, по всьому тілу є довгу ниткоподібні пера. Першорядних махових пер 10—11, стернових пер — 12—14. Статевого диморфізму немає, віковий виражений слабко.


    Родина голубиних поширена здебільшого в лісових місцевостях, лісостепу, гірських місцевостях, на висоті до 5000 тис. км над рівнем моря. Вид сизий голуб поширився по всій земній кулі, за винятком Антарктиди. 60 % всіх голубів поширені суто на певних островах тропічної та субтропічної зон. Декілька видів живуть у тропічних лісах Африки. Велика різноманітність у Південно-Східній Азії.

    Розповсюдження в Україні

    В Україні зустрічається 6 видів цієї родини[1]:

    • Припутень (Columba palumbus) — гніздовий, перелітний на всій території, на півдні зимуючий.
    • Голуб-синяк (Columba oenas) — гніздиться в західних, північних та центральних областях, мігрує скрізь, зимує на півдні.
    • Голуб сизий (Columba livia) — осілий птах окремих районів Криму; напівсвійські птахи поширені в населених пунктах всієї країни.
    • Горлиця садова (Streptopelia decaocto) — осілий на всій території.
    • Горлиця звичайна (Streptopelia turtur) — гніздовий, перелітний на всій території.
    • Горлиця велика (Streptopelia orientalis) — рідкісний залітний, зареєстрований в Криму.

    Горлицю садову та сизого голуба (напівсвійську форму) можна побачити майже у кожному місті.


    Яйце голуба та пташеня

    Один самець шукає собі одну самку, і їхнє подружнє життя часто зберігається на кілька років. На час шлюбного періоду самець під час токування демонструє самці різні пози у повітрі і на землі, надуває воло. Інші види хлопають у повітрі крилами, годують один одного близько до дзьоба іншого.

    Більшість видів гніздиться окремими парами, небагато — розрізненими групами та навіть справжніми колоніями. Гніздо у вигляді пухкої купи гілочок у розгалуженні гілок. Деякі види гніздяться в дуплах, розщілинах скель, під камінням, у промоїнах ярів, поодинокі види — на землі.

    У кладці 2, рідше 1 яйце. Насиджують кладку обидві статі. Інкубаційний період пташиних яєць триває від 2,5 (дрібні види) до 4 і навіть 5 тижнів залежно від виду. Пташенята народжуються сліпими, вритими рідко розміщеним ниткоподібним пухом.

    Спосіб годування дитинчат особливий, в якого навіть немає аналогів. У волі батьків виділяється молокоподібне утворення, що отримало назву голубине молоко. Епітелій стінок вола дорослих птахів посилено ділиться, відбувається жирове переродження та він відторгається. Цією рідкою їжею пташенят вигодовують перший час, потім додають насіння, що розбухає у волі. Пташенята ростуть швидко та у віці 2,5—4 тижнів набувають здатності самостійно літати. У теплих районах у багатьох видів 2—3 кладки на рік.

    Статевої зрілості досягають у віці близько 1 року (вінценосний голуб у віці близько 2 років).

    Частина видів тримаються групами і в сезон розмноження, в інший період — зграйками. У помірних широтах перелітні, у тропікахосілі і кочуючи.


    Живляться рослинною їжею: насіння, листя, плоди та ягоди. Більшість голубиних вживають насіння переважно трав'янистих рослин, листя — трав'янистих рослин, дерев, або кущів. Вживають плоди та ягоди малого розміру, рештки, що не травляться виходять назовні через анальний отвір у вигляді калу. Невеликий відсоток у живленні родини займає тваринна їжа — комахи та інші дрібні безхребетні. На червів види голубиних полюють на території Євразії найбільше. Регулярно п'ють воду. Коли п'ють, всмоктують воду, не піднімаючи голови.

    Тривалість життя

    У дикій природі голубині живуть до 25 років.

    Утримання в неволі

    Живуть зоопарках, цирках та голуб'ятнях, де їх тримають для прикраси, або для м'яса, яке вирізняється своїм смаком. Тримають для декоративної голубиної пошти або спорту.


    Викопні залишки (7 викопних та 27 нині існуючих видів) відомі з міоцену Франції та пізніших відкладів у різних районах сучасного ареалу. Можливий центр походження — Австралія (за іншими поглядами — Південна Америка).


    Goura victoria у зоопарку Бристоля

    Всього родина Голубових нараховує близько 285 нині існуючих видів; 6 видів були знищені в історичний час. Серед них один з найчисленніших раніше птахів землі — мандрівний голуб, що гніздився в Північній Америці колоніями, які нараховували мільйони пар; повністю знищений наприкінці XIX ст.

    Велика кількість родів у родині змушує об'єднувати їх у підродини, нечіткі міжродові відмінності ускладнюють це завдання. Тому класифікація родини відрізняється за різними системами і кількість підродин, що виділяють, коливається від 4 до 9. Нижче подана систематика, наведена за [2]


    • Підродина Columbininae
    • Підродина ?
      • Рід Gallicolumba (16—17 нині існуючих видів, 3—4 недавно вимерлих)
      • Рід Trugon (1 вид)
    • Підродина Otidiphabinae
    • Підродина Didunculinae
    • Підродина Gourinae
      • Рід Goura (3 види)
    • Підродина Treroninae
    • Підродина Raphinae
      • Рід Raphus (вимерлий; кінець 17-го сторіччя)
      • Рід Pezophaps (вимерлий; бл. 1730)
    • Систематичне положення не з'ясоване

    Голубові та людина



    Взаємовідношення людини і голубових мають дуже стародавню історію — багато вчених припускають, що сизий голуб є першим птахом, прирученим людиною[3][4]. У наш час добре відомо, що численні породи з самими різними характеристиками мають єдиного предка — дикого або скелястого голуба. Проте до другої половини 19 століття усталеною була теорія про постійність і незмінність видів, згідно з якою кожна порода була унікальна. У 1868 році вийшла в світ робота Чарльза Дарвіна «Зміна тварин і рослин під впливом одомашнення», в якій домашні голуби зайняли одне з центральних місць. Вивчаючи різні породи птахів і провівши досліди з їхнього схрещування, учений прийшов до висновку, що їхнє різноманіття є результатом селекції, а загальним предком є дикий сизий або скелястий голуб[5].

    Точне місце, коли почалася історія приручення цих птахів, невідоме; за різними оцінками це могло відбутися від 5 до 10 тис. років тому. У наш час відомо більше 800 порід, які за практичним застосуванням розділяють на три основні групи: спортивні, м'ясні і декоративні. Розведення і утримання голубів відоме як голубівництво та проводиться в спеціалізованих розплідниках, так званих голубниках.

    У культурі

    Згідно з Книгою Буття, священним писанням в юдаїзмі і християнстві, Ной зі свого ковчега тричі випускав голуба, сподіваючись на те, що той принесе звістку про закінчення всесвітнього потопу. Вперше голуб повернувся ні з чим, вдруге приніс у дзьобі оливкову гілку, а втретє не повернувся зовсім, що означало, що «вода зійшла з землі» (Буття 8:8—12). Через цю історію, голуб у багатьох народів став втіленням доброї новини та миру — символом, який часто використовується і у наш час. Наприклад, символом I Всесвітнього конгресу прихильників миру в 1949 році став білий голуб, намальований Пабло Пікассо[6].


