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Geometric Tortoise

Psammobates geometricus (Linnaeus 1758)


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The geometric tortoise lays one to two clutches of two to five eggs in spring and early summer, which are incubated for a period of five to eight months before they hatch (5) (9). Typically, eggs hatch at the onset of the winter rains in the Western Cape (late April to May). This long-lived tortoise reaches sexual maturity at seven to eight years and may live for over 30 years (4) (5) (10). The geometric tortoise feeds on a wide range of grasses, reeds, sedges, herbs and shrubs (9).
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The geometric tortoise is protected by Western Cape Provincial legislation, which is rigidly and effectively enforced (4), and it is listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meaning that trade in this species is only permitted in exceptional circumstances (3). In addition, around 75 percent of the total population exists in formal protected areas (4), such as the Elandsberg Private Nature Reserve and a number of smaller provincial reserves (8). However, the majority of remaining geometric tortoise habitat is in the hands of private landowners and efforts are being made to secure the future of some of these sites through a conservation stewardship programme (13). Captive breeding of the geometric tortoise has had limited success and is currently not considered a priority, thus the primary focus of conservation efforts is to ensure its continued survival in the wild (4). The continued enforcement of conservation legislation and vigilance towards the unscrupulous collection of animals for the pet trade is called for (2), while the maintenance of protected areas is essential. In addition, it is imperative that private landowners take custodianship of the last remaining renosterveld remnants that contain geometric tortoise populations, in partnership with conservation agencies, since it is practically not possible to buy enough land to protect formally (2). Without such measures, the renosterveld habitat and its endangered inhabitants may disappear completely.
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The geometric tortoise, a medium-sized terrestrial tortoise, is the rarest of the three Psammobates (tent tortoise) species restricted to southern Africa (4) (5). It is named for the pattern adorning its high, domed shell, which occasionally may be perfectly geometric (6). The shell is dark brown or black and each scute has yellow stripes radiating out from a yellow centre (7). The rear edges of the shell are slightly upturned. Female geometric tortoises can be distinguished by their larger size and smaller tail (6), while the males typically have a concave plastron, or lower shell (2).
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The geometric tortoise primarily inhabits a relatively narrow strip of coastal lowland, between the Cape Fold Mountains and the sea, with two isolated populations east of the mountains (4) (5) (8). The vegetation of this region forms part of the Cape Floral Kingdom or fynbos biome, and the geometric tortoise is restricted to a specific vegetation type within the fynbos biome, called renosterveld (8).
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This species is restricted to the extreme south-western part of the Western Cape Province, South Africa (8), from near Cape Town, 160 kilometres north to Eendekuil, and east to the Upper Breede River Valley and the Ceres Valley (4) (5) (8).
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Classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1), and listed on Appendix I of CITES (3).
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The destruction of more than 90 percent of the renosterveld habitat in which the geometric tortoise resides has resulted in the depletion of tortoise numbers, and the range of this species continues to be reduced (2) (8) (11). This habitat loss has been the result of indiscriminate urban and agricultural development and unfortunately the geometric tortoise has proved to be intolerant of habitat modification (4) (12). The fynbos biome and renosterveld vegetation is adapted to fire, but too frequent unplanned and uncontrolled fires can result in local extinction of the geometric tortoise (4) (8). In addition, the spread of invasive alien vegetation in the region competes with, and excludes, important food items (8). The geometric tortoise is occasionally eaten by farm workers, and in the past it has been much sought after for the pet trade. However the impact of these activities is negligible compared to the major threat of habitat degradation and destruction (4).
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Conservation Status

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The Geometric Turtle was placed on the 2012 IUCN 100 most endangered species list.

IUCN Media Statement Sept 11, 2012.The 100 most threatened species. Are they priceless or worthless?

Dana Campbell
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provided by ReptileDB
Continent: Africa
Distribution: Republic of South Africa (Tulbagh, Paarl, and Malmesbury districts of Cape Province)
Type locality: Asia.
Peter Uetz
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Geometric tortoise

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The geometric tortoise (Psammobates geometricus) is a critically endangered species of tortoise and one of three members of the genus Psammobates. It is found in a very small section in the South-Western Cape of South Africa.


