Original Description: A. Loveridge in 'Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington' Vol. 49 (1936); "New tree snakes of the genera Thrasops and Dendraspis from Kenya Colony".
Holotype: MCZ 9276, adult female
Paratypes: Royal Swedish Museum
Key to Central and West African species of the genus Thrasops:
1. More than 188 ventrals –> 2
Fewer than 188 ventrals –> 3
2. 13 or 15 dorsal scale rows –>T. flavigularis
17 to 21 dorsal scale rows –>T. jacksonii
3. Dorsal scales keeled –>T. occidentalis
Dorsal scales smooth –> 4
4. 13 dorsal scale rows; cloacal scale single –>T. batesii
15 to 19 dorsal scale rows; cloacal scale divided –>T. aethiopissa (Chippaux, 2012)
Thrasops schmidti Species Characteristics:
Ventrals: 168-184
Dorsal Scale Rows: 17 rows at midbody
Sub-Caudal: 121-149
*2 labials in contact with lowest postocular. (Loveridge, 1963)
Habitat: Montane Forest. (Loveridge, 1963)
Color: Subadult olive brown above, greyish white below; adults uniform black. (Loveridge, 1963)