    1. * Фесенко Г. В., Бокотей А. А. Птахи фауни України (польовий визначник). — К., 2002. — 416 с. — ISBN 966-7710-22-Х.
    2. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of North American Birds. — MobileReference - 2009
    3. Columba livia Gmelin, 1789 — Сизий голубь. Позвоночные животные России: обзор. Інститут РАН ім. А. Н. Северцова. Архів оригіналу за 2011-08-18. Процитовано 2008-06-26.
    4. Price T. D. (2002). Domesticated Birds as а Model for the Genetics of Speciation by Sexual Selection. Genetica (Springer, 2002) 116 (2-3): 311–327. Архів оригіналу за 2013-05-31. Процитовано 2011-01-08.
    5. Charles Darwin. (2007). The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication. Echo Library. ISBN 1406842508.
    6. Пабло Пікассо — Биография. pablo-ruiz-picasso.ru. Архів оригіналу за 2011-08-18. Процитовано 2008-09-07.


    • Карташев Н.Н. Систематика птиц. — М. : Высшая школа, 1974. — 362 с.


    • Фауна України. Том 4. Птахи. Загальна характеристика птахів. Курині. Голуби. Рябки. Пастушки. Журавлі. Дрофи. Кулики. Мартини / О. Б. Кістяківський. — Київ : Вид-во АН УРСР, 1957. — 432 с.
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    Họ Bồ câu ( Vietnamese )

    provided by wikipedia VI
    Đây là một bài viết cơ bản. Nhấn vào đây để biết thêm thông tin.
    Columbinae ở Katowice

    Họ Bồ câu (danh pháp: Columbidae) là một họ thuộc bộ Bồ câu (Columbiformes), bao gồm khoảng 300 loài chim cận chim sẻ. Tên gọi phổ biến của các loài trong họ này là bồ câu, cu, cưu, gầm ghì. Các loài trong họ này phổ biến rộng khắp thế giới, ngoại từ sa mạc Saharachâu Nam Cực, nhưng có sự đa dạng lớn nhất tại các khu vực sinh thái IndomalayaAustralasia.

    Đặc điểm sinh học

    Sinh lý

    Thân nhiệt chim bồ câu ổn định trong điều kiện nhiệt độ môi trường thay đổi; chim bồ câu là động vật hằng nhiệt.

    Thân chim hình thoi làm giảm sức cản không khí khi bay. Da khô phủ lông vũ. Lông vũ bao phủ toàn thân là lông ống, có phiến lông rộng tạo thành cánh, đuôi chim (vai trò bánh lái). Lông vũ mọc áp sát vào thân là lông tơ. Lông tơ chỉ có chùm sợi lông mảnh tạo thành lớp xốp giữ nhiệt và làm thân chim nhẹ.

    • Cánh chim khi xòe ra tạo thành một diện tích rộng quạt gió, khi cụp lại thì gọn áp vào thân.
    • Chi sau có bàn chân dài ba ngón trước, một ngón sau, đều có vuốt, giúp chim bám chặt vào cành cây khi chim đậu hoặc duỗi thẳng, xòe rộng ngón khi chim hạ cánh.
    • Mỏ sừng bao bọc hàm không có răng, làm đầu chim nhẹ. Cổ dài, đầu chim linh hoạt, phát huy được tác dụng của giác quan (mắt, tai), thuận lợi khi bắt mồi, rỉa lông. Tuyến phao câu tiết chất nhờn khi chim rỉa lông làm lông mịn, không thấm nước.

    Di chuyển

    • Chim bồ câu cũng như nhiều loài chim khác chỉ có kiểu bay vỗ cánh như chim sẻ, chim ri, chim khuyên, gà...

    a) Khi chim cất cánh chân chim khuỵu xuống, cánh chim dang rộng đưa lên cao, tiếp theo cánh chim đập mạnh xuống, cổ chim vươn ra, chân chim duỗi thẳng đập mạnh vào giá thể làm chim bật cao lên.

    b) Khi chim hạ cánh, cánh chim dang rộng để cản không khí, chân chim duỗi thẳng chuẩn bị cho sự hạ cánh được dễ dàng.

    Các tư thế bay vỗ cánh của chim bồ câu

    • Khi chim bay thân nằm xiên, đuôi xòe ngang, cổ vươn thẳng về phía trước, chân duỗi thẳng áp sát vào thân, cánh mở rộng đập liên tục từ trên xuống dưới, từ trước về sau. Sau đó chim nâng cánh bằng cách gập cánh lại, rồi nâng lên làm giảm sức cản của không khí. Khi chim đập cánh, phía ngoài cánh hạ thấp hơn phía trong thì cánh không những được không khí nâng lên mà chim còn được đẩy về phía trước.

    Hệ thống phân loại và tiến hóa

    Danh sách dưới đây liệt kê các chi, phân loại theo nhóm và tên khoa học.

    Họ Columbidae

    Cu luồng (Chalcophaps indica), loài bản địa khu vực nhiệt đới miền nam châu ÁAustralia
    Cu đất hung (Columbina talpacoti)
    Quan cưu Victoria (Goura victoria) tại Vườn thú Bristol
    Bồ câu đuôi quạt
    • Phân họ Columbinae – bồ câu điển hình
      • Chi Columba, gồm cả Aplopelia – bồ câu Cựu thế giới (33-34 loài còn sinh tồn, 2-3 loài mới tuyệt chủng gần đây)
      • Chi Streptopelia, gồm cả StigmatopeliaNesoenas – chim cu, cu sen, cu ngói, cu cườm v.v (14-18 loài còn sinh tồn)
      • Chi Patagioenas – bồ câu Mỹ; trước đây gộp trong Columba (17 loài)
      • Chi Macropygia (10 loài)
      • Chi Reinwardtoena (3 loài)
      • Chi Turacoena (2 loài)
    • Phân họ không tên – cu cánh hoàng đồng và họ hàng
      • Chi Turtur – bồ câu rừng châu Phi (5 loài; đặt vào đây không chắc chắn)
      • Chi Oena – bồ câu Namaqua (đặt vào đây không chắc chắn)
      • Chi Chalcophaps (2 loài cu luồng)
      • Chi Henicophaps (2 loài)
      • Chi Phaps (3 loài)
      • Chi Ocyphaps – bồ câu mào
      • Chi Geophaps (3 loài)
      • Chi Petrophassa – bồ câu đá (2 loài)
      • Chi Geopelia (3–5 loài)
    • Phân họ Leptotilinae – bồ câu Zenaida và họ hàng
    • Phân họ Columbininae – cu đất Mỹ
    • Phân họ không tên – cu đất Ấn Độ-Thái Bình Dương
      • Chi Gallicolumba (16-17 loài còn sinh tồn, 3-4 loài mới tuyệt chủng)
      • Chi Trugon – cu đất mỏ dày
    • Phân họ Otidiphabinae – bồ câu gà lôi
    • Phân họ Didunculinae – bồ câu mỏ răng
    • Phân họ Gourinae – quan cưu
    • Phân họ không tên ("Treroninae"?) – gầm ghì và bồ câu lục, bồ câu ăn quả
    • Phân họ Raphinae – chim Dodo và họ hàng
    • Vị trí chưa được giải quyết
      • Chi Caloenas – bồ câu Nicobar
      • Chi Treron – chim cu xanh (23 loài)
      • Chi Phapitreron – bồ câu nâu (3 loài)
      • Chi Leucosarcia – bồ câu Wonga
      • Chi Microgoura – bồ cau mào Choiseul (tuyệt chủng; đầu thế kỷ 20)
      • Chi Dysmoropelia – bồ câu St Helena (tuyệt chủng)
      • Chi chưa xác định
        • bồ câu cổ đảo Henderson, Columbidae chi không rõ loài mơ hồ (gen. et sp. indet., Hậu kỷ đệ Tứ)

    Biểu tượng

    Biểu tượng cho hòa bình

    Do thái giáo và Kitô giáo

    Trong Do Thái giáoKitô giáo, con chim bồ câu là biểu tượng của hòa bình bởi vì theo Kinh Thánh, nó đã đem cành ô liu báo hiệu cho con tàu Nô-ê rằng Thiên Chúa đã thôi cơn thịnh nộ. Bên cạnh đó, Tân Ước cũng ghi nhận chim bồ câu tượng trưng cho Chúa Thánh thần, xuất hiện như một biểu tượng cơ bản của sự trong sáng, sự chất phác, sự hòa thuận, sự hy vọng. Ngoài ra, bồ câu còn biểu thị cho sự thăng hoa của bản năng và đặc biệt là sự thăng hoa của ái tình (éros).

