Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Isoperla quinquepunctata (Banks)
Chloroperla quinquepunttata Banks, 1902, 34:124. Holotype 2; Gallinas R., Las
Vegas, New Mexico, USA, (MCZ #11,337). Isoperla quinquepunctata, Banks, 1906b, 17:175. Isoperla quinquepunctata, Banks, 1907a: 13. Isoperla quinquepunctata, Claassen, 1940, 232-204. Isoperla patricia Frison, 1942:313. Holotype $, and allotype, Spearfish, Spearfish
R., Lawerence Co., South Dakota, (INHS). Perliola quinquepunctata, Banks, 1947, 54:284. Isoperla patricia, lilies, 1966:415. Isoperla quinquepunctata, lilies, 1966:416.
Isoperla patricia, Zwick, 1973:249.
Isoperla quinquepunctata, Zwick, 1973:250.
Additional references: Isoperla quinquepunctata, Seemann, 1927 (nymphal description, no illustrations); Needham and Claassen, 1925 (male and female genitalia); Dodds and Hisaw, 1925; Muttkowski, 1929, Claassen, 1931 (nymphal description, no illustrations); Banks, 1947 (wing, adult maxillary palpus, and ocellar area); Gaufin, 1955; Jewett, 1960; Gaufin et al., 1966 (male and female genitalia); Stewart et al., 1974; Baumann et al., 1977 (male and female genitalia). Isoperla patricia, Frison, 1942 (adult head and pronotum, male and female genitalia, aedeagus, nymphal mandibles, maxillae, labium, and habitus); Ricker, 1943, 1946; Gaufin, 1955; Jewett, 1959, 1960 (nymphal labium, male and female genitalia); Gaufin and Jensen, 1961; Gaufin, 1964b; Knight et al., 1965a (ova); Nebeker and Gaufin, 1966a; Gaufin et al., 1966 (male and female genitalia); Gaufin et al., 1972 (male and female genitalia); Stewart et al., 1974; Ricker and Scudder, 1975; Baumann et al., 1977 (male and female genitalia).
Male. — Macropterous-brachypterous. Length of forewings (macropterous) 7-9 mm; length of body 8-10 mm; length of forewings (brachypterous) 3-4 mm; length of body 8-10 mm. General body color light brown, often with reddish brown abdomen. Mesoand metathorax dark brown at posterior half. Lateral ocelli connected to anterior ocellus by "r-shaped" band of dark brown pigmentation; 2 dark spots lateral to anterior ocellus. Interocellar area light yellow. Pronotum with dark brown rugosities, and median light yellow stripe (Fig. 30). Ninth and 10th terga with median light furrow, and bipartite patches of long hair-like setae (area of patches sometimes reduced or absent), (Fig. 31). Abdominal terga with patches of long stout hairs at lateral posterior margins. Paraprocts long, curving inward, meeting medially, tapering apically to points and recurving anteriorly over 1/4 10th tergum (Figs. 31 & 34). Vesicle, rounded posteriorly, broader at base than apex (Fig. 35) (sometimes constricted at middle, Fig. 33), base with narrow band of dark pigmentation (Figs. 33 & 35). Aedeagus entirely membranous with 2 mesal, anterolateral lobes covered with small fine spinulae (Fig. 36B) and small posterior lobe with membranous tip void of spinulae (Fig. 36D), apex wider, truncate, void of spinulae and bearing posterior pointed conical lobe (Fig. 36E), heavy band of short, stout spinulae encircling aedeagus above mesal lobes (Fig. 36C), band of finer spinulae encircling aedeagus mesally (Fig. 36B); ventral posterior margin with short band of stout spinulae (Fig. 36A).
Female. — Macropterous. Length of forewings 9-11 mm; length of body 9-11 mm. General body color, and head-pronotal pigmentation patterns similar to male. Subgenital plate variable (see Frison, 1942:313), but generally triangular, produced
- bibliographic citation
- Szczytko, S.W., Stewart, K.W. 1979. The genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of Western North America; Holomorphology and Systematics, and a new Stonefly genus Cascadoperla. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 32. Philadelphia, USA