It has a very strong, black and yellow patterned carapace, used for defence against predators. The patterns are arranged in ray-like markings and help the tortoise blend in with its environment. From a birds eye view the shell has geometrical symbols on it thus giving it its name. This tortoise is very small, and a full grown tortoise can only reach about 5 to 6 inches in diameter. The tortoise is one of the rarest species of tortoise of earth, only about 2,000 to 3,000 are alive today. However, because of its cryptic coloration and lack of activity, it makes it hard to create an accurate estimate of the population size.

While it shares much of its superficial outer appearance with its relatives in the genus Psammobates, it can be distinguished by the distinctively brightly coloured yellow stars of its shell scutes, the small nuchal and single axillary, the lack of buttock tubercles, and the only slightly upturned rear margins of the shell.


The geometric tortoise is naturally restricted to the far south-western corner of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. It used to occur as far north as Piketberg, as far south as Gordons Bay and eastwards into the Breede River valley.[4] The habitat type of geometric tortoise is known as the renosterveld, which is located at the extreme southwestern part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The renosterveld forms part of the Fynbos Biomes, a vegetation zone characterized by a Mediterranean climate. There is a fusion of heathlands and shrublands with beginning and ending points hard to distinguish. Shrublands can then be further broken down into strandveld, coastal renosterveld and intercoastal renosterveld.[5]

The geometric tortoise is able to have specific dietary preferences, adaptation to wet habitats and topographical factors to survival in the habitat. The distribution range of the geometric tortoise lies within a winter rainfall area, which has 350–600 mm annual precipitation. The agriculture utilization and urban development of the renosterveld are the major factors responsible for the massive decline on the number of tortoises. The destruction of renosterveld reduced the habitat of geometric tortoises to less than 3% of its original size, which has only 4000-5000 hectares remaining. Namely food, cover, nesting and the ability to move around in the habitat are four main biological factors, which are important for the survival of geometric tortoises in their habitat. Geometric tortoises prefer low-lying and well-drained areas, which have a higher percentage of shrub cover and canopy cover at 50 cm above ground level.

The last population in Cape Town died out in the tiny Harmony Flats Reserve. The species was believed to be extinct in the 1960s, but a surviving population was discovered in 1972 and it now occurs in three isolated pockets where it is conserved. A population in the Ceres valley, one in the Tulbagh-Worcester valley, and a group surviving on the coastal lowlands to the southwest.

These colourful tortoises live only in lowland fynbos and renosterveld vegetation, meaning that their populations are easily isolated by mountains which they cannot cross.[6]


The geometric tortoise's diet consists mainly of the leaves, geophytes, flowers, and shoots of a wide range of indigenous fynbos and renosterveld plant and grass species. Some of its more common food plants include Crassula ciliata, Oxalis species, local geophyte species, such as Cyanella hyacinthoides, Babiana angustifolia and Lachenalia contaminata; as well as a variety of grass species such as Themeda triandra, Briza maxima, Cynodon dactylon, Ehrharta calycina, Pentaschistis curvifolia and Eragrostis curvula. A failure to have the full range of these, and other specific local plant species, means that the geometric tortoise soon dies when taken out of its natural habitat or kept in captivity. The specific diet, together with climate, humidity and soil differences, are the principal reasons why the species does not survive for long outside of its habitat. It also means that the geometric tortoise is restricted to south-western Cape alluvial fynbos and shale renosterveld vegetation types.[7] The geometric tortoise consumes at least 14 plant species as food, which includes 64% of Aspalathus species, 60% of Oxalis species and 66% of Berkheya species occur in West Coast renosterveld. Since the distribution range of geometric tortoise lies within a winter rainfall area, the annual grasses, geophytes and other herbaceous taxa are important food items during winter. During the summer, the annual green component is reduced and therefore the perennial grass, shrub and succulent components would serve geometric tortoise as the major food resource. Food sources tend to have a higher concentration of iron and had lower failure load and tensile strength than non-food plants. When eating the tortoise uses a grab and pull method that tends to be used more in larger herbivores. They take small bites that increase surface area to be exposed to enzymes making digestion easier.