    Tôn giáo đa thần

    Một con bồ câu chết ở nghĩa trang

    Trong nhãn quan của tôn giáo đa thần, với sự định giá một cách khác khái niệm trong trắng, không đối lập nó mà hòa nhập nó với tình yêu xác thịt, bồ câu con chim của nữ thần Aphrodite, biểu thị cho ái ân trọn vẹn mà người yêu thường tặng cho đối tượng của mình. Nhưng quan niệm thực ra chỉ khác nhau về bề ngoài ấy đã làm cho bồ câu nhiều khi trở thành biểu tượng cho cái không thể tử vong trong con người, tức là bản nguyên của sự sống, linh hồn. Với tư cách ấy trên một số vại chôn cất của người Hi Lạp, bồ câu được họa hình uống từ một cái bình tượng trưng cho nước nguồn của trí nhớ. Hình ảnh này được tiếp nhận vào trong hệ hình tượng của đạo Kitô, ví dụ như trong truyện tử vì đạo của thánh Polycarpe, một con chim bồ câu đã bay ra từ thi hài của vị thánh này.

    Tất cả những biểu trưng ấy xuất phát hiển nhiên từ vẻ đẹp và sự duyên dáng của con chim này, từ màu trắng tinh khiết và tiếng gù êm ái của nó. Cái đó giải thích vì sao trong ngôn ngữ thông thường nhất cũng như cao siêu nhất, trong lối nói lóng của dân Paris cũng như trong Tuyệt diệu ca, từ bồ câu có mặt trong số những ẩn dụ phổ biến nhất ngợi ca người phụ nữ. "Linh hồn càng tiến gần tới ánh sáng bao nhiêu", Jean Daniélou viết, dẫn lời thánh GrégoireNysse, "nó càng trở nên đẹp bấy nhiêu và trong ánh sáng đó sẽ tiếp nhận hình bồ câu". Thế nhưng chẳng phải người đang yêu đương say đắm vẫn gọi người mình yêu là "linh hồn của anh ơi" cuối cùng xin ghi chú rằng chim bồ câu là một con chim đặc biệt dễ gần, là điều làm gia tăng giá trị luôn luôn chính diện của biểu tượng này.

    Văn hóa quốc gia

    Trung Hoa cổ, theo nhịp cơ bản của các mùa, âm và dương nối tiếp nhau, con chim bồ cắt biến thành bồ câu và bồ câu biến thành chim bồ cắt, do đó chim bồ câu được xem là biểu tượng của mùa xuân vì nó xuất hiện trở lại vào tiết xuân phân tháng tư. Phải chăng đó là nguồn gốc của cái tên "bồ câu - bồ cắt" gán cho nhà trinh thám?

    xứ Kabylie, những con chim bồ câu vây quanh ngôi mộ của ông thánh đạo Hồithành hoàng của làng; nhưng ở nhiều nơi khác, chim bồ câu được xem là giống chim báo điều gở vì tiếng gù của chim là lời kêu than của những linh hồn đau khổ.

    Quốc tế

    Một điều hiển nhiên trong quan niệm thế giới ngày nay, con chim bồ câu là biểu tượng cho sự hòa bình, yên vui và hạnh phúc, và hình tượng đó ăn sâu vào tiềm thức của tất cả mọi người, qua từng thế hệ và qua từng cuộc chiến tranh, tuy rằng hình tượng chim bồ câu chỉ mới chính thức trở thành biểu tượng hòa bình sau Chiến tranh thế giới II. Trong các sự kiệm phản chiến hay đấu tranh vì tự do, hòa bình thì chúng ta không lạ khi thấy những con chim bồ câu được trang trí trên những biểu ngữ, cờáo... nó tượng trưng cho một sự nỗ lực vì hòa bình của nhân loại.

    Hiện trạng và bảo tồn

    Trong khi nhiều loài chim bồ câu và bồ câu được hưởng lợi từ các hoạt động của con người và đã tăng phạm vi của chúng, nhiều loài khác đã giảm số lượng và một số đã bị đe dọa hoặc thậm chí bị tuyệt chủng. Trong số mười loài đã tuyệt chủng kể từ năm 1600 (ngày thông thường để ước tính sự tuyệt chủng hiện đại) là hai trong số các loài tuyệt chủng nổi tiếng nhất, dodo và bồ câu viễn khách.

    Loài bồ câu viễn khách tuyệt chủng do một số lý do đặc biệt. Trong thời hiện đại, nó là loài chim bồ câu duy nhất không phải là một loài sống biệt lập ở đảo tự nhiên đã tuyệt chủng[1] mặc dù nó từng là loài chim nhiều nhất trên Trái Đất. [ cần dẫn nguồn ] Những con số trước đây của nó rất khó ước tính, nhưng một nhà nghiên cứu về loài chim, Alexander Wilson, ước tính một đàn mà ông quan sát thấy có hơn hai tỷ con chim. [65] Sự suy giảm của loài là đột ngột; vào năm 1871, một thuộc địa sinh sản được ước tính chứa hơn một trăm triệu con chim, nhưng cá thể cuối cùng trong loài đã chết vào năm 1914. [66]Mặc dù mất môi trường sống là một yếu tố góp phần, loài này được cho là đã bị săn lùng ráo riết, được sử dụng làm thức ăn cho nô lệ và sau đó là người nghèo ở Hoa Kỳ trong suốt thế kỷ 19.

    Loài dodo, và sự tuyệt chủng của nó, là điển hình hơn về sự tuyệt chủng của chim bồ câu trong quá khứ. Giống như nhiều loài xâm chiếm các hòn đảo xa xôi với ít động vật ăn thịt, nó mất phần lớn hành vi tránh động vật ăn thịt, cùng với khả năng bay. Sự xuất hiện của con người, cùng với một bộ các loài được giới thiệu khác như chuột, lợn và mèo, nhanh chóng đánh vần sự kết thúc của loài này và tất cả các dạng đảo khác đã bị tuyệt chủng.

    Khoảng 59 loài chim bồ câu và bồ câu đang bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng ngày nay, khoảng 19% tổng số loài. Hầu hết trong số này là nhiệt đới và sống trên các đảo. Tất cả các loài bị đe dọa bởi các loài săn mồi được giới thiệu, mất môi trường sống, săn bắn hoặc kết hợp các yếu tố này. [67] Trong một số trường hợp, chúng có thể bị tuyệt chủng trong tự nhiên, giống như chim bồ câu Socorro của đảo Socorro, Mexico, được nhìn thấy lần cuối trong tự nhiên vào năm 1972, bị tuyệt chủng do mất môi trường sống và giới thiệu mèo hoang. Trong một số lĩnh vực, thiếu kiến ​​thức có nghĩa là tình trạng thực sự của một loài là không rõ; các Negros quả chim bồ câu đã không được nhìn thấy từ năm 1953 và có thể hoặc không bị tuyệt chủng, và chim bồ câu trên mặt đất Polynesia được phân loại là cực kỳ nguy cấp, vì nó có tồn tại hay không trên các hòn đảo xa xôi ở phía tây Thái Bình Dương.

