Юрій Бенгус   cc-by-nc-4.0

Orellia falcata (Goatsbeard Fly) is a species of flies in the family fruit flies. They visit flowers of jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, Cow Parsley, hairypink, and Greek spiny spurge. They are .

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EOL has data for 13 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Goatsbeard Fly. View this species on GBIF
Goatsbeard Flyjack-go-to-bed-at-noonEuropean GreenfinchHarpalus latusCarabidaeHarpalus distinguendusCarabidaeOphonus azureusAmara consularisDiachromus germanusGround beetle

Trophic Web

data from GloBI