They are said to aestivate in the months of June through September, or when their natural environment is not normal, or when in captivity. Little is known about their reproductive behaviour. When the female is ready to lay eggs, she digs a hole in the ground and covers it with grass or other vegetation. The geometric tortoise tends to feed during cooler parts of the morning and afternoon. They tend to be shy and seek shelter when they notice observers.

Threats and conservation

This species is one of the rarest land tortoises in the world, classified as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List.[1] In addition to its Red List status, the geometric tortoise is now protected under international law and listed on Appendix I of CITES, prohibiting commercial international trade in the species.

With South Africa being home to the most tortoise species in the world, it is not surprising that it has the world's rarest tortoise species as well. Protecting these tortoises is primarily the job of the country's conservation officials. These officials work with nature preserves to help keep the tortoise's status of endangered from changing to extinct.[8] Its habitat is under constant threat of destruction and fragmentation as a result of, frequent fires, increase in the predation rates, and an increase in vegetation not native to the region. Its environment is now reduced to thirty-one habitat fragments which include seven reserves. The conservation authority of Western Cape province has made the conservation of the geometric tortoise one of its highest priorities. The areas that are left survive primarily because they are in less optimal farming areas.

Cape Nature Conservation is one of the four provincial nature preserves that the tortoises reside in. The tortoise is marked as a high priority for the nature preserve, so they continually monitor the population of the animals to track their conservation efforts. Cape Nature Conservation believes that tracking the population of a certain special is an early alert system to help determine which animals are more critical than others and helps determine what the animals thrive from and what hurts them. Observation of the population is the foundation to any conservation efforts made to help this species. The population is documented annually. These counts are taken by officials walking through the preserve and hand-counting the number of tortoises they see.[9]

Other conservation efforts are taking place in order to insure the survival of the species. These efforts include studying the types of food that the geometric tortoise eats in order to understand their environmental needs, and the problems with the non-native plant species.

Public support for government run conservation efforts is very low, as a result private conservation efforts have become more prevalent as a way of supplementing the limited funding that the government has for conservation efforts. This is known as wildlife ranching, and it allows for large areas of land home to be preserved at minimal expense to the government.[10]


  1. ^ a b Hofmeyr, M.D.; Baard, E.H.W. (2018). "Psammobates geometricus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T18398A173894530. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T18398A173894530.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ "Psammobates geometricus (Linnaeus, 1758)". ITIS. Retrieved July 6, 2020.
  4. ^ "SABAP2 | Have you atlased your pentad today?". Archived from the original on 2014-04-13. Retrieved 2014-04-11.
  5. ^ Baard, E.H.W. (November 5, 1994). "A Preliminary Analysis of the Habitat of the Geometric Tortoise": 8–13. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  6. ^ Van Bloemestein, Ulric Patrick (2005). Seasonal movement and activity patterns of the endangered geometric tortoise, Psammobates geometricus (MS thesis). University of the Western Cape. hdl:11394/202.
  7. ^ B. A. Walton: Vegetation Patterns and Dynamics of Renosterveld at Agter Groeneberg Conservancy. Stellenbosch University. p.21.
  8. ^ Gardner, Sugnet; Baard, E. H. W.; Roux, Niel J. le (June 16, 1999). "Estimating the detection probability of the geometric tortoise". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  9. ^ Roux, Niel J. Le; Baard, Ernst H. W.; Gardner, Sugnet (January 1999). "Estimating the detection probability of the geometric tortoise" (PDF). South African Journal of Wildlife Research. 29 (3): 62–71.
  10. ^ Jenny A. Cousins; Jon P. Sadler; James Evans. "Exploring the Role of Private Wildlife Ranching as a Conservation Tool in South Africa: Stakeholder Perspectives" (PDF). Ecology and Society. 13 (2): 43. Retrieved 2 April 2022.
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Geometric tortoise: Brief Summary

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The geometric tortoise (Psammobates geometricus) is a critically endangered species of tortoise and one of three members of the genus Psammobates. It is found in a very small section in the South-Western Cape of South Africa.

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