    Khác nhau bảo tồn kỹ thuật này được sử dụng để ngăn chặn những sự tuyệt chủng, trong đó có pháp luật và các quy định để kiểm soát áp lực săn bắn, việc thành lập các khu bảo tồn để ngăn ngừa mất môi trường sống hơn nữa, việc thành lập các quần thể bị giam cầm cho áp dụng lại trở lại môi trường tự nhiên (ex situ bảo tồn), và chuyển đoạn của các cá nhân đến môi trường sống phù hợp để tạo ra các quần thể bổ sung.

    Xem thêm

    Tham khảo

    • Jean Chevalier, Alain Gheerbrant. Dictionnaire des symboles. Édition revue et augmentée. Robert Laffont, Pairis 1992.
    1. ^ Society, National Geographic. “Species Extinction Time Line | Animals Lost SInce 1600”. National Geographic.
    Bài viết này cần thêm chú thích nguồn gốc để kiểm chứng thông tin. Mời bạn giúp hoàn thiện bài viết này bằng cách bổ sung chú thích tới các nguồn đáng tin cậy. Các nội dung không có nguồn có thể bị nghi ngờ và xóa bỏ.

    Liên kết ngoài

     src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Họ Bồ câu  src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Họ Bồ câu

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    (tiếng Việt)

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    Họ Bồ câu: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

    provided by wikipedia VI
    Đây là một bài viết cơ bản. Nhấn vào đây để biết thêm thông tin.  src= Columbinae ở Katowice

    Họ Bồ câu (danh pháp: Columbidae) là một họ thuộc bộ Bồ câu (Columbiformes), bao gồm khoảng 300 loài chim cận chim sẻ. Tên gọi phổ biến của các loài trong họ này là bồ câu, cu, cưu, gầm ghì. Các loài trong họ này phổ biến rộng khắp thế giới, ngoại từ sa mạc Saharachâu Nam Cực, nhưng có sự đa dạng lớn nhất tại các khu vực sinh thái IndomalayaAustralasia.

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    Голубиные ( Russian )

    provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
    Рисунок белого додо Питера Холстейна

    Несмотря на то, что многие виды голубиных выиграли от сосуществования с человеком и даже расширили свой ареал, популяции многих других видов уменьшились, а некоторые полностью вымерли. По крайней мере 10 видов голубиных вымерли после 1600 года, включая один из самых известных случаев вымирания в новое время — додо[10], а также резкое вымирание странствующего голубя[11].

    По состоянию на 2007 год под угрозой исчезновения находились 59 видов голубиных, около 19% от всех видов семейства[12]. В основном речь идёт о видах, обитающих на островах в тропиках. Основными факторами угрозы для всех этих видов являются завезённые хищники, разрушение среды обитания и охота.

    В качестве мер, направленных на сохранение видов голубиных, можно перечислить принятие законов, ограничивающих охоту, создание резерваций для предотвращения дальнейшего разрушения окружающей среды, создание популяций в неволе для последующего внедрения, а также транслокацию особей в подходящую среду с целью образования новых популяций.

    Взаимодействие с человеком


    Марка с изображением почтового голубя

    По разным оценкам Сизый голубь был одомашнен от 5 до 10 тысяч лет назад[13]. С тех пор было выведено много пород домашних голубей, самой известной из которых является почтовый голубь. Некоторые породы выводились с декоративной целью, а некоторые имели практическое применение (голубиная почта, голубиные гонки). На многих церемониях принято выпускать в воздух голубей. Существует специально выведенная для этой цели порода чисто белых голубей.

    Продукт питания

    Жареный голубь, сунданская кухня, Indonesia

    Многие виды голубиных находят применение в кулинарии. В качестве мяса используются в основном хорошо развитые грудные мышцы. Голубиные использовались в пищу на древнем Ближнем востоке, в Древнем Риме, и средневековой Европе. Голубиному мясу найдено применение в еврейской, арабской и французской кухне. В Азии голуби используются в китайской и индонезийской кухне. Согласно канонам иудаизма голуби кошерны, то есть дозволены к употреблению в пищу. Более того, голуби являются одними из считанных видов птиц, которых в иудаизме дозволено приносить в жертву. Голубиный пирог был популярным недорогим блюдом в викторианской Англии[14].

    В литературе

    Голубиная почта и отношения людей и почтовых голубей являются сюжетом нескольких литературных произведений. Голубиная тема является основной сюжетной линией романа Меира Шалева «Голубь и мальчик»[15][16] Суровые будни почтового голубя описаны в рассказе Эрнеста Сетон-Томпсона «Арно», где одноименный голубь проходит через множество приключений, не всегда приятных.

    В религии

    Образ представителей голубиных используется во многих религиях:

    • В танахе первое упоминание о голубе можно найти в описании всемирного потопа. Ной, стремясь определить, высохла ли суша, выпускает из ковчега вначале ворона, а затем голубя. Голубь принёс Ною в клюве оливковую ветвь, что означало, что вода сошла[17]. Голубь с оливковой ветвью в клюве стал международным символом мира.
    • Следует отметить, что в шумерском Эпосе о Гильгамеше, где также присутствует описание всемирного потопа, роли ворона и голубя перевёрнуты, и именно ворон, не вернувшись к Утнапиштиму, тем самым шлёт ему добрую весть[18].
    • В христианстве образ голубя связан со Святым Духом[19].

    Интересные факты

    Потерявший кладку голубь может насиживать вместо своих яиц чернильницу[20].

    См. также


    1. Goodwin, D. Pigeons and Doves of the World. 3rd ed. Ithaca, NY: British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press, 1983
    2. Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    3. Hagey, LR; Schteingart, CD; Ton-Nu, HT; Hofmann, AF (1994). “Biliary bile acids of fruit pigeons and doves (Columbiformes)” (PDF). Journal of Lipid Research. 35 (11): 2041—8. PMID 7868982. Символ переноса строки в |title= на позиции №46 (справка)
    4. The Medieval Bestiary, Doves, last checked 2010-01-31
    5. Thomas Browne, 1646; Pseudodoxia Epidemica III.iii; 1672 edition available online, last checked 2010-01-31
    6. Коблик Е. А., Редькин Я. А., Архипов В. Ю. 2006. Список птиц Российской Федерации. М. КМК. С. 128-129.
    7. Janoo, Anwar (2005). “Discovery of isolated dodo bones [Raphus cucullatus (L.), Aves, Columbiformes] from Mauritius cave shelters highlights human predation, with a comment on the status of the family Raphidae Wetmore, 1930”. Annales de Paléontologie. 91 (2): 167. DOI:10.1016/j.annpal.2004.12.002.
    8. Shapiro, Beth; Sibthorpe, Dean; Rambaut, Andrew; Austin, Jeremy; Wragg, Graham M.; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P.; Lee, Patricia L. M. & Cooper, Alan (2002). “Flight of the Dodo”. Science. 295 (5560): 1683. DOI:10.1126/science.295.5560.1683. PMID 11872833. Supplementary information
    9. BirdLife International Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni (неопр.). Data Zone. BirdLife International (2009). Проверено 29 апреля 2013. Архивировано 29 апреля 2013 года.
    10. Fuller, Errol. Extinct Birds. — revised. — New York : Comstock, 2001. — ISBN 978-0-8014-3954-4.
    11. Игорь Иванович Акимушкин. Трагедия странствующего голубя // «Следы невиданных зверей», М.: Географгиз, 1961
    12. Walker, J. (2007). “Geographical patterns of threat among pigeons and doves (Columbidae)”. Oryx. 41 (3). DOI:10.1017/S0030605307001016.
    13. Richard F. Johnston, Marian Janiga. Feral Pigeons. — Oxford University Press, 1995. — 336 p. — ISBN 978-0195084092.
    14. CHAPTER 40 — DINNERS AND DINING | Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management. Mrsbeeton.com. Retrieved on 2013-03-05.
    15. Меир Шалев, с иврита на русский Рафаила Нудельмана и Аллы Фурман. Голубь и мальчик = יונה ונער. — place: ивр.Am Oved‏‎, русский: «Текст» и «Еврейское слово», 2006, 2008 (русский перевод). — 544 с. — ISBN 978-5-7516-0716-6. Архивировано 29 октября 2010 года.
    16. Новая книга Меира Шалева «Голубь и мальчик» стала «золотым» произведением писателя. Рецензия на news.ru.
    17. Быт (8:11)
    18. Kovacs, Maureen Gallery. The epic of Gilgamesh. — Stanford University Press, 1989. — P. 102. — ISBN 978-0-8047-1711-3.
    19. Матвей (3:16)
    20. Морозов В. П. Занимательная биоакустика. Изд. 2-е, доп., перераб. — М.: Знание, 1987. — 208 с. + 32 с. вкл. — С. 70-75
    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Голубиные: Brief Summary ( Russian )

    provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
     src= Zenaida graysoni — пример голубиных, исчезнувших в дикой природе  src= Рисунок белого додо Питера Холстейна

    Несмотря на то, что многие виды голубиных выиграли от сосуществования с человеком и даже расширили свой ареал, популяции многих других видов уменьшились, а некоторые полностью вымерли. По крайней мере 10 видов голубиных вымерли после 1600 года, включая один из самых известных случаев вымирания в новое время — додо, а также резкое вымирание странствующего голубя.

    По состоянию на 2007 год под угрозой исчезновения находились 59 видов голубиных, около 19% от всех видов семейства. В основном речь идёт о видах, обитающих на островах в тропиках. Основными факторами угрозы для всех этих видов являются завезённые хищники, разрушение среды обитания и охота.

    В качестве мер, направленных на сохранение видов голубиных, можно перечислить принятие законов, ограничивающих охоту, создание резерваций для предотвращения дальнейшего разрушения окружающей среды, создание популяций в неволе для последующего внедрения, а также транслокацию особей в подходящую среду с целью образования новых популяций.

    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    鸠鸽科 ( Chinese )

    provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

    鸠鸽科學名Columbidae)在鸟类传统分类系统中是鸟纲鸽形目中的一个,一般稱為鸠或者鴿。有許多種類,其中有47屬,其下共有大約320個物種。常常被稱呼為白鴿鴿子的常见物种是原鴿Columba livia)。






    鸠鸽科有小,和細小的。鸠鸽科在行走時會點頭,其原因是要保持視界的穩定,這是在1978年B. J. Frost進行中的實驗中證實,在此實驗中,將鸽子放在跑步機上,當其周圍穩定不動時,鸽子不會點頭[3]。牠們也有很大的翅膀及很低的翼載荷,鸠鸽科翅膀的肌肉很強壯,肌肉約佔體重的31至44%。是所有鳥類中翅膀最強壯的,也是在飛行中机动性最強的。

    鳩鴿科现存最大的物種是新畿內亞的四种冠鳩屬Goura),冠鳩有一隻火雞那麼大,約重2至4公斤(4.4至8.8);而最小的鴿子是南美鸠属普通地鸠英语Columbina passerinaColumbina passerina),大小就像麻雀一樣,體重只有22克重。[2]

    本科体长最长的物種是棲息在樹上的馬貴斯皇鳩英语Marquesan Imperial PigeonDucula galeata),長50厘米,重一公斤;而小绿果鸠英语Dwarf Fruit DovePtilinopus nainus)只有13厘米左右,這本科最短的物種[2]

    普通地鸠英语Columbina passerina是鸠鸽科中最小的物種
    珠颈斑鸠 Spilopelia chinensis



    鸠鸽科 Columbidae 鸽亚科 Columbinae 哀鸽族 Zenaidini    

    蓝头鸠属 Starnoenas


    鹑鸠属 Geotrygon


    棕翅鸠属 Leptotila


    绿背鹑鸠属 Leptotrygon


    哀鸽属 Zenaida


    白脸鹑鸠属 Zentrygon

            鸽族 Columbini      

    旅鸽属 Ectopistes


    美洲鸽属 Patagioenas


    长尾鸠属 Reinwardtoena


    蕉鸠属 Turacoena


    鹃鸠属 Macropygia


    斑鸠属 Streptopelia


    鸽属 Columba


    粉鸠属 Nesoenas


    副斑鸠属 Spilopelia

                  美洲地鸠亚科 Claravinae

    斑地鸠属 Claravis


    长尾地鸠属 Uropelia


    原鸠属 Metriopelia


    南美鸠属 Columbina

            渡渡鸟亚科 Raphinae 铜翅鸠族 Phabini

    ?孤鸠属 Henicophaps


    鸡鸠属 Gallicolumba


    紫珠鸠属 Alopecoenas


    凤头鸠属 Ocyphaps


    石鸠属 Petrophassa


    巨地鸠属 Leucosarcia


    姬地鸠属 Geopelia


    铜翅鸠属 Phaps


    岩鸠属 Geophaps

                    渡渡鸟族 Raphini

    厚嘴地鸠属 Trugon


    冕鸠属 Microgoura


    雉鸠属 Otidiphaps


    冠鸠属 Goura


    齿鸠属 Didunculus


    蓑鸠属 Caloenas


    渡渡鸟属 Raphus


    罗岛渡渡鸟属 Pezophaps

                  绿鸠族 Treronini

    綠鳩屬 Treron

        森鸠族 Turturini

    褐果鸠属 Phapitreron


    金鸠属 Chalcophaps


    小长尾鸠属 Oena


    森鸠属 Turtur

            果鸠族 Ptilinopini

    皇鸠属 Ducula


    果鸠属 Ptilinopus


    南洋鸠属 Hemiphaga


    髻鸠属 Lopholaimus


    苏拉乌鸠属 Cryptophaps


    山鸠属 Gymnophaps



    铜翅鸽英语common bronzewing分佈在澳洲的許多地區,除了雨林深處以及最乾的沙漠外,其他地區都可以生活




    有些鸠鸽科的物種分佈範圍較廣。斑頰哀鴿棲地包括整個南美洲,從哥伦比亚火地群岛灰斑鸠主要分佈範圍從大不列顛島欧洲中东、印度、巴基斯坦及中國,棕斑鸠分佈範圍在撒哈拉沙漠南部的非洲,也包括印度、巴基斯坦及中東。其他物種的棲地範圍較小,大部份是島嶼的特有種黃頭果鳩英语whistling dove斐濟坎達武島的的特有種。特岛鸡鸠英语Caroline ground-dove只分佈在加罗林群岛中的楚克群島波纳佩岛格林納達棕翅鳩棲息在 加勒比地区格林纳达。有些大陸型的物種分佈範圍也不大,例如黑帶果鳩英语black-banded fruit dove只分佈在澳洲的阿纳姆地索馬里鴿英语Somali pigeon只分布在索马里北方的一小塊區域,裸眶地鸠英语Moreno's ground dove只有在阿根廷北部的萨尔塔圣米格尔-德图库曼附近[2]




