Anasa tristis saka kulawarga Coreidae ya iku jinis kepik kang dadi ama tumrap tuwuhan labu lan kang sajinis. Kepik iki dadi vèktor bakteri Serratia marcescens kang njalari lelara kuning. Nalika keganggu, Anasa tristis ngasilaké ganda sengak.
Anasa tristis diwasa wujud gegremet warna soklat semu klawu kang dawané udakara 1,5 cm lan ambané 0,75 cm. Kadhangkala ana brintik soklat semu emas sadawané pinggir weteng. Kepik diwasa umuré nganti 3-4 sasi.[1].[2].
Anasa tristis urip ing tuwuhan kulawarga labu (Cucurbitaceae), kalebu semangka, timun lan melon[2].
Mapane Anasa tristising tuwuhan labu perluné nyesep tlutuh saka godhong lan kadhangkala uga wohé. Iler Anasa tristis njalari godhong layu lan palastra. Saliyané nyesep tultuh, kepik iki uga nyebaraké kruma bakteri Serratia marcescens kang mbebayani tumrap tuwuhan[3].
Anasa tristis saka kulawarga Coreidae ya iku jinis kepik kang dadi ama tumrap tuwuhan labu lan kang sajinis. Kepik iki dadi vèktor bakteri Serratia marcescens kang njalari lelara kuning. Nalika keganggu, Anasa tristis ngasilaké ganda sengak.
Anasa tristis is a species of bug in the family Coreidae. It is a major pest of squash and pumpkins, found throughout North America, and is a vector of the cucurbit yellow vine disease bacterium.[1] These bugs can emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed. It is commonly known as the squash bug but shares this name with certain other species.
The adult Anasa tristis is a greyish-brown, somewhat flattened insect reaching a length of about 1.5 cm (0.6 in) and a width of 0.75 cm (0.3 in). There is often a row of alternate brown and gold spots along the margin of the abdomen. Adults survive for three or four months.[2][3]
Anasa tristis can be found on various members of the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, but most often occurs on pumpkins and squashes. Some varieties and cultivars are more susceptible to attack than others. Research has shown that nymphs can grow to adulthood with varying degrees of success on different host plants; 70%, 49%, 14%, 0.3% and 0% survived to maturity on pumpkin, squash, watermelon, cucumber and cantaloupe melon respectively.[3] Larvae that primarily fed on cucumbers were more likely to live longer than those who fed on water alone, although these larvae didn't gain any substantial amount of weight in its developmental stage.[4]
In the southern part of its range, the adult female Anasa tristis lays two or three batches of about eighteen eggs, but in the northern part of the range it just lays a single batch. The eggs are oval, somewhat flattened and bronze in colour, and are deposited on the underside of the leaves of the host plant. They may be clustered close together or more widely dispersed but are often regularly arranged. The eggs hatch after seven to nine days into nymphs which have five instar stages. The first instar nymphs are green and about 2.5 mm (0.1 in) in length. Each successive instar is larger and less hairy and grey. The fifth instar is grey, with developing wing pads and about 10 mm (0.4 in) in length. The complete nymphal stage lasts about 33 days.[3]
Anasa tristis is a true bug that feeds by sucking sap, mainly from the leaves, but sometimes also the fruit. Historically, at least as far back as 1902, some gardeners believed that Anasa tristis had toxic saliva, however more recent research from 1993 suggests the process of harming plants does not involve any toxins. What happens is that the insects physically damage the xylem and leaves of the plant, which causes them to wilt, darken in colour and die. [5] The heavier the infestation, the greater the damage to the plant. Sometimes one plant or part of a plant can be heavily attacked while surrounding plants are untouched.[3] Besides the direct damage their feeding causes to the plant, these insects can act as vectors for cucurbit yellow vine disease caused by the bacterium Serratia marcescens. This disease can kill the plants.[6]
Anasa tristis is a species of bug in the family Coreidae. It is a major pest of squash and pumpkins, found throughout North America, and is a vector of the cucurbit yellow vine disease bacterium. These bugs can emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed. It is commonly known as the squash bug but shares this name with certain other species.
La chinche de la calabaza (Anasa tristis) es una especie de insecto hemíptero de la familia Coreidae. Es una seria plaga de las cucurbitáceas en América del Norte. Además de alimentarse de las plantas puede transmitir la bacteria Serratia marcescens.[1][2] Tiene un fuerte olor desagradable.
El adulto es grisáceo castaño, algo aplanado. Llega a medir 0.75 cm. A menudo tiene una hilera de manchitas alternada marrones y doradas a lo largo del margen del abdomen. Los adultos viven tres a cuatro meses.[1][3]
Se encuentra principalmente en Norte América, donde es una seria plaga de la agricultura. Llega hasta Brasil.[4]
Se alimenta de plantas de la familia Cucurbitaceae, zapallos y calabazas. Algunas variedades y cultivares son más resistentes que otras.[3]
En la parte más al sur de su distribución la hembra alcanza a poner dos o tres grupos de alrededor de dieciocho huevos cada uno, pero más al norte, solo pone una camada de huevos. Los huevos son ovalados, algo aplanados, de color bronce y son depositados en el reverso de las hojas de la planta huésped. Pueden estar agrupados o separados, pero generalmente están arreglados en forma regular.
Los huevos eclosionan en siete a nueve días y las ninfas pasan por cinco estadios. Las del primer estadio son verdes y miden 2,5 mm de longitud. Los estadios siguientes son grises y más vellosos. El quinto es gris, con los botones de alas y mide 10 mm de longitud. El ciclo lleva 33 días.[3]
Anasa tristis chupa la savia, especialmente de las hojas, pero también puede alimentarse de los frutos. Antes se creía que la saliva era tóxica para la planta pero no parece ser así. Las hojas se marchitan, oscurecen y finalmente caen debido a la pérdida de savia.[5] El otro problema es que el insecto puede transmitir la bacteria Serratia marcescens que mata las plantas.[6]
Hay algunos controles biológicos, como la mosca taquínida parasítica, Trichopoda pennipes.[3]
La chinche de la calabaza (Anasa tristis) es una especie de insecto hemíptero de la familia Coreidae. Es una seria plaga de las cucurbitáceas en América del Norte. Además de alimentarse de las plantas puede transmitir la bacteria Serratia marcescens. Tiene un fuerte olor desagradable.
Anasa tristis (punaise de la courge) est une espèce d'insectes hémiptères de la famille des Coreidae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord.
Cette punaise est un ravageur des cultures de Cucurbitaceae, notamment courges et potirons.
Anasa tristis (punaise de la courge) est une espèce d'insectes hémiptères de la famille des Coreidae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord.
Cette punaise est un ravageur des cultures de Cucurbitaceae, notamment courges et potirons.