Like other members of its genus, C. maculatus will inflate the body with air and hiss and puff when disturbed (Spawls et al., 2002). It is also known to raise its body into a coil then strike or lift and flatten the front part of its body, imitating a cobra (Spawls et al., 2002).
West African night adder
These snakes reach a maximum size of about 70 cm, the average size is between 30 to 60 cm. The dorsal pattern consists of brownish scales contrasted by a number of dark brown or blackish patches all along the back (these tend to be indistinct on the front quarter of the body). There are random black scales on the flanks. On the head there is a characteristic V-shaped mark, which may be solid black (especially in juveniles), or brown with black outline. A short dark line is often present behind the eye and the upper labial scales are usually black-edged. The dorsal pattern may vary, some individuals have no markings at all, and can be hard to identify. The ventral scales vary from cream, white to pinkish-grey. The ventral scale coloring may be uniform but sometimes each scale grades from light to dark, the belly thus looks finely barred (Spawls, et al., 2002).
There are 17 to 22 scale rows at midbody, 118 to 154 ventral scales, and 15 to 26 subcaudal scales (Spawls et al., 2002).
Known to consume frogs and toads (Spawls et al., 2002; Ineich et al., 2006)
Mauritania and Senegal east to western Ethiopia, south to Zaire and northern Angola (McDiarmid et al., 1999).
C. maculatus is most active during the rainy season (March to October). During the dry season it aestivates in holes (Spawl et al., 2002).
C. maculatus is a diurnal snake but it can also be active at night (Spawls et al., 2002) It is terrestrial and occasionally climbs into low bushes in search of prey (Spawls et al., 2002). When inactive, it hides in holes, brush piles, under ground cover and other similar shelters (Spawls et al., 2002).
Like a few other members of its genus, C. maculatus can be confused with the common egg-eater (Dasypeltis scabra) and the rhombic night adder (Causus rhombeatus). C. rhombeatus typically have white borders around the blotches on their backs, C. maculatus never has this. D. scabra have a similar blotch pattern and V-mark on their necks but they have vertical pupils whereas Causus always have round pupils (Spawls et al., 2002)
Holotype: ANSP 6897
Type locality: "Liberia, Western Africa."
C. maculatus lays from 6 to 20 eggs typically between February and April. Hatchlings appear between May and July (Spawls et al., 2002).
Causus maculatus is viper species found mainly in West- and Central Africa.[2] No subspecies are currently recognized.[3] Common names include forest rhombic night adder,[2] West African night adder[2][4] and spotted night adder.[5] Like all other vipers, it is venomous.
These snakes are small and stout, with an average length of 30–60 cm. Grows to a maximum size of about 70 cm, or perhaps slightly larger.[4]
The snout is obtuse with a rounded rostral scale. A single loreal is present. The circumorbital ring consists of 2–3 preoculars, 1–2 postoculars and 1–2 suboculars. There are 6 supralabials and 9–10 sublabials. Four sublabials are in contact with the sublinguals. There are 2–3 temporal scales.[2]
At midbody there are 17–19 rows of dorsal scales. The ventral scales number 118–137 in females and 124–144 in males. The subcaudal scales number 14–23 in females and 15–26 in males. Within the range of this species, the ventral scale counts increase from south to north and from east to west. This diagnostic information is apparently according to Hughes (1977).[2]
Spawls and Branch (1995) give a slightly different description of the body scalation: midbody there are 17–22 rows of dorsal scales, which have been described as soft and feebly keeled. The ventral scales number 124–151 in females and 118–154 in males, with the highest numbers found in specimens from Uganda and Ethiopia.[4]
The color pattern usually consists of a brown ground color, sometimes grayish, olive or light green, with a series of dark brown or blackish patches down the back (this pattern is less distinct on the first quarter of the body). The flanks are sprinkled with black scales. There is much variation in the dorsal pattern; some specimens, especially those from more arid regions, may have no pattern at all, making them hard to identify.[4] Those from DR Congo are often a uniform brown.[2] The belly may be white, cream or pinkish-gray. The ventral scales may be uniform in color, but sometimes each scale grades from light to dark, giving the belly a finely barred appearance.[4] The head usually has a distinct V-shaped mark. This mark may be solid black in juveniles, but in adults it becomes brown with a black outline. Sometimes, a short dark line is present extending backwards from the posterior of the eye.[4]
Mauritania and Senegal east to western Ethiopia, south to DR Congo and northern Angola. The type locality is listed as "Liberia, Western Africa."[1]
Mallow et al. (2003) mostly quote Spawls and Branch (1995), giving the range as West- and Central Africa, from Senegal east to Chad, southeast to DR Congo and northeast into southeastern Sudan. Also found in the river gorges and low country of southwestern Ethiopia, southwest to northern Angola and DR Congo.[2]
Found in an amazingly wide range of habitats, including forests, savannah and even semi-desert. It may be quite common in parts of its range.[4]
Terrestrial, but is known to climb into low bushes in pursuit of frogs. They are relatively slow moving, but can strike quickly, tending to lash rather than to stab. Despite its name, this species is known to be active at any time of the day, evening or night, and has sometimes been seen sunning itself. They are most active during the rainy season (March–October) when their prey is available, virtually disappearing during the dry season.[4]
Feeds mainly on frogs and toads.[4]
Oviparous. Lays 6-20 eggs in February–April, with the hatchlings appearing in May–July.[4]
Bites result in mild symptoms that include pain, moderate swelling, local lymphadenitis and mild fever. Blistering has not been reported while necrosis is rare and usually secondary. The symptoms disappear after two to three days and normally without any complications. No existing antivenins are known to counteract this venom.[4]
This species was previously considered to be a subspecies of C. rhombeatus.[2]
Causus maculatus is viper species found mainly in West- and Central Africa. No subspecies are currently recognized. Common names include forest rhombic night adder, West African night adder and spotted night adder. Like all other vipers, it is venomous.