Family: SapindaceaeDistribution: Common along hill slopes on low shrubs. Distributed in India and Abyssinia. Photographed at Velugonda hills of Eastren ghats in Nellore district.Description: Tendrillate climbing herbs. Stems wiry. Leaves alternate, biternate, pubescent leaflets 2.5-5x1-3.5cm ovate-lanceolate, deeply incised, obtuse, end one mucronate. Flowers 3-5mm across, white in axillary corymbose racemes, the lowest pair of pedicels transformed into spiral tendrils. Sepals 4, concave, Petals 4 in two pairs, Disk of 2 glands opposite to 2 lower petals, Stamens 8,filaments unequal connate below, Ovary 3 celled, style short 3 fid, Fruit an inflated trigonous capsule.Capsule globose, not winged. Seeds black with a small orbicular white hilum. Reference: e floras, ENVIS, Flora of Madras Presidency by J.S.Gamble. Flora of Nellore district by B.Suryanarayana and A.S.Rao, ENVIS