False-color image of a foraminiferan (pink) rending and consuming a bacterial biofilm (blue). The dark area is the region cleared by the foram in approximately 12 hours. Species not identified. Image courtesy of Joan Bernhard, WHOI. A version of this image appeared in Bernhard, J., and Bowser, S.S. (1992) Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 83:263-272.
A brightfield image of a portion of a reticulopod and several rod-shaped bacteria. The oral zone of the foraminiferan is at upper left. Image courtesy of Samuel S. Bowser, Wadsworth Center.
This image clearly shows the prominent "collar" around the oral zone for which the species is named. Image courtesy of Samuel S. Bowser, Wadsworth Center.
This species has an organic-walled test, which is thin, flexible and somewhat transparent. It is visible as the hazy "halo" around the cell body. Image courtesy of Samuel S. Bowser, Wadsworth Center.
This individual is surrounded by the empty frustules of diatoms it has consumed. Image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Travis, University at Albany.
Marine thecate foraminiferan with reticulopods extended. Isolated from culture provided by Jeff L. Travis. Microscopy by L.W.Parfrey