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Total body length 4.85 mm; forewing length 4.1 mm. Head broader than long (width 1.33 mm, length 1.04 mm as measured from clypeal apex to vertex in frontal aspect) (Fig. 2). Frontal line carinate just between antennal toruli to point above upper tangent of toruli equivalent to about torulus diameter, becoming an impressed line from that point onward. Mandibular base meeting lower border of compound eye. Inner margin of compound eye slightly concave just above level of antennal toruli. Gena narrower than compound eye in profile. Scape length 0.42 mm; first flagellomere about as long as second flagellomere. Intertegular distance 0.89 mm. Forewing venation as infigure 5; hind wing with six distal hamuli arranged in a single series. Pygidial plate well delimited, wide, broadly rounded at apex, with slightly depressed shining surface and carinate rim (Fig. 4). Male genitalia as infigures 6–8.
Integument generally shining. Clypeus imbricate with shallow, contiguous punctures; remainder of head distinctly punctate, punctures on lower part of face nearlycontiguous, becoming more widely spaced toward upper frons and vertex, separated by 0.25–1.5 times a puncture width, integument between punctures smooth and shining except on lower face finely imbricate, punctures weaker on vertex and sparser around ocelli; postgena faintly imbricate and impunctate. Pronotum with sparsely-scattered, minute punctures, integument between punctures imbricate. Mesoscutum imbricate with punctures separated by 1–2.5 times a puncture width, punctures shallower, fainter, and sparser around median line and along anterior and lateral sections; tegula impunctate and exceedingly faintly imbricate; mesoscutellum sculptured as onmesoscutum except punctures fainter and separated by 2–3 times a puncture width. Metanotum imbricate. Pleura smooth to faintly imbricate, with sparse minute punctures. Basal area of propodeum with strong, rugulose striae radiating from basal margin (Fig. 3), integument between striae finely imbricate; lateral and posterior surfaces of propodeum imbricate with scattered, faint, coarse punctures. Metasomal terga and sterna faintly imbricate except first metasomal tergum smooth.
Mandible, labrum, and labiomaxillary complex ferruginous; remainder of head nearly black or dark brown; antenna dark brown (Figs 1–2). Mesosoma largely ferruginous (Fig. 1) except darker on median and lateral portions of mesoscutum and entirety of mesoscutellum, metanotum, and dorsal surface of propodeum (Fig. 3). Wing veins brown; wing membrane largely hyaline. Legs ferruginous except meso- and metatibiae and meso- and metatarsi brown. Metasoma largely ferruginous except dark brown on more apical terga and sterna; pygidial plate ferruginous (Fig. 4).
Pubescence relatively sparse, white except somewhat yellow on pleura, legs, and metasoma. Setae generally simple and erect, some with minute branches; face with moderately-dense, appressed, short, plumose setae on lower face and clypeus (Fig. 2).
As described for the male except in usual gender differences as well as the following: Total body length 4.80 mm; forewing length 4.2 mm. Head broader than long (width 1.41 mm, length 1.04 mm). Mandible elongate, without dentition, about as long as compound eye (Figs 9–10). Frontal line carinate just between antennal toruli to point above upper tangent of toruli equivalent to twice torulus diameter, becoming a faintly impressed line from that point onward (Fig. 10). Gena only slightly narrower than compound eye in profile (Fig. 9). Scape length 0.52 mm; first flagellomere slightly shorter than second flagellomere. Intertegular distance 0.89 mm. Inner metatibial spur simple.
Mandible and labiomaxillary complex orange testaceous; labrum, clypeus and face dark reddish brown blending to nearly black on vertex (Figs 10–12); gena dark reddish brown; scape and pedicel orange testaceous; flagellum dark brown; mesosoma orange testaceous except more yellowish on pronotal dorsal surface and propodeal dorsal surface (Figs 11–12); legs orange testaceous except dark reddish brown to ferruginous on meso- and metatibiae and meso- and metatarsi; metasoma orange testaceous blending to ferruginous and to dark brown by third tergum, remaining terga largely ferruginous, with dark brown apical portions.
Mesoscutal punctures more well defined posteriorly and separated by 1–1.5 times a puncture width, otherwise as in male with punctures shallower and fainter anteriorly and more widely spaced.
Setae on legs white and on apical portions of metasoma fuscous.
- bibliographic citation
- Engel M (2011) A new species of Microsphecodes from Jamaica (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) ZooKeys 111: 33–40
- author
- Michael S. Engel