    旅鴿的绝灭有許多和其他绝灭物種不同的地方,這個物種是非島嶼型鸠鸽科物種中,唯一绝灭的一種,旅鴿曾經是地球上數量最多的鴿子物種(但是和雀形目奎利亞雀相比旅鴿數量其實少很多,也就是說旅鴿其實連數量最多的鳥類都不是),以前的數量難以估計,但鳥類學家亞歷山大·威爾遜英语Alexander Wilson (ornithologist)觀察過一個旅鴿鳥群,數量超過20億隻。旅鴿的數量是突然減少的,在1871年,一個繁殖群體估計包含超過一億隻的鳥,而最後一隻是在1914年死亡,其中棲地的減少是一個原因,不過绝灭的主要原因應該是因為在十九世紀時,被美國的奴隸及窮人大量過度捕捉作為食物所造成。

    渡渡鸟以及其绝灭的經過,是更典型鸠鸽科绝灭的例子。渡渡鸟和其他島嶼型的物種一様,因為掠食者不多,已經出現了島嶼溫馴性英语island tameness,也失去了飛行的能力。當人們出現,而且帶來其他像鼠、豬及貓之類的外來物種時,島嶼型物種很快就绝灭了。

    目前已有59個鸠鸽科的物種受到威脅可能會绝灭,約佔總物種數量的19%[4]。大部份是棲息在熱帶島嶼,其受到威脅的原因包括引進的掠食者、棲地的減少以及捕獵。其中有些已經野外绝灭,例如在墨西哥索科羅島索哥羅鳩,因為棲地減少以及流浪貓的出現,已經野外绝灭[5]。有些地區因資訊不足,也還不清楚一些物種的實際狀態,里普利氏果鳩從1953年之後再加沒有看到過,還不確定是否已經绝灭,波利尼西亞地鴿英语Polynesian ground dove分類為極危物種,因為也還不清楚牠們是否仍存活在太平洋極東邊的遙遠小島上。

    目前已開始運用許多保育生物學技巧,設法防止這些物種的绝灭,包括立法控制捕獵行為、設置保育區以避免進一步的棲地減少、建立一定數量的物種再重新放到一原棲息環境中(遷地保育英语ex situ),或是將物種移到其他適合的棲地,以產生額外的族群。



    給軍鴿Royal Blue的迪金勳章

    軍鴿可以在戰爭中傳遞訊息,在二次世界大戰中都有其貢獻,特別是在澳洲、法國、德國、英國及美國陸軍鴿系英语United States Army Pigeon Service。有32隻軍鴿因為在戰爭中的貢獻被授以迪金勳章,其中包括魔鬼司令(Commando)、特種兵(G.I. Joe)、派迪(Paddy)及奥兰治的威廉(William of Orange)。

    Cher Ami英语Cher Ami第一次世界大战信鸽,因為1918年10月在第一次世界大战默茲阿爾貢攻勢英语Meuse-Argonne offensive中傳遞訊息,救了美國第77步兵師英语77th Infantry Division (United States)Lost Battalion英语Lost Battalion (World War I),後來授與Croix de Guerre英语Croix de guerre 1914–1918 (France)奬章及橡叶簇铜质奖章英语Oak leaf cluster。Cher Ami死後被剝製成標本,是史密森尼学会美国国家历史博物馆中的一項永久展示品[6]



    岩鴿馴化了上百年之久,也已被馴育出許多特殊的品種,由一些愛好者養育,其中知名度最高的是信鸽賽鴿 (鴿子)英语racing homer,其他較有名的品種有像伯明罕翻飛鴿英语Birmingham roller等玩賞鴿,或是有特殊身體特徵的鴿子,例如腳部有大的羽毛或是扇形尾巴。馴化過的岩鴿也會作為信鸽,幾千年來人們會用信鸽來傳送文字的訊息,在公元前三千年,埃及人就開始用鴿子來傳遞書信了。在一些大型節日時也會會施放和平鸽英语release dove。在魔術中也常用白色鸽子作為道具。


    Almeida Júnior英语Almeida Júnior畫的耶穌受洗,受洗時聖靈彷彿鴿子一樣的出現


    在新約聖經中,耶穌的父母在耶穌行割禮英语Circumcision of Jesus獻祭時,是用鴿子為祭物(路加福音2:24),後來施洗約翰為耶穌耶穌受洗時,聖靈降下彷彿鴿子一樣(馬太福音3:16)。








    1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Boyd, John H., III. Columbea: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae. JBoyd.net. 2017 [2018-04-14].
    2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Baptista, L. F.; Trail, P. W. & Horblit, H. M. (1997): Family Columbidae (Doves and Pigeons). In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors): Handbook of birds of the world, Volume 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9
    3. ^ Necker, R. Head-bobbing of walking birds (PDF). Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology. 2007, 193 (12): 1177–83. PMID 17987297. doi:10.1007/s00359-007-0281-3.
    4. ^ Walker, J. Geographical patterns of threat among pigeons and doves (Columbidae). Oryx. 2007, 41 (3). doi:10.1017/S0030605307001016.
    5. ^ BirdLife International. Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni. Data Zone. BirdLife International. 2009 [26 June 2009].
    6. ^ Cher Ami "Dear Friend" WWI. Flickr. [2008-04-26].
    7. ^ Yonah Jonah Blue Letter Bible. Blueletterbible.org. Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    8. ^ The Enduring Symbolism of Doves, From Ancient Icon to Biblical Mainstay by Dorothy D. Resig BAR Magazine 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期31 January 2013.. Bib-arch.org (9 February 2013). Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
    9. ^ Blechman, Andrew D. March of the Pigeons. The New York Times. April 9, 2006 [2008-02-24].
    • Blechman, Andrew, Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World's Most Revered and Reviled Bird (Grove Press 2007) ISBN 978-0-8021-4328-0
    • Gibbs, Barnes and Cox, Pigeons and Doves (Pica Press 2001) ISBN 1-873403-60-7



     src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:鸠鸽科

     src= 維基物種中有關鸠鸽科的數據


    鸠鸽科: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

    provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

    鸠鸽科(學名:Columbidae)在鸟类传统分类系统中是鸟纲鸽形目中的一个,一般稱為鸠或者鴿。有許多種類,其中有47屬,其下共有大約320個物種。常常被稱呼為白鴿鴿子的常见物种是原鴿(Columba livia)。




    ハト科 ( Japanese )

    provided by wikipedia 日本語
    ハト科 ヒメモリバト 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : ハト目 Columbiformes : ハト科 Columbidae 学名 Columbidae Leach, 1820 和名 ハト(鳩) 属


     src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ハト科に関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにハト科に関する情報があります。

    ハト科(ハトか、学名 Columbidae)は、鳥類ハト目の科である。ハト(鳩)と呼ばれる。














    単型ハト目 Comunbiformes を構成する。かつてはサケイ科がハト目に含められ、ハト科はハト目ハト亜目 Columbae に分類されていた。ハト科はサケイ科とやや近縁ではあるが[1][2]姉妹群クイナモドキ科である可能性が高い[3]

    ハト科は3つの系統に分かれ[4]、Pereira et al. (2007) では Clade A・Clade B・Clade C と仮称されている。Clade A・Clade B 内の系統関係はよくわかっているが、最大の Clade C は類縁関係の不確かないくつかの小系統からなる。Clade B は新熱帯区中南米)固有である。Clade C はエチオピア区東洋区オーストラリア区オセアニアを含む旧世界の熱帯)に生息しオーストラリア区起源、Clade A は新旧両世界の熱帯に生息し新熱帯区起源のようである[4]

