Lupinus nootkatensis (Nootka lupine) is a lupin native to North America. It grows to 60 cm tall. It was introduced to Europe late in the 18th century. Lupinus nootkatensis (Nootka Lupine) is common on the west coast of North America, and is one of the species from which the garden hybrids are derived, being valued in Britain for its tolerance of cool, wet summers.
Lupinus nootkatensis (Nootka lupine) is a lupin native to North America. It grows to 60 cm tall. It was introduced to Europe late in the 18th century. Lupinus nootkatensis (Nootka Lupine) is common on the west coast of North America, and is one of the species from which the garden hybrids are derived, being valued in Britain for its tolerance of cool, wet summers.