Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Hamosa pringlei (S. Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 54: 336. 1927.
Astragalus Pringlei S. Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 21: 449. 1886.
A tufted cespitose perennial, with a thick woody root; stems very numerous, short and leafy, sparingly strigose, 5-15 cm. long, decumbent or ascending; leaves 1-3 cm. long, spreading; stipules deltoid, 1-2 mm. long; leaflets 9-15, obovate, 2-4 mm. long, glabrous above, strigosecanescent beneath; peduncles 1-2 cm. long; racemes dense, 1-2 cm. long; bracts lanceolate, 1 mm. long, shorter than the pedicels; calyx white-strigose, the tube 4-5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, the teeth 2 mm. long, subulate; corolla apparently white, 12 mm. long; banner obovate, moderately arched; wings as long, the blade oblanceolate-oblong, with a reflexed auricle; keelpetals much shorter, the blade broadly lunate; pod oblong, about 1 cm. long, 3.5 mm. thick, nearly as wide, strigose, abruptly contracted at each end, the cross-section cordate, with a broad sulcus.
Type locality: Plains of Chihuahua. Distribution: Chihuahua and Durango.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY