
Zenoria emarginata

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Zenoria emarginata

HOLOTYPE MALE.—Length 3.00 mm, width 2.55 mm. Form round, slightly elongate. Color pale yellow; tip of basal median projection of pronotum, elytron except narrow outer band, meso- and metasternum black. Pronotum with grayish white, semidecumbent pubescence, average length of hairs 0.11 mm: punctures fine, separated by 1 to 2 times their diameter; width to length ratio 1.80:0.84 mm. Elytron covered with grayish white, semierect pubescence, average length of hairs 0.15 mm; coarse punctures deep, separated by their diameter or less, becoming shallow and widly spaced on disc, absent near suture, interspersed fine punctures separated by 1 to 3 times their diameter; margin of elytron broadly explanate; epipleuron with inner carina extending less than half the distance to outer margin. Postcoxal line nearly reaching hind margin of first abdominal sternum, outer end abruptly curved cephalad (Figure 21). Genitalia with basal lobe long, equal in length to paramere, gradually narrowing from near base to rounded apex; paramere long, curved downward at tip (Figures 40, 41); sipho curved downward before apex, apex recurved, acuminate (Figure 76).

FEMALE.—Similar to male except pronotum black, narrow anterior margin yellow; elytron black except faint yellow traces on margin at humerus and apex. Last ventral sternum strongly emarginate (Figure 21).

VARIATION.—Length 2.93 to 3.00 mm, width 2.50 to 2.57 mm. In addition to the sexual variation noted above, two kinds of color patterns have been observed in females, as follows: 1, pronotum yellow with a wide median, longitudinal black band from base to apex; elytra with a narrow yellow ring, second ring wide, brown, third ring narrow, yellow, and a dark brown discal spot; 2, pronotum yellow; elytra with a narrow, yellow, marginal ring, second ring wide, brown, discal area yellow (Figure 6).

HOLOTYPE.—British West Indies, Trinidad, St. Augustine, February 1941, F. J. Simmonds (NMNH) 70930).

PARATYPES.—Total 18. 3, same data as holotype; 15-Trinidad, April 1951, March 1951, and St. Augustine, April 1951, 13 December 1950, F. J. Simmonds; Port-of-Spain, Dept. Agr. Grounds, 24 October 1918, Harold Morrison (A818); Port-of- Spain, K. A. Bartlett (P. R. 2238); all in NMNH.
bibliographic citation
Gordon, Robert Donald. 1971. "A revision of the genus Zenoria Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae]." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-22. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.86