    系統 従来の亜科 現生属 Clade C アオバト亜科 Treroninae 10属 カンムリバト亜科 Gourinae 01属 ゴクラクバト亜科 Otidiphabinae 01属 オオハシバト亜科 Didunculinae 01属 ドードー科 Raphidae 絶滅 カワラバト亜科 Columbinae 13属 Clade B 04属 Clade A 12属

    従来の一般的な分類ではカワラバト亜科 Columbinae・アオバト亜科 Treroninaeカンムリバト亜科 Gourinaeオオハシバト亜科 Didunculinae の4亜科またはゴクラクバト亜科 Otidiphabinae を加えた5亜科に分けられ[4]、さらに従来別科とされていたドードー科 Raphidae を含む。このほかにも、亜科の構成が異なったり、オオハシバト科 Didunculidae やアルキバト科 Claraviidae を分離するなど、さまざまな説があった。しかしこれらの説は系統を反映していない。単型でないカワラバト亜科とアオバト亜科は単系統ではなく、Clade A と Clade B はカワラバト亜科に含まれ、Clade C は残りのカワラバト亜科・他の4亜科・ドードー科からなる。

    系統樹は Pereira et al. (2007)[4]より。他のソースによるものは出典付きで配した。サンプリングされていない属には「?」を付けた。Clade C のうちカワラバト亜科 Columbinae とアオバト亜科 Treroninae に属する枝には [Co] と [Tr] を記した。

    ハト科 Clade C [Tr]

    ミヤマバト属 Gymnophaps

    カミカザリバト Lopholaimus

    ? Cryptophaps [2]

    ニュージーランドバト属 Hemiphaga

    ヒメアオバト属 Ptilinopus (incl. Drepanoptila & Alectroenas [2])

    ミカドバト属 Ducula


    シッポウバト Oena

    アオフバト属 Turtur

    キンバト属 Chalcophaps


    テリアオバト属 Phapitreron


    アオバト属 Treron


    ドードー属 Raphus

    ロドリゲスドードー Pezophaps


    ミノバト属 Caloenas

    オオハシバト Didunculus

    カンムリバト属 Goura


    ? †カンザシバト Microgoura [5]

    ゴクラクバト Otidiphaps


    ハシブトバト Trugon


    イワバト属 Petrophassa

    ニジハバト属 Phaps

    レンジャクバト Ocyphaps

    ? Geophaps [6]

    チョウショウバト属 Geopelia

    ウォンガバト Leucosarcia

    ヒムネバト属 Gallicolumba

    ハシナガバト属 Henicophaps

    Clade B

    スズメバト属 Columbina

    ハシリバト属 Metriopelia

    オナガハシリバト Uropelia

    アルキバト属 Claravis

    Clade A

    オナガバト属 Macropygia

    カオジロクロバト属 Turacoena

    マイヒメバト属 Reinwardtoena

    カワラバト属 Columba

    キジバト属 Streptopelia

    Nesoenas [7]

    Spilopelia [7]


    リョコウバト Ectopistes [8]

    アメリカシャコバト属 Leptotila

    ハジロバト属 Zenaida

    アメリカウズラバト属 Geotrygon

    ? クロヒゲバト Starnoenas [5]




    現生属と種数は国際鳥類学会議 (IOC) による[9]。42属321種が現生する。

    Clade A[編集]

    Clade B[編集]

    Clade C[編集]

    カワラバト亜科 Columbinae(部分)[編集]

    アオバト亜科 Treroninae[編集]


    ドードー科 Raphidae[編集]




    •  src=

      Chalcophaps indica

    •  src=

      Goura cristata

    •  src=

      Streptopelia orientalis


    1. ^ Ericson, Per G. P.; Anderson, Cajsa L.; et al. (2006), “Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils”, Biol. Lett. 2 (4): 543–547, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0523, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1834003/
    2. ^ a b c d Gibb, Gillian C.; Penny, David (2010), “Two aspects along the continuum of pigeon evolution: A South-Pacific radiation and the relationship of pigeons within Neoaves”, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 56 (2): 698–706, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.04.016
    3. ^ Hackett, S. J.; Kimball, Rebecca T.; et al. (2008), “A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History”, Science 320: 1763–1768
    4. ^ a b c d Pereira, S. L.; Johnson, K. P.; et al. (2007), “Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Sequences Support a Cretaceous Origin of Columbiformes and a Dispersal-Driven Radiation in the Paleogene”, Syst. Biol. 56 (4): 656–672, doi:10.1080/10635150701549672, http://sysbio.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/56/4/656
    5. ^ a b “Dietary and sexual correlates of carotenoid pigment expression in dove plumage”, Condor 105 (2): 258–267, (2003), doi:10.1650/0010-5422(2003)105[0258:DASCOC]2.0.CO;2
    6. ^ a b Christidis, Les; Boles, Walter E. (2008), “Family Columbidae”, Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds, CSIRO Publishing, ISBN 9780643096028
    7. ^ a b Cheke, Anthony S. (2005), “Naming segregates from the Columba–Streptopelia pigeons following DNA studies on phylogeny”, Bull. B.O.C. 125 (4): 293–295, オリジナルの2011年7月10日時点によるアーカイブ。, https://web.archive.org/web/20110710143423/http://www.dodobooks.com/files/Cheke2005PigeonNames.pdf
    8. ^ Johnson, K. P.; Clayton, D. H.; et al. (2010), “The flight of the Passenger Pigeon: Phylogenetics and biogeographic history of an extinct species”, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. (in press), doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.05.010
    9. ^ Gill, Frank; Donsker, David, eds. (2010), “Sandgrouse & pigeons”, IOC World Bird Names (version 2.5), http://www.worldbirdnames.org/n-sandgrouse.html


    • 小原秀雄浦本昌紀太田英利松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ1 ユーラシア、北アメリカ』、講談社2000年、185–186頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ6 アフリカ』、講談社、2000年、101、198–199頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ4 インド、インドシナ』、講談社、2000年、180頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ4 東南アジアの島々』、講談社、2000年、84–86、162–167頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ7 オーストラリア、ニューギニア』、講談社、2000年、58–62、177–180頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ2 アマゾン』、講談社、2001年、78、135–136頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ3 中央・南アメリカ』、講談社、2001年、72–73、193–196頁。
    • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ8 太平洋、インド洋』、講談社、2001年、96–98、197–202頁。
    • 黒田長久監修 C.M.ペリンズ、A.L.A.ミドルトン編 『動物大百科8 鳥II』、平凡社1986年、60–65頁。
    • 中村登流監修 『原色ワイド図鑑4 鳥』、学習研究社1984年、68–69頁。
    • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 鳥』、小学館2002年、70–71、110、144、152、172、174–175頁。


    •  日本にいるハト目ハト科の下位の9種とも13種とも言われるハトの歴史や生態についての記事
    • カワラバト 学術名カワラバト、日本で一般的なハトの種。
    • 伝書鳩 数百年にわたり品種改良された種。
    visit source
    partner site
    wikipedia 日本語

    ハト科: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

    provided by wikipedia 日本語

    ハト科(ハトか、学名 Columbidae)は、鳥類ハト目の科である。ハト(鳩)と呼ばれる。

    visit source
    partner site
    wikipedia 日本語

    비둘기 ( Korean )

    provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

     src= 흔히 말하는 회색의 도시 비둘기에 대해서는 집비둘기 문서를 참고하십시오.

    비둘기비둘기과를 이루는 308종의 들의 총칭이다. 흔히 "비둘기"라고 부르는 도시 비둘기는 바위비둘기의 아종인 집비둘기이다. 바위비둘기의 품종 개량으로 공작비둘기, 흰비둘기 등의 품종이 있다. 새끼의 입을 벌려 토해낸 먹이를 먹이는 것으로 새끼를 기른다. 어디에서나 흔히 볼 수 있는 텃새이며, 서양에서 흰비둘기는 평화를 상징한다.


    비둘기의 ‘둘(ㄱ)’이 과 어원을 같이 한다는 설이 있고 '비'가 비오리의 '비'와 어원이 같다는 설도 있다.[1] '비둘기'는 《월인석보》와 《훈몽자회》 등에 ‘비두리’로, 신증유합에 ‘비둘기’로 기록되어 있다. 이후 여러 표기가 혼용되다 ‘비둘기’만 남게 되었다. 고려 때의 문헌 중에서는 《계림유사》(12세기)에 “鴿曰弼陀里”라는 기록이 있는데, 당시 발음은 *pitari 또는 *pitüri로 재구된다. 한편 시용향악보에 한글로 기록된 고려 가요인 〈유구곡〉에는 ‘비두로기’라는 표현이 있다.


    Columbina passerina.jpg
    Woodpigeon on a Telephone Line.jpg

    모든 기후대에 서식하는 308종의 비둘기 중 각각 비둘기들은 외형적으로 유사하지만, 비생물적 요인과 에너지 소모량, 체온, 호흡 수에 따른 영향이 그에 맞는 규칙성을 띄며 종에 따라 몸무게가 적게는 30g에서 많게는 1500g까지 차이가 난다.[2] 가장 작은 비둘기는 몸 길이 19~21.5cm에 23~37g의 크기를 가진 박설구(Geopelia cuneata)가 있고 가장 큰 것은 왕관비둘기(Goura victoria)로 70-80cm에 1.7~2.9 kg의 크기를 갖고 있다. 비둘기의 몸은 대체로 타원형을 띄며 작은 머리에 가늘고 약간 긴 목을 가지고 있다. 날개는 폭이 넓으며 끝은 휘어져 있다. 10개에서 15개 정도의 깃털(tertial)을 가지고 있고 대부분의 종은 외깃털(diastataxic)이나 일부는 겹깃털(eutaxic)을 가지고 있다. 뻣뻣한 날개깃은 비둘기가 도약할 때 크고 독특한 소리(clapping)를 낸다. 도움닫기 없이 바로 날 수 있는 새지만 날개짓만으로 솟아오를 순 없다. 때문에 비둘기가 비행할 때에는 날개의 힘을 빌리지 않고 활공비행을 한다. 꼬리는 길고 넓으며 네모 꼴에 끝은 살짝 휘어져 있다. 비둘기의 꼬리깃은 종류에 따라 12cm에서 큰 것은 18cm 정도 된다. 대개 다 큰 비둘기가 새끼 비둘기보다 날개깃이 기나 프틸리노푸스속은 새끼가 다 큰 비둘기보다 더 긴 날개깃을 가지고 있다. 과일이나 식물의 열매를 먹는 일부 종을 제외하면 대부분 짧고 약한 부리를 가지고 있으며 끝이 더 길고 단단한데 휘어져 있기도 하다. 비둘기의 콧구멍은 부리에 난 콧잔등(operculum) 사이로 비스듬히 위치해 있다.[3]


    5개까지의 알을 낳는 경우도 있으나 비둘기는 종류에 따라 1개에서 2개 정도의 알을 낳는 게 일반적인데, 2개의 알을 낳는 것이 가장 생존율이 높으며 많은 비둘기가 가장 생존률이 높은 2개의 알을 낳도록 진화했다.[4] 소낭에서 분비되는 비둘기 우유(en:Crop milk, 크롭 밀크 혹은 피존 밀크)를 먹여서 새끼를 기르는 것으로 유명하지만 모든 비둘기의 몸에서 비둘기 우유가 나오는 것은 아니다. 비둘기 우유는 바위비둘기 종류에게서만 분비되고 이는 바위비둘기의 연중번식이 가능한 이유이기도 하다.[5] 알을 품을 때에는 암수가 번갈아 품으며 이때 암컷은 낮에, 수컷은 밤에 알을 품는다.[6]

    비둘기와 도시공해

    비둘기 중 도시로 이주 및 정착한 개체는 도시공해의 새로운 원인이 되었다. 산성이 강한 비둘기의 배설물이 도시의 건축물과 동상 등을 부식시키고, 진균류 등을 옮겨 각종 질병을 일으키기도 한다. 이런 문제 때문에 몇몇 도시들은 비둘기 공해에 대한 대책을 세우기도 한다. 비둘기도 생명이므로 죽이지는 못하고, 개체수가 과도하게 늘어나 비둘기와 사람 모두가 불편을 겪으므로 번식을 통제하는 대책을 사용하는데, 대책의 예로는 2009년 6월부터 서울특별시에서 실시하고 있는 비둘기 수거(번식 통제), 비둘기에게 먹이를 주는 행위에 대해 벌금을 부과하는 지침이 있다.[7]

    대한민국의 방생

    1988년 서울 올림픽, 대통령 취임식 때 비둘기를 대량 방생하여 현재 비둘기가 어디서나 볼 수 있는 동물이 되었다.


    근현대에 와서 비둘기는 공해와 주어 먹는음식물 쓰레기에 의해 병균(칸디다증, 살모넬라, 성 루이스 뇌염, 크립토코코우시스증 등)을 옮기는 유해한 조류가 되었다.


    창세기홍수 이야기에서는 노아가 땅이 있는지 알아보기 위해 에서 비둘기를 내보냈고 비둘기는 올리브 가지를 물어와서 땅이 있음을 알려줬다. 마태 복음서누가 복음서에 따르면 그리스도세례자 요한에게 세례를 받는 동안 성령이 비둘기의 모습으로 나타났다고 하여[8][9] 그리스도교에서는 성령평화를 나타내는 상징으로 비둘기를 써 왔다.[10]


    다음은 비둘기과의 계통 분류이다.[11][12]

    비둘기과 비둘기아과 제나이다족    






































            도도아과 Phabini  

    ? 헤니코팹스속














































    프티리노푸스속, Drepanoptila, Alectroenas











    1. “비둘기”. 《국어어원사전》. 동방미디어주식회사. 2016년 12월 24일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서.
    2. EIke, Schleucher (1990년 9월 29일), “Life in extreme environments:Investigations on the ecophysiology of a desert bird, the Australian Diamond Dove (Geopelia cuneaCa Latham)”, 《Oecologia88, 72-76쪽
    3. Higgins, P.J.; Davies, S.J.J.F. (1996). 《Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds》 (PDF) 3판. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 834쪽.
    4. David E. Blockstein (1989년). 〈12p〉. 《Crop Milk and Clutch Size in Mourning Doves》 (학위논문). The Wilson Bulletin.
    5. Richard F. Johnston,Marián Janiga, Feral Pigeons 9p
    6. “Who Incubates?”. 《Stanford Education》 (영어). Both sexes of most woodpeckers alternate during the day, but the male sits on the eggs at night.
    7. 오경진 기자, 골칫덩이 된 '평화의 상징' 비둘기..포획퇴치냐, 보호구제냐, 《서울신문》, 2017년 10월 5일 작성
    8. 마태복음 3:16
    9. 누가복음 3:22
    10. “위트니스 리(witness lee),신약의 결론 3권 - 성령”. 2016년 9월 27일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2016년 9월 25일에 확인함.
    11. Boyd, John H., III (2007). COLUMBEA: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae. 《JBoyd.net》. 2015년 12월 30일에 확인함.
    12. Boyd, John H., III. “John Boyd's Home Page”. 《JBoyd.net》. 2017년 1월 11일에 확인함.
    Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자